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En wij liggen "krom" vanwege milieu en CO2-heffingen!!!

Chinese companies to build 700 coal plants in and outside China
Published on Wed, 11 Oct 2017

mining.com reported that coal is dead. Coal mining is a sunset industry. Donald Trump is crazy if he thinks he can revive Big Coal. While all these statements have become part of global consciousness when it comes to the future of the much-maligned fossil fuel, a report by Urgewald, a Berlin-based environmental group, casts doubt on at least the first two assertions.

Citing data gleaned from the world's biggest developers of coal-fired power plants, Urgewald found that of all the new coal generation expected to go online over the next decade, Chinese companies will build nearly half of it. Specifically, that means 700 new coal plants, with most to be built in China, and about a fifth outside the country, according to figures provided by Urgewald and reported by the New York Times:

Overall, 1,600 coal plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries, said Urgewald, which uses data from the Global Coal Plant Tracker portal. The new plants would expand the world's coal-fired power capacity by 43 per cent.

The fleet of new coal plants would make it virtually impossible to meet the goals set in the Paris climate accord. Electricity generated from fossil fuels such as coal is the biggest single contributor globally to the rise in carbon emissions, which scientists agree is causing the earth's temperatures to rise.

Shanghai Electric Group, one of the country's largest electrical equipment makers, has announced plans to build coal power plants in Egypt, Pakistan and Iran with a total capacity of 6,285MW – almost 10 times the 660MW of coal power it has planned in China.

The astounding numbers go against the trend that has been happening throughout the year in China, where dangerously high pollution levels have forced the closure of hundreds of coal mines and a curtailment of steel mill output.

Source : mining.com
Chinese export stijgt flink

Handelsoverschot op 193 miljard yuan.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De export in China is in september voor de zevende maand op rij gestegen. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

De uitvoer van Chinese goederen nam afgelopen maand, gerekend in yuan, met 9,0 procent toe, na een toename van 5,5 procent in augustus. De import steeg in september zelfs met 19,5 procent.

Gerekend in dollars steeg de export in september met 8,1 procent en werd er 18,7 procent meer ingevoerd. Er werd een exportstijging van 10,0 procent voorzien.

Het handelsoverschot van China kwam vorige maand uit op 193 miljard yuan, omgerekend 28,5 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
BMW kijkt naar Mini-fabriek in China

Gepubliceerd op 13 okt 2017 om 12:42 | Views: 426

BMW 12 okt
87,94 -0,67 (-0,75%)

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - BMW overweegt Mini's te gaan produceren in China. Het Duitse autoconcern is daarvoor in gesprek met de lokale autofabrikant Great Wall Motor.

De verkoop van BMW's en Mini's in China steeg in de eerste acht maanden van het jaar met 16 procent. De autobouwer laat wel al lokaal BMW's produceren in samenwerking met een ander Chinees bedrijf.

Als BMW daadwerkelijk een Mini-fabriek in China optuigt, betekent het de eerste keer dat het concern Mini's buiten Europa laat bouwen. Verschillende modellen van Mini worden nu in het Limburgse Born en in Groot-Brittannië gemaakt.

Of de eventuele stap naar China gevolgen heeft voor de Europese productie en werkgelegenheid is niet duidelijk. BMW benadrukt in Britse media dat er voor de Britse productie niets verandert. Een woordvoerder van BMW Nederland heeft geen commentaar op het bericht en verwijst naar VDL Nedcar. Een woordvoerder van de autofabriek laat weten ,,een uitstekende relatie'' met BMW te hebben, maar gaat niet in op eventuele gevolgen voor de productie.

Bij VDL Nedcar werken ruim 6000 mensen. In de fabriek worden drie modellen van Mini gemaakt, de driedeurs Mini, de cabrio en de Countryman. Sinds augustus rollen er ook BMW's van de band. De nieuwe elektrische Mini wordt in Engeland gemaakt.
Chinese producentenprijzen lopen op

Gepubliceerd op 16 okt 2017 om 07:00 | Views: 719

PEKING (AFN) - De producentenprijzen in China zijn in september met 6,9 procent gestegen in vergelijking met een jaar eerder. Daarmee klommen de prijzen die Chinese fabrikanten vragen voor hun producten in het sterkste tempo in zes maanden.

In augustus gingen de prijzen met 6,3 procent omhoog en economen hadden voor vorige maand in doorsnee op een toename met 6,4 procent gerekend. Met name in de mijnbouw en de industrie ging het prijspeil flink omhoog.

De Chinese overheid kwam ook met gegevens over de consumentenprijzen. Die namen in september op jaarbasis met 1,6 procent toe, na een stijging met 1,8 procent in augustus. De wat minder sterke inflatie in China had vooral te maken met een daling van de voedselprijzen.
Philips en Huawei samen in de cloud in China

Gepubliceerd op 16 okt 2017 om 14:15 | Views: 466

Philips Koninklijke 16:21
34,32 -0,30 (-0,85%)

SHENZHEN (AFN) - Technologieconcern Philips heeft in China met Huawei een gezondheidsplatform in de cloud opgezet. Eerste testen van het platform zijn volgens de bedrijven hoopgevend. Het platform is onderdeel van de samenwerking die de ondernemingen in 2016 aankondigden.

De concerns spreken van een belangrijke stap in het verbeteren van de gezondheidszorg, onder meer doordat de levensverwachting van mensen blijft stijgen en er ook een groeiende vraag is naar zorg en zorgverleners. Met name voor afgelegen in gebieden in China biedt de cloud op het gebied van gezondheidszorg uitkomst.

Onder meer worden artsen geholpen met het maken van juiste beslissingen en kunnen diagnoses nauwkeuriger worden gedaan omdat artsen de beschikking hebben over veel meer data. Dit zal ook zorgen voor minder fouten en lagere kosten. Patiënten hebben het voordeel dat informatie gedeeld kan worden met zorgverleners, waarmee ze de juiste zorg zullen ontvangen.

Financiële details werden niet gemeld.
'Toys 'R' Us Azië wellicht naar beurs'

Gepubliceerd op 17 okt 2017 om 07:36 | Views: 373

HONGKONG (AFN) - De Aziatische tak van Toys 'R' Us gaat mogelijk naar de beurs in Hongkong. De speelgoedwinkelketen, die in Noord-Amerika faillissement aanvroeg, onderzoekt momenteel de opties voor de divisie die geen onderdeel is van het bankroet. Dat meldde persbureau Bloomberg op basis van ingewijden.

Toys 'R' Us Azië is een samenwerking tussen de Amerikaanse keten en lokale investeerders, de miljardairs Victor en William Fung, die met hun investeringsvehikel 15 procent bezitten. Momenteel wordt volgens de bronnen een gang naar de beurs bekeken, waarbij het bedrijf zou worden gewaardeerd op 2 miljard dollar.

Toys 'R' Us is veruit marktleider in Azië op het gebied van traditioneel speelgoed, met een aandeel van zo'n 20 procent. De nummer twee in de regio volgt met een aandeel van 1,4 procent. De Aziatische speelgoedmarkt, exclusief computerspelletjes, is goed voor bijna 21 miljard dollar.
China copper imports hit highest in September

Reuters reported that China’s unwrought copper imports climbed by 26.5% in September from a year ago, but still remain on course for an annual drop in 2017. According to the data from the General Administration of Customs, arrivals of unwrought copper, which includes anode, refined, and semi-finished copper products, stood at 430,000 tonnes last month. That ties the import figure from March for the highest monthly level this year. The September volumes are up 10.3% from 390,000 tonnes in August, a level that had been hit for four straight months.

Customs said that Imports for the first three quarters of the year were 3.44 million tonnes, down 9.4%from the same period in 2016,

Given a weak first half of the year and expectations of lower demand during the winter months, that keeps the unwrought copper imports for this year on track to fall short of the record 4.94 million tonnes of annual imports in 2016.

CLSA analyst Daniel Meng said he was surprised to see such a big number for September, which comes with prices for copper above USD 6,800 per tonne. He said that “I think in the final three months (of 2017), demand could be affected by the so-called winter curtailments in the 28 cities around Beijing, because there will likely be some decrease in overall construction activity. Most people I talk with still don’t feel that the current fundamentals are supportive enough for the current high copper price.”

Copper concentrate imports came in at 1.47 million tonnes in September, also the highest level since March. The figure was up 2% from 1.44 million tonnes in August and up 5.8% year-on-year.

January to September concentrate imports stood at 12.57 million tonnes, up 3.2% from a year earlier.

Meanwhile, China exported 370,000 tonnes of unwrought aluminium and aluminium products in September, down 10% from 410,000 tonnes in August and 5 percent from 390,000 tonnes a year earlier.

Source : Reuters
Chinese president Xi Jinping wil grotere rol overheid in economie

Begin vijfjaarlijkse partijcongres in Peking.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese president Xi Jingping wil dat de overheid een grotere rol krijgt in de economie, maar benadrukte ook de 'beslissende' rol van de financiële markten. Dit zei de president woensdag aan het begin van het 19e partijcongres in Peking, dat eens in de vijf jaar plaats vindt.

Xi wil dat de economie van zijn land "de strategische begeleiding van nationale ontwikkelingsplannen" volgt.

De Chinese president kondigde tevens structurele hervormingen aan voor de "aanbodzijde", wat een term is die de Chinezen gebruiken om aan te geven dat ze overcapaciteit en schulden willen terugdringen.

Xi beloofde rente- en wisselkoershervormingen, waarmee buitenlandse investeerders meer toegang krijgen tot de dienstensector en om de economie te beschermen tegen systematische financiële risico's. Dit zijn langdurige beleidsdoelstellingen voor Peking. Hij zei dat de overheid in de overheidssector zal streven naar gemengde eigendomshervormingen, waardoor de staatsbedrijven "sterker, beter en groter" zullen worden.

Op de lange termijn wil Xi dat China, halverwege de 21e eeuw, een groot modern socialistisch land wordt. De communistische partij zal streven naar de fundamentele realisatie van een socialistische modernisering tegen 2035, zei Xi.

Na afloop van het partijcongres op 24 oktober zal worden bekendgemaakt hoe het nieuwe leiderschap van de communistische partij eruit zal zien.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China's pollution crackdown is gaining momentum

Bloomberg reported that in pockets of China’s industrial heartland, a government push to clean up the environment and cut excess output is starting to bite: Furnaces have gone cold, the lights have been switched off, migrant workers are drifting back home.

Mr Liu Xiaoping, a resident of the sprawling, smoggy, steel-making hub of Jinan in the northeast is among the campaign’s collateral damage. Standing in a cul-de-sac where most factories were closed on a recent weekday visit, he says officials ignored his pleas for more time to comply with regulations at his 20-year-old plastic mold business. As officials threatened to cut off electricity, Liu shut down his factory before they could do so.

Mr Liu said that “It was like a knife falling, claiming that the chop in mid September left him with 1 million yuan (USD 152,000) of idle equipment and 10 unemployed staff in a city where more than 7,000 businesses labeled "messy and polluting" have been targeted for clean-up or closure. “None of us know what to do."

While it may be little consolation to Mr Liu, the impact from efforts to cut capacity is proving double edged factory profits have surged and reflation has taken root across industry, giving a much needed boost to indebted companies. Third-quarter gross domestic product numbers due Thursday are likely to show the world’s second-biggest economy remains in a sweet-spot, with a 6.8% pace of growth expected, according to a Bloomberg survey of economists.

And if comments made by Mr Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People’s Bank of China are any guide, a shift in the economy to consumption and away from investment and exports may yet produce an even stronger performance. Speaking in Washington late Sunday, Mr Zhou said he hoped that a 7% expansion for the second half was possible, according to a statement.

Mr Tao Dong, vice chairman for Greater China at Credit Suisse Private Banking in Hong Kong said that "The last time we saw this kind of effort to cut capacity was at the end of the last century, when Premier Zhu Rongji was determined to shut down money-losing state enterprises. There’ll be short-term consequences for growth and jobs but it’s hard to quantify at this moment, all depending on whether the capacity will remain shut after the Party Congress."

Capacity shutdowns are rippling across the nation with officials estimating hundreds of thousands of small enterprises may be closed. State enterprises aren’t being spared the knife either, though policy makers are cushioning the impact of those cuts.

Source : Bloomberg
Alcoa continues its rally as China keeps its commitment
Published on Wed, 18 Oct 2017

Market Realist reported that previously China’s September steel exports. Like steel, aluminum faces the issue of chronic oversupply, especially in China. As with the steel industry, China plans to curtail some of its aluminum capacity to mitigate the country’s rising pollution levels. In this article, we’ll look at China’s aluminum exports in September.

China exported 370,000 metric tonnes of unwrought aluminum in September, compared to 410,000 metric tonnes in August. China’s September aluminum exports have fallen 5.1% year-over-year (or YoY). In August 2017, China’s aluminum exports were similar to August 2016.

Before that, the country’s aluminum exports rose YoY for four consecutive months, including a double-digit yearly rise in June and July. In the first nine months of 2017, China’s aluminum exports totaled ~3.6 million metric tonnes4.6% higher than the same period in 2016.

Notably, China plans to curtail some of the polluting smelters in the winter months. We have also seen a decline in Chinese aluminum production.

In absolute terms, China’s August aluminum production was the lowest since April 2016. This trend ignores February 2017 when production fell due to fewer days and China’s Lunar New Year holidays. August 2017 marked the first time since August 2016 that China’s aluminum production registered a yearly fall.

Lower Chinese aluminum exports are positive for producers like Alcoa, Century Aluminum and Norsk Hydro. Companies like Alcoa have moved to higher price levels this year, following aluminum prices. Expectations of Chinese curtailments have been among the key drivers of aluminum’s upward price action.

Source : Market Realist
Respite for Freeport as Chinese Copper Imports Spike in September
Published on Wed, 18 Oct 2017

Market Realist reported that Chinese copper imports are an indicator of the country’s copper demand. Although China is the key driver of global steel and aluminum supply, copper mining is concentrated in Latin America.

China is the world’s largest copper importer. China imported 430,000 metric tonnes of unwrought copper and copper products in September 2017, in contrast to 340,000 metric tonnes in September 2016. The country’s September unwrought copper imports registered an impressive 26.5% year over year increase.

China’s imports also rose on a monthly basis. Before September, Chinese unwrought copper imports were flat for four months, as the graph above shows.

In September 2017, China’s dismal copper imports data had triggered a sell-off in copper prices. Copper miners such as Freeport-McMoRan, Southern Copper and Glencore also saw negative price action in September as copper prices fell 4.2%.

China also imports copper concentrates that are processed in the country. In September, China imported ~1.5 million metric tonnes of copper ores and concentrates, compared to ~1.4 million metric tonnes in September 2016.

Higher Chinese copper imports are positive for copper mining companies. Copper prices have been quite strong this month after the brief sell-off in September.

Among other factors, several supply-side factors have supported copper prices this month. You can read Copper’s on a High: Why Investors Are Optimistic to analyze the various factors that are driving copper this month.

Source : Market Realist
China can solve wasted renewable energy problem by 2020 - NEA

Reuters reported that China expects to solve the problem of wasted renewable energy by 2020, Mr Liang Zhipeng, deputy director of the new energy and renewable energy department of the National Energy Administration (NEA) said at a conference. He said the agency expects the wind sector to wean itself off government subsidies by 2022.

Mr Liang said that wind power is often wasted as there is not enough transmission capacity to handle all the electricity generated, resulting in curtailments. In the first three quarters of the year, the curtailment rate dropped by 7 percentage points.

Getting stranded power in the west to urban users in the world's top energy consumer has been a major challenge for the government as Beijing promotes the use of more renewable energy.

Source : Reuters
China crude oil storage splurge is OPEC's best friend - Russell

Reuters reported that China's crude oil imports surged to the second-highest on record in September, but this isn't a sign of supercharged demand in the world's second-biggest economy. It's rather a shuffling of where oil is being stored around the globe and a couple of factors that caused a temporary boost to Chinese import demand. China's crude imports jumped to 37 million tonnes in September, equivalent to 9 million barrels per day, according to preliminary customs data released on Oct. 13.

This was up from August's 8 million bpd, but it's worth noting that August was an eight-month low. More importantly, China's oil imports are up 12.2 percent in the first nine months of 2017 from the same period last year.

This certainly looks like solid growth in the world's biggest crude importer, and indeed, demand for refined fuels had been higher than expected at the start of the year, mainly on the back of strength in infrastructure and construction. But it also appears that China is buying substantial amounts of crude for its strategic and commercial storages.

The September figure was likely boosted by the start-up of China National Offshore Oil Corp's new Huizhou refinery, with plants typically requiring around 21 days of commercial reserves to ensure smooth operations.

The return from maintenance of some of the independent refineries also likely boosted crude imports in September. But it also appears that China's ongoing build-up of its strategic storage contributed to import demand.

China rarely releases data on its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), but Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts estimated that at least 1.15 million tonnes, or about 280,000 bpd, flowed into the SPR in September.

The International Energy Agency said that China has been building its crude stockpiles at a record pace in 2017, contributing to the country's expected demand growth of 540,000 bpd in 2017 from 2016.

The IEA does expect China's crude oil demand growth to slow to 325,000 bpd in 2018 as the country closes in on filling its available storage tanks.

While China's buying of crude for its SPR isn't a new dynamic, in the global oil market it effectively represents a shift of where oil is being stored.

As the global benchmark Brent crude moves into backwardation, where prices for oil for future delivery become cheaper than cargoes for immediate shipping, it becomes unprofitable for producers and traders to store crude.

This has resulted in stored oil being released onto the market, and China has shown it's a willing buyer.

In particular it appears that crude in floating storage in the Asian region has been moved to China.

Source : Reuters
Chinese detailhandelsverkopen stijgen harder

Toename van 10,3 procent in september.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in september harder gestegen dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek donderdag uit overheidscijfers.

De verkopen stegen met 10,3 procent op jaarbasis na een toename van 10,1 procent in augustus.

Op maandbasis stegen de Chinese detailhandelsverkopen met 0,9 procent in september, na een toename van 0,8 procent in augustus.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Groei Chinese industriele productie trekt aan

Toename boven verwachting.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De industriële productie in China is in september sterker toegenomen dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek donderdag uit overheidscijfers.

De productie van de Chinese industrie steeg vorige maand met 6,6 procent ten opzichte van september 2016. In augustus was sprake van een groei van 6,0 procent. Er was gerekend op een groei van 6,5 procent.

Op maandbasis was in augustus sprake van een stijging van de productie met 0,6 procent, tegen 0,5 procent in augustus.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese economie groeit minder hard in derde kwartaal

BBP stijgt met 6,8 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De economie van China is in het derde kwartaal van 2017 minder hard gegroeid. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese nationale statistiekbureau.

In de maanden juli tot en met september groeide het bruto binnenlands product van China met 6,8 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde periode in 2016. In de eerste helft van het jaar was er sprake van een groei van 6,9 procent.

De groei van 6,8 procent was conform de verwachting van geraadpleegde economen.

Ten opzichte van het tweede kwartaal groeide de Chinese economie met 1,7 procent. De groei in het tweede kwartaal werd bijgesteld van de eerder vermelde groei van 1,7 naar 1,8 procent.

China lijkt op weg te blijven om in heel 2017 aan de doelstelling van een economische groei van 6,5 procent te voldoen.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China to reduce smog pollution cut down excess capacity

Reuters reported that the Chinese government’s campaign to reduce smog pollution and whittle down excess production is set to take around a tenth of its aluminum smelting capacity out of the market by the year-end, potentially adding fuel to a months-long price rally. That impact could have been even more severe - if the world’s largest aluminum producer, privately-held China Hongqiao Group, had been forced to cut output by 30 percent this winter. But, in an apparent reprieve late last week, its cuts are likely to be far less than that.

China last year accounted for over half the world’s annual primary aluminum production of almost 59 million tonnes, according to the London-based International Aluminium Institute.

It has annual aluminum smelting capacity of 45 million tonnes, according to consultancy CRU. New capacity has still come on line in China this year, even as illegal, unlicensed capacity has been shut down.

A Reuters survey of six consultancies and brokerages last week, before the Hongqiao news, showed that up to 1 million tonnes of the light metal, used in making cars and white goods, could be cut during the 4-month heating season in northern China, which begins in mid-November, in the country’s first winter restrictions on aluminum.

That works out at as much as 3 million tonnes on an annualized basis and is on top of the 3-4 million tonnes of annual capacity estimated to have closed permanently this year as part of a crackdown on facilities built without necessary permits.

The prospect of supply cuts in China has roiled markets, particularly in the eastern province of Shandong, home to several smelters including Hongqiao, which will shoulder 80% of the winter cuts, according to Wood Mackenzie analyst Ami Shivkar.

Chinese aluminum prices hit 6-year highs above 17,000 yuan (USD 2,581.74) per ton in August, and are on track for their best annual performance in eight years, as investors have bet that government policy will help trim a global glut that has dampened prices for years.

The Chinese government has told 28 northern cities, including Binzhou and six others in Shandong, to take stringent steps to curb smog this winter. Among these is a requirement for smelters to cut primary aluminum production by at least 30%.

Source : Reuters
China's Sept iron ore aberration boosts smaller exporters: Russell

Reuters reported that the detail of China's record iron ore imports in September is likely to prove more interesting than the headline-grabbing surge above 100 million tonnes for the first time.

Preliminary customs data released on Oct. 13 showed China imported 103 million tonnes of the steel-making ingredient in September, a 16% jump on August's figure and shattering the previous monthly record of 96.6 million from March.

The prevailing market view is that the sharp jump in September is most likely a last hurrah ahead of some slower months as winter restrictions on steel output come into force. This means that Chinese steel mills and traders have effectively front-loaded iron ore imports, suggesting that arrivals will moderate in the fourth quarter as steel cutbacks start to bite.

Authorities in some of China's steel-producing provinces have ordered mills to cut output in a bid to lower air pollution in the upcoming winter months.

In Tangshan, a major steel-making city, authorities last week ordered mills to cut sintering - a process using coal to upgrade lower-quality iron ore prior to it being fed into a blast furnace by 50%, joining other centres in implementing anti-pollution measures.

Lower steel output has resulted in the price of benchmark Shanghai steel rebar reaching a one-month high on Monday as investors fretted about lower supplies in coming months.

So far, higher steel prices have also dragged iron ore along for the rise, with futures on the Dalian Commodity Exchange jumping more than 3 percent on Monday to a near three-week high.

However, as steel output slows over winter, it's likely that the price of steel and iron ore will decouple as demand for iron ore slips in line with slower steel production.

This is likely to make September's record iron ore imports an outlier, although there is no reason to think that imports are in line for a sharp reversal.

What is likely is that China will concentrate on bringing in more higher-grade iron ore, a move that will benefit the top exporters Australia, Brazil and China.

While the detailed customs breakdown of September's imports will only be available next week, it appears that some of the additional cargoes brought in were from suppliers outside the big three.

Vessel-tracking data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts showed that imports from Australia, Brazil and South Africa totaled 79 million tonnes in September, giving the big three a market share of 77%. This is well below the 86% those three countries enjoyed in the first eight months of the year, according to the official customs numbers.

Customs figures and vessel-tracking don't align exactly, given slight differences in when cargoes are assessed as having arrived and the volumes contained in each ship. But the difference is negligible, with customs data for the first eight months showing imports from Australia, Brazil and South Africa at 619 million tonnes, 1.5% above the ship data's 610 million tonnes.

Source : Reuters
China's electric car output likely to hit 1 million next year – Mr Xu Heyi

Reuters quoted Mr Xu Heyi chairman of carmaker BAIC Group as saying that China's electric vehicle production could touch 1 million units next year and 3 million units by 2020, likely exceeding a government set target.

China is aiming to produce 2 million EVs a year by 2020 and 7 million units five years later, amounting to a fifth of total car production by 2025.

The country produced 424,000 new energy vehicles in the first three quarters of this year, including hybrids, up 40.2 percent compared with the same period of 2016, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

Mr Xu told reporters on the sidelines of the ongoing Communist Party Congress that "The trend is definite.” He said that "Rather than the time when gasoline fuelled cars are withdrawn, it is more important to consider the extent to which new energy vehicles are popularized, or their market share.”

An industry ministry official said last month that China was already looking into setting a timetable to ban the production and sale of cars using traditional fuels.

Source : Reuters
China is building a mega-airport in Beijing - Report

Graphic Online reported that In China, construction is underway for one of the biggest airports in the world. Beijing Daxing Airport is about 42 miles south of the city center and will be accessible by high-speed train. Mr Edmund Smith Asante, who visited the construction site in the company three full bus loads of local and international journalists, the new airport would take some of the aviation load off the Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) in Beijing.

The multi-billion project which begun in December 2014 is located between Yufa Town and Lixian Tang of Beijing Daxing District and Guangyang District of Langfang in the Hebei Province 46km from the Tian’anmen Square and 67km from the Capital Airport.

It is scheduled to be fully completed in 2019 and test flights conducted in October that same year.

Briefing the journalists, the spokesperson for the contractors (Beijing Construction Engineering Group, Beijing Urban Construction Investment and Development Co. Ltd and China Construction 8th Engineering Division Co. Ltd), Mr Zhu Wenxin said the work was being carried out on schedule and it was certain the deadline for completion would be met.

Source : Graphic Onlie
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