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LocigaCMG - Rabo Securities verhoogt advies naar buy
AMSTERDAM (FD.nl/Betten) - Analist Hans Slob van Rabo Securities heeft het advies voor LogicaCMG verhoogd van hold naar buy. Hij heeft ook het koersdoel verhoogd van euro 2,50 naar euro 2,90.

Slob baseert de advies- en koersdoelverhoging op de benoeming door LogicaCMG van Andy Green tot nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter. Hij verwacht dat Green zal komen met een nieuwe strategie gericht op integratie van overgenomen onderdelen om zo de interne groei te versnellen. Ook verwacht de analist dat Green zich zal richten op het oplossen van de problemen in de commerciele sector in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.

Op basis van de sterke staat van dienst van Green bij BT Global Services, verwacht Slob dat de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter voor winstsynergieen zal zorgen. Hierdoor kan LogicaCMG de groei van de Europese IT-dienstverleningsmarkt van 4 tot 6% per jaar gaan overtreffen, aldus de analist.

Slob stelt verder dat LogicaCMG door acquisities en de afstoting van de volatiele Telecom Product divisie, is uitgegroeid tot een sterke Europese IT-dienstverlener met een beperkt risicoprofiel.

Maud van Gaal

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: webred@fd.nl/ 020-5928456)


h.vdbilt schreef:

LocigaCMG - Rabo Securities verhoogt advies naar buy
AMSTERDAM (FD.nl/Betten) - Analist Hans Slob van Rabo Securities heeft het advies voor LogicaCMG verhoogd van hold naar buy. Hij heeft ook het koersdoel verhoogd van euro 2,50 naar euro 2,90.

Slob baseert de advies- en koersdoelverhoging op de benoeming door LogicaCMG van Andy Green tot nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter. Hij verwacht dat Green zal komen met een nieuwe strategie gericht op integratie van overgenomen onderdelen om zo de interne groei te versnellen. Ook verwacht de analist dat Green zich zal richten op het oplossen van de problemen in de commerciele sector in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.

Op basis van de sterke staat van dienst van Green bij BT Global Services, verwacht Slob dat de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter voor winstsynergieen zal zorgen. Hierdoor kan LogicaCMG de groei van de Europese IT-dienstverleningsmarkt van 4 tot 6% per jaar gaan overtreffen, aldus de analist.

Slob stelt verder dat LogicaCMG door acquisities en de afstoting van de volatiele Telecom Product divisie, is uitgegroeid tot een sterke Europese IT-dienstverlener met een beperkt risicoprofiel.

Maud van Gaal

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: webred@fd.nl/ 020-5928456)

Kijk zo zie ik het graag!!! Op naar de 2.90. Deze week nog?
LogicaCMG CEO designate says no plans to sell the firm

Chief Executive Designate Andy Green said on Tuesday he had not been brought in to sell the IT services group, and would instead focus on adding shareholder value.

"I wouldn't have joined if it was to sell the group. I am not intending to sell the company to anyone," he told Reuters in an interview.

LogicaCMG became the target of takeover speculation earlier this year after it released a profit warning, leading to the departure of long-term CEO Martin Read.

Green also said in the interview he would look at the way the company rewards shareholders, and said the three key areas for the firm to work on were sales, distribution and the integration of acquisitions.

He said he would be paid around 700,000 pounds ($1.42 million) basic salary, up from 520,000 at his current job at BT

High wire actRhys Blakely LogicaCMG, the Anglo-Dutch IT outsourcer, finally has a new chief executive — the BT veteran Andy Green.

Mr Green, who had been regarded as a potential successor to Ben Verwaayen, the present BT chief executive, was only recently appointed as BT's head of group strategy — previously he headed BT's international operations and worked on transforming the telecommunication giant's technology division.

He replaces the long-serving Martin Read, who stepped down from LogicaCMG in May at an emergency board meeting, called after a profit warning and a share price plunge.

For the most part, the City looks to have welcomed the appointment of a heavyweight “new broom” — a long-awaited move that many hope can prompt a rerating of the sluggish LogicaCMG stock. The shares were up more than 10 per cent in afternoon trade today (though still well below their levels at the start of the year).

“Green, has a wealth of transformational expertise — this is a key requirement for the job,” George O'Connor, the Panmure analyst, said.

So what will be at the top of Mr Green’s in-tray?

In Mr O’Connor’s view, LogicaCMG is “not a balanced business”. It is weak in financial services “and so missing the spend hike there — instead moving headlong into the government sector,” he said.

Analysts also believe that LogicaCMG has to beef up its offshore facilities.

In India, for example, LogicaCMG is expected to have about 4,000 staff at most by the end of the year. That is not enough. By contrast, Cap Gemini has 12,000 staff in India and CSC 7,000. Accenture has 30,000.

Mr Green — who has plenty of offshoring experience — has already confirmed this is an issue that he will look at.

But throwing up the offshore isssue leads to another big question: does LogicaCMG have a future as an independent company?

Investment bankers are willing for an Indian outsourcing giant — a TCS or an Infosys — to pounce on a Western rival. LogicaCMG and Cap Gemini are two names firmly in the frame.

There are questions over whether a deal is really imminent. Talk to Indian industry players and they ask what is to gain for an Indian company from bolting on a group such as LogicaCMG — itself under pressure from Indian business models that operate from lower (if escalating) cost bases and have proven themselves hugely scalable and therefore eminently suitable for organic growth.

Moreover, Indian IT companies have shown themselves to be more interested — so far — in smaller, cheap deals.

The counterargument in favour of an Indian takeover of a Western group such as LogicaCMG turns on the Indians’ ambitions to get closer to their Western clients — and to move from low-cost grunt work to more valuable, sophisticated contracts.

Taking over a Western group would give an Indian firm essential insight into, say, the UK Government’s attitude on benefit payment systems, or Tesco’s desire to refine its supply chain, the deal cheerleaders say.

With Indian companies eager to ascend the value chain, that logic seems to be sound. A company such as LogicaCMG, with its clients in non-English speaking territories such as the Netherlands, France and Norway, looks especially valuable in these terms — it would give an Indian company such as TCS a foothold beyond its current core English-speaking market .

Mr Green will have a short grace period in which to outline his vision for the future of LogicaCMG. A host of potential Indian suitors will be watching his progress with interest.

Kijk onze nieuwe krijgt een proeftijd van de Indians
Wanneer komt LOG de eerste keer weer met een TU of met cijfers?

Kon het niet vinden op dividenpagina.nl en op de LOG site.
Gisteren onderstaand bericht gemist in die consternatie.

Ministerie van VROM gunt LogicaCMG bouw van landelijk webportaal
09 October 2007
Overheid start website voor ruimtelijke ordening-plannen

Vanaf 1 juli 2008 zijn de nieuwe ruimtelijke plannen van alle gemeenten, provincies en departementen online beschikbaar voor burgers, bedrijven en overheidsinstellingen. Het Ministerie van VROM heeft opdracht gegeven voor de bouw van het landelijke webportaal Ruimtelijke Ordening Online, kortweg RO-Online. De bouw van de digitale toegangspoort wordt uitgevoerd door ICT-dienstverlener LogicaCMG. RO-Online wordt dé toegangspoort tot alle ruimtelijke plannen in Nederland. De website gaat op termijn de volledige en actuele planologische situatie tonen van elke locatie in Nederland, op een betrouwbare en duidelijke manier. Burgers en bedrijven krijgen een interactieve kaart te zien waarop ruimtelijke plannen, zoals bestemmingsplannen van gemeenten, kunnen worden geraadpleegd, bijvoorbeeld voor het aanvragen van een bouwvergunning.

Overheidsinstanties kunnen RO-Online inzetten in hun werkprocessen. Zo kunnen het Rijk, provincies en gemeenten over-en-weer bestemmingsplannen raadplegen om te toetsen of ze niet strijdig met elkaar zijn. RO-Online zal tevens worden gebruikt bij het afstemmen en opstellen van nieuwe ruimtelijke plannen en de conditioneringswerkzaamheden bij infrastructurele projecten van Rijkswaterstaat. Hiermee vervangt RO-Online de archieven met analoge plannen.

Belangengroepen en burgers kunnen via RO-Online in een vroeg stadium ontwerpplannen van de (lokale) overheid raadplegen, zonder alle gemeenten en provincies te hoeven bezoeken.

De nieuwe Wet op de Ruimtelijke Ordening (Wro) die op 1 juli 2008 in werking treedt, verplicht gemeenten, provincies en het Rijk hun bestemmingsplannen en andere ruimtelijke plannen conform de standaarden digitaal beschikbaar te stellen. Het digitale ruimtelijke plan krijgt vanaf die datum de status van het originele plan, ook wel het ‘authentieke plan’. Om ervaring op te doen met RO-Online kunnen overheidsinstellingen vanaf januari 2008 hun niet-authentieke plannen vast digitaal beschikbaar stellen. Vanaf 1 juli 2008 zullen in ieder geval alle nieuwe ruimtelijke plannen voor iedereen toegankelijk zijn op de website www.ruimtelijkeplannen.nl.

RO-Online realiseert de ambitie van het programma ‘Andere Overheid’ voor de ruimtelijke ordening. Dit programma streeft naar een goede dienstverlening richting burgers en bedrijfsleven en naar een effectieve en efficiënte overheid. De inzet van ICT voor het realiseren van één loket is een middel om de dienstverlening te verbeteren.

LogicaCMG bouwt het webportaal op basis van twee bestaande standaard Open Source oplossingen: het Java framework Deegree van Lat/Lon wordt gebruikt als server voor het geografische informatiesysteem. PostGIS wordt gebruikt als ruimtelijk database systeem.

Automation keeps Slovak Telekom ahead

In the competitive telecoms sector, you’ve got to offer fast, personalised customer service at low cost. And you’ve got to get new services on the market quickly to maintain your market position.

Slovak Telekom achieved this through a major systems integration project led by LogicaCMG. By
centralising and automating hundreds of business processes across its regions, the company was able to keep ahead of domestic and international competitors – even as the Slovakian telecoms market transformed.

The challenge

In 2002, Slovak Telekom was the fixed-line leader in Slovakia, with one and a half million business and residential customers. It was also building up business in data networks and broadband.

But the telecoms market in Slovakia, as elsewhere in central Europe, was changing fast. Everyone was dealing with heightened competition and cost pressures, while the changing face of technology meant operators had to be able to adapt in a hurry to compete.

Slovak Telekom had a good idea of what it needed to do. By centralising and automating the various processes it used for service provisioning, assurance and network planning around Slovakia, it would be able to execute business much more efficiently. Day to day it would be able to activate new telephone lines and data circuits and troubleshoot existing ones both more quickly and more cheaply, with automated systems to ensure problems like noise on the line and low data throughput were kept to an absolute minimum. Longer term, Slovak Telekom would be able to stay on its toes and roll out new strategies on a single nationwide platform to address IP service market demand like Triple Play - digital television, high speed Internet and voice over Internet.

The task was complicated, however. Many of the systems were self-built and not suitable for
integration, so they had to be redesigned. Getting the details right and executing the plans was a
massive challenge and Slovak Telekom did not have the internal resources to go it alone.

In a competitive tender, the contractor selected for the work was LogicaCMG – a past master at
implementing large-scale operational support systems for telecoms operators around the world.
Slovak Telekom already had a confident working relationship with us, and our local presence and
understanding of the networks and business culture meant we would be able to work effectively with them from day one.

The solution

The LogicaCMG team worked with Slovak Telekom and its partners to put in place two new software applications – the Siebel customer relationship management system, and the Cramer network inventory tool.

Over the four years of the project, we standardised and integrated onto these systems 22 million
different ports of the services and hundreds of thousands of network entities from more than 26
distributed, heterogeneous data sources. Modelling tools for workflow made sure the new setup was completely under control and flexible enough to be fine-tuned as time went on.

As well as the technical and organisational challenge, diplomatic skills were essential. Because
process changes require staff buy-in to be truly successful, this was an essential part of our

Additionally, our strong relationships with other contractors helped us work together more efficiently and ensured that everyone on the project was working as a single team with shared goals.

The outcome

Now the project is complete, Slovak Telekom is in great shape to build on its leadership position in the Slovakian market. It benefits from much reduced operating costs, with fewer personnel providing a higher and more consistent quality of service. And because assorted bespoke applications have been replaced by industry-standard ones, maintenance is cheaper and simpler.

The company also has far greater insight into its own systems. It can identify obsolete technology and inefficient processes, justify network planning decisions and generally manage the whole
organisation’s activities. For example, provisioning time for voice and data services over 150 business scenarios has been reduced by more than 30 per cent, with duplicate work eliminated and services shared between processes for increased efficiency. Staff need to spend less time on design and installation, less field visits to customers are required and escalation rates have been reduced.

Customers have benefited, too. New IP services are brought to market quickly in response or in
anticipation of demand, like combined digital TV, high-speed internet and voice-over IP. And everyday interactions and services are now handled much more quickly and efficiently, with activities that could previously take ten days now done in five.

The future

As the market has moved from fixed-line towards IP-oriented services, Slovak Telekom’s new
centralised operations have allowed it to adapt quickly and stay at the cutting edge, rolling out new
features like self-care before anyone else.

And the partnership continues today. Currently, LogicaCMG is helping Slovak Telekom with integration projects on a smaller scale – while at the same time the large scale benefits of the project continue to be felt.

“What we were after from LogicaCMG was the best operational support know-how on the market – and that’s what we got. We also valued their willingness to step in and take ownership of the project. We couldn’t have asked for more in a partner.”Ralf Mittag, Director, Slovak Telekom

MoD in £270m splurge on extra HQ computer terminals

The UK MoD has added a further 3,300 network terminals to its massive Defence Information Infrastructure (Future) - or DII(F) - project*. These new machines will be specifically intended for command of military operations from frontline headquarters nodes.

Under DII(F) the MoD has a £2.3bn contract with a consortium of companies - dubbed ATLAS - including EDS (as Prime Contractor), Fujitsu, EADS, General Dynamics, and LogicaCMG. ATLAS has now delivered over 10,000 UADs (user access devices) in total, and the MoD says "the programme has now moved into a phase of high volume roll-out... Ultimately, it will provide around 300,000 user accounts on approximately 150,000 terminals across about 2,000 MoD sites worldwide".

The initial Increment 1 of DII(F) was mainly intended to handle ordinary information classed not higher than Secret at fixed locations. Increment 2, now coming through the pipeline, is for deployed locations and "services to the Above Secret environment".

(For a quick digest of UK military secrecy classifications, see here.)

The MoD announced this week that the DII(F) contract has just been amended to incorporate a £270m "2b" increment for the delivery of a further 3,300 terminals, of which 1,900 will be deployable to headquarters on the ground and on board Royal Navy ships. This works out at almost £82,000 per machine, though of course this figure includes integration, networking, security etc etc.

Bob Quick, the MoD's project manager, said: "This is a first step in enhancing deployable capability to forces deployed to theatres such as Iraq and Afghanistan."

The extra machines will replace various older bits of kit which "are approaching obsolescence and have been identified as a risk to successful operations".

STOCKWATCH Sage dips early on, disappointing US growth spurs management shake up

LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Shares in Sage were lower in opening deals in reaction to its trading statement, which revealed disappointing organic growth at its US business that prompted the departure of two members of its US management team.

Earlier, the UK accounting software specialist said it expects full-year results to be in-line with market concensus forecasts at 1.158 bln stg, up from 0.892 bln last time.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation came in at 283 mln stg, compared with 239 mln last year.

It also announced the departure of its US CEO and CFO as part of its strategic review of the American business.

Organic growth for the year will be around 7 pct, which reflects growth at or above 7 pct in all three regions outside North America, which only managed 4 pct growth in the fiscal year.

In reaction to the news, Landsbanki said: 'The US market has been a perennial bugbear for Sage and was expected to see a bounce-back on the launch of new products. Once again the concern that Sage is losing market share to Microsoft and to a lesser extent to Intuit will resurface.'

The broker said it was pretty unusual to see management shake-ups of this magnitude at Sage and that it can only be welcomed. It retains a 'hold' recommendation but favours LogicaCMG at present.

At 8.10 am, shares in Sage were 4-1/4 pence lower at 247-1/2 versus a FTSE 100 which was up 18.4 points at 6651.4.




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LogicaCMG levert nieuw tolsysteem Westerscheldetunnel
11 October 2007
Geavanceerde techniek voor tolheffing op infrastructuur

De N.V. Westerscheldetunnel en Movenience B.V. hebben samen opdracht gegeven voor de ontwikkeling van een volledig nieuw tolsysteem. Het betreft de zogeheten back- en frontoffice voor de passages bij de Westerscheldetunnel én het systeem voor de financiële afwikkeling van alle transacties van t-tag abonnees van de firma Movenience B.V. De voor beide opdrachten geselecteerde opdrachtnemers zijn Technolution B.V. respectievelijk LogicaCMG Nederland B.V.

Afgelopen zomer richtte de N.V. Westerscheldetunnel samen met de Portugese tolexploitant Brisa en de Nederlandse firma NedMobiel de geheel nieuwe onderneming Movenience B.V. op. Deze combineert comfort met mobiliteit en zal zich in de tweede helft van 2008 toeleggen op het verwerken van autogebonden betalingstransacties met de t-tag. Dit zal in eerste instantie gebeuren in opdracht van de N.V. Westerscheldetunnel en in de toekomst mogelijk ook voor andere ondernemingen. Daarnaast is het de verwachting dat in diezelfde periode parkeren met de t-tag in Zeeland zal worden geïntroduceerd. Movenience B.V. staat daarmee gereed voor de toekomstige ontwikkelingen in de markt van beprijsde infrastructuur.


LogicaCMG denkt actief mee over mobiliteitsvraagstukken in Europa. Het is LogicaCMG's overtuiging dat met ICT-gebaseerde oplossingen sterke verbetering van de mobiliteit kan worden gerealiseerd. LogicaCMG realiseert voor de nieuwe tolling backoffice van Movenience een Transactie en Informatie Processing Systeem (TIPS) op basis van Microsoft Dynamics. Daarnaast is zij voor een periode van 4 tot 6 jaar verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van dat systeem. Hiermee voegt LogicaCMG een belangrijke oplossing toe aan haar portfolio van mogelijke oplossingen voor het mobiliteitsvraagstuk. TIPS is schaalbaar, flexibel en herhaalbaar inzetbaar als backoffice voor diverse mobiliteits-concepten. LogicaCMG verwacht de komende jaren in Nederland en andere delen van Europa veel vraag naar tollingsystemen en andere oplossingen voor de verbetering van de mobiliteit.


Technolution B.V. is een innovatief ingenieursbureau in de technische automatisering. Technolution ontwikkelt sinds 1987 hard- en softwareoplossingen voor verkeer en vervoer, de high tech industrie, financiële instellingen en andere markten. Technolution zal voor de N.V. Westerscheldetunnel de nieuwe back- en frontoffice realiseren. Technolution zal deze systemen zo ontwikkelen dat zij in de toekomst eenvoudig aanpasbaar en uitbreidbaar zijn om goed aan te sluiten op de ambities van de N.V. Westerscheldetunnel en Movenience B.V. rond beprijsde infrastructuur.

Meer informatie

Class of 2010 students embark on LogicaCMG's new 'earn while you learn' degree course at University of Winchester
16 October 2007
Recruits start inaugural year of LogicaCMG BA (Hons) Management (Information Technology) course

Enrolment evening for 2008 joiners to be held in Reading on 18 October

LogicaCMG, a leading provider of IT and business services, celebrates the arrival of the first 13 ‘student employees’ to undertake the LogicaCMG ‘earn while you learn’ degree course. In partnership with The University of Winchester, LogicaCMG has developed a new, fully-funded BA (Hons) degree in Management (Information Technology) where students study on a day release basis from their full time roles at LogicaCMG. Students’ fees and salary for three years are paid by LogicaCMG in return for a commitment to stay with the business for a further three years after graduation.

The LogicaCMG course enables students to start a successful career in information technology management, while obtaining a recognised honours degree qualification. At the end of the course students are in a strong financial position with a head-start on the career ladder.

Students work from Tuesday to Friday in LogicaCMG's Energy, Utilities & Telecoms business, with Mondays dedicated to study at the Basingstoke campus of The University of Winchester. Candidates benefit from earning a salary while studying and automatic fast-track to LogicaCMG’s graduate programme on passing their course.

The students on the 2007 in-take were all previously educated in the Reading area and come from a range of backgrounds, with some having just completed their A-levels and others having worked for a number of years.

Hannah Brooker, student, said: ''This is a fantastic opportunity for me to develop practical IT management skills in a business environment, while remaining in education part-time to obtain my degree – it’s the best of both worlds. The business world is very competitive and through this course, LogicaCMG is giving me the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and to graduate debt free.”

Gary Argent, UK Graduate Recruitment Manager for LogicaCMG, commented: “We are delighted to welcome the new recruits to LogicaCMG and are particularly impressed with the high calibre of people who applied for the programme. This is a great opportunity for LogicaCMG to bring in bright and committed individuals who are ambitious in the business world and also understand the merits a university education can bring. This course will allow us to invest in candidates who could well be the future driving forces in the IT services industry. We are now actively recruiting for candidates who are interested in joining the scheme in September 2008.”

The University of Winchester and LogicaCMG are now welcoming candidates to apply for places in the September 2008 scheme. Candidates can attend the next open evening at LogicaCMG’s Reading offices on 18 October. Additional information and registration for the event can be found at: www.logicacmg.com/ukgraduates.

Weinig nieuws maar de koers houdt goed stand.

LogicaCMG announces 2007 winner of new Partners in Innovation programme
17 October 2007
Virage scoops new innovation accolade

Kevin Duffey, UK Sales & Marketing Director for LogicaCMG presents Duncan Paul, Alliances Manager at Virage with the 2007 Partners in Innovation award.

LogicaCMG, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, today announces Virage as the inaugural winner of its Partners in Innovation award, a programme commending niche technology companies for outstanding innovative IT solutions. Virage was chosen as the 2007 winner for its outstanding Rich Media Management and Security and Surveillance software suite, a decision which followed a competitive selection process, culminating in two days of ‘Dragon’s Den’ style presentations to a panel of industry and commercial experts within LogicaCMG.

Virage’s Rich Media Management software and Intelligent Video Analytics bring together complementary technologies from multimedia, security and infrastructure specialists. The product suite provides a solution to a raft of television, video, audio and CCTV challenges, such as making television content fully searchable and accessible via IPTV and supplying and managing complex security systems.

Virage’s Security and Surveillence software allows users to monitor vast quantities of intelligence from multiple content sources and by using advanced analytics capabilities the solution delivers conceptual intelligence-based associations between multiple pieces of data. The software’s intelligent behavioural analysis can also be deployed to provide enhanced real-time scene analysis and detection capability – tools that complement LogicaCMG’s existing security offerings and will help to ensure the faster identification of suspect packages and activity in a surveillance environment.

Virage’s solutions will now be fast tracked to some of LogicaCMG’s key customers with a requirement for advanced rich media management and intelligent video analytics in the areas of knowledge management, compliance and security. The end result will be to deliver business innovation to LogicaCMG’s clients and expansion into new markets for Virage, facilitating significant revenue generation opportunities.

Established earlier this year, the Partners in Innovation award builds on LogicaCMG’s reputation as a leading innovator in IT and business services and its role as a champion of bringing innovation back into the IT industry. The programme aims to bring new technology solutions to market and to recognise the essential role that these companies play in driving real IT innovation and customer satisfaction to clients. Winners of the initiative are effectively getting access to an established global resource, providing go-to-market support and opportunities to engage with client organisations where appropriate.

Kevin Duffey, LogicaCMG’s UK Sales and Marketing Director, said: “Often innovation is developed for innovation’s sake, particularly in the world of IT. Real innovation only works if it is brought to market in the right way and delivers actual business benefit to an organisation or user. Our focus on applied innovation puts us in the best position to work alongside companies, like Virage, to make sure that their ideas become a commercial reality, and indeed success.”

David Humphrey, Managing Director, Virage Security and Surveillance, said on winning the award: “We are delighted that LogicaCMG’s Partners in Innovation programme has acknowledged Virage for its leading rich media and security and surveillance solutions. We look forward to further strengthening our relationship with LogicaCMG, as we work closer together in the future.”

The British Computer Society (BCS) has welcomed LogicaCMG's new initiative. Anna Duckworth, Head of Corporate Marketing at BCS, added: “We applaud programmes such as the Partners in Innovation programme which encourage real world business opportunities and foster a new generation of innovation in IT.”

The four other short-listed companies that presented alongside Virage comprised Active Navigation, Erudine, Focus Solutions and Quantum Storage UK.

Details of how to apply for the 2008 programme are available on the LogicaCMG website. www.logicacmg.com/uk/partnersininnova...


guvea schreef:

Finse IT dienstverlener Tietoneter geeft een winstwaarschuwing voor de rest van het jaar,branchgenoot van Logica
Was te verwachten de klanten stappen massaal over naar Logica (WM data).

St1 keskittää ICT-palvelunsa WM-datalle
17 October 2007
Tietotekniikan palveluyritys WM-data, a LogicaCMG company ja St1 Oy ovat tehneet sopimuksen St1:n ICT-palveluiden keskittämisestä ja yhtenäistämisestä. Uudet ratkaisut tukevat St1:n kasvua ja palveluiden kehittämistä joulukuussa 2006 toteutetun yrityskaupan jälkeen, kun St1 osti Oy Esso Ab:n koko osakekannan.

St1:n ratkaisut kattavat laajasti informaatiologistiikan palveluja, tieto- ja viestintätekniikan palveluiden tuotantoa, käyttöpalveluita, asiakastukea, sovelluksia, palveluiden hallintaa ja valvontaa. Palveluiden siirto on tehty erittäin vaativalla aikataululla huomioiden yhteistyöprojektin laajuus ja kattavuus.

- Yhteistyö ulkoisen kumppanin kanssa oli meille nopein ja järkevin tapa toteuttaa tietotekniset ratkaisut yrityskaupan yhteydessä. WM-datan valmius tarjota ratkaisuja globaalisti oli myös edellytys yhteistyöllemme, St1:n toimitusjohtaja Kim Wiio sanoo.

- St1:lle toteutettava palvelukokonaisuus vaatii kokemusta ja asiantuntemusta monitahoisten IT-projektien johtamisesta. Aikataulujen pitäminen onnistuu, kun työn tukena ovat koetellut menetelmät ja määritellyt vastuut eri tahojen kesken, johtaja Sami Karkkila WM-datasta toteaa.

waarom wordener hier altijd berichten geplaatst in talen die bijna niemand kan lezen....

wat houd dit bericht exact in??

boxtel schreef:

waarom wordener hier altijd berichten geplaatst in talen die bijna niemand kan lezen....

wat houd dit bericht exact in??
ne znam, mislim nista, nisam sigurno laku noc do sutra i hvala
LogicaCMG demonstrates integrated biometric capability at Biometrics 2007
18 October 2007
LogicaCMG, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, will be demonstrating how some of the latest biometric advances are being integrated into real-life working environments, in often challenging environments, at this year’s Biometrics 2007 show.

Tim Best, Director of Global eIdentity Solutions at LogicaCMG will be presenting a conference paper describing how new facial recognition technology has been successfully used in a proof-of-concept trial at a major international airport. The trial successfully identified non-compliant suspects at a range of several metres using CCTV technology and biometric identification algorithms.

Visitors to the show will be able to experience facial technology demonstrations on LogicaCMG’s exhibition stand (# 410) and learn about real-life, practical applications of the technology for the police force, military, retail and leisure industries.

LogicaCMG will also be showcasing BiofuseTM on the stand – a multi-modal middleware solution that can draw information about a suspect from a range of sources, whether biometric (for example a voice or a partial fingerprint) or biographical (for instance a Christian name or a number plate extract). These are then referenced against multiple databases, with the results fused into a single, more accurate list of suspects.

Designed for environments that require the highest degree of matching accuracy, such as crime scenes and high security access, BiofuseTM is already being adopted in Northern Europe.

LogicaCMG has 40 years’ experience of working with Government, Defence, Banking and Retail organisations across Europe, and an enviable reputation for successful delivery. LogicaCMG is highly regarded as a vendor-independent systems integrator and has one of the largest security practices in Europe.


Dit bericht zal de koers geen goed doen.

-Mobile verklagt LogicaCMG auf 23 Millionen Euro
IT-Services-Konzern konnte Relaunch von T-Zones nicht leisten

Die Deutsche Telekom-Tochter T-Mobile verklagt den britisch-niederländischen IT-Services-Konzern LogicaCMG vor dem Londoner High Court. Wie der britische 'Telegraph' (Sonntagsausgabe) berichtet, hatte der Mobilfunkbetreiber LogicaCMG vor zwei Jahren beauftragt, seine mobile Online-Plattform T-Zones zu überarbeiten. Bis heute ist der Relaunch aber nicht erfolgt, weshalb T-Mobile wegen Nichterbringung der vertraglichen Leistungen 23 Millionen Euro fordert.

Der Streitfall ist dem Vernehmen nach auch der Hintergrund für den Rücktritt des Logica-Firmenchefs Martin Read im Mai vergangenen Jahres, so das Blatt weiter. Ursache für die zu der Zeit erfolgte Gewinnwarnung bildete eine Abschreibung von 19,5 Millionen Euro, die mit einer Projektüberschreitung für einen nicht namentlich genannten Kunden begründet wurde. Heute weiß man: Dieser Kunde ist T-Mobile.

Der Prozessbeginn wird für das kommende Jahr erwartet. T-Mobile erklärte, dass eine erste Anhörung für den kommenden November geplant sei. "Wir werden uns verteidigen, versuchen aber weiter, die Situation außergerichtlich zu regeln", sagte ein Logica-Sprecher der Zeitung. (as)
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