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China nieuws berichten

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China makes concessions to Germany on electric car quotas

Reuters reported that Germany has persuaded China to make concessions on its proposed quotas to encourage the production of electric vehicles.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Chancellor Angela Merkel said after talks in Berlin. Mr Li told a joint news conference he had discussed the issue at a dinner in Berlin and China had agreed to make concessions to automakers, without giving details.

Ms Merkel said Germany and China had similar goals when it came to promoting electric vehicles, but said she wanted to make sure there were good conditions for German automakers in China,saying she was optimistic for a positive solution.

Germany has been lobbying hard since China released a draft policy in September to set a target for 8 percent of automakers' sales to be battery electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles by 2018,rising to 10% in 2019 and 12% in 2020.

Reuters reported in March that China could consider pushing back the 8% target to 2019 after the automotive industry criticized the scale and pace of the plans.

Source : Reuters
China accelerates approvals for green car subsidies

Reuters reported that China on Friday approved around 300 more green energy vehicle models to receive subsidies as part of a scheme that has rapidly boosted sales in the sector, with the pace of approvals accelerating from earlier in the year. China is the world's largest market for green energy vehicles, with the government aggressively promoting the segment, including spending billions in subsidies, in a bid to fight intense urban air pollution.

Regulators had put the brakes on subsidies for new energy vehicles defined as battery electric and plug-in hybrids after discovering widespread cheating of the subsidy scheme last year, instituting stricter rules for qualifying and slowing approvals at the start of 2017.

That pace has since quickened with the latest 300 or so bringing total approvals for the second quarter to 1,396 models, compared to 386 receiving the green light in the first quarter, according to statements on the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology website.

But profits for new energy vehicle makers remain under pressure as the amount of subsidies each car is eligible to receive has decreased from last year, as the government seeks to gradually wean the industry off state support. It has also capped local subsidies that seek to match the national scheme.

An executive at Chinese automaker BYD Co Ltd predicted the company's first-half profits would fall because of the decline in subsidies, despite the company's sales volume for new energy vehicles improving as the year progresses, the state-owned Securities Times reported on Friday.

Source : Reuters
Chinese Hengyi Group expect to start up USD 3.4 billion Brunei oil refinery in 2019

Reuters reported that privately-run Chinese company Hengyi Group expects to start operating a USD 3.4 billion refinery in resource-rich Brunei in 2019 after completing building work in October next year, two industry executives briefed on the matter. Hengyi had previously delayed the start up of the 160,000 barrels-per-day facility in Southeast Asia from an initial 2015 target, partly blaming delays in local infrastructure.

East China-based Hengyi, a leading manufacturer of synthetic fibre, declined to comment this week, while the Brunei government did not respond to an email seeking comment. The company in March signed off on the final investment for the USD 3.445 billion refinery at Pulau Muara Besar island in Brunei, the largest of its kind run outside China by a private Chinese firm.

The facility will primarily provide feedstock for Hengyi's massive Chinese production of pure terephthalic acid, or PTA, an intermediate for making polyester. But it will also churn out fuel, competing with supply from the region's oil hub,Singapore. That comes as new refineries are also due to come online in Vietnam and Malaysia.

Nevyn Nah of Energy Aspects, said that "There's already an oversupply so any delay is good. Nghi Son (in Vietnam) is coming up in 2018 and the Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development project (by Malaysia's Petronas) is in 2019."

Source : Reuters
379 miljoen kwijt bij Chinese partner FrieslandCampina: directeur staat er alleen voor

Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de soap rond Huishan Dairy Holdings, de wankelende Chinese partner van zuivelreus FrieslandCampina: het grootste deel van het kasgeld is weg. Er had 2,9 miljard yuan (379 miljoen euro) aan contanten moeten zijn, maar bij een controle werd slechts 467 miljoen yuan (61 miljoen euro) aangetroffen.
Door: Wilco Dekker 6 juni 2017, 18:02

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Dat heeft Huishan dinsdag laten weten aan de beursautoriteiten van Hongkong. Het Chinese zuivelbedrijf zegt geen idee te hebben wat er is gebeurd; er is een forensisch accountant ingeschakeld. Diens bevindingen zullen op het hoofdkantoor van FrieslandCampina in Amersfoort met grote interesse worden gevolgd. De Nederlandse zuivelreus en de Chinezen hebben samen de joint-venture Friesland Huishan Dairy. Het gaat om een fabriek met 400 werknemers in de Chinese miljoenenstad Shenyang, die babyvoeding maakt voor de Chinese markt.
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De zoekgeraakte miljoenen zijn een nieuw hoofdstuk in de soap rond Huishan. Het bedrijf raakte eind vorig jaar in opspraak toen een analist stelde dat de winstcijfers waren opgepompt. Op 24 maart werd de handel in Huishan in Hongkong stilgelegd, nadat het aandeel in anderhalf uur 85 procent van zijn waarde (toen 3,8 miljard euro) was kwijtgeraakt. Vlak daarvoor ging de financieel directeur plots met ziekteverlof. Deze 38-jarige Ge Kun - in de Chinese pers aangeduid als echtgenote van directeur Yang Kai (55) - schreef dat de stress haar te veel werd. Ze wordt sindsdien vermist. Huishan heeft de politie ingeschakeld. Yang Kai staat er alleen voor, want de acht resterende bestuurders zijn ook vertrokken. Huishan heeft miljarden euro's schuld en kan niet aan de betalingsverplichtingen voldoen.

Volgens analisten blijkt uit de verdwenen honderden miljoenen dat de situatie nog ernstiger is dan gedacht. Dat is vooral slecht nieuws voor 23 Chinese banken, die soms forse bedragen hebben uitstaan. FrieslandCampina heeft de leiding over de fabriek in Shenyang overgenomen en zegt alles te doen om die draaiende te houden, door de werknemers en leveranciers te betalen. Hoe groot de strop van Huishan kan worden, wil het Nederlandse bedrijf niet zeggen.
Tokyo Steel tapping Chinese potential as steel scrap supplier

Nikkei reported that Tokyo Steel Manufacturing, Japan's largest independent maker of electric-furnace steel, has begun importing scrap iron from China, expecting the country to become a key supplier. Between May and June, the company bought about 3,000 tons of scrap for its plant in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, on the southern island of Kyushu, on a trial basis. It is believed to be the first major Japanese electric-furnace steelmaker to import scrap iron from China. Most Japanese producers obtain scrap metal from domestic sources.

Tokyo Steel unloaded about 850 tons of scrap in mid-May, and more than 2,000 tons on June 2, from a cargo ship docked near the plant. The Kitakyushu plant produces H-beams, heavy plates and other construction materials.

According to a company spokesman, the procurement cost did not differ significantly from that procured domestically. The company will check the quality of the Chinese scrap iron before increasing imports from the country.

Although the Kitakyushu plant was selected for the trial run because of its proximity to China, Tokyo Steel is seeking to do the same at other plants -- one in Tahara, Aichi Prefecture and another in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture.

The Chinese government is trying reduce excess steel production. This has created a glut of scrap, leading steel producers to export it.

Source : Nikkei
China's rising aluminum exports add fuel to the trade fire

FILE PHOTO: Workers ride on an motor rickshaw through an aluminium ingots depot

in Wuxi, Jiangsu province in this September 26, 2012 file picture. REUTERS/Aly Song/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Workers ride on an motor rickshaw through an aluminium ingots depot in Wuxi, Jiangsu province in this September 26, 2012 file picture. REUTERS/Aly Song/File Photo
By Andy Home | LONDON
China exported 380,000 tonnes of aluminum in semi-fabricated form in April.

It was the highest monthly total since November 2015 and brings the year-to-date tally to 1.33 million tonnes, up two percent on the same period of 2016.

That may not sound like a lot of extra metal.

But any increase risks fanning the flames of the trade tensions around China's impact on the rest of the aluminum world.

The United States has taken the lead in pushing back against growing Chinese dominance.

The Obama administration initiated a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization and the successor Trump administration has followed up with a Section 232(b) investigation into the national security implications of global aluminum flows.

Moreover, there is plenty of devil in the detail of China's aluminum exports.

Some sharp shifts in product mix are emerging which may mean a bigger impact on the global supply chain than suggested by the headline figures.

Graphic on China's exports of aluminum "semis":


Full breakdown of China's aluminum trade:


Chinese policy makers are targeting their giant aluminum sector for supply-side reform this year.

A national audit will weed out those that have failed to tick all the legal boxes, while those in the region surrounding Beijing will be forced to cut production by at least 30 percent over the next winter heating season starting November.

Environmental urgency to tackle what is a massive user of coal-fired power is overlaid with diplomatic urgency to preempt a trade showdown.

Uncertainty over future production in China, which produces more than half the world's aluminum, is the single most important reason why the London metal price is up 14.5 percent this year, outstripping all the other major industrial metals.

But all that lies ahead and right now, it seems, China's aluminum production machine is cranking back up again.

By how much is a little difficult to say given the volatility in the monthly figures, which have implausibly shown annualized output gyrating in a three-million-tonne range over the last couple of months.

Cumulative output so far this year has risen by 12.5 percent to 11 million tonnes. Last year's low base may serve to overstate that growth rate, but, on the other hand, there are plenty of analysts who think that the current figures are running too low anyway.

The best that can be said is that production is definitely trending higher. And so too are exports of semi-manufactured products ("semis").

Graphic on China's exports by major product code:



The superficially modest rise in exports so far this year is masking a dramatic change in the sort of product that is leaving the country.

Exports of bars, rods and profiles (international trade code 7604) have slumped by 34 percent, or 132,000 tonnes, in the first four months of the year.

Exports of plate, sheet and strip (code 7606), by contrast, have risen by 20 percent, or 105,000 tonnes. Those of foil are up by 14 percent, or 47,000 tonnes.

The latter may well reflect an acceleration in shipments ahead of a U.S. International Trade Commission anti-dumping finding, another salvo in the country's trade barrage against China's aluminum sector.

But why has there been such a sharp switch between Code 7604 and 7606, the two largest components of China's "semis" exports in both 2015 and 2016?


The answer lies in part with one specific trade partner.

China's exports of 7604 "semis" to Vietnam mushroomed from just over 6,000 tonnes in 2012 and 2013 to 463,000 tonnes in 2015 and 510,000 tonnes in 2016, according to International Trade Centre figures.

The material didn't stay in Vietnam.

A significant part was found in Mexico last year, since when both media and market have been tracking its return to Vietnam. Google Earth, it seems, is now an essential part of every aluminum trader's toolkit.

The market calls this moveable aluminum mountain "fake semis", aluminum which has been transformed just enough to escape China's export tax on unwrought metal and instead qualify for a VAT tax rebate.

The official jury is out, although Vietnamese officials are apparently curious as to why the obscure port of Vung Tao is now the world's aluminum capital.

"Following instructions from Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung, officials from the trade, the finance and the planning and investment ministries will verify the origin and purpose of the aluminum stock," reported the local "VN Express" newspaper on May 4, 2017.


Abu Dhabi port eases restrictions on oil tankers going to and from Qatar
Oil slides as rising U.S. crude, gasoline inventories surprise
From the depths of this murky story, however, shine a couple of clear statistical takeaways.

China's total exports of "semis" were 4.2 and 4.0 million tonnes in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

It now seems a significant part of this, one million tonnes but maybe a lot more, never went anywhere near the global supply chain. It may have been on a world tour but it is still unconsumed.

Secondly, the sharp drop in Code 7604 exports this year suggests the first leg of that tour has been wound down.

It is also, though, masking the increase in other forms of product, particularly plate, sheet and strip.

This may be an ominous trend for producers in the rest of the world if, unlike the alleged "fake semis", the material is fit to displace western product outside of China.

It may have, in other words, greater market impact.


There should be no doubting Beijing's zeal when it comes to reforming its aluminum sector.

It will result in closures, the only question is how much. On that subject the debate rages hot around the aluminum market.

But unless Beijing can work out how to stem the rising tide of "semis" into the world market, there will be no relief from the multiple trade pressures.

Its problem is that it has spent years micro-managing its aluminum sector down the value-added product chain.

This is a system now designed to produce aluminum and convert that metal into "semis". The more aluminum produced, the more "semis" produced and the greater the overspill of surplus into world markets.

Even if capacity is closed later this year, other smelters will most likely simply lift output in compensation.

This is the message from China's steel sector, currently producing at record levels despite, or rather because of, the success in cutting non-economic capacity.

Years of excess cannot be rectified overnight.

And with Chinese production and exports still rising, the latter more dramatically than the headlines suggest, the already simmering aluminum trade war is only going to get hotter.

(Editing by Louise Heavens)

Alibaba geeft sterke omzetverwachting af

Chinese internetgigant rekent op 50 procent groei.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Alibaba rekent voor het lopende boekjaar op een omzetgroei van 45 tot 49 procent. Dit meldde CFO Maggie Wu donderdag tijdens de beleggersdag van de Chinese internetgigant.

Hoewel de groei daarmee lager uitkomt dan de 56 procent afgelopen jaar, is dit toch beter dan verwacht. Door Thomson Reuters geraadpleegde analisten rekenden op een groei van 36 procent.

Over het afgelopen jaar realiseerde Alibaba een omzet van 158,3 miljard yuan. Daarmee deed de internetgigant het beter dan verwacht. Aanvankelijk rekende de onderneming op een groei van 48 procent, wat later werd bijgesteld naar 53 procent. Indien gecorrigeerd voor de overnames van Youku en Lazada lag de omzetgroei afgelopen jaar echter op 45 procent.

Alibaba presenteerde tijdens de bijeenkomst tevens nieuwe groeiplannen. Belangrijk is om de gebruikers zo lang mogelijk op het platform van Alibaba te houden, omdat dit leidt tot meer en hogere aankopen, aldus het internetbedrijf. Afgelopen jaar had het Chinese e-commerce platform naar eigen zeggen 454 miljoen actieve gebruikers.

Het aandeel Alibaba, genoteerd in New York, werd donderdag in de elektronische handel voorbeurs 6,5 procent hoger verhandeld.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Handelsoverschot China loopt op

Chinese export stijgt krap 16 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Chinese handelsoverschot is in mei flink opgelopen, waarbij de export een stevige plus liet zien. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

Vorige maand kwam het handelsoverschot van China uit op 281,6 miljard yuan, circa 41,42 miljard dollar. Dit was in april nog ruim 262,3 miljard yuan.

De export steeg gemeten in yuan met 15,5 procent stevig, sterker dan de plus van 14,3 procent in april.

De import dikte op jaarbasis 22,1 procent aan. Hier bleef de toename juist achter bij de groei in april van dit jaar, toen er zich een stijging van 18,6 procent aftekende. Er werd door de markt gerekend op een toename van 8,3 procent.

Gemeten in Amerikaanse dollars, kwam de exportgroei in mei uit op 8,7 procent.

Geraadpleegde economen mikten op een toename met 7,0 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Nepal signs mega hydro project deal with Chinese firm

Indian Express reported that Nepal has signed a major deal with a Chinese company to develop a 1,200 MW hydroelectric project, the biggest hydro project in the landlocked country that could resolve its perennial power crisis. Nepal’s Ministry of Energy signed an MoU with China Gezhouba Group Corporation for the development of teh much-touted 1,200 MW Budhigandaki Hydroelectric Project. The agreement was signed at the prime minister’s residence, in the presence of outgoing prime minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ and Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Yu Hong, The Kathmandu Post reported.

As per the agreement, the storage project would be built under engineering, procurement, construction and finance model. Under this model, CGGC will help arrange funds required to develop the project. The funds will be mobilised in the form of soft loan or commercial loan from Chinese financial institutions on terms and conditions acceptable to the Nepal government. CGGC will also undertake the overall responsibility of executing the project.

According to the MoU, the Chinese developer will also conduct additional studies and investigations on the project if required. The MoU has given one year’s period to the Chinese developer to conduct assessment of the hydropower project and arrange necessary funds for its development.

According to Energy Ministry officials, this understanding will not bind the government legally or financially to hand over the project to the Chinese company for construction, as the final agreement is yet to be signed. The government has allocated a budget of INR 5.33 billion for the project’s development in the current fiscal year.

The EPCF model of project development, under which the contracting firm makes all the arrangements including mobilisation of financial resources to build the project, is considered to be one of the most effective and efficient models for development of huge infrastructure projects.

Currently, CGGC is building 30MW Chameliya Hydropower Project in the far west and 60MW Upper Trishuli 3A Hydropower Project in the central region.

Source : Indian Express
Chinese consumentenprijzen lopen verder op

Inflatie in mei 1,5 procent op jaarbasis.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese consumentenprijzen zijn in mei op jaarbasis in een hoger tempo gestegen dan in april. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De consumentenprijzen stegen vorige maand met 1,5 procent op jaarbasis. In april bedroeg de inflatie 1,2 procent op jaarbasis.

Op maandbasis daalden de consumentenprijzen in mei echter met 0,1 procent, na een stijging van 0,1 procent in april.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese producentenprijzen stijgen minder sterk

Toename van 5,5 procent op jaarbasis in mei.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese producentenprijzen zijn in mei op jaarbasis in een lager tempo gestegen. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De producentenprijzen namen in mei op jaarbasis met 5,5 procent toe, waar de stijging in april nog 6,4 procent bedroeg en in maart 7,6 procent.

Op maandbasis was er in mei sprake van een daling met 0,3 procent, tegen een krimp van 0,4 procent in april.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Copper has biggest 1-day rise in 2 months

Copper has posted its biggest one-day rise since early April as better-than-expected Chinese economic data allays some concerns about oversupply, prompting a bigger bounce off this week's near three-week low. London Metal Exchange copper closed up 1.9% at USD 5,729 a tonne, its biggest one-day rise since April 5. Copper stocks in LME warehouses fell 7,875 tonnes on Wednesday to 286,350 tonnes, continuing their retreat from early May's seven-month high. They have declined almost 20 per cent from that peak.

China reported stronger-than-expected exports and imports for May despite falling commodity prices, suggesting the economy is holding up better than feared. China's unwrought copper arrivals also jumped month on month.

However, the metal remains vulnerable to further losses after pulling back 8

LME nickel ended the day at USD 8,815 a tonne, up 0.1%. LME tin closed down 0.7% at USD 19,180 a tonne. Zinc ended up 0.8% at USD 2,466 a tonne and lead finished 1.4% higher at USD 2,091 a tonne. Aluminium was untraded at the close, but was last bid at USD 1,902, down 0.2%.

Source : Reuters
Chinese tire company Wanli to build USD 1 billion plant in US

Construction Dive reported that China based Wanli Tire Corp will build a USD 1 billion manufacturing plant in Orangeburg County, South Carolina.

As pre report the South Carolina Department of Commerce has requested permission to borrow $40 million to build infrastructure around the site and prepare it for construction. The project will be built in two phases over eight years, and, when the factory is 100% complete, it will employ 1,200 people.

South Carolina is home to five other international tire manufacturers, which produce a total of 100,000 tires daily. The state also exports more tires than any other in the US.

Source : Construction Dive
Kazakhstan to supply over 5 billion CBM of gas to China annually

Russian Construction reported that Kazakhstan is going to export to China up to 5 billion cubic meters of gas per year, according to KazMunaiGas following a meeting of the heads of the company and CNPC. The parties discussed the supply of a natural gas from Kazakhstan to China in the period 2017 –2018, and also agreed to sign a contract of purchase and sale of Kazakh gas for export in the volume of 5 billion cubic meters.

The heads of oil and gas companies have signed a memorandum of understanding. The document defines the volumes of deliveries, price and product quality, as well as a place of gas reception on the Chinese side – the Khorgos border point.

Mr Kairat Sharipbayev, chairman of the Board of Directors, said that “An agreement on the supply of Kazakh gas to China was preceded by a complex work on the creation of export-oriented transportation system: the completion of the Beineu – Bozoi –Shymkent gas pipeline, the commissioning of the third string of the Kazakhstan – China main gas pipeline and the construction of Bozoi high-tech gas-compressor station.”

Source : Russian Construction
China to Lao rail gathers steam

TTR Weekly reported that a fast rail line from China to Laos will run straight through Luang Prabang, Lao PDR’s famed World Heritage town, when it opens December 2021. Officials confirmed that the construction of the Laos-China railway is gathering steam as teams bore and drill foundations at 75 tunnel and 167 bridge locations on a route that will stretch 414 km from end-to-end. The line crosses the China-Lao border with major rail stations planned for Luang Namtha, 360 km northeast of Lao capital, Luang Prabang and Vientiane where it will eventually merge with a line crossing into Thailand at Nong Khai.

Chinese officials said that the railway will be designed for electrified trains travelling at 160 km per hour (passenger trains), or 120 km per hour for freight trains. Construction of the single 1.435 metre gauge track will take five years to build at a cost of USD5.8 billion, with 70% funded by Chinese investment and the balance by Laos.

The Lao government has prioritised railway development to transform the country from landlocked to a land-linked country with a system that is environmentally friendly and more efficient than highways in the long-term.

The project has its roots in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the two countries in 2010, but work did not start in earnest until 2016.

Source : TTR Weekly
Chinese 5 layered highway is a 'spaghetti-shaped maze' - Report

AFP reported that five suspended levels and cars going in all directions: a new highway interchange is driving motorists to tears, as they find themselves lost in a concrete maze resembling a plate of spaghetti. After eight years of construction, the Huangjuewan interchange was completed last week on the outskirts of Chongqing, a sprawling metropolis in southwest China. The structure balances five layers of traffic with the highest 37 metres above ground.

According to the municipality's website, no less than 15 ramps have been built to allow vehicles to move from one level to another, in eight directions.

An official on Chongqing's urban and rural construction committee told Xinhua news agency that the complex design was necessary to link the city's core, airport, and expressway, with each ramp leading to a different zone. This navigational nightmare has set the internet ablaze.

Source : AFP
Chinese self-driving train runs along painted lines instead of a track

Curbed reported that China keeps us on our toes when it comes to infrastructure development and new transportation ideas. (We still haven’t forgotten the car-swallowing bus meant to help commuters surpass snarled traffic on China’s highways.) You can add this to the list: This recently unveiled self-driving train—called ART for ‘autonomous rapid rail transit’—doesn’t run on a traditional track.

Instead, it rolls along on rubber tires, using sensors to plan and monitor its route along a path painted with road dividing lines.

ART—developed by a rail company in the central Chinese city of Zhuzhou, CRRC—can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometres an hour (or about 43 miles per hour) and accommodates up to 500 riders. To boot, ART can travel 40 kilometres on a single electric charge.

Source : Curbed
China has exported completely built vehicle to Western Europe

Economic Times reported that China, for the first time, exported completely built vehicles to Western Europe, on Tuesday. 123 Volvo cars were put in a train at Daqing in the country's Heilongjiang Province, and will reach Belgium in 18 days.

The journey from Daqing to Zeebrugge Port will see the train covering 9,832 kilometers through Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany. Trade through train using the Silk Road route with West Europe has seen a spurt in recent years. In fact, the Yiwu-Madrid railway line has emerged as a major train trade route and expands over 10,000 kilometers through 12 Chinese and nine European cities.

UK also joined the route late last year with a train arriving in London 15th European city added to the route carrying a variety of goods. The return train to Yiwu was reportedly carrying whiskey, vitamins, soft drinks and other goods. This is a distance of 12,070 kilometers one way.

While the politico-economic implications for countries are plenty, there is much at stake for companies in general, and auto companies in particular. For Swedish company Volvo, for instance, China is the biggest market by far.

The country has also been made a global manufacturing hub by the company. And it is just one of a long list of global automotive companies who would now look to make the most of packing their cars on cargo trains and exporting them to markets elsewhere.

Source : Economic Times
Gazprom to avoid buying Sakhalin-1 gas for deliveries to China via far east

Sputnik cited Alexander Medvedev, Gazprom Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee as saying that Russia's Gazprom energy company will not purchase gas from the Sakhalin-1 project for deliveries to China from the Far East. The Sakhalin-1 project develops three oil and gas fields off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East: Chayvo, Odoptu and Arkutun-Dagi.

Mr Medvedev said that "We do not need Sakhalin-1 gas for deliveries to China."

He said that Gazprom plans to sign by 2018 the main terms of pipeline gas deliveries to China from the Far East, as part of the Power of Siberia project.

Source : Sputnik
Russia, China plan to release high-speed freight train in 2019

Russian Construction reported that Russian-Chinese train for freight traffic on a high speed-railway is scheduled to be released in 2019, first vice-president of JSC Russian Railways, Mr Alexander Misharin, said at the International railway business forum 1520 Strategic Partnership. At the moment the development of technical requirements for this special rolling stock is being finalized, and together with Chinese colleagues, we are planning to release it as early as 2019.

According to Mr Misharin, the train will provide the optimal conditions for transportation of cargoes sensitive to the speed and supply conditions. The train’s speed will reach 400 kilometre per hour.

Source : Russian Construction
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