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Nickel get boost from Chinese steel market gains

Reuters reported that nickel gained as the metal mainly used in stainless steel got a boost after Chinese steel futures touched three-month highs. Steel and iron ore contracts in Shanghai surged on Monday as government-ordered steel production cutbacks to reduce pollution led to tighter supplies for some mill products.

Ms Caroline Bain, chief commodities economist at Capital Economics, said that stronger prices might not last long because eventually the steel production cutbacks during the peak Chinese smog season in the winter would mean less need for nickel.

Benchmark nickel on the London Metal Exchange climbed 0.8 % to USD 11,385 a tonne in official open outcry trading, building on gains of 1.6 USD .

Capital Economics expects nickel which has declined 12 % from a two-year peak of USD 13,030 hit on Nov 1 to end this year at USD 10,750.

Ms Bain added that other metals are also likely to see a modest amount of further downside.

Ms Bain said that “There’s quite a lot of speculation in the market and we think there’s over-optimism about the strength of Chinese demand.” Ms Bain added that “I think there are clear signs now that the economy is cooling, particularly in the metals-intensive industries.”

Mr Alastair Munro at broker Marex Spectron said that “Whilst China property concerns remain, steady global growth expectations coupled with on-going mine supply disruptions are likely to lend support on dips with USD 6,550-USD 6,650 the bottom of a new range.”

Source : Reuters
China Trina Solar shelves plan to set up plant in India

China-based Trina Solar, the world’s biggest solar panel maker, has put on hold its make in India plan to set up a 1,000 megawatt manufacturing unit in India because of low prices and absence of supportive policies but it will invest up to USD 500 million if it gets the right incentives.

Mr Gaurav Mathur India sales head of Trina Solar, told ET that “We have put on hold the plans to start production in India, because the prices are too low. This is not the right time to invest in solar as there are over capacities in the (global) market.”

Mr Mathur said international players like Trina will be interested in incentives to set up manufacturing in India, and the government’s domestic manufacturing policy for solar, which is in the works, may provide some clarity on the plans. He said that “We are willing to manufacture in India, provided we get some kind of benefit, specifically for solar industry. It is only a matter of time. We will set up (the manufacturing unit) provided we have the right kind of policy support from the government.”

In 2015, Trina Solar bought land near Visakhapatnam to set up a manufacturing unit for solar cells and modules, with an estimated capacity of over 1 gigawatt. The project entailed a Skill India element, where 2,000-3,000 individuals would be trained and then eventually absorbed to work at the manufacturing unit.

Mr Mathur said that the plant at Visakhapatnam would require an investment of USD 400 million to USD 500 million. He added that India remains one of the most important markets for Trina, and they cannot ignore it even though it is a low selling price market. Trina Solar’s CEO Jifan Gao recently said the company might be re-considering its decision on a planned manufacturing unit in India, because prices there are “too low”. Industry experts say demand had firmed up in the Chinese market, influencing prices. India, on the other hand, remains an extremely pricesensitive market.

Mr Vinay Rustagi managing director of solar consultancy firm Bridge to India said that “India is an extremely price-sensitive market with prices paid by Indian developers amongst the lowest in the world.”

Industry sources said that Chinese player, which holds about 20% of India’s market share, was looking for a partner to set up the said plant. Indian conglomerate Shapoorji Pallonji was also in active discussions with Trina but the talks seem to have died out over the past few months on account of uncertainty around prices and government policies.

Source : Economic Times
Sterke groei Chinese export

Gepubliceerd op 8 dec 2017 om 06:51 | Views: 726

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese export is in november sterker gegroeid dan in dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. Dat bleek vrijdag uit douanecijfers.

De export nam met 10,3 procent toe ten opzichte van een jaar terug. In oktober was nog sprake van een bijgestelde groei van 6 procent. Economen rekenden in doorsnee op een groei van de uitvoer met 2 procent.

\De invoer dikte met 15,6 procent aan op jaarbasis. Hier rekenden kenners in doorsnee op een groei van 12,5 procent. In oktober was nog sprake van een groei van de import met 15,9 procent. Daarbij werd gerekend in yuan.

Het handelsoverschot kwam uit op 263,6 miljard yuan.
Chinese Tianjin to build intercity railway linking to Xiongan New Area

Xinhua reported that North China's Tianjin Municipality is planning to build an intercity high-speed railway to connect with Xiongan New Area in north China's Hebei Province. The authorities are doing the preliminary work and will strive to start construction at an early date, said Song Liwei, head of the Tianjin Urban and Rural Construction Commission.

Meanwhile, Tianjin is scheduled to start construction of its sections of two high-speed railways linking Beijing with the Binhai New Area of Tianjin and Tangshan in Hebei next year, Song said.

Beijing also plans to build an expressway and two high-speed railways, including an intercity railway, to link with Xiongan.

Source : Xinhua
Chinees kind na aanrijding vermoord om schadeclaim te voorkomen
Vandaag, 11:35

Een Chinese automobilist wilde koste wat het kost het risico van een levenslange schadeclaim voorkomen nadat hij een 9-jarig meisje had aangereden in het dorp Shaling. In plaats van eerste hulp te verlenen of een ambulance te bellen nam hij het kind mee en vermoordde haar. Hij dumpte het lichaam daarna weer in de buurt van het dorp.

Een getuige zag de aanrijding gebeuren, noteerde de nummerplaat en nam contact op met de politie. Het kind was intussen al als vermist opgegeven. De automobilist werd een aantal dagen later opgepakt en heeft intussen de aanrijding en de moord bekend, schrijft de South China Morning Post op basis van lokale media.

De man wilde met de moord voorkomen dat hij de rest van zijn leven de medische kosten van het meisje zou moeten betalen. Een schadeclaim aan de familie van het slachtoffer is gebruikelijk in China en moet ook worden betaald bij een moord.

Het grote verschil tussen de claim bij een overleden slachtoffer en een slachtoffer dat nog leeft, is dat in het eerste geval er een eenmalig bedrag moet worden betaald en het tweede geval tot een levenslange claim kan leiden.

Volgens de Chinese krant zorgen automobilisten daarom in sommige gevallen ervoor dat hun slachtoffers dood zijn voordat ze de politie bellen.


Correspondent Marieke de Vries wees eerder al op het brede fenomeen van de de Chinese claimcultuur. "Als je hier op straat een ongeluk ziet gebeuren of als een oud vrouwtje valt op een zebrapad, wordt altijd afgeraden om te helpen."

"Er is een grote kans dat ze jou als buitenlander een poot willen uitdraaien", zei De Vries. "Dat het oude vrouwtje dat jij helpt met opstaan ineens moord en brand schreeuwt en tegen de politie zegt dat jij haar duwde, om vervolgens geld van je te eisen."

Volgens De Vries is er een grote vertrouwenscrisis in China. "Chinezen vertrouwen elkaar niet. Dat verklaart ook de video's die je regelmatig op YouTube ziet van ongelukken waar veel Chinezen met een grote boog omheen lopen."

Die Japanse bureaucraten waren ook voortreffelijk

Heerlijke quote afgelopen weekend van een vermogensbeheerder van Aberdeen Standard Investments: 'China is het onderwerp waar mensen zich zorgen over maken als er geen andere voor de hand liggende onderwerpen zijn.' Dat ik de laatste tijd veel mensen tegenkom die zeggen met angst en beven naar de Chinese schuldenbergen te kijken, is dus een gunstig teken. Er liggen nergens echte beren op de weg en eigenlijk ook niet in China, zo proef ik de stemming. De wereldeconomie trekt in 2018 verder aan; het feestje op de markten is nog lang niet voorbij. Maar ik ben er niet gerust op en al helemaal niet op analisten die de problemen in China bagatelliseren.

€13.000 mrd

Omvang van de schaduwbanksector in China.

Even snel. In China torst het bedrijfsleven een schuldenlast van 165% van het bbp, twee keer zo veel als in het Westen gangbaar is. Zeker 15% van de ondernemingen kan de rentelasten niet meer uit de winst betalen. Ondertussen is de schuld van Chinese huishoudens opgelopen naar 104% van het beschikbaar inkomen, een verdubbeling ten opzichte van 2009, en ook weer duidelijk hoger dan de VS en Europa laten zien. Een flink deel van die toename moet volgens het IMF 'gekoppeld worden aan financiële speculatie'.

Dat laatste gebeurt vooral in de schaduwbanksector, de nauwelijks gereguleerde niet-bancaire sector waarin omgerekend €13.000 mrd (125% van het Chinese bbp) in veelal ondoorzichtige, maar hoogrenderende producten aan het werk is gezet. Het geld wordt gebruikt door partijen die via hun banken moeilijk aan geld kunnen komen. Dat is op zich al risicovol, maar het echte probleem is dat hun leningen vaak weer als onderpand dienen voor andere financiële producten. Niet voor niks stelde het IMF vorige week dat het Chinese financiële systeem nu tot de meest complexe in de wereld behoort.

Maakt allemaal niet uit, klinkt het echter. Zolang de autoriteiten in Peking het bankensysteem controleren en de in- en uitstroom van geld, kan er niets gebeuren. Bovendien weten die Chinezen heel goed wat ze doen. Tja, denk ik dan, werd eind jaren tachtig niet exact hetzelfde gezegd over de bureaucraten in Japan? Die stonden ook als onfeilbaar te boek. Officieel waren de banken er misschien onafhankelijk, maar het ministerie van handel en industrie bepaalde er toch echt alles, inclusief de in- en uitstroom van kapitaal.

De Japanse zeepbellen knapten uiteindelijk spectaculair, nadat de centrale bank de fout had gemaakt de rente te snel te verhogen. De economie kapseisde. De banken werden overeind gehouden met overheidsgeld, maar veranderden in zombiebanken die op hun beurt zombiebedrijven in leven hielden. Het duurde decennia voordat de rotzooi was opgeruimd. Wie zegt me dat Peking geen fout zal maken?
China halts building of 6.19 million tonnes new aluminum capacity: CNIA
Published on Mon, 11 Dec 2017

Platts reported that China has this year halted the building of 6.19 million tonne per year new aluminum smelting capacity which breached state rules and regulations. Department of Commerce of Shandong Province quoting data from China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association as saying that China shut a total of 11 million tonne per year domestic aluminum capacity this year, including 6.19 million tonne per year new aluminum smelting capacity under construction plus 5.37 million tonne per year of built aluminum smelting capacity, all of which violated rules.

China has required new aluminum smelting projects to use electrolytic cells with above 400kA, with existing aluminum plants to use at least 160kA cells.

On April 12, a circular was issued requiring regional rectification to be done in six months. According to the circular, aluminum smelting projects built after May, 2013 that have violated rules and regulations must halt operations, while the ones under construction which breached laws must be stopped at once.

China has required new alumina projects to have a capacity of at least 800,000 tonne per year. Those using domestic bauxite must have auxiliary bauxite mines with a mining life of over 30 years, meeting 85% of its alumina output need, while alumina projects that use imported bauxite must have term bauxite supply contracts for five years, meeting over 60% of alumina output need.

In November, state-run metals consultancy Antaike revised its forecast of China's national aluminum market balance for next year, predicting a deficit of 100,000 tonne as against previous forecast of a surplus of 1.13 million tonne next year.

Source : Platts
Chinese copper imports in November up by 40pct

Reuters reported that China’s unwrought copper imports rose by more than 40% in November from the previous month, in a sign that winter production restrictions at the world’s top copper consuming country are driving up shipments of overseas metal.

Arrivals of unwrought copper, which includes anode, refined, and semi-finished copper products stood at 470,000 tonnes last month, the General Administration of Customs said Friday, the highest level since December 2016. That is up 42.3% from 330,000 tonnes in October and up 23.7% from 380,000 tonnes in November 2016.

Chinese copper smelters such as Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group cut back production last month to comply with environmental protection measures.

Unwrought copper imports for the first 11 months of 2017 were still down 5% on a year earlier at 4.24 million tonnes, customs said. The 2017 total is set to fall short of the record 4.94 million tonnes of imports in 2016 after a weak first half of the year.

NAB analyst Ami Li said that “Overall the market still feels bullish. Major exchange stock levels are still low and demand keeps growing. I think we’ll probably see a mid-range number in December based on still quite optimistic sentiment and good demand outlook and no supply disruptions.”

Copper concentrate imports rose 0.1% year-on-year to a new record high of 1.78 million tonnes in November. That was also up 29.9% from October.

Meanwhile, China’s exports of unwrought aluminium and aluminium products rebounded in November after four straight months of declines.

Exports stood at 380,000 tonnes, up 8.6% from 350,000 tonnes in October and flat on a year earlier.

China’s aluminium exports had been in freefall since hitting 460,000 tonnes in May and June as punitives duties imposed by Washington on aluminium foil made shipments to the key US market unviable.

Customs said that exports were at 4.35 million tonnes in January to November, up 3.7% year-on-year.

Source : Reuters
Stronger China demand prospects fuel copper's rise

Reuters reported that copper prices rose on December 7th 2017 after data showing a jump in Chinese imports of the metal fuelled expectations of stronger demand from the top consumer, but gains were capped by a rising dollar. Benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange ended up 0.1% at USD 6,571 a tonne from an earlier session high at USD 6,674.50.

China's unwrought copper imports in November, at 470,000 tonnes, were up more than 40 percent from the previous month, a sign that winter production restrictions are driving up shipments. Mr Julius Baer analyst Carsten Menke said that "The November data isn't surprising given Golden Week holidays in China in October. But it has alleviated demand concerns. China demand will remain the focus for the copper market ... We think there will be some headwinds from the property market where indicators also show a softening."

Property sales by floor area in China fell 6.0 percent in October from a year earlier, compared with a 1.5 percent decline in September. The decline was the biggest since the first two months of 2015.

Unwrought copper imports for the first 11 months of 2017, at 4.24 million tonnes, are down 5% from the same period last year. Copper concentrate imports rose 0.1% year-on-year to a new record high of 1.78 million tonnes in November.

China accounts for nearly half of global copper demand. Global copper demand is estimated at around 23 million tonnes this year.

"Chinese traders appear to have bought more copper abroad because some copper smelters in the country have reduced their production for environmental reasons or because the traders expect production to be cut," Commerzbank analysts said in a note.

"The fact that copper concentrate imports climbed to a record high in November does not tally with this argument, however. It points rather to an ongoing high level of refined copper production in China."

Source : Reuters
China Three Gorges Group starts generating electricity from floating solar power plant
Published on Wed, 13 Dec 2017

Economic Times reported that China's Three Gorges Group started producing power from a 150 megawatt floating solar plant in east China, the largest of its kind in the world.

The report said that solar power project in Huainan in Anhui province, developed by the new energy unit of state-run Three Gorges Group, is expected to be in full operation in May next year.

The one-billion-yuan Huainan project is a new experiment aimed at cutting the cost of constructing and operating solar power plants.

Source : Economic Times
Chinese electric car maker to put "Weltmeister" on road next year - Mr Shen

Reuters reported that WM Motor Technology Co, one of a new breed of Chinese electric car companies, will use its company name "Weltmeister" as its brand and plans to start taking orders for its first product, a sport-utility vehicle, from April. The Shanghai-based startup plans to start producing its first car at a new plant in Wenzhou during the second quarter of next year, Mr Freeman Shen, WM Motor's founder and chief executive, told Reuters ahead of a media event.

The exterior design for the SUV was presented at the event in Shanghai on Monday. WM Motor also unveiled a logo for the brand that will adorn its cars. The brand name "Weltmeister" is German for "world champion" and reflects the rising challenge to traditional carmakers from startup companies.

However, WM Motor is one of several largely Chinese-funded EV startups betting on the benefits of local production to compete with companies such as Tesla, which has to import cars from the United States and pay a 25 percent import duty.

Tesla's "mass market" Model 3 sedan starts around USD 35,000 in the United States. Tesla has discussed the need to set up local production in China but has yet to announce any plans.

Mr Shen said that WM Motor plans to start delivering its first car, due to be priced below CNY 300,000, to buyers in the second half of 2018. WM Motor aims to sell 100,000 cars a year with three models within 3-4 years of the planned 2018 launch.

He said that WM Motor plans to introduce the three electric vehicles by 2020. To match that ambition, the assembly plant in Wenzhou has a potential annual capacity of 100,000 vehicles.

Source : Reuters
Chinese vehicle sales grew a slow 0.7pct in November 2017

Reuters reported that China's vehicle sales grew a slow 0.7 percent in November, prompting an industry association official to strike a grim note for auto sales in the world's biggest auto market this year and beyond. Sales last month totalled 2.96 million vehicles, data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) showed. CAAM said that sales in the first 11 months of this year totalled 25.8 million vehicles, up 3.6 percent from the same period a year ago.

November marked a sixth consecutive month of gains, but Xu Haidong, one of the CAAM officials who briefed reporters on the latest sales results, said China's auto sales are set to grow "no more than 4 percent" this year, weaker than the 5 percent annual growth forecast at the outset of the year.

The official said CAAM expects sales growth rates to remain weak next year as well.

Xu ascribed the slower-than-expected growth this year, as well as his forecast for next year to underlying challenges in the market, which saw a slow start to the year due to tax incentives on smaller-engine cars being phased out.

Meanwhile, sales of new-energy vehicles (NEV) rose 83 percent in November from a year earlier to about 119,000 vehicles amid a government push to support the sector and shift away from traditional petrol-engine cars in the long term. NEV sales in the January-November period totalled 609,000 vehicles, up 51.4 percent from the same period a year ago.

Source : Reuters
China’s tallest skyscraper Shanghai Tower to open
Published on Wed, 13 Dec 2017

Bloomberg reported that after more than two years of red tape that kept tenants from moving in, China’s tallest skyscraper, the Shanghai Tower, has been quietly opening and filling office space. More than 60 companies now occupy office space on its 128 floors -- including some big names in China finance, such as Ant Financial, controlled by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s billionaire founder Jack Ma. The building’s basement burger joint, Fatburger & Fatbar, is positioning itself as a go-to spot for after-work drinks.

But don’t expect a party -- despite the $2.4 billion building being the most expensive ever built in China, its boast of being the second-tallest in the world, having the world’s fastest elevator and some of the world’s most advanced architectural software and technology.

Ms Cheng Luo, a spokeswoman for the tower, said that "We’d like to keep a low profile. We don’t plan to have a grand opening celebration even if all things are ready because we’ve been exposed too much to the public.”

The 632-meter (2,073-foot) skyscraper was supposed to open in mid-2015. But its size and complexity caused delays in clearing fire safety regulations, partly because no building codes existed for some of its features -- despite China’s rapid pace of development and push to champion Shanghai as a global financial center.

Source : Bloomberg
Beursblik: China domineert ook in 2018 metaalmarkten
ABN AMRO wijst op verschillende aanjagers.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) In 2018 zal er op de metaalmarkten wederom vooral worden gekeken naar China. Dit is de conclusie van een rapport van senior econoom industriële metalen Casper Burgering van ABN AMRO.

Burgering verwacht dat de prijzen voor industriële metalen volgend jaar zullen stijgen. De hogere prijzen zullen ontstaan door tekorten in basismetaalmarkten, terwijl ook de verzwakking van de dollar mee zal helpen. De econoom stelt dat de prijzen ook steun krijgen door capaciteitsreducties in de staal- en aluminiumsector.

Burgering kijkt vooral naar de balans tussen vraag en aanbod, aangezien dit het meest relevant is voor bepaling van de prijstrend op de langere termijn. Voor de kortere termijn tellen factoren zoals de rentestanden, het sentiment en de olieprijs meer mee.

"Maar speciale aandacht gaat natuurlijk uit naar één dominante factor: China. Ook in 2018. Het grote belang van China op industriële metaalmarkten zal ook komend jaar de markt zijn dynamiek geven", benadrukte Burgering. De Aziatische grootmacht is goed voor ongeveer de helft van zowel de wereldwijde consumptie als productie van industriële metalen, zoals staal.

ABN AMRO noemt de risico's voor China"hoog", met oververhitting van de huizenmarkt, een mogelijke economische groeivertraging, terwijl ook de schuldenlast enorm blijft. Desalniettemin zullen de prijzen naar verwachting van de bank verder omhoog gaan. In 2017 stegen de prijzen voor basismetalen met gemiddeld twintig procent en de staalprijs met tien procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
'Groei economie China zwakt wat af'

Gepubliceerd op 19 dec 2017 om 07:46 | Views: 1.055

WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De economie van China zal de komende jaren wat minder sterk groeien, onder meer door maatregelen van de Chinese overheid om de kredietverstrekking aan banden te leggen. Dat schrijft de Wereldbank in een rapport over de economie van China.

De Wereldbank denkt dat de groei van de tweede economie van de wereld volgend jaar uitkomt op 6,4 procent en op 6,3 procent in 2019. Voor dit jaar werd de groeiprognose iets verhoogd, van 6,7 naar 6,8 procent. Dat is mede te danken aan de hogere inkomens en bestedingen van Chinese huishoudens en de aantrekkende wereldhandel.

Volgens economen van de Wereldbank boekt China vooruitgang met de hervormingen van de economie. Daarbij wordt onder meer het toezicht op de financiële sector verscherpt.
China unveils plan to shift from coal to gas in winter

Financial Tribune reported that China announced a five year plan to convert northern Chinese cities to clean heating during the winter through to 2021. Reuters reported that an unprecedented government campaign to switch millions of households and thousands of businesses from coal to natural gas in northern China this winter has backfired.

Severe natural gas shortages have sent prices soaring nationwide, hitting businesses and residents across China’s industrial heartland.

The plan was jointly announced by 10 government agencies, including the state planning National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, the online edition of Securities Times quoted the China Energy News as saying.

The plan covers 2017 through 2021.

The government has made concrete arrangements regarding geothermal heating, biomass heating, solar heating, gas heating, electric heating, industrial waste heating and clean coal-fired central heating, the Securities Times said.

Half of northern China would have converted to clean heating by 2019, reducing bulk coal burning by 74 million tons. It gave no further details. Factories are closing or operating at reduced capacity, businesses are seeing profits shrink as supply chains are disrupted and residents are struggling to keep warm in sub-zero temperatures without adequate heating at home or in classrooms, according to interviews conducted by Reuters across the region this month.

The campaign to convert coal to gas is part of long-running government efforts to clean the region’s toxic air after decades of unbridled economic growth.

On Saturday, PetroChina began diverting nearly 7 million cubic meters of natural gas from the southern province of Guangdong to icy northern China to ease gas shortages, state television said on Sunday. Chinese oil and gas major CNOOC had also started supplying some 3 million to 5 million cubic meters of natural gas per day from the South China Sea and its liquefied natural gas terminal in Zhuhai city to fill the gap in Guangdong.

The gas swap was organized by NDRC.

Gas shortages also spread to Changsha city, capital of the southern province of Hunan. Households that have bought 1,500 cubic meters or more this year were limited to buying 15 cubic meters per day from December 15 onwards, state television said.

It said that the gas shortage in Changsha could exceed 60 million cubic meters this winter.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Asahi verkoopt belang in biermerk Tsingtao

Gepubliceerd op 20 dec 2017 om 10:41 | Views: 499

Heineken 16:06
87,96 -0,61 (-0,69%)

HONGKONG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Japanse Asahi, moederbedrijf van onder meer Grolsch, verkoopt vrijwel zijn gehele belang in de Chinese brouwer Tsingtao Brewery aan het Chinese conglomeraat Fosun International. Met de verkoop is een bedrag gemoeid van 847 miljoen dollar.

Asahi verkoopt een belang van bijna 20 procent in Tsingtao, de grootste brouwer van China. Fosun wordt de op een na grootste aandeelhouder van Tsingtao en krijgt met de deal voet aan de grond op de Chinese biermarkt. Het grootste deel van de brouwer is in handen van de Chinese overheid. Asahi nam het belang in Tsingtao in 2009 over van AB-InBev.
China's steel export price hits near four year high - CISA

Xinhua reported that improved product quality and structure brought China's steel export price to 798.8 US dollars per tonne in October, the highest level since February 2014. According to the China Iron and Steel Association, in the first 10 months of this year, the average export price of steel products was 700.8 US dollars per tonne, 211 US dollars or 43.1% higher than the same period last year.

Despite a 30.4% year on year drop in steel exports to 64.49 million tonnes in the ten-month period, revenues from the exports only shrank 0.3% to nearly USD 45.2 billion. Mr Gu Jianguo, deputy head of CISA said that this reflected improvement in both the structure and quality of steel exports.

Most of China's steel enterprises performed better thanks to the country's continued capacity-cutting efforts, which are a key part of the ongoing supply-side structural reform. During January to October, CISA members said their return on sales reached 4.41 percent, up from 2.77 percent in the first quarter of this year.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China has completed its task of slashing steel production capacity by around 50 million tonnes this year by phasing out substandard steel bars and zombie companies.

Source : Xinhua
NXP werkt samen met Baidu aan autonoom rijden
Chipfabrikant toegelaten tot Apollo platform.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Nederlandse NXP Semiconductors en het Chinese Baidu gaan samen aan de slag met autonoom rijden. Dit maakte de Nederlandse chipfabrikant met een notering op Nasdaq donderdag bekend zonder financiële details te noemen.

NXP krijgt van Baidu toegang tot het Apollo platform en zal halfgeleiders gaan leveren om auto's zelfstandig te kunnen laten rijden. Tot het open source platform van Baidu hebben inmiddels meer dan 70 partners toegang. Onder deze partners bevindt zich ook de Nederlandse navigatiespecialist TomTom.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China's copper, zinc output jumps to 3 year high on stronger prices

Mining com reported that China's refined copper production in November jumped nearly 10% from the same time last year to 786,000 tonnes, the highest rate in at least three years data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Monday as smelters make the most of higher copper prices.

For the January to November period this year production is up 6.8% and 2017 should comfortably outpace last year's total of 8.44m tonnes of refined copper production.

China's smelters working at capacity helps to explain the decline in imports of refined metal and still growing concentrate imports.

Shipments of copper concentrate in October increased slightly from last year to total 1.78 million tonnes in November, a new monthly record and up nearly 30% from October's disappointing figure. Year to date Chinese concentrate imports are up moderately from last year's record 17 million tonnes. Refined copper imports are trending down with recently released data showing cargoes are down some 5% over the first 11 months of 2017 to 4.24 million tonnes compared to the same period in 2016. Full year imports in 2016 hit a record 4.94 million tonnes.

Chinese zinc production also lept, totaling 603,000 tonnes in November up 7.5% from the same month last year. However year to date zinc output is down 1.3% to 5.65 million tonnes. Lead production also rise sharply to 424,000 tonnes for the month. For the first 11 months of the year, lead output is up 4.9% compared to 2016 to 4.52 million tonnes.

In brisk trading on Monday in New York Comex copper enjoyed its ninth straight session of gains touching a three-week high of USD 3.1475 a pound (USD 6,940 per tonne). Copper is up nearly 25% in 2017 as it continues to recover from six-year lows struck early last year. Zinc prices have followed a 70% surge in 2016 with a nearly 25% gain this to comfortably above USD 3,000 a tonne. Lead is up 26% year to date.

Source : Mining com
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 Germany40^ 22.555,90 +0,02%
 BEL 20 4.420,51 -0,60%
 Europe50^ 5.455,27 -0,15%
 US30^ 43.818,00 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 20.879,40 0,00%
 US500^ 5.952,17 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.585,40 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.857,60 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0375 -0,20%
 WTI 70,08 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


Van Lanschot ... +4,09%
ADYEN NV +2,53%
ACOMO +1,59%


Kendrion -5,98%
AMG Critical ... -4,99%
AZERION -4,20%
ASML -2,93%