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Steel official calls for intelligent platform for steel industry in China

China Daily reported that Mr Gan Yong, president of the Central Iron & Steel Research Institute and chairman of the Chinese Society for Metals, has called for upgrading in China's iron and steel industry, to take the opportunity of the government's Made in China 2025 initiative. He told “An intelligent steel industry platform supported by big data can not only help to eliminate overcapacity but also optimize the industrial structure and increase industry profits.”

He said “The platform is a commercial ecology system jointly built and operated by several companies, which share resources and profits. If a company were on the platforms, it could survive. Otherwise, it will die. We have long been talking about intelligent production process within a company, however, intelligence in the whole industry is more important. An intelligent internet platform is the best and effective way to solve the problems in the pillar industry in China."

He said “There are many individual steel companies in China, which lead to fierce competition and a waste of resources, while mergers and acquisitions between giant corporations are not easy and may bring huge financial burdens.”

Mr Gan said “The big data system solves the problem through capacity utilization adjustment. Cloud calculation gives the participants clear advice on the production variety and specific levels of production, eliminating blind production and arranging output capacity reasonably. Setting up intelligent platforms is a central course: they join as a group, but they are independent in finance, management and staff. Companies on the platform can cooperate with upstream and downstream firms, as well as former competitors.”

He said that sharing resources and information in supply-chain, design, manufacturing and service, they achieved a win-win situation. He said “For instance, steel companies can bargain jointly with domestic and foreign iron ore providers like international giant Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, reducing costs to the lowest level.”

In addition, the platform can easily realize industrialization for technological achievements, and provide financial support for research and production, said Gan.

He added "Of course, we still need some time to set up the intelligent platforms, but steel giants should realize their necessity, feasibility and urgency, with advance of the technology.”

Source : China Daily
China aluminum exports accelerate

Reuters reported that China's appetite for imports of refined industrial metals was generally subdued in the first half of the year. Imports of aluminum were, along with lead, the only ones to rise at a commodity metal level. But the 44,000-tonne year-on-year jump to 64,000 tonnes is but a drop in the aluminum ocean and dwarfed by the country's exports of semi-manufactured products.

Semis exports totaled 2.1 million tonnes in the first half of the year, up six percent.

Rather ominously in light of the current political heat around China's role in the global aluminum market, exports were 400,000 tonnes or above in both May and June, a level that has only been seen twice before, once in June 2015 and once in December 2014.

The continuing rotation between different types of products is also worth noting.

Those of bar, rods and profiles fell by 184,000 tonnes in the first half, while those of plate, sheet and strip jumped by 225,000 tonnes and those of foil rose by 69,000 tonnes.

Tin Exports Pending?
China remained a net importer of refined tin, albeit a fairly minor one with cumulative net imports of just 1,800 tonnes in the first half of the year.

Imports have been declining for a couple of years now, a trend that has coincided with a relatively new import flow of raw materials from Myanmar which has allowed China's smelters to lift production.

Concentrate imports from Myanmar dropped 45 percent in January-June, but that headline figure may be overstating the true picture. Tin industry association ITRI has suggested that the drop in tonnage terms may be disguising a rise in quality as Myanmar processing technology improves.

Certainly, there appears to be no shortage of refined tin in China. Stocks registered with the Shanghai Futures Exchange continue to rise and now stand at 7,315 tonnes.

There is potential for some of this material to leave the country now that the tin export tax has been removed.

Actual exports were a negligible 550 tonnes in January to June, very much in keeping with levels over the last few years.

However, that may yet change given the widening gap between a comfortably supplied Chinese market and the persistent low stock levels on the London Metal Exchange.

Source : Reuters
Booming lead imports the surprise in China's first-half metals trade

Reuters reported that China's appetite for imports of refined industrial metals was generally subdued in the first half of the year. Those of copper, for example, fell by 26%, or over 500,000 tonnes, relative to the first half of 2016.

In part that was due to strong imports of both copper scrap and mine concentrates. Ample availability of both raw materials meant higher domestic production of refined copper and less demand for imported metal.

A similar pattern played out in both the zinc and nickel sectors despite expectations that a lack of raw materials in each would feed through to higher refined imports.

The stand-out exception was lead, which saw concentrate imports slide and China flip from net exporter to net importer of lead in refined metal form.

Lead Steals the Zinc Show
China's net imports of refined lead totaled 50,300 tonnes in the first half of 2017 which may not sound like a lot of lead but it was the first time China has been a consistent net importer since 2012 and you'd have to go all the way back to 2009 to find it importing equivalent tonnage.

The imports largely came from just two countries, namely Australia (32,000 tonnes) and Kazakhstan (18,600 tonnes).

What has caused the flip from net exporter to net importer? This being lead, a notoriously opaque market even outside of China, it's a little hard to say.

But it's noticeable that imports of lead concentrates dropped in the first six months of 2017, also defying the broader trend.

At 644,000 tonnes (bulk weight) they were four percent lower year-on-year and, indeed, the lowest quantity for any first half period since 2013.

All of which is somewhat ironic since this is what everyone was expecting to happen to lead's sister metal zinc.

But zinc concentrate imports were a robust 1.3 million tonnes (also bulk weight), up 31 percent on the first half of last year despite a tightening raw materials market.

Conversely, imports of refined zinc slid 38% or 111,000 tonnes, to 180,000 tonnes.

China's zinc trade so far this year has not conformed to this market's bull narrative of raw materials crunch translating into refined metal crunch.

For how long that remains the case will be a key test of that narrative.

Source : Reuters
China to extend power market reform to cross-region transmission lines

Reuters reported that China will extend its push to cut power distribution pricing to include transmission lines used to send electricity between regions. The country has since 2014 reformed the cost of using its 32 provincial grids, which the government says has saved a total of CNY 48 billion.

A press conference said that it is now turning its attention to the power lines that connect those networks, Mr Zhang Manying, an inspector in the pricing department of the National Development and Reform Commission. "Price reform in the power system is a hard task. Our next step will be recalculating the pricing on cross-region grids such as west-east electricity transmission."

He added that pricing would also be reviewed on the myriad local power networks that operate below the provincial level.

Source : Reuters
Groeitempo Chinese dienstensector iets lager

Inkoopmanagersindex in juli naar 54,5.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in juli in een lager tempo gestegen. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector daalde van 54,9 in juni naar 54,5 in juli, dezelfde stand in mei.

Aanstaande donderdag maakt ook Markit de ontwikkeling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese dienstensector bekend.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese industrie groeit iets minder hard

Inkoopmanagersindex in juli op 51,4.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in juli opnieuw gestegen, maar wel in een iets minder hoog tempo. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie kwam in juli van dit jaar uit op 51,4, tegen 51,7 in juni. Economen hadden gerekend op een indexstand van 51,6.

Aanstaande dinsdag maakt ook Markit de ontwikkeling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie bekend.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
'China wil verkoop bezittingen Anbang'

Gepubliceerd op 31 jul 2017 om 10:04 | Views: 1.520

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese autoriteiten willen dat verzekeraar Anbang, het moederbedrijf van de Nederlandse verzekeraar Vivat, buitenlandse bezittingen gaat verkopen en de opbrengst terughaalt naar China. Dat meldden ingewijden rond de zaak.

Anbang is de laatste jaren volop met overnames in het buitenland bezig geweest. Zo kocht Anbang naast Vivat ook vastgoed en financiële dienstverleners in Europa en de VS. Anbang is onder meer de eigenaar van het Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York.

Anbang liet in een reactie weten geen plannen te hebben voor een verkoop van buitenlandse activiteiten. Het bedrijf is in opspraak gekomen door de arrestatie van de topman in juni en vraagtekens rond de financiering. Er zou aan Chinese banken zijn gevraagd voorlopig geen zaken meer te doen met Anbang.
China protects environment against illegal mining

Xinhua reported that China's top court issued a judicial interpretation requiring local courts to accept public interest lawsuits against mining practices that have caused environmental damage.

Zheng Xuelin, presiding judge of the tribunal for environmental resource cases at the Supreme People's Court said that mining without a license or with unsustainable methods has caused great damage to the environment and its seriousness has been underestimated.

Mr Zheng added that "The new judicial interpretation will raise people's awareness of environmental protection.”

To strengthen environmental watchdogs, the judicial explanation stipulates that courts should make suggestions to local environmental departments and designate them to handle cases involving mining without a license or fabrication of documents, among other offences.

Mr Zheng said that environmental departments are better in dealing with such cases and the major force for environmental protection.

Suspected criminal offences should be transferred to investigative organs, said the interpretation which went into effect Thursday.

Source : Xinhua
Waar zouden we zijn zonder Voda's dagelijkse updates on China?! Keep up the good work! Bedankt.

handyman6 schreef op 31 juli 2017 17:34:

Waar zouden we zijn zonder Voda's dagelijkse updates on China?! Keep up the good work! Bedankt.
Leuk om te lezen, dat je er nog steeds naar kijkt. Ik heb deze draad toen geopend speciaal voor jou. :-)

Weet het.Zit nog steeds met trackers in al die kleinere groeilanden in -Azie.Niet in China,India,Japan,maar volg ze dus wel.
Bedrijvigheid Chinese industrie trekt verder aan

Inkoopmanagersindex in juli naar 51,1.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in juli verder aangetrokken. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex steeg van 50,4 in juni naar 51,1 in juli, de hoogste stand in vier maanden.

Opvallend was de verbetering in output en nieuwe orders, aldus Markit, die tevens wees op een solide herstel van de export.

Een indexstand groter dan 50 wijst op groei van de industrie, terwijl minder dan 50 krimp betekent.

Maandag bleek uit Chinese overheidscijfers nog een lichte daling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie, van 51,7 in juni naar 51,4 in juli. De dienstensector groeide volgens de overheid ook minder hard, met een indexniveau van 54,5 in juli, tegen 54,9 een maand eerder.

Markit maakt de inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector op donderdag bekend.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
All eyes on China's aluminium sector - Andy Home

Reuters reported that this has been the mantra of the industrial metal markets for over a decade. The country's industrialisation and urbanisation programs have been the core driver of demand growth across the metallic spectrum. In the case of aluminium, however, China's influence on the global supply chain is double-edged. As well as being the biggest user of aluminium, China is by some margin the largest producer, accounting for over 50%of global output. That dominant role is now in focus as Beijing launches what looks like a multi-pronged attack on its aluminium producers.

Production cuts in regions around the capital have been mandated for the coming winter heating season, which starts in November.

Separately, what Beijing terms "illegal" capacity is being closed right now. Analysts have tracked some two million tonnes of "closures" with a broad consensus another four million tonnes is at immediate risk.

Throw in rolling environmental inspections and a requirement that all new capacity must be offset by the closure of older capacity and it does look as if Beijing is finally getting serious about reining in its aluminium sector.

The rest of the world is watching closely. China's exports of surplus aluminium in the form of semi-manufactured products have set it on a collision course with the Trump Administration.

The market is also watching closely. This totally new threat to global supply is why the London price has been trading consistently above the $1,900-per tonne level for the first time in three years.

But what is actually going on? If so much capacity is being closed, why is the country's production rising? And even more critically, should be believe the official numbers?

China's production of primary aluminium hit a record high of 97,700 tonnes per day in June. That was equivalent to an annualised run rate of 35.7 million tonnes and represented 56.5 percent of global output, also a fresh high.

These are the official figures from China's Nonferrous Metals Industry Association published by the International Aluminium Institute.

Counting aluminium production should be a straightforward statistical exercise. Aluminium smelters are big and in the case of the new generation of plants in China very big indeed.

But the official numbers, which is all most of us get to see, raise more questions than they answer.

It's not just CNIA's habit of occasionally throwing large historical revisions into the mix, it's the monthly volatility that has become a running feature of the numbers.

June's annualised run rate, for example, was 2.4 million tonnes higher than that in May. The scale of that change, even allowing for the number of operating smelters in the country, stretches credulity.

Moreover, industry specialists such as Paul Adkins of the AZ China consultancy now believe the official figures are diverging from reality in a different way.

AZ China does its own production count and estimates actual daily production was 104,000 tonnes in June. It also thinks there was a similar-sized undercount in both April and May.

The cumulative annual discrepancy based on the last three months would be around three million tonnes. The official figures, according to Adkins, speaking in the Reuters Global Base Metals Forum on Thursday, are "misleading to say the least".

The disappearing tonnage in the official figures coincides with Beijing's edict on closing "illegal" capacity, raising the intriguing possibility that whoever counts China's production has simply eliminated "illegal" smelters, irrespective of whether they have been closed or not.

Source : Reuters
Chinese dienstensector groeit fractioneel trager

Inkoopmanagersindex in juli naar 51,5.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in juli in een iets lager tempo gegroeid. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex daalde van 51,6 in juni naar 51,5 in juli.

Nadat de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie eerder deze week al bleek gestegen van 50,4 naar 51,1, kwam de samengestelde index in juli uit op 51,9, een stijging ten opzichte van de 51,1 een maand eerder. Daarmee kwam de samengestelde index uit op het hoogste niveau in vier maanden tijd.

"De Chinese economie was in juli sterker dan verwacht", aldus econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van CEBM. Toch zal er druk op de economie blijven, denkt de econoom, aangezien het vertrouwen in de toekomst in zowel de industrie als de dienstensector daalde.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Gucci-moeder en Alibaba strijden tegen namaak

Gepubliceerd op 3 aug 2017 om 12:59 | Views: 463

Alibaba Group Holding 16:17
150,77 -1,14 (-0,75%)

PARIJS (AFN) - De Franse luxeketen Kering gaat samenwerken met de Chinese internetwinkel Alibaba in de strijd tegen namaakmerkartikelen. De twee bedrijven richten een gezamenlijke werkgroep op die informatie gaat delen en gaat samenwerken met handhavingsdiensten. Alibaba moet met zijn technologische kennis de opsporing helpen.

Kering bezit onder meer luxemerken als Gucci, Saint Laurent en Balenciaga, horlogemerk Boucheron en sportmerk Puma. Dergelijke merken worden veel nagemaakt, met name in China waar niet altijd even streng wordt opgetreden tegen inbreuk op intellectueel eigendom.

Door de samenwerking laat Kering een rechtszaak tegen Alibaba en zusterbedrijf Alipay vallen. Die zaak had het Franse bedrijf aangespannen, omdat Alibaba via zijn onlineverkoopkanalen nepmerkartikelen in de markt zette.
China's Xinfa Group closes 530,500 tonne of illegal aluminium capacity

Reuters reported that China's Xinfa Group has closed 530,500 tonnes of annual illegal aluminium production capacity. According to a statement by a local government in eastern Shandong province, a team of experts from Jinan based Ailinte Safety Technology Consulting Co, accompanied by local government officials and Xinfa Chairman Zhang Xuexin, visited Xinfa smelting facilities on July 30 to check that the closures had been carried out.

The posting said that a total of 426 units at Xinfa subsidiaries Huaxin Aluminium, Huayuan Aluminium and Xinyuan Group had been shut down as of July 28.

Xinfa officials were not immediately available to comment. The scale of the closure is in line with analysts' expectations.

China, the world's biggest aluminium producer and consumer, is clamping down on unauthorized manufacturing capacity for the metal and carrying out a wave of inspections to ensure facilities meet environmental standards.

Mr Paul Adkins managing director of consultancy AZ China, reckons that around 2.2 million tonnes of illegal Chinese aluminium capacity has been shuttered since 2013. He estimated last week on the Reuters Global Base Metals Forum that Xinfa had 1.1 million tonnes per year of illegal capacity and was shutting down half of that.

Source : Reuters
China to add 2.39 million tonne new aluminum capacity – SME

Platts reported that China is forecast to add new aluminum smelting capacity of 2.39 million tonne per year in the second half of this year. Shanghai Metal Exchange said in its aluminum sector report that the country added new aluminum smelting capacity of 2.06 million tonne per year in H1, or 46% of the estimated 4.45 million tonne per year total new national capacity for 2017.

SME's forecast of new Chinese national aluminum output capacity this year is close to that predicted by state-run metals consultancy Beijing Antaike.

The agency told an industry seminar in Bejing in April China is to add 5 million to 5.5 million tonne per year new aluminum smelting capacity in 2017, in the provinces of Shandong, Shanxi, Guizhou, as well as the autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.

S&P Global Platts metals market reports feature global news, analysis, daily pricing, and commentary on major metals including aluminum, copper, lead, tin, zinc and precious metals, as well as ferroalloys and steel.

SME said Shanghai Futures Exchange's aluminum futures prices hit Yuan 14,670 per tonne (USD 2,201 per tonne ) last week. But with mainland Chinese aluminum producers' output cuts having come to a halt, market players now focus attention on China's aluminum supply surplus.

Key Chinese aluminum producer Hongqiao Group confirmed to S&P Global Platts its 250,000 tonne per year output cutback in mid June.

SME said that due to the addition of new aluminum capacity in China, domestic aluminum prices may face face downside pressure from rising aluminum stocks.

Source : Platts
Saudi Aramco wil mogelijk belang in raffinaderij PetroChina

Deal van ruim 2 miljard dollar in de maak.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Saudi Aramco is in gesprek met PetroChina om een belang te nemen in een van de raffinaderijen van de onderneming. Dit schreef Dow Jones Newswires vrijdag op basis van bronnen.

Mogelijk neemt de Saoedische staatsonderneming een belang van meer dan 30 procent in de raffinaderij Anning in de provincie Yunnan. Daarmee zou meer dan 2 miljard dollar gemoeid zijn, aldus enkele bronnen. De raffinaderij is goed voor een dagcapaciteit van 260.000 vaten.

Overigens zou het niet voor het eerst zijn dat Saudi Aramco en PetroChina over een dergelijke deal spreken.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China Hongqiao to cut outdated aluminium capacity

Reuters reported that China Hongqiao Group Ltd the world's largest maker of aluminium plans to shut more than 2 million tonnes a year of outdated smelter capacity, but still expects production to remain at levels close to current output. A Hongqiao spokeswoman in Hong Kong said that "We can confirm that the company will be cutting more than 2 million tons of outdated capacity.” She said that "This will be replaced by new capacity, keeping the total capacity at 6.5 to 7 million tons. The company expects that annual production volumes will exceed 7 million tons as the utilisation rate goes over 100 percent.”

The Hongqiao spokeswoman did not specify when the capacity cuts or additions would take place. She also did not say when the company expects production to exceed 7 million tonnes.

China has cracked down this year on its bloated aluminium sector by closing plants that did not obtain proper permits to build or expand, or that have not met strict environmental standards set down as part of a push to clear its skies.

Analysts said the pace of closures quickened from July, and estimate some 3 million to 4 million tonnes of capacity will close this year, around a tenth of the country's total, tightening the global supplies and pushing up prices.

Shanghai Futures Exchange aluminium rose as much as 2% on Wednesday to hit its highest in more than three months.

Source : Reuters
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