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China exploring regulatory and management systems for battery recycling
Published on Wed, 29 Nov 2017

China Daily reported that with the market for new energy vehicles booming, China is now the largest new energy vehicle battery producer. But with the opportunity comes a challenge: how to recycle the growing number of redundant batteries. China is still exploring regulatory and management systems for battery recycling. Industry and Information Technology Minister Mr Miao Wei recently said that China will establish an extended producer responsibility regime, which would make car manufacturers responsible for recycling.

China's total production and sales of new energy vehicles is expected to reach 5 million by 2020. As the average lifespan of power batteries is about five to eight years, according to Gao Gong Industry Institute, a Shenzhen-based research firm, China will see the amount of redundant batteries hit about250,000 metric tons in 2020, almost 20 times that of 2016. The scrapped batteries, if not properly dealt with, will be a waste of resources as well as a source of pollution. An environmentally sustainable and cost efficient recycling method is a universal concern in the new energy vehicle industry.

Mr Xu Shengming, a researcher at Tsinghua University's Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, said that “There are two main recycling paths. One is hierarchical-recycling: when the battery is no longer usable due to its declining capacity, it can be re-utilized in alternative energy storage stations, low-speed electric vehicles and distributed power generation. The other path is to dismantle, recycle and reuse the components. The recycling and reutilization of batteries will be a huge market. At present, we are in a stage of technical accumulation and research. In the future, recycling technology and technological innovation will be the core competitiveness of companies."

Some new energy vehicle companies and battery suppliers are actively taking action. BAIC BJEV, the new energy vehicle arm of automaker BAIC Motor, has set up a company focusing on the sustainable treatment of redundant batteries and precious metals in Hebei Province. Battery maker CATL is exploring a green chain. When a battery's capacity is less than 80 % of its rated capacity, it is taken to the company's battery energy storage system. After this hierarchical-recycling, they will be dismantled and the components recycled for new batteries. GEM Co Ltd, a Shenzhen-based company dedicated to recycling, has cooperated with new energy vehicle manufacturers such as BYD and Dongfeng.

Source : China Daily
China moves against coal fired captive power plants

Economic Times reported that local Chinese authorities should "seriously deal with" coal-fired captive power plants that fail to meet power efficiency, safety and environmental standards.

China's National Development and Reform Commission said in a statement that local authorities should also enact policies to regulate and supervise captive power plants as part of Beijing's effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution.

Captive power plants are typically built by large industrial enterprises, such as steel, aluminium and petrochemical producers, to secure power supplies and lower power costs.

At the end of 2016, China had an installed captive power capacity of 142 gigawatts, with more than 80 percent fuelled by coal, according to an earlier survey conducted by the NDRC.

New captive coal-fired power capacity was banned by the NDRC in 2015 in the smog-prone Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze river delta and Pearl river delta area to reduce air pollution.

Industries using captive power plants were also encouraged in 2015 to replace coal with clean energy such as hydro, wind and solar power, as part of China's effort to boosting renewable energy consumption and ease environmental pressures.

The NDRC said that local authorities should reduce taxes on captive power plants recycling excess heat, gas and pressure from power generation, to encourage users to improve power efficiency.

Source : Economic Times
Chinese economie staat er iets beter voor

Zowel industrie als dienstensector groeit harder in november.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in zowel de Chinese industrie als de dienstensector is in november in een hoger tempo toegenomen. Dit bleek donderdag uit overheidscijfers.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie steeg van 51,6 in oktober naar 51,8 in november. Er was een indexniveau verwacht van 51,5.

De dienstensector in China groeide in november ook in een hoger tempo. De inkoopmanagersindex liep op van 54,3 in oktober naar 54,8 deze maand.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 betekent dat de industrie krimpt.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

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Sjoerd den Daas Job Woudt • Ondernemen
Talpa in China is meer ruzie dan entertainment

De avonturen van Talpa Media in China hebben een nieuwe, onverwachte wending genomen. De tv-producent heeft medio november een bijna twee jaar oud juridisch geschil over The Voice of China bijgelegd met de voormalige zakenpartner Star China Media uit Hongkong.

De schikking die nu is afgesproken, valt vrijwel samen met het opzeggen van een joint venture met het eveneens Chinese Talent International. Talent is volgens Talpa betalingen niet nagekomen. Het bedrijf kwam begin 2016 aan boord als partner van de Nederlandse tv-producent, nadat de relatie met Star op de klippen was gelopen.
De Taiwanese zanger Jay Chou was een van de juryleden in het vierde seizoen van het Talpa-format The Voice of China.

De schikking in de zaak met Star maakt in beginsel de weg vrij om The Voice of China weer samen met Star te produceren, zoals eerder ook het geval was. Maar zover is het zeker niet, mede omdat de Chinese regelgeving het buitenlandse producenten de afgelopen jaren moeilijker heeft gemaakt actief te zijn in dit land. 'Talpa beraadt zich opnieuw hoe het verder moet in China', zegt ceo Pim Schmitz van Talpa.


China geldt door zijn snelgroeiende economie en 1,3 miljard inwoners al jarenlang als het beloofde land voor westerse producenten van entertainment. Tegelijkertijd kent het land een traditie van piraterij en gedoe over intellectueel eigendom. Talpa is er al langer actief, niet alleen met The Voice maar ook bijvoorbeeld met het realityprogramma Utopia waarvoor in 2014 een afspraak werd gemaakt met techgigant Tencent. Het land de rug toekeren zal de productiemaatschappij zeker niet. Schmitz: 'Het blijft interessant voor ons.'

De afgelopen twee jaar stonden voor Talpa echter in het teken van een aantal rechtszaken met Star als gevolg van het ontbinden van de eerdere joint venture. Talpa-oprichter John de Mol maakte begin 2016 het verwijt dat dit Chinese mediabedrijf te weinig inzicht gaf in de geldstromen.

Tv-producties in China worden in de regel afgerekend volgens een zakelijk model, waarbij de omroeporganisatie de sponsor- en advertentieopbrengsten deelt met de producent. The Voice of China groeide in korte tijd uit tot een van de populairste programma's in de Volksrepubliek, met kijkcijfers tot in de vele honderden miljoenen.
Chinese industrie groeit iets minder hard - Markit

Inkoopmanagersindex in november gedaald naar 50,8.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in november in een iets lager tempo gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex daalde van 51,0 naar 50,8.

Uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid bleek eerder deze week juist een stijging van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie, namelijk van 51,6 in oktober naar 51,8 in november.

Een indexstand groter dan 50 wijst op groei van de industrie, terwijl minder dan 50 krimp betekent.

"De economische groei in 2017 zal vermoedelijk hoger uitkomen dan vorig jaar, maar komt vermoedelijk in 2018 onder druk te staan", zei econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van CEBM in een toelichting.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China government to oppose anti dumping investigation into Chinese sheet aluminium import

China’s Ministry of Commerce said the move would damage the trade in aluminium products between China and the United States, and hurt both nations’ economic interests. The ministry said it would take “necessary action” to protect the legitimate interests of Chinese companies.

Mr He Weiwen, a former business adviser at the Chinese consulate in New York, said that “It indicates that the US government is rushing to stand on the front line to protect its steel and non-ferrous metal industries.”

Mr Sun Lei, a Beijing-based lawyer with global law firm Dentons, said the investigations showed Trump was following through on pledges made on the presidential campaign trail. Mr Sun said that “It is a clear political declaration of the US’ trade protectionism.”

Source : South China Morning Post
China's war on smog biggest uncertainty' for copper smelters – Mr Yuneng Wu

Reuters reported that China’s environmental crackdown is the “biggest uncertainty” facing the nation’s copper smelters, as the government steps up inspections and stiffens emissions control standards.

Mr Yuneng Wu, vice president of the state-owned company, which is the country’s top integrated copper producer, said at the Asia Copper Conference in Shanghai said that “Producers risk being shut down. Supervision teams are everywhere.”

He said that China’s major smelters have eliminated outdated technology and upgraded equipment as part of the government’s push to make the industry more efficient and reduce pollution.

But this year the emissions requirements were strengthened by 50%, requiring companies to install more environmental protection equipment.

Source : Reuters
Chinese Premier calls to accelerate China to Europe land-sea express line

ECNS reported that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called to accelerate building of the China-Europe land-sea express line when he met with his Serbian counterpart Ana Brnabic as construction of the Serbian section of Hungary-Serbia Railway began.

Premier Li said that section's construction signified a breakthrough progress for the Hungary-Serbia Railway.He said that it's hoped that both countries can further advance the project and complete the flagship program as soon as possible, which will inject new momentum into building the China-Europe land-sea express line and regional connectivity.

The 350-km flagship railway will link Hungarian capital Budapest with Serbian capital Belgrade, with 184 km in Serbia and the rest in Hungary. A group of Chinese enterprises, led by China Railway Co, will build the line that will shorten the travel time from eight hours to three hours.

Hungary announced an open bidding for the railway's Hungarian section during the sixth Meeting of Heads of Government of China-Central and Eastern European Countries.

Source : ECNS
Kuwait-China construction ventures top USD 8 billion in 2017

Arabian Business quoted Mr Wang Di, China's Ambassador to Kuwait as saying that the development marks the most lucrative deals that Beijing has forged with a Gulf country. The value of construction projects involving Kuwait and China this year is USD 8.2 billion (KWD2.4 billion).

Mr Wang Di said the development marks the most lucrative deals that Beijing has forged with a Gulf country. He added that trade between Kuwait and Beijing is worth USD 3.8 billion (KWD 1.2 billion), while China has imported 4.7 tonnes of crude oil from Kuwait to date.

The secretary-general of Kuwait's General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development, Dr Khaled Mahdi, said that Kuwaiti loans worth USD 825m (KWD248.8m) were given to China in 1982.

Source : Arabian Business
Tesla build a R&D center in Beijing
Published on Fri, 01 Dec 2017

Caixing Global reported that Tesla recently set up a research and development (R&D) center in Beijing, one month after the central government confirmed the company is looking to open a factory in Shanghai. The new company, Tesla (Beijing) New Energy R&D Co. Ltd., has a registered capital of USD 2 million, and its sole shareholder is Tesla’s Hong Kong unit, Tesla Motors (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. according to a government filing posted on the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System website.

The new R&D center will work on electric vehicles, their parts and batteries. The scope of its business will also include the transfer of R&D achievements, technological services and consulting, according to the filing.

The venture is Tesla’s latest effort to infiltrate the Chinese market, which is now its second most important after the US.

Last month, the Ministry of Commerce confirmed for the first time that Tesla was in discussions with the city’s government about the construction of a production facility in Shanghai’s free trade zone.

China’s central government has recently moved toward easing restrictions imposed on foreign automakers as the country ramps up efforts to develop the electric car industry. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said this month that the current 50% ceiling on the size of the stake that foreign companies can hold in car factories in the country will be increased by June, as long as the companies are producing new-energy cars in free trade zones.

This policy shift in the world’s largest electric vehicle market could pave the way for Tesla to set up its own wholly-owned factory in the country. Although cars made in China’s free trade zones will still be subject to the current 45% tariff, Beijing has also promised to lower the tax in the near future.

Tesla’s Beijing R&D center could also clear obstacles for the company to obtain a “new-energy vehicle license,” a program that Beijing suspended in June due to concerns that too many companies rushing into the market may have already created a glut in the electric car market.

Source : Caixing Global
Ik denk dat Tesla in China geld wil ophalen en daarom een nepbedrijf daar heeft gevestigd.

De Chinese overnamemachine hapert

Peking blokkeert overnames die geen strategische bezittingen opleveren. Het ziet liever dat bedrijven hun schulden aflossen.
China's aluminium market too relaxed about US dumping moves

pting for China's aluminium market participants to dismiss as inconsequential the latest move by the US Commerce Department to impose anti-subsidy and anti-dumping duties on imports of aluminium alloy sheet. The proposed moves would affect only a small amount of China's aluminium exports, but the main issue isn't the economic value of the US action, but rather where it ultimately may lead.

The United States' imports of flat-rolled alloy sheet from China were just USD 603.6 million in 2016, and the latest action doesn't affect the considerably more valuable trade in aluminium used to make beverage cans.

The new move comes after the Commerce Department in October imposed preliminary duties on imports of aluminium foil from China.

Again, the amount of aluminium affected is negligible compared to China's total exports, but it does illustrate a wider trend.

While China's aluminium producers may feel they can afford to be relaxed about the imposition of US anti dumping measures, the example of what has happened to their counterparts in the steel industry may prove instructive.

The United States has also levelled accusations against China about dumping steel, and although the issue was discussed at high-levels talks in Washington in July, no measures have yet been imposed on Chinese exports.

Similar to aluminium, China's steel exports to the United States are a small percentage of its overall shipments abroad, a factor that allowed Chinese steel mills to appear nonchalant about the threats of action by the Trump administration.

Also similar to aluminium, China isn't a major supplier of steel to the United States, with it ranking 10th, well behind the top suppliers, the US neighbours of Canada and Mexico.

In theory, for both steel and aluminium, Chinese exporters should be able to shrug off US anti-dumping duties, or the threat thereof.

But the importance lies much more in the symbolism.

Source : Reuters
China rising copper output may threaten electric vehicle fuelled rally
Published on Mon, 04 Dec 2017

Reuters reported that China’s rising copper output and concerns of a slowdown in its real estate market may lead investors to exit big bullish bets in the copper market, leading to a double-digit percentage drop in prices. Mr Qian Zhou Chaos Investment base metals chief said in a panel discussion at the Asia Copper conference that “In the first half of 2018, we’ll see pressure because of the weakening of the real estate market.” He added that “We expect a V-shaped trajectory.”

Mr Adam Gillard, who works on commodity hedge fund sales at the bank said that standard Chartered Bank expects softer copper prices in the first quarter as 300,000 tonnes of new metal supply comes on stream and demand deteriorates because of a property slowdown as Beijing continues to cool an over-heated market.

The comments suggest that the buying spree that pushed copper prices to multi-year highs in Shanghai and London over the past month may be overdone. Investors have added bullish bets on expectations of soaring long term demand from the predicted expansion of electric vehicle production.

China is the world’s largest copper user.

Any pressure on prices could force Chinese speculators to unwind bullish bets worth billions of dollars they have built up over the past month, which would accelerate any sell-off and price drop.

Mr Gillard who was speaking on the same panel said that “The largest risk to copper in the first quarter will be if it moves to USD 6,500 or USD 6,400. That’ll test the dominant longs in the market.”

The bank estimates the speculators bought their positions around those levels.

Mr Gillardsaig that “Should copper move lower because of higher refined production, then we think there’s a possibility for a move lower to USD 6,000.” That would equate to a 14 % drop in prices from current levels.

Executives said that scale of the selling could be similar to the sudden liquidation in aluminium this month as investors exited bullish bets made in expectation of supply shortages because of the Chinese government’s orders to cut output as part of its clean air campaign.

Aluminium prices have fallen 7 % so far this month, on track for their worst monthly performance since May 2016, amid doubts over the scale and pace of those closures.

Mr Zhou said that “In recent years, traders have been speculating on policies and that’s why we’ve seen more money and volatility (in metals prices).”

Source : Reuters
Ford mikt op groei in China

Autofabrikant introduceert in komende jaren ruim 50 nieuwe modellen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Ford Motor Company wil groeien in China en zal in de komende jaren ruim 50 nieuwe modellen introduceren die voor omzetgroei moeten zorgen in de grootste automarkt ter wereld. Dit maakte de Amerikaanse autofabrikant dinsdag bekend.

De omzet in China moet volgens de plannen tegen 2025 met 50 procent zijn gegroeid ten opzichte van 2017.

De focus van de Amerikaanse autofabrikant komt te liggen op de productie van sportieve terreinwagens, ook wel SUV's genoemd, en elektrische en zelfrijdende auto's. Er worden acht nieuwe SUV's en tenminste 15 elektrische modellen van Ford en Lincoln geïntroduceerd.

Los hiervan zal de joint venture tussen Ford en de Chinese autofabrikant Zotye ook een aantal elektrische auto's gaan maken die beter betaalbaar zullen zijn. Deze modellen worden aangeboden onder een nieuw merk, maar toezichthouders moeten hiervoor nog toestemming verlenen.

De Amerikanen willen ook meer auto's in China zelf gaan produceren dan nu het geval is.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswire
Xiaomi wil voor 50 miljard dollar naar de beurs - media

Chinese smartphoneproducent wil expanderen.

(ABM FN) Smartphonemaker Xiaomi Corp is in gesprek met investeringsbanken over een mogelijke beursintroductie die het bedrijf moet waarderen op minimaal 50 miljard dollar. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg maandagavond op basis van bronnen.

Het in Peking gevestigde bedrijf overweegt om voor begin volgend jaar een notering aan de beurs van Hong Kong aan te vragen. Volgens Bloomberg stellen de betrokken zakenbanken intern evenwel vraagtekens bij de door Xiaomi beoogde waardering. Bij een onderhandse plaatsing in 2014 werd het bedrijf nog gewaardeerd op 46 miljard dollar.

Het in 2010 opgerichte bedrijf was in 2016 de op 4 na grootste smartphonefabrikant ter wereld. Het bedrijf, geleid door Lei Jun, heeft recentelijk agressief geïnvesteerd in winkels in India en staat nu op het punt om concurrent Samsung in 's werelds snelstgroeiende smartphonemarkt te overvleugelen, aldus Bloomberg.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China's State Grid interested in Brazil's power line licensing round

Reuters reported that State Grid Corp of China is interested in taking part in Brazil's power transmission line licensing round to be held next month. State Grid said it is evaluating all power transmission lines' projects to be offered by the government to investors in that round.

Brazil plans to offer 11 projects in the December 15 auction. It estimates the works will involve around 9 billion reais (USD 2.76 billion) in investments.

The Chinese company, the world's largest electricity firm, started operations in Brazil in 2010. It is in charge of building two of the largest power transmission lines in the country to connect the giant Amazon hydropower dam of Belo Monte to the high-power consuming region in the center-south.

Source : Reuters
China set to win race for first solar expressway - Report
Published on Tue, 05 Dec 2017

Global Construction Review reported that for nearly two years attention has been on France’s plans eventually to pave a thousand kilometres of motorway with photovoltaic panels, but with little fanfare China will open its first solar expressway this month. The report said that the world’s first expressway to generate power from the sun is now taking shape in the city of Jinan, in eastern China’s Shandong Province, and is set to open to the public in December.

Tough enough to carry “middle size vans”, the panels will pave Jinan’s city ring expressway, say reports.

As well as generating electricity, the road will be able to power electric vehicles and melt ice, and will “provide technical support to unmanned vehicles in the future”, reports suggest.

China pursues infrastructure innovation rapidly, as demonstrated by its astonishing urbanisation and nationwide rollout of high-speed rail.

It said that it may pursue solar paving with similar intensity, as the Jinan expressway follows a 160-metre-long test road in the city completed only in September (pictured). Another photovoltaic road began testing in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in November 2017.

Source : Global Construction Review
China’s growing use of aluminium beverage cans

Business Live reported that switch by China’s packaging firms to favour aluminium cans for beer and soft drinks is among key drivers that will underpin continued demand growth for the lightweight metal. Mr Alf Barrios CEO of Rio’s aluminium unit in an interview that world’s second-biggest miner, which generates more than a quarter of its revenue from the metal said that we also sees demand being boosted by the forecast rise of electric vehicles and the push by manufacturers to produce lighter cars to reduce emissions.

Mr Barrios said that "In the packaging sector, especially around soft drinks and beer in China, we’re seeing a shift from glass to aluminium."

Mr Barrios said that London-based Rio forecasts aluminium demand to rise about 4% a year for the next five years, and is yet to factor in the likely additional benefits that will flow from the adoption of electric vehicles, which typically use more of the metal than conventional vehicles.

Chinese beer makers, including Tsingtao Brewery, rose on Monday after both UBS and Goldman Sachs issued reports saying they expected industry-wide price hikes. UBS estimates 28% annual profit growth for the sector from 2018 to 2020 as demand recovers.

Global consumption of refined aluminium is likely to have annual growth of 3%-4% in 2018 and 2019, while China’s curbs to supply will act "as a long-term game changer", spurring price gains to incentivise the addition of new capacity elsewhere, according to Citigroup.

Mr Barrios said in the interview that supply cuts under antipollution efforts and industry reform in China means "the rest of the world, where demand is also growing, will have to supply itself with aluminium in future." He continued that "Until now, the thinking was that China would be a net exporter, and all that growth would come from China, that’s where the change is, that view is now different."

Source : Business Live
Shanxi Province Institutes Limits on Water Use for Aluminium Producers

Aluminium Insider reported that aluminium producers in the northern Chinese province of Shanxi are facing another hurdle in bringing their product to market after the provincial government instituted water usage rules for a handful of the local heavy industries.

According to state run media, the Development and Reform Commission decreed that steel, cement, and aluminium manufacturers who use more than their government-approved allotment of water will be assessed incremental levies beginning last Friday.

Industrial users who are found to use less than 20 % more than their allotment will find their water costs doubled, while those who use 60 % or more will pay quintuple for water and may incur a water shut-off in extreme cases.

This development could prove to be another millstone about the neck of local producers already facing mandatory 20-% production cuts for the winter. In addition to Beijing’s push to limit aluminium production, the coal-rich and heavy-industry haven Shanxi has pledged to drop fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) by 40 % in the non-summer months.

Though lagging behind the rest of the country in GDP, Shanxi possesses a thriving and robust industrial sector. Sitting atop around a third of China’s known coal and bauxite ore deposits, investors both foreign and domestic have poured billions of dollars into the province in efforts at harvesting its rich reserves. Shanxi is the home of more coal companies than any other Chinese province, and produces over 300 million metric tons of the mineral per annum.

However, the bountiful harvest has come with a price, as the mineral that has made mine owners wealthy has often been brought to the surface using dangerous and often lethal methods. Thousands of mine workers perish on the job each year, and recently the use of children in mining activities has been documented at some operations in the province.

Source : Aluminium Insider
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