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Europese importheffingen op Chinese zonnepanelen stoppen definitief per 3 september 2018

De Europese Unie heeft besloten dat de importheffing op kristallijn silicium zonnecellen en zonnepanelen afkomstig uit China per 3 september 2018 definitief vervallen. Over het onderwerp is deze week gestemd.

Uit interne correspondentie in handen van Solar Magazine blijkt dat het Trade Defence comité van de Europese Raad (red. deze raad bestaat uit de regeringsleiders of gekozen staatshoofden van de lidstaten van de Europese Unie) het voorstel van de Europese Commissie heeft besproken om geen Expiry Review te openen. Het merendeel van de Europese lidstaten heeft daarbij besloten dat de importheffingen zo snel mogelijk stopgezet dienen te worden, te weten per 3 september.

Begin juni onthulde de redactie van Solar Magazine nog dat de importheffingen mogelijkerwijs wel met 1 jaar verlengd zouden worden. De Europese Unie (EU) maakte half maart bekend dat het de importheffing op kristallijn silicium zonnecellen en zonnepanelen die afkomstig zijn uit China per 3 september 2018 wil laten vervallen. Tot 3 juni kon er echter bezwaar aangetekend worden tegen dit voornemen; wat begin juni het geval blijkt te zijn volgens gegevens in handen van de redactie van Solar Magazine. Uit de documenten in handen van de redactie blijkt dat er bezwaar was aangetekend. De Europese Commissie had een zogenaamd ‘Expiry Review’-verzoek ontvangen.

De voorstanders van de importheffing – verenigd in EU ProSun en aangevoerd door SolarWorld-topman Milan Nitzschke – tonen zich in interne correspondentie teleurgesteld dat de Europese Unie de Expiry Review nu naast zich neer heeft gelegd. Zij vrezen dat het stopzetten van de importheffingen alle fabrikanten in de Europese Unie schade toe zal brengen.

De Europese Unie zal het stopzetten van de importheffingen vermoedelijk in de komende dagen via de officiële kanalen bevestigen.

Miljardeninjectie voor bankensysteem China

Gepubliceerd op 24 aug 2018 om 16:34 | Views: 273

PEKING (AFN/RTR) - De Chinese centrale bank (PBOC) gaat miljarden in de bankensector in het land pompen. Daarmee hoopt de toezichthouder kredietverstrekkers aan te moedigen om meer geld uit te lenen aan bedrijven en lokale overheden. Het gaat in eerste instantie om een bedrag van omgerekend bijna 19 miljard euro.

De aankondiging volgt kort op het nieuws dat de economische groei in het land wat lijkt te vertragen. Het monetaire beleid van China verschoof daarop de afgelopen weken meer in de richting van stimuleringsmaatregelen, zowel fiscaal als monetair. Banken en andere investeerders kunnen bij de PBOC relatief goedkoop een lening krijgen met de looptijd van een jaar.

Peking drong er eind vorige maand nog bij de banken op aan om meer bedrijfsobligaties op te kopen. Ook zouden lokale overheden de uitgifte van leningen moeten versnellen om daarmee infrastructuurprojecten te kunnen betalen. Verder zou de uitgifte de economische groei een impuls kunnen geven.
Air Products to build, own and operate coal-to-syngas plant in China

Air products announced it has been awarded a long-term onsite contract to supply syngas to Jiutai New Material Co Ltd for their multi-billion dollar mono-ethylene glycol project in Hohhot, China. Air Products will build, own and operate the air separation, gasification, and gas clean up processing facility that will include its proven and recently acquired Shell gasification technology. Air Products will invest about CNY 650 million to build, own and operate the facility, and will receive a fixed monthly fee under the long-term contract. The facility will be designed to produce over 500,000Nm3/hr of syngas, and will be comprised of five gasifiers, two approximately 100,000nm3/hr air separation units, with syngas purification and processing, as well as associated infrastructure and utilities. Jiutai will supply the coal feedstock and take all output from the plant. The project is expected to come onstream in the fourth quarter.

Air Products Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Seifi Ghasemi that “Air products is very pleased to have been awarde this very important gasification project by Jiutai. This facility will be the first plant 100 percent owned by Air Products and is a prime example of our gasification strategy focused on building, owning and operating the facilities and supplying syngas under long-term onsite contracts. We continue to build our credibility when it comes to gasification around the world. We acquired the Shell gasification technology, we executed at Lu’An in China, signed an agreement with Yankuang in China, just announced the world-class CNY 8 billionproject building on our success in Saudi Arabia, and now we have won this project for Jiutai. I repeat what I have said earlier, Air Products is by far, the premier gasification company in the world.”

The Jiutai Group was established in 2002 and is a large scale private enterprise engaged in the production of Methanol, Olefins, and other chemical products. Jiutai is headquartered in Beijing, China, with manufacturing bases in Shangdong, Inner Mongolia, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hebei Province puts cap on steel capacity to fight pollution

Xinhua reported that North China's Hebei Province will cap its steel capacity at 200 million tonnes by 2020 in its fight against air pollution. The total steel capacity in Hebei, Beijing's neighbor and home to several of the country's top 10 most polluted cities, was cut to 239 million tonnes by the end of 2017 from its peak of 320 million tonnes in 2011. Local authorities plan to cut a further 10 million tonnes this year.

The provincial government said Monday it will also limit the capacity for cement, flat glass, coal and coke to 200 million tonnes, 200 million weight boxes, 70 million tonnes and 80 million tonnes, respectively in 2020.

The government has ordered the closure or relocation of highly-polluting companies in urban areas. An economic structure dominated by heavy industry is the major factor behind severe air pollution in Hebei. Hebei has set a target to reduce the average concentration of PM2.5 to 55 micrograms per cubic meter in 2020, 15 percent less than in 2017. PM2.5, airborne particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, pose a significant risk to health.

Source : Xinhua
BaoSteel profit in H1 surges by 62pct YoY

Reuters reported that China’s Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd, the largest listed steel maker in the country, reported a 62.2% surge on first-half net profit on firm steel prices. BaoSteel posted net income of CNY 10.01 billion (USD 1.46 billion) in the first half of 2018, compared to CNY 6.17 billion a year ago as net income over April-June doubled to CNY 5 billion from CNY 2.38 billion in the same period last year. In the first six months, BaoSteel churned out 23.96 million tonnes of steel products. The company also said it had cut CNY 3.12 billion of cost in the first half of this year, outstripping its target 2018 target of reducing CNY 1.8 billion.

BaoSteel said “China’s steel supply and demand is expected to be stable in the second half this year. However the market remains at risk from weak infrastructure investment, new steel capacity and rising trade protectionism.’

It also said “Baosteel will keep a stable scale of output and sales and will speed up diversifying steel products from Zhanjiang steel base, while keep cutting costs in the whole company.”

Baosteel said in a separate statement it will invest CNY 18.85 billion to invest a blast furnace project at its Zhanjiang base with 3.6 million tonnes of annual capacity.

Source : Reuters
Bohai Steel Group enters bankruptcy proceedings

China Money Network reported that Bohai Steel Group, a debt-stricken state owned enterprise, has entered bankruptcy proceedings as Tianjin Higher People’s Court accepted its creditor Tianjin Seri Machinery Equipment Corp Ltd’s application to reorganize Bohai Steel Group on August 24th. The group’s bankruptcy and reorganization process involves 48 businesses located in Tianjin and Hebei province. Peng San, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Tianjin, said the reorganization process will bring in professional and financially sound strategic investors to improve company management and optimize its capital structure.

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said it will work with Tianjin municipal government to establish a creditors committee. The committee, local government and enterprises will fully communicate on major issues during the bankruptcy process, as how theses proceedings work in China with usually great interventions from the government.

Bohai Steel Group was formed in 2010 by four state-owned enterprises including Tianjin Iron and Steel Group Co Ltd, Tianjin Metallurgical Group Co Ltd and Tianjin Tiantie Metallurgical Group Co Ltd. The group became one of the Fortune 500 Companies in 2014 and 2015. As the company’s production capacity continued to expand, its debt level also increased. In 2016, its debt level reached RMB200 billion (US$29 billion). But as China’s economic growth slowed and the commodity industry plummeted, Bohai Steel Group ran into serious financial difficulties. Local government set up a debt committee trying to resolve the debt problems but detailed plans were never announced.

Source : China Money Network
China CATL plans to use less cobalt and more nickel for NCM 811 battery

Reuters reported that China’s largest lithium battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd plans to use less cobalt and to increase the usage of nickel in 2018 to produce its NCM 811 battery. As per report CATL plans to begin producing in 2019 next-generation nickel-rich batteries, which are cheaper to make and have longer life-span.

Source : Reuters
Nissan begins production of China focused electric car

Economic Times reported that Nissan's first electric sedan designed for China began production at the start of a wave of dozens of planned lower-cost electrics being created by global automakers for their biggest market. Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa said that “We're confident that the Sylphy Zero Emission rolling off the production line today will become a main player in the EV market. We're going to roll out a range of EVs that will appeal to customers within all market segments.''

The Sylphy Zero Emission, based on Nissan's leaf, is being produced by Nissan Motor Co and a Chinese partner, Dongfeng Motor group. The Sylphy costs CNY 166,000 (USD 25,850) after government subsidies, or just over half the sticker price of the Chinese version of the Leaf sold by Nissan and Dongfeng's joint venture Venucia brand. Nissan says the Sylphy can go 338 kilometers (210 miles) on a charge.

Manufacturers including General Motors and Volkswagen are poised this year to launch a flood of electric sedans, minivans and SUVs in China designed for local tastes and smaller budgets. Nissan, Tesla, GM and others sell imported electrics or electrified versions of models made by Chinese partners, but the market is dominated by low-cost local rivals including BYD Auto.

Source : Economic Times
Chinese automobile imports surge in July

China Daily reported that according to the General Administration of Customs, China's automobile and chassis imports witnessed strong growth in July due to government moves to lower tariffs for autos and auto parts with the value of vehicle and chassis imports rising by 66.1% to CNY 48.46 billion (USD 7 billion) last month. China imported 165,000 vehicles and chassis in July, surging 266.7% from June and up 50% YoY. Automobile and chassis export value rose 35.3% in July and 17.9% in the first seven months. In the first seven months of 2018, the total value of vehicle and chassis imports edged up 2.2%, while the amount was down by 3.1% YoY.

The Ministry of Finance announced earlier this year that China would cut import tariffs on vehicles and auto parts starting July 1, with tariffs for vehicles down from 25% and 20% to 15%.

Source : China Daily
Chinese firm going to complete construction of power transmission line in Brazil

Xinhua reported that Brazil's second ultra-high voltage transmission line is going to be completed ahead of schedule. Once constructed, the 2,518 kilometer line will transmit energy from the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant in northern Para state to Brazil's second-largest city and leading tourism destination Rio de Janeiro. China's Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation 1 (SEPCO1) is working to deliver its two tracts - one in southeast Minas Gerais state and the other in northeast Tocantins state - by February 2019, some three months before the contract deadline.

Aldo Camargo, project director for a nearly 254-km tract of transmission line, accredited the rapid pace of construction to good teamwork. Mr Camargo, who has worked for SEPCO1 in Brazil for 15 years said that "There's a very good understanding between the Brazilians and the Chinese. One of the principal characteristics (of the project) is the teamwork, respect and support we have gotten from the entire Chinese team.”

To speed up the construction, workers are teamed up to erect transmission towers and install the UHV cables. As soon as the cables are operational, a separate team will take care of the next steps to deliver energy for commercial use.

So far, the project has helped generate jobs and income for local communities. Recently, some 980 workers from the nearby towns of Sao Gotardo and Candeias were employed for the project.

Camargo's Chinese counterpart, Mr Ju Tao, highlighted Brazil's strict regulations to ensure environmental protection. Mr Ju said that "We always observe Brazil's environmental laws and regulations to reduce our impact on the environment while we work on the project." He said that for this project, "we took a series of measures to tackle noise, dust and waste. We also hired a local environmental consultant to better apply the environmental laws."

He added that "The project we're working on forms part of the Belt and Road Initiative and I'm very honored to have participated in its realization in Brazil."

Source : Xinhua
China aim to upgrade 48.68 GW coal fired utilities to meet ultra low emission targets

Reuters reported that China aims to upgrade 48.68 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power utilities across the country to meet the national ultra-low emission standards by 2018. According to a statement from the National Energy Administration. the move comes after China's years-long anti-pollution campaign that ordered all coal-fired power plants to complete ultra-low emission conversion by 2020.

Utilities in middle part of the country must complete the upgrade by the end of 2018, while western regions could extend the deadline to 2020. Those that fail to meet the emission standards by deadline will be shut down.

Central government will carry out inspections to urge local government and utilities to do their jobs.

Source : Reuters
'Yum China heeft geen trek in miljardenbod'

Gepubliceerd op 29 aug 2018 om 11:13 | Views: 1.278

Yum! Brands 15:39
86,14 +0,77 (+0,90%)

SHANGHAI (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De grootste uitbater van fastfoodrestaurants in China, Yum China, heeft naar verluidt een overnamebod van 17 miljard dollar afgewezen. Een groep investeerders aast volgens ingewijden al langer op de exploitant van Chinese vestigingen van ketens als Pizza Hut en KFC maar vindt tot dusver nul op zijn rekest.

De groep overnamepartijen zou bestaan uit investeerders Hillhouse, KKR en DCP Capital en een fonds van de Chinese overheid. Het consortium blijft ondanks het afgeketste bod wel in gesprek met Yum China. De investeerders willen het fastfoodbedrijf naar verluidt van de beurs in New York halen, om het later naar de beurs in Hong Kong te brengen.

Yum China werd twee jaar geleden afgesplitst van Yum Brands. Vestigingen van KFC en Pizza Hut kampen de laatste jaren met afzwakkende verkoop in China, onder andere als gevolg van veranderende eetgewoonten onder jongeren.
'Tesla-concurrent 8 miljard dollar waard'

Gepubliceerd op 29 aug 2018 om 09:54 | Views: 3.729

EUR/USD 15:52
1,17 0,00 (-0,19%)

SHANGHAI (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese maker van elektrische auto's NIO wil tot 1,3 miljard dollar ophalen bij zijn beursgang. Het bedrijf gaat 160 miljoen aandelen naar de beurs in New York brengen voor een prijs van 6,25 dollar tot 8,25 dollar per stuk, zo bleek woensdag. NIO zou daardoor tussen de 6,4 miljard dollar en 8,5 miljard dollar waard zijn.

De zeggenschap bij NIO blijft na de beursgang in handen van oprichter William Li en de Chinese internetreus Tencent. Li houdt 14,5 procent van de aandelen, maar 48,3 van het stemrecht. Tencent heeft na de beursgang nog 12,9 procent van de aandelen in handen, maar heeft ruim een vijfde van de stemmen.

NIO behoort tot een groep Chinese makers van elektrische auto's die snel willen uitbreiden. Zo willen ze de strijd aangaan met traditionele automakers en westerse makers van elektrische voertuigen als Tesla.
Five killed in China's Jiangsu plant - Report

Reuters reported that five people were killed by an explosion at an aluminium plant in eastern China's Jiangsu province on Tuesday morning. State run China citing local authorities reported that the blast occurred at around 2 AM (1800 GMT) in the city of Jiangyin, at a plant belonging to a company named as Yize Aluminium, according to the report.

Two people died at the scene and a further three in hospital, where one other victim is in a non-life-threatening condition.

Source : Reuters
War on smog to support Chinese steel sector

Business Insider reported that facing severe overcapacity, high levels of indebtedness and widespread losses, the Chinese government announced plans in late 2015 to support China’s steel sector, pledging to reduce 100 to 150 million tonnes of capacity between 2016 and 2020. Now, with nearly 18 months to spare, the government has already achieved its goal. Annual production capacity has been reduced to around 1.1 billion tonnes, leading to a sharp improvement in capacity utilization rates at China’s remaining steel producers. From the Commonwealth Bank, it shows that as capacity has been reduced, utilisation rates have improved dramatically, helping to support margins, the profitability of producers as well as bulk commodity prices, especially for high quality, high cost grades given an increased focus from policymakers to help improve air quality in northern regions of the country.

Mr Vivek Dhar, Mining and Energy Commodities Analyst at the Commonwealth Bank, said that those trends are likely to continue in the period ahead. He said that “We expect the uptrend in utilization rates still has a little bit more to go, before plateauing by 2019. We think higher capacity utilization rates will support steel prices as it has done since 2015. That will likely help demand and prices for coking coal and iron ore over the short term.”

Source : Business Insider
China's economy is in bad shape, but steel prices tell a very different story

CNBC reported that steel prices have diverged from China's falling stock market, indicating the world's second largest economy is more resilient than many fear. Stock investors have worried about slowing economic growth as Beijing tries to reduce its reliance on debt, especially in the face of rising trade tensions with the US Steel prices, on the other hand, are what actually reflect the current state of the economy, while stocks represent market sentiment on the growth outlook, said Larry Hu, head of greater China economics at Macquarie.

China's Nanhua rebar steel futures index is up 22 percent this year, versus the Shanghai composite's 16 percent decline.

Despite China's slow transition from being a manufacturing-driven economy toward one based on consumption, the steel industry is closely watched because it remains an important part of the overall economy.

Mr Hu said the stock market decline is probably a bit overdone, and noted previous divergences in steel and Chinese stock prices occurred at a turning point in monetary policy toward easing that would help stocks. In any event, Mr Hu said, there is little concern for stagflation a run up in prices with slowing growth, reminiscent of Japan.

In a reflection of the steel market, Chinese industry giant Baosteel announced late Monday Beijing time that profits in the first half of the year rose 62.2 percent year-over-year to 10.01 billion yuan (USD 1.47 billion). The company, officially called Baoshan Iron and Steel, said in a report that it anticipated that the steel industry will benefit from stability in the Chinese economy in the second half of the year. The company did warn of risks from rising trade protectionism.

Source : CNBC
China exporting alumina again as soaring prices upend market

Reuters reported that China is shipping unusually high volumes of alumina for a second time this year to an international market desperate for the ingredient used to make aluminium, traders and analysts said, even as domestic prices rise and put pressure on smelters. Chinese customs data shows that contracts to export over 140,000 tonnes of alumina from China were signed in July amid a favorable price arbitrage, according to consultancy CRU. That’s almost three times as much as was exported all of last year. China, the world’s top aluminium producer, has rarely exported significant volumes of alumina. That changed in April when US sanctions on Rusal compounded an outage at Norsk Hydro’s Alunorte plant in Brazil, deepening a global shortage of the white powder. International alumina prices are up 37% year to date to just under $560 a tonne, making Chinese exports profitable even though spot alumina prices in the smelting heartland of eastern China have surged by 20% from end-June to CNY 3,300 (USD 480) a tonne.

A Europe-based alumina trader, whose usual business of shipping alumina into China has been turned on its head said that “The price differential between the rest-of-the-world market and the Chinese market is significant.”

Source : Reuters
China Jiangxi Copper H1 net profit up by 54pct

Reuters reported that Jiangxi Copper Co one of China’s biggest copper producers net profit rose 53.9 percent year on year in the first half of 2018 due to higher copper prices. The Nanchang based company said its first-half net income came in at CNY 1.28 billion (USD 186.21 million), versus CNY 830.2 million a year earlier. In April, Jiangxi Copper reported first quarter net income of CNY 766 million, which, based on Reuters calculations, implies a profit of CNY 511 million for April to June, up 76.8 percent year on year and the company’s strongest second-quarter result since 2015. First-half revenues rose 6.3 percent to CNY 104.5 billion

The company, which is currently without a general manager after the abrupt exit of long-time executive Wu Yuneng last month, is one of the most influential members of the China Smelters Purchase Team, which sets quarterly treatment and refining charge floors for copper concentrate purchased from copper miners.

Source : Reuters
BYD to construct 20 GWh battery plant in Chongqing

Auto News China reported that BYD Co signed an agreement with the local government in China to construct a plant that can build up to 20 GW hours of batteries for electric vehicles in the southwest China municipality of Chongqing. The factory will be built in Chongqing’s Bishan district, with total investment to reach CNY 10 billion (USD 1.5 billion). The plant will produce battery cells, modules and other related components, according to the government. The Chongqing plant will become the fourth battery manufacturing site in China for BYD, the country’s largest electrified vehicle maker. BYD builds batteries for EVs and plug-in hybrids in Shenzhen and Huizhou in south China’s Guangdong province. The two plants combined can produce up to 16 GWh batteries a year.

In June, the company opened its third battery factory in a suburb of Xining, the capital of northwest China’s Qinghai province. The plant is expected to reach its annual production of 24 GWh of batteries in 2019.

Source : Auto News China
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