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Logica’s Online Monitoring Tool helpt huishoudens energie te besparen
12 november 2009
Logica introduceert de Online Monitoring Tool (OMT) in Nederland. Met deze innovatieve, gebruiksvriendelijke energiemonitor kunnen individuele huishoudens en zakelijke gebruikers via het web of een smartphone exact zien hoeveel energie zij verbruiken en hoe het verbruik zich ontwikkelt. De tool maakt daarbij gebruik van de data van een zogenaamde ‘slimme meter’.

Mensen worden zich met de OMT bewuster van hun energieverbruik. De OMT kan het eigen verbruik vergelijken met dat van bijvoorbeeld bewoners van gelijksoortige huizen of wijken en geeft de gebruiker op basis daarvan besparingstips. Tevens maakt de tool het mogelijk energiereductiecampagnes te organiseren, waarbij groepen als scholieren of buurtbewoners. strijden om het laagste energieverbruik. Dit stimuleert om nog zuiniger met energie om te gaan. Een uitgebreide proef van dit systeem in de Zweedse plaats Växjö wees vorig jaar uit dat besparingen tot 34% op het energieverbruik mogelijk zijn.

In Zweden maken inmiddels zo’n 200.000 klanten van vier energiebedrijven gebruik van de OMT. Deze bedrijven hebben de OMT geïmplementeerd omdat het een directe bijdrage levert aan de groene doelstellingen van het bedrijf en haar klanten, en het een concrete toepassing is voor de beschikbare slimme meterdata. Daarnaast kunnen energiebedrijven zich onderscheiden van de concurrent en de binding met hun klanten verbeteren.

Uit eerder – door Logica uitgevoerd – onderzoek onder 10.000 consumenten in 10 Europese landen, blijkt dat innovatieve toepassingen van slimme meterdata, zoals de OMT, de kloof kunnen overbruggen tussen een positieve houding ten aanzien van energie bezuinigen en daadwerkelijk energiebesparend gedrag.
Videoconferencing: Cisco, Logitech Target the Mainstream
Logitech's acquisition of LifeSize and Cisco's bid for Tandberg are aimed at grabbing market share and expanding sales to more businesses—and even consumers

2009: Crisis stuwt videoconferencing

Gepubliceerd: Zondag 27 december 2009
Auteur: Ernst-Jan Hamel

Er is dit jaar fors met overnamegeld gesmeten op de videoconferencingmarkt. Betekent de crisis nu dan eindelijk de doorbaak van professioneel videobellen?

Cisco betaalt miljarden om de Noorse teleconferencing-rivaal Tandberg in te lijven, maar ook de rest zat niet stil in 2009. KPN kocht een specialist in videoconferencing, BT Group en Polycom sloten een pact en Logitech had 405 miljoen dollar over voor LifeSize Communications, maker van videoconferentieapparatuur.

Door de crisis is de noodzaak om te bezuinigen groter dan ooit, en dat is een van de redenen waarom er veel beweging is op de markt van tele/videoconferencing. "Door de uitdagingen van de huidige economie rijzen bij elke organisatie vragen bij de noodzaak van face-to-face vergaderen", voorspelde Gartner al begin dit jaar.

Gartner schat dat de videoconferencingleveranciers in 2009 een gezamenlijke omzet van 2,1 miljard dollar draaien, maar dat zal de komende jaren alleen maar toenemen. Analistenbureau Frost & Sullivan voorspelt dat telepresencemarkt in 2014 wereldwijd 4,7 miljard euro oplevert.
Cisco versus HP

Cisco heeft grote plannen met videoconferencing. Op de high end van de markt zijn ze de sterkste, gevolgd door rivaal HP (Halo). Met Tandberg zou Cisco ook nog greep krijgen op het midden van de markt. En in de wandelgangen gaat het gerucht dat Cisco op CES in januari een videosysteem voor consumenten gaat presenteren.

Logitech bewandelt met de overname van LifeSize Communications juist de omgekeerde weg van Cisco. Logitech is zelf alleen nog actief op videogebied met webcams en andere accesoires voor consumenten. Met LifeSize koopt het een bedrijf dat juist videoconferencingproducten van minimaal een paar duizend euro verkoopt.
Fysiek vergaderen te duur

In 2009 zagen we meer en meer bedrijven aan de slag gaan met videoconferencing. Ook de Nederlandse voetbalclubs ontdekten de voordelen van videobellen. De eredivisieclubs gaan de systemen gebruiken om te besparen op de kosten van fysiek vergaderen. Videoconferencing wordt bij veel bedrijven gezien als een bezuiniging. Ze willen besparen op reiskosten en thuiswerken stimuleren. Videovergaderen is dan het duurzame alternatief, al lopen de initiële investeringen snel in de tonnen.

In de ruimste zin van het woord is videoconferencing ook bij de consument aan het aanslaan. Iedereen zal wel eens een videogesprek hebben gevoerd via Skype of GTalk. Het videobellen is inmiddels zo ingeburgerd dat KPN het gebruikt in een reclamespotje.


The Wishbone schreef:

Videoconferencing: Cisco, Logitech Target the Mainstream
Logitech's acquisition of LifeSize and Cisco's bid for Tandberg are aimed at grabbing market share and expanding sales to more businesses—and even consumers

2009: Crisis stuwt videoconferencing

Gepubliceerd: Zondag 27 december 2009
Auteur: Ernst-Jan Hamel

Er is dit jaar fors met overnamegeld gesmeten op de videoconferencingmarkt. Betekent de crisis nu dan eindelijk de doorbaak van professioneel videobellen?

Cisco betaalt miljarden om de Noorse teleconferencing-rivaal Tandberg in te lijven, maar ook de rest zat niet stil in 2009. KPN kocht een specialist in videoconferencing, BT Group en Polycom sloten een pact en Logitech had 405 miljoen dollar over voor LifeSize Communications, maker van videoconferentieapparatuur.

Door de crisis is de noodzaak om te bezuinigen groter dan ooit, en dat is een van de redenen waarom er veel beweging is op de markt van tele/videoconferencing. "Door de uitdagingen van de huidige economie rijzen bij elke organisatie vragen bij de noodzaak van face-to-face vergaderen", voorspelde Gartner al begin dit jaar.

Gartner schat dat de videoconferencingleveranciers in 2009 een gezamenlijke omzet van 2,1 miljard dollar draaien, maar dat zal de komende jaren alleen maar toenemen. Analistenbureau Frost & Sullivan voorspelt dat telepresencemarkt in 2014 wereldwijd 4,7 miljard euro oplevert.
Cisco versus HP

Cisco heeft grote plannen met videoconferencing. Op de high end van de markt zijn ze de sterkste, gevolgd door rivaal HP (Halo). Met Tandberg zou Cisco ook nog greep krijgen op het midden van de markt. En in de wandelgangen gaat het gerucht dat Cisco op CES in januari een videosysteem voor consumenten gaat presenteren.

Logitech bewandelt met de overname van LifeSize Communications juist de omgekeerde weg van Cisco. Logitech is zelf alleen nog actief op videogebied met webcams en andere accesoires voor consumenten. Met LifeSize koopt het een bedrijf dat juist videoconferencingproducten van minimaal een paar duizend euro verkoopt.
Fysiek vergaderen te duur

In 2009 zagen we meer en meer bedrijven aan de slag gaan met videoconferencing. Ook de Nederlandse voetbalclubs ontdekten de voordelen van videobellen. De eredivisieclubs gaan de systemen gebruiken om te besparen op de kosten van fysiek vergaderen. Videoconferencing wordt bij veel bedrijven gezien als een bezuiniging. Ze willen besparen op reiskosten en thuiswerken stimuleren. Videovergaderen is dan het duurzame alternatief, al lopen de initiële investeringen snel in de tonnen.

In de ruimste zin van het woord is videoconferencing ook bij de consument aan het aanslaan. Iedereen zal wel eens een videogesprek hebben gevoerd via Skype of GTalk. Het videobellen is inmiddels zo ingeburgerd dat KPN het gebruikt in een reclamespotje.

Beste Wishbone,

volgens mij heeft dit niet zoveel met Logica te maken of zie ik dat verkeerd?
the legend
Thursday January 7, 2010
Logica plans further expansion

PETALING JAYA: Logica, an international information technology (IT) and business services company, aims to expand further in Malaysia in sectors such as banking, utilities and energy.

“We have world class expertise in the banking, utilities and energy sector in Australia and Europe and we plan to bring Logica’s industry and business expertise to Malaysia,” chief executive officer Andy Green told reporters yesterday.

“With the focus of the global economy moving eastward towards the Asia-Pacific economy, we have seen the success our major clients have had in bringing work to Kuala Lumpur and we intend to build and drive on that,” he added.

»We plan to bring Logica’s industry and expertise to Malaysia« LOGICA CEO ANDY GREEN
Green said the company was also targeting oil and gas (O&G) companies in the region and planned to do more work for its European and global accounts from its centre of excellence here in Malaysia.

Logica Southeast Asia chief executive officer Fermin Fautsch said the company had achieved significant savings in moving parts of the work it did for European clients to the East.

“Some of our clients have their main IT (information technology) hubs here in KL. They have thousands of people supporting their operations in the region hereincluding in KL,” he said.

Logica’s solutions and services span consultancy, design, system integration and value-based application and business process outsourcing.

It has 40,000 employees in 36 countries and more than 40 years of experience in IT services.

Logica Asia was established in 1986, while Logica Malaysia had its first IT project in 2004. Logica’s centre of excellence in Malaysia was set up in 2008,

Logica Malaysia is an MSC-status company, serving major national and global clients in Malaysia and other countries in South-East Asia.

'Neergang IT-sector voorbij'
12 jan 2010, 14:26 uur

CAMBRIDGE (AFN) - De wereldwijde uitgaven aan informatietechnologie zullen dit jaar sterk stijgen. Het Amerikaanse onderzoeksbureau Forrester verwacht een toename van 8,1 procent tot meer dan 1,6 biljoen dollar (1104 miljard euro).

,,De neergang in de technologiesector in 2008 en 2009 is officieus voorbij'', zei hoofdanalist Andrew Bartels van Forrester dinsdag. Vorig jaar daalden de IT-uitgaven nog met 8,9 procent. Voor dit jaar is de sterkste groei voorzien voor softwarebedrijven en ondernemingen die actief zijn met computerhardware. Daarna volgen adviesdiensten op IT-gebied.

Logica provides clinical desktop solution for Norwegian public health region
12 January 2010
New data portal to improve work processes and improve patient care

South-Eastern Norwegian Regional Health Authority has signed a framework agreement with Logica in Norway for the acquisition and maintenance of a clinical desktop solution designed to simplify access to patient data and improve patient care at the hospitals in the region.

The South-East Health Region is Norway's largest, and includes a total of 69,000 employees across 16 hospitals, covering the health needs of nearly 2.7 million inhabitants. The main goal of the new clinical desktop solution is to enable easier access to data services and applications for doctors and nurses, efficient sharing of information across hospitals and to improve workflow in the organisation.

"Secure and efficient IT systems are important to make sure that a patient’s medical records are available in the right place at the right time. A new clinical desktop solution will gather the different records in a better way, to provide better and faster access to relevant patient information. This will strengthen the basis for patient care decisions, and will be an important tool for the Oslo University Hospital, which consists of three formerly independent health enterprises which now will be seamlessly integrated" said Kristin W. Wieland, deputy managing director of the South-East Regional Health Authority.

Logica is a significant IT and business services provider to the health sector in several European countries. The framework agreement with the South-East Regional Health Authority represents a breakthrough for the company's position in the Norwegian health sector.

"The agreement provides us with a unique opportunity to combine Norwegian and international expertise in a project that will be of great importance to everyday lives of physicians and patients alike in Norway's largest health care region," says Tor Malmo, CEO of Logica Norway. "The portal solution to be implemented will contribute to health professionals spending more time treating patients and less time searching for patient data. Our goal is for this project to become a prime example of the importance of efficient IT solutions in the public sector."

Under the agreement, Logica in cooperation with subcontractors Orion Health Ltd. and Exonor, will deliver an easy-to-use portal that will integrate existing work processes and patient data systems in the region’s hospitals, initially at the Oslo University Hospital. One of the key requirements of the regional health authority is for the new solution to be based on industry standards, providing secure and reliable access to patient data from multiple sources. The solution should also be able to support integration with clinical services such as radiology and laboratory orders and results. “Norway is regarded as one of the leading countries in health informatics. We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Logica, Oslo University Hospital and the regional health authority. The concept will set a new standard in Europe for safe and efficient sharing of information in the health sector," says Ian McCrae, CEO of Orion Health, a New Zealand-based firm delivering health IT solutions to hospitals around the world.

Orion Health™ develops easy-to-use solutions and applications displaying all patient information in one, single, unified view using the Concerto™ Clinical Portal and standards based Rhapsody™ Integration Engine technology. Orion Health is a subcontractor to Logica in the project, along with Exonor, a Norwegian consultancy specialising in IT services for the health sector.

The health region’s acquisition is finalized with broad participation from all health enterprises in the region, and is based on a study conducted in connection with the establishment of the Oslo University Hospital (OUH), which consists of four health enterprises in Oslo. Sharing of information among the institutions was defined as a critical success factor for efficient operations and optimal patient care. OUH will be the first unit within the regional health authority to take advantage of the framework agreement with Logica. Work on the implementation of the clinical desktop solution will begin in January 2010
Logica helps NHS trusts to share data for benefit of child healthcare
13 January 2010
Increased collaboration helps health and community staff to improve child welfare

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced that it has been selected by St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to provide a new system to support child healthcare and community services in the North West.

The trust has chosen PARIS, an Oracle-based application from Civica Health & Social Care, to support two Primary Care Trusts (PCTs): NHS Halton & St Helens and NHS Knowsley. Working as the prime contractor, Logica with its sub-contractor Civica (formerly in4tek) will deliver products and services that enable the trusts to develop new ways of managing the childrens’ health records across the PCTs, promoting more efficient use of community resources by tracking children’s health records from birth through education. Additionally, staff will be able to manage medical issues, immunisation requirements and health alerts more effectively. Once in place the system will continue to advance record keeping and workflow in other community health services, enabling the PCTs to work more closely together for improved service provision.

Neil Darvill, Director of Informatics at St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, explains “We wanted to make better use of the existing data and relationships that we had. Plus at the same time, build a scalable system that would allow us to increase interaction and sharing across the different divisions of the trusts and within the local community. The new system will allow the PCTs to improve current work processes, while managing future child and community health more effectively, through better planning, tracking, and referral and escalation of cases.”

The project will be completed in 2010 and Logica worked with specialist application company, Civica to respond to the requirements and develop the delivery strategy with the Trust. Logica and Civica will provide implementation, data migration, and other technical services including training on user designed screens and reports.

Chris George, Director of Health and Devolved Government at Logica, concludes; “Technology has enabled care services to become increasingly collaborative. St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is demonstrating a new service model and Logica is proud to support the benefits of interconnected health and community care for child welfare. Logica is committed to enabling the NHS and social services to share records securely and work more closely together for improved future healthcare.”
niche 010
( 1/14/2010 12:44:00 PM ) Logica levert nieuw administratiesysteem aan Van Oord


AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Logica plc. levert voor circa EUR1 miljoen een nieuw HR-administratiesysteem aan baggerconcern Van Oord. Met het systeem kan wereldwijd de basisinformatie van alle 4.500 werknemers van Van Oord geregistreerd en gevolgd worden, aldus Logica donderdag in een persbericht. Het nieuwe, op basis van Oracle-technologie, geleverde systeem zal in de zomer van 2010 operationeel zijn. Logica neemt de komende vijf jaar ook het beheer van het systeem voor zijn rekening. Door Harm Luttikhedde; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31-20-571-52-01; harm.luttikhedde@dowjones.com

(c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
[toon headlines]


the legend
Skandia Centralize communication with customers and suppliers with the help of Logica
2010-01-12 09: 05
Logica, Sweden’s largest it-tjänstföretag, has signed an agreement with Skandia to centralise the handling of Skandia’s external customer-and leverantörskommunikation. In Logicas task is to take overall responsibility for the flow of invoices, market indicators and other external communication in order to streamline handling and at the same time supporting the transition from natural to electronic communications. The agreement is signed for four years and amounts to a value of approximately SEK 50 M.
Today communicates Skandia with approximately 1, 6 million customers and distribution of information, both via printade items of correspondence and electronic communications. At the present time are handled closing data in a number of different systems and the objective of Skandia is to consolidate all utdatahantering. In this way, Skandia have greater control over their external communications and at the same time make a movement to an increasing extent use of fully electronic flows.

-By community with Logica, we gain access to modern channels of communication which gives us the opportunity to meet customer in several ways than today, "says Magnus Forsman, contract for output in Skandia.

Logica offers services for electronic customer-and commercial communications, such as electronic invoicing from and to companies and private individuals. Logica has also one of the Nordic region’s largest installations for the production of items of correspondence. By integrating physical and electronic communications supports Logica customers who want centralise and automate their processes and accelerate the transition to effective and climate-friendly electronic channels.

-Information Logistics is a key issue for our customers which engage in strategic development of administrative and operational processes which inköpshantering, CRM and Supply Chain Management. Information Logistics is a global business area in which we deliver Logica, business-critical services – molntjänster as it is known today – to customers in a range of sectors "says Mikael Olbers, Information Logistics Director at Logica. Many hundreds of millions communications and documents communicated and processed in our environments and production facilities every year, around the clock. In close cooperation with our customers, we develop constantly our services with new opportunities, at the same time as we make more efficient processes, reduces climate impact and ensures that all legal requirements are met.

the legend
Decision develop importkontrolsystem TO TAX
11 January 2010
when tax must avoid that there are dangerous goods into the European Union, it with the help of a importkontrolsystem from Decision. At the same time providing decision a manifestsystem to arrival and afgangsdeklarering, they and its products on board.

Weapons, explosives, bacteria, radioactive substances, kopivarer – yes, all, what can be used to terror, threaten public health or otherwise is illegal – must be stopped by EU’'s borders. At the request of the EU will tax are therefore developed a importkontrolsystem (ICS), which makes it possible to risikovurdere all products, before they arrive to Denmark. Even if they are only in transit to another country outside the EU.

The decision, which shall provide the part of the system, where importer or forwarder prior provision, which products are talking about who is the consignor, who is the recipient, and of which route they come to Denmark.

Decision had the right solution to the lowest price
HEAD OF DEPARTMENT AND project manager in tax, Lars C. Jensen, explains why tax elected decision.
- There were 11 suppliers of IT and three adding. We chose decision, because their løsningsbeskrivelse and the related skærmbilleder clearly showed that they had understood the commercial contents, and that they had got a grip on it architecture. In this context played Logicas earlier references with respect to service-oriented architecture, says lars C. Jensen and adds: - in addition, Logicas offer substantially cheaper.

The low price is due, inter alia, that decision makes use of its offshore capacities in India in the development of the solution. They are also in the development of the other part of Logicas delivery to the tax, namely a manifestsystem, where the carrier at the latest by arrival or departure must specify the number of products, which comes to or leave Denmark. The information is basis with the information in importkontrolsystemet for on the way to ensure that all products will be risk.
the legend
Increased integration between platforms from Microsoft and SAP creates added value for many of Logicas customers
2010-01-14 09: 02
SAP and Microsoft recently launched a deeper cooperation aimed at increasing integrationsmöjligheten of SAP's affärssystemlösningar and Microsoft cooperation platforms. Logica, which is one of the priority suppliers of integration solutions for both SAP and Microsoft, can now offer its customers a more integrated concepts for the solutions based on SAP’s and Microsoft's platforms. The investment is made initially in Corporate Performance Management and Enterprise Content Management.

Through the cooperation between Microsoft and SAP deepened increases the opportunities to use the two platforms forces optimal and it is a good way to meet market demand for integration solutions between SAP and Microsoft.

-Microsoft and SAP is both prioritized partners for Logica and we have worked for many years. We have a deep knowledge of the SAP's product portfolio that Microsoft's platforms and solutions, "says Jan strict Managing Director Business Consulting in Logica in Sweden. Corporate Performance Management and Enterprise Content Management is also focus areas within Logica. All this means that we are well equipped to be one of the priority suppliers are able to realise this single offer on the market.

-Many customers have has made a strategic investment in both Microsoft made by SAP over the years and the needs of integration is constantly growing for the best possible use of both platforms. We are very pleased with that together with SAP be able to offer a jointly developed partner and Logica is a natural partner for us with its broad expertise in both technology and business processes, "says Lennart branch of Microsoft.

-can now SAP together with Microsoft meet the demand of efficient approaches that are compatible with Microsoft-platform. Through our cooperation, and with Logica as a partner, we offer our customers more efficient planning, consolidation and managementrapportering in one and the same solution, "says Mattias Bolander, Nordic Head, SAP BusinessObjects.

the legend
Technologie gewild op Wall Street14 jan 2010, 21:37 uur

NEW YORK (AFN) - Het sentiment op Wall Street is donderdag geleidelijk aan verbeterd, hoewel de koerswinsten niet heel groot waren. De technologiesector was gewild door optimisme over de kwartaalresultaten van chipgigant Intel die na het slot naar buiten komen. Ook een gunstig analistenrapport over softwarereus Oracle gaf een impuls aan de handel.

De toonaangevende Dow-Jonesindex noteerde een half uur voor het slot op 10.718 punten, 0,4 procent boven het slot van woensdag. De breder samengestelde S&P 500-index klom 0,4 procent tot 1147 punten. De door technologiefondsen gedomineerde Nasdaq won 0,5 procent op 2320 punten.

Een zwakke ontwikkeling van de Amerikaanse detailhandelsverkopen zorgde donderdag voor een domper. Uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Handel bleek dat de Amerikaanse detailhandelsverkopen in de belangrijke maand december met 0,3 procent zijn gedaald. Analisten rekenden gemiddeld op een stijging met 0,5 procent.

Grootste stijgers

Bij de Dow-fondsen behoorde Intel met een plus van 2,7 procent tot de grootste stijgers. Ook Oracle was populair na een gunstig analistenrapport over het bedrijf van zakenbank Morgan Stanley. De bank stelde ook zijn koersdoel voor het aandeel naar boven bij. Oracle werd 2,5 procent meer waard.

Apple (min 0,2 procent) kon niet mee profiteren van het positieve sentiment in de techsector. Mogelijk had dat te maken met het nieuws dat het fotografieconcern Kodak Apple en Research In Motion (RIM) voor de rechter heeft gedaagd. Volgens Kodak hebben beide ondernemingen een patent op het gebied van digitale fotografie geschonden. Het aandeel Kodak werd 2,8 procent meer waard.

Op de valutamarkt noteerde de euro 1,4505 dollar. De olieprijs stond 0,4 procent lager op 79,35 dollar.

the legend
kan een mooie dag worden

Intel rapporteert sterker dan verwachte winstgroei in KW4
14-01-2010 22:32:00
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Intel Corp. heeft in het vierde kwartaal de winst sterk zien toenemen ten opzichte van dezelfde periode een jaar eerder.

De chipfabrikant rapporteerde donderdag na het slot van Wall Street een winst van $2,3 miljard in het vierde kwartaal, of $0,40 per aandeel, tegenover $234 miljoen of $0,04 per aandeel in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. Analisten hadden gerekend op een winst van $0,30 per aandeel.

De omzet kwam in het vierde kwartaal uit op $10,6 miljard, tegenover $8,2 miljard een jaar eerder. Hier werd een omzet van $10,2 miljard verwacht.

niche 010
03-02-2010 14:48 | Door Rian van Heur.


Logica is een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ICT-diensten en zakelijke dienstverlening.

Logica ontslaat 25 man bij outsourcingstak

Ict-dienstverlener Logica ontslaat 25 werknemers bij zijn divisie Outsourcing Services. Het bedrijf wil deze divisie concurrerender maken en snijdt daarom in de kosten. In Nederland werken bij er ongeveer duizend mensen, vertelt een woordvoerder.

De voorlichter laat weten dat de reorganisatie van de divisie te maken heeft met een in 2009 aangekondigde ontslagronde. Toen schrapte de dienstverlener vijftig ondersteunende functies, zoals secretaresses. Volgens de woordvoerder zitten bij de 25 nieuwe ontslagen soortgelijke en andere functies.

Eerder liet de Nederlandse divisie-directeur Jitka Beukenkamp nog weten dat er een groeiende belangstelling was voor business process outsourcing (bpo). De woordvoerder wil niet zeggen of deze belangstelling er nog steeds is. In aanloop op de presentatie van de jaarcijfers over 2009, wil hij hierover geen mededelingen doen.
Outsourcing Services

Logica zette de divisie in januari 2008 op. Wereldwijd werken negenduizend medewerkers bij de divisie. Nederlandse klanten van Logica Outsourcing Services zijn Aegon, Inbev en P-Direkt. Jitka Beukenkamp is de Nederlandse directeur van het onderdeel.

De divisie maakt in 2008 een omzet van 1,2 miljoen pond. Ongeveer 17 procent van de omzet kwam uit Nederland.



Strategy to grow UK space sector
Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The UK space industry has continued to grow through the recession

The UK space industry can become a much bigger global player, employing thousands more highly skilled workers and turning over perhaps £40bn a year.

The projection is made in a report prepared jointly by industry, government, and academia.

The Space Innovation Growth Strategy identifies key market opportunities - from the delivery of internet services by satellite to space tourism.

The report says greater investment will position the UK for future success.

The Space IGS wants to see R&D spending within industry increase by £5bn, and for the government to double its annual civil space budget to £550m over the next 10 years.

"We're not actually asking government for a massive increase in spending; this would not take us anywhere near the top of the table in terms of what other countries spend as a percentage of GDP - we've been quite modest in that respect," explained Andy Green, CEO of Logica and chairman of the Space IGT.

"But what it would do - if we do it well and smartly, as we have done so up to now - is give us a real opportunity to create wealth, jobs and taxes which will pay back the investment handsomely," he told BBC News.

The Space IGS is the latest in a series of innovation status reports commissioned by the government. Others have looked at biotechnology and the car industry.

The intention is to identify emerging market trends and the approaches that need to be adopted to exploit them.

The new strategy report makes 16 recommendations.

It throws its weight behind the idea of an executive national space agency to coordinate activity across government, and for the establishment of a "national space policy".

At the moment, space policy is devolved to a disparate group of Whitehall departments and research councils, who direct most of their money through two pan-European organisations - the European Space Agency (Esa) and Eumetsat, the body charged with operating Europe's weather satellites.

The report says a co-ordinated indigenous space policy allied to a national R&D programme would drive innovation and develop expertise.

This would enable the UK to lead major missions within Esa and also put the country in a position to win substantial industrial contracts as a result.

The strategy also calls for the UK to make greater use of the financial tools deployed by other countries to support their space industries, such government-backed loans or export credit guarantees.

It says the highly successful Private Finance Initiative which was used to build three next-generation communications satellites for the armed forces could be deployed again to build satellites for a national Earth observation programme.

The PFI model sees the City put up the money to initiate a programme, and the government then effectively underwrite the risk by agreeing to become the prime customer.

"There has to be a recognition that we're up against not just other companies but other countries with big ambitions - countries like China, India, Japan, and even France and Germany," said Richard Peckham, the chairman of UK Space, an umbrella group representing the British industrial space sector.

"If we are going to succeed it's got to be through partnerships- so, working with academia, with government making clever procurement, and an industry willing to invest and take some risks."

If its recommendations are followed, the report forecasts that the domestic space industry could have a 10% share of a worldwide market that is expected to be worth some £400bn per year by 2030.

But the study warns that unless the government, the City and industry itself start investing more in space, current competitiveness will be undermined.

Andy Green said: "The UK has established a strong position and it's quite clear that without government and industry working together that position will erode. I think we need to be realistic about that; we're at a kind of tipping point."

What matters for the IT industry in 2010?

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Suppliers and industry analysts have identified security and trust as the biggest issues for the IT industry in the coming year.

Experts at the Regent Conference, organised by IT trade association Intellect, said 2010 is likely to hold plenty of challenges for IT departments across the UK.

They say the momentum behind cloud computing is building, and with it issues around security and trust.

Andy Green, CEO at Logica, told the conference that security is one of the biggest sticking points for his company's clients at the start of 2010. "We are struggling to train and bring forward enough people to deal with the issue. The whole security issue is right at the top of people's minds," he said.

Hand in hand with security come issues of trust between client and service provider. This has assumed a new level of importance after the high-profile court case between BSkyB and EDS.

Green said, "Trust is a prevalent issue between service providers and clients. Court cases are a terrible place to get to." He said he ensures things go smoothly by recognising that contracts are a joint collaborative exercise, and that customers are interested in "effectiveness and more for less".

And while the UK may have just struggled out of recession, IT departments are not looking to splash their cash in 2010.

"They're looking to keep their cash at the moment," Green said. "They're not launching big change programmes. But they are looking to make changes that will have fast payback."

When the next big change programmes do come along, it is likely they will focus on data security. Green said many clients are struggling with the volume of data and the costs of storing it.

It is not only large businesses that will limit their spending. Paul Walker, chief executive at the Sage Group, which supplies mainly small and medium businesses (SMEs), said, "SMEs are worried they're going to be the ones that will suffer. Big corporates can raise the cash because they're bigger. So 2010 is likely to be quite conservative from a technical point of view."

But once the cash starts flowing again, Walker expects smaller businesses to be increasingly keen to invest in collaborative technology, which will enable them to speak electronically to everyone from the taxman to consumers. "Over the next two to three years, we are going to see a range of delivery mechanisms for them to be connected to the world," he said.

Cloud computing may have been a bit of a buzzword at the conference, but Green said it was little more than that. "People are confused by it. Most corporates are living in a legacy world. They're going to be in a hybrid environment, moving steadily towards the cloud. The issue they will face in a hybrid environment is how they are going to deliver credible services to the end user in a way that is consistent and clear."

Houston Spencer, vice-president at Alcatel-Lucent, said 2010 holds further network growth and investment for telecoms companies. "There will be continuing expansion of mobile broadband and that's going to mean a need for new investment in infrastructure. Some of that will be expansions to the 3G networks, but increasingly into 2011 it will mean fourth-generation network investment."

Most speakers were clear on the need to keep an eye on consumer trends. Much of the technology that ends up in businesses starts on the consumer market, and the experts assembled at the Intellect conference emphasised the need to stay in touch with what people are using in their day-to-day lives.

The conference aimed to answer the question of whether technology will lead the UK out of recession. Most IT departments are too concerned with their own budgets and companies to worry how they fit into the bigger picture, but Houston Spencer said IT will always play a crucial role.

"Nobody has been saying yes, technology will absolutely help the economy out of recession. But on another level, the answer has to be yes. You can't extract technology from the rest of the economy. And you can't support the overall health of the economy without the competitiveness technology brings."

Green added, "We are not going to see extra money going to this sector, but it's going to produce more and more value for society."
BT, Logica, HP sign new IT outsourcing contract with Dutch central government

Seven-year contract extension worth about €17m

Logica, BT and HP, representing the Match consortium, have been awarded a contract extension by the Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, for the maintenance services provided by Match for the government-wide HR system that runs on the Match infrastructure.

Through the contract, Match supports P-Direkt, the HR service agency of the Dutch central government. P-Direkt services 130.000 civil servants and the seven-year contract extension is worth about €17m.

The contract is an extension of the framework agreement signed in 2008 between the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations and Match for the maintenance of the central government IT-infrastructure used by P-Direkt and Digitale Werkomgeving Rijksdienst (DWR), the central government IT service agency. In 2009, the ministry awarded contracts to Match for maintenance services worth €30m.

As part of the contract, Logica is responsible for the project migration, technical application maintenance and service management tasks. BT is the hosting provider and HP is responsible for the technical architecture and delivering the necessary infrastructure.

Match was already responsible for the maintenance of other IT systems that support the HR processes of the Dutch ministries and for the roll out of the central infrastructure for the digital staff files.
Bron: www.logica.co.uk/logica+wins+%A310.9+...

Logica to continue managing outsourced IT services until 2014

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced that Morrison Utility Services has extended an outsourced IT service agreement that will provide further efficiency and flexibility throughout its IT infrastructure while ensuring a competitive cost base. Morrison Utility Services has been a Logica client for eight years, and the new £10.9 million deal will see this relationship extend to 2014. The service supports Morrison Utility Services’ 3,200-strong workforce, spread across more than 50 sites in the UK and Ireland.

Morrison Utility Services, one of the UK and Ireland’s leading utility services providers, offers replacement, repair, provision and maintenance of utility infrastructure to the gas, water, electricity and telecommunications sectors. Given the fast-changing, dynamic nature of Morrison Utility Services’ business, Logica will continue to focus on delivering a flexible service, enabling the delivery team to react quickly to the changing needs of Morrison Utility Services and its customers.

In addition to supporting and continuing to update their infrastructure services, Logica will also provide application and change management services. Logica is working closely with Morrison Utility Services to foster innovation and help deploy new technology to benefit their clients. Solutions such as cloud based services are helping them deliver greater flexibility, reliability and speed of deployment.

Judith Halkerston, Managing Director for Energy, Utilities and Telecoms, Logica, highlighted that the contract extension reflects the commitment shown to Morrison by the service delivery team: “We are excited about continuing to provide Morrison with a service that helps them continue leading in their market. By understanding their need for flexibility in what we deliver, our team is helping Morrison to provide the level of partnership-based service that its clients demand.”

Graeme Cross, Head of IT at Morrison Utility Services, explains that this extension is testimony to the strength of relationship his team enjoys with Logica. "As our business grows and adapts to changing market conditions, Logica continues to re-engineer its service. The contract that we have with Logica provides a flexible framework that meets the changing nature of our business and we look forward to working together.”

Morrison Utility Services
Morrison Utility Services is a leading service provider within the electricity, gas, telecommunications and water sectors. Our business is centred on the provision, replacement, repair and maintenance of utility network infrastructure, for example: electricity substations, water and gas pipes, electric and telecommunication cables and installation of water, electricity and gas meters on behalf of our clients, utility companies in the UK and Ireland. By the nature of our business, our people are often in the frontline, for example, repairing or replacing the utility infrastructure or installing meters or utility connections in the home. Safety and customer service are top of our agenda and we are fully committed to helping our clients achieve their best performance safely and whilst offering excellent service to their customers.

22 feb 2010, 11:07 uur

LONDEN (AFN) - Automatiseerder Logica heeft een opdracht in de wacht gesleept van 10,9 miljoen pond. Het gaat om verlenging van het contract met Morrison Utility Services tot 2014.

Dat heeft het Brits-Nederlandse bedrijf maandag bekendgemaakt. Het gaat om de IT-ondersteuning voor 3200 werknemers van Morrison, verspreid over vijftig vestigingen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Ierland.

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