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India can benefit from falling copper and metal prices

For India to benefit from falling Copper and metal prices, it needs to increase its exports and domestic consumption which is currently very low and subdued. China’s economic data is key to copper prices. Copper prices slipped due to weak imports from its top consumer China to a four-month low. Benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange was down 0.3% at USD 5,497 a tonne at 0911 GMT. Earlier it fell to USD 5,481.50 towards Monday’s USD 5,462.50, the lowest since Jan 4.

Chinese imports of copper collapsed more than 30% in April from a month ago to 300,000 tonnes. A higher US currency also weighed on sentiment as it makes dollar-denominated metals like copper more expensive for holders of other currencies, which potentially could subdue demand.

Moreover, there are more Copper inventories in warehouses as compared to previous months. Supply of copper scrap has tightened recently after growing in the first quarter, while disruptions at major mines earlier in 2017 are hitting availability.

Along with China, Japan, India, South Korea and Germany are other largest importers of copper. The Indian economy has the highest growth rate of 7% in the world and this is expected to cross 8% in the near future. All developmental and infrastructure projects, industrial production of cars, electronics, IT, Telecom and other sectors will see a rise in demand for copper. Along with China, India will play a major role in shoring up the demand for copper in the coming years.

All the above stated scenarios mean cheaper copper for the Indian infrastructure industry. As the Indian Elephant rumbles on, cheaper copper prices mean more expenditure by the private and the government sector across industries.

Even though demand from China is key in controlling the prices of metals, this can be easily be offset by demand from countries like India. As the Indian economy grows, sectoral spending across sectors will go up, thereby creating a new demand bank for copper. Copper being the base metal for any developing economy, cheaper availability will mean a higher demand. For India, fall in Chinese demand for copper is a boon for its growth.

However, for India to benefit from falling Copper and metal prices, it needs to increase its exports and domestic consumption which is currently very low and subdued. It needs to increase its local consumption of metals which is currently very slow due to moderate economic growth and lack of execution of proposed investments in infrastructure development.

Going forward, we see India will increase its consumption as the government will start spending on infrastructure development across states. After the thumping win in the Uttar Pradesh elections, the government would be spending a massive amount in the development of infrastructure in this state alone as promised during the elections. With more states coming into the current government’s portfolio the overall expenditure would have a huge impact on the copper prices. Added to this is the 100 Smart City program of the government, where copper would play a key role in infrastructure development.

India with its tremendous potential can control metal prices as China slips. China still consumes half of world’s metals but this figure is on the decline. Countries like India can easily replace China if proper policies are implemented and executed by the Indian government.

Source : Financial Express
Chinese city to quadruple metro network by 2020

All Africa reported that authorities in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, plan to increase the distance from over 100 km to 500 km in three years

China boasts a well developed rail transport system. In 2015, the country had a normal railway network of 121,000 km, 20,000 km of high-speed or bullet train rail - the longest in the world - and 3,600 km of metro or subway lines. Because of the huge population of almost 1.4 billion people and land area of 9.5 million square kilometres, railway construction and management is devolved to several subsidiaries for efficiency by the China Railway Corporation.

China Railway No. 2 Engineering Group Company Limited, CREGC, is one of these subsidiaries. Founded in 1950, CREGC now owns assets worth USD 10 billion and an annual turnover of USD 9 billion. It is amongst the largest railway construction firms in the world today. Based in Chengdu, capital of the Southwestern Sichuan Province, CREGC is currently undertaking a 60-km, 70-metre deep metro line project with 20 stations in the city. The two-year project is due to be completed in 2018.

According to CREGC's Managing Director, Liao Zhiming, the new subway line in a city of 14 million inhabitants and a province of 91 million people, will add to the other two of over 100 km.

Zhiming disclosed, "By 2020, the city's total tube network will be 500 km."

Source : All Africa
China completes construction of first Hualong One nuclear project in Fujian Province

Xinhua reported that China successfully installed the containment dome for its first demonstration nuclear power project using Hualong One technology, a domestically developed third-generation reactor design, in east China's Fujian Province on Thursday. The hemispherical dome, weighing 340 tonnes and measuring 46.8 meteINR in diameter, was installed by crane on the No.5 unit of China National Nuclear Corporation in Fuqing City at 5:58 pm.

Yu Peigen, deputy general manager of CNNC at the site of installation, said that the installation marks the completion of construction work on the pilot project and the beginning of the assembly stage. The dome will be used for protection against nuclear accidents under extreme conditions, and both its design and installation are very demanding processes.

Mr Yang Jianguo, the lifting commander at the site, said that "The installation is much more difficult than that of traditional nuclear reactors because the whole weight of the dome and the ropes is more than 500 tonnes."

Source : Xinhua
ChemChina bevestigt uitrookprocedure resterende aandeelhouders Syngenta

Chinezen houden nu 94,7 procent van de aandelen Syngenta.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) heeft een uitrookprocedure van de resterende aandeelhouders van de Zwitserse sectorgenoot Syngenta bevestigd. Dit maakten beide partijen woensdag voorbeurs bekend.

ChemChina houdt nu definitief 94,7 procent van de aandelen Syngenta die onder het bod zijn aangemeld.

ChemChina heeft eerder aangekondigd dat als het aangemelde percentage van de aandelen Syngenta onder de 98 procent zou blijven een uitrookprocedure te starten.

ChemChina herhaalde woensdag ook dat het verzoek tot denotering van de resterende aandelen Syngenta zal worden ingediend.

Op 3 februari van dit jaar werd bekendgemaakt dat ChemChina het Zwitserse Syngenta over wil nemen voor 43 miljard dollar.

Het aandeel Syngenta sloot dinsdag 1,5 procent lager op 428,50 Zwitserse frank.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Groei Chinese industrie blijft stabiel - Overheid

Inkoopmanagersindex ook in mei op 51,2.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in mei stabiel gebleven. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie bleef in mei van dit jaar staan op 51,2. De verwachting van economen lag op 51,0.

Aanstaande donderdag maakt ook Markit de ontwikkeling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie bekend..

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Groeitempo Chinese dienstensector licht omhoog - Overheid

Inkoopmanagersindex in mei naar 54,5.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in mei in een licht hoger tempo gestegen. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector steeg van 54,0 in april naar 54,5 in april.

Aanstaande maandag maakt ook Markit de ontwikkeling van de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese dienstensector bekend.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Strukton met lokale partner naar China

Gepubliceerd op 31 mei 2017 om 12:31 | Views: 461

Oranjewoud 30 mei
5,59 0,00 (0,00%)

JINAN (AFN) - Strukton slaat de handen ineen met het Chinese technologiebedrijf SiCC. De twee bedrijven gaan samen tractiesystemen en boordnetsystemen voor metrovoertuigen op de markt brengen. Daar is de komende jaren veel vraag naar omdat een groot aantal Chinese steden plannen heeft voor de aanleg van metrolijnen.

Strukton levert vanuit Nederland technische kennis en neemt het ontwerp en de productie van de belangrijkste componenten voor zijn rekening. De Chinese samenwerkingspartner SiCC levert voorzieningen voor de productie en assemblage van complete systemen en daarnaast de benodigde menskracht en lokale marktkennis.

Financiële details over de samenwerking die woensdag werd beklonken, zijn niet bekendgemaakt. Hoeveel de samenwerking Strukton de komende jaren gaat opleveren, is evenmin duidelijk. De eerste aanbestedingen waaraan de partijen willen meedoen, moeten nog beginnen. Strukton is onderdeel van het beursgenoteerde ingenieursbedrijf Oranjewoud.

Grote metroprojecten

Om te beginnen gaat de nieuwe joint venture zijn diensten aanbieden in de oostelijk gelegen stad Jinan. Daar worden de komende zes jaar acht nieuwe metrolijnen aangelegd met 176 stations en een totale lengte van 275 kilometer. De levering van de voertuigen staat gepland voor de tweede helft van 2018. Ook elders in de provincie Shandong staan grote metroprojecten op stapel.

In heel China heeft de overheid voor de komende vijf jaar toestemming gegeven voor metroprojecten met een totale spoorlengte van 8000 kilometer. Daarvoor zijn in die periode jaarlijks meer dan 5000 nieuwe metrovoertuigen nodig. Door de samenwerking met SiCC krijgt Strukton naar eigen zeggen een stevige voet tussen de deur in die belangrijke groeimarkt.
3-D printing research center opens in Canada

The Fabricator reported that university of New Brunswick, in partnership with Custom Fabricators and Machinists and community colleges in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, has opened the Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence, a research center for metal 3-D printing for the marine and defense industries.

The center combines research, commercialization, and workforce development and training. It is the first facility in Canada to use metal 3-D printing to manufacture certified, custom parts for the marine sector.

The R&D aspects of the center are led by Dr. Mohsen Mohammadi, director of the center and associate professor of mechanical engineering at UNB. CFM partners on commercialization, while the New Brunswick Community College, Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick, and the Nova Scotia Community College lead workforce development and training.

The center is funded by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. Lockheed Martin is contributing $2.7 million as part of its industrial and regional benefits obligation to the Canadian government for its contract for the CP-140 Aurora Structural Life Extension Project. Irving Shipbuilding contributed $750,000 as part of its Value Proposition commitments under the National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS).

Mr David Saucy vice president Construction and Equipment division of JD Irving Ltd said that “As the commercialization partner, CFM is pleased to be hosting the 3-D printing equipment at our facility, and we look forward to working with the community colleges to provide a hands-on classroom to train the next generation of skilled machinists and fabricators.”

Source : The Fabricator
6 killed as crane collapses in China - Report

PTI reported that at least 6 persons were killed when a gantry crane collapsed on them at a railway construction site in Chinas east Shandong province. The accident took place when the workers were dismantling the crane at the Shijiazhuang-Jinan railway construction site in Jinan, capital of Shandong province.

Five people were killed on the spot while another died in a hospital. One person was injured, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Source : PTI
China may hit funds roadblock over OBOR - Think tank

ET quoted China's 'One Belt One Road' mega initiative could hit a roadblock, a Hyderabad-based think tank claimed, arguing that the country may increasingly find it difficult to fund several infrastructure projects across continents owing to financial constraints at home arising from debts, shadow banking, Ponzi schemes and zombie companies. The Centre for Asia Africa Policy Research said that China may be forced to put brakes on its grandiose plans after credit ratings agency Moody's decided to downgrade the country's sovereign debt rating.

The report titled 'China's Hard sell - Moody's Worries', said that "Will the new credit rating put brakes on China plans? Frankly, there are no ready answers. Will they succeed? It depends on how the Chinese marshal their energies to blunt the Moody's critique and how the Chinese sweeten the deals for the cash strapped low income countries, which have come to see their infrastructure nirvana in OBOR."

The report said that China is fudging statistics on a wide range of issues from the growing unemployment rates to banking sector.

It said that shadow banking and Ponzi schemes are rampant in China and could hurt its economy. Besides, the Chinese market is flooded with uninsured wealth management instruments and zombie companies which, the think tank said, can derail OBOR project.

OBOR is a USD 124 billion venture to build ports, railways, airports and power plants in South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and even South America with Chinese loans and manpower, a prospect that has raised severe concerns in countries including India.

Source : ET
Chinese industrie draait naar krimp

Inkoopmanagersindex in mei naar 49,6.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie heeft in mei een draai gemaakt van groei naar krimp. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex daalde van 50,3 in april naar 49,6 in mei.

"Dit is de eerste krimp in elf maanden", aldus macro-econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van Caixin.

"De deelindexen voor productie en nieuwe business bleven dan nog in positief territorium, maar daalden wel naar het laagste punt sinds juni van het vorig jaar. Kosten voor input en prijzen voor de output droegen echter negatief bij", aldus de econoom.

Verder wezen diverse andere deelindexen erop dat bedrijven een rem hebben gezet op herbevoorrading.

Een indexstand groter dan 50 wijst op groei van de industrie, terwijl minder dan 50 krimp betekent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Caixin PMI signals renewed deterioration in operating conditions in May in China

Operating conditions faced by Chinese goods producers deteriorated for the first time in nearly a year in May. The fall in the headline index coincided with slower increases in output and new orders, while staff numbers were cut at a quicker rate. Subdued demand conditions underpinned a renewed fall in purchasing activity, albeit only slight, and the first increase in inventories of finished items in 2017 so far. Latest data also signaled the first fall in input costs since last June, which in turn led manufacturers to lower their selling prices for the first time since February 2016. The seasonally adjusted Purchasing Managers Index, a composite indicator designed to provide a single-figure snapshot of operating conditions in the manufacturing economy, posted below the neutral 50.0 value at 49.6 in May. Although only indicative of a marginal deterioration in operating conditions, the index fell from 50.3 to signal the first decline in the health of the sector for 11 months.

Chinese manufacturers reported a further rise in production during May. That said, the pace of expansion was the weakest in the current 11 month sequence and only slight. Softer growth in output reflected a relatively muted increase in total new orders during May. Furthermore, growth in new order books was also the slowest seen since the current upturn began in July 2016. Data indicated that customer demand was relatively subdued both at home and overseas, with new export sales rising at a similarly marginal pace.

Confidence towards the year-ahead meanwhile remained weaker than the historical average, with the degree of optimism unchanged from April’s four-month low.

At the same time, employment continued on a downward trend, with the rate of job shedding picking up slightly for the third month running. Notably, it was the quickest decline in workforce numbers seen since last September. Lower staffing levels were partly linked to company down-sizing initiatives, but also the non-replacement of voluntary leavers. As a result, outstanding business increased again in May and at the fastest pace this year so far.

Goods producers in China lowered their purchasing activity for the first time in 11 months in May, albeit only slightly. A number of panelists mentioned that weaker than expected sales had weighed on input buying. As a result, stocks of inputs declined and at the quic kest pace since January. Subdued sales also contributed to a renewed increase in inventories of finished items.

Although purchasing activity fell in May, average delivery times continued to lengthen. A number of panelists blamed longer lead times on stock shortages at vendors.

Manufacturing companies reported the first decline in average cost burdens for nearly a year in May. The rate of reduction was marginal overall, and widely linked by respondents to lower raw material prices. Firms generally passed on any savings to clients, by cutting their output charges for the first time since February 2016.

Commenting on the China General Manufacturing PMI™ data, Dr. Zhengsheng Zhong, Director of Macroeconomic Analysis at CEBM Group said “The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI fell 0.7 points to 49.6 in May, marking its first contraction in 11 months. The sub indices of output and new business stayed in expansionary territory, but both fell to their lowest levels since June last year. The sub- indices of input costs and output prices dropped into contractionary territory for the first time since June 2016 and February 2016 respectively. The sub index of stocks of purchases signaled a renewed decline, while the sub-index of stocks of finished goods rebounded, indicating that companies have stopped actively restocking as inventories began to stack up. China’s manufacturing sector has come under greater pressure in May and the economy is clearly on a downward trajectory.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese dienstensector groeit harder

Inkoopmanagersindex in mei naar 52,8.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in mei in een hoger tempo gegroeid. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex steeg van 51,5 in april naar 52,8 in mei.

De inkoopmanagersindex vastgesteld door de Chinese overheid steeg van 54,0 in april naar 54,5 in mei, zo bleek op 31 mei al.

Minder positief was dat de inkoopmanagersindex van Markit en Caixin voor de industrie eerder deze maand daalde van 50,3 naar 49,6. "Dit is de eerste krimp in elf maanden", aldus macro-econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van Caixin. Uit overheidscijfers bleek een pas op de plaats voor de inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie in mei op 51,2.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Hyperloop Technology may be implemented under Chinese Silk Road, Russia Projects - Mr Ahlborn

Sputnik reported that the Hyperloop Transportation Technologies company is currently discussing with a number of Chinese provinces the opportunity of implementation the high-speed transportation technologies, company's CEO Mr Dirk Ahlborn told on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The hyperloop technology would be perfect for the One Belt, One Road project.

Mr Ahlborn said that "We have Chinese investors in our company and we have been extensively had discussions all around China with different municipalities and regions. There are a lot of different hurdles, political hurdles to overcome. It seems like moving at least a little bit over the last year. And again, we had some discussions, and I think our technologies would be perfect for the [One Belt, One Road] project," adding that the Hyperloop Transportation Technologies was conducting talks with five Chinese provinces' authorities.

He said that Chinese venture funds were company's investors and stressed that China was an important market.

He added that "It makes a big difference if you can have goods from Asia to Europe within hours, rather than within weeks. I think it is a perfect application for the technology."

Moreover, he said that the Hyperloop is interested in developing in Russia the high speed transportation technologies, known as hyperloop.

He further added that "In terms of projects, we are working with some Russian companies and team members. The most important thing when you are creating a new mode of transportation, you need to create a new law that explains how it is supposed to be and this is a way in how we can make it very safe. So this process normally takes a very long time. We are working with a lot of different governments around the world and we are looking forward of course to working in Russia."

Source : Sputnik
Chinese push to become world leader in renewable energy - Greenpeace

The New Economy reported that China’s push to become a world leader in renewable energy has taken a significant step forward, as the country’s National Energy Administration ordered the cessation of 104 individual coal-fired power plants. The move is the latest stage in the country’s five-year plan to transition to green energy. Earlier in the year, the NEA announced China’s commitment to invest USD 292bn in renewable energy technology by 2020.

Closing down the coal projects represents a significant boon for the Chinese Government; as late as November last year, it was reported that around $500bn could be wasted on unnecessary coal-fired power plants in China, mostly pushed ahead by local governments against the will of state authorities. This threatened to create a Catch-22 situation, in which the projects would potentially be even more wasteful and damaging to shut down than to complete, both in terms of environmental damage, and in terms of job losses and financial impact.

Greenpeace said in a statement that “Stopping under-construction projects seems wasteful and costly, but spending money and resources to finish these completely unneeded plants would be even more wasteful.”

The decision to scale back coal power in China could not have come too soon. In October last year, climate think tank Energy Transition Advisors predicted that if China were to complete all coal power projects then under construction, it would use up its entire International Energy Agency carbon budget by 2036. The carbon budget is an absolute maximum that countries can produce while still leaving a 50 percent chance of keeping global warming at or below two degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, power plants do not account for all coal-fired industry in China. The country is home to many privately owned steel mills, which supply their own power by burning vast quantities of coal. As International Business Times reported last year, many of these steel plants are run illegally, and avoid closure by paying informal fines to local inspectors.

Source : The New Economy
Daimler and BAIC to make electric cars in China

Daimler's China chief Hubertus Troska and BAIC Group's XuHeyi will formally agree to upgrade production facilities in Beijing to allow German luxury brand Mercedes-Benz to introduce an electric car in China. Reuters reported that Daimler will sign a memorandum of understanding with China's BAIC Motor Corporation about producing a Mercedes-Benz electric car.

Daimler's China chief Hubertus Troska and BAIC Group's XuHeyi will formally agree to upgrade production facilities in Beijing to allow German luxury brand Mercedes-Benz to introduce an electric car in China.

Daimler already has a factory in Beijing together with joint venture partner Beijing-Benz Automotive where it makes Mercedes-Benz vehicles powered with conventional combustion engines.

The agenda to the Germany-China summit also showed that Volkswagen is due to sign a contract with Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co about production, research and development of electric cars in China.

Source : Reuters
Metals hold up surprisingly well considering poor Chinese PMI data

FastMarkets reported that the base metals on the London Metal Exchange are down across the board by a fairly uniform amount of between 0.1% and 0.3% on June 1, with three-month copper prices off 0.3% at USD 5,677 per tonne.

Volume has been slightly above average with 6,372 lots traded as of 06:11 BST; zinc has seen the highest volume with 2,555 lots traded, compared with 1,690 lots of copper. Zinc prices are off 0.2% at USD 2,112 per tonne.

Weak Chinese Caixin manufacturing PMI that dropped to 49.6 from 50.3 and below the 50.2 expected, is a depressing factor this morning. The Caixin reading is for medium to smaller companies, rather than the official reading, out on Wednesday that is for larger and state-owned enterprises that held steady at 51.2. The poor Caixin number no doubt reflects the liquidity squeeze underway in China that will be affecting private companies more that the larger SOEs.

The precious metals prices are also all off slightly this morning, with gold and silver prices off 0.2% and with the platinum group metals little changed. This after a general day of strength on Wednesday that saw the complex close up an average of 0.6%.

Base metals prices on the Shanghai Futures Exchange are generally weaker this morning, down an average of 0.6%, although lead has for once bucked the trend on the upside with a 0.5% gain. Conversely, zinc is down 1.9%, nickel prices are down 1.1% and July copper prices are off 0.6% at 45,280 yuan ($6,720) per tonne. Spot copper prices in Changjiang were down 0.8% at 45,190-45,390 yuan per tonne and the LME/Shanghai copper arb ratio is weaker at 7.98, implying SHFE prices are falling at a faster pace than LME prices, which is further increasing the negative arbitrage gap.

Other metals prices in China are also weaker today with September iron ore prices on the Dalian Commodity Exchange down 4.3% at 419.50 yuan per tonne, while on the SHFE, steel rebar prices are down 3.3% and gold and silver prices are off 0.1%.

In international markets, spot Brent crude oil prices are up 0.4% at USD 51.15 per barrel. The yield on the US ten year treasuries is weaker 2.21%, which suggests a degree of risk-off.

Equities were weaker on Wednesday with the Euro Stoxx 50 closing down 0.2% and the Dow closed down 0.1% at 21,008.65. Asia, this morning, is mainly firmer with the Nikkei up 1.2%, the Hang Seng is up 0.4%, the ASX 200 is up 0.1%, while the Kospi is down 0.1% and the CSI 300 is down 0.2%.

The dollar index’s latest rebound attempt has stalled with the index recently quoted at 97.03 after a peak of 97.78 on Tuesday. The trend in the dollar is still downward, which is odd given the market is so convinced of an interest rate rise in June. The euro is trying higher again at 1.1240, sterling shook off its poll jitters on Wednesday, it is firmer at 1.2862, the yen is treading water at 110.97 but the Australian dollar at 0.7402 is suffering on the back of weaker commodity prices and the poor Chinese PMI number.

The yuan is racing higher, it was recently quoted at 6.7317, after 6.8446 on Friday May 26. Most of the other emerging market currencies we follow are flat, although the rupee and real are firmer.

The economic agenda is busy today, in contrast to the Chinese PMI, Japan’s data has been stronger with capital spending rising 4.5%, against expectations of 3.8% rise and its manufacturing PMI climbed to 53.1, from 52. Later there is data on UK house prices and manufacturing data out across Europe, with US data including Challenger job cuts, ADP non-farm employment change, initial jobless claims, revised non-farm productivity, unit labor costs, final and ISM manufacturing PMIs and prices, construction spending, oil inventories, natural gas storage and total vehicle sales.

Source : FastMarkets
Chinese demand for fuel-efficient cars lifts Weipa bauxite projects

Courier Mail reported that surging Chinese demand for aluminium is set to create hundreds of new mining jobs in the Weipa area, home to one of the world’s richest deposits of bauxite. Brisbane based Metro Mining last week said Lubei Chemicals, China’s fifth largest bauxite importer, intended to buy up to one million tonnes of bauxite annually from the company for the next three years.

Metro joins mining giant Rio Tinto and smaller companies such as Metallica Minerals in tapping the region’s huge deposits of bauxite, a key ingredient in the production of aluminium.

Australia is expected to become a bigger supplier of bauxite to China over the next decade as supply wanes from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Commodity research analysts CM Group said that bauxite imports to China are forecast to almost triple to 136 million tonnes over the next decade.

Australia shipped about 21.3 million tonnes of bauxite to China last year.

To prepare for increasing demand, Rio Tinto this year awarded more than USD 900 million in construction contracts for its Amrun mine, 40km south of Weipa.

The AUD 2.6 billion project is expected to employ 1400 people when it starts production in 2019, replacing the company’s depleting East Weipa bauxite mine.

The rich bauxite deposits around Weipa were first discovered in the late 1700s, but commercial mining did not begin until the 1960s when ­Comalco started operations.

Metro Mining chief executive Mr Simon Finnis said much of the renewed demand was being driven by Chinese vehicle manufacturers which were making lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles. Mr Finnis said China currently produced 40 million tonnes of aluminium each year and that was expected to grow to 50 million tonnes over the next five years. He said in the past decade falling power prices in China has made it more cost-effective for Chinese smelters to make aluminium.

Metro already has a supply agreement with China’s Xinfa Group, which owns and operates power stations, alumina refineries and an aluminium smelter in China’s Shandong province.

Metro’s mine will employ 185 people when production starts next year.

Metallica Minerals chief executive Simon Slesarewich said the fundamentals of bauxite would remain strong as ­demand for fuel-efficient cars, planes and trains continued.

Mr Slesarewich said that “The majority of the iconic Ford F100 is now made of aluminium. In terms of where the demand is coming from, all roads lead to China.”

Metallica Minerals expects to start production of its Urquhart project, southwest of Weipa, in the next three months following a AUD 4 million capital raising.

Source : Courier Mail
Hyundai Motor China sales down by 65% in May

Reuters reported that vehicle sales in China for Hyundai Motor, South Korea's biggest car maker, fell 65% in May, following political tensions between the two Asian countries over the deployment of a United States missile system.

The result follows reports that competitors are out pacing the South Korean company, with Honda Motor Co Ltd and Geely owned Volvo Car Group reporting double-digit sales gain in China last month.

Hyundai's China factory sales fell to 35,100 vehicles in May from 100,328 a year earlier, dropping for a third consecutive month, Samsung Securities analyst Esther Yim said on Friday,citing company data.

Analysts said that the persistent weakness in their top market puts Hyundai,and its affiliated brand Kia Motors, on track to miss their global sales target for a third consecutive year in 2017.

A Hyundai spokeswoman said the company does not officially release China sales data and could not confirm the figure provided by Yim.

South Korea angered Beijing by deciding to deploy a U.S.missile defence system to counter threats from North Korea,resulting in backlash against Korean goods such as automobiles.China says the system's powerful radar can penetrate deep into its territory and undermine its security.

Source : Reuters
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 Europe50^ 5.455,27 -0,15%
 US30^ 43.818,00 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 20.879,40 0,00%
 US500^ 5.952,17 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.585,40 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.857,60 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0375 -0,20%
 WTI 70,08 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


Van Lanschot ... +4,09%
ADYEN NV +2,53%
ACOMO +1,59%


Kendrion -5,98%
AMG Critical ... -4,99%
AZERION -4,20%
ASML -2,93%