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Druk op ICT-bestedingen houdt aan
25 augustus 2009, 11:15 | ANP
ROTTERDAM (AFN) - De bestedingen aan ICT blijven onder druk staan in Nederland. Vanwege de economische neergang verwacht 28 procent van de managers en ICT-professionals het komende jaar een daling van het budget voor ICT en software. Een kwart gaat uit van een stijging. Dat blijkt uit een peiling van Ernst & Young. In vergelijking met april zijn er minder pessimisten, maar echt herstel is er nog niet, zo constateert het adviesbureau.

Een lichtpuntje is de overheid. Daar zullen de komende twaalf maanden de bestedingen aan technologie naar verwachting groeien. Bij de overheid blijft ook de vraag naar ICT-personeel op peil. Vooral bij bedrijven met meer dan vijfhonderd werknemers is sinds begin dit jaar de vraag naar ICT'ers gedaald, aldus Ernst & Young. Bij deze bedrijven krimpen de budgetten voor ICT-uitgaven ook.

Telenor Connexion chooses Logica as the prime systems integration partner

26 August 2009

Logica, a leading IT and business services company and Telenor Connexion, a leader in machine to machine (M2M)* communication solutions have signed an agreement whereby Logica will deliver IT infrastructure solutions and communication services to support Telenor Connexion’s fast growth in the M2M business. The agreement is for five years and amounts to an initial value of approximately 10M EUR.

Logica will deliver an IT-platform for operational and business support systems that enable Telenor Connexion to manage large, wireless M2M projects for Telenor Connexions customers. Logica will also be responsible for delivering the support connected to the systems.

Commenting on the win, Ulf Baggström, Managing Director Utilities and Telecom Sector, Logica, said, “We are delighted to have been entrusted as the prime systems integration partner for Telenor Connexion. This is also a challenge that we are well positioned to address. By combining our local and global experiences in the areas of Telecom and M2M-knowledge, Logica will support Telenor in building up Telenor Connexion’s growth. We will leverage our proven blended delivery model and deliver the service from our operations in Sweden, United Kingdom and India.”

M2M communications is a rapidly growing market, in Europe alone there are several billion devices that could potentially be networked by wireless or fixed technologies. Telenor Connexion, a wholly owned company by Telenor ASA, is one of the world's leading providers of M2M connectivity solutions.

Commenting on the agreement, Göran Brandt, Vice President, Business Development, Telenor Connexion, says, “It’s far from ideal to run M2M applications on a Mobile Network Operators normal infrastructure, since it will always be influenced by other, more traditional services. Telenor Connexion’s focus is M2M customers with business critical applications. To serve these customers according to expectations on commercial models, up-time and availability, dedicated M2M infrastructure is a must.”

* M2M is an abbreviation for machine-to-machine, or technology that supports wired or wireless communication between machines/devices.
Verkopen: Logica is te duur25 augustus 2009 15:45

Aandeel: Logica
Koersdoel: 1,05-
Advies: Verkopen

Logica heeft geleerd om te gaan met snelle veranderingen in het economisch klimaat. Tijdens de internetcrash kreeg het it-bedrijf het zwaar te verduren - vooral omdat de onderneming toen ook hard bezig was om de fusie van Logica met CMG door te voeren. Inmiddels is het bedrijfsmodel een stuk beter ingericht om snel te reageren op veranderingen in de vraag. Uit de cijfers over het eerste halfjaar bleek bijvoorbeeld dat de winstmarge fractioneel gestegen was tot 6,8%. Analisten hadden zonder uitzondering op een daling gerekend aangezien de recessie zich vertaalt in een sterke prijsdruk. De omzet groeide licht, maar dat was volledig het gevolg van wisselkoersverschillen. Voor heel 2009 rekent Logica op een operationele marge die ongeveer gelijk is aan vorig jaar.

Sterk punt wordt zwakteDat is straks waarschijnlijk niet genoeg om de steeds hogere verwachtingen van beleggers in te lossen. De onderneming moet opboksen tegen (grotere) concurrenten zoals Atos, Capgemini en Tieto in een markt waarop de groeivooruitzichten matig zijn en waar steeds meer op prijs wordt geconcurreerd. Een sterke positie bij overheden - traditioneel het sterke punt van Logica - kan de komende jaren een nadeel zijn. Overheden moeten namelijk flink bezuinigen om te voorkomen dat de begrotingstekorten en staatsschulden te ver oplopen. Daar komt bij dat de waardering van Logica op basis van winstcijfers en het operationeel resultaat 20% hoger ligt dan wat binnen de branche gebruikelijk is. Met een koersstijging van ongeveer 100% in de afgelopen vijf maanden zijn beleggers echter al vooruitgelopen op een overtuigend herstel. Het kan dan ook geen kwaad om het aandeel te verkopen met een koersdoel dat iets boven de 1 euro ligt.
Logica benoemt Jan Piet Valk Chief Financial Officer Benelux

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Logica plc meldt donderdag dat Jan Piet Valk is benoemd tot Chief Financial Officer (CFO) van Logica Benelux.

Hij zal deze functie met ingang van 1 september vervullen. Samen met Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wilbert Kieboom vormt hij het dagelijks bestuur van de Benelux-organisatie.

Valk volgt Bert van der Schelde op die de functie van CFO tijdelijk combineerde met die van financieel bestuurder van de internationale Outsourcing Services-organisatie van Logica.

De nieuwe CFO werkte in het verleden onder meer voor Shell, Enertel en Fokker. Recent was hij General Manager Finance, Planning & Assurance van Shell Upstream.

Door Ben Zwirs; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715201; ben.zwirs@dowjones.com

the legend
Pressemitteilung vom 02.09.2009 | 14:58
Deutsche Telekom AG
T-Systems übernimmt SAP-Geschäft von Logica

T-Systems verstärkt seine SAP-Kompetenzen in der Schweiz mit der Übernahme der SAP-Berater des Informatikdienstleisters Logica zum 1. September 2009. Logica Schweiz gibt das SAP-Geschäft auf, um sich strategisch auf andere Bereiche zu fokussieren. Bestehende Kunden erhalten Nachfolgeverträge und können ab September vollumfänglich durch T-Systems betreut werden. Zusätzlich können sie von den SAP-Services und Rechenzentren der Telekom-Tochter profitieren. Durch die Übernahme der SAP-Berater verfügt T-Systems neu über zwei komplexe Vorgehensmodelle für SAP-Lösungen im Transportwesen und in der Fertigungsindustrie. Die Großkundentochter der Deutschen Telekom integriert den SAP-Bereich von Logica in die eigene Geschäftseinheit Systems Integration. Über weitere Einzelheiten des Vertrages ist Stillschweigen vereinbart.

Zeitgleich baut T-Systems die globale Partnerschaft beim SAP-Betrieb aus: In den Niederlanden ist der Dienstleister für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik ab sofort zertifizierter SAP-Partner für Hosting.

Die Übernahme der Schweizer SAP-Spezialisten und die Ausweitung der internationalen SAP-Partnerschaft auf Holland unterstreichen die globale SAP-Strategie von T-Systems. Multinationale Konzerne wie Shell, MAN oder Linde beziehen ihre SAP-Anwendungen bedarfs¬gerecht über das Netz von T-Systems. Der Informations- und Kommunikationsdienstleister ist heute weltweit die Nummer 1 bei SAP-Leistungen nach Bedarf.

URL: www.telekom.de

Bonn - Veröffentlicht von pressrelations

Link zur Pressemitteilung: www.pressrelations.de/new/standard/de...

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the legend
GovUnited accepteert Midoffice Suite Logica
08 september 2009
Nieuwe standaard voor gemeentelijke dienstverlening

De leden van GovUnited hebben maandagavond 7 september 2009 de Midoffice Suite geaccepteerd die door Logica en Green Valley is ontwikkeld. Met de Midoffice Suite kunnen gemeenten de dienstverlening aan burgers en bedrijven aanzienlijk verbeteren.

Met de Midoffice Suite kunnen gemeentelijke dienstverleningsprocessen zo worden vormgegeven, dat inwoner en ondernemer als klant kunnen volstaan met één aanvraag en altijd op dezelfde manier worden geholpen. Online kan de gehele status van het dienstverleningsproces gevolgd worden. Met deze oplossing krijgen gemeenten de nodige hulpmiddelen om hun dienstverlening naar een hoger niveau te tillen en hun bedrijfsvoering efficiënter te maken.

Najaar live
De gemeenten Winterswijk en Steenwijkerland zijn de eerste gemeenten die in afgelopen maanden gestart zijn met de implementatie. Dit najaar gaan ze ‘live’ met de Midoffice Suite. Een volgende groep gemeenten gaat de komende maand van start. In nader overleg met de gemeenten, die gisteren aangaven een positief advies aan hun college te zullen geven, zal duidelijk worden welke gemeenten dit zijn. Zij zullen worden begeleid door drie implementatiepartijen: Logica, Atos en Sogeti.

Innovatief product
De Midoffice Suite is een innovatief product. Burgers kunnen dankzij dit product volledig inzicht krijgen in hun aanvragen, ongeacht het communicatiekanaal (web, email, telefoon, post) dat is gebruikt. Nieuwe diensten kunnen eenvoudig worden toegevoegd. Zo wordt een nieuwe benadering van overheidsdienstverlening realiteit. Gemeenten kunnen met de Midoffice Suite makkelijker aansluiten bij de ambities van het kabinet, zoals deze in het Nationaal Uitvoeringsplan (NUP) worden benoemd. Bovendien hoeft de infrastructuur niet meer zelf beheerd te worden, zijn er collectieve beheerafspraken en door de toepassing van open standaarden wordt informatie-uitwisseling vereenvoudigd.

Het besluit over de Midoffice Suite is maandagavond genomen. Het Dagelijks Bestuur van GovUnited adviseerde zijn leden, verenigd in de Programmaraad, in zijn vergadering van 7 september om op basis van het test- en auditverslag positief te beslissen over de acceptatie van het systeem. De Programmaraad volgde diezelfde avond het advies van haar bestuur op. Daarmee is een ‘go’ gegeven op het vervolg van dit project.

Gemeentelijk samenwerkingsverband GovUnited begeleidt gemeenten bij de implementatiepraktijk, zodat optimaal van gedeelde kennis gebruik kan worden gemaakt, en regisseert de doorontwikkeling van de oplossing. Daarnaast gaat GovUnited verder met haar primaire functie als platform voor vernieuwing en verbetering van de digitale overheid. Meer info over dit gemeentelijke samenwerkingsverband: www.govunited.nl .
Logica-commissaris mogelijk naar Sainsbury
13 september 2009, 15:18 | ANP
LONDEN (AFN) - Het bestuur van het Britse supermarktconcern Sainsbury wil graag David Tyler als de voorzitter van de raad van bestuur bij het bedrijf. Dat is zondag te lezen op de website van de Britse krant The Times.

Tyler is de president-commissaris bij de Nederlands-Britse automatiseerder Logica en heeft meerdere commissariaten. Een officiële aankondiging wordt binnen twee weken verwacht. Een groep grootaandeelhouders is al geïnformeerd over de keuze voor Tyler en zou deze steunen.

the legend
16 September 2009 - 05:08
Logica and RTM partner to deliver hosted AML solution to Brazilian banks
Logica has announced a partnership with Rede de Telecomunicações para o Mercado (RTM), the largest financial services extranet in Brazil, to supply its payments filtering product, HotScan. Two banks have already begun using the RTM-hosted HotScan to comply with the Combating Terrorist Financing (CTF) regulation that came into effect in March 2009.

This is the first implementation of HotScan delivered through an application service provider (ASP) delivery model.

RTM provides an extranet for the Brazilian financial market, connecting more than 500 financial institutions in a single operational environment. With the introduction of the CTF regulation, the Brazilian financial market required an anti-money laundering (AML) solution that supports time-critical activities and fully integrates with Swift. After a two year selection process and a competitive tender, RTM selected Logica and its Swift-certified HotScan software.

This strategic alliance will allow RTM to host HotScan in its data centres and provide a sanctions filtering service to its financial institution customers in Brazil.

Adriane dos Santos Rego, marketing director at RTM, says: “Through our partnership with Logica, we can help Brazilian institutions address increasingly tough market demands to drive down risk and better support their growth plans with a scalable solution. With regulatory pressure mounting, the need for a fully automated payments filtering system will further increase and we therefore expect strong uptake of HotScan as a service from these banks.”

RTM says that currently many banks use in-house systems or products developed by small companies in Brazil that no longer fulfil their expanding payments filtering needs. It selected HotScan because it can scale to handle increasing payment volumes and meets international regulatory requirements. In addition, Logica claims that the filter’s intuitive, self-learning nature further allows banks to cut operational costs by reducing the volume of manual cheques due to its very low false positive rates.

the legend
Logica looks to increase biz share from India

Bibhu Ranjan Mishra / Chennai/ Bangalore September 21, 2009, 0:29 IST

European IT outsourcing services provider Logica, which started its Indian operation in 1998 to harness the abundant talent pool available here, has now started looking at opportunities in the local market, which has prompted most of the global as well as Indian service providers to re-energise their strategies. The UK-based company is in the final process of devising its ‘2010 strategy’ which will help the company to identify areas where the company sees growth in the Indian market, and where they have the expertise.

“We would probably close our 2010 strategy around November this year. We are looking at variety of ways to increase our sales competency in existing areas that we support. We are still debating on the specific areas that we want to focus on India as a part of our domestic sales,” Abhay Gupte, CEO, Logica India told Business Standard.

Logica (then LogicaCMG) started its operations in India with initial focus on selling its finance solutions locally and then reselling and integrating a suite of third-part retail banking products. This was followed by the company providing offshore IT services in India in 2000. Today, the company employs close to 3,800 people in its two offshore centres in the country located in Bangalore and Chennai.

Gupte said even though the company was present in India for more than a decade, it had never looked at India as a serious market. “Frankly, we had not looked at India as a serious market where we would do business. In some of these (where the company has offshore centres), we do little bit of local business. These countries were important to us more from our offshore delivery capability perspective point of view,” he added.

Even though Logica has a few customers in India in the domain of telecom, energy and utility and financial services space, the RBI is a publicly announced customer of Logica. The company, in 2001, has bagged a contract worth $16 million (Rs 75 crore) from the RBI to implement Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system to enable inter-bank payment across the country. As a part of the contract also supplied its ‘Quaestor’ banking product to 205 Indian banks and financial institutions to enable their direct participation in the RTGS system. Logica claims that other than the payment space, it sees opportunities in the areas of energy, utility and telecom (EUT) space. However, the company’s strategy would be to only focus on those specific technology areas where it has global expertise.

“It is important for us to get into markets where we have the expertise, and that is why clients would buy services from us. It would not be our strategy to case every deal, but to chase deals which would require us to bring our expertise here,” Gupte added.

Other than India, Logica’s key offshore centres are located in Morocco and Philippines where the company employs about 500-600 people each. The company which reported revenue of £3.6 in 2008, employs close to 40,000 people globally.

Project Galileo is preparing for liftoff. But will Britain be left out in the cold?

Sunday, 20 September 2009

There are fears France and Germany could win most of the £2bn contracts for new European satellites
Ground control to Brussels. Commencing countdown, engines on. Europe's patient space industry has been waiting for what seems like light years to learn who will scoop £2bn worth of contracts in what is one of the world's biggest space projects. But at last there is about to be liftoff.

In three months, the European Commission will unveil which companies will build, operate and maintain 26 new satellites that are set to leave Earth in 2012. But there are concerns that the booming British space industry will miss out as countries like Germany and France pump hundreds of millions of euros into building new launch centres.

Known as Project Galileo, UK firms like tech giants Logica and Inmarsat are gunning for big contracts while smaller firms such as Surrey Satellite Technology and Vega are part of European consortia. Galileo is the first European space project directly funded by the commission and managed by the European Space Agency. "For good or for bad, this is a new paradigm," said a senior space industry executive.

The commission says all participating firms must be European, but some British firms are concerned that lobbying from France and Germany in particular will see their firms triumph when contracts are announced in December. And they fear that continental Europe subsidises its space industry so lavishly it will bring down bid costs, which could work against UK firms, even though the UK is contributing more than £1bn to the project.

Galileo is Europe's answer to the Global Positioning Satellite system, which is owned and run by the US military. GPS came to the fore during the first Gulf war and has since allowed the roll-out of satnav in cars. When Galileo is operational, there will be 30 satellites in orbit at an altitude of 23,222km. They will take about 14 hours to orbit the earth.

Galileo's supporters say it will vastly increase the accuracy of satellite navigation systems. It will make it easier to introduce individual road charging based on a driver's mileage and enable insurance firms to apply similar technology to set premium rates based on road usage. Heavy industry will welcome the ability to track sensitive cargoes.

But high-level security is the main reason Galileo is going ahead. Its proponents argue that Europe needs its own communication satellite network because it cannot rely for ever on receiving GPS for free.

Stuart Martin, director of Logica's space business, which is hoping to win two contracts from the commission later this year, said: "Everybody who uses GPS is relying on the US defence departments and taxpayer. So far they have been very generous . They have allowed everybody to use it free of charge. But there's no guarantee that will last."

The project, however, has endured almost as troubled a life as its historic astronomer namesake. It was first mooted in 1998 and is now hugely behind schedule. The commission was forced two years ago to scrap its original plan for it to be run as a public-private partnership structure because business feared they would not make any money.

Rather than can the whole scheme, the commission raided other budgets and decided member countries would foot the entire multi-billion pound bill. "Not one pig flying in orbit, this is a herd of pigs with gold trotters, platinum tails and diamond eyes," railed Gwyneth Dunwoody, the late chair of the Commons transport committee.

But whatever its critics say, Galileo is coming, and for the UK space industry the announcement of Galileo contracts comes at a crucial time. The sector has shown huge growth in the last 10 years, now turning over £5.9bn and directly employing 19,000 people while supporting a further 68,000 jobs.

On research and development spend, the space industry, unsurprisingly, punches way above its weight at 5% of its value – some three times the UK average. A study by the forecasting consultancy Oxford Economics two months ago described the UK space industry as a "success story, growing in real terms by around 9% a year since 1999/00 – more than three times faster than the economy as a whole. And it has the potential," it continued, "to continue to grow as rapidly over the next decade."

Chris McLaughlin, vice president at mobile satellite company Inmarsat, which is bidding for the operations section of the contract, said: "The UK has seen space as 'tomorrow businesses' for too long. Our competitors in Europe, China, India, Brazil and of course, the USA, know it's a business for today. We need to step up the share of UK public investment. America has NASA, China a state-run programme and Europe has ESA, where participation is linked to how much countries pay in. Space business is nationally strategic and the UK currently has no policy."

The government appears to have got the message. Two months ago, science minister Lord Drayson announced a three-month consultation on whether the British National Space Centre should be a fully fledged agency like its European counterparts. Drayson and his boss, Lord Mandelson, are also backing the Space and Innovation Growth Team to map out a 20-year plan for the industry. Whether it will be too late to see the UK companies win major contracts in Europe's biggest space programme remains to be seen.
Transforming IT with iPhone

Global consulting firm Logica is no stranger to technological transformation. As a leader in IT and business services throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas, the firm creates functional, integrated business systems and applications for clients such as E.ON, Ford and NATO. So it’s only logical that Logica has embraced iPhone as a mobile essential for its own operations as well as a platform for increased client productivity via custom iPhone apps.

For Logica’s perpetually mobile consulting staff, iPhone provides reliable connectivity with clients and back-end business systems. And the firm’s new and current customers are turning to Logica to build custom iPhone apps for their own businesses.

“iPhone is revolutionizing our business segment,” says Torsten Strass, CEO of Logica Germany. “We use iPhone within the company to cut costs and increase productivity. Now our customers are asking us how they can do the same thing with iPhone. These projects are opening up new areas for consulting and generating new business for us.”

Clearly Connected
When Logica’s clients ask about iPhone, the firm points to the positive experiences of its own IT staff and employees. Distributing iPhones to consultants across Germany was a simple process, says Jan Kokott, Head of Mobile Devices. “Integrating iPhone with Exchange was quick and uncomplicated. We were able to roll out several hundred iPhones in just a few days.”

Users can easily connect to Logica's Exchange Server via Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, which provides a secure HTTPS tunnel, Kokott notes. “The advantage to this method is out-of-the-box functionality with no additional set-up requirements.”

The productivity benefits of iPhone were immediately evident — especially among Logica’s consultants, who rarely work behind a desk, but spend most of their time at customer offices and offsite meetings. With iPhone, they can easily access email, calendar, and contacts, as well as connecting with Logica’s customer relationship management systems through the built-in Safari browser.

And the remote-wipe capabilities, encryption support, and other security features on iPhone guarantee that corporate information stays safe, ensuring the protection Logica needs to support its mobile users.

An App for Opportunity
With iPhone in their hands, Logica consultants quickly became experts. Soon the consultants began requesting custom-built iPhone applications to help them work even more efficiently. In response, the internal development team built several apps using the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK), including an automated voice conferencing application and a timesheet tool that lets Logica consultants record billable hours in real time while onsite with customers.

“The SDK development environment for iPhone has all the elements necessary for a mature application,” says Jens Lünstedt, Head of iPhone Development. “I can combine them relatively quickly into an attractive, well-functioning application.”

Having streamlined its own operations with iPhone, Logica has begun creating iPhone apps for customers as well. “It’s a logical extension of our portfolio,” Lünstedt says. “We offer consulting services that optimize workflow processes. Now we can also tie in the right application for iPhone.” As a result, Logica’s iPhone development projects have increased revenues and revealed new business opportunities for the firm.

“iPhone embodies innovation,” says Lünstedt. “It is playing a definitive role in changing the business world, because it offers opportunities that were not previously available. To be more competitive and efficient, businesses can choose from any of the iPhone apps in the App Store, or we can write a custom application for them. No other device is capable of covering business needs in quite this manner.”

Logica reinforces its commitment to sustainable mobility at the ITS World Congress 2009

21 September 2009

Displaying its latest innovations for eco mobility, smart travel and multimodal planning, cooperative vehicle usage and infrastructure services, Logica will showcase the role of technology in sustainable transport.

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, is showcasing its latest Intelligent Transport innovations at the 16th annual ITS World Congress in Stockholm. Transport is the one sector of the European economy where CO2 emissions have been rising rapidly in recent years, growing from 21% to 28% of the total between 1990 and 2004.* Addressing this issue, Logica will demonstrate solutions that promise to transform the transport industry by driving the behavioural changes needed to challenge climate change.

Committed to sustainable mobility, Logica has created a portfolio of products and services that cover five distinct areas: Infrastructure Charging, Smart Travel, Smart Logistics, Dynamic Traffic Management and Eco Mobility. All Logica propositions on display at the event enable end users to make the right choices about the way that they commute and transfer goods and services, empowering them to make a collective, positive impact on climate change. A few examples of the innovative solutions that will be one show are:

Emission Monitoring
As part of its Eco Mobility offering, Logica’s advanced vehicle emission control service, Emo, allows drivers to analyse and alter their driving practices to achieve more cost efficient and environmentally-friendly driving habits. As a result, it addresses both regulatory and environmental requirements, and Logica is supporting regulatory bodies, vehicle manufacturers, oil companies, fuel stations and vehicle owners to work together and leverage the capabilities of this solution to influence driver behaviour.

The solution has many applications among which it can be used to implement differential fuel pricing that rewards environmentally friendly driving and vehicles. To this end, it is tipped to have a huge impact. According to GBS Bindra, Global Innovation Director, Logica, “If all Governments and oil companies came together and adopted Logica’s Emo offering, which creates a platform for the introduction of differential fuel pricing and rewards economical and environmentally-friendly drivers, the average oil consumption per vehicle would decrease by up to ten percent and achieve the corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions.” Read more about Emo at www.logica.com/emo

Intelligent vehicle insurance premiums
Dynamic traffic management is critical to ensure smooth traffic flow. Logica has created a service, Crimson, that offers intelligent auto insurance premiums that help to control usage. The usage-based auto insurance solution allows insurers to calculate the risk posed by an individual in much greater detail. It leverages current technology to gauge complex and dynamic individual driving factors - such as distance, speed, location and time (peak/off peak hours) - and to compute insurance premiums accordingly. By linking risk posed to the insurer directly to the driver, the insured have the ability to choose when and how they use private transport.

Commenting on the impact the solution can have, GBS Bindra, says, “If all motorists were to switch to pay-as-you-drive insurance like Logica’s Crimson offering, average oil consumption per passenger vehicle would decrease by up to twelve percent and a corresponding impact on CO2 emissions would be obtained.“ Read more about Crimson here

Dynamic traffic management also enables real-time response to traffic demands and is critical to effective management of traffic networks. Logica is working with the European Commission on the CVIS initiative by creating in-car and infrastructure technologies that will transform how vehicles communicate with each other and the broader transport network. By creating intelligent, cooperative vehicles that can communicate with each other and an infrastructure that will provide enhanced services and information, transport networks can achieve maximum utilisation and efficiency. To learn more about the CVIS project visit www.cvisproject.org/

Commenting on the step change required in the transportation sector, Cees de Wijs, Group Director , Transport and Logistics, Logica, said, “The transport industry is at a crossroads; it must change if it is to overcome the challenges associated with climate change and globalisation. Only if a sustainable transport model is put into effect can the industry continue to meet demand while reducing costs and its carbon footprint. Technology undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in the creation of a sustainable transport model.”

Logica’s commitment to ITS innovation is further reinforced by the announcement of a Spark Centre for Innovation at Chennai, India. Dedicated to ITS innovation, the Spark Centre will show Logica’s capabilities and market propositions for this space, while a specific focus on new market opportunities and current industry challenges will lead the centre to play an important role in Logica’s collaborative innovation strategy. Logica’s fifth Spark Centre will continue to display some of the solutions on show at the ITS World Congress 2009.

From its work with ERTICO and other ITS membership communities to its product innovation, Logica’s vision for sustainable transport can be seen the Congress. Please visit the Logica sponsored Internet Café and join Logica’s Innovation Tour that is running from 14:00 – 15:30 (CET) on the 22nd to the 24th September.
Logica en AEGON verlengen Business Process Outsourcingcontract

22 september 2009

Logica, de Europese ICT-dienstverlener en AEGON Nederland hebben een contract getekend waarmee de Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) dienstverlening op het gebied van Banking & Insurance voor twee jaar wordt verlengd. Logica verwerkt voor AEGON Leven, Bank en Schade al sinds 2003 administratieve handelingen die voortkomen uit klantverzoeken, zoals nieuwe inschrijvingen, adreswijzigingen en polismutaties. De dienstverlening voor AEGON wordt uitgevoerd in het BPO Shared Service Centrum Verwerking in Leeuwarden. De financiële omvang van het contract wordt niet bekendgemaakt.

Volgens Caroline Penterman, directeur Customer Services & Operations van AEGON kan de onderneming zich door deze uitbesteding meer richten op haar kernactiviteiten. ‘We weten dat de administratieve afhandeling bij Logica in goede handen is. Logica heeft de afgelopen jaren kwalitatief goede dienstverlening laten zien, tegen een aantrekkelijke prijsstelling, waar ook AEGON van meeprofiteert.’

Voor Logica is de contractverlening een bewijs dat haar inspanningen om meer te investeren in outsourcingdiensten en met name BPO vruchten afwerpen. ‘Logica ziet in de markt dat financiële instellingen de laatste jaren terughoudend zijn geweest met het outsourcen van diensten, maar dat zij na deze eerste aarzeling nu toch onderzoeken hoe BPO voor hun organisatie kan werken, al dan niet ingegeven door de huidige economische omstandigheden’, aldus Jitka Beukenkamp, Managing Director Outsourcing Services Logica Nederland. ‘AEGON is in Nederland een voorloper op het gebied van BPO. Naast de diensten die wij voor AEGON verzorgen kunnen wij banken en verzekeraars helpen bij het overnemen van HR services en Finance & Adminstration-diensten. We hebben ook een oplossing voor het beheer van ‘oude’ portefeuilles met producten die niet meer actief worden gevoerd, een problematiek waar steeds meer partijen door fusies en migratie-trajecten mee worstelen.’
the legend
Logica France and Strategic Thought agree partnership to help clients manage program, portfolio and enterprise risk
28 September 2009
Strategic Thought Group, announced today the formalisation of its partnership with Logica Management Consulting in France, a leading provider of IT and business services. The partnership has already helped joint customers improve their processes and business performance through the implementation of rigorous and robust risk management. This collaboration is built on Logica’s expertise in risk and business processes, implementing and configuring Active Risk Manager to enable excellence in risk management. To date, the alliance has delivered significant value to major European aerospace and defence companies with complex, comprehensive and challenging projects. Further combined activity is being undertaken across a number of other industry sectors to create, improve and refine enterprise risk management value across programs, portfolios and the enterprise to improve business performance.

Logica has experience of Active Risk Manager as a result of its involvement with Eurocopter, the manufacturer of helicopters for the civil and military market. Bruno Trebucq, Senior Manager, Logica France said, “We choose to partner with Strategic Thought as Active Risk Manager is the proven management solution in the aerospace and defense sector both in Europe and the USA. We aim to deliver best practices across all of our clients and projects. We see ARM playing an important role in the effective deployment of standardisation and risk processes to ensure that the right information gets to the right people at the right time, to allow for risk-adjusted decision making at the highest level.”

Karl Pringle, Global Alliances Director at Strategic Thought commented, “There is a need for more formalised and mature risk management processes which are enabled and supported by sophisticated technical solutions. The collaboration with Logica gives Strategic Thought the opportunity to work closely with a leading provider of IT systems integration and business services to deliver value through robust risk management. Logica France has an excellent reputation and track record and this partnership reinforces the feasibility of ARM to manage project, program and portfolio risk on the journey to complete enterprise risk management (ERM) and improved decision making.”

While the partnership started in the aerospace and defence sector, going forward it will encompass joint target vertical markets such as energy and utitlities, engineering and transportation.

“Logica partners with leading market players at a global, national and local level. Alliances lie at the heart of our strategy, our approach to customer service and value creation,” concluded Sebastien Brasseur, Partner, Logica Management Consulting, France.

CEO Logica eert slachtoffers van de crisis

Ceo Logica Wilbert Kieboom

Ceo Logica Wilbert KieboomLogica-ceo Wilbert Kieboom heeft zijn Computable Award voor CEO van het jaar opgedragen aan alle mensen in de ict-branche die geraakt worden door de crisis. De hoogste manager van de Brits-Nederlandse ict-dienstverlener wilde de prijs niet persoonlijk opeisen. Hij vindt het gezien de huidige roerige tijden niet gepast om zijn naam te verbinden aan de prijs voor Ceo van het jaar. Logica Nederland ontsloeg de afgelopen periode honderden medewerkers.

Kieboom kon door familieomstandigheden niet aanwezig zijn bij de uitreiking van de prijs. Joost Rueck, managing director strategic marketing en sales nam de award in ontvangst. Rueck las een door Kieboom geschreven speech voor. Daarin zei ceo: ‘Ik wil deze award niet persoonlijk opeisen. Sterker nog, ik ben van mening dat deze award mij niet persoonlijk toekomt. In deze roerige tijden vind ik het ongepast dat één persoon in aanmerking komt voor een award die juist moet toekomen aan iedereen die de afgelopen jaren keihard heeft gewerkt om deze industrietak overeind te houden.'

Kieboom richtte zich indirect ook tot ontslagen medewerkers: ‘De omzetten staan zwaar onder druk en daarom heeft onze branche helaas duizenden mensen moeten ontslaan. Duizenden mensen, met evenveel gezinnen, die ondanks hun inzet en passie voor het vak de dupe zijn geworden van deze tijd. Gelukkig vinden sommigen ergens anders een nieuwe baan, maar dat gaat niet voor iedereen op.'

Kieboom droeg de prijs ook op aan zijn collega ceo's die in roerige tijden moeilijke beslissingen moeten nemen.

Salarisadministratie HMSHost overgenomen

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Automatiseerder Logica neemt de salarisadministratie van HMSHost over. HMSHost maakt onderdeel uit van het Italiaanse Autogrill en is wereldwijd marktleider op het gebied van voedsel- en drankactiviteiten op luchthavens, waaronder Schiphol.

De overeenkomst loopt tot eind 2013, zo werd donderdag bekendgemaakt. Financiële details werden niet bekendgemaakt. Logica verzorgt al enkele jaren de salarisverwerking voor HMSHost.


En zo blijven de opdrachten maar binnen stromen! Ik ben zeer benieuwd naar de cijfers. Koers staat niet veel hoger dan na de H1 cijfers, dus er is zeker ruimte voor een stijging.
the legend
Shell drills $1bn savings from IT and business reorganisation
Crucial changes afoot as profits fall 73 percent
By Leo King, www.computerworlduk.com ShareThis


An IT overhaul at Shell has helped drive $1 billion (£606 million) from the company’s annual costs.


But the oil firm expects to make 5,000 job cuts, affecting IT and all other newly reorganised areas of the business, after its profits plunged 73 percent to $2.99 billion, in the first nine months of the year.

In order to achieve the savings so far, Shell restructured IT teams into a new ‘Projects and Technology’ wing. Previously, Shell had had different IT departments in various parts of the company and in different geographies.

The changes to IT come alongside the company having cut 20 percent of its management staff, and reorganising other divisions including gas and power, oil sands and products, and chemicals. It is also trying to increase the personal accountability of managers.

Shell has moved to simplify and standardise the way it operates, including how it conducts projects and procurement. It spends $60 billion every year on goods and services.

Outsourcing too played a key role in the savings, after Shell last year signed £2 billion worth of deals with EDS, T-Systems and AT&T. Additionally it has an application support deal running with IBM, Logica, Wipro and Accenture. At the time, it announced it would lay off 3,200 in-house IT staff.

Shell now expects to make further job cuts in the coming months, cutting on average 10 percent from each reorganised division, totalling 5,000 jobs.

Projects and Technology, where IT is based, is part of this. As a 10,000 strong section of the company, it is possible that up to 1,000 jobs could be cut, if the cuts meet the group average. The losses will affect the UK, US and the Netherlands most of all.

Nevertheless, a Shell spokesperson declined to quantify the exact numbers affected in IT, or to give more details on the other changes in the Projects and Technology wing. The company has reportedly cut the pay of IT contractors by 12 percent.

Shell plans to complete the Transition Programme, including making the redundancies, by the end of the year. Peter Voser, chief executive, yesterday told investors in a statement that the company’s profits were being hit by the tough global economy.

He added: “We continue to focus on improving our competitive cost position, simplifying Shell, and increasing personal
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