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niche 010
Logica zet salarisverwerkingstak in etalage

Ict-dienstverlener Logica Nederland doet zijn activiteiten voor de verwerking van salarisstroken (payroll processing) van de hand. Het is niet bekend wanneer en door welk bedrijf de taken worden overgenomen. Volgens woordvoerder Christoph Linke houdt Logica vast aan zijn uitbestedingsstrategie op het gebied van human resources (HR). Het is de bedoeling dat de nieuwe eigenaar namens Logica de salarisverwerking voor klanten van het dienstenbedrijf gaat uitvoeren.

Logica besluit tot de maatregel naar aanleiding van het teleurstellende bedrijfsresultaat over 2009. De Benelux-organisatie van het Britse concern boekte afgelopen jaar als enige een verlies van 23 miljoen Britse pond (26,2 miljoen euro). Het verlies is voornamelijk te wijten aan de kosten van een reorganisatie, meldt de voorlichter. Zonder deze eenmalige kosten zou het bedrijf 24 miljoen pond (27,4 miljoen euro) winst boeken.

De betreffende salarisverwerkingsactiviteiten waren in 2009 verlieslatend. Om kosten te besparen heeft het dienstenbedrijf besloten de taken af te stoten. De woordvoerder wil niet zeggen met welke leverancier Logica momenteel onderhandelt en wanneer de verkoop rond is.

Logica biedt de payroll processing-werkzaamheden momenteel als onderdeel van zijn hr-uitbestedingsportfolio. Daarbij kunnen organisaties hun administratieve taken gedeeltelijk of geheel laten uitvoeren door de dienstverlener. Logica werkt daarbij samen met softwareleveranciers als SAP en Oracle. Andere onderdelen van het hr-uitbestedingsportfolio betreffen administratieve taken op bij werving en selectie, beoordeling en beloning, loopbaanplanning en verzuimbeheer.

In juli 2007 verkocht Logica al een deel van zijn salarisverwerkingsactiviteiten aan branchegenoot Centric IT Solutions. Dat betroft de productlijnen PersMaster/PayMaster en PersMaster voor de Overheid (Paso). Ongeveer vijftig medewerkers verhuisden toen van werkgever.


niche 010
[toon headlines]

( 2/25/2010 10:29:00 AM ) **Logica advies omhoog naar buy van neutral - UBS


(c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

koersdoel 140 p = € 1,59 (bij huidige wisselkoers)



Adek 2001
Logica Benelux teleurstellend (telegraaf)

Van een onzer verslaggevers

AMSTELVEEN – Logica heeft een teleurstellend jaar achter de rug in de Benelux. De automatiseerder incasseerde hier namelijk een omzetdaling van 18%.
Het Brits-Nederlandse concern had in ons land veel last van de neiging bij bank-verzekeraars om het mes fors in de ict-uitgaven te zetten.
Wereldwijd zag Logica de omzet vorig jaar met 3% afnemen tot £3,7 miljard (€4,2 miljard). Dankzij lagere belastingen steeg de nettowinst juist met 3% naar £40,1 miljoen (€45 miljoen).
Logica rekent voor heel 2010 op een vlakke omzet. In de eerste helft van dit jaar zal de omzet van de automatiseerder wel licht onder druk staan.
MARKET TALK: Logica koersdoel omhoog bij Morgan Stanley
25-2-2010 8:55:00

Logica (NL)
1,357 ( 13:18 ) 0,0240 / 1,80%

119,40 ( 13:28 ) 2,5000 / 2,14%

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)-- Morgan Stanley verhoogt het koersdoel op Logica naar 155 pence van 152 pence. Dat het aandeel ruim 20% onder het niveau van concurrenten noteert is volgens de zakenbank onhoudbaar, gezien de aantrekkende marktomstandigheden en Logica's sterke prestaties. Het advies wordt gehandhaafd op overweight. Het aandeel sloot woensdag op EUR1,33. (PBU)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones
Logica op juiste weg als herstel zich aandient

25 maart 2010

Logica oogt in de ogen van analisten van Morgan Stanley 'goedkoop' in het licht van het groeipotentieel voor de winst van 50%. Het bedrijf is op de juiste weg om te profiteren van een mogelijk herstel in de vraag. Als Logica de beoogde dubbelcijferige marge weet te halen, dan taxeert Morgan Stanley de winst per aandeel voor 2012/13 op ongeveer 18 pence tegen 12 pence nu. Voor die doelstelling ziet Morgan Stanley twee impulsen: op de recente analistendag wees het bedrijf al op de kostenbesparing van 12%-13% van de omzet, terwijl een aantrekkende vraag de benuttingsgraad met name in Nederland sterk ten goede zal komen. Ofschoon voorzichtig gestemd ten aanzien van de margeontwikkeling, stelt Morgan Stanley dat de zorg omtrent het aandeel van de overheid in de omzet van Logica niet moet worden overdreven, omdat veel contracten zeer lange looptijden hebben. Met een onderwaardering ten opzichte van de waardering van peers van circa 30% achten analisten van de bank het overweight-advies gerechtvaardigd. Het koersdoel blijft bij Morgan Stanley 155 pence. Het aandeel Logica sloot woensdag op euro 1,43. (ANS)

Logica nieuw model verstandig, geleidelijk - Citi
25 maart 2010

Logica gaat zijn focus verleggen van een model gericht op integratie, stroomlijning en investeren in groei, naar een model dat meer gericht is op consulting en outsourcing, stelt Citigroup-analist Gerardus Vos vast na de analistendag. Deze stap lijkt verstandig, stelt de analist, gezien de vraag in de sector naar een beweeglijker en lagere kostenstructuur. Aangezien het bedrijf geen reorganisatiekosten aankondigt voor 2010, lijkt het te gaan om een geleidelijke overgang. De analist blijft bij zijn buy-advies, gebaseerd op de negatieve marktperceptie en relatief lage waardering voor Logica, ten opzichte van meer geliefde sectorgenoten als Cap Gemini. Het aandeel sloot woensdag op euro 1,43. (AVR)

Wat sector nieuws:

Nederland hoog op IT-ranglijst
25 maart 2010, 18:08 | ANP
GENEVE (AFN) - Nederland scoort hoog als het gaat om het gebruik van informatietechnologie in de samenleving. Op een internationale ranglijst staat ons land negende, voor Duitsland en China.

De ranglijst werd donderdag gepubliceerd door het World Economic Forum. Het onderzoek is samen met het vermaarde Franse opleidingsinstituut INSEAD verricht. Daarbij is gekeken naar de bereidheid om IT te gebruiken, of de meest gevanceerde technologie veel wordt ingezet en wat de zakelijke, wettelijke en infrastructurele mogelijkheden zijn voor IT om te floreren.

Nederland stond vorig jaar ook al negende op de lijst van 133 landen. Koploper is Zweden, gevolgd door Singapore en Denemarken. De Verenigde Staten zakten van de derde naar de vijfde plaats. Duitsland steeg van plek twintig naar veertien. China en India rukten nog sterker op, naar de posities 37 en 43.
Logica ondersteunt landelijke uitrol elektrische laadpunten

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Logica plc gaat de ict-infrastuctuur leveren voor de landelijke uitrol van 10.000 laadpunten voor elektrische auto's.

Opdrachtgever is stichting e-laad.nl. Financiele details worden niet verstrekt.

Logica levert het back-office-systeem dat e-laad.nl gaat gebruiken om de 10.000 laadpunten te beheren en de transacties te verwerken. Ook heeft Logica de software voor de laadpunten ontwikkeld.

De stichting e-laad.nl is een samenwerkingsverband van de Nederlandse netbeheerders en heeft als doel de ontwikkeling van de elektrische auto te stimuleren.

Door Harm Luttikhedde; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31-20-571-52-01; harm.luttikhedde@dowjones.com

Logica PLC
Annual Financial Report

31 March 2010

Logica plc (Logica)

Annual Financial Report

The following documents have been posted to shareholders:

1. Annual Report and Accounts 2009

2. Notice of 2010 Annual General Meeting

3. Form of Proxy for the 2010 Annual General Meeting

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1, two copies of each of the above
documents have been sent to the UK Listing Authority and will shortly be
available for viewing at the Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at:

The Financial Services Authority

25 The North Colonnade

Canary Wharf

London, E14 5HS

Furthermore, in accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule 6.1.2, two
copies of proposed new Articles of Association have been forwarded to the
Financial Services Authority. A copy of the proposed Articles is available for
inspection at Logica's registered office at 250 Brook Drive, Green Park,
Reading RG2 6UA and will also be available for inspection at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM) venue from at least 15 minutes prior to the AGM until the
conclusion of the AGM.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1
9AG on 5 May 2010 at 10.30am.

All documents will also be available on the Logica website at www.logica.com
from 1 April 2010 and in hard copy upon request to the Company Secretary,
Logica plc, 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA.

In accordance with Rule 6.3.5 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules,
extracted below from the Annual Report is a management report in full unedited
text which contains a responsibility statement, principal risk factors and
details of related party transactions. Accordingly, page numbers refer to those
in the Annual Report. A condensed set of financial statements was included in
the final results announcement issued on 24 February 2010.

For further information please contact:

Logica Investor relations: Karen Keyes/Frances Gibbons +44 (0) 20 7446 1338/+44
(0) 7801 723682
Logica Media relations: Louise Fisk +44 (0) 7798 857770

Brunswick: Tom Buchanan +44 (0) 20 7404 5959


Management Responsibilities

Each of the Executive and Non-Executive Directors, whose names and functions
are referred to on pages 37 to 41, confirm that, to the best of their

* the Group financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with
IFRSs, as adopted by the EU, give a true and fair view of the assets,
liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group; and

* the business review and risk factors include a fair review of the
development and performance of the business and the position of the Group,
together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that
it faces.

Risk Management

The Board recognises the need to understand and control the variety of risks to
which the Group is exposed. In order to address these challenges on behalf of
the Board during the year, the Audit Committee oversaw the Executive
Committee's risk management activities. The Executive Committee updated the
framework for managing risk within the Group which saw the major risks taken
back into its ownership. The Executive Committee took responsibility for the
regular evaluation of generic and specific risks within the business and the
implementation of mitigation plans to address them. Five practice panels
responsible respectively for the areas of delivery, operations, finance, human
resources, and sales and marketing, supported the Executive Committee,
particularly in updating policy and processes to improve the Group's risk
management practices.

The risk management process identifies, evaluates and manages significant risks
faced by the Group. Risks are assessed with reference to the achievement of the
Group's business objectives and according to current market and economic
issues. The continuous monitoring of strategic and operational risks is the
responsibility of the Board and line management respectively. The risk process
has been in place for the year under review and up to the date of this Report.

As referred to in the internal control section above, clearly defined
delegation of responsibilities and authorisation levels contribute to a
comprehensive system which exists for controlling these risks and ensuring they
are adequately addressed. Core operating procedures, common to all areas of the
Group, are clearly documented in the business management system referred to in
the internal control section.

Regular internal control reviews are presented to the Audit Committee. Audit
Committee papers, including internal control reviews, are circulated to all
Board members. The key risks and measures to mitigate risks identified by the
Board are listed on pages 70 to 71. The conclusions arising out of the Group's
risk management activities are closely interlinked with the evaluation and
management of the Company's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which are set
out on pages 136 to 137.

Clients entrust us to manage their risk. Our risk management needs to cover all
our principal risks, including client and contract risk, and be implemented
consistently through Logica. Our progress on risk mitigation is regularly
reviewed at the Board. Our principal risks are:

Major client dependencies and regional market sector risks

We have a number of significant global and regional clients and operate in the
main European geographies. A change in the strategy or in the buying pattern of
a key client, or changes in structure of local markets (e.g. clients
consolidating), could affect our order and revenue performance and/or our
profitability. A more macro level change in any one market could also adversely
affect the results of the Group, and this is addressed in the risk below.

As well as maintaining a geographical spread, the Group has a well balanced
spread of business across market sectors and across its 10,000 clients. We have
identified 57 focus accounts from across the Group which are receiving
particular attention to ensure stability, account growth and client
satisfaction are all achieved. In 2009, no client accounted for more than 3% of
revenue. In 2009, we also moved our delivery resources into common resourcing
pools, which has allowed us to be more reactive to shifts in demand.

Major contract related risks

Our contracts are complex and vary in scope and length. They may incur
penalties for non-delivery. This means that we need good risk management,
control mechanisms and diligence in the way we monitor delivery of our
contracts to prevent the reputational damage and financial impact to our
revenue and profit if we fail to deliver. We manage around 12,000 projects a
year. In 2009, around 14 major projects were put forward for review in each
Board report.

We manage risk through a process that considers both project and operational
risk, and is underpinned by a comprehensive, well proven quality management
system, which our people are required to adopt. As part of our Operations
Reviews at Group level, we require a monthly review of all contracts which have
been identified as a risk. We communicate, offer training and update regularly
as best practice across our industry evolves. We continue to standardise
development tools and methodologies.

Business continuity risks associated with operational failure, information
systems and data security

A failure of our systems, or a failure of our operational and company
management processes, could lead to a loss of client confidence in and
satisfaction with Logica which would undermine our market perception, our
brand, and as a result, the leading position we enjoy in many markets today.

Standardisation of processes, systems and tools through the One Logica
programme (see pages 14 to 15) is improving operational effectiveness and
should allow us to react more rapidly than in the past in the event of a
failure. Our delivery and account teams understand the processes to follow,
should we become aware of or a client alerts us to a problem. Our goal is
always ensuring we know how to respond to address client concerns early and
preserve our relationships with them and their satisfaction with us over the
longer term.

Dependence on recruitment and retention of suitably qualified personnel

Our ability to meet the demands of the market and compete effectively with
other IT suppliers is, to a large extent, dependent on the skills, experience
and performance of our people as well as on an appropriate balance of onshore,
nearshore and off shore resources. Attrition, our nearshore and off shore
headcount and employee satisfaction all remain key performance indicators as
the long-term sustainability of our business relies heavily on motivated and
inspired people who feel part of a long-term future to deliver value to our
clients. See pages 136 to 137 for a description of the KPIs.

While we maintained well established recruitment processes, the absolute level
of recruitment declined and attrition slowed in 2009, making it easier to
retain people. Nevertheless, we recognise slowing attrition will reverse as the
economy recovers. The recently unveiled employee value proposition encourages
our people to `shape the future' for themselves and our clients, supported by
inspirational leadership, talent development (including the Logica University),
the right incentives and strategic resourcing to facilitate making sure we have
the right people in the right places. At senior levels of the Company, we also
have reviewed our incentives (see page 59) and have a clear succession planning

Achieving operational process excellence in our global blended delivery model

The market is increasingly demanding the ability to deliver globally. With 45%
of our opportunities in 2009 requiring a blend of onshore and off shore work.
An inability to demonstrate process excellence in a timely manner would result
in lower win rates and lower order intake at the bidding stage and lower
revenue once in the delivery stage over the longer term.

We are industrialising our processes, supported by common management systems.
We are adopting common service management tools and processes known as ITIL
service management (ITSM) for all our Outsourcing business. These steps are
further strengthening our ability to deliver services and application
management on a global basis from any delivery centre, giving us greater
flexibility to manage issues.

Loss of authorisation or accreditation from vendors or disruption of key
supplier relationships

A portion of Logica's revenue is dependent on continued authorisation and
accreditation by certain vendors of IT software and hardware, such as SAP and
Oracle. Without these service authorisations and accreditations, we would be
unable to offer certain products and services. Failure to maintain
authorisations and accreditations could also mean being unable to fulfil
contractual obligations.

Alliance management is tasked with developing engagement plans with key
suppliers that link Logica to these organisations at management levels and
across functions, maintaining a mutually positive and beneficial business

Regulatory compliance risks

Compliance risks need to be effectively understood and managed. Our main risk
areas are: 1) data and information security, including Data Protection
regulations, 2) environmental standards and Corporate Responsibility and 3)
global staff mobility issues including adherence to immigration and tax

We proactively monitor the complete breadth of compliance requirements across
the individual geographies and regulatory domains. Formal risk assessments
identify specific mitigating actions required. Standard governance processes
are being implemented across the Group.

Business continuity risks associated with a pandemic, terrorist incident or
other external event, including exposure to geopolitical, economic and social
disruption, particularly in parts of Europe and in India

Continental or global influenza or related virus pandemic and terrorist attacks
continue to be possible threats. Our wide geographic presence (see pages 12 to
13) also means we could be exposed to political, financial, economic and social
unrest. While generally outside our control, any of these incidents affecting a
large number of employees or a group critical to a client project could impact
our operations or our delivery against contract obligations. This could affect
client confidence in and satisfaction with Logica, with any resulting lost
business potentially affecting revenue and profitability.

Events in 2009 allowed us to assess some of the business continuity plans we
maintain in all geographies, as we reacted to the incidence of the H1N1 virus
in a number our geographies as well as to adverse snow conditions in the UK.
The investment we have made in the last few years to enable our people to work
from home paid dividends in both these situations. In 2009, we also tested our
local plans against a range of disaster scenarios. Our balanced business and
market portfolio and our flexibility in cutting costs also provided resilience
to significant revenue declines in some of our sectors, geographies and service
lines in 2009 (see pages 19 to 33 for more detail).

Macro economic and industry level trends and changes affecting the global
competitive landscape

We are exposed to unrest in world market sectors, such as finance, oil and gas,
due to a range of factors largely outside of our control. Many market sectors
in which the Group operates have been susceptible to rapidly changing
technologies, regulation, variations in market economic conditions and
fluctuations in client demand. The Group needs to be able to continue to
respond and adapt whilst, in a timely and cost-efficient manner, continuing to
deliver existing products and services. Failure to do so will be a risk to the
Group's success.

Our balanced business and market portfolio and our flexibility in cutting costs
provided resilience to significant revenue declines in some of our sectors,
geographies and service lines in 2009 (see pages 19 to 33 for more detail). To
respond to longer term market changes, our strategic investment in sector
thought leadership and technology practices (see pages 16 to 17) is aimed at
producing innovative solution and service propositions, which should: 1) ensure
(alongside our Business Consulting) that we are seen as essential to helping
the client react to trends in their industry and 2) stimulate new client
revenue opportunities.

Achieving the objectives set for the Programme for Growth

The Programme for
Achieving the objectives set for the Programme for Growth

The Programme for Growth we launched in 2008 was the basis on which we expected
to improve returns to shareholders between 2008 and 2010. The uncertain
economic environment did make it difficult to achieve our anticipated revenue
growth and margin in 2009 but we redressed this through further cost savings
and achieved most of our objectives (see pages 14 to 15 for more). We now have
visibility of the planned cost savings in 2010 and have set out a clear
programme of investments aimed at delivering long-term revenue growth above the
market. The risk for 2010 will be ensuring that costs do not slip back in and
that our people are provided with another framework for understanding our
ongoing goals.

Although we will not require the same level of management supervision as in
2009 to achieve our 2010 objectives, we will continue to have some central
monitoring of the programme under Seamus Keating. Progress will continue to be
reviewed monthly by the Executive Committee, with investment levels adjusted in
the light of trading conditions and business forecasts. At the time of our 2009
results, we announced an updated plan which will help us keep our people
focused on our longer term objectives (see pages 16 to 17).

Related party transactions

Remuneration of key management personnel

The remuneration of the Directors of the Company and the Group's Executive
Committee, who are the key management personnel of the Group, is set out below
in aggregate for each of the categories required by IAS 24 `Related Party
Disclosures'. Further information about the remuneration of individual
directors is disclosed in the Report of the Remuneration Committee on pages 55
to 69.

2009 2008

£'m £'m

Short-term employee benefits 5.4 7.8

Post-employment benefits 0.5 0.6

Termination benefits 1.3 1.2

Share-based payment 3.1 3.2

10.3 12.8

The amount for share-based payment is that calculated in accordance with IFRS 2
`Share-based payment'.
Skills, not public sector IT cuts, trouble Logica

13 April 2010

The IT services company's UK CEO is not phased by plans to slash government IT expenditure, but the supply of graduate recruitments has him concerned for the future of the economy
Financially speaking, Europe’s largest IT services suppliers all had roughly the same experience during 2009 – a decline in sales on the continent being offset to some degree by growth in the UK.

Logica was no exception. “All in all, 2009 was a good year for our UK business,” says the company’s UK CEO, Craig Boundy, who oversaw a 6% increase in divisional revenues to £750 million during the year. “We performed very well in a tough marketplace, and we grew revenue with some big orders coming in like the Police National Database, while resigning our contract with the Crown Prosecution Service.”

As that suggests, the public sector is an important source of revenue for the company (although Boundy insists that its private sector work held up well too). So it might be forgiven a modicum of trepidation for the coming year, as government spending cuts in general – and IT spending cuts in particular – are on the cards whichever party wins the general election.

But if that trepidation exists, it is not evident in Boundy. “We know that whichever new government comes in, they will need to control spending on their IT projects and their business process outsourcing projects,” he says. “But I’m not worried about its impact on my business because we operate a number of projects that are critical to the running of society.”

Indeed, in March 2010 Logica announced a £10 million, five-year IT infrastructure management contract with the Citizens Advice Bureau, and the company is also working with the service on a new case management system.

Boundy says the latter project represents a new breed of public sector engagement that moves away from simply automating public services towards improving and optimising them through the power of information technology.

“What we’re doing with [the CAB] goes beyond the typical case management system and into how you derive the information from cases, identify the underlying themes and feed that back to government and influence policy,” he explains. “That’s what the role of these projects is becoming.”

Boundy expects demand to grow in the coming year, and will be hiring to meet it. “We’re going to recruit twice as many graduates in the UK this year as we did last year,” he explains, adding that graduate intake in 2008 at Logica UK was essentially zero.

This is an area in which he is less optimistic, however: “The UK is not turning out enough graduates with the right skills that we need – graduates who are ready to make an immediate contribution from day one. “This is not because it’s too difficult,” he adds, “because other countries are doing it successfully.”

More than just his own business, Boundy says that the future of the UK is at stake. “We’ve got an opportunity in the services plus technology business; we’ve got the English language and we have a heritage of developing new technologies,” he says. “But if we can’t turn out the graduates, we won’t capitalise on that opportunity.”

This kind of long-term thinking is increasingly prevalent among UK businesses, Boundy says. Having come through the past 18 months in survival mode, sustainability – in both a financial and environmental sense – is now high on their list of priorities, he reports.

Logica now hopes those companies will pursue sustainable efficiencies through process re-engineering, outsourcing and technology. Boundy admits, however, that the cost issue still crops up in every customer conversation. That means that the company, and the IT services industry as a whole, is not out of the woods yet.
Logica advies omhoog naar neutral - Credit Suisse
13 april 2010

AMSTERDAM (DJ)--Credit Suisse verhoogt het advies voor Logica naar neutral van underperform, na een vooruitblik op de eerstekwartaalresultaten voor de software- en IT-sector. Credit Suisse verwacht vanaf het eerste kwartaal steun voor de sector door toenemende IT-bestedingen. Daarnaast denken de analisten dat de consolidatieslag in de sector in 2010 aan vaart zal winnen. Zij verwachten bij de presentatie van de kwartaalcijfers meer te horen over het overnameklimaat en de overnamestrategieen van de betrokken bedrijven. De sterkere dollar zou goed moeten zijn voor bedrijven die in sterling en euro rapporteren. Credit Suisse hanteert een koersdoel van 140 pence. Omstreeks 13.50 uur noteert het aandeel 0,8% hoger op euro 1,56, terwijl de Midkap-index met 0,2% daalt. (MKO)

14.04.2010 12:26
STOCKS NEWS UK-Logica up; Atos Origin readacross

STOCKS NEWS Reuters Results diary

Europe Real-time Equity News

UK Stocks on the move

UK smallcaps UK smallcaps news

09:53GMT 14Apr2010-Logica up; Atos Origin readacross


Shares in Anglo-Dutch IT services firm Logica rise 3.8 percent to 143 pence in London, their highest level since September 2008, as French rival Atos Origin reports an increase in orders in the first quarter.

Atos Origin is up 3.8 percent, while Europe's largest IT services firm Cap Gemini is up 5.7 percent, outperforming a 1.7 percent stronger STOXX European technology index.

'Reading across from Atos Q1 results this morning, we see a generally improving environment (growth in the book to bill) but still a difficult market in Benelux and in systems integration,' says Panmure Gordon analyst George O'Connor.

He says the UK election is standing in the way of a re-rating for Logica, but the group, which derives 62 percent of UK revenue from the state, should do well as the public sector looks to outsource to save costs.

Reuters Messaging paul.sandle.reuters.com@reuters.net

Tific and Logica Sign License Agreement

STOCKHOLM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tific, a leading developer of support automation solutions, has signed an extensive license agreement with Logica, Sweden’s largest IT services company. Tific’s support automation platform strengthens Logica’s help desk offering further as well as the managed work place offering including the new concept LISS – Logica Interactive Self Service.

“With Tific as our partner in support automation - an important step is taken to increase the level of self service for our customers”
Tific solutions are used by a growing number of companies to reduce support costs, increase customer satisfaction and productivity through proactive detection and resolution of known IT-problems, referred to as self healing by Gartner. Logica will offer support automation as a natural part of the work place offering where Tific will be included as one of the core components.

LISS makes it easier for Logica workplace users to solve problems and get answers to questions on their own even outside Service Desk hours and also when the computer is off line. LISS provides a single point of contact for all support and is automatically adapted to each unique customer and user. LISS will also enable proactive detection and resolution of problems and risks before they impact the user environment. The LISS concept brings increased availability and higher support efficiency that will lead to increased end user satisfaction.

”Managed Service Providers (MSPs) is a focus area for Tific and I am very pleased over the agreement with Logica as another proof point that we have a very strong offering for this segment” says Pär Ribbner, CEO at Tific.

“With Tific as our partner in support automation - an important step is taken to increase the level of self service for our customers”, says Patrik Adler, Service Area Manager Service Desk at Logica.

About Tific

Tific is a leading provider of second generation support automation and self service solutions. Tific’s solutions help enterprise service desks, IT support providers, software and hardware vendors, and broadband services providers reduce support costs and increase customer satisfaction. Tific's platform is also used for revenue generating value added services, premium services, for the digital home. Tific was founded in 2000 and has successfully helped many global enterprises streamline technology support. For more information, please visit www.tific.com
Logica beefs up in Canberra

IT services provider Logica has added 26 new jobs in its Canberra division, announcing that this will be the first in a series of expansions to "grow the Canberra office" throughout 2010.

The expanding Canberra team will be lead by Paul Sargeant, the company's industry director for government and transport.

"To sustain our current growth and support of our existing government clients, we have recruited a range of highly experienced IT professionals, including project managers and technical architects, with a demonstrated, in-depth understanding of the public sector," said its Asia-Pacific chief Colin Holgate in an announcement today.

Holgate was appointed to lead the Asia Pacific region in February.

In March, Logica won a $5 million contract with the Victorian Government to manage its spatial data. Other contracts included CrimTrac, National Health and Medical Research Council and the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Logica has around 1000 employees in Australia, according to its website.

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Automatiseerder Logica maakt naar verwachting minder omzet in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar. Gemiddeld verwachten door ANP-Reuters geraadpleegde analisten een omzetdaling van 3,7 procent. Logica komt volgende week woensdag met omzetcijfers.

De totale omzet van Logica in de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar komt naar verwachting uit op 919 miljoen pond (1,06 miljard euro). Vorig jaar was dit nog 954 miljoen pond. Voor het hele jaar verwachten analisten een omzet van 3,7 miljard pond.

Logica had bij de presentatie van de jaarcijfers al aangegeven een lichte daling van de omzet te verwachten. Voor het gehele jaar denkt het bedrijf eenzelfde omzet te draaien als in 2009.

Liever minder omzet maar meer winst.
Van winst kun je leven maar met veel omzet moet je hard werken.
PREVIEW: Logica publiceert woensdag trading update KW1 2010

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De Brits-Nederlandse ict-dienstverlener Logica plc publiceert woensdag om 08.00 uur een trading update over het eerste kwartaal van 2010. De eerder afgegeven verwachting voor het hele jaar luidt een vergelijkbare omzet en marge in 2010 ten opzichte van 2009. Vorig bedroeg de omzet GBP3,7 miljoen en de voor eenmalige posten en amortisatie aangepaste operationele marge 7,4%. Verder wil Logica dit jaar GBP130 miljoen op jaarbasis besparen ten opzichte van het kostenniveau in 2007. In 2011 moeten de besparingen verder oplopen tot GBP145 miljoen. SNS Securities-analist Victor Bareno verwacht dat uit de update een afname van de omzetdaling naar voren komt en dat voor het tweede halfjaar op een verbetering van omstandigheden wordt gezinspeeld. De analist hanteert een hold-advies. Omstreeks 14.35 uur noteert het aandeel 0,6% hoger op EUR1,61, terwijl de Midkap met 0,35% daalt. (HJL)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com

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