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BYD roll out first electric bus

Gasgoo reported that BYD's new energy bus manufacturing base located at Wangyuan Industrial Park in Yinchuan City saw its first complete vehicle officially roll off the assembly line on September 18, according to local media. This is also the first all-electric bus that was independently made in Ningxia. BYD signed an agreement with Yinchuan municipal government on April last year to build an electric bus base in Yongning County, which reportedly started construction on June 7, 2017. Less than 16 months later, such main facilities as the bus car factory, the all-electric bus manufacturing factory, the painting workshop, the testing workshop as well as the administration building have been completed. Moreover, 500 units of all-electric buses bought by Yinchuan Public Transport Co Ltd have been deployed across the city.

According to Wangjie, vice president of BYD, the company's Yinchuan NEV base will take Ningxia as the foothold and radiate businesses to surrounding markets, such as Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang. The planned capacity per shift is 1,000 all-electric buses on an annual basis. Besides, the Yinchuan base will strive to achieve a yearly output value exceeding RMB 1.5 billion. The automaker will deepen the cooperation with Yinchuan City onward in such areas as the PV and railway transportation, etc.

Source : Gasgoo
Chinese investors pull out from building Bosnian Power Plant

Balkan Insight reported that construction of a thermal power plant, block 7, in the northeastern Bosnian town of Tuzla is now on hold after Chinese investors said they were retreating from the project. According to the report, the three companies from China, Gezhouba Group and Guandong Electric Power Design Institute and Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited, failed to get a green light from the parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the larger of Bosnia's two entities.

With only two weeks left before general elections take place in Bosnia on October 7, the chances of an assembly session being held where the deal could be finalised are small.

Dzenan Dzonglagic, an opposition MP, told Klix.ba that "After so many months without that contract, it is an illusion that something can be done in such a short period.”

After the 16+1 Budapest summit in November 2017, Bosnia's electric power company Elektroprivreda BiH took an 700 million euro loan from China's Exim bank to finish the thermal power plant in Tuzla, the largest single post-war investment in the country.

Elektroprivreda then hired three Chinese companies to construct the thermal power plant.

Source : Balkan Insight
LM Wind installs 66.6 meter blades on Shanghai Electric Wind Power

On September 18, the first two sets of LM 66.6 blades have been successfully installed on Shanghai Electric Wind Power’s 4.0MW-136 wind turbine in China. Shanghai Electric Wind Power’s 4MW platform is designated for Windclass II areas in Shanghai and beyond. We provided onsite support and service to carry out the installation of the LM 66.6 blades at the Shanghai Lingang Phase I site. The installation of the 66.6-meter offshore blades on September 6, 2018 follows the signing of our first deal with the leading offshore wind turbine manufacturer, Shanghai Electric Wind Power. In the two-year agreement, our blade plant in Qinhuangdao will deliver the LM 66.6 blade sets during 2018 and 2019.

Shanghai Electric Wind Power Sourcing Director, Mr David Chen, said that “LM Wind Power’s proven offshore track record of quality and reliability was decisive in the selection of these long, advanced blades for our 4MW turbine. This will strengthen our offer to our customers in Windclass II projects.”

LM Wind Power’s Vice President, Offshore, Alexis Crama, added that “This deal is a significant milestone for LM Wind Power to expand in China’s growing offshore market. We are proud to have earned the trust of Shanghai Electric Wind Power, a reliable and accountable partner that has demonstrated its leadership in the Chinese offshore market. We look forward to supporting Shanghai Electric Wind Power and their customers in the coming years to further develop the offshore market and support China’s green energy needs.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EU counters Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

The new strategy released will offer a different approach to that taken by Beijing with its flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The EU emphasis is on sustainability, proposing that investments should respect labour rights, not create political or financial dependencies, and guarantee a level playing field for businesses. Given the rapidity of China’s economic development in the past 30 years it has taken the EU some time to acknowledge the growing power and influence of Beijing. Not only has China become a trading giant, it sits on the world’s largest currency reserves and is an increasingly important provider of foreign investment including in Europe. Recently, however, a number of developments have generated a sense of caution among European politicians and policymakers.

China’s refusal to tackle the dominant position of its state owned enterprises led the EU to refuse to grant China market economy status. Beijing’s targeting of European technology has also led to plans for screening of Chinese investments in Europe. But it was the massive infrastructure investments under BRI that raised concerns in Brussels, as well as Washington, Delhi and other capitals about the implications of China’s approach.

This spring EU ambassadors in China penned a report critical of the BRI for being economically, environmentally, socially and financially unsustainable. It also criticised China for discriminating against foreign businesses, the lack of transparent bidding processes and the limited market access for European businesses in China.

China’s involvement in the EU and its neighbourhood also rang warning bells. In 2014, Montenegro concluded an agreement with China Exim Bank on the financing for 85% of a highway construction project, with the estimated cost equaling 25% of the country’s GDP.

The IMF has repeatedly stated that construction should only continue on the basis of concessional funds. Many believe that a debt default is likely, which may result in the involuntary handover of critical infrastructure to China.

China: VS is pestkop in handelsvete

Gepubliceerd op 24 sep 2018 om 07:57 | Views: 3.942

PEKING (AFN/RTR/BLOOMBERG) - China beschuldigt de Verenigde Staten van ,,pesterij'' in de handelsoorlog tussen beide economische grootmachten. Ook zijn er geen handelsgesprekken mogelijk tussen Peking en Washington zolang de Amerikanen met nieuwe heffingen dreigen, aldus staatspersbureau Xinhua.

Vanaf maandag zijn nieuwe importheffingen door de VS en China op elkaars goederen in werking getreden. Het gaat om Amerikaanse tarieven op 200 miljard dollar aan Chinese goederen en Chinese heffingen op Amerikaanse goederen ter waarde van 60 miljard dollar. Deze komen bovenop sancties op 50 miljard aan goederen die beide landen elkaar eerder oplegden.

Xinhua verwijst in zijn berichtgeving over de handelsoorlog naar een onderzoeksrapport van de overheid. Volgens dat rapport verdraait Washington de feiten in de Amerikaans-Chinese handelsvete. Ook beschuldigt Peking de Amerikanen van intimidatie van andere landen, mede door met importheffingen te dreigen.


Volgens Xinhua blijft de deur van China voor handelsgesprekken altijd openstaan, maar moeten deze onderhandelingen wel plaatsvinden in een omgeving van wederzijds respect. Peking blijft streven naar ,,redelijke oplossingen'' in het handelsgeschil met de VS.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft al gedreigd met nog meer heffingen tegen China. Daarbij gaat het om heffingen op nog eens 267 miljard dollar aan goederen van Chinese makelij. Als alle heffingen waarmee Trump dreigt, daadwerkelijk uitgevoerd worden, zou dat vrijwel de gehele export van China naar de VS betreffen. Trump ergert zich aan het grote Chinese handelsoverschot met de VS. Ook beschuldigt hij China ervan Amerikaans intellectueel eigendom te misbruiken voor eigen gewin.
'VS houdt China mes op de keel'

Gepubliceerd op 25 sep 2018 om 08:06 | Views: 2.477

PEKING (AFN/RTR) - Handelsgesprekken tussen China en de Verenigde Staten zijn moeizaam geweest, omdat de Amerikanen China ,,een mes op de keel hielden''. Dat heeft de Chinese onderminister van Handel Wang Shouwen gezegd. Of en wanneer de gesprekken weer volledig hervat kunnen worden, hangt volgens hem volledig van de Amerikanen af.

Het is niet zo dat alle handelsgesprekken zinloos zijn geweest, stelde Wang. Wel heeft de VS volgens hem het wederzijds begrip laten varen in de gesprekken met China.

China zegde afgelopen weekeinde nieuwe handelsgesprekken met de Amerikanen af, zolang er gedreigd wordt met nieuwe heffingen. Peking beschuldigde de Amerikaanse regering bovendien van pesterij in de handelsoorlog.
dat lijkt ver weg maar 2030 is zo:)!!!
China is op koers om de Verenigde Staten in 2030 af te lossen als grootste economie van de wereld. Economen van de Britse bank HSBC zeggen dat in tegenspraak met claims van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump, die ontkent dat de VS zijn economische toppositie op termijn moet afstaan.

Volgens de economen draagt China het komende decennium bovendien het meeste bij aan de wereldwijde economische groei. Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF) voorspelde in juli al dat China in 2030 's werelds grootste economie zou hebben. Volgens de voorspelling van HSBC groeit het bruto binnenlands product (bbp) van het Aziatische land van 14,1 biljoen dollar nu naar 26 biljoen dollar in 2030. De VS zit dan op 25,2 biljoen dollar, waar de economie nu nog 20,4 biljoen dollar waard is.
China verlaagt diverse importtarieven

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China verlaagt een aantal importtarieven per 1 november van dit jaar. Dit meldde Dow Jones Newswires woensdag.

Beijing brengt voor een aantal importgoederen de tarieven terug, waardoor het algemene tarief neerwaarts wordt bijgesteld van 9,8 procent naar 7,5 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Trump Trade War - Rusal seeks to create a China trading team

Reuters quoted three sources with knowledge of the matter as saying that Russian aluminum giant United Company Rusal is assembling a team of traders in China, as the specter of US sanctions hangs over its sales to customers in the West. The sources said Rusal is in the process of setting up a trading company to house the team, which will include a sales manager, an aluminum trader and an alumina trader.

Rusal will task the team with trading domestically sourced aluminum in China. It also expects them to look for opportunities to import the metal, as well as export aluminum products from the country, according to a job description for a sales director role reviewed by Reuters.

An analyst position has also been created at the new entity, which will be located in Beijing, after Rusal earlier considered Shanghai, the sources added.

Source : Reuters
Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer wants to set up plant in India - Report

Financial Express reported that China's leading electric vehicle company, Sunra, sees India soon emerging as the world's biggest market for electric bikes and plans to set up a factory in the country. The firm, which exports e-bikes and its spares to some 70 countries, including India, said that it is upbeat about investing in the country, especially in light of Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi's policies for the electric vehicle sector and an invitation to companies to manufacture e-vehicles in India. Sunra's General Manager Mr Victor Lu told IANS that "We are studying the policies and we want to set up a factory in India, most likely in Bangalore (Bengaluru).”

Mr Victor added that "We see India as the world's biggest market for e-bikes and we want to tap into it. There is a so much pollution in Delhi and other Indian cities. People would switch to e-bikes very soon."

According to McKinsey, China has emerged as the leader in both the supply of and demand for electric vehicles. In 2017, 777,000 EVs were sold in China as compared to 507,000 in 2016. Victor, however, thinks India will outpace China in four or five years in terms of demand for e-vehicles.

Source : Financial Express
Chinese CCCC drills East Africa’s longest railroad tunnel successfully

CGTN Africa reported that China Communications Construction Company Limited (CCCC), contractors of the Nairobi – Naivasha SGR Phase 2A, have successfully drilled the longest railway tunnel in East Africa, at Embulbul in Kajiado County, Kenya. The 4.5 km Ngong tunnel has been designed as a single-track railway tunnel with a clearance height of 9 meters and a width of 7 meters. CCCC engineers used the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) of drilling and blasting to build the tunnel. This is the first time that such a method has been used on such a large scale in Kenya. The tunneling method is economical, efficient and has strong adaptability for different geological and groundwater conditions. The NATM method controls surface collapse effectively and enhances the working environment during construction. A 533-meter wide emergency rescue channel has also been built within the tunnel to allow for vehicle access in case of emergencies.

Meanwhile, about 600 workers and engineers worked tirelessly overcoming all odds for twenty four months to accomplish the engineering marvel. The Embulbul tunnel is the first of the three sections of the 7.14km SGR tunnel. The other two sections of the tunnel located in Nachu – Kikuyu Constituency cover 1km and 1.64km respectively.

The development of the line is expected to be completed within 2019.

Source : CGTN Africa
China's land developers funding source at risk in pre-sales crackdown - Report

Bloomberg reported that China's debt-laden developers face a potentially devastating blow to their biggest source of financing, as the authorities consider putting an end to the practice of selling flats before they are finished. Guangdong's provincial housing authority is considering scrapping such pre-sales. The system lets developers receive the entire sale proceeds upfront before construction has finished, which they then use to finance further land purchases and developments. The move would place further strain on the sector, which is facing a record USD 23 billion maturity wall in the first quarter of next year.

Country Garden Holdings, which has relied on pre-sales to help fuel its growth, slumped as much as 8 per cent before closing 5.6 per cent lower. China Evergrande Group declined 4.9 per cent and closed 3.6 per cent lower. A gauge of 22 major Chinese developers, mostly traded in Hong Kong, slid 4 per cent, the biggest fall in almost six weeks.

It said that the authorities want to move away from pre-sales to curb risk in China's real estate market, which by some estimates accounts for as much as 20 per cent of the country's gross domestic product.

The document noted that the current system fuels excessive property investment and has attracted incompetent developers into the industry. Ending it would help reduce the sector's high leverage and tackle related financial risks.

In a worst-case scenario of a complete overhaul, "about a third of small developers will disappear", said property analyst Zhao Ke of China Merchants Securities.

Source : Bloomberg
World oil demand, refining growth to peak in 2035 - China's Unipec

Reuters quoted China's Unipec as saying that world oil demand will peak at 104.4 million barrels per day (bpd) in the mid-2030s, up from just below 100 million bpd currently, as new technologies gradually eat into oil use. Improved energy efficiency and technological changes, including the rise of renewables, meant global oil demand growth would slow in coming years before peaking in 2035, Unipec President Chen Bo told the annual Asia Pacific Petroleum Conference (APPEC). This in turn will slow growth in global oil refining capacity, which is set to hit 5.6 billion tonnes per year in 2035.

Mr Chen said that "We believe 2018-2035 will be the last cycle of global refining capacity expansion. After 2035, it is difficult to see large-scale refining projects in construction, except for some small upgrade projects and petrochemical projects."

He said that Unipec is the trading arm of Asia's largest refiner Sinopec. The switch to cleaner fuels will also boost global demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG), particularly in the Asia Pacific, after 2025.

Source : Reuters
Trump Trade War - Ford may boost production in China

Channel News Asia quoted a senior executive as saying that Ford is looking at speeding up plans to build more Lincoln models in Chinese plants amid the growing trade war with the United States that has made US exports less attractive. Mr Joseph Hinrichs, Ford's executive vice president for global operations, said he did not see any easy resolution to the trade dispute between the United States and China. He added that "I believe this US-China discussion will go on for a while."

Mr Hinrichs said that with tariffs on vehicles exported to China now reaching 40 %, there is no business case for exporting vehicles from the United States. He added that "China is a very important market for us. You're talking about two very powerful economies so we're going to have to plan accordingly."

Mr Hinrichs also said he hoped a breakthrough on a revised North American Free Trade Agreement could be achieved this week on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York to keep Canada in the continental trade pact.

Source : Channel News Asia
China stelt landbouw verder open - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China zal zijn agrarische sector verder openstellen voor buitenlandse investeerders. Dit meldde persbureau Bloomberg donderdag.

De Chinese minister van landbouw Han Changfu zei dat China geen handelsoorlog met de Verenigde Staten wenst, maar daar ook niet bang voor is, volgens het bericht, dat werd overgenomen van het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua.

China zal de samenwerking op landbouwgebied vooral richten op de landen langs de zogenaamde nieuwe Zijderoute. Met die landen bouwt China aan een infrastructuurnetwerk dat Azië via land en zee beter moeten verbinden met Afrika en Europa.

Het land zal volgens de minister echter ook actief reageren als andere grote landbouwproducenten meer willen exporteren naar China.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China richest man to invest USD 1.9 billion in Chinese auto industry

Forbes reported that China Evergrande Group, controlled by China’s richest man Mr Hui Ka Yan, has agreed to invest USD 1.9 billion for a 41% stake in one of the country’s largest automobile distributors. The investment in Xinjiang Guanghui Investment would also include cooperation in energy, real estate and logistics.

China Evergrande Group, one of the country’s largest real estate developers, has worked to diversify its business in recent years.

China boasts the world’s largest auto market and aims to become a world leader in electric vehicles. Evergrande Health Industry Group, controlled by China Evergreen Group, announced a USD 853 million investment for a stake in EV-maker Faraday Future in June.

Source : Forbes
China Q4 copper smelters charges fixed

Reuters quoted two sources with direct knowledge of the matter as saying that China’s top copper smelters have set their floor treatment and refining charges for the fourth quarter at USD 90 per tonne and 9 cents per pound. Sources said that the floor charges, were agreed at a meeting of the 10 member China Smelters Purchase. The group set no floor for the third quarter. One year ago, the fourth-quarter TC/RCs were set at USD 95 per tonne and 9.5 cents a pound.

The fourth-quarter rates are more significant since they influence the negotiations for global TC/RCs for 2019 which will start next month at the LME Week conference in London. The global price greatly determines the profitability of both miners and smelters.

CSPT member Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group and miner Freeport-McMoRan In agreed last December to set the 2018 TC benchmark at USD 82.25 a tonne.

Mr Xu Maili, director of non-ferrous metals research at Everbright Futures in Shanghai said that the fourth-quarter charges are “on the high side every year.” TC/RCs were at USD 87 in the first quarter and USD 78 in the second quarter.

Source : Reuters
Chinese penis building 'Ejaculates' fireworks for mid-autumn fest - Report

According to the Guangxi News Agency, local media outlets have said the building was designed to mimic the beautiful rice terraces that sprawl out over Guangxi and Yunnan, after two years of construction, the Guangxi New Media Center was completed last month in Nanning. Design is one thing, execution is another. The building has received a fair bit of attention, being heavily criticized and mocked for its clear resemblance to the male member. Worse yet, the ‘terraces’ kinda make the tower look like it is wearing a ribbed condom.

The situation got even weirder on Sunday when the building allegedly played host to a fireworks display, with the pyrotechnics launched from the top floor of the new media fortress to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival.

One 'staff member' told Pear Video that the video was "PS," meaning Photoshopped. While we’re no experts in video doctoring, we have to admit the footage does look suspect and we’re inclined to believe there's a film editor out there somewhere who is having quite the laugh.

Source : That Smags
Update2: Chinese TCL interesse in belang ASMI in ASM PT - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Chinese TCL Corp. zou een bod op het resterende belang van ASM International in ASM Pacific Technologies overwegen. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg vrijdag op basis van bronnen bekend met de kwestie.

Het betreft een belang van 25 procent met een waarde van ongeveer 1 miljard dollar, uitgaande van slotkoers van vandaag.

TCL is een fabrikant van onder meer mobiele telefoons tot koelkasten.

ASMI zei tegen ABM Financial News geen commentaar te willen geven op de mediaberichten. Woordvoerder Ian Bickerton herhaalde echter de eerder uitgesproken visie van ASMI dat de toeleverancier van de halfgeleidersector nog steeds gelooft in de strategische waarde van zijn belang in ASM Pacific Technologies.

De activistische aandeelhouder Elliott Management dringt al geruime tijd aan dat ASMI het volledig belang in ASM PT van de hand doet, ook nadat ASMI het belang al deels verkocht.

Het aandeel ASMI steeg vrijdag 4,0 procent naar 45,20 euro.

Update2: om reactie ASM International toe te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China plans to launch iron ore options in 2019

Reuters reported that China aims to launch iron ore options next year, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said, as the world's top buyer of the steelmaking raw material looks to offer more hedging tools to iron ore producers and steelmakers. China's plan follows the opening of its iron ore futures to foreign investors in May, and would challenge iron ore options in Singapore, where the bulk of global trades is concentrated, as well as in New York. The source told Reuters "The Dalian Commodity Exchange is still working on preparations for the iron ore options. But it won't take too long and could be launched by the end of 2019 at the latest," declining to be identified as the plan has not been approved by market regulators.

The Dalian Commodity Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission did not immediately respond to faxed requests for comment.

As a hedging tool, options would allow iron ore traders, miners and steel mills to manage price exposure, giving the buyer the right - but no obligation - to assume a futures position at a specified price.

The ability to carry out hedging trades could encourage more primary users to take part in the iron ore futures market, which traders say has been dominated by speculative investors who have deserted the market recently amid stagnant prices.

Iron ore options are mainly traded on the Singapore Exchange, with 1.77 million contracts, equal to 176.8 million tonnes, traded in January to August, exchange data showed. New York-based CME Group Inc also offers iron ore options.

The Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) allowed foreign investors to directly trade iron ore futures for the first time in May, hoping the most liquid iron ore derivative in the world would benefit from more institutional investors.

Source : Reuters
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