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The Belt and Road - Chinese project of the century

A short explainer on the history and planned development of Xi Jinping’s signature initiative to put China at the center of a global network of transport, commerce, and infrastructure.

Quick facts on China’s Belt and Road
Belt and Road is basically a network of railroads, highways, gas and oil pipelines, and ports across Asia and beyond.
President Xi Jinping first proposed Belt and Road as the “Silk Road Economic Belt with Central Asian Countries” during a visit to Kazakhstan in 2013.
The project name later changed to the “Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road,” or “One Belt, One Road,” abbreviated to OBOR. By the time of the Belt and Road Forum of May 2017, Chinese official statements were calling it the “Belt and Road Initiative,” or BRI.
Belt and Road comprises two economic chains: a land route, stretching across Western China, Central Asia, and into Europe, as well as a maritime route, which flows along China’s eastern coast, threads through Southeast Asia, then turns to Africa and wraps up in Europe.
The project has received pledges of more than $1 trillion in infrastructure investments across more than 60 countries, with China recently committing $124 billion in funding.
Belt and Road has signed on 65 countries as of 2016, with 28 heads of state attending China’s summit in May.

China’s new leader makes a defining announcement
On September 7, 2013, Xi Jinping took the stage inside a wood-paneled lecture hall at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan. Earlier in the week, the new Chinese president - who was selected to become leader of the Communist Party of China in November 2012, and assumed the role as head of state in March 2013 - had attended his first Group of 20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. There, in his opening speech, he proudly declared China’s mission to expand the global market and create more development opportunities in other countries.

In Kazakhstan, speaking in front of government officials, university faculty, and students, President Xi returned to his pledge of greater economic engagement, emphasizing stronger trade ties and regional cooperation to reach shared economic and development goals. To that end, he announced ambitions to revive the ancient Silk Road, on which merchants thousands of years ago transported silk, porcelain, and jade from China to Europe by way of Central Asia. “I can almost hear the ring of the camel bells and [see] the wisps of smoke in the desert,” he said. He was just as clear about what his objectives were not. “China will never seek a dominant role in regional affairs, nor try to nurture a sphere of influence.”

The announcement officially kicked off China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a sprawling network of railroads, highways, gas and oil pipelines, and ports that aims to trace the channels of the ancient Silk Road route.

China moves to assert leadership
Also known as One Belt, One Road (OBOR), the effort has drawn commitments from over 60 countries and international organizations, and has been described as China’s “project of the century” - many would go so far as to call it the most important initiative in 21st-century global trade, particularly now that Donald Trump has pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership - and its most important foreign policy under President Xi. Significantly, the initiative marks a bold separation from the self-contained course set by former Party leader Deng Xiaoping in the early 1990s, famously summarized in a phrase he used (???? t?ogu?ng y?nghuì), meaning to “hide our capabilities, bide our time,” and wait for a later moment for China to assert leadership.

In line with Xi Jinping’s vision to “rejuvenate” China and return it to its historical place of prominence in the world, Belt and Road has become a core piece of his legacy, and the success of its execution is widely viewed as a referendum on his leadership.

The massive undertaking is divided into two main components: the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. The “Belt” is a series of overland routes that will collectively connect China with Western Europe through the resource-rich countries of Central Asia. The “Road,” counterintuitively, refers to a dizzying sea route that flows around Southeast and South Asia, through Africa, and into the Mediterranean.

Beyond the rhetoric, the true motivations behind China’s designs have been widely speculated upon. Government officials, analysts, and academics say factors driving the initiative include the search for new markets to sell Chinese goods, the need to unload the country’s excess steel production, and the desire to promote economic development to quell tensions in the country’s Western region.

Financing China’s grand plan has involved extensive negotiations with many of the partner countries tied to the project. Most observers agree that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), established in part to secure and bolster financing for Belt and Road, has stuck its landing in the international community. With investments in nine projects across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East in its first year, AIIB is viewed as advancing Belt and Road’s agenda with discipline.

One of the central debates that continues to hang over Belt and Road is the extent of its intentions to reshape the world’s geopolitical power structure. Drawing frequent comparisons with America’s Marshall Plan from the post–World War II era, Belt and Road’s vast ambitions and potential has been received with skepticism and mistrust from some parts of the world, while sparking controversy and backlash in others. The U.S., in particular, appears unsure of where to position itself, an ongoing uncertainty that may come as a detriment to itself and the global order.

A global good or neocolonialism?
Will President Xi succeed in realizing his vision for a revival of ancient trade routes and new, China-led global connectivity? What will Belt and Road mean for Asia and the world? Check out these perspectives for more:

SupChina’s Kaiser Kuo argues that Belt and Road may be crucial to peace in the 21st century, as it promises to provide a number of necessary global public goods. He cautions that Americans should “stop sneering” at the plan, and notes that comparisons with the more politically motivated Marshall Plan come almost exclusively from the West.
Skepticism about the plan’s execution and purported advantages are not confined to the West: Even Chinese firms appear to be cautious of the political risks taken on by the project’s ambition.
China’s motives in pushing the project upon the world are a mix of economics, geostrategy, and philosophy.
The South China Morning Post provides an interactive portrait of five key projects.

Source : Sup China
China largest power project launched in Russia - Huadian Corporation

IANS reported that a 483-MW gas-steam combined heat and power plant built by a China-Russia joint venture has been officially brought online, China's Huadian Corporation announced. The CHP is the tangible result of the Huadian-Teninskaya joint project, which was launched by China Huadian Hong Kong Co. Ltd. and Russia's second regional power company TGC-2 in 2011, with a total investment of USD 571 million.

As China's largest electricity project in Russia, the project was designed to generate 3.02 billion KWH of electric energy and 814,000 Giga of heating supply annually.

Acting governor of the Yaroslavl Province Dmitry Mironov said during the operating ceremony held on the project site, said that "The completion of the Huadian-Teninskaya project is of great significance to the Yaroslavl Province. It will improve the living quality of local citizens."

Listed as a priority project in 2014 by Yaroslavl authorities, the new CHP plant is expected to tackle the province's chronic problem of power shortages. According to TGC staff, the project will bring down Yaroslavl's power deficit from 40-50 per cent to 5-15 per cent and fully cover its total power demand in warmer months.

However, the project is widely seen as a symbol of further deepening of cooperation between China and Russia in the field of electric power.

Source : IANS

„Het hondenvleesfestival is een regionale traditie en wij zijn niet in de positie om daar iets aan te veranderen”, legde een staatswoordvoerder uit. Ook het verhaal dat er een compromis met de handelaren was gesloten, waarbij er een maximum van twee honden per kraam zou gelden, klopt niet, zo is overduidelijk te zien.

Ook op de Nanqiao-markt, in een ander deel van Yulin, werd deze week zoals ieder jaar druk handel gedreven. De opengesneden honden vonden gretig aftrek onder de klanten. De dieren worden vaak levend gekookt of ondersteboven hangend doodgeslagen, waarna de handelaren ze langzaam laten doodbloeden.

Enkele straten verderop was een man bezig een middelgrote hond te slachten. Hij zweerde dat de dierenrechtenactivisten nooit zullen slagen in hun missie. „De mensen uit Yulin eten nu hond en zullen dat altijd blijven doen. Niemand zal ons dat afnemen”, liet hij weten, terwijl naast zijn kraam de karkassen lagen opgestapeld .

Niettemin doen verschillende organisaties daar alles aan. Door te protesteren en (verborgen) opnames te maken op de markten, maar ook door dieren te bevrijden of op te kopen. Zo werden er eerder deze week 1000 trouwe viervoeters bevrijd voor ze in de slachthuizen van zuidelijk China terechtkwamen, want ook buiten Yulin wordt hond gegeten.

Andere protestgroepen, zoals Asia Animal, roepen echter op te stoppen met het ’redden’ van de dieren door voor hen te betalen. „Omdat het alleen maar tot gevolg heeft dat de prijzen verder stijgen, en er daardoor nog meer honden worden aangeboden”, stelt een woordvoerder.

„Het is een nationaal probleem dat het hele jaar door speelt”, zegt Peter Li van de organisatie Humane Society International. „De bevrijde dieren zijn exemplarisch voor de naar schatting 10 tot 20 miljoen honden, en ook 4 miljoen katten, die jaarlijks worden gedood voor consumptie in China.”

Veel honden, die bij leven vaak in krappe kooitjes zitten, worden volgens dierenbeschermers gestolen. Vaak hebben huisdieren op de markten de halsband nog om. Ook om die reden is het in het verleden al meerdere malen tot opstootjes en zelfs vechtpartijen gekomen tussen handelaren en activisten.

De verwachting is dat in de komende jaren de protesten alleen maar zullen toenemen. Ook in China zelf, waar steeds meer mensen een hond als huisdier hebben en ze daardoor niet meer als lekker hapje zien. Het Chinese woord voor dier is ’dongwu’ - letterlijk vertaald: ’bewegend ding’ - en dat geeft de traditionele opvatting uitstekend weer.

Pas als meer mensen ervan doordrongen raken dat honden mensenvrienden zijn, komt het einde van het festival pas in zicht.

Rio Tinto kiest voor Chinees bod op kolentak

Gepubliceerd op 26 jun 2017 om 12:10 | Views: 848

Rio Tinto 15:59
3.085,00 +32,50 (+1,06%)

LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Rio Tinto beschouwt het Chinese Yancoal als voorkeursbieder in de biedingsstrijd op het Australische kolenonderdeel Coal & Allied Industries. Dat heeft de Brits-Australische mijnbouwgroep maandag bevestigd, nadat de Chinezen hun bod wat hadden opgeschroefd.

Yancoal is nu bereid bijna 2,7 miljard dollar te betalen, waarvan een kleine 2,5 miljard dollar in cash en de rest in royalties. Ook branchegenoot Glencore wil het onderdeel hebben en die heeft vorige week ook zo'n 2,7 miljard dollar op tafel gelegd, plus nog een extra royalty die aan de kolenprijs wordt gekoppeld.

Volgens Rio Tinto heeft het bod van Yancoal echter een grotere kans van slagen. Toezichthouders zullen de deal immers ook moeten goedkeuren en de kans is aanwezig dat die bij een overname door Glencore nog wel eens moeilijk kunnen gaan doen.

Verder zijn er aan het bod van Glencore ook nog wat financiële onzekerheden verbonden, waardoor Rio Tinto de bieding van Yancoal interessanter vindt.
The great tin wall of China is about to come crashing down - Andy Home

Reuters reported that the great tin wall of China is about to come crashing down. The country is both the world's largest producer and consumer of the packaging and soldering metal. But its interaction with the rest of the global tin market has in the past been severely constrained by a 10% export duty.

Before that tax came into effect at the start of 2008, China had been a net exporter of refined tin. In the period after, it became a net importer, albeit one with steadily diminishing appetite.

The export tax disappeared at the beginning of this year. Don't worry if you didn't notice. Even China's producers didn't see the change coming.

Now they are starting to react, with Yunnan Tin, China's and the world's largest producer, gearing up to start overseas shipments.

A resumption of Chinese exports will be welcome news to short-position holders on the London Metal Exchange tin contract, which has for months been starved of stocks liquidity and gripped by persistent tightness.

There has been no discernible reaction to the lifting of the export tax at the start of this year.

China's exports of refined tin were a miniscule 232 tonnes over the January-April period.

That's because there was no consultation or advance warning from China's Commerce Ministry.

The only clue that something had changed was the omission of refined tin from the annual list of commodities qualifying for an export tax.

The resounding official silence may be down to the fact that this looks like a preemptive move to avert a potentially embarrassing World Trade Organization complaints process set in motion by the United States last year.

It's taken local producers several months to confirm that the tax is indeed no more.

And now one, Yunnan Tin, is capitalizing on its removal by preparing to export tin under a so-called "processing" deal.

What this means is that the company can import raw materials without paying value-added tax as long as they are used to produce metal for export, which of course is now also tax-free.

Yunnan Tin, it is worth noting, is by some margin the world's largest producer with refined output last year of 76,000 tonnes, more than the next three largest producers combined.

It is also a major importer of raw materials from across the border in Myanmar. Such imports totaled 473,000 tonnes last year. That's a bulk weight figure. Industry association ITRI estimates it translates into 50,000 tonnes of contained tin.

Source : Reuters
'Stevige groei voor DSM in China'

Gepubliceerd op 27 jun 2017 om 07:54 | Views: 1.448

DALIAN (AFN) - Speciaalchemiebedrijf DSM groeit momenteel flink in China. Volgens topman Feike Sijbesma bedraagt de groei er in het tweede kwartaal naar verwachting meer dan 10 procent. Dat heeft hij gezegd in een interview met persbureau Bloomberg op het World Economic Forum (WEF) in de Chinese stad Dalian.

Ook in de Verenigde Staten is nog steeds sprake van erg snelle groei, aldus de DSM-baas.

Dinsdag tot en met donderdag zijn er in Dalian, in het noordoosten van China, bijna 2000 bedrijfsbestuurders, politici, academici en andere hoogwaardigheidsbekleders bijeen. De deelnemers van de zogeheten Annual Meeting of the New Champions van het WEF zijn afkomstig uit negentig verschillende landen.
Chinese premier ziet risico voor vrijhandel

Gepubliceerd op 27 jun 2017 om 08:09 | Views: 1.072

DALIAN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese premier Li Keqiang ziet groeiende risico's en bedreigingen voor de wereldwijde vrijhandel en het mondiale economisch herstel, zoals het toenemende protectionisme. Dat liet hij weten vanaf het World Economic Forum (WEF) in de Chinese havenstad Dalian.

Li erkende dat de voordelen van de globalisatie beter moeten worden verdeeld en vindt dat daarom de regels en organisaties voor vrijhandel moeten worden versterkt. Volgens de premier heeft China enorm geprofiteerd van de vrije wereldhandel. Hij gaf aan dat China meer gaat doen om de eigen markt open te stellen voor buitenlandse bedrijven en de regelgeving voor buitenlandse investeerders zal inperken.

Met zijn verdediging van de vrijhandel bekritiseerde Li indirect de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump die zich juist negatief heeft uitgelaten over globalisatie. In januari liet de Chinese president Xi Jinping zich ook al positief uit over de vrije wereldhandel.


De premier verklaarde verder dat de groei van de Chinese economie dit jaar op koers ligt om aan de doelstellingen van de overheid te voldoen. Daarbij wordt gemikt op een groei van minstens 6,5 procent. Volgens Li toonde de economie van China een stabiele vooruitgang in het tweede kwartaal.

Dinsdag tot en met donderdag zijn er in Dalian, in het noordoosten van China, bijna 2000 bedrijfsbestuurders, politici, academici en andere hoogwaardigheidsbekleders bijeen. De deelnemers van de zogeheten Annual Meeting of the New Champions van het WEF zijn afkomstig uit negentig verschillende landen.
China urges US not to impose curbs on aluminium imports

Financial Express reported that China pushed back on charges by US manufacturers and labour unions that it has flooded the market with cheap aluminium and put US producers out of business, saying unilateral punitive trade measures should not be used to try to remedy a global glut of the metal. In a rare appearance at a US government hearing by a Chinese official, Mr Li Xie, director of China's export division at China's commerce ministry, called on the Trump administration to refrain from imposing curbs on Chinese aluminium imports.

He spoke at a hearing by the US Commerce Department on the Trump administration's Section 232 investigation into whether foreign aluminium imports pose a threat to US national security. The administration is also conducting a separate investigation into steel.

Mr LI said that "Aluminium products imported from China are general products with civilian uses such as packing, roofing, road signs and consumer durables. None of these products implicate national security.”

He noted that Chinese firms had not been invited to the hearing and said unilateral sanctions by the United States were not an answer to a global issue.

He said that "Global overcapacity is the result of manufacturers, including weakness in global economic growth and sluggish demand. The solution to these challenges entail global joint efforts."

China had undertaken measures to eliminate excess domestic aluminium capacity, said Li. When asked by the panel what those measures were, he said he would submit a written report.

Testimony to the committee by American manufacturers and labour unions said the domestic aluminium industry had been brought to its knees by market-distorting policies in China.

Mr Robert Scott an economist with the Economic Policy Institute, said foreign aluminium imports threatened the entire US industry which was hanging on "only by a thread" after a prolonged and steady decline in aluminium prices. He said that the threat was driven by growth of excess capacity and overproduction in China, which had increased by nearly 1,500% between 2000 and 2017.

Official data shows that just 6.0% of America's aluminium exports come directly from China, but producers here argue the capacity expansion there has prompted a global price crash.

Source : Financial Express
Rusal plans to power its smelters wholly from hydro electricity by2020

Rusal, the world’s second-largest aluminium producer, will stick to its goal to source all of its electricity needs from clean energy by 2020 despite the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change mitigation, according to its deputy chief executive. The Moscow based firm will also invest more in research and development on new light weight alloys that mix aluminium and other materials, as China’s excess supply of low end primary aluminium product continues to put downward pressure on prices.

Mr Oleg Mukhamedshin, deputy chief executive of Rusal told the South China Morning Post in a recent interview that “The US withdrawal has some international political influence on the climate process but not a fatal one. China, the European Union and Russia have signaled their strong intention to stay the course on their commitment.”

Hong Kong and Moscow-listed Rusal, blessed with access to abundant and cheap hydro power in the world’s largest nation, aims to have all its smelting plants powered by hydro electricity by 2020, up from around 90% currently. Power stations fuelled by either nuclear or natural gas make up the remaining 10%.

By contrast, China’s aluminium smelters, which produces half the world’s output of the metal, get 90%of their energy from carbon emission-heavy coal fired power, which is expected to become more costly when Beijing gradually rolls out carbon emission quota trading in the next few years.

United States President Donald Trump early this month pledged to cease all participation in the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change mitigation as part of his “America First” policy, but remained open to negotiating for “a better deal.”

The US was the world’s second largest carbon dioxide emitter after China last year, and was the seventh largest aluminium producer.

China is by far the largest producer of the aluminium. Russia, the second largest aluminium smelter, produces only one-eighth of China’s output.

Aluminium is one of the most energy-intensive industries, with electricity cost typically accounting for a third of operating costs at smelters.

Rusal plans for higher value-added products to account for 55 per cent of its total output by 2020, up from 44 per cent last year, Mukhamedshin said.

It also plans to invest US$150 million by 2019 in various projects to help achieve the target.

The three biggest applications of such products are in the automotive, construction and electrical segments.

Source : South China Morning Post
Die chinezen zijn niet te stoppen!

Russia top China crude supplier at record 1.35 million bpd in May 2017

Reuters reported that Russia supplied a record high amount of crude oil to China in May at 1.35 million barrels per day, making the country the top supplier followed by Angola and then Saudi Arabia, data from the Chinese customs showed. May shipments from Saudi Arabia rose 8.6 percent from a year ago to 1.04 million bpd.

Data from the General Administration of Chinese Customs showed that Russia was also the largest supplier for the first five months of the year with daily shipments averaging 1.16 million bpd, followed by Angola at 1.11 million bpd and Saudi Arabia at 1.1 million bpd.

Source : Reuters
China shuns Indian iron ore in favor of Australia's

Mining com reported that Chinese steel mills are turning their backs on India and embracing Australia as a source of higher-grade ore for steelmaking. According to a report from Macquarie Research, Indian exports of iron ore dropped by 53%, to 23 million tonnes in May, compared to 49 million tonnes in March. The reason? Lower iron ore prices are making it cheaper for Chinese steel mills to buy higher-grade (more than 57% Fe) iron ore, which makes them more productive.

Iron ore prices have slipped below USD 60 a tonne on concerns about oversupply and weak demand from steelmakers in China, the world's top buyer.

The situation in India is reversed from March, when it was reported the amount of iron ore handled by India's ports more than doubled in the period between April 2016 and January 2017.

Macquarie said that the increase in tonnage was partially explained by a resumption in production from India's top iron exporting state of Goa in the summer of 2015, led by Vedanta Resources after an almost three-year hiatus. Most of that ore has been of the lower-grade variety, with competition for lower grades heating up.

Business Standard reported that "as most steel mills are focusing on higher grades to increase productivity. Chinese steel consumption has been higher than expected and prevailing steel prices provide for respectable profit margins to these mills.”

The publication notes that shipments from Goa "have become unviable" with volumes from the east coast getting diverted to domestic markets instead. The Macquarie report expects Indian iron production to grow 8%, but with declining exports, it expects a domestic surplus of 18 mt in full-year 2018, 4 mt more than the 2017 surplus.

Source : Mining.com
Chinese hydropower frenzy drowns sacred mountains

AFP reported that towering walls of concrete entomb lush forests on mountainsides in southwest China as workers toil on the dry riverbed below to build the country's latest mega-dam. The colossal construction site in Sichuan province swallows three rivers, providing another display of China's engineering prowess but also of the trauma it inflicts on people and nature along the way. Once completed in 2023, the 295-metre behemoth will be the world's third tallest dam, producing 3,000 megawatts of energy.

But for the communities around the massive project -- some as far as 100 kilometres (60 miles) upstream -- the Lianghekou dam will drown ancestral homes, revered Buddhist monasteries, fertile crops and sacred mountains.

Beijing is building hydropower at a breakneck pace in ethnically Tibetan regions as part of an ambitious undertaking to reduce the country's dependence on coal and cut emissions that have made it the world's top polluter.

China had just two dams in 1949, but now boasts some 22,000 -- nearly half the world total -- in all but one of the country's major waterways.

- 'We have no land' -
Mountains and rivers are revered as sacred in Tibetan Buddhism, and the extensive construction, which began in 2014, has alarmed locals who believe they can only live peacefully if the nature around them is protected.

"Last year, people said that a big forest fire happened because they blasted a road into the holy mountain, and it took revenge," said villager Tashi Yungdrung, a farmer with red thread wound through her thick braid who tends a small herd of yaks in the pastures above her stone, square-windowed home.

Most would not dare remove so much as a single stone from the mountain Palshab Drakar, an important pilgrimage site, she said.

Villagers are bracing for mass relocations, an experience that has previously caused havoc elsewhere in China.

Beginning in the 1990s, more than a million were moved for the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest in terms of capacity, with thousands still mired in poverty.

Plans posted at the Lianghekou construction site showed that 22 power plants will be built along the Yalong, a Yangtze tributary, collectively capable of generating 30 gigawatts of electricity -- a fifth of China's current total installed hydropower capacity.

Li Zhaolong, a Tibetan from Zhaba village, said he received 300,000 yuan ($44,000) in government compensation to build a new home on higher ground, where he will move next year.

But the 28,000 yuan moving fee his family received per person will not last long once their crops are submerged and they have no other sources of income.

Mr Li said that "Before we were farmers, and now we have no land. We can't move to a township, because we are uneducated and there will be no way to make a living there."

Some 6,000 people across four counties will be relocated, according to a state-affiliated energy website.

A lama named Lobsang said that five monasteries have been or will be rebuilt on higher ground, but their spiritual importance will be diminished as the communities they serve are displaced.

He said that "The government is very big, and the valley is very small. So much is lost, but we cannot resist or fight. When you say something and try to protect your place, the government gives you another name: separatist."

Some 80 percent of China's hydropower potential lies along the high-flow, glacier-fed rivers of the Tibetan plateau, but dams there bring minimal local benefits because most of the power goes to smog-choked cities in the east, according to the non-governmental organisation International Rivers.

Construction worker Zeng Qingtao said the state-owned Power Construction Corporation had brought in some 10,000 employees, but none are locals.

He said that "We can't hire Tibetans. They aren't reasonable." The Hubei native lives in Zhaba, a hamlet whose unique matrilineal customs are disappearing as residents scatter.

"The dams' negative impacts are very acutely felt at a local scale, while the positive impacts are very diffuse and broadly distributed," said Darrin Magee, a professor specialising in Chinese hydropower at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in the US.

- Quake fears -
Some experts question whether hydropower can cut coal dependence, as its low efficiency can spur the development of backup coal plants that operate during dry spells.

In addition, Fan Xiao, chief engineer of the provincial government's Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau, said studies show reservoirs in this region emit huge amounts of methane and carbon dioxide derived from organic matter trapped underwater during flooding.

Engineers and environmentalists also worry that Sichuan, which will receive a third of China's planned hydropower investment by 2020, is a hotbed of seismic activity that could damage hydropower stations.

Geologists believe the water pressure exerted by dam reservoirs can trigger earthquakes, which some suspect happened in the 2008 Wenchuan quake that claimed 87,000 lives, a few hundred kilometres from Lianghekou.

Source : AFP
Chinese dienstensector houdt tempo er in

Inkoopmanagersindex in juni naar 54,9.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in juni in een hoger tempo gestegen. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector steeg van 54,5 in mei naar 54,9 in juni.

Aanstaande dinsdag maakt ook Markit de ontwikkeling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese dienstensector bekend.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese industrie groeit door

Inkoopmanagersindex ook in juni op 51,7.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in juni gestegen. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie kwam in juni van dit jaar uit op 51,7 tegen 51,2 in mei. De verwachting van economen lag op 51,0.

Aanstaande maandag maakt ook Markit de ontwikkeling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie bekend.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese expressway now starting work - Report

World Highways reported that construction work on a new expressway project in China is now starting. The new route will run from Lantianxiang in Huizhou City to Xinliangwu in Wengyuan County. The work is being carried out from Wengyuan and will gear up in due course. Completion of the project has been set for 2020 and it is expected to cost some USD 1.84 billion.

However, the expressway will feature three lanes in either direction along its 83km length, featuring a speed limit of 100km/h. Once the new route is complete it is expected to reduce journey time between Xinfeng County and Shaoguan City from three hours at present to two hours.

Source : World Highways
Mark Mobius:

Over China gesproken. Het harde landingsscenario is geen thema meer. De Chinese schuldenberg wel. U bent ook bezorgd over de uitbraak van een Chinese kredietcrisis?

“Niet. Op dit moment is de Chinese schuld even groot als die van de VS. Het verschil is dat de Chinezen volop aan het experimenteren zijn welke vormen van kredietverlening het beste werken. Werkt iets niet, dan draaien ze het de nek om. Het is een compleet andere situatie dan bij ons. De vier grote Chinese banken zijn allemaal gecontroleerd door de staat. Dat geldt ook voor grote industrieën. Dat wil niet zeggen dat er geen ongelukken gebeuren. Sommige bedrijven zullen failliet gaan. Topbestuurders kunnen worden gearresteerd, of verdwijnen gewoon. Zo laat Beijing zien dat het controle heeft. Maar een grote crisis als de kredietcrisis is in China niet mogelijk. Dat kan alleen gebeuren als China is overgegaan op een echte markteconomie. Dat duurt nog wel even. Dat is de reden waarom MSCI zo huiverig is om Chinese A-aandelen in hun index op te nemen. Je weet niet wat de Chinese staat allemaal gaat doen om de markt te beïnvloeden.”

"Op dit moment is de Chinese schuld even groot als die van de VS"

De markteconomie als katalysator van voorspoed én rampspoed.

“Precies! De markt bestaat uit miljoenen mensen met een kudde-instinct. Dat zorgt voor volatiliteit, hetgeen weer kan leiden tot instabiliteit. Dat is precies wat de Chinese communisten hopen te vermijden. Aan de andere kant beseffen zij dat het onmogelijk is om economische groei te hebben zonder de markteconomie in te voeren. De leiders van grote Chinese bedrijven, zoals Alibaba en Tencent, weten precies wat wel en wat niet mag.”

Wat is nu het belangrijkste risico voor beleggers in opkomende markten?

“Dat is de populariteit van passieve beleggingsproducten. Door de massale inzet van passieve producten zijn de gevolgen van paniek in de markt veel groter dan met actieve beleggingen. Om een gekke reden stellen veel beleggers het risico van een belegging gelijk aan de afwijking van de index. Hoe groter de afwijking, hoe groter het risico. Dat is volgens mij niet alleen een grove misrekening, maar ook een erg gevaarlijke.”
Chinese industrie toont groei

Gepubliceerd op 3 jul 2017 om 07:42 | Views: 754

HONGKONG (AFN) - De activiteit in de omvangrijke Chinese industrie is in juni gegroeid, na de krimp in mei. Dat blijkt uit cijfers die onderzoeksbureaus Markit en Caixin maandag hebben gepubliceerd.

De inkoopmanagersindex waarmee zij de activiteit meten ging vorige maand naar 50,4, van 49,6 in de voorgaande maand. Economen voorspelden in doorsnee een niveau van 49,8, die bij een stand hoger dan 50 wijst op groei.

Een vergelijkbare graadmeter van de Chinese overheid wees vrijdag op een aantrekkende groei van de industriële bedrijvigheid in juni. De cijfers van de overheid richten zich meer op de grote Chinese staatsbedrijven, terwijl Caixin en Markit zich meer richten op kleinere private ondernemingen.
China pledges USD 15 billion to Ghana for Development of Bauxite Resources

Reuters reported that Ghana has signed a USD 10 billion memorandum of understanding with China to develop its bauxite industry. Ghana Senior Minister Yaw Osafo-Maafo said that growth in the West African country slowed sharply in 2014 due to a fiscal crisis and tumbling commodity prices following years of economic expansion at around 8 percent on the back of gold, cocoa and oil exports.

Taking office in January, President Nana Akufo-Addo has outlined a program of job creation through the private sector and rural development.

Osafo-Maafo told reporters at a conference in London after arriving from China that "To develop the bauxite project with its railway and converting bauxite into aluminium we will need about USD 10 billion ... we signed an MOU.” He said that "The money will come from the Chinese Development Bank, the implementation of the project will come from other agencies, infrastructure agencies in China, like China Railway.”

The funds from Beijing would contribute towards building 1,400 km of a planned 4,000 km railway network, which would connect bauxite mines and production sites as well as establish a rail link into neighbouring Burkina Faso.

Source : Reuters
China energy demand may already have peaked - CASS

Reuters reported that China's energy demand has reached peak levels and is set to fall in coming years, an influential government think tank said, in a study offering an optimistic view on Chinese efforts to combat climate change. The study by the China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) study said China's total energy consumption is expected to fall to the equivalent of 4 billion tonnes of standard coal in 2020, which would represent a decline of 8 percent from last year.

The study said that consumption would then inch down to 3.74 billion tonnes in 2030 and 3 billion tonnes by 2050.

Mr Qiang Liu, director of CASS's Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics, said that "(Peak demand) could be this year or next year - this is a gradual process and isn't just coming down suddenly from a very pronounced summit."

The CASS study suggests Beijing is cutting coal use far faster than expected, and comes weeks after US President Mr Donald Trump decided to quit the 195-nation Paris agreement on climate change and reaffirmed his commitment to revive US fossil fuels.

It also indicates China could reach its pledge to bring climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions to a peak by "around 2030" earlier than expected, given that the energy sector is estimated to account for 70-80 percent of its CO2 emissions.

The CASS forecast contrasts with China's 2016-2020 energy plan that said total energy use would grow around 2.5 percent a year until 2020 and a forecast by state-owned China National Petroleum Corp for energy consumption to peak by 2035.

The study comes ahead of the July 7-8 Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

British researchers suggested last year that China's CO2 emissions were likely to peak far earlier than the official target and could have hit their maximum in 2014. The analysis was rejected by China's top climate official, Xie Zhenhua.

Mr Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, the research paper's co-author, told Reuters by email that the CASS study was consistent with their findings.

Source : Reuters
Petrobras versterkt alliantie met Chinese partner

Olieconcerns spreken van integrale strategische samenwerking.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Petrobras gaat in Brazilië en daarbuiten samenwerken met het Chinese CNPC, als onderdeel van een integraal strategisch partnerschap. Dit maakte het Braziliaanse olieconcern dinsdag bekend.

Een intentieverklaring werd dinsdag in Beijing getekend door de CEO van Petrobras, Pedro Parente, en de vicevoorzitter van CNPC, Wang Dongjin.

De twee bedrijven gaan samen kansen onderzoeken op een aantal gebieden in de sector, gebruikmakend van elkaars ervaring en capaciteiten. Daar kan ook een financiële structurering deel van uitmaken.

Samenwerkingsverbanden zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van de strategie van Petrobras, dat hiermee risico's wil delen en zijn investeringscapaciteit verhogen. De deal versterkt ook de belangstelling van CNPC om te investeren en zijn activiteiten uit te breiden in Brazilië.

De twee bedrijven werkten al samen sinds 2013 in het wingebied Libra.

Petrobras focust op de winning van aardolie en aardgas in de diepe wateren voor de Braziliaanse kust. CNPC is het grootste olie- en aardgasconcern van China en is actief in meer zeventig landen.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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