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EDS-led ATLAS Consortium to Deliver Additional Phase of the Defence Information Infrastructure Contract

PLANO, Texas, Oct. 2

The EDS-led ATLAS Consortium today
announced that the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD) has approved anamendment to the Defence Information Infrastructure (Future) (DII(F))contract, confirming that ATLAS will deliver DII Increment 2b, which extendsDII(F) into the deployed -- military operations -- environment.

This is afurther element of the 10-year contract awarded in March 2005, to modernize and create a single coherent MoD information infrastructure.

The ATLAS Consortium comprises EDS as lead contractor, tier 1 partner Fujitsu Services and key sub-contractors General Dynamics, EADS Defence and Security Systems and LogicaCMG.

The contract amendment enables EDS to increase its previously stated estimates for revenue from the MoD DII(F) contract to 2015 by US $489 (269
pounds Sterling) million.

Ik kan het niet meer volgen!! Sinds Read weg is stromen de orders binnen. Het gaat de goede kant op :-)
EU diep verdeeld over financiering Galileo

LUXEMBURG - De EU-landen zijn diep verdeeld over de financiering van het prestigieuze satellietenproject Galileo. De tegenstellingen zijn zo groot dat de EU-regeringsleiders er waarschijnlijk pas in december definitief over zullen besluiten. Dat bleek dinsdag in Luxemburg tijdens overleg van EU-ministers van transport

Nederland, Groot-Brittannië en Duitsland zijn om verschillende redenen de belangrijkste tegenstanders van een voorstel van de Europese Commissie. Die wil de nog benodigde 2,1 miljard euro halen uit de niet-uitgegeven landbouwsubsidies.
LogicaCMG joins forces with Zafin Labs to push mi-Revenue in Europe
LogicaCMG, a major international force in IT and business services, today announces a partnership with Zafin Labs, a leading provider to the financial services market of billing, pricing and packaging solutions, to provide Zafin Labs' mi-Revenue product across Europe.The implementation of Zafin Labs' product mi-Revenue enables financial services providers to dramatically improve their revenue management, increase cross-selling and improve time to market. In one single implementation at a major Indian Bank, mi-Revenue delivered substantial benefits for relationship managers servicing more than 10 million retail accounts.

The Payments Services Directive (PSD) and the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) has increased competition among banks in Europe. LogicaCMG believes that banks can turn regulatory pressure into a competitive advantage through better client service and improved product management. SEPA and PSD compliancy not only forces banks into cost and pricing transparency, it also opens up an opportunity for new approaches to product management, pricing and billing.

Mi-Revenue has been recognised by the reputable trade magazine "The Banker" for best technical global retail solution 2007.

As part of the partnership, LogicaCMG and Zafin Labs intend to develop a joint European Centre of Excellence which will initially focus on clients in the Netherlands.

Chris Galenkamp, Sales & Marketing Director of LogicaCMG in the Netherlands, commented: "We are pleased to have finanlised this partnership with Zafin Labs. Together we will deliver an integrated solution for our clients, enabling them to compete in the new European financial landscape, comply with regulation and have a stable and effective operational revenue management environment. "

Al Karim Somji - CEO of Zafin Labs said. "There is growing recognition by analysts and clients of the need for modern and robust approaches to product and market management. Working with LogicaCMG gives our joint clients a comprehensive approach to delivering business benefits in terms of revenue management and market optimisation."
Queensland's CarbonSim and LogicaCMG Awarded Emissions Management Project from Ford Motor Company

Thursday, 04 October 2007
LogicaCMG, a major international force in IT and business services, today announced the extension of its project with Ford Motor Company to provide an emissions management solution throughout the organisation. Ford will use EMISSIONS logic, developed by LogicaCMG and Queensland-headquartered partner CarbonSim, to monitor and manage manufacturing-related environmental data worldwide to support its corporate sustainability objectives.

LogicaCMG in Australia originally developed the Emissions logic software with Queensland based CarbonSim. This formed part of the Queensland Smart State initiative. The development team was made up of local environmental engineers, economists, LogicaCMG software developers and programmers in Queensland.

LogicaCMG and CarbonSim were initially awarded the emissions management project with Ford in 2005 to centrally manage facility greenhouse gas emissions. The EMISSIONS logic solution has since been developed, in line with Ford’s requirements, to now manage comprehensive plant-specific environmental metrics including energy, water, waste, and overall performance against internal environmental objectives and targets. In addition, the system is used to track all applicable environmental regulatory requirements at the local, national, and international levels. The extended solution will be deployed throughout Ford's manufacturing operations around the world, including 70 manufacturing sites in 17 countries.

EMISSIONS logic also cost-effectively manages companies' compliance with emissions trading schemes by: tracking their greenhouse gas emissions and compliance against obligations; managing their emissions allowances and credits; evaluating strategies and projects for emissions reduction and generating internal and external reports.

Sorin Toma, Energy and Utilities Director, LogicaCMG, said, “By working together, we’ve extended the functionality of the Emissions logic solution to meet the business challenges that are faced not just by Australian companies but by global organisations such as Ford on a daily basis. We are delighted that an Australian developed solution is helping manage Ford’s compliance, which includes a raft of emissions management regulations. We’ve added a new waste methodology based on European Waste Policy, a new water methodology, and a new energy methodology. What started as a project to monitor emissions of greenhouse gases, has evolved dramatically to become all encompassing and takes into consideration wider environmental issues.”

Craig Windram, CarbonSim’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “EMISSIONS logic will provide Ford with a comprehensive solution to manage its global emissions, ensuring compliance with national, regional and global regulations. The development of the EMISSIONS logic solution alongside Ford is testimony to Ford’s continued commitment to environmental improvement and to the importance that it attaches to managing company emissions, as well as to the strengths of EMISSIONS logic.”

About LogicaCMG
LogicaCMG is a major international force in IT services. It employs around 40,000 people across 41 countries. LogicaCMG’s focus is on enabling its customers to build and maintain leadership positions using LogicaCMG’s deep industry knowledge and its track record for successful delivery. The company provides business consulting, systems integration and IT and business process outsourcing across diverse markets including telecoms, financial services, energy and utilities, industry, distribution and transport and the public sector. Headquartered in Europe, LogicaCMG is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE:LOG; Euronext:LOG) and traded on the Xternal List of the Nordic Exchange in Stockholm. More information is available at www.logicacmg.com

About CarbonSim
CarbonSim is a leading developer of emissions management, trading and compliance software solutions. CarbonSim is part of the E3 group of companies that have developed around the emerging emissions trading market. More information is available from www.carbonsim.com.

About EMISSIONS logic
EMISSIONS logic manages companies' compliance with a range of national and international environmental regulations and emissions trading schemes by: tracking their emissions and compliance against obligations; managing their emissions allowances and credits; evaluating strategies and projects for emissions reduction and generating internal and external reports. Find out more at www.emissionslogic.com

October 04, 2007 07:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

LogicaCMG’s CLS Manager Selected to Support Third-Party CLS Business SIBOS Conference

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--LogicaCMG, a major international force in IT and business services, has won a contract to supply LogicaCMG CLS Manager (LCM) to Danske Bank A/S to help the bank expand its third-party Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS) capability for corporate and institutional clients.

Danske Bank A/S is the largest bank in Denmark and a leading player in the Scandinavian financial markets. The Danske Bank Group offers a wide range of financial services, including insurance, mortgage finance, asset management, brokerage, real estate, and leasing services. It also has a large number of international corporate clients, particularly in the northern European markets.

CLS is the world’s largest system for the settlement of foreign exchange transactions finally and irrevocably. CLS eliminates settlement risk, improves liquidity management, reduces operational banking costs and improves operational efficiency and effectiveness.

LogicaCMG CLS Manager (LCM) supports CLS member banks and their third parties in the control, reconciliation and automation of their CLS business.

LCM provides the bank with a thin client, browser based solution that can be easily deployed in third parties around the globe to support their CLS processing. LCM is already in use in a number of CLS settlement banks with a truly global presence. Danske Bank A/S chose LCM for its ease of deployment and rich functionality and because of its highly configurable front end, which can be easily changed in line with their corporate style.

Since the launch of the CLS system in 2002, the services being offered through CLS continue to expand with the introduction of new instruments such as Non Deliverable Forwards and Option Premiums. These services, together with ever-increasing volumes of trades being settled through CLS, mean that the value of shared maintenance and development has never been greater.

LogicaCMG continues to expand and enhance the LCM product to ensure that its clients are able to take advantage of these new services as soon as they become available.

Tim Brew, sales director of LogicaCMG’s Global Products Unit, said “We are delighted that Danske Bank has chosen LCM as the platform to extend and grow its CLS business. Clearly the combination of LogicaCMG’s product solutions and CLS experience together with our proven deployment strategy will provide an excellent low-risk, highly functional solution for the bank.”

'Grote verschuivingen mogelijk op Nederlandse IT-markt'
Uitgegeven: 4 oktober 2007 12:31

AMSTERDAM - Het worden spannende tijden voor de gevestigde spelers op de Nederlandse markt voor IT-outscourcing. Zij scoren niet goed op het gebied van klanttevredenheid en concurrentie ligt op de loer.

Dit blijkt uit een donderdag gepubliceerd onderzoek van onderzoeksbureau Giarte en adviesbureau Morgan Chambers. De onderzoekers namen 550 aanbestedingscontracten onder de loep.

De komende twee jaar moeten bij zes op de tien organisaties die (een gedeelte van) hun automatisering uitbesteden nieuwe contracten worden gesloten. Slechts 28 procent van de ondervraagde topmanagers zou zijn huidige IT-partner zeker aanbevelen. Op het moment is bijna de helft van de markt (46 procent) verdeeld over de drie grote spelers: KPN/Getronics, Atos Origin en IBM.


De gevestigde spelers hebben vooral concurrentie te duchten vanuit India. De Indiase bedrijven Wipro, TCS, Infosys en HCL vertegenwoordigen samen 9 procent van de onderzochte contracten.

Ze maken meer winst en scoren beter op het gebied van klanttevredenheid. Van hun klanten geeft 70 procent aan in de toekomst meer aan hen te willen uitbesteden.

LogicaCMG delivers new payments platform to major European bank

Published: 04 Oct 2007

LogicaCMG, a provider of IT and business services, has delivered LAPS High Volume, a full featured Single Euro Payments Area-compliant payments platform, to a major, unnamed, European bank.

The new system will allow the bank to complete its comprehensive testing and integration with its own systems in a timely fashion. This will enable the bank to go to market with a Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) capability ahead of its competitors, facilitating the capture of new business from the emerging SEPA market.

The system will provide full support for all requirements defined by the SEPA rulebooks, both for SEPA credit transfers and SEPA direct debits. LAPS High Volume offers EBA STEP 2 and other European CSM connectivity, as well as multi-bank capabilities that provide a sound platform for the provisioning of additional optional services.

Mobiel betalen bij C1000 succesvol’
04 okt 2007, 17:42
door Mark Garrelts

Het betalingsexperiment met een mobiele telefoon bij C1000 in Molenaarsgraaf, vlak onder Rotterdam, is een groot succes. Dat zegt Wout van der Wal, eigenaar van de supermarkt.

Volgens van der Wal zijn de klanten zeer tevreden over het gemak van betalen met een mobiele telefoon. " Bij een recente enquete onder de geselecteerde personen kwam al een tevredenheidsscore van 100% naar voren".

In totaal hebben 100 klanten van het supermarktconcern een mobieltje gekregen met de zogenaamde ‘ Near Field Communication’ techniek, die het uitwisselen van informatie op korte afstand mogelijk maakt. Door de mobiele telefoon vlak bij een pincode-apparaat te houden en daarna een pinocode in te toetsen op de pinautomaat, wordt het bedrag automatisch van de eigen rekening afgeschreven.

Met het mobieltje kunnen klanten niet alleen bij de kassa betalen. Ook statiegeldbonnetjes van lege flessen kunnen op de telefoon worden bijgeschreven.

Het betalingsexperiment bij C1000 is begonnen in augustus en duurt een half jaar. De proef wordt uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de Rabobank, LogicaCMG, RFID Platform Nederland, KPN en NXP Semiconductor.

British Waterways - Implementing change and increasing efficiency with SAP
British Waterways
British Waterways relies on LogicaCMG's SAP expertise and high-quality technology to help streamline operations and improve service to citizens.

LogicaCMG provides an outsourced full-service SAP implementation to improve financial and business process controls. The solution is achieving goals of process improvement and cost savings, and has reinforced British Waterways’ confidence in the benefits of partnering with LogicaCMG.

British Waterways overview

British Waterways is the public corporation responsible for the care and enhancement of a 2,000-mile network of canals and rivers in the UK. Often working in partnership with public, private and voluntary organisations, British Waterways seeks to develop and improve the waterways in a sustainable manner.

With an annual turnover of £200M and around 2,200 staff throughout the UK, British Waterways
operates a highly diverse business including leisure and tourism, property management, water sales, telecommunications and regeneration.

Business requirement

British Waterways chose LogicaCMG to implement and provide application support and hosting for a SAP solution as part of a 10-year £20M managed service contract. This was part of a radical overhaul of the business processes supporting the UK’s waterway network, to transform their business into a more efficient operation focussing on customers as much as assets.
The new solution helps maximise efficiencies in every area of British Waterways’ business, including property management, assets, leisure and tourism, natural environment, commercial partnerships and regeneration projects. Information from all these business areas is integrated and visible across the organisation, and the SAP system allows users to access and manipulate data easily and rapidly.

SAP implementation

British Waterways chose a SAP solution to replace its aging legacy systems environment, which was inflexible and unable to support the rapidly changing business.
The one year implementation project started in April 2002, and included the delivery of a broad scope of SAP functionality covering:
● back office processes such as finance, procurement, HR and payroll
● work and asset management including plant maintenance, project systems, and investment
● sales and distribution
● property management
● analysis and reporting with Business Warehouse
● user interface - the SAP Enterprise Portal provides users with a real time customised view of all
relevant business processes through their desktops.

The solution interfaced with British Waterways’ ESRI geographic information system (GIS) to allow
information on waterway assets from the SAP system to be viewed in GIS.

LogicaCMG’s role

LogicaCMG carried out the one year implementation project, working on-site in a joint project team
with British Waterways staff. As part of the implementation LogicaCMG also designed and delivered end-user training and change management programmes, to maximise acceptance and best use of the system associated with new ways of working.

Many British Waterways staff, including the Chief Executive, expressed appreciation of LogicaCMG’s performance and effort over the implementation period.

Delivery on schedule

The British Waterways SAP implementation went live, on schedule, on April 7th 2003. It was an important part of the most ambitious change project undertaken by British Waterways and was led by a 40 strong project team of British Waterways and LogicaCMG people. Initially, about 1,200 British Waterways’ staff had access to the SAP system from both office and remote locations, and the company estimates this user base will increase to at least 2,000 by 2008.

Commitment across both companies, combined with an innovative style and a high degree of cultural fit, continue to be key success factors in LogicaCMG’s relationship with British Waterways. The SAP system was delivered under very tight timescales and the success of this implementation project was made possible by the hard work, skill and experience of people at both LogicaCMG and British Waterways.

Valuable partner

LogicaCMG’s blended service delivery capabilities enable us to provide remote application support from our SAP Service Centre near Birmingham and application hosting from our secure data centre in Bridgend.

LogicaCMG procured the servers required to host the SAP solution, and installed them at Bridgend. From here we provide a robust, high availability connection to the British Waterways network.


British Waterways derived substantial benefits from the integration of its enterprise software platform. These benefits include streamlined business processes and the ability to now provide a better service to both internal and external customers. Their staff now benefit from an integrated set of systems and processes, resulting in an accessible, unified and customisable view of customer and asset data.

Why LogicaCMG?

As a SAP Global Services partner, one of only a handful of accredited hosting partners in the UK., and with over 2,000 SAP experts worldwide, LogicaCMG possesses the complete range of skills and capabilities to support the development of its customers’ SAP systems.

Along with the full range of SAP solutions, we specialise in SAP support, hosting, outsourcing, and
change management. Often pioneering, we work in partnership with our customers to add value, to innovate and to deliver tangible benefits from their SAP solutions.

LogicaCMG’s Enterprise Solutions business is a centre of excellence in SAP, with links across Europe, Australia and the United States. It has been delivering successful SAP implementations for many years and now boasts over 1,000 SAP implementations completed globally.

LogicaCMG’s track record in SAP

LogicaCMG has experience in implementing SAP in various sectors and is particularly strong in the UK utilities and public sectors. The success of these projects has positioned LogicaCMG as one of SAP UK’s lead partners and our impressive track record includes SAP implementation projects for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, UKAEA, British Waterways, Yorkshire Water Services, Powergen, Centrica HRL, Hertfordshire County Council and the London Boroughs of Waltham Forest and Haringey.

“The most pleasing thing about the whole project was the way the two teams
gelled immediately. There was no lead in time and we went live on schedule within the
space of a one year development, which is no mean feat for a project of this size” Richard Walsh, Head of ICT, British Waterways

Berneslai Homes - A mobile workforce which delivers more for its customers
Berneslai Homes
LogicaCMG has helped Berneslai Homes transform the way its mobile workforce operates

Berneslai Homes Overview

Berneslai Homes is the Arms Length Management Organisation of Barnsley Metropolitan Council responsible for the maintenance and repair of social housing in the area. It employs a largely mobile workforce of skilled tradesmen and apprentices responsible for 21,000 homes and more than 50,000 maintenance jobs every year.

The Business Requirement
In 2004 Berneslai Homes was operating a paper-based system of issuing maintenance jobs to its 280-man team of City & Guilds qualified craftsmen. Each operative would come into one of eight separate depots every morning where a supervisor would allocate jobs for them to do that day. At the end of the day staff would return to the depot to deposit the paperwork of finished jobs.

“The process was not ideal as it would eat up to two hours a day for each operative, which was time spent away from the many maintenance jobs that needed completing,” says Alan Davies, Commercial Manager at Berneslai Homes.

There was no reliable system for forecasting how long each job would take to complete and staff could often be left with too little or too much to do. This also made it difficult to offer accurate appointments. The lack of accuracy meant that tenants were often out when the service engineer called. As a result, of all appointments made, only 24.8% were carried out on the agreed day and time.

“There was an overwhelming need to improve efficiency. We wanted to reduce the number of depots needed and the amount of paperwork which was consuming valuable money and time.” Alan Davies, Commercial Manager, Berneslai Homes

The LogicaCMG Solution

LogicaCMG was selected to address these issues. Their task was to help implement more streamlined mobile workforce management processes and advise the company on the business changes required to embed the new processes successfully.

As Berneslai Homes was already using SAP enterprise software across the organisation, the decision was taken to use mySAP Mobile Asset Management software to support the new business processes. In what was the first wide-scale implementation of this software in the public sector, tradesman would be allocated jobs via PDAs, eliminating the need for staff to return to the depot. They could also report back on completed jobs, fill out their timesheets or check stock levels for the parts needed to complete a repair via their PDA.

A comprehensive change management programme was spearheaded by LogicaCMG and Berneslai Homes to ensure that the technology would be embraced by all users. Training was an important part of this process and it was decided that the field operatives themselves would be the best people to deliver the training. “We used volunteers from our field team who wrote and delivered the courses on how to use the software. This helped the team accept the new processes and technology more quickly and ensured our training materials were
focused on exactly the information field operatives need to do their job effectively,” says Alan Davies.

The new system has changed the way Berneslai Homes responds to their tenants’ needs significantly. All field operatives now receive notification of what jobs they have to attend on their PDAs. They can go to their first job directly from home rather than travelling to a depot every morning and again in the evening.

“This was ICT-enabled change at its best. The changes that the business required were identified and mapped out and then the technology was used to support those needs, rather than the other way around. This helped ensure the system was designed to the specific requirements of the users in the field and the business as a whole.” Paul McKeon, Principal Consultant, LogicaCMG.

“Every tradesman now has potentially an additional two hours of time everyday when they can be on-site. With 280 operatives this means an extra 560 hours per day, every day, completing repairs for our tenants.” Alan Davies Commercial Manager, Berneslai Homes

The Benefits
The main benefits have been:
■ Improved Customer Service: More appointments can be made and kept. Previously, in 2004/5, 24.8% of appointments made were kept. Under the new process, the figure has risen to 99.3%. Supervisors also have more time to inspect work as they spend less time allocating jobs every day and this improves the quality of work overall.

■ Significant Cost Savings: As staff now drive straight to their first job from home, the number of depots required has been reduced from eight to two, and soon there will be only one depot. Early
assessment has already identified that the changes are saving Berneslai Homes in excess of £200,000 per year and have significantly reduced fuel consumption. These savings will rise as
the full impact of the transformation is realised. Approximately £100,000 per year in staffing costs have also been cut as field workers now input their time sheets directly into a PDA rather
than completing a paper form which clerks would have to key into a computer.

■ Better Productivity: Operatives now have 25% more time to spend repairing or maintaining properties. Berneslai Homes has also used the data captured on the PDAs to accurately predict
the time it takes to complete different jobs so there is less chance of operatives being left underutilised.

■ Improved Employee Satisfaction: The field operatives, many of whom had little or no previous experience with computers, have embraced the new technology. They receive more information
about the property they are attending, for example, if the tenant is disabled and needs more time to answer the door, and benefit first-hand from offering an improved service to customers.

Sibos 2007
Date: 1 October 2007 - 5 October 2007

Website: www.swift.com/index.cfm?item_id=58077

Location: Boston, USA

LogicaCMG will again be a sponsor of Sibos which is being held in Boston, USA from 1 – 5 October. Our theme this year will be 'Gaining value'. Come and visit us at stand number G23.

Toch aardig wat orders uit voort gekomen. Dat maakt me nieuwsgierig naar de volgende beurs in China. Als ze daar een paar leuke orders binnen kunnen halen zou dat niet verkeerd zijn.

14th World Congress on ITS
Date: 9 October 2007 - 13 October 2007

Website: www.itsworldcongress.cn/

Location: Beijing, China


Criminal Justice Management Conference
Date: 10 October 2007

Location: United Kingdom

Contact: James Healey

LONDON, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Anglo-Dutch IT services firm LogicaCMG (LOG.L: Quote, Profile , Research) said on Tuesday that Andy Green, currently head of strategy and operations at British telecoms group BT (BT.L: Quote, Profile , Research), would become its new chief executive.

LogicaCMG said Green would take over from acting chief executive Jim McKenna from Jan. 1, 2008
LogicaCMG benoemt Andy Green tot nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter
AMSTERDAM (FD.nl/Betten) - LogicaCMG benoemt Andy Green als Chief Executive Officer. Dat is dinsdag middels een persbericht bekendgemaakt. Hij neemt de bestuurstaken vanaf 1 januari 2008 over van interim-CEO Jim McKenna.

Green was eerder, tot april dit jaar, bestuursvoorzitter van BT Global Services. Hij is verder non-executive director van Navteq en bestuurslid van e-skills UK.

Marijn Wellink

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: webred@fd.nl/ 020-5928456)

MARKET TALK: LogicaCMG; upgrade naar hold van reduce - SNS

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--SNS Securities verhoogt zijn advies voor LogicaCMG naar hold van reduce. Analist Victor Bareno heeft een koersdoel van GBP1,65. LogicaCMG maakte dinsdagochtend voorbeurs de benoeming van Andy Green als de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter bekend. Volgens analist Bareno zijn de prioriteiten voor LogicaCMG nu om de aangekochte bedrijven te integreren en de organische groei te versnellen. "Op deze gebieden heeft Andy Green een meer dan overtuigend track record opgebouwd bij BT", aldus Bareno. Omstreeks 9.30 uur noteert het aandeel 5,9% hoger/lager op 2,34EUR, terwijl de Midkap met 0,2% stijgt. (INK)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270, amsterdam@dowjones.com

LogicaCMG - SNS verhoogt advies naar hold
AMSTERDAM (FD.nl/Betten) - Analist Victor Bareno van SNS Securities heeft het advies voor LogicaCMG verhoogd van reduce naar hold. Het koersdoel dat eerder 'under review' was, is vastgesteld op 165 pence.

Bareno juicht de benoeming van Andy Green tot bestuursvoorzitter toe. Volgens de analist zijn de prioriteiten waar LogicaCMG zich op dit moment op moet richten de intergratie van overgenomen bedrijven en een versnelling van de interne groei. Andy Green heeft in zijn ogen laten zien hiermee om te kunnen gaan in zijn carriere bij BT Global Services.

Maud van Gaal

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: webred@fd.nl/ 020-5928456)

LogicaCMG omhoog naar buy van hold bij Theodoor Gilissen

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

MARKET TALK: LogicaCMG; upgrade naar buy van hold - ThG

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Theodoor Gilissen verhoogt zijn advies voor LogicaCMG naar buy van hold, dat vandaag de benoeming van Andy Green tot nieuwe CEO bekendmaakte. Het koersdoel wordt verhoogd naar EUR2,80 van EUR2,65. "We zijn enthousiast over de benoeming van Andy Green", aldus Theodoor Gilissen. "Hij is bekend met zowel de Britse IT-markt als de wereld daarbuiten." De analist verwacht nu een nieuw stategieplan voor de komende jaren. "Dit zal de koers op korte termijn een positieve draai kunnen geven," aldus Theodoor Gilissen. Omstreeks 10.50 uur noteert het aandeel 7,7% hoger op EUR2,38 terwijl de Midkap met 0,4% stijgt. (INK)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270, amsterdam@dowjones.com

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