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Beleggers, let op Iran!

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jojobuitenzorg schreef:

'Tomatencomplot tegen Iran'
TEHERAN - De vijanden van Iran proberen de islamitische republiek op de knieën te krijgen door de prijs van tomaten en ander voedsel op te drijven. Dat heeft de Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad zondag gezegd.

,Zij denken dat wij door hun samenzweringen onze idealen opgeven”, stelde de regeringsleider, doelend op westerse landen die Iran verdenken van het maken van atoomwapens. Zulke tactieken zullen evenwel niet slagen benadrukte Ahmadinejad.

Gestegen prijzen, vooral de kosten van tomaten die een belangrijk ingrediënt vormen van de Perzische keuken, brengen de regering van Ahmadinejad in eigen land steeds meer onder vuur. Zijn politieke tegenstanders wijten de gestegen kosten aan het beleid van de Iraanse regering.

Zo kun je dus ook oorlog voeren.

mvrgr jo jo

Achja, boontje komt om z`n loontje hè.


Zeer zeker de olie daar draait het om Iran gebruikt het als machtsmiddel en zal alles doen om de oliestroom te stoppen,waar we ook op moeten letten is Rusland daar zou het best uitkomen een verminderende oliestroom en gierende prijzen.
Ik denk voor ons is het beste om wat voorzichtig te gaan opereren,gemaakte winsten veilig stellen en flink cash houden.
Of er wel schermutselingen of oorlog komt maakt niet uit,beleggers houden niet van onzekerheid en dit hele gedoe brengt grote onzekerheid,ik las ergens dat een oorlog de wereldeconomie voor jaren minimaal 20% doet krimpen.
Ik ga er vanuit dat ik komend jaar liever iets koerswinst mis dan straks naar een met 20-30% gedaalde porto te zitten staren.

mvrgr jo jo
De Iraanse jongens gewoon hun bommetje laten maken, ze kunnen er toch niks mee.
Een bommetje gooien betekend gewoon dat zij er tien terug krijgen.
Het zal nooit geen probleem worden.

fes schreef:

De Iraanse jongens gewoon hun bommetje laten maken, ze kunnen er toch niks mee.
Een bommetje gooien betekend gewoon dat zij er tien terug krijgen.
Het zal nooit geen probleem worden.

Ik denk niet dat we de kracht van de wapens van Iran moeten onderschatten. Het feit dat ze gisteren een rakket hebben afgevuurd, geeft aan dat het geen domme jongens zijn. Verder hoeft wapen geweld niet het grootste gevaar op te leveren. Leveringen die geboycot worden, zijn vele malen gevaarlijker.
Donderdag telefonisch topoverleg over Iran

De vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland houden donderdag een telefonisch overleg om tot een akkoord te komen over de precieze inhoud van een nieuwe VN-resolutie over Iran. Dat heeft het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken maandag laten weten.

(afp) - Groot-Brittannië, de VS, Rusland, China, Frankrijk en Duitsland hebben maandag in Londen topoverleg gepleegd over de Iraanse nucleaire kwestie.

"Ze zijn overeengekomen dat ze een VN-resolutie gaan uitwerken die sancties oplegt", aldus een woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. "Ze zullen elkaar donderdag opnieuw spreken tijdens een telefonische vergadering, in de hoop om tot een akkoord te komen over de elementen die deze VN-resolutie moet bevatten"

21:36 - 26/02/2007


bartelx schreef:

Beurzen Australië, Japan en Hong Kong in het rood!
Beetje maar toch?-:

fes schreef:

De Iraanse jongens gewoon hun bommetje laten maken, ze kunnen er toch niks mee.
Een bommetje gooien betekend gewoon dat zij er tien terug krijgen.
Het zal nooit geen probleem worden.

Beste Fes,

Doorgaans heb ik waardering voor je bijdragen hier op het forum, hiermee sla je echter de plank volledig mis!


Breakthrough in Iraq oil standoff

Iraq's oil industry has suffered amid the ongoing conflict
Iraq's cabinet has approved a draft oil law which aims to equitably share revenues from its oil revenues among the country's ethnic groups.
The bill - allocating oil revenues between Iraq's 18 provinces based on their population levels - must now be submitted to parliament for a vote.

Prime Minister Nouri Maliki called the deal a "gift to all the Iraqi people".

The sharing of oil money is a major bone of contention between Iraq's Shia majority and Kurds and Sunni Arabs.

Iraq has the world's third-largest oil reserves.

This law has been based on our national interest. It will encourage the bringing together of all component parts of the Iraqi people

Nouri Maliki

Most of the oil fields are in the Shia-dominated south, while the best prospects for future drilling are in the Kurdish north.

In the 20th Century, political power - and control of oil revenues - lay with Iraq's Sunni Arab rulers, whose community is more numerous in the densely populated central provinces.

Divisions between the ousted elite and newly-empowered Shias and Kurds have erupted in intense political rivalry and sectarian bloodshed.

Regional split

Analysts say the hope is that an oil law will foster much-needed unity in Iraq, considered by many to be on the brink of civil war.

The decision to back the draft law came two months after the government's own deadline for the legislation to come into force.

It was approved by the cabinet after Kurdish members backed the proposal at the weekend - dropping a long-held insistence on Kurdish autonomy in oil exploration and production.

"This law has been based on our national interest," Mr Maliki said.

"It will encourage the bringing together of all component parts of the Iraqi people," he told a news conference.

The draft law also lays out method for international companies to invest in Iraq's oil industry, reports say.

Foreign investors have stayed away from Iraq during the past four years of violence and uncertainty.

Iraq has an estimated 115bn barrels of accessible oil reserves, putting it behind only Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Production has fallen since the US-led invasion, from 3.5m barrels per day to approximately two million.

Source: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east...

Vandaar dat een vat nu 60,50 schommelt nu (14.20 uur)

Khaleej Times Online >> News >> BUSINESS

Spain’s Repsol discovers large oil field in Libya

27 February 2007

MADRID - The Spanish-Argentine oil giant Repsol YPF said Tuesday it had discovered a large oil field in Libya, which would allow it to double its production and reserves in the north African country.

Repsol described the field in the southern Murzuq region, with reserves amounting to 474 million barrels, as the biggest it had ever encountered.

The Madrid-based company has requested permission from the Libyan authorities for the commercial development of the oil field, based on a 25-year plan.

By its own account, Repsol is the biggest private oil company in Libya, with a daily production of some 250,000 barrels.

Repsol announced the discovery in a report to the Spanish stock market watchdog CNMV.

It also said that its net profits amounted to 3.2 billion euros (4 billion dollars) in 2006, with only a 0.1-per-cent increase from the previous year.

The company attributed the stagnation mainly to losses in the refining and marketing areas.

* De short bellegers tussen ons hebben een glimlach op hun face :) !!
S&P: onzekere tijden breken aan voor olie- en gasindustrie
27-02-2007 14:18:08

Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Standard & Poor's stelt dat de schommelingen in de olieprijs op de korte termijn de snelle winstgroei van de internationale olie- en gasindustrie kan vertragen. Dat schrijft de kredietbeoordelaar dinsdag naar aanleiding van de publicatie een tweetal onderzoeksrapporten.

Ook zegt S&P dat de dalende olieprijzen van de laatste tijd niet impliceren dat dit in 2007 ook zo blijft. In het rapport 'The Top 10 Trends In Global Oil And Gas For 2007' brengt de kredietbeoordelaar de belangrijkste factoren in kaart die bepalend zijn voor de prestatie van de olie- en gasindustrie.

Naast de olieprijs gaat het hierbij bijvoorbeeld ook om de strategieen van de Opec, geopolitieke risico's in bijvoorbeeld het Midden-Oosten, speculaties over toekomstige grondstoffenprijzen door marktparticipanten en de stabiliteit van economische groei en de vraag naar ruwe olie, vooral in snelgroeiende economieen als die van India en China.

De olieprijzen bereikten in augustus 2006 een recordhoogte van USD 78 per vat, om vervolgens in januari 2007 een tijdelijk dieptepunt van USD 52 per vat te vertonen. Inmiddels gaan de prijzen weer omhoog. De hoge prijzen, die al sinds het begin van 2004 een stijgende lijn vertonen, hebben gas- en oliemaatschappijen in staat gesteld recordwinsten te boeken.

Volgens S&P krijgen internationale olieconcerns te maken met veranderende economische en politieke klimaten in een substantieel deel van de landen waarin zij opereren. Dit zou de verkenning en uitbreiding van productiebronnen kunnen bemoeilijken, terwijl tegelijkertijd de toestand van de oliereserves een bron van bezorgheid is. Nationale oliemaatschappijen krijgen daardoor de kans meer concurrentie uit te gaan oefenen.

(c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

Oil eases slightly on Iran talks
Feb 26, 2007

Oil eased below $61 a barrel today as world powers discussed putting pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme, but remained committed to seeking a negotiated solution, British officials said.

US crude dipped 17 cents to $60.97 a barrel late this evening, less than $1 below the 2007 high of $61.80 hit on Friday. London Brent was down 14 cents at $60.74.

Iran dug in its heels over its programme as the world powers met in London to discuss tightening UN sanctions against the Islamic Republic, which the West fears is trying to build nuclear arms. Iran says its programme is purely for electricity.

AdvertisementThe five permanent veto-wielding United Nations Security Council members -- the United States, France, Russia, China and Britain -- plus Germany met against a background of rising international tensions over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

The statement that the major powers remained committed to a negotiated solution followed comments earlier by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that he was worried by more frequent talk of possible US military strikes against Iran.

Britain, which hosted the world powers' meeting, said there would be further contacts between the six later this week.

Source: www.iranian.ws/iran_news/publish/arti...
Oil rises amid US chill, Iran tensions
Feb 26, 2007

Oil rose on Monday as a burst of cold weather boosted heating demand in the United States and as world powers discussed tightening UN sanctions on Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter.

US crude rose 26 cents to $US61.40 a barrel, just below the 2007 high of $US61.80 hit on Friday. London Brent was up 47 cents to $US61.35.

Analysts said wintry weather sweeping across the key Midwest and North-east heating markets was supporting oil's gains, and added that prices could find even more strength heading into the spring, when gasoline demand picks up.

"It is the first time this year that the large speculative funds are showing a net long position in crude oil," said Olivier Jakob, an analyst at Swiss-based Petromatrix.

Oil prices have swung between a high of $US78.40 last July, when fighting flared in Lebanon, and a 20-month low of $US49.90 in January, when an expected influx of fund money failed to materialise, disappointing oil investors.

A steady recovery in prices since late January has been supported by gradually tightening supplies - OPEC has twice cut output since November - and by concerns over a possible disruption of Iran's oil supplies.


Officials from the UN Security Council plus Germany were meeting in London on Monday to consider possible further steps after the latest UN deadline for Tehran to halt its nuclear program came and went unheeded.

"Iran is a key factor for oil prices recovering from just below $50. However, it is a psychological factor, and many market players are sceptical at the same time," said Tetsu Emori, the chief strategist at Mitsui Bussan Futures.

Over the weekend, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran's nuclear program had "no brake and no reverse gear," and a deputy foreign minister said Iran was prepared even for war.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the Iranian program needed a "stop button."

Vice President Dick Cheney said all options were on the table following Iran's refusal to heed the UN deadline.

News of a militant attack on foreign nationals in Saudi Arabia was also potentially bullish, analysts said.

Prices had begun to rally following data last Thursday showing an unexpected drop in weekly US gasoline stocks. A Reuters survey showed analysts expect another drop in this week's data.

The focus of oil traders and refiners has shifted from heating oil to gasoline as the market readies for peak summer motor fuel demand in the United States, the top consumer.

"The shift towards summer-grade gasoline is the catalyst we believe will continue to underpin refining margins and, if followed by the funds, as has been the trend, may provide the impetus for a seasonal push higher by oil," Citigroup analysts said in a report.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which pumps more than a third of the world's oil, also has its sights on the second quarter, when demand for its crude typically slows from a winter peak.

The group's new secretary-general told Reuters its existing supply cuts should balance the market, if compliance by its members were improved.

"If we are able to improve the percentage of the cut, this will do the trick," said Abdullah al-Badri.

Source: www.iranian.ws/iran_news/publish/arti...
By Maryelle Demongeot

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil extended gains into a fifth day on Tuesday, pushing toward a new two-month high on forecasts for a further fall in U.S. fuel inventories and the increasingly tense stand-off over Iran's nuclear ambitions.

U.S. light crude for April delivery was up 10 cents at $61.49 a barrel by 0631 GMT, after having settled on Tuesday at $61.39, its highest settlement in more than two months.

London Brent crude was up 3 cents at $61.36.

"I am not sure how long it will last for but there is an issue with Iran and it could be worth more than a few dollars," said Tobin Gorey, a commodity analyst with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Sydney.

World powers met on Monday in London and agreed to work on a new U.N. Security Council resolution to put pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme, after a deadline for Tehran to halt its nuclear programme came and went unheeded last week.

A U.S. State Department spokesman said the world powers would hold phone talks on Thursday to start hammering out the elements of a U.N. sanctions resolution.

Renewed violence in Iraq and continued unrest in Nigeria also continue to threaten supplies.

"...A welter of geopolitical factors are now moving closer to the fore in terms of market sentiment, having been very largely ignored in recent months," Barclays Capital said in a report.

Meanwhile, a cold snap in the U.S. Midwest and Northeast, two key heating oil markets, has added support to prices at a time when refinery glitches and lower imports threaten to further drain gasoline stocks ahead of the summer driving season.

U.S. distillate inventories probably declined last week by 2.5 million barrels, their fifth consecutive fall, a poll of nine analysts by Reuters showed on Monday. The five-year average decline during the week is about 2.2 million barrels.

Gasoline stocks were projected to have fallen by an average 1.7 million barrels, with crude inventories expected to rise by 1.4 million barrels, according to the survey.

OPEC's existing oil output curbs -- pledged at 1.7 million barrels per day -- should bring the world market into balance, the group's new Secretary-General, Abdullah al-Badri, said on Monday, less than three weeks before the exporter group meets.

OPEC members including Nigeria, Algeria and Kuwait have said the group is likely to leave output unchanged next month. Badri said no members were suggesting further production cuts.

Source: za.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle...

waterskieer schreef:


ik proef weer al een sterke anti-vs ondertoon namelijk

En dan?

Je politieke mening wordt hier niet op prijs gesteld omdat het een beleggersforum is.(er zijn al diverse mensen voor verwijderd hier,dus misschien volgt jojobuitenzorg ook wel)

Was u zelf ook niet enige tijd verwijderd door IEX?misschien om dezelfde reden? of schept u er genoegen in hier anderen verwijderd te zien?

* Iran warns Turkey over natural gas re-export

Iran’s oil minister warned Turkey on Sunday not to re-export the Islamic state’s natural gas to other countries, the students’ news agency ISNA reported.

Iran has been exporting gas to Turkey since 2001 under a $23 billion agreement signed in 1996.

Tehran has been slow to develop other gas export markets. “Based on the agreement, Turkey has no legal right to export Iran’s gas to other countries,” said oil minister Kazem Vaziri-Hamaneh.

Earlier this month Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visited NATO member Turkey, one of the few nations in the region to enjoy cordial ties with arch foes Israel and Iran.

Israeli officials had said an Israeli-Turkish agreement to build a pipeline to carry oil, natural gas, power, water and fibre optic cables would be among the issues discussed during the visit.

Iran’s daily exports of 27 million cubic metres of gas make up around one third of Turkey’s total imports.

Iran has the world’s second largest gas reserves after Russia with 21 trillion cubic metres.

In January, Iran briefly cut off gas exports to Turkey as the Iranian government struggled with a surge in domestic use during a stretch of cold weather.

Like Washington, Israel accuses Iran of seeking to build nuclear weapons and of fuelling instability in Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine. Iran denies the charges.

26 February 2007

Source: www.turkishweekly.net/news.php?id=42926
Oil Majors Keep Talking With Venezuela On Orinoco Oil Grab
Dinsdag 27 Februari 2007 12:19
PARIS -(Dow Jones)- Oil majors indicated Tuesday they would continue to talk with the Venezuelan government over its plans to grab control of their projects in the Orinoco River region, although some reports suggested the pace of the takeover may not be as fast as originally thought.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez previously announced his government's intention to take a majority stake by May 1 in the four heavy oil-upgrading projects run by BP PLC (BP), Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), Chevron Corp. (CVX), ConocoPhillips Co. (COP), Total and Norway's Statoil ASA (STO). The projects upgrade tar-like oil deposits into lighter grades of crude.

French oil and gas producer Total SA (TOT) said Tuesday it is still in talks with the Venezuelan government couldn't immediately comment on Chavez's decree Monday to take control of foreign owned Orinoco oil projects.

'There are several parameters to consider - the ownership percentage, but also other criteria,' Chairman Thierry Desmarest said during a press conference in Paris.

He said the company was still in talks with the Venezuelan government regarding the future of its giant Sincor heavy oil project in the Orinoco Valley.

'We're patient,' Desmarest said. 'In our businesses, one needs time' to reach an agreement.

BP spokesman Toby Odone reiterated that field operator ExxonMobil would comment on the nationalization. BP has a 16.67% share in the 120,000 barrel a day Cerro Negro heavy oil project in the East Orinoco Belt. ExxonMobil has a 41.67% share and Venezuela's state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, or PdVSA, also has 41.67%.

Statoil's international operations spokeswoman Rannveig Stangeland said: 'We have a 15% stake in the Sincor project. We have a dialog with the government; we are in dialog with the (government). That's what we've always said.'

Chavez, who has been given special powers by Congress for 18 months to issue laws by decree in energy and other areas, said Monday he has officially signed the decree to proceed with the nationalizations through which the state oil company will take at least a 60% stake.

'The privatization of oil in Venezuela has come to an end,' Chavez said on his weekday radio show, 'Hello, President.'

'This marks the true nationalization of oil in Venezuela' and by May 1, 'we will occupy these fields' and have the national flag flying on them, he said.

The law is expected to be published soon in the government's official gazette, and the oil companies will have four months from then to negotiate terms and conditions with PdVSA to decide whether they will take part in new joint ventures as minority partners, Chavez said.

However, Reuters reported that Chavez had in effect extended the deadline by four months, with another two months required for the deals to be presented to lawmakers for their approval, suggesting the renationalization of the projects won't take place until the end of this year.

Souce: olie.beurs.nl/frame2.php?html=nieuwsb...

Ik heb dit artikel erbij gezet omdat ik vind dat het toch op een of andere manier met elkaar te maken heeft. Chavez en Ahmadinejad zijn goede vrienden (althans zo lijkt het dan) en beide landen onderhouden nauwe banden met elkaar. Er zijn de laatste tijd veel contracten gesloten tussen biede landen en beide hebben en beide spreken publiekelijk negatief over de VS.

Anyway, wat op dit artikel staat heeft kortom invloed op de olie prijs !! En laten we niet vergeten dat Venezuela vrij veel olie exporteert naar de VS.
Zelf denk ik dat het zeker niet onder de 60 komt te staan per vat. Er is nog steeds veels te veel negatieve spanning op de markt. Maar denk ook niet dat het positief komt te staan voor de beurs sluit vandaag. Verwacht een prijs tussen 60,50 en 61,20 (voor sluitingstijd). Ik verwacht geen groot nieuws tot 17.30.

Als iemand iets anders denkt dan hoor ik het graag.

PS: Denk persoonlijk dat we tot donderdag zullen moeten wachten wat betreft de vn sancties en verdere prijsschomelingen.

$$Life$$ schreef:

Zelf denk ik dat het zeker niet onder de 60 komt te staan per vat. Er is nog steeds veels te veel negatieve spanning op de markt. Maar denk ook niet dat het positief komt te staan voor de beurs sluit vandaag. Verwacht een prijs tussen 60,50 en 61,20 (voor sluitingstijd). Ik verwacht geen groot nieuws tot 17.30.

Als iemand iets anders denkt dan hoor ik het graag.

PS: Denk persoonlijk dat we tot donderdag zullen moeten wachten wat betreft de vn sancties en verdere prijsschomelingen.
Mee eens, vooral morgen komt er weer olie gerelateerd nieuws naar buiten omtrend de voorraden in de VS.
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