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Winnie de Poeh verboden op Chinese sociale media

De Chinese president Xi Jinping wil niet meer vergeleken worden met Winnie de Poeh.
Groeitempo Chinese economie houdt aan

Groei BBP van 6,9 procent in tweede kwartaal.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese economie is in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar in een zelfde tempo gegroeid als een kwartaal eerder. Dit maakte het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek maandag bekend.

Afgelopen kwartaal steeg het Chinese bruto binnenlands product met 6,9 procent op jaarbasis, gelijk aan de groei in het eerste kwartaal en 0,1 procentpunt meer dan de groei in het vierde kwartaal van 2016. Er was door economen gerekend op een groei van 6,8 procent.

De Chinese overheid wil dit jaar een groei realiseren van circa 6,5 procent. Daarmee zou de groei iets lager uitkomen dan de 6,7 procent in 2016.

Op kwartaalbasis groeide de Chinese economie in het tweede kwartaal met 1,7 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese industriele productie groeit flink harder

Productie in juni 7,6 procent hoger.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De productie van de Chinese industrie is in juni in een beduidend hoger tempo gestegen dan een maand eerder. Dit meldde het Chinese statistiekbureau maandag.

De productie groeide in juni met 7,6 procent op jaarbasis, nadat de groei in mei nog 6,5 procent bedroeg. Er werd ook een groei van 6,5 procent voorzien.

In maart piekte de productie dit jaar ook al op 7,6 procent.

Op maandbasis nam de industriële productie in juni met 0,81 procent toe, tegen 0,51 procent in mei.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese detailhandelsverkopen stijgen iets sterker

Detailhandelsverkopen op jaarbasis 11,0 procent hoger in juni.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in juni in een iets hoger tempo gestegen dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De verkopen namen de afgelopen maand op jaarbasis met 11,0 procent toe, nadat de verkopen in mei en april nog met 10,7 procent stegen.

Op maandbasis groeiden de detailhandelsverkopen in juni met 0,93 procent, na een stijging van 0,86 procent in mei.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China exports 460K aluminium in June

Reuters reported that China, the world's largest aluminium producer, exported 460,000 million tonnes of unwrought aluminium and aluminium products in June, in line with the previous month.

The numbers come amid a trade dispute with the United States, which says China has flooded international markets with cheap aluminium and steel.

Source : Reuters
Chinese coal imports fall to 21.6 million tonnes in June 2017

Platts reported that China imported 21.6 million tonnes of coal in June, including lignite, thermal and metallurgical material, down 2.66% from May and a marginal 0.68% lower year on year, according to preliminary data released by the General Administration of Customs. China imported 22.19 million mt of coal in May this year. In June 2016, the country imported 21.75 million mt of coal.

Citi analysts said that "Total coal imports weakened slightly by 2.7% month on month and 0.7% year on year as crackdown on low-rank thermal coal imports may have kept Indonesian volumes away."

The analysts said they expected Chinese custom controls over low-rank thermal coal to put pressure on July and August volumes too.

The analysts added that "However, importers could eventually adapt to these policy changes by purchasing more high-rank products."

Source : Platts
German new takeover code unlikely to put brake on Chinese auto sector deals

Economic Times quoted People close to the matter as saying that several German companies in talks with potential buyers from China are pushing ahead with negotiations undeterred by Germany's new takeover code. Germany has become the first European Union country to tighten its rules on foreign corporate takeovers following a series of Chinese deals giving access to Western technology and expertise.

The new regulations will allow the German government to block takeovers if there is a risk of critical technology being lost abroad. They will take effect shortly with no need for parliamentary approval.

Sources said that four German firms catering to the auto industry FFT, Eisenmann, ZF Body Controls and Eissmann Automotive are currently talking to potential Chinese buyers, but do not expect political interference.

A banker familiar with the deals said that "These assets are not the type of technologically critical assets that Germany wants to protect. If the state were to start interfering in these kinds of deals, that would be the end of dealmaking in Germany."

FFT, a maker of manufacturing facilities for car makers owned by private equity investor Aton, has attracted first round offers from Chinese bidders such as Shanghai Electric in a Morgan Stanley-led deal, people close to the matter said.

The company may reap a valuation of roughly half a billion euros or 8 to 9 times its expected 2017 core earnings of about 60 million euros ($68.5 million).

The deal is expected to come at a lower valuation than what Midea paid for robotics maker Kuka last year.

While both groups make car production gear, FFT specialises on assembly lines but does not supply robots itself, weighing on the valuation, the people said.

ZF Friedrichshafen is also in the final stages of talks with one Chinese bidder on the sale of its USD 1 billion Body Controls unit, which it put on the block last year, according to sources familiar with the situation.

Separately, German car interior maker Eissmann Automotive, which is being marketed by Lazard, has caught the eye of a number of Chinese firms, people close to that deal said.

Source : Economic Times
Akzo wil peroxideproductie China uitbreiden

Gepubliceerd op 18 jul 2017 om 10:23 | Views: 552

Akzo Nobel 16:44
77,78 -0,77 (-0,98%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Verf- en chemiebedrijf AkzoNobel wil de capaciteit van zijn organische peroxide-faciliteit in de Chinese stad Ningbo in de komende twee jaar verdubbelen. Dat meldde het concern dinsdag zonder daarbij in te gaan op financiële details.

Eerder was al bekend dat de capaciteit met 40 procent zou worden uitgebreid. Dat proces is volgens Akzo gaande en is in augustus klaar. Daarna volgt de volgende stap.

De faciliteit produceert dicumylperoxide (DCP), een organisch peroxide die wordt gebruikt bij de vervaardiging van polymeren. Die worden onder meer gebruikt in schoenzolen en voor de isolatie van hoogspanningskabels. Hier is volgens Akzo een sterke vraag naar.

Om aan de stijgende vraag te kunnen blijven voldoen wordt ook een nieuwe organische peroxide-faciliteit gebouwd in Tianjin.
DSM sluit deal over uv-filters in China

Gepubliceerd op 18 jul 2017 om 07:28 | Views: 1.077

DSM 16:50
63,77 -0,35 (-0,55%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - DSM heeft een exclusieve samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten met zijn Chinese branchegenoot Nanjing Cosmos over de productie van uv-filters die verwerkt worden in bijvoorbeeld zonnebrandcrème. Dat maakte het speciaalchemiebedrijf dinsdag bekend.

De samenwerking met Nanjing Cosmos stelt DSM in staat de grootste portefeuille uv-filters ter wereld aan te bieden, en zorgt er bovendien voor dat er voldoende capaciteit komt om aan de groeiende vraag naar dergelijke producten te kunnen voldoen. Financiële details werden niet vermeld.
Chinese real estate investment eases in May as construction starts dip sharply

Reuters reported that annual growth in China's real estate investment slowed in May, the first fall-off in three months, as government curbs cooled an overheated market and undermined investment, taking a toll on new developments. Worries over the potential bursting of price bubbles in China's biggest cities have led to a flurry of government cooling measures in recent months as buyer demand appeared to be more resilient than expected.

The report said that the growth rate of new construction starts measured by floor area, a telling indicator of developer confidence and correspondingly volatile, almost halved to 5.2 percent in May from April's 10.1 percent on a yearly basis, suggesting a sharp slowdown in the commencement of new projects.

Calculated from the National Bureau of Statistics' data, however, growth in property investment, which mainly focuses on residential real estate but also includes commercial and office space, eased to 7.3 percent in May from a year earlier, versus 9.6 percent in April.

Investors, banned from the hottest markets, are increasingly looking inland, driving up prices in more remote, smaller cities with fewer buying restrictions, leading to a surprise pick-up in May sales.

It said that the area of property sold grew 10.2 percent in May, compared with a 7.7 percent increase in April, reflecting a quickening in destocking of existing homes in smaller cities.

Inventory floor area in the first five months dropped at a quicker pace of 8.5 percent, compared to a fall of 7.2 percent in the January-to-April period.

Mr Joe Zhou, head of research for China at real-estate agent Jones Lang Lasalle, said that "It's been very obvious in the past two months that the buying demand has spilled over to the third- and fourth-tier cities."

Source : Reuters
China seen making 25pct more solar panels in 2017 than last year

Reuters quoted the head of a Chinese industry association as saying that China's solar industry is expected to produce 25 percent more panels in 2017 than last year, supported by domestic sales and demand from the United States and emerging markets. China was expected to produce solar panels with a combined capacity of 60 gigawatts (GW) this year, said Mr Wang Bohua, secretary general of China's photovoltaic industry association.

China produced panels with capacity of 48 GW in 2016.

Despite growing global demand, China's solar industry faced challenges ranging from possible tariffs abroad to inadequate grid connections at home, Wang told an industry gathering.

The United States has told the World Trade Organization it was considering putting emergency "safeguard" tariffs on imported solar cells, a move aimed at shielding its industry from a damaging, unforeseen surge in imports.

The United States has been vying with China and India to become a market leader in an industry where production costs have tumbled, favouring producers of scale.

In China, solar generation has been hindered by wastage or curtailment, in which inadequate grid connections mean not all capacity is utilised.

Mr Wang said that "Wasted solar power in northwestern China is still significant and it may extend to a broader region such as the central and northwest part of the country."

Environment group Greenpeace said solar curtailment rates across China rose 50 percent in 2015 and 2016, with more than 30 percent of available power in northwestern province Gansu and Xinjiang failing to reach the grid.

Mr Wang said that there was no efficient system to solve a shortfall in subsidies for the solar industry.

As capacity has surged, Beijing has struggled to find the cash to pay subsidies to renewable energy producers, with the shortfall last year exceeding CNY 60 billion, according to industry estimates.

The industry association said that China had a total of 101.82 GW installed solar capacity by June, after adding 24.4 GW in the first six months of 2017. It will soon reach 110 GW, the target Beijing had aimed to achieved by 2020.

Source : Reuters
Hebei province to meet 2017 coal capacity cuts by September

Reuters reported that China's Hebei province will likely meet its annual target for reducing coal capacity by the end of September, citing information from the provincial planning body. Hebei, China's top steel producing province, expects to cut 12.38 million tonnes of coal capacity this year, well above its initial target of 7.42 million tonnes.

It said that China plans to cut 150 million tonnes of coal capacity in 2017 as part of efforts to tackle choking pollution.

The National Development and Reform Commission said last week the country had cut coal capacity by 111 million tonnes by end-June.

Source : Reuters
Chinese deepest subway station under construction - Report

Press Trust of India reported that a subway metro station in southwest China is being extended to more than 94 metres underground, equivalent of 31 stories down, which will make it the country's deepest station. Hongtudi station, which opened on Line 6 years ago, was dubbed Chongqing muncipalitiy's deepest station at 60 metres below ground. Now, it is being extended deeper to connect with Line 10, a new metro line to be opened by the end of 2017.

Chongqing is known as a "mountain city" in China. Because of the hilly terrain and to avoid damaging air-raid shelters and pile foundation of street buildings, the station has to be built deep underground. It currently takes commuters more than three minutes to get from the platform of Line 6 to the street by taking elevators, longer if they choose to climb the 354 steps.

The station's 32 elevators will be increased to 91 when it becomes a transfer station.

In recent years, Chongqing is speeding up the construction of its subway system as the increasing number of vehicles on the road has caused traffic jams. Many Chinese cities are pushing forward the development of rail transit systems. Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that China had 4,153 kms of urban rail networks in operation across 30 cities until last year.

Source : Press Trust of India
Tunnels through Sela Pass to reduce distance to China border in Arunachal Pradesh

Indian Express reported that the Border Roads Organisation, which is responsible for construction and maintenance of roads to the strategic international border areas of the country, has sought to construct two tunnels across the 4170-metre Sela Pass in western Arunachal Pradesh, which will cut down road distance to the China border through Tawang by about 10 kms. The two tunnels would also obviate high altitude, steep gradient and numerous hair-pin bends, in the process help cut down travel time between Tezpur – the Army’s 4 Corps headquarters and Tawang by about an hour apart from ensuring that the 171-km Bomdila-Tawang stretch of National Highway 13 remains an all-weather road.

While the BRO has already worked out the technical details for the proposed tunnels that would also positively affect the present road alignment to the strategic international boundary with China beyond Tawang, it would particularly make troops movement easier during the winter when heavy snowfall in the eastern Himalayas often cut off road connectivity in the vital sector.

Mr R S Rao, Commander of 42 BRTF of Project Vartak initiated the formal land acquisition process by handing over a copy of the approved alignment plan to the West Kameng deputy commissioner Sonal Swaroop, so that the tunnel construction process could be taken up on a priority, a BRO official informed.

The project includes construction of two tunnels of 475 metres and 1790 metres length, that will be part of a new 12.37-km alignment, which in turn will cut down the Tezpur-Tawang road distance by a vital 10 km in the high altitudes. Negotiating hair-pin bends and steep gradients in the Sela Pass is a challenging task for both civilians and the Army, especially when there are convoy movements to and fro Tawang from cantonments down at Tenga Valley or in Tezpur.

The BRO’s alignment-cum-tunnel plan also includes double-laning of the existing single-lane road under National Highway specifications for about 25 km between Baishakhi and Nurarang. The Sela Pass, as also several other locations on the 320-km Tezpur-Tawang Road, has several important landmarks of the 1962 Chinese aggression, apart from scenic beauty, with the BRO expecting the proposed Sela Tunnel to also provide a big boost to tourism in the western Arunachal Pradesh sector.

Source : Indian Express
Morocco, China sign deal to build Africa’s tallest skyscraper

IANS reported that a Chinese firm has signed a deal with Moroccan companies to build the tallest skyscraper in Africa in the capital of Morocco. The deal was concluded in Casablanca by China Railway Construction Corporation and Morocco’s BMCE Bank of Africa and Travaux Generaux de Construction de Casablanca, Morocco’s leading construction company.

According to the report, the 55 storey tower will reach 250 metres high, with the adoption of ecological and sustainable design concepts. It will include offices, hotels and luxury apartments. The tower will be the highlight of a large-scale project to develop the Bouregreg valley in Rabat, a key component of the 2014-2018 Integrated Development Programme dubbed “Rabat, City of Light, Moroccan Cultural Capital”.

The new project also involves the construction of several innovative facilities, including the Grand Theatre of Rabat, the Arts and Culture House, the National Archives of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Archaeological Museum.

Source : IANS
Apple dreigt uit top vijf in China te kukelen

Gepubliceerd op 25 jul 2017 om 19:55 | Views: 873

Apple Inc 24 jul
152,09 +1,82 (+1,21%)

PALO ALTO (AFN) - Apple is zijn vierde plaats op de ranglijst van smartphoneleveringen in China kwijt. De Amerikaanse technologiegigant ondervindt veel concurrentie van lokale fabrikanten, die doorgaans goedkopere toestellen aanbieden, zo blijkt dinsdag uit een onderzoek van marktonderzoeker Canalys.

Grootste fabrikant in China is Huawei, dat in het afgelopen kwartaal 23 miljoen toestellen leverde in het land, gevolgd door Oppo en Vivo. De nieuwe nummer vier Xiaomi leverde 15 miljoen telefoons.

Exacte aantallen van Apple zijn niet bekendgemaakt, maar de iPhonemaker zag zijn verkopen in China in tegenstelling tot de top vier teruglopen. Sommige analisten denken wel dat de nieuwe iPhone 8 die in het najaar wordt gepresenteerd in de smaak kan vallen in China.

Verschillende kanalen

Volgens de marktkenners is het noodzakelijk om in China via verschillende kanalen te verkopen. Huawei en Xiaomi zijn online heel sterk en zetten nu zwaar in op fysieke winkels. Oppo en Vivo zijn online minder sterk en komen in het vizier van Xiaomi.

Overigens heeft niet alleen Apple het moeilijk in China. De wereldwijde marktleider Samsung, dat een toptiennotering heeft, heeft de laatste maanden ook minder toestellen verkocht in China.
China steel import to US insignificant - Mr Russell

Mr Clyde Russell wrote in Reuters that anybody looking at the United States' import data would wonder why the Trump administration is bothering making a big deal out of its steel trade with China. US Commerce Department statistics show that China supplied 73,594 tonnes of steel in May, a tiny 2.4% of the 3.12 million tonnes imported by the United States that month. In the first four months of 2017, US imports of Chinese steel products were 236,690 tonnes, representing 2.1% of total imports and down from 283,676 tonnes for the same period last year.

What the US import data reveals is that if there is a problem with too much imported steel, China is definitely not the source of that problem.

If Trump wants to boost the US steel industry by cracking down on imports, he should focus much closer to home, with Canada supplying 514,488 tonnes in May and Mexico 266,544.

China isn't even the biggest supplier of steel from Asia, being behind Japan, South Korea and India in May and only just ahead of Taiwan.

US President Donald Trump said last week that he is considering imposing tariffs on steel imports, while talks between the commerce secretaries of the United States and China ended without any concrete measures. The threat of US import taxes on Chinese steel have helped boost the share prices of US steelmakers, but this is likely more of a sentiment driven improvement rather than any expectation that imposing tariffs will be anything more than largely symbolic.

Source : Reuters
Environmental monitors says China pushes coal-fired power plants abroad

RFA reported that as China scales back plans to build new coal-fired power plants for its domestic market, it is adding dozens more to the world total with similar projects abroad, environmental monitors say. The building binge of overseas projects threatens to offset the environmental benefits from curbing expansion of coal power at home, according to recent reports.

As the world's biggest carbon emitter, China is also the leading contributor to the boom in new coal power projects in developing countries.

According to a report by the Berlin-based environmental group Urgewald, some 1,500 new projects are planned by many countries at 850 locations around the world, boosting generating capacity by 43 percent. Taken together, Chinese companies and investors represent the biggest source.

The report said that "The fleet of new coal plants would make it virtually impossible to meet the goals set in the Paris climate accord."

China won praise from environmental groups in January after the National Energy Administration (NEA) announced the suspension of 103 planned coal power projects in 13 provinces, including some already under construction.

The cutback came after Greenpeace East Asia warned in late 2015 that China's environmental authorities had approved plans for some 155 new coal plants despite utilization rates that had already dropped to the lowest level in 37 years.

The Urgewald report, based on data from the Global Coal Plant Tracker at endcoal.org/tracker/, suggests that the numbers of China's new projects internationally could be far greater.

Chinese companies are either building or planning more than 700 coal power units with about one-fifth of the capacity abroad, said The Times. China accounts for 45 percent of the projects in the database, according to Urgewald's tally.

An RFA review of the data found that 15 Chinese companies are involved in planned coal power projects in 21 foreign countries, ranging from Pakistan to Indonesia, Vietnam, Iran, Jamaica and Zimbabwe.

The lengthy list suggests that China will keep increasing its global climate footprint, even as it reduces the rate of growth of carbon emissions on its own territory.

Trusha Reddy, coordinator of the International Coal Network at Earthlife Africa in Johannesburg, said that "If the Chinese government truly wants to position itself as a global climate leader, it needs to rein in its state-owned companies that are flooding the world with new coal power plants."

One of the group's main complaints is that large coal-fired projects have been slated for countries like Egypt and Malawi for the first time.

The NGO said that "Putting new coal plants in countries that have never had any coal plants before creates coal dependencies for decades to come." Big investments in the projects could force them to keep operating for 40 years or more.

China's broad push for overseas coal power projects may suggest a coordinated effort, possibly linked to "industrial capacity cooperation," a government initiative to export entire industries and manufacturing processes to less developed countries.

Source : RFA
China imports 5.79 million tonne of coking coal in June 2017

Platts reported that China’s coking coal imports in June at 5.79 million tonnes were little changed on the year, while recovering from a drop in volumes in May. Mongolia was the largest source of imports in June, with 2.6 million tonnes, followed by Australia with 2.22 million tonnes. The two sources switching around compared to June 2016 when Australia was the largest.

Imports grew from 4.65 million tonnes in May. Australia shipped only 655,000 tonnes in May, as shipment volumes fell from Queensland, the largest source of seaborne met coal cargoes, following a cyclone.

The next largest origins for June imports were Russia with 369,000 tonnes, the US 286,000 tonnes and Canada 251,000 tonnes.

Source : Platts
Chinese shipbuilders sink into the doldrums - CANSI

Global Times reported that the glory days seems to be over for the nation’s shipyards after a rough first half, as companies face a wave of challenges, including declining orders, rising difficulties in fundraising and weak profitability, recent industry data showed. These trends are plaguing both the domestic and global shipbuilding sectors, which face lackluster global trade and overcapacity in the shipping industry, which have combined to drag down demand for new ships, experts noted.

In the first half of 2017, new orders received by Chinese shipbuilders plunged by 29 percent year-on-year in terms of total estimated freight volume for the new ships, according to data released by the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry on Friday.

The data showed that the order backlog fell by more than 30.5 percent year-on-year as domestic shipbuilders completed orders 57.4 percent more quickly than in the same period last year.

With new orders dwindling, shipbuilding companies are facing “severe challenges,” as most companies only have enough orders to keep them busy through 2018, the CANSI said, adding that more shipyards will be idle and some will face serious challenges to stay open.

Experts said that on top of declining orders, domestic shipbuilders also face shrinking profit margins amid intense competition on prices and low utilization of shipyards, the organization said. Rising labor costs might have also hurt the profitability problems of shipbuilders.

Total first-half revenue for 80 major shipbuilders monitored by the CANSI declined by 11 percent YoY CNY 128 billion and total profit dropped 49 percent to CNY 980 million.

In addition, shipbuilders are under heavy cash flow pressures, and they face difficulties raising money because of their weak performance, the CANSI said. It said that “[These issues] have not been fundamentally resolved and the stable development of the shipbuilding industry faces major challenges.”

These issues will not be resolved in the near term either, because the Chinese shipbuilding industry relies heavily on international orders, which are being depressed by lackluster global trade and overcapacity among shipping companies, experts noted. “This is not an issue unique to China. It’s a global trend that is affected by many things,” Liu Wei, an analyst at Minsheng Financial Leasing Co who specializes in the shipbuilding industry, told the Global Times on Monday. “The whole global shipbuilding industry is in the doldrums.”

China is the largest shipbuilder in the world and global orders account for a large portion of the total received by Chinese shipyards, Liu said, adding that companies in South Korea face similar challenges.

According to the CANSI data, in the first six months of 2017, global orders accounted for 88.2 percent of total new orders and 92.6 percent of existing orders. New orders and existing orders from overseas clients declined 29.1 percent and 32.1 percent year-on-year, respectively.

Source : Global Times
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