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Satellite network, designed to give Europe independence, has been delayed by Brussels rows

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

The European Commission kicked off plans yesterday for a rival to the United States' global positioning system (GPS) with calls for suppliers for €3.4bn-worth (£2.7bn) of hi-tech space-technology deals.

The Galileo programme's network of 30 satellites is designed to give Europe strategic independence from the US, steal a march on the nascent market for mobile location-based services and boost the region's hi-tech and engineering sectors.

But squabbles in Brussels have already pushed the scheme years behind schedule and British MPs warned last year it could become an "orbiting RailTrack" costing up to £10bn. The five-year project is split into six parts, including hardware, complex ground-control and navigation systems and systems integration work. Key players that are likely to put themselves into the running include Thales Alenia Space, EADS Astrium and Logica, but the scheme could also attract non-European firms and Boeing has expressed some interest.

Notwithstanding predictions of disaster by the scheme's opponents, Galileo is a superior technology. While the American system is accurate to 10 metres at best, and considerably less in built-up areas, Galileo can pinpoint down to a few centimetres. Richard Peckham, the business development director at EADS Astrium, said: "GPS started as a military system but a massive market has developed around it and US industry has reaped the benefits many times over.

"All kinds of industries are dependent on GPS now – everything from oil and gas, to electricity distribution, to telecommunications."

The Galileo business model also includes plans to make money back from the sale of guaranteed services, which can be either location-based or based on the super-accurate timing that satellite systems also deliver. GPS is not used in safety-critical industries, such as air traffic control, because there is no guarantee of service. But by offering a contractual certainty, Galileo could have wide-ranging applications from monitoring cars' drift in motorway lanes to berthing ships in dockyards.

There are also major consumer applications. Paul Lee, a director of research at Deloitte, said: "At the moment there is just one major application, which is car navigation systems, but as the cost of the chipsets goes down they are being integrated into mobile phones and over time they will be tagged into anything which can be tracked to avoid theft."

Although yesterday's tender documents are only the beginning, it has been a long road for Galileo already.

The programme started a decade ago with a joint plan between the Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA), under which ESA was to develop the technology and the Commission was to fund it through a public-private partnership (PPP).

ESA's technological developments were slower than anticipated: the whole programme was originally due by 2008, but so far only two of the four test satellites have been launched and the most recent, the EADS Astrium-built GIOVE-B, only went up three months ago. Under the current timetable, Galileo will not be in place until 2013.

But the real problem was politics. By 2004, the list of consortia bidding for Galileo was down to three, but the programme hit the skids when one dropped out and the Commission tried to negotiate a merger between the remaining two, which included AlcatelAleniaSpace, Thales and EADS.

Discussions continued until last summer, before falling apart. A major problem for the suppliers was that individual member states were pushing for specific locations for certain parts of the scheme – control centres in Rome, Toulouse and Munich, for example – regardless of commercial realities. "It ended up with such a politically driven infrastructure that there is no ability of the industry to make decisions based on efficiency and cost effectiveness," said an industry source involved in the procurement. "The consortia were being asked to bear the risk but they didn't have any power and didn't have any control over costs."

The ESA's director general, Jean-Jacques Dordain, said last month: "Europe needs vision ... That doesn't start with governance."

The scheme was only saved, after extensive EU parliamentary debates, with the decision to scrap the PPP arrangement and fund it centrally from the Commission.

But while sources close to the programme claim that the plans are progressing, and some of the most unhelpful political divisions have been overcome, there are still major questions to be answsered – such as how to get smaller states involved so they benefit from the infrastructure investment.

But even that may play to some advantage. Logica, which already has €70m-worth of business on the pilot scheme, plans to bid for the systems integration deal. Stuart Martin, a director at Logica, said: "We will construct a team from our subsidiaries all around Europe to provide a virtual centre of excellence."

Satelliet-netwerk, die bedoeld zijn om de onafhankelijkheid van Europa, is vertraagd door Brussel rijen

Woensdag 2 juli 2008

De Europese Commissie van start ging gisteren plannen voor een rivaal van de Verenigde Staten 'Global Positioning System (GPS) met oproepen voor de leveranciers van € 3,4 miljard waard-(£ 2.7bn) van hi-tech ruimte-technologie behandelt.

Het Galileo-programma's netwerk van 30 satellieten is ontworpen om in Europa de strategische onafhankelijkheid van de VS, stelen een mars op de opkomende markt voor mobiele locatie-gebaseerde diensten en de stimulering van de regio's hi-tech en techniek.

Maar squabbles in Brussel hebben al gepleit de regeling jaar achter op schema en de Britse parlementsleden waarschuwde vorig jaar kan het een "baan om Railtrack" van maximaal £ 10bn. De vijf jaar durend project is opgedeeld in zes delen, met inbegrip van hardware, complex bodem-en navigatie-systemen en systemen voor de integratie werk. Belangrijke spelers die waarschijnlijk om zichzelf in de werkingskosten omvatten Thales Alenia Space, EADS Astrium en Logica, maar de regeling kan ook het aantrekken van niet-Europese bedrijven en Boeing heeft uitgesproken belang.

In afwijking van de voorspellingen van de ramp door de regeling van de tegenstanders, Galileo is een superieure technologie. Hoewel het Amerikaanse systeem is een nauwkeurigheid van 10 meter aan de beste, en aanzienlijk minder in de bebouwde kom, Galileo kan nauwkeurig tot op een paar centimeter. Richard Peckham, de ontwikkeling van het bedrijfsleven directeur bij EADS Astrium, zei: "GPS begon als een militair systeem, maar een gigantische markt heeft ontwikkeld rond het en de Amerikaanse industrie heeft hem, de vruchten geplukt vele malen over.

"Alle soorten van industrieën zijn afhankelijk van GPS nu - alles van olie en gas, om de distributie van elektriciteit, telecommunicatie."

Het Galileo-business model bevat ook plannen om het geld terug van de verkoop van gegarandeerde dienstverlening, die kan zowel op locatie gebaseerde of op basis van de super-accurate timing die satellietsystemen ook leveren. GPS is niet gebruikt in de veiligheid relevante sectoren, zoals de controle van het luchtverkeer, want er is geen garantie van de dienst. Maar door het aanbieden van een contractuele zekerheid, Galileo zou kunnen hebben brede toepassingen van het toezicht op auto's' afglijden in rijstroken autoweg naar het afmeren van schepen in de scheepswerven.

Er zijn ook grote consumenten-toepassingen. Paul Lee, directeur research bij Deloitte, zei: "Op dit moment is er nog maar een grote applicatie, die car navigatie systemen, maar als de kosten van de chipsets gaat zij worden geïntegreerd in mobiele telefoons en de loop van de tijd zullen zij worden gecodeerd in iets dat kan worden bijgehouden om te voorkomen dat diefstal. "

Hoewel gisteren de aanbestedingsdocumenten zijn nog maar het begin, het is een lange weg voor Galileo reeds.

Het programma begon tien jaar geleden met een gezamenlijk plan tussen de Commissie en het Europees Ruimte-Agentschap (ESA), op grond waarvan de ESA was de ontwikkeling van de technologie en de Commissie werd gefinancierd kunnen worden via een publiek-private samenwerking (PPS).

ESA's technologische ontwikkelingen waren langzamer dan verwacht: het hele programma was oorspronkelijk in 2008, maar tot nu toe slechts twee van de vier satellieten test zijn van start gegaan en de meest recente, de EADS Astrium gebouwde GIOVE-B, maar ging drie maanden geleden . Volgens de huidige planning, Galileo wordt niet van kracht tot 2013.

Maar het echte probleem is de politiek. In 2004, de lijst van de consortia bieden voor Galileo werd tot drie, maar het programma klik op de skids wanneer een afgevallen en de Commissie heeft geprobeerd om te onderhandelen over een fusie tussen de twee, die opgenomen AlcatelAleniaSpace, Thales en EADS.

De besprekingen voortgezet tot afgelopen zomer, voor elkaar te vallen. Een groot probleem voor de leveranciers was dat de afzonderlijke lidstaten werden duwen voor specifieke locaties voor bepaalde delen van de regeling - controle centra in Rome, Toulouse en München, bijvoorbeeld - onafhankelijk van de commerciële realiteit. "Het eindigde met een dergelijke politiek gedreven infrastructuur dat er geen vermogen van de industrie om beslissingen nemen op basis van efficiëntie en kosteneffectiviteit," zei de industrie een bron die betrokken zijn bij de aanschaf. "De consortia werden gevraagd om het risico dragen, maar zij had geen macht en geen enkele controle over de kosten."

De ESA's directeur-generaal Jean-Jacques Dordain, zei vorige maand: "Europa heeft behoefte aan visie ... Dat begint niet met het bestuur."

De regeling werd alleen gered, na een uitgebreide EU parlementaire debatten, met het besluit tot opheffing van de PPS-regeling en het centraal fonds van de Commissie.

Maar terwijl bronnen dicht bij het programma beweren dat de plannen worden geboekt, en sommige van de meest nutteloze politieke tegenstellingen zijn overwonnen, zijn er nog belangrijke vragen worden answsered - zoals hoe je kleinere landen betrokken zijn, zodat ze profiteren van de investeringen in infrastructuur .

Maar zelfs die kunnen spelen op een aantal voordelen. Logica, die reeds is € 70 miljoen-de waarde van de bedrijfsactiviteiten op het proefproject, plannen om een bod te doen voor de integratie van de systemen omgaan. Stuart Martin, een directeur bij Logica, zei: "We zullen de bouw van een team van onze filialen in heel Europa om een virtueel topcentrum."
Probleem is toch meteen opgelost?
Het vijf jaar durend project is opgedeeld in zes delen, met inbegrip van hardware, complex bodem-en navigatie-systemen en systemen voor de integratie werk. Belangrijke spelers die waarschijnlijk om zichzelf in de werkingskosten omvatten Thales Alenia Space, EADS Astrium en Logica, maar de regeling kan ook het aantrekken van niet-Europese bedrijven en Boeing heeft uitgesproken interesse

"Alle soorten van industrieën zijn afhankelijk van GPS nu - van olie en gas, tot elektriciteit distributie , telecommunicatie."

Maar terwijl bronnen dicht bij het programma beweren dat de plannen worden gemaaktt, en sommige van de meest nutteloze politieke tegenstellingen zijn overwonnen,,
moeten er nog belangrijke vragen worden beantwoord, zoals hoe je kleinere landen erbij kunnen betrekken, zodat ze mee kunnen profiteren van de investeringen in infrastructuur .
Stuart Martin, een directeur bij Logica, zei: "Er komt een Europees virtueel topcentrum. met hulpdesks over heel Europa."

Probleem opgelost !
Logica Launches HotScan Plus to Address Risk of Terrorist Fund Transfer

Sydney, 7 July 2008 - Logica, the leading IT and business services company, has today announced the launch of HotScan Plus which delivers a set of new modules specifically aimed at solving the issues involved with filtering domestic payments. Logica HotScan Plus helps to prevent funds being used by terrorists and other sanctioned entities and offers risk reduction combined with cost-effective compliance for banks and investment managers.

In February 2008 the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) updated its methodology for assessing compliance with changes to the definition of a domestic transfer to include chains of transfers that take place entirely in the EU (SEPA) and for all domestic transfers to include full originator information in the payment message for payment values above AUD $10,000. Logica HotScan Plus has been developed in response to this, enabling banks and investor management firms around the world, including those in Australia, to filter both domestic and cross border payments.

At the same time, it enables local organsiations to comply with reporting requirements to the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulator and specialist financial intelligence unit.

Specifically, Logica HotScan Plus provides:

• Very high scalability – to filter millions of messages per day

• Multi-language – to filter international (Unicode) character sets

• Self Learning – advanced functionality to reduce future matches by learning from compliance users’ previous actions

Michael Wolfe, Managing Director of Financial Services for Logica in Australia, said: “For the last several years, regulation has required only international payments to be filtered against sanctioned entities. However, this is now changing with countries extending the regulations to include domestic payments. One of our clients is already responding to these regulatory changes with a programme to roll out domestic filtering in two countries in Eastern Europe followed by 14 countries in Asia.

“The volume of domestic payments for many banks is between 10 and 100 times greater than their number of international payments, “ Wolfe continued. “The need for a filtering solution that can scale up and deal with these volumes, have high accuracy and keep the number of alerts to a manageable amount is therefore paramount.”

The Logica HotScan product is recognised by independent analysts such as Celent and Aite Group as a leader in the watch-list filtering market. The product is implemented globally for some of the largest banks in the world, is used by banks in Australia, and filters approximately half of the world’s foreign exchange payments.

Logica helping to secure European Space Agency Earth Observation missions 08 July 2008

€700,000 contract awarded for Ground Segment security

Logica, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, has been awarded a new contract for security for the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Earth observation missions. The contract will see Logica defining the security measures needed to ensure the integrity of the Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS), which acquires, processes, archives and disseminates ESA’s Earth observation programme data, including third party and (in the future) Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security (GMES) missions.

The project covers the Payload Ground Segment security of the Agency’s distributed ground segment. This includes its management and control centre in Frascati, Italy, and several receiving stations and processing facilities across Europe from the Arctic Circle to the Canary Islands.

Logica will produce an all-encompassing, innovative information security design that includes organisational and procedural security, buildings, personnel, hardware, software and communications. It will also include the initial audit and testing of the current PDGS, and a risk analysis to link the business impact of a compromise, with the likelihood of it occurring. The project will also define the security contractual conditions to be included in contracts and agreements relating to the use of GMES data.

Commenting on the announcement, Dr. Gunther Kohlhammer, head of Earth Observation Ground Segment department at ESA said: “The importance of security and data integrity has become increasingly evident as ESA is now involved, through GMES, in the development of user-driven missions of a more operational nature. We chose Logica because of their extensive experience in all matters relating to security, particularly within the space arena where Logica has led many security aspects of Galileo and EGNOS.”

Stuart Martin, director space and satcoms at Logica said: “Earth observation data is immensely powerful in terms of telling us how the world is changing and for informing necessary decisions that need to be taken as a result. It influences all manner of investments such as infrastructure planning, and as such must be absolutely trustworthy. Logica has one of the largest security practices in Europe and we shall be combining this expertise with our experience of GMES security, PDGS design, and data policy to give ESA a clear set of recommended actions.”

Logica helpen om Europees Ruimte-Agentschap aardobservatie-missies 08 juli 2008

€ 700000 contract gegund voor Ground Segment veiligheid

Logica, een van Europa's leidende IT-en business-diensten, heeft een nieuw contract voor de veiligheid voor het Europees Ruimte-Agentschap (ESA's) aardobservatie missies. De opdracht zal zien Logica definiëren van de veiligheids maatregelen die noodzakelijk zijn om de integriteit van de gegevens Payload Ground Segment (PDGS), die verwerft, processen, archieven en verspreidt ESA's aardobservatie-programma gegevens, met inbegrip van derden en (in de toekomst) Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security (GMES)-missies.

Het project dekt de lading Ground Segment beveiliging van het Agentschap op het gebied van gedistribueerde grondsegment. Dit omvat het beheer en de controle-centrum in Frascati, Italië en verscheidene stations ontvangen en verwerken van installaties in heel Europa van de poolcirkel tot de Canarische Eilanden.

Logica zal een alomvattende, innovatieve informatiebeveiliging ontwerp dat ook organisatorische en procedurele beveiligingsmaatregelen, gebouwen, personeel, hardware, software en communicatie. Het zal ook de eerste audit en het testen van de huidige PDGS, en een risico-analyse te koppelen van de business impact van een compromis, met de kans dat zij zich voordoen. Het project zal ook de veiligheid contractuele voorwaarden om te worden opgenomen in contracten en overeenkomsten met betrekking tot het gebruik van GMES-data.

Een commentaar op de aankondiging, Dr Gunther Kohlhammer, hoofd van het Earth Observation Ground Segment afdeling van ESA zei: "Het belang van de veiligheid en de integriteit van de gegevens steeds duidelijker geworden als de ESA is nu betrokken zijn, door middel van GMES, in de ontwikkeling van user-driven missies van een meer operationeel van aard zijn. We kozen voor Logica vanwege hun uitgebreide ervaring in alle zaken die verband houden met veiligheid, met name binnen de ruimte arena waar Logica heeft diverse veiligheidsaspecten van Galileo en EGNOS. "

Stuart Martin, directeur van de ruimte en op satcoms Logica zei: "aardobservatie gegevens is zeer krachtig in termen van ons te vertellen hoe de wereld verandert en voor het informeren van noodzakelijke beslissingen die genomen moeten worden als gevolg. Het beïnvloedt de wijze van alle investeringen, zoals planning van infrastructuur, en als zodanig moet absoluut betrouwbaar. Logica is een van de grootste zekerheid praktijken in Europa en we worden deze expertise te combineren met onze ervaring op het gebied van veiligheid GMES, PDGS ontwerp, en gegevens beleid te geven ESA een duidelijk pakket van maatregelen aanbevolen."
Logica wins several outsourcing contracts in Sweden
09 July 2008
Top ranking in Nordic Outsourcing Performance survey

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, has signed five important outsourcing contracts in Sweden in the last months. The new customers include UC, Sweden's largest business and credit information agency; De Lage Landen International BV, a global provider of leasing, business and consumer finance solutions; Ålö AB, a world leading manufacturer of front loaders and the municipality of Boden in the North of Sweden. In addition, Logica has recently signed an outsourcing contract with Danish home furnishing chain ILVA, to manage and monitor the operation of all of ILVA’s IT-platforms.

These contracts were awarded following Logica’s nomination as top performer in the annual Outsourcing Service Provider Performance Study 2008 conducted by EquaTerra (formerly Morgan Chambers) in the Nordics. The survey is based on 400 interviews in 240 companies in the Nordic region. When asked to rank the outsourcing service providers, Logica received the highest score in six out of seven categories.

Fredrik Ahlstedt, head of Logica Infra Solutions in Sweden, said: “Outsourcing activities continue to rise in the Nordics. Our clients increasingly require an external partner to ensure the efficient running of their IT environment while maintaining the flexibility to adapt their IT operations to the ever changing needs of the business at any time. In addition, we see more clients turning to us to overcome skills shortage. With a combination of onshore, nearshore and offshore capability, Logica is well positioned to respond to the needs of Swedish companies, which our recent outsourcing wins are further proof of.”

The contract with UC, which will run for three and a half years, includes the operation of UC’s applications and service desk. By outsourcing the operation of all IT to Logica, UC ensures the cost effective running of both the existing and new environment as well as access to the right competence.

The three year contract with De Lage Landen International BV includes the operation of all systems and applications within the financial services company’s Nordic operation. De Lage Landen is already a customer of Logica in the Netherlands.

As part of the new five year contract with Ålö, Logica is responsible for the operation of Ålö’s IT environments, including service desk, servers and communication services for 300 employees and desktop services for 150 users at Ålö.

Logica will supply operation and support of the IT infrastructure and business systems to the municipality of Boden in the North of Sweden. The contract runs for three years.

The contract with ILVA runs over five years and covers the management of all ILVA’s IT-platforms as well as a service desk function for ILVA’s headquarters and its four stores in Denmark and Sweden. The objective of the outsourcing contract is to provide Ilva with a centralised solution for all its IT needs and to achieve substantial cost reductions and increased flexibility. The contract was won against competition from several international IT service providers.
Vertaling staat op het draadje van week 28
Logica test parkeersysteem met nfc-chips bij KPN
dinsdag 26 augustus 2008

Logica test in samenwerking met KPN een systeem op basis van een nfc-chip in een mobieltje, waarmee het aantal beschikbare plaatsen in een parkeergarage zo goed mogelijk moet worden benut.

Voor de pilot, die enkele maanden zal duren, heeft KPN een aantal van zijn medewerkers voorzien van een Samsung-telefoon met nfc-chip. Het door Logica ontwikkelde systeem is geïnstalleerd in de parkeergarages van het telecombedrijf in Den Haag. De deelnemende werknemers kunnen door de draadloze verbinding tussen hun telefoon en het toegangssysteem in de garage, zonder parkeerkaart of code naar binnen rijden.

Volgens KPN is het grote voordeel van dit systeem dat op elk moment zichtbaar is of er nog plek in de garage is. "Bij grotere parkeergarages zie je dat het parkeersysteem geen rekening houdt met plotseling vrijgekomen plekken", aldus Lothar Steegstra, manager Innovatie van KPN. "Zo komt het bij ons regelmatig voor dat de garage de hele dag is volgeboekt, terwijl in werkelijkheid maar zeven op de tien parkeerplaatsen bezet zijn, bijvoorbeeld omdat medewerkers buiten de deur zijn of bezoeken afzeggen. Het nieuwe systeem houdt realtime bij hoeveel plekken er beschikbaar zijn. Daarmee stijgt de efficiëntie aanzienlijk."

Eind dit jaar wil KPN de mogelijkheden met de nfc-chip binnen zijn bedrijf verder uitbreiden. De telco overweegt onder andere om zijn werknemers via een nfc-mobieltje toegang tot beveiligde gebouwen te geven. Het is nog niet bekend of Logica een dergelijk systeem ook aan commerciële parkeergarages gaat aanbieden, zodat geregistreerde gebruikers automatisch toegang kunnen krijgen en bijvoorbeeld via hun mobieltje kunnen betalen.
Sybase and Logica partner to deliver mobility solution for logistic and transport service providers

28 August 2008

Partnership responds to changing mobility market and customer demands

Sybase, Inc. (NYSE: SY), a leading enterprise infrastructure and mobile software company and Logica (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG), a leading IT and business services company, today announced an agreement to deliver integrated mobility solutions to the UK and Australian logistics and transport industries. Under the agreement, Logica will offer Sybase’s mobility applications as part of its intelligent transport systems (ITS) and supply chain execution and planning services. The partnership aims to provide transport companies with a broad set of solutions from one source and to facilitate the explosive growth of mobile devices.

Specific Sybase solutions will be jointly marketed by the two companies, including; Afaria, a mobile device management suite with security capabilities, SQL Anywhere, a mobile, rapidly deployable database, and RFID Anywhere, a flexible, SOA-based RFID platform that supports RFID handheld and mounted vehicles. Logica will also carry out ongoing strategic and developmental work around the project as part of a joint steering group. This partnership approach, based on the established and trusted relationship will also serve to address current business issues.

Many customers are already benefiting from the partnership which brings together deep domain knowledge and a flexible dependable mobile infrastructure delivering mission critical distributed solutions throughout their enterprises.

Alison Henderson, UK Operations Director, iAnywhere Solutions said, “By leveraging a deep industry-specific partnership with Logica, which combines our comprehensive portfolio of solutions and technology alongside Logica’s heritage in transport and expertise in implementation, we will deliver solutions that meet the business requirements of emerging mobility projects. In doing so, we will enable companies to increase efficiencies in the supply chain and secure mission-critical tasks performed by a mobile field force. Our partnership will also help to expand our offerings into other sectors including, energy and utilities, to offer a suite of mobility solutions and services which have increasingly become a corporate necessity due to compliance issues.”

Commenting on the partnership, Theo Quick, Intelligent Transport Systems - Practice Leader, Logica said, “Our partnership with Sybase will benefit our customers who increasingly want more business value delivered by fewer strategic partners and who can serve them in all the markets in which they do business. By working with leading partners such as Sybase, we will combine our strengths, including our close customer relationships, our innovation capabilities globally and our blended delivery model, to ensure we, together, deliver real business value to our customers.”

Logica has worked with Sybase for over 6 years. Previous projects include RAC, SNFC, Centrica, Thomsonfly and Network Rail. Additionally in the UK, Logica was recently awarded a contract to supply half a million cards for NoWCard for the English National Scheme and the provision and a Managed Service in respect of an ITSO back office and re-imbursement system to Transport Scotland, which administers the first smartcard based National concessionary scheme in the UK and has over one million cards in operation. Logica’s extensive experience in transport includes projects including at Tube Lines, Metronet, BAA and Royal Mail.

Logica to implement and develop new Enterprise Resource Planning system and HR solutions for City of Vantaa

09 September 2008

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, has announced that it will provide the City of Vantaa with a new ERP and HR solution called Public-One. This SAP-based branch solution also covers the electronic processing, circulation and filing of Vantaa’s purchase invoices. Through this project, Vantaa aims to revamp the information systems of the financial, HR and purchasing functions of the city, while further developing the related service production, control and management.

The City of Vantaa has more than 190,000 inhabitants, and the administration and services branch of the city employs around 11,000 people. The new ERP system will replace several old, distinct systems. In the first phase, Vantaa’s current financial IT system will be renewed so that the new functionalities will be available in the beginning of 2009. The whole project delivery will be completed by the end of 2010.

As part of the contract, Logica will implement the ERP system and adapt it to the municipal requirements; in addition, the company will provide customer support, maintenance and operating services for the City of Vantaa. The processing, circulation and filing of Vantaa’s purchase invoices will be seamlessly integrated as part of the new information system.

The town has set an array of important development objectives for this long-term project. Martti Lipponen, deputy mayor of the City of Vantaa, comments: “Our customer-oriented operations require extremely user-friendly and up-to-date information systems. Through this project, we will optimise our operating models and processes, so that we can offer more cost-effective services. At the same time, we need to recognise the challenges created by the ageing population and the lack of human resources. By deploying innovative IT solutions and by using electronic services, we will ensure the continuity and optimum levels of our services. The extensive ERP project now underway is an important step for us in fulfilling our agreed objectives.”

Tapio Volanen, Managing Director of Logica’s SAP business practice in Finland, comments: “Logica and the City of Vantaa have been working together for a long time. Our broadening and deepening co-operation shows that the City of Vantaa highly rates our expertise and considers us as a trusted business partner. This new project gives us another opportunity to prove our strengths and well suited resources. Logica’s international SAP expertise and our blended delivery model enable us to deliver parts of the implementation through the experts in our offshore locations.”

Logica has around 3,000 SAP consultants within its own international expert network around the world.

September 10, 2008

Blue1 Airlines Partners with Translations.com and Wordfast on European Expansion Efforts

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Translations.com, a world leader in enterprise translation services and globalization management system (GMS) technology solutions, today announced that it has been engaged by Blue1 to support the airline’s expansion into European markets. Serving over 1.8 million passengers per year and offering a variety of routes both domestically and throughout Europe, Blue1 is now the second largest airline in Finland.

With a limited e-commerce staff, Blue1 needed a comprehensive solution that would allow them to manage a 10-language website without expanding internal headcount. To support the airline’s need for a streamlined content management system (CMS), Translations.com teamed up with Logica, a leading IT and business services company, to provide an integrated solution that combined Translations.com’s proprietary globalization management software, GlobalLink Project Director, and EPiServer, a leading content management system technology in Northern Europe. Individual translators will connect to the system through Wordfast 6.0, a next-generation software application that maximizes translator efficiency.

This customized system enabled Blue1’s existing staff to manage content updates and add new languages without hiring additional personnel. According to Tuija Hyvärinen, Director of B2C Sales and E-Commerce for Blue1, “We are very pleased with the outcome of this partnership. The integrated technology solution of GlobalLink Project Director and EPiServer automates a substantial portion of the translation process, enabling us to expand our language offerings without placing greater demands on our existing IT staff. I want to thank Translations.com for the hard work and outstanding service they’ve provided throughout this project.”

Translations.com’s President and CEO, Phil Shawe, added, “This collaborative effort between Translations.com and Blue1 to launch Blue1.com in 10 languages has been impressive. Blue1’s success story is a prime example of the value that technology can bring to the translation process. We look forward to working with Blue1 on future initiatives.”

While the technology products used by Blue1 will support translation from any service provider, Translations.com provided localization services for Blue1’s multilingual website. Officially launched on August 19, 2008, www.blue1.com now offers 10 languages: Finnish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, German, French, Spanish, and Italian.

About Blue1

Now serving 1.8 million passengers per annum, the aim of Blue1 is to be the best regional airline for Northern European business and leisure travelers. Blue1 is a regional member of the Star Alliance, a network that includes 20 airline companies, with SAS Scandinavian Airlines as one of its founders. For full company information and a list of routes, please visit www.blue1.com.

About Logica

Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 39,000 people across 36 countries. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com.

About Translations.com

Translations.com is a leading provider of software, website, and enterprise-wide localization services, as well as localization-related technology products. Translations.com solutions allow customers to conduct business more effectively in international markets. The company has a global presence on four continents and services a variety of clients with dedicated practice groups for every major industry. Translations.com is part of the TransPerfect family of companies. For more information, please visit www.translations.com.

About Wordfast

Wordfast LLC is the world's second largest provider of translation memory software solutions. The company currently has over 15,000 active customer deployments in the marketplace. Driven primarily by the positive reviews of users and industry experts, Wordfast’s client base has grown to include the United Nations, NASA, McGraw-Hill, Nomura Securities, a wide array of educatio
FinMin gets two bids in State Treasury tender, rejects one

10 September 2008

Prague, Sept 9 (CTK) - Two participants have submitted bids in the tender to build the digital information system to manage public finances called the State Treasury, the Finance Ministry said Tuesday.

But the tender's committee will only asses the bid submitted by IBM together with companies Hewlett-Packard, Logica and SAP CR.

The other participant, company Indra Czech republic, was excluded from the tender as it did not meet the qualifying criteria. The value of the order amounts to at least Kc2.5bn.

Indra Czech republic was excluded because it did not pay a deposit worth Kc45m which the ministry would return to the participants after the tender is over, said the ministry's spokesman Ondrej Jakob.

The aim of the project is to build an IT system which would make public finances management faster and more transparent. The system should also secure enough information for public finances management and update data on the state budget.

The tender involves the Central Accounting System and the Budget Information System. The two other remaining systems - the Payment System and the State Debt Management - are already in operation. The Payment System is operated by the Czech National Bank (CNB).

The entire project should interconnect all state organisations whose management of finances it will enable to watch in detail.

The winner of the tender should be known by mid-October, the ministry said. The entire system should be launched in late 2009 or early 2010, Pavel Nevsimal, head of the State Treasury project, said earlier.

A total of 41 companies had asked for project documentation for the tender, the ministry said. The materials were also available on the Internet.

The Finance Ministry has been looking for the supplier of the State Treasury for almost two years.

Finance Minister Miroslav Kalousek cancelled the previous tender in February this year. The tender was sharply criticised because one of its conditions was the use of software supplied by SAP. The tender was even examined by the antitrust office UOHS.

The ministry declared the new tender on July 15.

Zijn toch allemaal mooie berichten van de laatste 2 weken log krijgt toch err de 1e na de andere order of kans op een order binnen !
Sleek Probe To Map Earth’s Gravity
ScienceDaily (Sep. 10, 2008)

The European Space Agency is launching a new satellite to map variations in the Earth’s gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. The satellite will give UK scientists vital information about ocean circulation and sea level change needed to improve climate forecast models.

The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is the first of three Earth Explorer core missions in ESA’s Earth Observation Envelope Programme. Data from GOCE will allow scientists to create a detailed model of the Earth's gravity field, or geoid.

“GOCE will yield details of the Earth's gravity field to an accuracy and resolution that is simply unobtainable by existing terrestrial and space techniques,” says Professor Philip Moore from Newcastle University, who specialises in gravity research.

By comparing a model of the geoid with ocean surface height from other satellite data, oceanographers can track the speed and direction of ocean currents around the globe.

At school, most of us learn that acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 metres per second squared wherever you are on the planet. It turns out it’s not quite as simple as this. The shape of the Earth, mountains, trenches deep beneath the ocean and the ground beneath our feet all affect the gravity field, meaning it’s not identical everywhere.

“Ocean circulation is important in climate forecast models. Currents carry large quantities of heat from the equator to the poles, such as the system in the north Atlantic, which helps to keep Europe's climate relatively mild. Combined with more than 15 years of existing data on sea-surface height, the new GOCE geoid will help us more accurately measure the role of ocean currents in transporting heat and water around the globe,” says GOCE mission scientist, Mark Drinkwater, from ESA.

“Data from GOCE will provide information on ocean currents in remote regions such as the southern hemisphere for the first time,” says Keith Haines from the University of Reading, an expert in ocean circulation.

GOCE has other uses. An accurate geoid is crucial for defining exactly what height above sea-level actually means. Different countries have their own definitions of sea level, meaning that height is defined differently country to country. With GOCE, scientists will be able to say if two points are at the same height, however far apart they are. This will be important for large-scale surveying and engineering projects such as bridge, tunnel or pipeline building between islands or across seas.

The instrument that GOCE will use to measure gravity is called a gradiometer. It is made up of three pairs of accelerometers that measure tiny differences in gravity at many points as GOCE orbits the Earth. Because the strength of gravity decreases with altitude, the satellite will be in a much lower orbit than other orbiting spacecraft, cutting through the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere just 150 miles above the surface of the planet. This makes GOCE one of ESA’s most challenging missions to date.

The torpedo-shaped satellite will launch from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia into a polar sun-synchronous orbit – its solar panels will always face the sun. Unlike other spacecraft, the panels are in a fixed position on GOCE. This means that the whole satellite will have to turn to face the sun. To do this, GOCE has ion thrusters which act like a cruise control, making minute adjustments to its position to combat the effects of air drag at the edge of space. The sun’s energy will charge and accelerate xenon atoms into ions to power the thrusters.

Earth observation is crucial for monitoring changes in the environment. The Natural Environment Research Council makes a large investment in scientific Earth observation programmes, investing around £45m in ESA annually. Most of this is used to support Earth Explorer missions under ESA’s Earth Observation Envelope Programme. The Earth Explorer missions are designed to answer important scientific questions as well as demonstrate breakthrough technology in Earth observation.

The GOCE mission - costing €340m - involved a large collaboration of European organisations, including UK scientists and engineers working for QinetiQ, Logica and SciSys.

Logica Opens Innovation Center in Bangalore

Mumbai, Sep 15, 2008

Logica has launched the second in a series of Spark Innovation Centers in Bangalore, India. The centre focuses on mobility solutions of the future in the areas of intelligent transportation, wireless monitoring of vehicle emissions, dynamic vehicle insurance, and targeted interactive advertising solutions.

Andy Green, chief executive of Logica said, "Logica's Spark innovation centers enable us to work in partnership with customers to create ideas for the future that will directly impact their bottom line. Mobility solutions are increasingly important and a focus area for almost every industry. Innovation in thinking, solutions and partnerships will ensure that our customers build and maintain a competitive advantage. "

GBS Bindra, global innovation director of Logica said, "It is a tremendous feeling to watch the future unfold in the specially designed Spark centre - seeing how wireless technology can be applied to existing markets and situations in a totally new paradigm can be a digital experience that inspires the mind to anticipate tomorrow in a new light."

The first centre was launched in May 2008 in Lisbon around the theme of energy and utilities. A third innovation centre will shortly be launched in Amstelveen and will focus on 'payments'. The company has said that more centers are planned in the months ahead.

Logica wins several outsourcing contracts in Sweden

Logica, an IT and business services company, has signed five important outsourcing contracts in Sweden. The new customers include UC, a Sweden-based business and credit information agency; De Lage Landen International, a provider of consumer finance solutions; Alo, a manufacturer of front loaders and the municipality of Boden in the North of Sweden.

In addition, Logica has signed an outsourcing contract with Danish home furnishing chain ILVA, to manage and monitor the operation of all of ILVA's IT-platforms.

The contract with UC, which will run for three and a half years, includes the operation of UC's applications and service desk. By outsourcing the operation of all IT to Logica, UC ensures the cost effective running of both the existing and new environment as well as access to the right competence.

The three year contract with De Lage Landen International includes the operation of all systems and applications within the financial services company's Nordic operation. De Lage Landen is already a customer of Logica in the Netherlands.

As part of the new five year contract with Alo, Logica is responsible for the operation of Alo's IT environments, including service desk, servers and communication services for 300 employees and desktop services for 150 users at Alo.

Logica will supply operation and support of the IT infrastructure and business systems to the municipality of Boden in the North of Sweden. The contract runs for three years.

The contract with ILVA runs over five years and covers the management of all ILVA's IT-platforms as well as a service desk function for ILVA's headquarters and its four stores in Denmark and Sweden. The objective of the outsourcing contract is to provide Ilva with a centralized solution for all its IT needs and to achieve substantial cost reductions and increased flexibility. The contract was won against competition from several international IT service providers.

Logica All Payments Solution High Volume running live for SEPA

15 September 2008

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, has consolidated its position as the leading supplier of payments processing solutions, with the live deployment of its retail payments solution, the Logica All Payments Solution (LAPS) High Volume. The deployment supports over ten countries and multiple clearing and settlement mechanisms (including Equens for domestic NL payments, SEPA via the EBA, and a range of bilateral agreements) in a single instance.

The deployment went live on day one of SEPA and has been running smoothly since then. The leading private provider of euro clearing services, EBA CLEARING, has certified Logica’s LAPS High Volume for support of the EBA’s STEP2 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) and SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) services.

The LAPS High Volume solution can process up to 480 million payments within 24 hours. With this level of scalability, the proven ability to handle multiple national payment schemes, and Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) compliance, LAPS High Volume meets the challenge of retail payments processing for the largest banks and credit institutions.

LAPS High Volume needed only eight hours to process 160 million transactions at a sustained rate of 5,555 transactions per second – which equates to 20 million payments per hour or 480 million in 24 hours.

Volume tests were carried out at IBM centres in Prague and Montpellier where LAPS High Volume achieved extremely high performance throughput. The benchmark system was based on a live deployment of the software, configured to support the processing requirements of a specific payments territory. The system was set up to process numerous, mixed files of transactions (CTs and DDs) and the tests were repeated with systematic increases in the volumes of data. Hardware utilisation was monitored at each stage. The results exceeded the initial ambitious targets, and the hardware monitoring showed linear scalability.

In addition to the standard benefits of superior performance, multi-bank, multi-country, multi-entity, multi-currency support, LAPS High Volume offers the following:

Proven software: LAPS High Volume is implemented at several locations throughout Europe for high volume processing, and is live. With LAPS High Volume, banks can have the comfort that this component already has proven capability to process large volumes of bulk payments.

Support for current schemes: LAPS High Volume supports existing national Credit Transfer and Direct Debit schemes as well as BIC and IBAN in many European countries.

SEPA scheme compliancy: LAPS High Volume is SEPA compliant for SCT, SDD and the R-series messages now, making it a proven and stable environment for a bank’s SEPA mass payment processing.

Mandate management: LAPS High Volume has supported the SEPA mandate schemes (B2B and C2B) since the initial deployment of our SEPA component and is currently being upgraded to support the latest rulebooks.

Clearing and Settlement support: LAPS High Volume already interfaces to a number of Clearing and Settlement Mechanisms (CSMs) in Europe including, for SEPA, EBA STEP 2 (a PE-ACH) and bi-lateral arrangements and does so in a single instance of the system.

Routing support: LAPS High Volume provides routing mechanisms that allow the appropriate CSM to be chosen for an individual transaction, distinguishing between in-house, ACH/PE-ACH and bi-lateral routes and accounting for the transactions appropriately.

Anti-money laundering: LAPS High Volume currently supports an interface to watch list filtering systems.

Accounting: LAPS High Volume supports connectivity to a range of back end ledger and accounting systems.

Faster time to market: the pedigree of LAPS High Volume means that an institution can be operationally ready for SEPA Direct Debits with more time to concentrate on the wider business issues.

Not just for SEPA: the generic design of LAPS High Volume and its incorporation of the latest standards including ISO 20022 provides a sound and proven platform for extending mass payment processing to a wide range of national and international clearing and settlement mechanisms and schemes.
Delays, confusion and national disparaties could put SEPA progress into reverse

15 September 2008

A study of 22 banks across the EU and EEA has revealed that delays, confusion and national disparities in the implementation of the Payments Services Directive (PSD) could have severe and detrimental effects on the progress of SEPA.

The study, conducted by Logica, the leading IT and business services company, and supported by the IBOS Association, questioned European banks on the implications of PSD transposition for European banks’ business and compliance planning programmes in payments and cash management.

The survey has revealed that the timing and effect of national transposition is not clear across the EU and that national variations of PSD may even put SEPA into reverse. In the majority of communities such as Spain, the regulators have still to create and identify their transposition schedule and law making activities.

More than two thirds (67 per cent) of respondents answered that they know only approximately the time/date when PSD goes into the local statute books. In the majority of cases the date was given in the responses as 1 November 2009, i.e. the actual date when PSD comes into force internationally.

Banks from the UK, Germany and Hungary stated that the PSD will become a law in their jurisdictions by the end of Q4 2008. Banks in Slovenia and Sweden will have PSD in the local law at the end of Q2 2009.

The research revealed that whilst the banks are clear who owns the banks’ representations to national governments in each country - either the National Banking Association or the central bank - it is not clear how consistency of the final version of the laws enacting PSD can be achieved across countries.

Commenting on this, Simon Bailey, Director of Payments, Logica, said: “This issue is especially crucial when the implementation process has a national perspective, as in the case of SEPA migration. Variations in PSD taken together with possible community-defined variations in the SEPA schemes would entrench national differences – the opposite of what SEPA aims to achieve.”

The study also revealed that the pressure of PSD compliance has already been applied to the programme portfolios in banks. All respondents reported the PSD impact on their ‘SEPA project/programme’ (almost 100 per cent of respondents and 12 per cent in the overall poll out of 13 choices).

Simon Bailey continued: “Looking at the correlation of the impact on the ‘SEPA programme/project’ and the PSD ‘implementation’ timeline, we can conclude that the implementation for SEPA may take national flavours ‘strengthened’ by the derogations in local versions of PSD. If this happens it will further compartmentalise national payment systems and work against the concept of ‘one SEPA’.”

Logica delivers Option Premiums service to settlement banks

16 September 2008

Logica, the leading IT and business services company, today announces the general availability of the Option Premiums module for Logica CLS Manager (LCM), its world class Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS) solution.

Following the successful completion of vendor testing, Logica has rolled out LCM support for settlement of Option Premiums (OPRs) through CLS to the first settlement members who will pioneer the new service this year. Settlement of OPRs through CLS will eliminate settlement risk and provide the benefit of netting, already offered for FX trades and Non-Deliverable Forwards (NDFs).

Option Premiums is the latest service to be offered to the settlement banks by CLS, following the successful go-live of NDFs in December 2007. Ahead of the CLS live date the LCM in-house module enabled Logica settlement members to realise the benefits of netting and settling NDFs internally.

Standard Bank of South Africa successfully deployed LCM in 2004 and as a result of the quality of the product and the professional service provided by Logica have recently also purchased the Logica All Payments Solution (LAPS).

Brian Shone, Director Services at Standard Bank of South Africa, an established LCM customer testing the new Option Premiums service, comments: “We have a reputation for deploying innovative technologies that help to achieve competitive advantage on the global stage. For a number of years we have an excellent relationship with Logica and are highly satisfied with the performance of their CLS system. We are now in the development stage with the Logica All Payments Solution (LAPS) which will support the migration of our existing SWIFT legacy payment systems. This will enable the Bank to deliver high quality processes and consistent SWIFT messages where implemented.”

Tim Brew, Director Global Products at Logica, comments: “We have always ensured that LCM has been at the forefront of CLS innovations so that our customers can maximise the business benefits from day one. The timely release of the LCM OPR module reinforces this principal”.

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