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Ook sociale huurwoningen bereiken recordprijzen in Hongkong

De prijzen van zowel publieke als private huizen in Hongkong rijzen de pan uit. Een appartement van nog geen twaalf vierkante meter wisselde in juli van eigenaar voor $250.000.
Foto: Reuters

De gekte op de huizenmarkt in Hongkong drijft ook de prijzen van kleine sociale huurwoningen tot records, zo meldt Bloomberg op basis van nieuwe cijfers van Full Mark Property Agence. Een appartement van bijna twaalf vierkante meter wisselde in juli van eigenaar voor $250.000, de hoogste prijs ooit voor een sociale huurwoning.

Sommige vierkante meterprijen in het sociale segment overtreffen met rond de €18.000 inmiddels zelfs de reguliere marktprijzen, nu investeerders het hebben ontdekt als een nieuwe beleggingscategorie. De vraag naar kleine appartementen groeit sterk aangezien het huurrendement kan oplopen tot meer dan 4%.

Sommige vierkante meterprijzen overtreffen zelfs reguliere marktprijzen
De sociale woningen dateren van een subsidieprogramma dat inmiddels is stopgezet. De regering van Hong Kong besloot in 2002 om de ontvangers van huursubsidie de kans te geven om hun huis te kopen, en zij mogen hun woningen sindsdien doorverkopen op de reguliere markt, onder voorwaarde dat ze een premie terugbetalen aan de overheid.

IMF: meer groei in China leidt tot meer risico

De groei in China kan de komende jaren hoger uitvallen dan eerder was gedacht. Maar dat heeft een prijs: de schulden nemen daardoor verder toe waardoor er op middellange termijn juist meer risico's zijn. Tot die conclusie komt het Internationaal Monetair Fonds dinsdag in een reguliere 'Artikel 4 consultatie' van China.

Het IMF heeft de verwachting voor de economische groei voor de periode tot en met 2020 opgetrokken van gemiddeld 6% naar 6,4%. Om die groei te financieren moet er echter ook weer meer vreemd vermogen worden ingezet. Het IMF verwacht dat daardoor de schuld van de overheid, de bedrijven en de huishoudens stijgt van 242% van het bruto binnenlands product over 2016 tot 300% in 2022.

Nieuwe kredieten voor de particuliere sector groeiden vorig jaar nog met 16%, het dubbele van de nominale groei van de economie. Sinds 2008 is er sprake van een groei met 80 procentpunt tot 175%, aldus het IMF. Het fonds heeft berekend dat bij een gezonder tempo van de kredietgroei de economie in de periode van 2012 tot 2016 met 5,5% zou zijn gegroeid, in plaats van de gerealiseerde 7,25%.

President Xi Jinping legt sterk de nadruk op de noodzaak de kredietverlening te beteugelen. Hij verlangt dat de groei van de bedrijfskredieten wordt beteugeld. Maar het IMF merkt op dat het terugdringen van de behoefte aan krediet vereist dat bedrijven makkelijker failliet kunnen gaan. Als bedrijven makkelijker failliet kunnen gaan kan dat ook de productiviteit in de economie opstuwen. Die is volgens het IMF nu nog te laag omdat er te veel geld vloeit naar ‘zombiebedrijven’. Een betere allocatie van middelen kan er op termijn toe leiden dat de productiviteit een extra 1 procentpunt bijdraagt aan de groei.

De conclusies van het IMF over het Chinese handelsbeleid komen de regering in Beijing goed uit in de discussie met de Amerikanen, die klagen over het vermeende agressieve exportbeleid van de Chinezen. De toename van de binnenlandse Chinese vraag heeft het overschot op de lopende rekening vorig jaar al met een vol procentpunt doen slinken naar 1,7% van het bbp. Dit jaar zou het verder afnemen tot 1,4%. Volgens het IMF spelen de sterk toegenomen uitgaven aan vakanties in het buitenland een belangrijke reden voor die dalingen.

Om de groei structureel sterker te maken moet China de consumptieve bestedingen verder opvoeren en de nu zeer hoge besparingen inperken. Momenteel wordt 46% van het jaarlijks bbp gespaard, meer dan het dubbele van het mondiale gemiddelde.

China weer grootbezitter staatsleningen VS

Gepubliceerd op 16 aug 2017 om 07:23 | Views: 968

WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - China is weer de grootste bezitter van Amerikaanse staatsobligaties ter wereld, nadat het land in oktober die toppositie nog kwijtraakte aan Japan. China breidde in juni voor de vijfde maand op rij zijn bezittingen aan US Treasuries uit, terwijl Japan juist Amerikaanse staatsleningen van de hand deed.

Uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën bleek dat China nu voor bijna 1,15 biljoen dollar, omgerekend bijna 1000 miljard euro, aan staatsleningen bezit, tegen 1,09 biljoen dollar voor Japan.

De twee landen zijn goed voor meer dan een derde van het totale buitenlandse bezit van US Treasuries. Andere grote buitenlandse bezitters zijn onder meer Groot-Brittannië, Ierland en Brazilië. De totale schuld van de VS bedraagt ongeveer 19,8 biljoen dollar.
China halfway to 2020 target to cut 800 million tonne from coal capacity

Reuters reported that China has hit the halfway point towards meeting it target of cutting coal mining capacity by 800 million tonnes a year by the end-2020. Tackling industrial and mining overcapacity has been a priority for Beijing to make China's economy more efficient and environmental friendly, and in its five-year plan for the 2016 to 2020 period, the government set a goal to reduce its coal production capacity by that amount.

State planner National Development and Reform Commission, said that now, with coal mining capacity cuts of 111 million tonnes in the first half of 2017, the total reductions for the period have been brought to 400 million tonnes.

The massive capacity cuts has burdened coal producers with mounting debt, and roiled markets as utilities have struggled to find enough supply. Thermal coal prices in China have more than tripled since the start of 2016 due to the curbs on production.

NDRC said this year it has been easier for coal companies to get bank loans, and that producers have had fewer bad loans and reported fewer cases of unpaid wages to workers.

Reflecting the improved situation for miners, the debt ratio for China Shenhua Energy Co - listed unit of state-owned Shenhua Group, China's biggest coal producer - fell to around 1.6 by the end of the first quarter this year from 5.26 at the end-March last year.

Source : Reuters
Chinese-Panamanian talks now underway in Beijing

Sputnik reported that the security of the Panama Canal Zone and of China’s economic interests against terrorists and other criminal groups will be featured high on the agenda of the Chinese-Panamanian talks now underway in Beijing. The experts Sputnik had talked with also expect a new round of US-Chinese tensions over control of the strategic waterway. Even though the US’ positions in Panama have traditionally been strong, China’s huge trade and investment potential is seen by Washington as a serious threat.

A delegation of senior security and trade officials from Panama led by National Security Minister Alexis Betancourt - the first such diplomatic mission since the two nations established relations nearly two months ago - is now in Beijing for talks with China’s Public Security Minister Guo Shengkun and other security and migration officials.

In an interview with Sputnik China, Chinese Communications Ministry expert Yang Mian said that China, just like Panama, is interested in making the Panama Canal Zone as secure as it takes.

He said that “Panama’s biggest advantage is that it sits on one of the world’s busiest transport arteries. Even though washed by two oceans, the US needs the canal to connect its eastern and western seaboards. This is exactly why the Americans have in the past occupied the Canal Zone. Since Panama took over the canal in 1999, it has turned it into a free-trade zone, and China’s growing economic might has made Beijing the second biggest user of the strategic waterway.”

He added that with Chinese investments being of paramount importance to Panama, trade and other economic cooperation between the two countries is bound to take center stage at the Beijing talks.

Yang Mian continued “As far as security goes, they will most likely focus on the war on international terror. And with good reason too because, unlike a strait, the Panama Canal is a pretty narrow place and if terrorists manage to destroy it, this would deal a serious blow to international trade. As one of the canal’s main users, China is naturally interested in maintaining unhindered shipping via the canal.”

Mr Alexander Kharlamov, an expert at the Institute of Latin American Studies in Moscow, pointed to another security problem that could be raised during the talks in Beijing. He said that even though US forces left the Panama Canal Zone in 1999, there have been reports that the US military bases will be re-established.

In keeping with the provisions of the existing agreements between Washington and Panama City, the US is the sole guarantor of security of the Canal Zone, a status no other country can claim.

Source : Sputnik
Flink hogere resultaten Alibaba

Dubbelcijferige groei voor Chinese internetonderneming.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Alibaba heeft de groei flink zien doorzetten. Dit bleek uit de cijfers over het eerste kwartaal van het boekjaar 2018.

"Uitstekende resultaten" zei CEO Daniel Zhang van Alibaba in een toelichting.

Alibaba behaalde in het afgelopen kwartaal een omzet van 50,2 miljard renminbi, omgerekend 7,4 miljard dollar. CFO Maggie Wu was daarbij goed te spreken over de "robuuste" groei van 56 procent.

Opvallend was onder meer dat de omzet uit de cloud-activiteiten vrijwel verdubbelde. Maar ook de andere divisies lieten dubbelcijferige groei zien. De cloud-tak van Alibaba heeft inmiddels meer dan een miljoen betalende klanten.

De Chinese marktplaats van Alibaba zag het aantal gebruikers op kwartaalbasis met 22 miljoen stijgen naar 529 miljoen.

De nettowinst van Alibaba kwam afgelopen kwartaal uit op 14,0 miljard renminbi, ofwel 2,1 miljard dollar.

Op aangepast niveau kwam de winst per aandeel omgerekend uit op 1,17 dollar, waar de markt rekende op 0,93 dollar.

Woensdag kwam concurrent Tencent al met cijfers. Deze Chinese internetgigant zag de omzet in de eerste zes maanden stijgen met 57 procent naar 106 miljard renminbi.

Het aandeel Alibaba steeg na het verschijnen van de kwartaalresultaten met bijna 3 procent in de elektronische handel in Amerika.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
IMF urges China to be bolder on steel, coal capacity cuts

Reuters reported that International Monetary Fund urged China to set more ambitious targets for its coal and steel industries to cut excess production capacity and bring more efficient plant on line as Beijing bids to steps up economic reforms. The IMF said in a statement that “The reduction targets are appropriately front-loaded but could be more ambitious. Under the current cut targets, crude steel capacity would still be close to 2013 levels and account for nearly half of global capacity by 2018-20 due to previously planned investment.”

The comments came after China released output data on Monday showing producers churned out a record 74.02 million tonnes of cured steel last month even though July is seen as a low season month as high summer temperatures slow down the construction sector and its demand for steel goods.

China, the world's top steel and coal producer, has vowed to launch a campaign to cut excess capacity in various industrial sectors, including coal-fuelled power and the construction materials industry, in an effort to cut inefficiencies and tackle pollution. A total of 140 million tonnes of steel production capacity and 800 million tonnes of coal capacity numbers roughly equal to about a tenth of the world's total output in 2016 are due to be eliminated over the coming three to five years under existing Beijing plans.

Source : Reuters
This year China skips summer slowdown

Economic Calendar reported that every year this means that steel prices soar in the spring, correct in the summer, and then pick up again in the fall before a winter slowdown. However; this year this pattern was snapped as Chinese steel producers fired up their furnaces and churned out record amounts of steel to profit from high margins and brace themselves for an end-of year slowdown.

While, from sentiment, market participants acknowledged that the typical seasonal trend was not happening this year, now data is backing this up. China’s July steel production rose 10.3% year-over-year to a record 74.02 million tons, surpassing the previous record set in June of 73.23 million tons.

Now, looking forward it is expected that there will be at least three more months of increased steel production, and that could support prices. September and October are typically the peak construction months in China, and steel buying typically peaks in unison.

The problem is, this rally could pave the way for a very dismal winter. While increased margins are one reason behind the steel rally, there is another factor. China has pledged to cut back on industrial output in the winter to curb emissions. Pollution peaks in the winter in the country as coal burning increases along with the hiked demand for electricity.

Steel demand does typically slow in the winter, but these emissions cutbacks could mean an even steeper fall. And, even if emissions cutbacks are not implemented, as expected, the flurry of activity happening right now could remove demand later in the year.

Source : Economic Calendar
China implements sanctions on North Korea

Agencies reported that CHINA is halting imports of iron, iron ore and seafood from North Korea from today, in accordance with new UN sanctions over Pyongyang’s nuclear program. The decision was announced yesterday after days of increasingly bellicose rhetoric between US President Donald Trump and North Korea, which raised international alarm over where the crisis is headed.

China’s Ministry of Commerce said on its website that all imports of coal, iron, iron ore and seafood will be “completely prohibited” from today.

A suspension of coal imports was announced in February.

On August 6, the United Nations Security Council approved tough sanctions that could cost North Korea USD 1 billion a year.

The sanctions were in response to two intercontinental ballistic missile tests last month, after which North Korea boasted it could now strike any part of the United States.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi vowed after the UN sanctions were given the green light that China “will for sure implement that new resolution 100 percent, fully and strictly.”

Regional tensions have mushroomed in the past week as Trump warned North Korea it would face “fire and fury” if it attacked the United States while North Korea threatened to test-fire its missiles toward the US Pacific island of Guam.

The war of words sparked global concern, with world leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, urging calm on both sides.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who has previously advocated dialogue with North Korea, yesterday joined the calls for restraint.

Moon called for an end to “all provocations and hostile rhetoric immediately, instead of worsening the situation any further.”

Moon told a regular meeting with senior aides and advisers that “There must be no more war on the Korean Peninsula. Whatever ups and downs we face, the North Korean nuclear situation must be resolved peacefully.”

He said that “I am certain the United States will respond to the current situation calmly and responsibly in a stance that is equal to ours.”

However, North Korea reiterated its threats, with its official KCNA news agency saying that “war cannot be blocked by any power if sparks fly due to a small, random incident that was unintentional.”

Source : Shanghai Daily
China's aluminium output falls in July from June record

Reuters reported that China's aluminium output fell 8.2% in July from a record high a month earlier, data showed on Monday, as capacity cuts that have sent prices to multi-year highs start to take their toll on the country's output.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the world's top aluminium producer churned out 2.69 million tonnes of the metal last month, from 2.93 million tonnes in June. It said that July's output was down 0.3% year on year.

The bureau said that overall non ferrous output was at 4.55 million tonnes in July, flat year-on-year but down 6.2 percent from 4.85 million tonnes in June.

The decrease in China's aluminium output follows significant supply-side reform in the sector that sent Shanghai aluminium futures prices to around five-year highs last week.

The eastern province of Shandong, China's biggest aluminium-producing region, ordered a bigger-than-expected 3.2 million tonnes of "illegal" capacity to be closed by the end of July.

The July data points to a considerable slowdown in China's aluminium output, but analysts were sceptical about the accuracy of the bureau's numbers.

"Of course the recent tighter supply-side measures will affect the production number, but maybe not so quickly or so much," said CLSA analyst Daniel Meng, adding that the NBS aluminium data was not very representative of the entire industry.

The NBS figures showed aluminium output is still up 7.5 percent in the first seven months of 2017.

Source : Reuters
China's Henan province to transfer aluminium capacity

Reuters quoted China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association as saying that a total of 207,000 tonnes of annual aluminium production capacity will be transferred from five smelters in China's central Henan province.

CNIA statement said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said the capacity, which includes 60,000 tonnes from Wanji Aluminium and 50,000 tonnes from Mianchi Tianrui Aluminium, can be transferred anywhere in China,

It noted reports the five smelters had agreed to transfer the capacity to a company in Tongliao in Inner Mongolia.

China is clamping down on excess capacity in its aluminium industry for environmental reasons. The top aluminium producing province of Shandong ordered 3.21 million tonnes of illegal smelting capacity to be shut by the end of July.

Source : Reuters
Citic Group extends USD 1.02 billion financial to China Hongqiao Group

South Chine Morning Post reported that China Hongqiao Group will get an HKD 8 billion (USD 1.02 billion) financial lifeline from the country’s largest conglomerate Citic Group to repay bank loans, as it borrowed its way to having the world’s biggest installed capacity for producing aluminium. Hongqiao agreed to sell 806.6 million new shares and USD 320 million of convertible bonds to Citic and the conglomerate’s unit CNCB (Hong Kong) Investment, according to a statement to the Hong Kong exchange.

The sale of the new stock and the bonds if they are fully converted into shares could give Citic up to 13.3% of Hongqiao, making the conglomerate the smelter’s second-largest shareholder. The bailout will give Hongqiao much-needed capital to repay bank loans and bolster working capital.

Hongqiao has the capacity to produce 6.46 million tonnes of aluminium a year, surpassing the Russian giant Rusal in 2015 as the world’s largest smelter. It got to where it is by going on a spate of binge borrowing, funding its expansion through debt, even as the entire industry was beset by excess capacity, or the ability to produce more metal than customers want.

Net debt had surged to 62 billion yuan (USD 9.3 billion) at the end of last year, or 137% of Hongqiao’s shareholders’ equity, up from 97% two years earlier.

Amid sagging aluminium prices and citing a “failure to obtain environmental protection approvals before building and operating the facilities”, the environment watchdog agency of Hongqiao’s home base in Zhouping county in Shandong ordered the company to idle half of its production capacity, the South China Morning Post reported last October.

Source : South Chine Morning Post
China to ban primary mercury mining by 2032

Reuters reported that China will ban the production and trade of a range of products containing mercury by 2020, including thermometers and blood pressure monitors, and ban primary mercury mining by 2032, as a global pact to cut pollution from the metal comes into effect. China the world's biggest miner and consumer of mercury signed the Minamata Convention on Mercury in 2013. It was approved by the cabinet last year and takes effect on Wednesday.

Mercury is highly toxic and poses severe public health risks when it contaminates food and groundwater. Mr Zhao Yingmin vice minister at the Ministry of Environmental Protection said in a statement that "China is a developing country and is a big mercury producer and consumer, and the task of implementing the treaty is very arduous.”

The convention commits signatory countries to phasing out old mines and banning new exploration projects, as well as reducing the use of mercury in gold mining. Countries must also ban the production, import and export of batteries, fluorescent lamps, cosmetics and pesticides that contain mercury by 2020.

However, the treaty makes exceptions for military applications as well as products where "no feasible mercury-free alternative for replacement is available".

China produced 4,000 tonnes of mercury in 2016, accounting for 88.9% of the world's total supply that year, data from the US Geological Survey shows.

Mr Zhao said that "Looking to the future, the environment ministry will continue to work with other departments to promote the use of mercury-free and low-mercury technologies.”

Source : Reuters
Chinese halts construction on 150 GW of new power plants

China’s state-run news agency Xinhua revealed that China has currently halted construction on new coal-fired power plants in an effort to avoid building over-capacity while simultaneously hoping to promote a cleaner energy mix. The Chinese Xinhua News Agency reported that China had halted construction on a total of 150 gigawatts of new coal-fired power generation capacity between 2016 and 2020 — the country’s 13th Five-Year Plan period. Xinhua reported on a statement released by the country’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), which stated that “New capacity will be strictly controlled” and that “All illegal coal-burning power projects will be halted.”

Further, not only is the Chinese government halting future development, the NDRC added that it will be eliminating 20 GW worth of outdated capacity, while nearly 1,000 GW of coal capacity will be upgraded to producer fewer emissions, use less energy, and better coordinate with future energy development.

Overall, the Chinese government is aiming to keep the country’s total coal power capacity below 1,100 GW by 2020.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the NDRC’s move “followed an ongoing campaign to downsize bloated heavy industries, especially coal mining and steel smelting” in which “Solid progress has been made to shut down inefficient coal mines, and more measures are in the pipeline.”

China’s coal capacity has long been under close scrutiny given the country’s significant greenhouse gas emissions. However, in recent years, China has also been the country making the biggest moves to curtail its reliance upon coal — though this is something of a false narrative, considering that China simply had the largest amount of coal, and any curtailment would be considered huge. China reported towards the end of 2014 that its coal use had dropped by 1.28% — the first time coal use had declined in China this century. Not long after, China’s coal consumption and CO2 emissions were reported to both have dropped in 2014. This was the beginning of a trend which we have seen play out over the last few years. Figures over the first few months of 2015 showed that coal use only continued to fall, inevitably leading to a coal consumption decline in 2016 of 3.7%.

Source : Clean Technica
Chinese energy demand to peak in 2040 as transportation demand grows - CNPC

Reuters reported that China's energy demand will peak by 2040, later than the previous forecast of 2035, as transportation fuel consumption continues to rise through the middle of this century, state-owned oil major China National Petroleum Corp. Energy consumption in China, the world's second-largest economy, will peak then at 4.06 billion tonnes of oil equivalent, up from the previous forecast of 3.75 billion tonnes five years prior, CNPC said in its annual long-term energy outlook. CNPC raised its forecast because it predicts transportation demand will rise through to 2050, twenty years longer than previously estimated.

CNPC said that China's oil demand will reach a ceiling of 690 million tonnes a year, equivalent to 13.8 million barrels per day, by 2030. The country is the world's second-largest oil consumer. That compares with last year's estimate of a peak of 670 million tonnes a year by 2027. Oil demand will grow at an annual rate of 2.7 percent until 2020, slowing to 1.2 percent until 2030.

The headline number indicates that Chinese energy markets will continue to set the pace globally. However, the slowdown in oil consumption raises further doubt about the future role of oil in China's energy mix as alternative fuels take a greater share of the transportation and power generation sectors.

It said that gasoline demand will peak as soon as 2025said. That would mean China's gasoline demand would peak only shortly after the United States. China has vowed to cap its energy consumption in 2017 in order to raise the use of cleaner fuels as part of a wider campaign to fight air pollution.

It added that Clean energy, including renewable fuels and natural gas, will replace coal power as the largest fuel source for power generation by 2030 and account for more than half of the nation's power generation by 2045.

Source : Reuters
China Resources high coal prices slice by 65pct - Report

South China Morning Post reported that the electricity generation unit of conglomerate China Resources (Holdings) recorded net profit of HKD 1.85 billion in the year’s first six months, down from HKD 5.34 billion in the same period last year. The profit fall was in line with the 60 to 70 per cent fall the company had indicated in a profit alert issued late last month. It amounted to 30.9 per cent of the full year HKD 6 billion average estimate of 14 analysts polled by Reuters.

CRP said in a filing to Hong Kong’s bourse after the morning trading session, an interim dividend of 12.5 HK cents per share is proposed, the same as last year. CRP shares on Wednesday closed 1 per cent lower at HKD 15.3 after the results was released midday, bucking the Hang Seng Index’s 0.9 per cent gain.

It said that “Unless there is a material change in the group’s business, results of operations and financial condition the company intends to maintain a stable dividend per share for the three financial years [to December 31, 2018].”

First-half revenue grew 10 per cent to HKD 34.1 billion, on the back of a 8.5 per cent rise in electricity output of power plants in which it has controlling stakes. Higher revenue was despite a surge of direct power sales volume to big users, which attracted a 7.6 per cent discount to state stipulated benchmark prices. Such sales accounted for 33 per cent of its total first-half sales, from 16.7 per cent in the same period last year.

The discount narrowed from 11.6 per cent in last year’s first half, an indication of a lessening in industry oversupply, which was evidenced also by a 3.4 per cent year on year rise in its coal-fired plants’ usage.

Source : South China Morning Post
Chinese censuur als dubieus ’exportproduct’
50 min geleden Van onze correspondent

PEKING - Steeds meer buitenlandse bedrijven en instellingen gaan door de knieën voor de Chinese overheid en passen censuur op hun werk toe, om Peking vooral maar niet tegen het hoofd te stoten.

In Engeland is grote ophef ontstaan nadat bekend werd dat Cambridge University Press –de oudste uitgeverij ter wereld die is verbonden aan de vermaarde universiteit – 300 artikelen heeft geblokkeerd op uitdrukkelijk verzoek van Peking.

De artikelen stonden in het ‘China Quarterly’, een toonaangevend en inmiddels online kwartaalmedium over de communistische volksrepubliek. Als de leiding niet aan de oproep zou voldoen, zouden ook andere publicaties door de Chinezen zelf worden geweerd.

Verschillende schrijvers hebben al aangekondigd de uitgeverij te boycotten zolang de censuur niet is teruggedraaid. Zoals professor en publicist Craig Scott, die eerder voor edities van Cambridge schreef.

,,Ik beloof plechtig om niet in meer in boeken of tijdschriften van Cambridge University Press te publiceren zolang ze een zielige, lafhartige censor van China zijn”, haalde hij hard uit. Ook anderen roepen op de uitgever links te laten liggen.


Het is niet voor het eerst dat China zijn machtige invloed aanwendt om onwelgevallige publicaties te weren. Zo worden diverse internationale websites, zoals die van de New York Times, al langer van het Chinese net geweerd na kritische verhalen.

Buitenlandse boeken die het land inkomen moeten ook allemaal vooraf worden goedgekeurd. Onschuldige maar populaire kinderboeken als Sjakie en de Chocoladefabriek en Peppa Pig mogen niet meer worden verkocht.

Waarom is niet helemaal duidelijk, maar critici vermoeden dat de boeken elementen bevatten van ongehoorzaam gedrag of andere ongewenste karaktertrekken.

Aan bestaande boeken is niet zo veel te veranderen, maar huidige schrijvers weten wel waar ze aan toe zijn als ze ambitie hebben hun verhalen of artikelen ook de volksrepubliek in te krijgen.

Ook internetgiganten als Google laten hun oren hangen naar de autoriteiten, door gevoelige zoektermen te blokkeren op zijn zoekmachines bijvoorbeeld, om maar in het land werkzaam te kunnen blijven. Want dat is waarom zoveel ondernemingen en instellingen overstag gaan. China is een te belangrijke markt om te missen.
China July power consumption rises 9.9pct from year ago - NEA

Reuters reported that China's power consumption in July rose 9.9 percent from a year ago to 607.2 billion kilowatt hours, according to data from the National Energy Administration. Consumption in the first seven months of this year reached 3,557.8 billion kWh, up 6.9 percent from a year earlier. China's July industrial power consumption rose 9.7pct YoY to 429.4 billion kWh.

According to NEA, China's total installed generation capacity reached 1,645.45 gigawatts by the end of July.

Source : Reuters

Chinese leger zit in zijn maag met masturberende zware jongens
Het Chinese leger kampt met een tekort aan rekruten. Belangstelling genoeg, maar de gegadigden kampen met overgewicht en halen de fitnesstests niet. Het leger wijst met de beschuldigende vinger naar de slechte voeding en overdadig masturberen, meldt het Britse Telegraph.

Barbara de Jong 23-08-17, 11:16

Het Chinese Volksbevrijdingsleger vierde dit jaar z'n negentigste verjaardag en is het grootste leger ter wereld. Maar de vraag is voor hoe lang nog. Er zijn grote zorgen over de conditie van de nieuwe aanwas.

In sommige steden is zelfs meer dan de helft van de kandidaten afgewezen vanwege overgewicht. Chinese autoriteiten denken dat de jongeren te ongezond eten. Ook zouden de kleur- en smaakstoffen in fastfood en frisdranken zorgen voor een verminderde lever- en galfunctie.

De conditie van jongemannen zou ook verminderen door teveel masturberen, stelt de legerleiding vast. ,,Hoe kunnen jongeren met zo’n zwakke gesteldheid en een gebrek aan karakter een zware verantwoordelijkheid dragen?’’, vroeg majoor-generaal Luo Yuan zich al eerder openlijk af.

Uit onderzoek van het Chinese Volksleger blijkt dat er nieuw militair materieel - zoals tanks - aangeschaft moet worden omdat veel Chinezen een groter postuur hebben gekregen en niet goed meer in de voertuigen passen.

Nickel and zinc climb on strong Chinese demand

Reuters reported that nickel prices rose to an eight-month high on Wednesday while zinc touched its highest since August 2007 on expectations of strong demand from top consumer China, supply concerns and declining stockpiles. Three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange was up 1.1 percent at USD 11,540 a tonne at 1008 GMT. Benchmark zinc was up 0.8 percent at USD 3,142.50 a tonne after rising to $3,231.75, its highest since August 2007.

NICKEL - Prices were supported by a fall in on-warrant stockpiles at LME-registered warehouses to the lowest since January after 5,682 tonnes of cancellations. A global deficit of refined nickel narrowed in June from May, but consumption exceeded output by 36,800 tonnes in the first half of the year. Prices have been underpinned by concerns over supplies from top ore exporter the Philippines, where output fell 24 percent in the first half amid an environmental crackdown. However, high prices could prompt the country to raise exports. Growth in the world's largest metals market beat expectations in the second quarter, underpinned by a construction boom.

Zinc - China's crackdown on pollution could hurt the country's smaller zinc miners and support prices, said Jerry Jiao, CEO of MMG, owned by China Minmetals Corp.

Source : Reuters
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