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China 2018 copper demand to rise 3.6pct - Antaike

China State-run metals consultancy Beijing Antaike reported that China's national refined copper demand is forecast to hit 11.15 million tonne in 2018, up 3.6% from an estimated 10.76 million tonne this year. The agency said that despite an expected slowdown in China's copper demand growth in the 2017-20 period with average annual demand growth of around 3 to 5% compared with double-digit growth rates seen in the past decade China will remain the world's key copper demand driver in the next few years.

The domestic power sector will continue to be the largest copper consumer in China, due to power network upgrades and rural power network renovation, Antaike said in its copper sector report, released late Tuesday.

Antaike said that future demand will also come from investment in clean energy, as well as new energy vehicles. The agency forecasts China's national refined copper output at 8.6 million tonne next year, up 5.5% from an estimated 8.15 million tonne this year.

Antaike said that China's refined copper imports will total 3 million tonne in 2018, down 3.2% from an estimated 3.1 million tonne this year. It expects China to export 400,000 tonne of refined copper next year, up 14% from an estimated 350,000 tonne this year.

Source : Platts
China turns to WTO in aluminum foil dispute with United States

Reuters reported that China’s Ministry of Commerce has asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) for consultations on a recent US move to impose antidumping duties on imports of Chinese aluminum foil. The ministry, which accused Washington of breaking world trade rules after the United States on Oct. 27 imposed duties of up to 162 percent on Chinese foil imports, said late on Friday it had submitted the request for supplementary consultations under the WTO dispute resolution mechanism on Nov. 3.

The move comes as US President Mr Donald Trump, who in April ordered a probe into the impact of US aluminum imports on national security, prepares to visit China from Nov. 8-10.

Beijing complains that the United States uses a now expired clause in China’s 2001 WTO accession deal that for years allowed other WTO members to use a third country’s prices to assess whether Chinese goods were being dumped.

The ministry said that “Regrettably, the United States has ignored the expiration of Article 15 and still persists in its erroneous practice of continuing to use the ‘third country’ method in its anti-dumping investigations on imported products of China in violation of its obligation to WTO rules.”

In August, the United States made a separate preliminary decision to impose countervailing duties on Chinese aluminum foil.

Source : Reuters
Minder sterke groei export en import China

Gepubliceerd op 8 nov 2017 om 06:32 | Views: 623

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De export en import in China zijn in oktober minder sterk gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dat bleek woensdag uit douanecijfers.

De export nam met 6,1 procent toe, tegen 9 procent in september. De invoer dikte met 15,9 procent aan, minder dan de 19,5 procent een maand eerder. Daarbij werd gerekend in yuan. Het handelsoverschot kwam uit op 254,5 miljard yuan.

De import- en de exportgroei kwamen lager uit dan economen in doorsnee hadden voorzien.
Chinese inflatie stijgt

Inflatie oktober van 1,9 procent op jaarbasis.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese consumentenprijzen zijn in oktober op jaarbasis in een duidelijk hoger tempo gestegen dan in september. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De consumentenprijzen stegen de afgelopen maand met 1,9 procent op jaarbasis, iets hoger dan de verwachtingen van economen van 1,8 procent. In de voorgaande maand bedroeg de inflatie nog 1,6 procent.

Op maandbasis stegen de consumentenprijzen in oktober met 0,1 procent, na een stijging van 0,5 procent in september.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese producentenprijzen blijven hard stijgen

Toename van 6,9 procent op jaarbasis in oktober.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese producentenprijzen zijn in oktober in een zelfde tempo gestegen als een maand eerder. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De producentenprijzen namen in zowel oktober als september op jaarbasis met 6,9 procent toe, terwijl door economen een toename van 6,6 procent werd voorzien voor oktober.

Op maandbasis was er in oktober sprake van een stijging van het prijspeil met 0,7 procent, na een stijging van 1,0 procent in september.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese megaorder voor Boeing

Gepubliceerd op 9 nov 2017 om 07:12 | Views: 711

Boeing Company (The) 16:59
263,72 -1,85 (-0,70%)

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Chinese staatsbedrijf China Aviation Supplies Holding heeft een order geplaatst bij vliegtuigbouwer Boeing voor driehonderd toestellen ter waarde van meer dan 37 miljard dollar.

Het gaat om 260 vliegtuigen van het type 737 en 40 787 Dreamliners en 777's. Bij dergelijk grote orders worden doorgaans kortingen gegeven. De bestelling komt na een bezoek van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump aan zijn Chinese collega Xi Jinping in Peking.

China is hard bezig nieuwe vliegtuigen aan te schaffen om zo aan de groeiende vraag naar luchtvervoer in het land te voldoen. In juli werd nog bekend dat China een order had geplaatst bij het Europese Airbus voor 140 vliegtuigen met een waarde van 22 miljard dollar, na een ontmoeting van Xi met bondskanselier Angela Merkel in Berlijn.
China urged to ease reliance on DRC for cobalt

China, the world's top cobalt consumer, is "over-reliant" on the African country, which accounts for around half of global cobalt supplies, said Wu Lijue, chairperson of Guangdong Jiana Energy Technology Co, a supplier of cobalt salts and other materials for EV battery cathodes. Jiana itself, as well as compatriots including Huayou Cobalt Co and China Molybdenum, have all invested in cobalt-bearing assets in the DRC.

Speaking on the sidelines of the China International Nickel and Cobalt Industry Forum in Guangzhou, Wu told Reuters that China should consider upstream cobalt investments in Canada and Australia. Jiana has looked at potential assets in Canada, he said, without giving further details.

Mr Xu Aidong, secretary general of Antaike's cobalt branch, said China "should develop some new channels" in its cobalt supply chain, by turning to other cobalt-producing countries such as Australia and stepping up recycling.

The risk of investing in the DRC was highlighted in late September, when the country briefly ordered a joint venture of Chinese investors known as Sicomines to stop exporting raw copper and cobalt.

Mr Wu noted that China has only 1% of global cobalt reserves and was exposed to price fluctuations due to its hefty reliance on imports.

Driven by the EV boom, China's cobalt consumption is set to rise by 17.4% this year to 54 000 t, according to Ding Xuequan, vice president of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.

Mr Wu said China needed to work out how to guarantee supply of battery raw materials and reduce their costs. The latter could be achieved by a combination of supportive policies and accelerated R&D work.

Source : Reuters
Chinese battery maker CATL eyeing upstream cobalt investments - Executive

Reuters reported that Chinese battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd (CATL) is looking into upstream investments in raw materials, mostly cobalt, to ensure stable supply as demand for electric vehicles (EVs) soars, a company executive said.

Mr Hu Guoliang, assistant to CATL's president and general manager for its global EV product line, told reporters in Guangzhou that one of his colleagues had been assigned the task of coordinating with upstream suppliers. Asked if the firm was considering upstream investments, Hu said: "We are looking for all ways to collaborate with upstream and downstream, but obviously upstream is more difficult."

Several Chinese companies along the Chinese EV supply chain, including automaker Great Wall Motor Co, have bought stakes in overseas mines or been linked with such moves this year, amid expectations metal supply will not keep pace with EV demand.

Hu said on the sidelines of an industry conference, declining to specify which countries were being considered "Actually, my colleague Mr. Huang is right now talking with someone outside. He is in contact with a lot of upstream resources."

Asked which raw material supplies CATL was most keen to secure, Hu said: "It's mainly cobalt, for sure, because that's the most painful part," referring to a spike in prices for the metal, used in battery cathodes, so far this year.

Delegates had earlier said China needed to ease its reliance on the Democratic Republic of Congo, the world's biggest cobalt producer, to shore up a steady supply of the metal.

Mr Hu said that "The only problem is the upstream is so strong. It's not in our hands," adding that there might have to be more than one set of negotiations to reach any agreement.

Source : Reuters
China’s domestically developed nuclear turbine generator passes tests

GBTimes reported that the first turbine generator of the Hualong One nuclear project passed its ‘Type Tests’ on November 6. The checks took place at the Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co in China’s Sichuan Province and indicate that the initial stage of the project is now complete.

According to a report by China's state-run Xinhua news agency, the nuclear generator passed more than 30 tests, plus a four-day rotation examination, with the results exceeding the contract's requirements and standards expected.

Its successful development represents a major step forward in the creation of a ‘Chinese Nuclear Power’ brand, and an example of the country’s independent design and manufacturing capabilities.

The generator will be installed in the No.5 and No.6 units of a nuclear power plant in Fuqing, Fujian Province, where Hualong One technology is initially being implemented.

China began this project in May 2015 and announced its completion in May 2017.

The country has actively promoted Hualong One, both at home and abroad. There are currently four projects using the Hualong One design under construction, including two reactors in Karachi, Pakistan.

At this year’s Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, China National Nuclear Corporation signed a cooperation framework agreement with Argentina, which included using the Hualong One design in the construction of the South American country's fifth nuclear unit.

Source : GBTImes
Hoeveel staal zal gebruikt zijn?

China builds more than 800,000 bridges in Wuhan - Mr Zhou
Published on Thu, 09 Nov 2017

Associated Press of Pakistan cited Mr Zhou Wei, chief engineer from the Ministry of Transport as saying that China has built 805,300 highway bridges and 10,000 kilometers of high-speed rail bridges. Mr Zhou made the remarks at an international bridge expo held in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province.

Mr Zhou said seven of the longest cable-stayed bridges, six of the longest suspension bridges, six of the longest arch bridges, and five of the longest beam bridges are in China. China’s bridge construction has already become a name card for its “go global” strategy.

Mr Yan Hexiang, director of the technology and law division of the National Railway Administration, said that the country’s construction of Railway bridges also achieved major progress in recent years.

However, China has built 22,000 kilometers of high-speed rail, and bridges accounted for more than half of this mileage.

Source : Associated Press of Pakistan
Chinese autoverkoop stabiliseert

Goed jaareinde voorzien door brancheorganisatie.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De stijgende verkoop van auto's in China is in oktober vrijwel tot stilstand gekomen. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Chinese vereniging van autofabrikanten.

In de afgelopen maand werden er 2,35 miljoen personenauto's verkocht, een stijging van slechts 0,4 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. In de eerste tien maanden was er nog sprake van een stijging van 2,1 procent. Vorig jaar bedroeg de groei nog 15,9 procent.

Het Amerikaanse General Motors verkocht afgelopen maand 10,7 procent meer auto's en Volkswagen 9,2 procent. Ford zag de verkopen daarentegen met 5 procent dalen.

In tegenstelling tot de personenauto's was er bij bedrijfswagen sprake van een stijging van 14,8 procent. Daarmee werden er 351.000 voertuigen verkocht in oktober.

De brancheorganisatie verwacht dat een belastingverhoging op kleine auto's begin 2018 zal zorgen voor een goede verkoop aan het einde van dit jaar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Fortescue positive on Chinese pollution plan

Outgoing Fortescue Metals CEO Mr Nev Power has told Sky Business the company will look outwards in the wake of China's unprecedented crackdown on pollution. The Chinese government has restricted and shut down the operations of thousands steel mills across the country as part of a plan designed to reduce particulate pollution by 15 per cent year-on-year. The decision has affected the price of Fortescue's grade of iron ore, but Power believes it presents opportunities elsewhere.

Mr Power said that “We see it mostly likely to continue to impact until March next year, the announcements have been that those pollution controls on production will go through till then.”

He added that “As a result of that, what we've seen is steel mills looking to maximise production rather than to maximise the value and the cost of their product and therefore the price and the premium for high-grade iron ores has been bid up to very high premiums.”

“As a result of that, we see increasing opportunities for our product in markets outside China, because outside of China, the other half of steel production around the world - hasn't been benefiting from the very high steel prices and are more focussed on value in use and minimising their costs. We will be increasing focussing out outside of China with our products over the next few months.”

Fortescue is the lowest cost producer in Australia, beating even Rio Tinto.

Mr Power believes this positions it perfectly to deal with the negative consequences of China's decision. He said that “We have seen some volatility in the iron ore price, its been up and down a few dollars each day and of course that drives share price through the market.”

Mr Power said that “What I would say is, we are the lowest cost iron ore producer in the world and even in the market conditions that prevail during quarter on of this year, we've posted very strong cash margins and we've been continuing to improve our business, paying down our debt and continuing to generate those strong cash margins - so there is further upside for us in looking at those other markets.”

Source : Sky News com
China zet deur voor investeerders wijder open

Gepubliceerd op 10 nov 2017 om 08:17 | Views: 838

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - China wil de regels voor investeerders in de financiële sector versoepelen. Buitenlandse partijen mogen in de nieuwe plannen een meerderheidsbelang houden van 51 procent in joint-ventures gericht op de aandelenhandel. Dat was eerder 49 procent. Ook worden regelingen voor het eigendomsrecht voor Chinese banken, verzekeraars en vermogensbeheerders geschrapt.

De nieuwe regels die vrijdag aangekondigd werden, zullen investeerders een ongekende ingang geven tot de op één na grootste economie van de wereld. Volgens kenners wordt de aanpassing ook enigszins gezien als een overwinning van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump. Die drong tijdens zijn bezoek aan China aan op het verbeteren van de toegang tot de Chinese markt.
Chinese developers abandon international airport project in Laos SEZ

RFA reported that an international airport project scheduled for construction by a Chinese developer in northwestern Laos’s Bokeo province has been canceled so that an airport built earlier in the province may be upgraded instead. The abandoned project was to have been built on land taken by the King Romans Group from local villagers in 2014, a move leading to standoffs between angry farmers and armed guards sent to enforce the order to seize the land.

Speaking to RFA’s Lao Service this week, a Lao government official confirmed the project had been canceled.

Mr Somboun Daosawan, a manager in charge of airports at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, said that “[Project owners] will not pursue construction and are canceling the work because the government plans to upgrade the provincial airport in Bokeo. We have proposed that only that airport can be used in Bokeo.”

A Lao official responsible for the Chinese-developed special economic zone the new airport would have served also said that work on the project would now stop.

Mr Chanthavy Phothisane, vice chairman of the provincial committee for special economic zones, said that “Technical officials in the Civil Aviation Department now see that the [proposed] airport is not in the right location. Instead, they are planning to improve the provincial airport.”

Villagers displaced
The King Romans special economic zone (SEZ), incorporating land granted for 99 years in concession by the Lao government, began construction in the early 2000s and now includes an international border checkpoint and river port, a casino, hotels, and a Chinatown market with around 70 restaurants and shops selling a variety of retail goods.

Plans for the international airport project, which affected several villages in Bokeo’s Tonepheung district, were not made public until early 2013, after the Lao government signed a memorandum of understanding with the company.

In January 2014, farmers fearing displacement defied orders to vacate their land, standing in front of bulldozers sent to flatten their rice fields and forcing armed police deployed by King Romans to retreat.

Chinese workers favored
Villagers uprooted by the project were poorly compensated and were refused employment in the SEZ, which favors workers brought in from China, Bounphone Heuangmany—a representative for Bokeo in Laos’s National Assembly—said on Oct. 26.

She said that “I have said many times that the special economic zone has taken villagers’ farmland so that they have no means of livelihood left to them, and I have provided lists of names of local villagers who would like to work in the zone. But they are not recruited, because the SEZ gives priority in hiring to Chinese workers.”

Only about 300 Lao workers are now employed in the zone, while workers brought in from China and neighboring Myanmar number at least 6,000, Chanthavy Phothisane said.

He said that “Some say that local villagers are not good workers, but they are. It’s just that foreign workers are not choosy about the work they do, especially in the casino construction sites.”

Source : RFA
Afname groeitempo Chinese industriele productie

Groei conform verwachting.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De industriële productie in China is in oktober minder sterk gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek dinsdag uit overheidscijfers.

De productie van de Chinese industrie steeg vorige maand met 6,2 procent ten opzichte van oktober 2016. In september was nog sprake van een groei van 6,6 procent. Er was ook gerekend op een groei van 6,2 procent.

Op maandbasis was in oktober sprake van een stijging van de productie met 0,50 procent, tegen 0,55 procent in september.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese detailhandelsverkopen stijgen minder hard

Toename van 10 procent in oktober.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in oktober iets minder hard gestegen dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek dinsdag uit overheidscijfers.

De verkopen stegen met 10,0 procent op jaarbasis na een toename van 10,3 procent in september.

Op maandbasis stegen de Chinese detailhandelsverkopen met 0,74 procent in oktober, na een toename van 0,89 procent in september.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Cracks open in aluminium raw materials supply chains - Andy Home

Reuters reported that China’s winter heating season has arrived and the aluminium market is still struggling to work out what impact it will have on the country’s production. The question returned again and again at last week’s ARABAL conference in Oman but consensus answer came there none. Capacity will certainly close as part of the government’s drive to improve air quality in the region around Beijing. But potential offsets both from earlier “illegal” capacity closures and from higher output in unaffected parts of the country make the exact calculations fiendishly difficult.

In London three-month aluminium is trading around USD 2,120 a tonne, some way off the five-year high of USD 2,215 hit earlier this month. That suggests the market is taking a slightly more relaxed view about the size of the looming production hit, particularly in light of rapidly building stocks on the Shanghai Futures Exchange.

However, attention is now turning to the knock-on impacts of the winter industrial capacity cuts on key raw materials in the aluminium smelting process, particularly alumina and carbon anode.

Both have recently jumped in price and both featured heavily in last week’s discussions, both on and off-stage, in Oman.

Carbon anode was already a ticking time bomb for aluminium smelters, but one over which they have little control. The disruptive impact from alumina price volatility, by contrast, is to some extent a self-inflicted injury after a collective shift in pricing methodology.

The London aluminium price has climbed by almost 25 percent this year.

Alumina, the key metallic input to the smelting process, has jumped by almost 50 percent to about $465 a tonne.

It, too, is reacting to the potential for significant capacity closures in the most smog-prone parts of China.

As with the metal link in the supply chain, nobody is quite sure how much alumina will be lost over the coming winter heating months. Alumina demand, meanwhile, is a function of smelter operating rates, embedding the alumina price between two “known unknowns”.

Until very recently, alumina price volatility wasn’t a big deal for aluminium smelters, even though it is one of their most important costs along with power. That’s because, outside China at least, most of them had alumina supply contracts linking the price to that of primary aluminium. It was, as Ali Al-Baqali, deputy chief executive at Aluminium Bahrain, told ARABAL delegates, a natural hedge.

And now that natural hedge has gone.

Led by Alcoa, the smelter sector has largely dropped any linkage between alumina and aluminium pricing over the past five years.

Alcoa now prices about 85 percent of its third-party alumina sales using some form of alumina price index, according to the company’s third-quarter results.

So do most other producers. At a stroke, the global smelter sector has lost control over one of its most important production costs.

You can’t make aluminium without alumina and you can’t make it without an anode either.

And, according to Robert Dickie, senior consultant at U.S. research house Harbor Aluminum Intelligence, “there is no viable alternative to the carbon anode”, produced from petroleum coke and liquid pitch.

This part of the aluminium supply chain is also being upended by China’s environmental winter cuts.

But it has been tightening steadily for several years, with analysts warning as long ago as 2015 of a pending supply crunch.

China is one of the world’s major producers of carbon anode but, even before this year’s round of seasonal cuts, it was directing ever-increasing amounts to meeting domestic demand, cutting exports in the process.

The world outside of China has been scrambling ever more desperately for replacement supply.

“There’s just not enough coke,” Ritchie says.

With petroleum coke accounting for only a very small part of oil refiners’ revenues and most of that coke not the right sort of material for making carbon anodes anyway, there is little prospect of any supply response any time soon.

A market rebalancing will have to come from the demand side.

What this means is that smelters must “blend, blend and blend” low-sulphur anode coke with other forms of fuel coke, said Yasmin Brown of Jacobs Consultancy.

Unfortunately, none of the speakers appearing on the raw materials panel at the conference could produce any evidence that this is actually happening.

Too many procurement and research and development departments still operate in their own mutually exclusive silos.

Such has been the market’s fixation on Chinese aluminium production that these equally unstable components of the smelting process have tended to be overlooked.

The Chinese winter cuts have exposed underlying pricing and supply stresses in both the alumina and carbon anode sectors.

And since both are core but currently unhedgeable cost components, there are plenty of implications for aluminium pricing, adding another layer of complexity to an already multi-dimensional puzzle.

Source : Reuters
China to resolve renewable energy waste problem by 2020 -NEA

REUTERS quoted China national Energy Administration as saying that China aims to resolve the problem of wasted power in its renewable energy sector by 2020.

Power generated from wind, solar and hydro power plants is often wasted as there is not enough transmission capacity to absorb the electricity, leading to high curtailment rates, especially in northwestern part of the country.

The country vowed to raise the portion of its renewable and non-fossil fuel power consumption to 15 percent of total energy mix by 2020 and 20 percent by 2030.

Source : Reuters
Chinese aluminum output in October falls 2.3% MoM- NBS

Reuters reported that China’s primary aluminum production fell for a fourth straight month in October, hit by high costs and the closure of illegal capacity, with further decreases expected soon as winter output restrictions kick in. according to the National Bureau of Statistics, China churned out 2.55 million tonnes of the metal last month, down 2.3% MoM from 2.61 million tonnes in September and versus 2.73 million tonnes in October, 2016. Year-to-date aluminum production came in at 27.23 million tonnes, up 3.7% YoY

China’s aluminum production has been declining since June’s record-high of 2.93 million tonnes following the closure of illegal smelting capacity. Output is set to dip further in the coming months as China imposes its first ever winter restrictions on aluminum production, part of the government’s battle against pollution. However, the cuts, which are getting under way in smog-prone cities as northern China’s heating season begins this week, may not be as severe as initially expected.

It remains on course for a record-high in 2017, but the year-on-year growth rate has slowed dramatically from double digits in February-April.

Source : Reuters
China October power output up by 2.5pct

REUTERS reported that China generated 503.8 billion kilowatt-hours of power in October, up 2.5 percent from a year earlier, government data showed on Tuesday, driven by solid growth in the world's No.2 economy.

According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, over the first 10 months of 2017, power generation reached 5.19 trillion kWh, up 6 percent from the same time last year.

Hydropower volumes rose 16.9% in October and 2.2% in the first 10 months of the year. Thermal electricity, generated almost entirely by coal-fired capacity, fell 2.8% in October as China pushes to replace the fuel with cleaner energy. Thermal power generation climbed 5.4 percent over the first 10 months.

Source : Reuters
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