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Onze regering doet er alles aan om de berijven uit nederland te jagen.
Ook wordt de leefbaarheid voor de gewone man zeer bemoeilijkt met al die opgeheven vingers van BALKE ELLENDE.
Logica IT group to announce job cuts in UK

Hundreds of jobs could be lost at Logica, the troubled IT services group, when Andy Green, its new chief executive, announces the outcome of a strategic review tomorrow.

The group's British operations may bear the brunt of the cuts. The company is likely to transfer jobs to cheaper locations, in part by increasing its offshore presence in India.

Investor confidence in the Anglo-Dutch group is weak and sources say that morale within the company is low.

Between last May - when delays on a commerical contract forced the group to make a £15 million provision and cost Martin Read, the long-time chief executive, his job - and March this year, shares lost more than half their value.

Mixed full-year results and a cautious outlook in February did nothing to boost belief in the group.

However, in the past six weeks, the shares have risen 21 per cent, closing up 4p at 114p on Friday, suggesting that the City has some faith in the rescue package that has been put together by Mr Green, who joined Logica from BT in January.

The review is widely welcomed, but analysts are cautious about how long it will take and they fear that investment and restructuring costs may lead to a short-term drop in revenue.

There are also fears that an economic downturn will lead to cutbacks in IT spending.

Patrick Standaert, a Morgan Stanley analyst, said: “We are expecting the cost of transforming the business to be about £80 million, with around 1,000 staff to be replaced or changed.”

In 2002 Logica shed 1,500 staff - 10 per cent of its workforce - through compulsory redundancies in the wake of the dot-com crash, but analysts do not believe tomorrow's announcement will be on that scale.

Julian Yates, an Investec analyst, said: “People are looking for Andy Green to try to put Logica back on track and get its reputation back as a credible player.

"There is some hope he will be able to drive value out of the business and this is why the strategic update will be important.”

He said that the group must expand its presence in India or “Logica will lose bids because they can't tick the India box and price as competitively”.

Accenture and Cap Gemini have relatively high percentages of staff in India, whereas Logica has about 2,000 out of 40,000 staff, he said.

Matthew Palmer, of Dresdner Kleinwort, said: “We are not as yet seeing the perfect storm as in 2002 ... Spending is, thus far, holding up better and Andy has other levers to pull, such as subcontractors, before resorting to expensive layoffs.

"Instead, we expect he'll focus on recruiting offshore whilst maintaining flat to negative growth onshore through natural attrition.”


Amsterdam (BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS) - Analisten kijken uit naar de strategische review die Logica dinsdag zal presenteren. De nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter Andy Green, per 1 januari 2008, informeert de markt dan over de toekomstige strategie van het bedrijf.

Analist Victor Bareno van SNS Securities geeft in een rapport aan te verwachten dat de nieuwe strategie van Logica zich onder meer zal richten op een sterkere integratie van de landenorganisaties, een sterkere focus op grotere contracten met multinationals, een versnelde uitbreiding van offshore en besparing op overheadkosten.

Bareno denkt echter dat het opwaarts potentieel van de aanpassing beperkt is omdat 75% van de activiteiten - Scandinavie, Frankrijk, de Britse publieke sector en Nederland, al op een goed niveau presteren.

Analist Hans Slob van Rabo Securities denkt dat Logica zich zal focussen op een versnelling van de autonome groei. Ook ziet hij een afname van de overhead-kosten door het opzetten van shared service centers en offshoring van bijvoorbeeld financiele en human resource-functies. 'Dit kan leiden tot een besparing van GBP 5 tot GBP 10 mln', aldus de analist.

Overigens verwacht Slob ook een herstructurering van de Britse activiteiten. 'Door het reduceren van overheadkosten en herstructurering van de Britse activiteiten is er een potentiele GBP 20 mln te besparen', aldus Slob. Logica heeft eerder al aangegeven dat het voor GBP 30 mln aan herstructureringslasten zal nemen in 2008.

Citigroup-analisten stellen in een rapport dat het implementeren van een nieuwe visie in een bedrijf 'makkelijk klinkt, maar tijd kost'. Zij denken aan een periode van zeker 18 maanden. 'Waarschijnlijk zullen hierdoor de marge-verwachtingen van Logica voor 2008 voorzichtig blijven'.

Ook zal de trading update, die op de rol staat voor 22 mei, door de strategische review volgens Citigroup minder aandacht trekken.

(c) BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710
Logica steps up to full disk encryption
21 April 2008

BeCrypt solutions selected for additional encryption assurance

Logica, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, today announces that it has selected BeCrypt’s encryption solutions to securely manage a range of devices at different levels of encryption and protection. Logica routinely evaluates best-of-breed security solutions and has been using encryption itself for some time. However, in light of today’s growing security threat and in response to Government guidelines Logica is now focussing on Full Disk Encryption products.

Logica has purchased and rolled out almost 2000 licences from BeCrypt for its computers which handle highly sensitive data. These licences include the CAPS approved DISK ProtectTM Baseline (for protectively marked data), DISK Protect StandardTM (for greater flexibility), and the BeCrypt Trusted ClientTM solution for mobile working launched in January 2008.

Commenting on the announcement, Richard Brooks, Sales Director EMEA for BeCrypt said: “Logica has a formidable reputation for security, not only from a technical perspective, but also for evaluating security products, managing secure implementations, and security procedures. Logica will be one of the first organisations to implement BeCrypt Trusted Client, to provide innovative, secure mobile working for their staff.”

Gavin Kenny, Head of Logica’s Security Practice said: “Organisations are not only having to address their own security measures, but also must consider those of their suppliers. Our security practice, one of the largest in Europe, regularly evaluates security solutions for our clients and internal use. We feel that with the increasing mobility of today’s workforce and the increasing size of storage devices it is important to use full disk encryption routinely. The BeCrypt solution meets our needs combining flexibility, ease of management and rollout with rigorous data protection.”


About BeCrypt
BeCrypt Limited was formed in 2001 to meet the growing demand for high-level computer encryption products in the international government and corporate marketplace. BeCrypt products protect customers in key UK government areas including: central and local government, the defence sector, law enforcement and transportation.

The company now also provides a range of flexible security products tailored to meet the requirements of the commercial sector. BeCrypt has customers in financial services, pharmaceutical, insurance and banking sectors.

BeCrypt’s DISK Protect Baseline, DISK Protect Enhanced and PDA Protect Baseline products have been designed to meet stringent government security standards and have been approved by the UK Government.

Logica wil kostenbesparingen GBP 80 mln vanaf 2010

22 april 2008, 8:56 uur

Logica wil kostenbesparingen van GBP 80 mln per jaar realiseren vanaf 2010. Dat blijkt dinsdag uit de strategische review van de onderneming.

Om dit te realiseren, en beter dan de markt te presteren, start het bedrijf een herstructureringsprogramma met een waarde van GBP 110 mln. 'Om de doelen van het programma te behalen neemt de onderneming een last van GBP 70 mln in 2008, het overige deel van de GBP 110 mln wordt genomen in 2009.'

Logica herhaalt in het persbericht naar aanleiding van de strategische herziening de verwachtingen voor 2008. Het bedrijf ziet een omzetgroei van circa 3% bij constante wisselkoersen.

Vanaf het einde van 2008 wil Logica sneller groeien dan de markt, met de omzet uit outsourcing als het snelst groeiende onderdeel. De operationele marge in 2008 moet gelijk zijn aan de 7,6% die behaald werd in 2007.

In 2009 moet de marge met 0,5% verder aandikken, en in 2010 nog eens met 0,5-1,0%. Op middellange termijn mikt Logica op 'duurzame dubbelcijferige marges die zich kunnen meten met de beste Europese branchegenoten.'

Om Logica te 'revitaliseren', heeft het bedrijf een viertal aandachtspunten opgesteld. Dat zijn focus op groei, het mengen van zowel offshore als lokale middelen, een betere integratie van het bedrijf onder de noemer One Logica en het terugbrengen van algemene kosten. Voor dat laatste punt ziet Logica een vermindering van het totale werknemersbestand met 3%, zo'n 1.300 banen.

Het bedrijf verwacht het aantal offshore- en nearshore-werknemers voor het einde van 2009 te verdubbelen.

Logica wil kostenbesparingen GBP 80 mln p/j vanaf 2010--3
22-4-2008 9:23:02

Logica (NL)
1,36 ( 10:34 ) -0,0700 / -4,90%

Toevoeging: meer informatie in alinea 6 t/m 8, koersreactie in laatste alinea.

Amsterdam (BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS) - Logica wil kostenbesparingen van GBP 80 miljoen per jaar realiseren vanaf 2010. Dat blijkt dinsdag uit de strategische review van de onderneming.

Om dit te realiseren, en beter dan de markt te presteren, start het bedrijf een herstructureringsprogramma met een waarde van GBP 110 miljoen. 'Om de doelen van het programma te behalen neemt de onderneming een last van GBP 70 miljoen in 2008, het overige deel van de GBP 110 miljoen wordt genomen in 2009.'

Logica herhaalt in het persbericht naar aanleiding van de strategische herziening de verwachtingen voor 2008. Het bedrijf ziet een omzetgroei van circa 3% bij constante wisselkoersen.

Vanaf het einde van 2008 wil Logica sneller groeien dan de markt, met de omzet uit outsourcing als het snelst groeiende onderdeel. De operationele marge in 2008 moet gelijk zijn aan de 7,6% die behaald werd in 2007.

In 2009 moet de marge met 0,5% verder aandikken, en in 2010 nog eens met 0,5-1,0%. Op middellange termijn mikt Logica op 'duurzame dubbelcijferige marges die zich kunnen meten met de beste Europese branchegenoten.'

Om Logica te 'revitaliseren', heeft het bedrijf een viertal aandachtspunten opgesteld. Dat zijn focus op groei, het mengen van zowel offshore als lokale middelen, een betere integratie van het bedrijf onder de noemer One Logica en het terugbrengen van algemene kosten. Voor dat laatste punt ziet Logica een vermindering van het totale werknemersbestand met 3%, zo'n 1.300 banen.

Het bedrijf verwacht het aantal offshore- en nearshore-werknemers voor het einde van 2009 te verdubbelen. De nadruk wordt bij Logica overigens gelegd op de reorganisatie van de Britse divisie die zich richt op de commerciele sector. Bij dit onderdeel verdwijnen, zo bleek tijdens een conference call, circa 500 banen.

Het dividendbeleid blijft gehandhaafd.

Logica krijgt contract in Zweden ter waarde van EUR 10 mln23 apr 2008, 09:32 uur
Amsterdam (BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS) - Logica heeft een vijfjarig contract in Zweden gekregen met een waarde van circa EUR 10 miljoen. Dat heeft de IT-dienstverlener woensdag bekendgemaakt.

Het betreft een contract met het Zweedse SVR AB, Medical Care Advice Service. Logica zal zorgen voor de ontwikkeling en management van het zogeheten BIF (Basic Services for the Provision of Information). BIF is een nationale veiligheidsinfrastructuur voor de gezondheidssector, waar patienteninformatie wordt geintegreerd.

Het contract heeft in eerste instantie een looptijd van vijf jaar, met een optie tot verlenging tot twee jaar. Naast het bedrag van EUR 10 miljoen bestaat de mogelijkheid om subopdrachten te krijgen van lokale en regionale spelers in de gezondheidssector, aldus Logica.

Amsterdam (BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS) - Logica heeft samen met Esize een vijfjarig contract getekend met Delta Lloyd Groep. De totale waarde bedraagt EUR 1 miljoen, zo blijkt vrijdagochtend uit een persbericht van de ICT-dienstverlener.

De opdracht betreft de levering en het beheer van een elektronisch inkoop- en contractmanagementsysteem. Logica is hoofdaannemer en implementatiepartner, zo schrijft het bedrijf, terwijl softwareontwikkelaar Esize de technische oplossing zal leveren.

De combinatie Logica en Esize is al langer actief op de markt voor automatiseringsoplossingen. Zo leveren de bedrijven sinds 2006 Elektronisch Betalen en Factureren (EBF) aan de Rijksoverheid.

Carlie van Tongeren

ELEXON Awards Logica Five Year Contract for Hosting and Operating the British Electricity Balancing and Settlement Systems

30 April 2008

ELEXON has announced a strategic partnership with Logica by awarding a new five year contract for the Business Process Outsourcing, Hosting and Communications aspects of the Central Systems for electricity settlement and balancing. This contract, taking ELEXON to March 2014, is worth about £40m and delivers significant operational cost savings compared with our current contract. This has been achieved through a rigorous competitive procurement exercise which identified new technologies and more efficient processes to deliver cost reductions. The contract includes incentives to introduce further process efficiencies and innovation during the term.

The ELEXON Board of Directors approved the appointment of Logica in line with ELEXON’s strategic sourcing priorities of value for money, improved delivery of service and continuous improvement.

Speaking today, Stuart Senior, ELEXON’s Chief Executive said, “We feel that we can deliver best value to our customers by managing open and competitive procurements. Over thirty companies expressed an interest in tendering for this contract. Our main priorities were to secure value for money for our customers and ensure that any transition activities from the existing service to the new contract are delivered in a seamless and smooth way.

Logica’s record in delivering robust central services over the past seven years speaks for itself. Going forward ELEXON and Logica will work in partnership to enhance the efficiency of the combined systems and make improvements. As ELEXON’s costs are entirely recouped from BSC Parties we constantly strive to deliver better value for money and this new contract will help us do this.” he concluded.

"Commenting on the contract Judith Halkerston, Managing Director, Energy, Utilities and Telecoms said, “We are delighted to be working in partnership with ELEXON and this contract reinforces our strong position and heritage in the Energy and Utilities market. It also allows us to support ELEXON in facing its challenges as the market continues to evolve over the coming years. We are looking forward to the journey."

Weet dat ie al is gepost maar hier nogmaals voor de goede orde :-)

Logica wins B contract with PricewaterhouseCooperPO payrolls LLP
01 May 2008
- implements premium pay-as-you-go service -

Logica, the European IT and business services company, has won a contract with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to provide a pay-as-you-go BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) bureau payroll service for 18,000 employees and pensioners. Logica will run the service on an Oracle HCM platform using Logica’s secure hosting environment ODIS (on demand infrastructure service). The pay-as-you-go model removes the need to pay a traditional, upfront software licence fee.

This deal marks the first win of this kind for Logica since it announced its partnership with Oracle to offer Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) as part of its own outsourced HR & payroll service.

The service is due to roll-out in December 2008 and interfaces with the firm’s existing HR and Finance systems. The Oracle system will allow the PWC team to run error tracking and advance checks on payroll rather than having to wait until the end of each month. Importantly, it will also enable them to run a management dashboard to evaluate the payroll in line with the overall business, and allow them to run workflows and self-service email generation.

Logica has an agnostic approach to software and thousands of consultants with in-depth knowledge of not only Oracle but also SAP, Peoplesoft and Vebnet. It meant that Logica could run the Oracle software in tandem with the existing services, and advise on how to futureproof the systems.

Patricia Taylor, Director, HR and Payroll BPO Services, Logica, said: We’re delighted to be working for PricewaterhouseCoopers. We will work closely with them to manage the project and will ensure that the service delivers to expectations and has the flexibility to move with PricewaterhouseCoopers as its business requirements change. Additionally, we’ll be ready to advise when Oracle brings out Fusion – its amalgamation of the best from all its existing systems.

”We’re seeing a real demand for BPO pay-as-you-go services from current and potential customers. This type of offering means that premium services based on a market leading product like Oracle HCM are no longer just available to large enterprises – they are accessible to all. Many organisations will now find that they can positively change the way they deliver HR and payroll services to their employees’. This type of contract win illustrates exactly why we are strengthening our core partnerships with software providers such as Oracle, SAP and Microsoft, Taylor concluded”.

Logica provides payroll outsourcing and HR services to more than 850 organisations across a range of platforms including Oracle, SAP, and the company’s own developed solutions.

Een sector-bericht:

Olympische Spelen voor het eerst draadloos

UTRECHT (ANP) - Vier miljard kijkers in de hele wereld
moeten de wedstrijden van de Olympische Spelen via duizenden
televisiekanalen binnen 0,3 seconden te zien krijgen. Hier komt
heel wat IT-planning bij kijken. De Nederlands-Franse
automatiseerder Atos Origin begon vier jaar geleden met de
voorbereidingen van de Spelen in Peking.

Atos Origin verzorgt al sinds de Winterspelen in Salt Lake
City in 2002 de technologische ondersteuning tijdens het
sportevenement. Het bedrijf ontwerpt en bouwt de twee
belangrijkste IT-systemen waar het evenement op draait en zorgt
voor de digitale beveiliging. Het is volgens het concern het
grootste sportgerelateerde technologiecontract in de wereld.
Hoeveel de automatiseringsbedrijf aan het evenement verdient,
wil het echter niet kwijt. Wel dat er ongeveer 4000 medewerkers
aan meedoen.

De systemen van Atos Origin zorgen er onder meer voor dat de
juiste mensen toegang krijgen tot de Spelen, dat de transport-
en accomodatieschema's worden bijgehouden, de medische
rapportages up-to-date zijn en dat de media, juryleden en
sporters zelf alle benodigde informatie over de atleten kunnen

,,Als Theo Bos bijvoorbeeld een wedstrijd fietst, willen
kijkers weten hoe snel hij de vorige keer op die afstand reed.
Dat kunnen media in ons systeem bekijken'', zegt algemeen
directeur Rob Pols van Atos Origin Nederland.

Het verschil met de vorige keren is dat dit jaar de
wedstrijdlocaties verder uit elkaar liggen dan ooit. Ook zijn
het er meer dan anders. ,,Dat zorgt vooral voor een logistieke
uitdaging'', aldus Pols.

Een deel van de bezoekers van de Spelen kan dit jaar voor
het eerst draadloos gebruik maken van het netwerk, dat overigens
niet is aangesloten op internet. Zo hoeven journalisten
bijvoorbeeld niet achter hun pc te gaan zitten om het intranet
op te kunnen, maar kan dat ook via een Blackberry.

De beveiliging van de systemen kost Atos misschien nog het
meeste werk. ,,Per dag verwachten we meer dan een miljoen
pogingen om in te breken'', zegt Pols. Een deel van deze
inbraakpogingen is onschuldig. ,,Dat zijn mensen die gewoon even
een kijkje willen nemen.'' Andere hackers zoeken doelbewust naar
geheime informatie of proberen (een deel van) het systeem plat
te leggen.

Daarom wordt er ongeveer 200.000 uur besteed aan
beveiligingstests. ,,We beginnen daar een jaar van tevoren mee.
We gaan alle scenario's af.'' De medewerkers van Atos worden
bovendien strikt gescreend. ,,Ze moeten een schone lei hebben'',
aldus de topman.

Atos werkt samen met een aantal Chinese bedrijven, zoals
China Network, China Mobile voor het telefoonnetwerk, Lenovo
voor de hardware en Sohu.com voor de internetverbinding, maar
ook met andere internationale partijen als Samsung, Kodak en
Panasonic. ,,Wij zijn de lijm die alles samenbindt'', aldus
Pols. ,,Deze samenwerking is ook altijd een uitdaging. De
partijen waarmee we samenwerken kiezen we niet zelf, dat doet
het Internationaal Olympisch Comité (IOC).''

((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at)anp.nl, +31 20
504 5999))
Logica in Partnership with Synergi Solutions
12 May 2008 09:57

Logica and Synergi Solutions has recently announced the signing of a partnership agreement that will provide a key consulting capability and a powerful and competitive risk management solution as well as an expertise of working with oil and gas customers to Logica’s business globally.

This aligns with Logica's recently-announced four point plan to deliver sustainable value to employees, customers and shareholders. A key part of this plan is to focus on growth, by building the ability to deliver value to the customers with a particular emphasis on building Logica's consulting and focus on areas which is expected to grow above the market.

Another reason for the decision was the thought of going to market with the powerful combination of Logica’s outstanding chain of solution services and global capacity, presence and experience with Synergi’s state of the art technology and risk management expertise. It offers scalable and robust delivery, implementation and customization projects in the local, regional and global risk management marketplace.

To build cooperation and a strong partnership that facilitates for focus on core business and the best possible interaction between Synergi, Logica and the clients to ensure product and services innovation, has been a tremendous important milestone. Strengthening and establish new channels for global marketing and distribution of the Synergi Software, was a key element.

The partnerships will mean immediate transfer of 25 Synergi support and services staff, expertise and processes to Logica’s Centre of Excellence environment in Stavanger.

Joint sales and marketing plans and establishment of relevant staff competence in selected Logica locations, will take place soon, and extended hosting and ASP services to present and future local, regional and global clients will be presented in a short while. Logica and Synergi will now be able to offer risk management services based on high quality SLA and 24/7 support model including service desk operation.

"We believe that this partnership is an opportunity to provide best in class solutions to our customers. Synergi's market leading technology and an impressive customer portfolio supports our commitment to help our local and global customers build and maintain leadership positions. We are excited about building the centre of excellence in Stavanger which supports Logica's growth agenda” says Tor Malmo, CEO Logica Norge.

"Our strategic objective is that this will enable an even clearer focus on software sales and system enhancements of our core product; Synergi," says Olaf Larssæther, CEO Synergi Solutions.
Växjö Energi and Logica launch energy saving web service for consumers
13 May 2008

Award winning web solution means households can even “compete” to save energy

Swedish energy company Växjö Energi AB (VEAB) and Logica, a leading IT and business services company, are today launching EnergiKollen, a solution encouraging consumers to better understand and thus lower their energy consumption. The solution includes a function enabling consumers to compete with each other in energy saving. EnergiKollen, which has won the European Utility Award, is now available to more than 20,000 households equipped with smart meters in the town of Växjö in the South of Sweden.

EnergiKollen aims to increase the awareness of energy consumers by making it easier and more interesting to monitor and change their energy usage. The intent is to engage the overall community in the city of Växjö, from young to old to save energy. EnergiKollen plays an important part in the SAMS project, an energy saving initiative aiming to reduce electricity usage in Växjö by five per cent.

EnergiKollen is a web based solution with easy-to-follow graphics outlining changes of energy consumption. Customers of VEAB can log on to the service over the internet free of charge in order to analyse their usage of electricity, water and heating. By enabling the comparison of energy consumption of different households (for example to see how much energy is being used by people living in a similar sized apartment), customers are being motivated to lower their usage.

EnergiKollen also includes a competition function allowing users to compete with each other. The first challenge kicks off on May 19, when the inhabitants of Växjö are invited to compete in saving electricity. The winners, who will receive excellent prizes, are those succeeding in achieving the greatest savings in their homes during one week.

Ann-Mari Ståhlberg, CEO of VEAB said: ”VEAB is part of many initiatives contributing to a better environment and we are in the forefront when it comes to sustainable energy development. We have succeeded in reducing carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels by 86 per cent since 1993, while reducing the total amount of emissions by 30 per cent per capita in the town of Växjö. With EnergiKollen we can build on our achievements and offer our customers what we always strive for – namely the opportunity to impact and reduce energy consumption.”

Anders Wallin, responsible for Utilities at Logica in Sweden, said: ”We are convinced that technology is one of the most important enablers for reducing the environmental impact of many businesses. Smart environmental solutions are a priority for us and EnergiKollen is a good example of how you can achieve major improvements with a combination of technology and user-friendly design.”

EnergyKollen has already been awarded the European Utility Award for Customer Excellence at the Metering Europe conference in October 2007. The prize was won for the following reason: ”Advanced smart meters have been combined with an understanding of the customer and customer interaction to deliver an advanced metering model for the future.”

EnergiKollen is based on Microsoft .NET and Oracle databases. As part of the next phase of the project, the service will be made available to commercial users, who will be able to access additional advanced services for energy analysis at a cost.

Fronde Anywhere Sees Uptake of Mobile Two-Factor Authentication Solutions

London, New York, and Wellington
May 19, 2008

Fronde Anywhere, a global provider of mobile financial services and multi-factor authentication solutions, has reported significant uptake of its mobile two-factor authentication platform, TwoSecure(tm). Since the product's launch in April 2007, TwoSecure(tm) has been deployed by organisations in a range of sectors. Customers include a tier one French bank; a major Australasian telecoms provider; a German financial Institution; m35 in the UK; and an electronic payments switch for verification of online debit payments. It is also currently being piloted by a district health board for verifying doctor identities when accessing patient records.

The product line is available through Fronde Anywhere global partners Logica and CSC, and regional partner RSSS in South Africa.

Many of the TwoSecure(tm) user organisations have implemented this solution as a more user-friendly and cost-effective replacement for hardware tokens for their identity authentication requirements. The TwoSecure(tm) product line generates one time passwords (OTPs) via a Java application stored on the mobile phone. It also includes an SMS module to enable delivery of OTPs to the phone via a text message.

TwoSecure(tm) secures Internet banking transactions and login by eliminating the risk of third parties assuming the user's identity, while TwoSecure(tm) Enterprise gives employees a second level of authentication when they remotely access business networks and systems. By also preventing man-in-the-middle attacks, the platform mitigates against threats such as Trojan.Silentbanker, a Trojan horse that has the ability to steal confidential financial information by defeating traditional two-factor authentication measures.

"By giving businesses confidence in their network security, and consumers' confidence in online banking, TwoSecure(tm) addresses a clear market need. It has an extensive sales pipeline, including significant prospects with banks and enterprises in Europe and the U.S.," said Caroline Dewe, CEO of Fronde Anywhere. "Not only is it easy to use, deploy and roll-out, but its uses are practically limitless. We are now also seeing organisations looking to use this technology to further secure transactions at the point of sale."

TwoSecure(tm)'s transaction signing capability adds an additional layer of security to a transaction, and prohibits any third party to hijack a transaction, as the OTP used by the customer is useless for any other transaction other than the one intended. The solution, which can be configured to support incremental levels of security, has passed independent security audits, performance testing by IBM, and device testing by SQS. It can be offered on hosted software as a service basis or implemented direct.

TwoSecure(tm) has won several prestigious industry awards including Consensus Software Award 2008, HiTech Award - Innovation Category 2007, Technology Commendation Award 2007 and IBM Business Partner Award
Honderd banen weg bij Logica Nederland
19 mei 2008

Bij de Nederlandse vestigingen van Logica verdwijnen tot het eind van 2008 honderd banen. Het zijn voornamelijk niet-declarabele functies die wegvallen naar aanleiding van het in april gepresenteerde revitalisatieplan.

In de tweede helft van dit jaar verdwijnen honderd banen bij de Nederlandse vestigingen van Logica. Dat vertelt ceo Paul Schuyt in een vraaggesprek met Computable. De afslanking maakt onderdeel uit van het revitalisatieplan dat de automatiseerder in april aankondigde en dat het bedrijf winstgevender moet maken.

"Het gaat in Nederland om honderd fte in niet-declarabele functies. Een deel vloeit af door natuurlijk verloop en voor een ander deel regelen we omscholing. Voor een aantal mensen zal echter een regeling getroffen moeten worden", aldus Schuyt. De directeur heeft het plan van de honderd fte's al gecommuniceerd naar zijn medewerkers en zegt er geen ongeruste reacties over te hebben gehoord.
Logica implements first security accredited Wireless LAN in Defence 19 May 2008

Ministry of Defence Trading Fund, Defence Support Group (DSG), is first to benefit under the new CESG rules

Logica, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, today announced that it is the very first organisation in the UK to have installed a CESG validated wireless network adhering to the new ‘Manual Y’ security standards for handling of RESTRICTED data.

The wireless network was installed at DSG’s Donnington site in Shropshire, which repairs and maintains equipment for the UK Armed Forces in order to improve its stores management process. The secure deployment of wireless in the stores warehouse is expected to result in early benefits including significant cost savings through faster fulfilment of spare parts orders and improved accuracy of stock data.

The ‘Manual Y’ standard was published by the Communications Electronic Security Group (CESG), the UK Government’s National Technical Authority for Information Assurance, in January 2007. It details for the first time, how wireless security should be implemented on RESTRICTED level projects, which means that defence organisations can now fully realise the benefits of wireless technology previously enjoyed by the commercial sector. It not only covers the wireless technology, but also the surrounding processes such as disaster recovery and system configuration.

Logica worked with Aruba Networks to deliver the system to DSG (which was created recently following the merger of ABRO and DARA), with Aruba providing the wireless network, and Logica providing a full service including project management, installation, testing and security consultancy, a Manual Y compliance report, and security validation of CESG’s Manual Y process. This was followed up with Logica assisting DSG in their discussions with the Defence Security Standards Organisation (DSSO) Accreditor to certify the wireless network for use with RESTRICTED LIVE data at the physical site.

Malcolm Smith, DSG’s Head of Information Systems based at the Agency’s headquarters in Andover said: “As a supplier of vehicle and equipment services to our Armed Forces we are constantly looking at ways to make our organisation run more efficiently. The benefits of wireless are well documented in warehousing environments, so that when CESG published the Manual Y standard, allowing us to implement, we were quick to respond. “

Gary Lay, Director for Logica’s Defence business, said: “The CESG accreditation process for Manual Y is extremely thorough and means that organisations operating at restricted levels, including public sector, defence and training establishments, can now experience the benefits of wireless networking that the commercial sector has enjoyed for so long. Logica has one of the largest, most respected and innovative security practices in Europe and this reputation is cemented by us being the first to implement a Manual Y solution.”

"Lattelecom" announces cooperation with "Logica" in provision of e-billing services

May 21, 2008

The following is a press release from the telecommunication company "Lattelecom":

The Lattelecom Group company Lattelecom BPO has concluded an agreement with Logica, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, on the provision of E-billing services to clients. This will ensure the electronic exchange of bills among companies in the Baltic States which are Lattelecom clients and global companies elsewhere in the world which are Logica clients.

The benefit for clients will be that bills will be sent and received more quickly, payments will be made more rapidly, and there will be less work for personnel. These benefits are based on the fact that billing data can be sent and received electronically, with no need to enter them manually into bookkeeping systems.

Lattelecom BPO previously offered only the handling of paper-based bills for corporate clients in the Baltic States, but the agreement with Logica now makes it possible to ensure electronic circulation not only among companies in the Baltic States, but also those which operate elsewhere in the world.

“There are upcoming changes in European Union member state laws about the transfer to electronic circulation of bills, and companies will be able to save time and money when they no longer have to send out hard copy bills. This is also an environmentally friendly process, because it helps to save on paper,” says Lattelecom BPO board chairwoman Ilze Zoltnere.

Lattelecom BPO has an E-billing exchange process which ensures compatibility among the bookkeeping system of clients. This is so that billing data can be sent from one bookkeeping system and processed in another. Compatibility is based on Lattelecom BPO acting as a broker for electronic documents. The company makes sure that it is easier for clients to communicate with suppliers and clients. The electronic flow of documents makes it easier to bring in new clients and suppliers, too.

Outsourced business process services are one of the main areas of operations for Lattelecom BPO. The company allows its clients to focus more attention on their basic areas of operations. Lattelecom BPO offers order and bill handling, archiving of electronic and paper documents, personnel administration and wage calculation services, client contact services and other outsourced services.

Lattelecom is the leading provider of electronic communications services in Latvia. The company offers integrated electronic communications and IT Services, as well as telecommunications, network design and installation services. Lattelecom also provides data transmission and IT infrastructure solutions, Internet and contact services, as well as outsourced business process services. The Lattelecom Group consists of five companies – Lattelecom, Lattelecom Technology, Lattelecom BPO, Citrus Solutions, and the Baltic Computer Academy.

Centro partners with Logica to build and operate largest smartcard travel scheme outside of London
21 May 2008

Free passes are smart choice for over 400,000 in West Midlands

One in six people living in the West Midlands can now enjoy using the bus anywhere in England for free after receiving a new travel pass.

Working in partnership with Centro, Logica, one of Europe’s leading business and IT service companies, has produced and delivered over 430,000 National Concessionary Passes for over 60s, and blind and disabled people in the region on behalf of public transport authority Centro.

The passes, which include smartcard technology, allow holders to use any local bus in England for free after 9:30am Monday to Friday, and all day on weekends and bank holidays. The integrated chips within the passes will soon allow people to swipe on and off over 2,600 buses from over 50 depots in the region, as well as trains and trams.

The cards were issued across the country as part of a Government scheme - the new English National Concessionary Transport Scheme (ENCTS). Thanks to Logica and Centro, many West Midlands residents received their smartcards before anyone else in England, meeting the April 1 deadline.

Both Centro and Logica will also work together to deliver a commercial and concessionary multi-modal scheme - the largest scheme outside of London’s Oyster card scheme which will go live during 2009. Logica will supply ITSO compliant smartcards, associated hardware and back office services to integrate all parts of the scheme. Centro is currently looking at companies to supply card readers for the vehicles.

The technology will deliver a number of benefits to Centro, transport operators and customers in the West Midlands, including faster and more efficient payments, reduced fraud and a quicker and more pleasant journey experience for the customer.

Logica’s extensive experience in smartcards includes the recently awarded contract to supply half a million cards for the NoWcard scheme in the North West of England. It also worked in partnership with Transport for Scotland to ensure the successful implementation of the first National concessionary scheme, which now has over one million cards in operation.

Geoff Inskip, Chief Executive of Centro said: “We were delighted to appoint Logica, who provide us with the detailed knowledge and experience in transport technology and smart retailing we need to provide passengers with a smart transport system in the West Midlands.”

“The concessionary and fare paying schemes provide huge benefits for everyone, offering greater convenience for passengers and lower administration costs for local authorities and operators”.

Harbinder Dhaliwal, Logica’s Director of Transport Solutions, Logica commented: “The Centro project is an exciting development in the use of smartcards for transport, re-enforcing our reputation as the leading provider of integrated ITSO compliant smart schemes in the UK. This project is a major step forward in the development of fully integrated ticketing systems in the West Midlands, extending the convenience and ease of smartcard technology to millions more passengers. We are delighted to work with Centro to help them realise their smartcard vision.”

Moving forward, the smartcard scheme will facilitate easier integration with wider transport and other non-transport activities including financial and retail environments such as fast food outlets, coffee shops, newsagents, off licences, bars, pubs, parking facilities and vending machines.

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