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China nieuws berichten

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China pledges efforts to promote construction of CPEC - Mr Lu

Xinhua quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mr Lu Kang as saying that China will work with Pakistan to promote the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects. Lu made the remarks when commenting on reported Pakistan’s saying yes to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout. From the debt structure announced by the Pakistani government, debt of CPEC projects accounted for a very low proportion of Pakistan’s debt composition and was not the cause of the country’s financial difficulties.

Mr Lu said that the CPEC was a project constructed by the two governments in accordance with the principles of achieving shared benefits through extensive consultation and joint contribution. The project selection and financing arrangements were determined by equal consultation between the two sides.

He said that as a member of the IMF, China supports the organization in making objective evaluation of Pakistan based on professionalism, and effectively assisting Pakistan in properly coping with current difficulties.

Source : Xinhua
China's moves to boost private investment - NDRC

Xinhua reported that Chinese authority has intensified efforts to encourage private sectors to participate in infrastructure investment in seek of healthy economic growth. By the end of September, at local level, some 1,222 infrastructure projects worth at least CNY 2.5 trillion have been promoted among private companies, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's economic planning agency. Private companies have shown cooperation intention in 150 projects worth at least CNY 250 billion, the NDRC said in a statement on its website.

At the end of September, private companies inked eight airports construction agreements with investment totaling nearly CNY 50 billion. Infrastructure projects comprise of energy, transportation, highway, garbage disposal facilities and reservoirs.

Meanwhile, the country's private investment, which accounts for more than 60 percent of the total fixed-asset investment, rose 8.8 percent YoY in the first seven months of the year, and 8.4 percent in the first half of the year.

Source : Xinhua
China's building 5.3 million homes in rundown urban areas - Report
Xinhua reported that construction has begun on 5.34 million homes in rundown urban areas during the first nine months of the year. This marks a 92 percent of the annual target, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. China will launch a new 3 year renovation plan to address housing in rundown urban areas, with 5.8 million units to be constructed this year.

The reported that people's housing needs will be better addressed this year.

Source : Xinhua
China’s export container transport gains momentum in September 2018

Xinhua reported that China’s container transport for export purposes gained momentum in September, according to new data from the Shanghai Shipping Exchange. The average China Export Containerized Freight Index stood at 853.97 points in September, up 2.9 percent from a month earlier, as the market was still in peak season, the exchange said in a statement. Since the beginning of this year, the index has averaged 808.63, lower than last year’s average of 820.47.

The data showed that in September, the sub-indices of the United States, South Africa, the Republic of Korea, Southeast Asia and Japan all rose to different extents.

The China Export Containerized Freight Index was first released by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange in April 1998 as a barometer of the export shipping market.

Customs data showed that China’s exports of goods rose 17 percent year on year in September, higher than August’s increase of 7.3 percent. Total exports in the first nine months of this year rose 6.5 percent.

Source : Xinhua
5 killed, 3 injured in China coal mine gas explosion - Report

PTI reported that five persons were killed and three others injured in a coal mine gas explosion in China's southwestern Chongqing Municipality. The explosion occurred at the Liyuanba coal mine in Shihao Town, Qijiang District, according to sources with Chongqing Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. The coal mine, which is owned by a subordinate company of the Group, had been shut down before the accident. The blast happened when workers were sealing off the mouth of the pit.

State-run Xinhua news agency reported, the injured were being treated in a local hospital. An investigation into the cause of the blast is under way.

Source : PTI
VS vindt geen bewijs voor manipulatie yuan

Gepubliceerd op 18 okt 2018 om 07:51 | Views: 872

EUR/CNY 17 okt
7,99 -0,02 (-0,26%)

WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Verenigde Staten hebben geen bewijs gevonden voor vals spel door China met de koers van de yuan, schrijft het ministerie van Financiën in een nieuw rapport. De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump beschuldigde het Aziatische land eerder nog van manipulatie van de valuta, waarbij de waarde kunstmatig laag wordt gehouden om de Chinese export te stimuleren.

China, waarmee de VS in een handelsoorlog zijn verwikkeld, blijft nog wel op een soort officieus verdachtenlijstje staan. De yuan is sinds de escalatie van de handelsspanningen in waarde gedaald. Minister Steven Mnuchin van Financiën zegt nog altijd ,,bijzonder bezorgd'' te zijn over het gebrek aan transparantie in het valutabeleid van Peking.

Een goedkope yuan draagt volgens Mnuchin verder bij aan het handelstekort van de VS met China. Dat verschil tussen de invoer en uitvoer tussen de twee landen is Trump al tijden een doorn in het oog. De president voert het tekort dan ook geregeld op als reden voor de importtarieven die hij China heeft opgelegd.

Overigens is China niet het enige land dat in Washington onder een vergrootglas ligt wegens zijn valutabeleid. Het ministerie van Financiën houdt ook Duitsland, India, Japan, Zuid-Korea en Zwitserland extra goed in de gaten.
Update: China groeit iets minder hard

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China is in het derde kwartaal iets minder hard gegroeid dan een kwartaal eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit overheidscijfers.

Het bruto binnenlands product steeg in het afgelopen kwartaal met 6,5 procent op jaarbasis, net iets minder dan de 6,6 procent die economen hadden voorzien en de 6,7 procent een kwartaal eerder.

In de eerste drie kwartalen groeide de Chinese economie tot dusver met 6,7 procent op jaarbasis en dit was 6,8 procent na de eerste zes maanden.

"De groei vertraagt", aldus analisten van KBC Asset Management. "De druk op de economie onder andere door het handelsconflict neemt toe, en dit weegt ook op het vertrouwen van beleggers."

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Productie Chinese industrie groeit minder hard

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De Chinese industriële productie is in september iets minder hard gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit overheidscijfers.

De productie ging met 5,8 procent omhoog. Een maand eerder ging het nog om een groei van 61 procent en in juni en juli waren er stijgingen van 6,0 procent op jaarbasis.

Op maandbasis werd in september een stijging van 0,50 procent gemeld. In augustus was dit 0,53 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Groei Chinese detailhandelsverkopen iets sterker

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in september iets harder gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit overheidscijfers.

De verkopen stegen in september met 9,2 procent ten opzichte van vorig jaar. In augustus ging het om een groei van 9,0 procent.

Op maandbasis was er een groei van 0,80 procent, nipt minder dan de 0,82 procent in augustus.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Consumptie huishoudens minder hard gestegen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Nederlandse huishoudens hebben in augustus meer geconsumeerd, hoewel de groei wel minder sterk was dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.

In augustus spendeerden consumenten 2,2 procent meer, nadat in juli 2,7 procent meer werd uitgegeven.

In augustus ging vooral meer geld op aan duurzame goederen, zoals huishoudelijke apparaten, auto's en kleding. Hieraan werd bijna 5 procent meer uitgegeven.

Volgens de CBS Consumptieradar zijn de omstandigheden voor de consumptie in oktober minder gunstig dan in augustus. Vooral de stijging van de beurskoersen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder was minder groot in de radar van oktober. Ook waren consumenten volgens het CBS minder optimistisch over de ontwikkeling van de werkloosheid.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Steel mills in Tangshan boost output

Reuters reported that steelmakers in Tangshan, China’s biggest steel producing city, are boosting output as local officials have failed to issue precise orders on output curbs even though the city’s winter pollution restrictions took effect two weeks ago. Rising output means factories and steel plants are emitting more pollutants and Tangshan’s lack of guidance shows that the Chinese central government’s more nuanced approach to pollution curbs may not be working as intended.

On September 27, China’s Ministry of Environment and Ecology issued new winter anti-pollution plans that allowed provinces and cities to set their own industrial output curbs as a way to limit pollution, moving away from blanket cuts ordered last year. Tangshan finalised its own winter plan on September 19 that would put companies into four categories based on their emissions output with the companies having to cut their output by between 30 percent and 70 percent based on the category they fall under. The plan will run from October 1 to March 31, 2019. However, Tangshan has not issued a list of the sorted companies, meaning no one knows their expected output curbs.

Source : Reuters
Jiangsu Province to enforce tougher smog-measures

Reuters reported that China’s Jiangsu province has pledged to take tougher measures to tackle air pollution over the next three years, targeting heavy industry, energy consumption and transportation in the east coast manufacturing hub. According to an anti-pollution action plan issued by the provincial government, the province will aim to keep the concentration of hazardous floating particles,PM2.5 below 46 micrograms per cubic metre by 2020. Last year, its PM2.5 reading was 49 micrograms.

The promise comes as China’s environment ministry accused provincial officials not properly enforcing anti-pollution policies, including by inflating cuts in coal consumption.

Jiangsu is China’s second-largest steel producing province with around 140 million tonnes of steelmaking capacity and is home to a range of heavy industry.

China’s official urban air quality standard is 35 micrograms, but the World Health Organization recommends levels of no more than 10 micrograms.

Jiangus plans to cut steel capacity by 17.5 million tonnes by 2020, ban new capacity in the steel, coke, primary aluminium, casting cement and glass sectors, and shut down all independent coke plants near the Yangtze River and Tai Lake area.

Source : Reuters
China Begins Construction Of Its Largest Offshore Wind Farm

China has begun construction of the offshore wind farm with the largest installed capacity in the country. On October 15, the first turbine was installed in waters off Nanpeng Island, in the city of Yangjiang, south of the Chinese province of Guangdong. The project, with an installed capacity of 400,000 kW, is expected to generate about 1,460 million kWh of annual electricity when it enters service in 2020, according to China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) developer.

Guangdong plans to build 23 offshore wind farms by 2030 with a combined installed capacity of 66.85 MkW.

The wind has become the third largest source of energy behind coal and water. According to the Global Wind Energy Council, China reaches third place in terms of the total installed power of offshore wind turbines, with 11% of the world total by the end of 2016, behind the United Kingdom and Germany.

Source : Maritime Herald
Langste zeebrug opent in China`

China opent deze week de langste zeebrug ooit. De bouw duurde negen jaar. De brug koppelt Hongkong en Maucau met de Chinese stad Zhuhai op het vasteland.

Naz Taha 22-10-18, 12:15 Laatste update: 14:15

Het waterbouwkundige hoogstandje is maar liefst 55 kilometer lang en heeft onderzeese tunnels die tientallen meters diep zitten. ,,Dankzij de brug wordt de reistijd tussen Hongkong en de ‘Western Pearl River Delta regio’ aanzienlijk korter”, aldus transportsecretaris Frank Chan tegen CNN.

Hoewel de reistijd naar Hongkong flink wordt teruggebracht, mogen particuliere autobezitters de brug niet oversteken zonder een speciale vergunning. De meeste chauffeurs zullen moeten parkeren in de haven van Hongkong, en overstappen op een shuttlebus of speciale huurauto’s zodra ze door immigratie zijn.

Voor afbeeldingen, zie link:

Gas shortage in China's Zhejiang province to deepen until 2020

Reuters cited Fan Xiaoning, president of Zhejiang Provincial Petroleum as saying that China's eastern Zhejiang province will have a natural gas supply deficit of 2 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2018 and 4.5 bcm in 2019 as consumption rises. Fan was speaking at the International Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprise conference at Zhoushan, near Shanghai.

Fan expects the gas shortage to widen until 2020, accounting for 30 per cent of total consumption by that year. Zhejiang Provincial Petroleum Co is part of Zhejiang Energy Group

Source : Reuters
Exxon Mobil looks to sign LNG supply deal with Zhejiang Energy

Reuters quoted a senior executive said, which would be Zhejiang Energy's first long-term supply deal, Exxon Mobil is looking to sign a long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply deal with Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group. Mr Peter Clarke, president of Exxon Mobil gas and power marketing, was speaking at the International Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprise conference at Zhoushan, near Shanghai.

However, Exxon Mobil is stepping up its efforts to meet soaring LNG demand, coupling multi-billion dollar production projects around the world with its first mainland storage and distribution outlet.

Source : Reuters
Ford launches new SUV Ford Territory in Chinese market

Global Times reported that Ford Territory, an all-new SUV exclusive to the Chinese market, debuted as part of the US. auto maker's "in-China, for-China" strategy. The mid-size SUV, a product of Ford's partnership with local auto maker Jiangling Motors, was introduced in Qingdao, a city on China's east coast.

Mr Peter Fleet, president of Ford's Asia Pacific operations, in a statement said that "It's a great proof-point for our in-China, for-China strategy.”

The Territory is the first new vehicle launched by Ford in China in years, after the automaker realized that an aging vehicle lineup led to its declining share in China's fast growing market.

Source : Global Times
Chinese electric car makers, nurtured by state

Reuters reported that humming away in an industrial estate in the eastern Chinese resort city of Hangzhou, electric vehicle designer Automagic is one of hundreds of companies looking to ride the country’s wave of investment in clean transportation. The company wants to find a niche in a crowded sector that already includes renewable equipment manufacturers, battery makers and property developers like the Evergrande Group, as well as established auto giants.

But not all of these electric vehicle hopefuls will make it to the finish line.

Mr Zhou Xuan, Automagic’s general manager, referring to Chinese leader Mr Mao Zedong’s ill-fated 1956 “Hundred Flowers” campaign aimed at encouraging new ideas said that “This (large number of firms) is inevitable, because whenever there is an emerging technology or emerging industry, there must be a hundred schools of thought and a hundred flowers blooming.”

China is using preferential policies and brute manufacturing power to position itself at the forefront of global efforts to electrify transportation. By the end of 2017, ownership of new energy vehicles (NEV) those powered by fuels other than petrol reached 1.8 million in China, over half the world’s total.

With market expectations high, Chinese EV maker NIO, a rival to Tesla, launched a high-profile IPO in New York last month.

Source : Reuters
Nissan to roll out over 20 new electrified models in China

Gasgoo reported that Nissan plans to roll out over 40 new models in China from 2018 to 2022, including 20-plus EV and e-POWER models. Nissan China said that among the 40-plus new models to be launched in the future, 15 and 10 new models will respectively come from Dongfeng Nissan and Dongfeng Venucia. Infiniti is set to roll out 5 new models equipped with Nissan's VC-Turbo engine and the electrified powertrains. The automaker said it will further improve its dealership networks and accelerate the e-commerce growth in China.

Nissan China will promote the electrification for the vehicles under all brands of Dongfeng Motor Group with the goal of becoming the champion joint-venture brand in terms of EV sales in China's market. It plans to release 5 new EV models in this country from 2018 to 2019 and use the e-POWER hybrid technology in main models.

Apart from the NEV development plan, the company is going to introduce the ProPILOT Assist Technology that has been applied in the vehicles delivered outside China and utilize it in the new models to be first launched in China next year.

Source : Gasgoo
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