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Chinese shipyard CSSC GSI launches battery powered 2000 DWTcoal carrier
Published on Thu, 16 Nov 2017

Maritime Executive reported that on November 12, CSSC subsidiary Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) launched what may be the world's first all-electric, battery-powered inland coal carrier. The 2,000 dwt vessel will carry bulk cargo for up to 40 nm at a time along an inland stretch of the Pearl River at speeds of up to seven knots – all without generating its own emissions. The vessel began testing on Sunday.

The ship carries lithium ion batteries rated at 2,400 kilowatt-hours, about the same amount as 30 high-end Tesla Model S electric sedans. It recharges in two hours, according to GSI. Chinese media reports and images from the launch indicate that it relies on two Voith-type cycloidial drives for propulsion.

Huang Jialin, chairman and general manager of naval architecture firm Hangzhou Modern Ship Design & Research, which designed the vessel, said “As the ship is fully electric powered, it poses no threats to the environment. The technology will soon be likely used in passenger or engineering ships.”

According to the general manager of GSI, Chen Ji, the all-electric vessel will be cheaper to operate than a conventional coal carrier, saving money for the operators of coal-fired power plants. He said "The main cost of the new energy cargo ship depends on how much lithium battery it is equipped with.There are few obstacles to larger vessels with bigger batteries and more deadweight tonnage.”

Source : Maritime Executive
China’s Iron Ore import in October down – Report

Hellenic Shipping reported that China imported 79.5 million tonne of iron ore in October according to official trade data, down 2% YoY and down 25% from the all-time high in September (on an annualized basis). YTD Iron Ore import totals 897million tonne, which is up 7% as compared to last year. The full breakdown of the imports will be released later in the month.

Klaveness Research said that “The 25% drop from the previous month is not reflected in the trade flow data we are monitoring. The trade flow data point to a small 2% drop in seaborne volumes on an annualized basis. Thus, we do not think the market should read too much into the monthly drop in imports reported by customs. Chinese steel production growth was still strong as of mid-October. We believe the Chinese steel production growth will be lower going forward as curbs on steel production in the Northern part of the country starts to bite. However, the high margins from steel production should incentivize steel production at maximum capacity outside of the regions where production is being curtailed. In short, we do not expect a sharp fall in overall steel production or raw material demand going forward.”

Source : Hellenic Shipping
Alibaba investeert miljarden in supermarkt

Gepubliceerd op 20 nov 2017 om 08:10 | Views: 2.400

Alibaba Group Holding Limited 16:11
188,73 +3,60 (+1,94%)

HONGKONG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Internethandelaar Alibaba investeert 2,9 miljard dollar in de Chinese supermarktketen Sun Art Retail Group. Daarmee krijgt Alibaba een belang van ruim 36 procent in Sun Art Retail dat eind vorig jaar meer dan vierhonderd supers in China had.

Door de investering krijgt Sun Art toegang tot middelen en technologie om verder uit te breiden, terwijl Alibaba zijn positie versterkt als het gaat om fysieke winkels. Alibaba is vooral actief op het gebied van e-commerce maar slaat net als rivaal Amazon steeds meer zijn vleugels uit naar traditionele detailhandelsverkopen.
Volvo gaat zelfrijdende auto's aan Uber leveren

Levering tussen 2019 en 2021.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volvo Cars heeft een deal met Uber gesloten voor de levering van tienduizenden zelfrijdende auto's. Dit maakte de Zweedse autofabrikant met een Chinese eigenaar maandag bekend.

De auto's zullen worden geleverd tussen 2019 en 2021.

Volvo en taxibedrijf Uber sloten reeds in augustus 2016 een strategische samenwerking. De bedrijven werken samen aan de ontwikkeling van het model XC90 premium SUV, dat aan Uber zal worden geleverd en door het taxibedrijf zelf zal worden voorzien van extra technologie voor autonoom rijden.

Los van de werkzaamheden voor Uber is Volvo ook bezig met de ontwikkeling van een eigen volledig zelfrijdende auto die in 2021 op de markt moet komen.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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EU achieves progress on talks with China on steel dumping

News Europe reported that Brussels and Beijing have agreed to cooperate on trade and competition after the two sides set up a dialogue on state aid. The EU’s executive arm represented by the Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager, met Chinese officials in Beijing on 15 November for the first time since they signed a memorandum of understanding in June, to enter into a new dialogue between the EU and China.

Relations have been fraught because of EU efforts to resist dumping of steel by Chinese companies receiving unfair state aid, but it seems that according to the European Commission, China agreed on it as important to cooperate to ensure good economic relations with the bloc.

Commissioner Vestager said that it is of both EU and China’s interest to cooperate to promote fair global competition. “Antitrust, merger review and State aid control are important tools in ensuring that consumers can benefit from competitive markets and companies can compete on their merits. Both the European Commission and the Chinese competition agencies will work closely together for a coherent and efficient competition enforcement.”

Vestager further added that the cooperation of both sides on state aid is important to prevent public policies from restricting competition or distorting the market. In this context, Vestager welcomed China’s adoption of a Fair Competition Review System designed to ensure State measures do not adversely affect market entry and exit and the free movement of goods.

The next step of this new dialogue is the Commission’s meeting at a technical level with the 28 ministries in charge of implementing the Fair Competition Review System in China. This cooperation between the EU and China will continue and both sides agreed to take stock of the dialogue at the next EU-China Summit in 2018.

Source : News Europe
VW and its partner to invest USD 12 billion plan for electric cars in China
Published on Mon, 20 Nov 2017

CNN.com reported that Volkswagen and its local partners plan to invest more than EUR 10 billion (USD 11.8 billion) to build electric and hybrid cars in the country the world's biggest auto market over the next seven to 8th years.

More electric vehicles are sold in China than anywhere else on the planet and the national government is pushing companies to design and build them on Chinese territory.

Under the plan announced, VW and its partners are aiming to develop and produce as many as 40 new electric and hybrid vehicle models in China between now and 2025. It expects the first of the new models to hit the Chinese market next year.

Mr Jochem Heizmann VW's top China exec said that the German company is "determined to be at the forefront" of China's electric vehicle revolution.

China accounts for about 50% of the global market for clean energy vehicles, according to investment firm East Capital. Chinese officials said two months ago that they were working on a plan to eventually phase out the production and sale of vehicles powered solely by fossil fuels.

Governments in the UK, France and India have also set out timetables for doing away with vehicles that run purely on gasoline.

China is already a massive market for VW, and the company has a lot of experience making cars there with local partners. Doing so avoids hefty import tariffs but also means it has to share its technology with the Chinese firms.

Tesla (TSLA), which has been trying for years to figure out how to produce its electric cars in China, may set up a factory in Shanghai's free trade zone. That arrangement could enable the U.S. company to avoid teaming up with a Chinese company, but it would still have to pay the import tariffs.

VW said last year that it aims to sell 1.5 million electric and hybrid vehicles in China by 2025.

Source : CNN.com
China hikes non-state oil import quotas
Published on Mon, 20 Nov 2017

New Base reported that China surprised energy markets twice over the past week, hiking the crude import quotas for independent refiners by more than anticipated and also doling out unexpectedly generous fuel export quotas for large and state-run refiners.

China Ministry of Commerce said last week that “Non-state-trade” will be allowed to import 142.42 million tonnes (2.86 million bpd) of crude in 2018, up 55% on the 91.73 million tonnes (1.84 million bpd) granted for 2017”

Although the ministry did not break down what proportion of the quotas went to independent refiners, so-called teapots accounted for around two-thirds of the total in 2017.

Analysts note that while generous, the new quota will still fall short of independent refiners’ requirements. But it is possible that Beijing will raise the quotas as 2018 progresses.

The fact that Beijing announced the quotas earlier than usual has also been interpreted as a possible sign that the government is gradually relaxing its control over teapot refiners.

Policies governing the sector had been tightened over the past year because of a domestic fuel glut and concerns about overcapacity. The government cut its 2017 crude import quotas for independent refiners by nearly 17% from the previous year and banned them from exporting fuel.

MOFCOM has also added 643,000 bpd to the 2017 fuel export quota for oil refiners across the board, although teapots still do not have any export quota. The total full-year export quota for 2017 for refiners is now 933,000 bpd, up from 826,000 bpd before the ministry’s announcement.

Within this, the annual quota for gasoline exports rises to 275,000 bpd from 235,000 bpd, while that for diesel increases to 356,000 bpd from 295,000 bpd and the quota for jet fuel inches up to 302,000 bpd from 295,000 bpd.

ESAI Energy’s Yao Wu said that “These announcements support our earlier forecast of rising year-end exports and crude imports beyond this winter. In addition, the soaring non-state crude import quota next year will encourage competition between independent and state-owned companies. While there is still no indication that independent refiners will be granted fuel export quotas next year, we expect them to play a more significant role in China’s fuel markets in 2018.”

Source : News Base
Daimler plan to invest USD 755 million in China for electric car

REUTERS reported that Germany's Daimler AG plans to invest 5 billion yuan in China for factory capacity to manufacture electric cars and the batteries that power them, part of an effort to help its Mercedes-Benz and Smart brands comply with the country's green car production and sales quotas.

Mr Hubertus Troska head of Daimler's greater China operations told reporters that the investment was part of Daimler's previously announced 10 billion euros global green car initiative.

China has set strict quotas for electric and plug-in hybrid cars that come into effect from 2019. It has an ambitious target of 2 million NEV sales by 2020 and has signaled longer term it will phase out the sale of conventional petrol-engine cars.

This seismic shift towards NEVs has prompted a flurry of electric car deals and new launches as manufacturers worldwide race for a share of the world's largest auto market.

Source : REUTERS
China pushing forward in cutting coal capacity cut

Xinhua reported that china is smoothly pushing forward the reduction of out dated coal capacity. Mr Lian Weiliang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission said that China's goal to cut coal capacity by 500 million tonnes within three to five years starting 2016 will likely be met in advance.

Mr Lian said that by the end of this year, the number of coal mines in China will drop to about 7,000 from 10,800 in 2015.

A week ago, the National Bureau of Statistics said China had completed its 2017 tasks for steel and coal capacity cuts.

In 2016, China cut coal capacity by more than 290 million tonnes. This year's target was 150 million tonnes.

Mr Lian said There is still a large amount of outdated capacity in the coal sector, and the task of cutting capacity remains arduous.

Source : Xinhua net
Ajax vangt miljoenen met Chinese samenwerking

Gepubliceerd op 27 nov 2017 om 09:25 | Views: 3.536

Ajax 16:00
9,95 -0,05 (-0,50%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Ajax gaat samenwerken met de Chinese voetbalclub Guangzhou R&F FC. Algemeen directeur Edwin van der Sar zette maandag zijn handtekening onder een vijfjarige overeenkomst. Guangzhou R&F, niet te verwarren met topclub Guangzhou Evergrande die de afgelopen zeven jaar landskampioen werd, wil met hulp van Ajax de beste jeugdopleiding in China ontwikkelen. De Amsterdamse club verdient in totaal 10 miljoen euro met deze deal.

Ed Engelkes gaat het project aansturen. De oud-trainer van de vrouwen van Ajax wordt technisch directeur van Guangzhou R&F. De 53-jarige Engelkes neemt een aantal Amsterdamse trainers mee die de filosofie van Ajax gaan overbrengen. Beide clubs hebben al de intentie uitgesproken het contract met vijf jaar te verlengen als de samenwerking bevalt.

,,We waren de afgelopen jaren al actief op de Aziatische markt, maar voornamelijk op commercieel gebied'', zei Van der Sar. ,,Deze samenwerking draait vooral om voetbal. De jeugdopleiding is voor Ajax al decennialang ontzettend belangrijk in alles wat wij doen. Het is bekend dat het voor ons lastig is om in de huidige Europese voetbalwereld verder te groeien. Door de Ajax Coaching Academy creëren we desondanks kansen om hierin stappen te maken.''

De Chinese club, in 2011 opgericht door vastgoedontwikkelaar R&F, eindigde dit jaar als vijfde in de Super League. Vicevoorzitter Nicky Wong heeft hoge verwachtingen van de samenwerking. ,,Ajax is een club met een rijke historie. Zij hebben de beste jeugdopleiding van de wereld. Wij zijn een jonge club, maar met dezelfde filosofie als Ajax waar het gaat om de manier van spelen, maar ook met betrekking tot opleiden van jeugd.''
Chinese steel prices to continue firming up in 2018 – CISA

Xinhua reported that according to a senior official at the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), China's steel prices will continue to firm up in 2018 as production and supply are becoming more balanced. Mr Gu Jianguo, deputy head of of CISA, told an industry forum "Prices are rising in 2017 due to government effort to close small mills that churn out low-quality steel made from scrap metal. As a result, a batch of money-losing producers begins to make profit. Prices have seen a reasonable rebound, while it is quite normal to see tight supply and price fluctuations during certain periods.”

Mr Gu said that environmental checks would curb output in 2018 as new capacity was added, with demand and supply becoming balanced.

He said steel producers should speed up deleveraging, phasing out zombie firms, and disposing of assets after capacity cut.

Source : Xinhua
Why China's massive steel lay offs will not hurt economy

Xinhua reported that like many other overstaffed steel producers in China, Magang (Group) Holding, or Masteel, is in the middle of downsizing. The steel complex in East China's Anhui Province made more than 4,000 workers, or 10% of total staff, redundant last year as it cut nearly 5 million metric tonnes of capacity. Of the redundancies, half were older employees opting for early retirement, and over 40 percent were retrained and remployed for new positions in the factory.

The settlement, despite adding to corporate costs, has paid off. Thanks to slimmer operation and stronger competitiveness in advantageous products, Masteel's Shanghai-listed branch posted a net profit of 2.74 billion yuan (USD 425 million) in the first three quarters, more than double from a year ago.

Masteel is typical of enterprises in glutted steel and coal sectors where the government is pushing for consolidation.

China plans to eliminate 100 million to 150 million tons of crude steel capacity in five years from 2016, and 500 million tons of coal. After the process around 1.8 million employees will no longer be needed, official data shows. Concerns have lingered on whether this wave of industrial restructuring will be similar to those in state-owned enterprises in the 1990s and result in a surge in the jobless rate, and even trigger social and economic instability.

Mr Liu Yanbin former president of the Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security, a government think tank said that "The placement of those laid-off is usually a thorny issue in resource-based cities and monotowns where the group of unemployed is huge and job vacancies are scarce.”

Analysts believe the impact of capacity cuts on unemployment and the social welfare burden is limited.

Under the last SOE reforms around two decades ago, it was estimated that tens of millions of workers were dismissed within a couple of years, a significant shake-up given that China's urban workforce only totaled 190 million in 1995.

Mr Tang Jianwei, chief macro analyst with the Bank of Communications said that "With the present economic size and fiscal strength, China can handle the problem more easily. Not only does GDP amount to nearly USD 12 trillion, from less than 1 trillion dollars around 20 years earlier, but the national income per capita has risen to 8,800 dollars from 1,000 dollars."

Rather than simply shutting down factories, the government is now encouraging market approaches, such as mergers and acquisitions and targeted removal of outdated capacity.

Thanks to the strategy, the lay-offs from steel and coal sectors accounted for a much smaller fraction of the working population.

Mr Tang said that "The expected 1.8-million unemployed was merely 0.4% of the country's 410 million urban workforce.”

During the first 10 months of the year, nearly 12 million jobs were created, surpassing the annual goal and bringing the jobless rate to its lowest level since 2008.

Mr Steven Zhang, chief economist with Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities said that "Given the robust job increases, the spare labor force can be quickly absorbed by other industries.”

With employment high on its work agenda, the government has stepped up efforts to help redundant workers, with measures ranging from skill training to financial support.

Source : China Daily
ArcelorMittal positief over staalmarkt

Gepubliceerd op 28 nov 2017 om 12:40 | Views: 1.796

ArcelorMittal 16:15
25,06 +0,28 (+1,13%)

PARIJS (AFN) - Staalreus ArcelorMittal is positief gestemd over de vooruitzichten voor de Europese staalmarkt. Het concern ziet een stijgende vraag naar staal van onder meer de auto-industrie en bij machines.

Volgens financieel directeur Aditya Mittal van het staalconcern is de vraag vanuit deze sectoren vrijwel weer op het niveau van voor de crisis, zo zei hij tijdens een bijeenkomst in Parijs. Hij benadrukte verder dat overheden er alles aan moeten doen om voor staalproducenten een gelijk speelveld te creëren op het gebied van export.

Vooral Chinese staalproducenten worden ervan beschuldigd goedkoop staal op de Europese markt te dumpen.
Chinese iron ore imports grown robustly

Clarkson Research reported that Chinese seaborne iron ore imports have grown robustly in the year to date, and are currently projected to reach 1,074 million tonne in full year 2017, accounting for more than 70% of global seaborne iron ore imports and around a third of the expected growth in total seaborne dry bulk trade this year. What factors have driven the firm expansion in China’s seaborne iron ore imports in 2017 so far?

After a period of slower growth in Chinese seaborne iron ore imports in 2015, expansion picked up in 2016 and imports have continued to grow firmly so far this year, rising 7% YoY to 804 million tonne in the first nine months of 2017. This growth has continued to be principally driven by exports from Australia and Brazil, which have accounted for more than 75% of China’s import growth in the year to date between them, a similar proportion to last year. However, a number of other suppliers have also increased exports to China, with China’s imports from India more than doubling in the year to date and imports from Iran and Sierra Leone growing by more than 35%.

The overall growth in Chinese iron ore imports has partly been supported by a c.3-4% increase in China’s steel consumption in 2017, whilst supply-side reform in China’s steel industry has also played a major role. The Chinese government, aiming to improve profitability in the steel sector and reduce air pollution, reportedly shut down more than 100mtpa of ‘illegal’ induction furnace steel capacity in H1 of 2017. As a result, and against a backdrop of improved demand, steel prices rose firmly and the country’s major steel plants have subsequently ramped up production to take advantage. Official data, which does not include ‘illegal’ capacity, shows a 6% YoY increase in China’s steel production so far this year, although underlying steel production growth is likely to have been more modest, at around 3% when the closure of ‘illegal’ capacity is taken into account. As China’s ‘illegal’ induction furnaces typically consumed relatively low grade domestic iron ore and scrap, whilst the major steel plants generally use higher grade imported iron ore, China’s reliance on imports is likely to have increased further this year, having reached a reported 87% in 2016.

However, growth in Chinese iron ore imports could slow somewhat towards the end of the year as a result of planned steel production cuts, although the extent of such an impact is uncertain. Government policies to reduce air pollution are expected to cut steel production by up to 50% during the winter months in a number of cities including Tangshan, China’s largest steel producing city. There are a range of scenarios, with the general consensus suggesting a slight decline in production in the period between November and March, although some reports suggest a YoY decline of as much as 8%.

So, while there is uncertainty over the impact of steel production cuts over the winter, China’s seaborne iron ore imports still look set to have expanded robustly in full year 2017. Overall, it seems that China’s supply-side reform in the steel industry has been a key driver of firm growth in global seaborne dry bulk trade this year.

Source : Clarkson Research
Volvo electric car brand starts construction in China

Electrek reported that last month, Volvo’s Polestar was revamped as a performance electric car brand and it had a big launch unveiling its first vehicle and announcing several more electric vehicles to come. Now they announced that they started construction at their new factory in China where they will produce those cars. They broke ground at the facility called “Polestar Production Centre’ in Chengdu, China.

Apparently, they plan to move quickly and complete the factory by “mid-2018”, which Polestar acknowledges is an “aggressive” timeline.

But the first vehicle to be produced there, the Polestar 1, will be a low-volume car at 500 units per week, which should facilitate the process to make the plant production-ready.

Mr Thomas Ingenlath, Chief Executive Officer of Polestar, said about the factory that “Following the successful launch of the new Polestar brand in October, construction of the new Polestar Production Centre is the next step in turning our plans into reality. We are building a Production Centre that is a reflection of our brand. A facility that is modern, progressive, technically advanced and environmentally responsible. The Polestar Production Centre will be an embodiment of the Polestar brand.”

That launch in October that Ingenlath mentioned focused on the Polestar 1, which had a well-received design, but we learned that the vehicle was a plug-in hybrid.

When Volvo announced the relaunched of the Polestar brand as an “electric car brand”, EV enthusiasts hoped that it will be to launch all-electric vehicles.

It looks like Polestar knew that since they also made mention of upcoming new all-electric vehicles in the same announcement, which is something rare when unveiling a new vehicle. You don’t want to take away the spotlight from your new car.

Source : Electrek
China Railway and Papua New Guinea ink agreements for three projects worth USD 4 billion

Global construction review reported that China Railway Group and Papua New Guinea this week signed agreements for three projects worth about USD 4 billion, a quarter of the tiny country’s GDP, to upgrade 1,600km of highways and give PNG its first modern road network.

At present, the capital Port Moresby is not linked to any major towns, and most highland villages can only be reached by light aircraft or on foot.

The country’s main road, the Highland Highway, is a single carriageway pocked with potholes.

The scheme will involve USD 3.5 billion of work and will include a total of 1,600km of roads. Those affected will be:

1. The Ramu Highway between Watarais and Madang

2. The Gulf-to-Southern Highlands highway

3. The Sepik Coastal Highway between Wau to Bulolo

4. The Magi Highway between Hoskins and Kimbe

5. The Bougainville Road between Tari and Pori

The other projects include two special economic zones for the industrial processing of agricultural produce. One of these is will be a 150ha development in Eastern Highlands Province and the other will be a 130ha project in Western Highlands Province.

Source : Global construction review
China to build a fourth metro line in the Ukrain

Global construction review reported that two Chinese companies have signed a “cooperation agreement” to build a fourth metro line in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, following a similar announcement in May. The agreement was signed in Kiev on 22 November by the city’s mayor and China Railway International Group, a subsidiary of China Railway Group, and the privately owned China Pacific Construction Group.

Estimated to be worth around USD 2 billion, the project would involve building a 20km line from the densely populated Troyeshchyna district on the east bank of the Dnieper River to the centre of Kiev on the west bank.

Mr Vitali Klitschko mayor of Kiev said that “We have an understanding and a common desire to work together. I am confident that there will be a result, there will be a success, and this project will be implemented.”

Although the funding for the scheme is not yet in place, the Chinese side said it sees the agreement as a gateway to Europe.

Mr Guo Qing, vice-chairman of CPGP said that “Our two companies will now turn their attention to Europe and start building projects in line with the Belt and Road Initiative.”

Source : Global construction review
Cross Rivera and China Harbour ink agreement for Work at Bakassi Deep Seaport

This day live reported that Cross River State government signed a construction agreement for preliminary works at the Bakassi deep seaport with China Harbour Company. The Bakassi Deep Seaport project which is one of the signature projects of ghis overnor Ayade is expected to serve the North-eastern part of the country as well as Chad Republic and Niger.

China Harbour is a state owned company in China with strong expertise in construction and drainage.

Speaking at the contract signing ceremony at the executive council chamber of the Governor’s Office in Calabar, Governor Ben Ayade who disclosed the motivation for the deep seaport, decried the unfair treatment which the state has suffered in the hands of the Federal authorities in the wake of the loss of Bakassi to the Cameroon.

Mr Ayade said that “The state had been treated unfairly in the Nigerian project through several ways of marginalisation and unjust treatments.”

Mr Ayade who also regretted the ceding of Bakassi Peninsula, loss of 76 oil wells as well as the delisting of Cross River from the 13 per cent derivation, said that “the situation has reduced the state to lack and want in body and soul and a weeping child of the nation.”

According to Mr Ayade, his administration had been in desperate need of creating an alternative source of income for the state in spite of the set back, adding that “the Bakassi Deep Seaport is strategic for security and economic reasons.”

To this end, Mr Ayade said that “The Bakassi Deep Seaport will create a new narrative in merchandise and International trade in efficient ort management system.”

The governor expressed optimism that when the Bakassi deep seaport, the superhighway and the power generation projects are completed, Cross River will be one of the investment hubs of Africa.

Mr Ayade urged both the North-central and North-eastern parts of the country to key into the projects and take them as their own because of the short distance it would take to access the port than going to Lagos.
Ayade praised President Muhammadu Buhari for the support he has been giving to the state, stressing that the citing of the port in Bakassi was a divine compensation for a people who have been deprived of their land.

According to Mr Ayade, the signing of the development agreement between the state government and the Chinese company signaled the commencement of the beginning of the signature project.

Earlier, the Managing Director of China Harbour Engineering Company, Mr Zhang Wenteng, assured the governor that the company will deliver high quality of work, assuring that they won’t disappoint the state and the country.

Source : This day live
Copper breaches USD 7,000 mark
Published on Tue, 28 Nov 2017

The price of copper climbed above $7,000 a tonne and towards a one-month high on Friday, helped by a weaker dollar and shrinking supplies, though concerns over demand from top consumer China capped gains. Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange ended up 0.6 percent at $7,002 a tonne, having touched $7,015, its highest since Nov. 1.

The US dollar was at its lowest level since late September against a currency basket, still under pressure after the minutes from the latest U.S. Federal Reserve policy meeting highlighted concern among some board members over persistently low inflation. A weak US currency makes dollar-priced metals cheaper for non-US investors.

Inventories in LME-registered warehouses continued to decline, falling by 5,475 tonnes to 213,600 tonnes. Stocks have fallen 30 percent since mid-September. MCU-STOCKS

Source : Reuters
Koersen mijnbouwers omlaag op angst voor China

De Chinese aandelenmarkten lijken dan wel tot rust gekomen, de onrust over de Chinese schuldenberg krijgt dinsdag nog een staartje op de financiële markten. Deze keer zijn mijnbouwers zoals Glencore GLEN£p349,82-1,68% , BHP Billiton BLT£p1.370,86-0,93% en Antofagasta ANTO£p932,01-1,27% de gebeten hond. Op de beurs in Londen staan deze bedrijven tot 2% in de min, waarbij grondstoffengigant Glencore in de ochtend het lijstje met dalers zelfs aanvoerde met een verlies van 2,3%.

Een medewerker van BHP Billiton in de mijn Escondida in Chili, de grootste kopermijn ter wereld.Foto: Reuters

Analisten wijzen opnieuw naar 'China' als de veroorzaker van het slechte sentiment over de mijnbouwers. Dat land is met afstand de grootste afnemer van de metalen die de mijnbouwers overal ter wereld uit de aardkorst opgraven. Koper wordt bijvoorbeeld veelvuldig toegepast bij de bouw van huizen en in elektrische apparaten.

De zorgen over China draaien allemaal over de grote schulden van het bedrijfsleven. Die hebben veel meer schuld dan in westerse landen gangbaar is. De vraag is of de Chinese overheid hier iets aan gaat doen, en hoe. Als die bedrijven te snel hun schulden moet afbouwen kan dat ten koste gaan van de groei, en dan komt de pijn in ieder geval deels terecht bij de grondstoffenleveranciers. Vorige week doken de Chinese aandelenmarkten al plotseling hard onderuit op dit angstbeeld.

Maandag gingen de prijzen voor de meeste basismetalen al omlaag en die trend zet dinsdag door. Koper verliest 2%, en aluminium levert 1% in op de metalenbeurs in Londen. Na het verlies van ruim 3% van maandag gaat er dinsdag nog eens 2% van de nikkelprijs af. Aandelenbeleggers in mijnbouwbedrijven lijken zich nu te beseffen dat de dalende metaalprijzen niet zonder gevolgen kunnen blijven voor de inkomsten van de mijnbouwers.

Belegger in mijnbouwers ziet kans
Terwijl andere beleggers zich zorgen maken en de aandelen van mijnbouwers van de hand doen, ziet Evy Hambro juist een kans. Dat schrijft de Financial Times. Hambro geldt als een invloedrijke belegger: hij belegt in mijnbouwbedrijven namens BlackRock, de grootste belegger ter wereld.

Volgens Hambro genereren de mijnbouwers nu veel cash, die ze kunnen gebruiken om terug te geven aan de aandeelhouders. Dat moet het vertrouwen van beleggers in de sector herstellen. Beleggers verloren de afgelopen jaren namelijk veel geld omdat mijnbouwers in grote problemen kwamen omdat ze te veel hadden geïnvesteerd in nieuwe mijnen toen de grondstoffenprijzen nog hoog stonden.

Tegenwoordig is kosten besparen het devies, en samen met de gestegen grondstoffenprijzen levert dat nu veel geld op.

Economisch herstel
De prijsdalingen van dinsdag moeten wel in perspectief worden gezien. Door het wereldwijde economische herstel is 2017 een uitstekend jaar voor de meeste grondstoffen. Zo steeg de prijs voor een ton koper vanaf het begin van het jaar gemeten met ruim 25%. Nikkel steeg bijna 14%. Ook de mijnbouwers profiteerden hiervan. De koers van Glencore, dat in 2015 nog bijna bezweek aan zijn schuldenlast, steeg vanaf het begin van dit jaar gemeten met bijna 30%.

Beleggers in Antofagasta, groot in kopermijnen, kunnen zelfs met een koersstijging van bijna 40% rekenen. Rio Tinto en BHP Billiton, twee andere grootmachten onder de mijnbouwers, boekten beiden een koerswinst van rond de 15% op jaarbasis.

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921,92  -3,99  -0,43%  28 feb
 Germany40^ 22.555,90 +0,02%
 BEL 20 4.420,51 -0,60%
 Europe50^ 5.455,27 -0,15%
 US30^ 43.818,00 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 20.879,40 0,00%
 US500^ 5.952,17 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.585,40 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.857,60 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0375 -0,20%
 WTI 70,08 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


Van Lanschot ... +4,09%
ADYEN NV +2,53%
ACOMO +1,59%


Kendrion -5,98%
AMG Critical ... -4,99%
AZERION -4,20%
ASML -2,93%