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China to set up recall system for polluting cars

Reuters reported that China's market regulator will set up a system to recall vehicles that violate the country's pollution and emissions standards with cars now the biggest source of smog in major cities. State Administration for Market Regulation said “China's air quality is going to come under even further pressure, with another 100 million vehicles set to ply its roads in the coming five years. China to set up recall system for polluting cars The nation's newly revised air pollution law includes provisions to recall vehicles that fail to meet state emissions standards, it said, and it has already studied similar product recall systems in the United States, Europe and Japan.”

The regulator is currently studying key issues like the identification of equipment defects and the quality of key components used in reducing engine emissions, but it will work with the environment ministry to draw up new legislation and aims to implement the new system as soon as possible.

Though China has been cracking down on factory emissions and curbing the consumption of coal, vehicle pollution remains a growing problem, increasing lung-damaging, ground-level ozone levels in many major cities. China's total vehicle fleet reached 310 million last year, and cars were responsible for about 45 % of air pollution in the capital, Beijing, and nearly 30 % in Shanghai, according to figures from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment earlier this year. China eliminated more than 20 million old and substandard vehicles from its roads last year to cut pollution, and it has also banned the sale of low-grade, high-emissions diesel.

Its "China VI" fuel standards, which are tougher than those used in the European Union, have already been introduced in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region - known for its heavy smog - and will be made mandatory nationwide at the beginning of next year.

Source : Reuters
Alibaba tempert verwachtingen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Alibaba heeft de resultaten zien stijgen in het afgelopen kwartaal, maar temperde wel de verwachtingen voor het hele jaar. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Chinese internetgigant.

De omzet steeg met maar liefst 54 procent naar 85,2 miljard renminbi, ofwel 12,4 miljard dollar. Daarmee zat Alibaba onder de 86,7 miljard renminbi die analisten volgens FactSet hadden verwacht, maar volgens CFO Maggie Wu deed Alibaba het daarmee wel beter dan alle concurrenten. De omzet uit cloud-diensten namen zelfs met 90 procent toe.

Netto verdiende Alibaba 20,0 miljard renminbi, een stijging op jaarbasis van 13 procent.

De nettowinst exclusief eenmalige posten kwam uit op 9,60 renminbi per aandeel, wat flink meer was dan de door analisten voorziene 7,42 renminbi. Toch stelde financieel directeur Wu dat "significante" investeringen op de winst drukten.

Het aantal maandelijkse mobiele gebruikers steeg in september met 32 miljoen naar 666 miljoen.


Alibaba zei voor dit boekjaar een omzet te voorzien van 375 tot 383 miljard renminbi, 4 tot 6 procent minder dan aanvankelijk geraamd en ruim minder dan de 396 miljard renminbi waarop analisten volgens FactSet rekenen.

Het aandeel Alibaba opent in Amerika vermoedelijk 5,5 procent hoger.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Update: Trump vraagt om concept voor handelsdeal China - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft regeringsfunctionarissen gevraagd een concept op te stellen voor een handelsakkoord met China. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg vrijdag op basis van bronnen.

Volgens een bron van Bloomberg is het intellectueel eigendom nog wel altijd een kwestie waarover de twee landen vooralsnog geen akkoord hebben bereikt.

Donderdag meldde Trump via Twitter al grote vooruitgang te boeken met zijn onderhandelingen met China.

Trump stelde een "lang en zeer goed" gesprek te hebben gehad met de Chinese president Xi Jinping. "We hebben over veel verschillende onderwerpen gesproken, maar nadrukkelijk over handel", aldus de Amerikaanse president. "We gaan mooi vooruit." Volgens Trump zijn er nieuwe bijeenkomsten gepland op de G20-top in Argentinië deze maand.

Het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua meldde verder dat Xi Jinping inderdaad bereid is tot een ontmoeting met Trump in Argentinië. Samenwerking is volgens de Chinese leider een win-win situatie voor beide landen, terwijl de huidige perikelen beide landen juist schaadt. Xi Jinping hoopt volgens Xinhua dan ook op een gezonde en stabiele relatie.

Eerder deze week meldde persbureau Bloomberg op basis van bronnen dat de VS klaar zijn om in december nieuwe importheffingen door te voeren, indien Trump en Jinping deze maand niet tot een akkoord kunnen komen over de handelsrelatie tussen China en de Verenigde Staten. Daarmee zouden de VS alle Chinese import belasten die tot nog toe gevrijwaard bleven van heffingen.

Update: om reactie Xi Jinping toe te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Chinese production stagnates in October - Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI

Operating conditions in China's manufacturing sector were little-changed from the previous month in October. Production was broadly unchanged, as total new business rose only slightly. Subdued sales were partly linked to weaker foreign demand, with export sales declining for the seventh month in a row. Relatively soft market conditions contributed to a further drop in workforce numbers, albeit modest, while buying activity rose only slightly. Furthermore, confidence regarding the business outlook for output dipped to an 11-month low. The headline seasonally adjusted Purchasing Managers Index, a composite indicator designed to provide a single-figure snapshot of operating conditions in the manufacturing economy, rose only slightly from 50.0 in September to 50.1 in October. This signaled that operating conditions were broadly unchanged at the start of the fourth quarter, after stagnating in the previous month. Prior to September, the health of the sector had improved for 15 consecutive months.

After rising in the preceding 27 months, manufacturing production in China was little-changed in October. According to panelists, output schedules were largely unchanged due to relatively subdued market demand.

After stagnating in September, total new orders expanded slightly in October. According to panelists, sluggish market conditions had dampened client demand, with some firms also citing reduced foreign demand. The amount of new export business fell for the seventh month running in October, though the rate of decline softened from September.

Employment fell again in October, thereby extending the current sequence of job shedding to five years. That said, the rate of reduction was the slowest seen since May. Lower workforce numbers were often linked to company down-sizing plans and staff retirements. However, a combination of payroll cuts and insufficient production led to a further modest rise in backlogs of work.

October survey data pointed to a renewed increase in buying activity among Chinese manufacturers. Reflective of the trend for new orders, however, the rate of expansion was marginal. Consequently, stocks of purchased items rose only slightly. Stocks of finished items meanwhile declined for the sixth month in a row, albeit marginally.

The time taken for purchased inputs to be delivered to manufacturers continued to lengthen in October. The rate at which vendor performance deteriorated was slightly quicker than seen in September.

Prices data signaled a further squeeze on operating margins as input costs continued to rise at a faster rate than output charges. Notably, the rate of cost inflation accelerated to the second-sharpest in nine months.

Although firms were generally optimistic that output would increase over the next year, sentiment dipped to an 11-month low amid concerns over current subdued market conditions and the impact of the ongoing China-US trade dispute.

Commenting on the China General Manufacturing PMI™ data, Dr. Zhengsheng Zhong, Director of Macroeconomic Analysis at CEBM Group said “The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI edged up to 50.1 in October from the month before. The subindexes for new orders and employment both edged higher, with the former remaining in expansionary territory and the latter in contractionary territory. The subindex for new export orders also recovered despite staying in negative territory, just off a more than two-year low in September. However, the output subindex dropped for the second straight month despite remaining in positive territory, which was in line with the recent significant drop in value-added industrial output despite the rise in manufacturing investment. This may indicate that investment was largely driven by demand related to environmental protection or technological transformation which reflects manufacturers’ production outlook over the next 12 months, stayed in positive territory but dipped further, suggesting ongoing low business confidence.The subindexes for output charges and input costs both stayed in positive territory, with the former falling and the latter climbing, indicating that upward pressure on the prices of industrial products remained. The sub indexes for stocks of finished items and those of purchased items both rose marginally, with the former in negative territory and the latter in positive territory, pointing to a stable demand for manufactured goods. The subindex for suppliers’ delivery times fell in October following a rise in the previous month and stayed in negative territory, implying ongoing pressure on capital turnover among goods producers. Overall, expansion across the manufacturing sector was still weak. Production and business confidence continued to cool despite stable demand. The pressure on production costs didn’t ease. China’s economy has not seen obvious improvement.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese dienstensector groeit nog nipt

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in oktober in een flink lager tempo gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector kwam uit op 50,8, na een stand in augustus van 53,1. Daarmee daalde de index naar het laagste niveau in 13 maanden.

Eerder bleek dat de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in oktober minimaal steeg van 50,0 naar 50,1.

Daarmee kwam de samengestelde index in oktober uit op 50,5, tegenover 52,1 in september. Dat betekende voor oktober de laagste stand in maar liefst 28 maanden.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Heineken en China Resources tekenen definitief

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Heineken heeft een definitief akkoord getekend voor een samenwerking met China Resources. Dit maakte de Nederlandse brouwer maandag vroeg bekend, nadat de samenwerking op 3 augustus al werd aangekondigd.

Heineken wordt voor 40 procent een minderheidspartner in China Resources Beer. Brouwer China Resources Beer is marktleider in China, de grootste biermarkt ter wereld. Heineken betaalt 24,3 miljard Hongkongse dollar voor het belang, omgerekend circa 3,1 miljard Amerikaanse dollar.

De huidige activiteiten van Heineken in China zullen worden samengevoegd met China Resources Beer. Ook zal Heineken haar merk aan China Resources Beer in licentie geven.

Volgens Heineken zijn de activiteiten van Heineken en die van China Resources Beer complementair.

"We kijken er naar uit om samen te groeien door gebruik te maken van het wereldwijde bereik en de marketingcapaciteit van Heineken om de internationale ontwikkeling van de biermerken van CR te versnellen", aldus CEO Jean-François van Boxmeer van Heineken maandag in een toelichting.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Xi oordeelt hard over Trumps handelspolitiek

Gepubliceerd op 5 nov 2018 om 07:42 | Views: 7.398

SHANGHAI (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese president Xi Jinping heeft zich in een nauwelijks verhulde aanval op de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump uitgesproken tegen diens protectionistische handelspolitiek. Het staatshoofd beloofde ook importtarieven te verlagen en de Chinese markt verder open te stellen voor buitenlandse bedrijven.

,,Aangezien de wereld steeds verder globaliseert, zijn handelspraktijken volgens de wetten van de jungle een doodlopende weg'', zei Xi op een handels-expo in Shanghai. Hij voegde daaraan toe dat ,,wederkerigheid, win-win en wederzijdse voordelen'' de beste benadering voor economische groei was.

Trump liet vorige week nog weten een lang en goed gesprek te hebben gehad met Xi, onder meer over internationale handel. Dat zorgde voor hoop op een mogelijk relatief snel handelsakkoord, dat inmiddels door een adviseur van het Witte Huis de kop is ingedrukt. De economische en politieke banden tussen de twee grootmachten zijn flink verslechterd door de importheffingen waarmee Washington Peking bestookt en waarop China telkens reageert.
China faces power supply risks as coal-fired capacity growth slows

Reuters reported that China added less coal-fired power capacity in the first nine months of the year than in the same period of 2017 and that could crimp electricity supply during peak periods of the coming winter. China Electricity Council (CEC) said in a report that China still added 15.73 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power from January to September, though that was 9.54 GW less than in the same period of last year. According to the report, over the same period, China added a record 59.25 GW of new, non-fossil fuel energy capacity, including 34.52 GW of new solar power. The CEC said that "The increasing share of renewable energy would lead to inadequate peak load regulation capacity. Therefore some areas may experience an electricity crunch during peak periods amid tight supplies of coal and natural gas.”

It said that at the end of September, China had 990 GW of coal-fired power capacity, making up 56.4 percent of total national capacity.

The council forecasts China will have total power generation capacity of around 1,900 GW by the end of this year, with coal-fired capacity rising to 1,010 GW, but it also said coal supply could be strained in some regions this winter.

China converted at least 4.8 million households from bulk coal to gas- or electricity-powered heating this year in central and northern regions. That is on top of 5.78 million households switched last year.

Source : Reuters
Trump Trade War - China property slowdown expected to hurt metals already hit

Bloomberg reported that China’s property slowdown is set to further weaken metals demand that’s already been hit by a trade war with the U.S. and a stronger dollar, sending prices toward their first annual loss in three years, according to a unit of GMK Holdings Co., which owns the country’s largest private copper smelter. “Expectations on the macro side have worsened a lot from the mid-year,” said Jiang Hang, head of commodity investment research at GM Corporation Ltd. “The current downturn in property sales will be an issue for a rather long time. That will also make front-end investment slow down gradually.” GM is an investment unit of GMK, which owns the Xiangguang copper plant in Shandong.

Chinese home price inflation slowed in September for the first time in half a year, adding to signs of a residential property market slowdown triggered by the government’s housing curbs. That’s raising concern about China’s demand for metals such as copper and other materials that are used heavily in construction.

Howevcer, there’s also growing evidence that the trade war is hurting the economy, and metals consumption, according to Jiang. Shipments of air conditioning units fell 8.5 percent in September from a year ago, according to government data. China’s manufacturing purchasing managers index slid in October and a gauge of new orders for export declined to the lowest since early 2016.

Meanwhile, and the situation may get worse. The US is preparing to announce tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports by early December if talks between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping fail to ease the trade war.

Source : Bloomberg
China demand for keep Vale iron ore price above USD 90 – CFO

Reuters reported that Vale CFO Luciano Siani said that Chinese demand for top quality iron ore from Brazil should stay strong despite trade tensions with the United States, helping the world’s top iron ore producer keep its prices above USD 90 per tonne in 2019. Mr Siani said “The Chinese demand would also support prices for average quality ore remaining around USD 60 to USD 70 per tonne next year. Vale’s ore should keep trading above USD 90 per tonne. China’s flight to quality is inexorable.”

He said “What will define Chinese demand for iron ore is continued urbanization, infrastructure investments, auto production. Chinese government tends to stimulate internal demand when the economy slows down.”

Beijing’s efforts to clean the Chinese skies by clamping down on polluting steel mills has fueled a need for high-grade iron ore, which boosts productivity and limits emissions. That has created an opening for suppliers of higher-quality ore such as Vale.

Still, Siani said it was hard to make forecasts beyond 2019.

The Chinese government is trying to make peace with Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, whose China-bashing threatens to chill a profitable trading relationship that has benefited both countries.

Source : Reuters
China’s iron ore port weekly stocks dip by 5.6pct - Mysteel’s

MySteel.net reported that imported iron ore stocks at China’s 45 ports across the country continued to decline over October 26-November 1, down sharply by 1.61 million tonnes or 5.6% on week to 143.57 million tonnes by November 1, as Chinese steel mills moved iron ore to their plants over the period amid high steel output, according to Mysteel’s latest weekly survey released on November 2.

Over October 26-November 1, the daily discharge rate at these 45 ports refreshed the record high since Mysteel commenced the survey in December 2015, being up further by 34,800 tonnes/day or 1.1% on week to 3.08 million t/d on average, as many steel mills especially those in North and East.

Source : MySteel.net
'Servicedivisie Alibaba miljarden waard'

Gepubliceerd op 8 nov 2018 om 14:23 | Views: 861

Alibaba Group Holding Limited 16:24
149,96 -2,54 (-1,67%)

HONGKONG (AFN/RTR) - De onlangs gevormde on-demand servicedivisie van techreus Alibaba zou momenteel een slordige 30 miljard dollar waard zijn. Volgens bronnen heeft het bedrijf onlangs 4 miljard dollar opgehaald. Die investering zou een dergelijke waardering voor het onderdeel rechtvaardigen.

Alibaba bracht onlangs zijn maaltijdbezorgservice Ele.me en online restaurantgids Koubei samen onder één managementteam. Daarbij werd ook een fondsenwerving aangekondigd.

In april kocht Alibaba de aandelen Ele.me, die nog niet in bezit waren van de Chinezen. Die deal waardeerde het onderdeel op 9,5 miljard dollar. Koubei was eind 2017 circa 8 miljard dollar waard, zo bleek uit documenten van autoriteiten in China.

De miljarden die onlangs werden opgehaald zouden deels uit de zak van Alibaba zelf komen. Ook het VisionFund van het Japanse SoftBank, investeerder Primavera en Alibaba-partner Ant Financial droegen naar verluidt hun steentje bij. De financieringsronde wordt volgens de bronnen eind november afgerond.
Beursblik: Chinese exporteurs sorteren voor op hogere importheffingen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Sterke exportcijfers in oktober laten zien dat Chinese exporteurs bezorgd zijn dat de Amerikaanse importheffingen worden verhoogd in januari. Dit concludeerde econoom Iris Pang van ING donderdag.

Pang denkt dat het voorsorteren op een mogelijke verhoging ook de rest van het jaar zichtbaar zal zijn in de cijfers. Zij denkt namelijk niet dat de ontmoeting tussen de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump en de Chinese leider Xi Jinping tijdens de G20-top een positief resultaat zal opleveren.

Huidige importheffingen van 10 procent worden begin volgend jaar mogelijk verhoogd naar 25 procent.

Gerekend in dollars nam de Chinese export in oktober met 15,6 procent toe. De import steeg met 21,4 procent.

Hierdoor steeg het Chinese handelsoverschot van 31,7 miljard dollar naar 34,0 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Tencent snijdt in marketingbudget door regels

Gepubliceerd op 8 nov 2018 om 09:35 | Views: 870

PEKING (AFN) - De Chinese internetreus Tencent lijkt te gaan snijden in het marketingbudget van zijn gamesdivisie. Het bedrijf kampt met strengere regels vanuit Peking, terwijl ook de tragere economische groei in China het concern parten speelt. Volgens een document in handen van persbureau Bloomberg wordt leidinggevenden bij de verkoopdivisies gevraagd de uitgaven in te dammen.

Marketingbudgetten van games die nog niet de goedkeuring hebben van autoriteiten worden naar verluidt teruggestort in de kas van Tencent. Elders in het bedrijf wordt gesneden in de kosten.

Autoriteiten hebben het toezicht op de gamesindustrie, goed voor meer dan 30 miljard dollar aan inkomsten, verscherpt. Het land wil onder meer controle hebben over cultureel beleid. Sinds een paar maanden is het goedkeuringsproces voor games door Peking bevroren. Eerder werden ook al ,,ongepaste en vulgaire" games verboden.

De ingrepen zullen bij Tencent naar verwachting zorgen voor de eerste winstdaling in tien jaar. De omzet over het derde kwartaal valt naar verwachting 'slechts' 24 procent hoger uit. Sinds de piek in januari verloor het bedrijf al 200 miljard dollar aan beurswaarde.
Chinese export groeit beduidend meer dan voorzien

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese export is in oktober flink gegroeid. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

In yuan steeg de export op jaarbasis met 20,1 procent, nog meer dan de 17 procent die over september werd gemeld.

De import nam in oktober gemeten in yuan zelfs met 26,3 procent toe, ook flink meer dan de 17,4 procent in september.

Gerekend in dollars nam de Chinese export in september met 15,6 procent toe, meer dan de 11,0 procent door economen voorzien. De import steeg met 21,4 procent. Hier hadden economen gerekend op 13,0 procent.

Hierdoor steeg het Chinese handelsoverschot van 31,7 miljard dollar naar 34,0 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Beursblik: Chinese exporteurs sorteren voor op hogere importheffingen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Sterke exportcijfers in oktober laten zien dat Chinese exporteurs bezorgd zijn dat de Amerikaanse importheffingen worden verhoogd in januari. Dit concludeerde econoom Iris Pang van ING donderdag.

Pang denkt dat het voorsorteren op een mogelijke verhoging ook de rest van het jaar zichtbaar zal zijn in de cijfers. Zij denkt namelijk niet dat de ontmoeting tussen de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump en de Chinese leider Xi Jinping tijdens de G20-top een positief resultaat zal opleveren.

Huidige importheffingen van 10 procent worden begin volgend jaar mogelijk verhoogd naar 25 procent.

Gerekend in dollars nam de Chinese export in oktober met 15,6 procent toe. De import steeg met 21,4 procent.

Hierdoor steeg het Chinese handelsoverschot van 31,7 miljard dollar naar 34,0 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
China's solar power firms surge on policy support optimism

Reuters reported that shares in China's solar power firms surge, aided by media reports that Beijing will continue its policy support for the sector.

Solar panel components maker Longi Green Energy Technology, solar cell maker Tongwei and Sungrow Power Supply all soar by their 10 per cent daily limits.

The National Energy Administration, in a solar power development meeting, stresses that solar power remains the clean energy that China will give key support to, the official Shanghai Securities Journal reports

In the future, China will give more support to solar power and the government will continue to subsidise the sector till end of 2022, the report says, adding that in 2019 the rollout of policies for the sector will be accelerated.

Source : Reuters
Construction begins on China first floating nuclear plant

ECNS reported that construction on a floating nuclear power plant worth 1.4 million yuan (USD 202,000) has begun in Yantai, East China's Shandong Province, which will reportedly be the country's first floating nuclear power plant. The first platform of the project will be put into use in 2021. It will be able to provide clean energy to coastal cities, islands, offshore work platforms, polar and remote regions. The construction is a major step to guaranteeing China's marine strategy and security.

The China National Nuclear Corporation is in charge of the project, the report said, citing announcements made at the 2018 nuclear power industry forum in Yantai on Thursday.

At the start of the year, the CNNC and Yantai government signed an agreement to cooperate on a clear energy composite supply platform and pool-type low-temperature reactor, according to the CNNC website.

Source : ECNS
China's Sinopec, CNPC speed up oil, gas drilling to boost output

Reuters reported that China's Sinopec and CNPC are speeding up drilling and exploration from major tight and shale oil and gas formations in the country's western regions to boost domestic output. New exploration in shale gas, tight oil and tight gas will lead to growth in production for the country's largest oil and gas producer, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the firm's official newspaper reported, citing an internal conference from its upstream services unit. The drilling cycle at the Mahu field in Xinjiang, one of CNPC's largest findings in recent years, fell 40 percent from a year go, CNPC said, implying that oil wells are being completed and produced at a faster rate.

Despite having large domestic oil and gas reserves, China has become the world's biggest importer of crude oil, and this year it is also expected to overtake Japan as the top buyer of liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG shipments cost China around $25 billion in October alone, according to Reuters calculations.

CNPC this year increased spending in its upstream sector after a government call to safeguard China's energy security by increasing domestic output.

Sinopec said that it planned to tap 66 new natural gas wells and install 23 gas drilling stations over winter to increase supplies from its fields in southwestern China, the company said in its official newspaper. China needs more gas because it is in the midst of a gasification push that is moving millions of households and factories from coal-fired power and heating to gas.

Source : Reuters
Chinese steel demand has likely peaked - Baowu Steel Chairman

Bloomberg reported that China’s top steel mill Baowu Steel says That domestic usage has probably hit a peak and will stabilise at these levels, as absolute growth in the economy offsets changes in the nature of demand. Mr Chen Derong, chairman of China Baowu Steel Group Corp, said "The Chinese economy is moving from high-speed to high-quality growth, but the growth is still certain and the growth rate globally isn't low. That'll counter the broader re-balancing away from investment and toward consumption, and lead to stabilised circumstances for an extended period.”

Mr Chen however said “Still, prices remain relatively buoyant, indicating that the economy is doing fine and that domestic demand is resilient.”

His view suggests that consumption is moving in sync with production, which other commentators have forecast will top-out this year before falling in 2019.

Prices in China have surged to a seven-year high in the summer, bolstered by capacity cuts and an environmental crackdown. The risks to demand have since been piling up as China jousts with the US over trade. Economic expansion slowed to 6.5 per cent last quarter, its weakest pace since 2009, while imports of iron ore, the raw material for steel, contracted in the first nine months of the year.

Source : Bloomberg
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