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Beleggers, let op Iran!

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Major powers fail to settle Iran differences

By Arshad Mohammed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major powers failed on Saturday to settle all their differences over a second U.N. sanctions resolution against Iran for its nuclear work but remain committed to passing one soon, the United States said.
2 March 2007 – The Security Council expects to adopt a resolution on Iran’s nuclear programme early next week, while the continuing conflict in Sudan’s strife-torn Darfur region, the role of women across the world, and possible visits to Nepal, Lebanon and other global hotspots will dominate the 15-member body’s work throughout March, its new president said today.
Geen akkoord nieuwe resolutie Iran

WASHINGTON - De vijf permanente leden van de Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland zijn er nog niet in geslaagd om al hun verschillen over een tweede VN-resolutie tegen Iran bij te leggen.

Dat zei een zegsman van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zaterdag.

Volgens hem moeten nog wat problemen worden opgelost, maar ''blijven alle partijen zich uitspreken voor een tweede resolutie in de nabije toekomst''. Diplomaten van de VS, Rusland, China, Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk en Duitsland bespraken de kwestie zaterdag.

De Verenigde Staten en Europa verdenken Iran ervan in het geheim te werken aan een kernwapen onder het mom van een civiel atoomprogramma. Teheran ontkent de aantijging. De internationale gemeenschap wil echter dat de Islamitische Republiek de verrijking van uranium opschort.

Omdat het hieraan niet voldeed nam de Veiligheidsraad op 23 december een resolutie aan waarmee Iran beperkte sancties werden opgelegd. Teheran gaf niet toe en nu wordt over verscherping van de sancties gesproken, maar dat ligt zeer gevoelig bij Irans handelspartners China en Rusland.

De ambassadeurs van de zes landen bij de Veiligheidsraad zullen zich nu gaan buigen over de kwestie, zei de woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Hij bleef positief gestemd. Er moeten slechts nog een ''paar openstaande zaken worden opgelost'', zei hij. (ANP)

© Het Parool, 04-03-2007, 11:03 uur
(Novum) - De Europese Unie en de Verenigde Staten moeten onmiddellijk en onvoorwaardelijke sancties instellen tegen Iran. Alleen dan vermindert het geweld in Irak en is er een kans dat het land geen kernwapens ontwikkelt. Dat heeft Dowlat Nowrouzi, de Britse vertegenwoordiger van de Nationale Verzetsraad van Iran, gezegd tijdens haar korte bezoek aan Nederland.

Bron: nieuws.nl
Militaire uitgaven China dit jaar fors omhoog
Uitgegeven op zondag 04 maart 2007 om 17:59:12

(Novum/AP) - China gaat in 2007 17,8 procent meer uitgeven aan militaire zaken. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van het parlement zondag gezegd. Het is de zoveelste fikse verhoging op rij en de grootste sinds 1995 (21 procent).

Jiang noemde de Chinese militaire uitgaven van 350,92 yuan (34,14 miljard euro of 44,94 miljard dollar) nog zeer bescheiden vergeleken met wat Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk, Japan en de Verenigde Staten uitgeven. De Amerikaanse president George Bush tekende onlangs een defensiebegroting van 532,8 miljard dollar (404,8 miljard euro). Maar de VS gaan ervan uit dat China in werkelijkheid veel meer uitgeeft, omdat de begroting bijvoorbeeld geen posten vermeldt voor wapenaankopen.

Wat wil china met al die wapens? Het lijkt mij in hun geval niet tacktisch om Iran aan te vallen gezien dat hun grootste olie leverancier word/is.
Iran: Militaire acties zullen productie kernwapens stimuleren.
Maandag 5 maart 2007 - 3 u.

(Belga) Het Britse onderzoekscentrum Oxford Research Group wil met een rapport dat maandag 5 maart gepubliceerd wordt, de wereld waarschuwen dat militaire acties tegen Iran contraproductief kunnen zijn. Ze zouden namelijk de productie van nucleaire wapens kunnen doen versnellen.

'Militaire acties tegen Iran zullen waarschijnlijk dat als resultaat hebben wat men net probeert te vermijden, namelijk de capaciteit om nucleaire wapens te maken', schrijft oud-directeur van het Internationaal Atoomagentschap Hans Blix in de inleiding van het rapport. Volgens Frank Barnaby, de auteur van het rapport, verloopt het proces op dit ogenblik relatief traag. Geschat wordt dat het nog vijf jaar zal duren vooraleer Iran met een kernwapen op de proppen kan komen. 'Door Iran aan te vallen, stimuleer je hen alleen maar om sneller resultaten te boeken'.
Blix verweet Groot-Brittannië en de Verenigde Staten in 2004 dat ze de nucleaire bedreiging overdreven om een reden te vinden Irak binnen te vallen. 'Achteraf bleek dat Irak helemaal geen nucleaire wapens had', zegt hij. 'Ook voor Iran geldt dat het alleen maar een regionale chaos zal veroorzaken wanneer het land wordt aangevallen omwille van al dan niet bestaande kernwapens'. (cat)

Maarja, als je niets doet, zouden ze er ook komen, dus het voorkomen beter dan genezen gaat dan ook al niet meer op.
Het lijkt erop dat beleggers alleen maar bezig zijn met de index, en niet meer met al het nieuws erom heen. Dom? misschien wel.

21years schreef:

Het lijkt erop dat beleggers alleen maar bezig zijn met de index, en niet meer met al het nieuws erom heen. Dom? misschien wel.
Alles eromheen heeft met de index te maken :).

Beter om alles te volgen dan de index ja. Index is een indicator van hoe het met dingen in het ALGEMEEN is gesteld. Of zijn we nu al vergeten dat er 25 bedrijven in de AEX zitten en dat ze allemaal even veel veto recht hebben als het ware.

Iran set to replace old oil pipelines

Tehran Times Economic Desk
TEHRAN -- The old pipelines transferring oil products will be replaced with new ones, said Mohammadreza Ne’matzadeh, the managing director of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC).

Changing the worn-out pipelines is top on the company’s agenda, the ranking official added.

Without causing any interruption in the flow of oil products, new pipelines will gradually replace the lines with an age of over 50 years because there always exists the possibility of their corrosion and burst, he commented.

Some of the pipelines carrying the nation’s oil products with 30 to 40 years of age are broken down and therefore a lot of the pipeline networks should be partially or totally replaced, Mahmud Emamzadeh, another official with the Oil Ministry said.

With each new refinery built, the building of a new pipeline for supplying its required feedstock and another one for carrying its output becomes necessary, he explained.

March 5, 2007

Iraq poised to hand control of oil fields to foreign firms

Baghdad under pressure from Britain to pass a law giving multinationals rights to the country's reserves

Heather Stewart, economics correspondent
Sunday February 25, 2007
The Observer

Baghdad is under pressure from Britain and the US to pass an oil law which would hand long-term control of Iraq's energy assets to foreign multinationals, according to campaigners.
Iraqi trades unions have called for the country's oil reserves - the second-largest in the world - to be kept in public hands. But a leaked draft of the oil law, seen by The Observer, would see the government sign away the right to exploit its untapped fields in so-called exploration contracts, which could then be extended for more than 30 years.


PRVIEW schreef:

Als ik er wat acher zou zoeken; wat zou dat zijn?

Over welke berichtgeving heb je het nu?
Yemeni court charges 35 over oil attacks
Monday Mar 5 08:41 AEDT
A Yemeni court on Sunday charged 35 suspected members of an al-Qaeda-linked group with taking part in foiled suicide attacks on oil and gas installations in the Arab country last year.

Prosecutors accused the men, six of whom were charged in absentia, of "forming an armed gang aimed at carrying out sabotage attacks" and involvement in the attacks on the installations in the Marib and Hadaramout provinces.

Yemen foiled the two suicide attacks on September 15, days after al-Qaeda urged Muslims to target Western interests, especially oil installations.

Four bombers were killed when Yemeni security forces blew up four rigged cars before they reached their targets. A guard working for an oil firm was killed. There was no damage to the state-owned facilities.

The suspects pleaded not guilty to the charges and the judge adjourned the trial for two weeks to give defence lawyers time to prepare their case.

Six of the suspects said they were tortured in custody and forced to sign confessions.

Four of them wept. One said he had lost hearing in one ear, and another said he had been raped.

The court ordered a doctor to check the allegations.

Al-Qaeda's wing in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attacks and vowed more strikes in the Arab state.

Yemen said it had broken up the al-Qaeda-linked cell and seized explosives the group was planning to use in attacks on the capital, Sanaa.

Yemen, a minor oil producer, is the ancestral home of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. It joined the US-led war on terrorism launched after the September 11 attacks on the US in 2001 and has been battling Islamic militants for years.

The attacks were the first on oil facilities in Yemen since the 2002 bombing of the French oil supertanker Limburg off its coast. In 2000, a suicide attack on the US warship Cole killed 17 US sailors.

Yemen, on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, has been widely seen in the West as a haven for Muslim militants, including al-Qaeda supporters.

ALGIERS (Reuters) - Three Algerians and a Russian were killed in a roadside attack on a bus carrying workers for a Russian gas pipeline construction company, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

The bus was travelling 130 km (80 miles) south-west of the Algerian capital, Algiers, with 21 workers from Stroitransgas, which is building a natural gas pipeline there, it said.

It said the attack included two roadside blasts but gave no details on how they were carried out late on Saturday.

Several Russians and Ukrainians were wounded and taken to hospital, it said.

Algerian government officials were unavailable for comment but leading Arabic-language daily al Khabar said the attack was near Kaadat Souane village.

It was the second bomb attack on foreign oil and gas workers since December, when an Islamist group claimed responsibility for bombing a bus carrying oil workers near Algiers.

The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) on December12 vowed to carry out more attacks on foreigners and warned Muslims to stay away from the "interests of the infidels to avoid harm".

GSPC, renamed the Al Qaeda Organisation in Islamic Maghreb, claimed responsibility for seven deadly bomb attacks on February 13 in two neighbouring provinces east of Algiers.

Oil Markets: Iran, Recession Warnings and Falling Stocks
Hasan Selim Ozertem

Sunday , 04 March 2007

What determines the price of oil, the black blood of the world’s economy? If we recall the main factors that affect the price of oil, it might be easier to analyze the developments in the oil markets. These are;

-Oil supply
-Demand for oil
-Speculation factor
-Regional unrests

All of these are more or less related with each other and cannot be taken independently. And this week, important developments for the oil markets were observed in the global scale.

On Monday Iraqi government approved the long waited “Oil Law”. This law defines the Iraqi Federal Oil and Gas Council as the owner of natural gas and oil of all provinces and regions in Iraq and also it allows regions to make “production-sharing agreements” (PSA) with foreign companies. It should be noted that there is a long way to go about this law. However, if this law gives impetus the process of oil production in Iraq, it will contribute the tension on the oil prices to decrease in the long term. Iraq has the world’s 9.6 % of proved oil reserves but only can produce 1.8 million barrels per day. When compared with the production of Saudi Arabia or Russia, the production in Iraq is really low.

Secondly, this week former chair of the FED, Mr. Greenspan warned the world about a coming recession in the US. After his statements Chinese stock markets and later the other markets declined drastically on Tuesday. Moreover, these statements caused concerns to emerge about world growth and the oil prices decreased a little on Wednesday and the price of Brent became $59.39 while the WTI’s declined to $60.69.

Source: Energy Information Administration

However, this did not take so long. The announced stock values decreased for the fifth week in the US and this cause the prices to increase once again. The decrease in stocks was 3.78 million barrels for heating oil and 1.94 million barrels for the gasoline. Moreover, the price increase in heating oil continues. The average price of residential heating oil increased by 2 cents per galloon in the US markets.

Source: Energy Information Administration

Lastly, this week the five permanent members -Russia, China, Britain, France and the United States- of the Security Council and Germany discussed toughening the sanctions that are imposed to Iran due to its uranium enrichment program. In December, 23 the Council agreed to impose sanctions on Iran and gave it 60 days to suspend its uranium enrichment program. The week before this 60 days came to an end, but Iran said that it would continue its nuclear program but only for peaceful reasons. This kind of an increased tension causes the tension in the Middle East to increase further and we see its repercussions on the oil markets as the price increases. Since, Iran is the fourth biggest oil producer in the world.

Source: Financial Times

To conclude, oil prices continued its increasing trend this week too. Brent oil was $61.53 and WTI was $61.65 on Friday. The increased tension in the Middle East and decline in the US stocks were effective on this price increase. On March, 15 there is an OPEC meeting in the schedule, but no production cuts are expected for now. Research director of OPEC Mr. Qabarzad was stated two weeks before the level of $60 is acceptable for both producers and the consumers. And he added that it is unlikely for a decision to be taken for production cuts.

For this week, according to a Bloomberg’s Survey, 16 of 40 analysts expect prices to rise where 11 of them expect a fall in prices. 13 of these analysts forecast a little change.

PS: Er zitten grafieken en charts bij.
Zie: www.turkishweekly.net/comments.php?id...
Baghdad is under pressure from Britain and the US to pass an oil law which would hand long-term control of Iraq's energy assets to foreign multinationals, according to campaigners.

Luister eens effe goed: We steken miljarden in die oorlog, we offeren d'r zelfs duizenden mensenlevens aan op; Jullie Irakezen denken toch niet dat wij dat voor niets doen. Of dat wij dat doen om van jullie land een democratisch land te maken...? Dat geloven jullie toch zelf niet...?

Dus, wij geallieerden hebben het meest onze nek uitgestoken, hebben de zwaarste offers gebracht en nou willen we wat van jullie terug.....

En wie zei er ook alweer dat die oorlog eigenlijk alleen om de olie te doen was.....

Saudi Aramco Raises Light Crude Oil Prices to Asia; Cuts Heavy

By Nesa Subrahmaniyan

March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco, the world's largest state-owned oil company, raised prices of two of its most expensive crude oil varieties for export in April to Asia as the profit to process them into gasoline and naphtha gained.

Saudi Aramco increased the premium for its Arab Super Light crude price by $1.30 to $7.50 a barrel, the highest in six months, and Extra Light by 20 cents to $3.20 a barrel, said Asian refinery officials who received notices from the company. These crudes yield more gasoline and naphtha after processing.

The refining profit to process Dubai crude, an Asian benchmark, into gasoline has almost doubled from a month ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The so-called Singapore complex refining margin, the benchmark for Asia, averaged $7.17 a barrel from Feb. 2 to Feb. 23 from $5.43 a year ago, Merrill Lynch & Co. said.

``Margins are going up for light oil products,'' or naphtha and gasoline, said Tony Regan, an analyst with energy consultant Nexant Inc. in Singapore. ``Naphtha is tight going forward and the outlook for gasoline is bullish.''

Saudi Aramco cut the price of its Arab Light grade by 10 cents to 15 cents a barrel, Arab Medium by 20 cents to a discount of $2.45 a barrel and Arab Heavy crude by 45 cents to minus $5.05 a barrel.

Saudi Aramco's crude oil prices for its Asian customers are expressed as a premium or discount to the average price of Oman and Dubai grades, the two Middle East benchmarks used by refiners and traders in Asia. Arab Heavy, Arab Medium and Arab Light crudes yield more fuel oil than lighter varieties.

Fuel Oil's Discount

Fuel oil in Asia is trading at a bigger discount to Dubai crude as supplies of the product increased. Fuel oil's discount fell to minus $11.99 a barrel from $6.77 a barrel a month ago, Bloomberg data showed.

The differential between oil products and crude, known as the crack, is a measure of profit or loss from processing crude oil.

The official price of Oman crude, another benchmark for Asia, was cut to the lowest ever to Dubai crude after refinery maintenance and falling profit to make fuel oil eroded demand in Japan and South Korea.

Oman's Ministry of Oil and Gas issued an official selling price for February loaded cargoes at $54.96 a barrel, up $3.97 from the January price. The difference to Dubai fell 9 cents to a discount of 79 cents a barrel, the biggest ever, according to Bloomberg data.

What would peace in the Middle East mean for the oil price?
The international conference convened in Baghdad for March 10 represents an important first step to finding a lasting solution to the chaos of Iraq since the US invasion four years ago. But if the Middle East can summon the political will to deal with this situation will this not cause a fall in the oil price?

This might be the price that the region has to pay for a new peace settlement. Certainly current oil prices above $60-a-barrel include a war risk premium that would bring prices down if it was removed.

Economists reckon that up to $30-a-barrel of the present oil price comprises this risk premium, which has been supported by hedge fund investments in commodities. Such hot money can leave an asset class very quickly when fundamentals change.

But after four years of terrible violence and mayhem in Iraq, and the overlapping contagion into the Palestinian territories and Lebanon, not to mention the controversy over the development of nuclear technology by Iran, peace is not only desirable but essential to secure the long-term future of the Middle East.

Political challenge
It remains to be seen whether the political will exists between old rivals, and the US and its allies to pull off this kind of landmark shift in the status quo.

However, business planners are already trying to get their heads around what a peace settlement would mean for the region. This thinking should go beyond worrying about the short-term liquidity issues of a lower oil price, as investment levels would almost certainly be maintained by cash-rich regional governments.

The bigger picture is a much brighter one. For a peace settlement would open up a new world of investment possibilities across the Middle East, and those quickest to seize them could profit hugely by taking the initial risk.

It might be like the falling of the iron curtain in Europe, although much would depend on the response of individual regimes to the changing circumstances. For an established regional hub like Dubai this could be a golden opportunity to fill the real estate now under construction with new business and commerce.

Regional investment
Indeed, there is so much investment needed to improve infrastructure standards - whether in oil and gas or healthcare and education - that a new regional investment boom is virtually guaranteed. International and regional money would be mobilized for this effort as the returns on investment should be high.

Could it be that a far more optimistic economic future emerges from the violence of the past four years? It is to be hoped it does and that this historic opportunity is not lost.

But with the US economy slowing, and stock markets and hedge funds in difficulties after last week's sell-off, the more immediate concern is that any move towards peace will be another factor driving oil prices down.

Yet that may just prove to be the cost of a more prosperous and secure long-term future for the region, and the oil-rich states should dig deep into their investment funds to make sure it does.


Goed, als iemand nog iets heeft dat ik niet hierop heb geplaatst dan lees ik dt graag.

Nuttige dingen aub.

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