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Productie industrie China groeit minder sterk
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PEKING (AFN) - De productie in de omvangrijke Chinese industrie is in april minder sterk toegenomen dan in de voorgaande maand. Dat maakte het Chinese statistiekbureau maandag bekend.

De industriële productie ging met 6,5 procent omhoog in vergelijking met een jaar eerder. In maart was nog sprake van een toename met 7,6 procent. Economen hadden voor april in doorsnee op een productiegroei met 7 procent gerekend.

Er kwamen ook cijfers over de Chinese detailhandelsverkopen. Die namen vorige maand met 10,7 procent toe op jaarbasis. Een maand eerder was er een stijging van de winkelverkopen in de tweede economie van de wereld met 10,9 procent.
Correctie: Chinese detailhandelsverkopen tonen stabiele groei

Detailhandelsverkopen op jaarbasis 10,7 procent hoger in april.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in april in een iets trager tempo gestegen ten opzichte van een maand eerder. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De verkopen namen de afgelopen maand op jaarbasis met 10,7 procent toe, nadat de verkopen in maart nog met 10,9 stegen.

De markt hield vooraf rekening met een stijging met 10,6 procent.

Op maandbasis groeiden de detailhandelsverkopen in april met 0,79 procent, na een stijging van 0,76 procent in maart.

Correctie: om juiste maandcijfer te geven.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China closed 320,000 tonnes aluminium capacity in 2016

Aluminium Insider reported that People’s Republic of China’s aluminium sector shed 320 thousand metric tonne per year of aluminium capacity in 2016 according to an announcement on the country’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology website that was published on Wednesday.

The announcement also revealed that the Middle Kingdom also shuttered almost eleven million metric tonne per annum of steel capacity, 6.77 million metric tonne per year of iron capacity, and 5.59 million metric tonne per year of cement capacity. In addition, over 1,500 coal mines with capacity totals below 300 thousand metric tonne per year were idled in 2016, totaling a nationwide drop in production capacity of better than 100 million metric tonne per year.

The rationale behind the closings is to ease overcapacity in those markets, to save energy, and to cut the country’s overall emissions according to the ministry. In addition, the ministry confirmed that such cuts, which targeted outdated and obsolete capacity, were part of an overall strategy by the government to effect supply-side reform in those sectors.

The MIIT went on to say that such cuts were only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as more measures must be taken to permanently eliminate capacity that is outdated and out of compliance with state standards. In addition, the ministry said policies must soon be implemented to allow these industries access to resources and energy as they develop technology that would improve quality, efficiency, and sustainability.

The ministry went on to point out that a lack of domestic resources and a weaker ecological system has aggravated degradation wrought on the country’s environment, stunting the development of a healthy society. Such considerations also motivated the cuts to capacity made last year as well as cuts that are to come. The ministry concluded by pointing out that over the course of the 13th Five Year Plan (which runs through 2020) the government is working to reduce the domestic aluminium industry’s growth and stock in an effort at bringing global prices back up to appealing levels.

Source : Aluminium Insider
Alibaba overtreft verwachtingen

Winst over volledige boekjaar bijna gehalveerd.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Alibaba heeft in het vierde kwartaal van het gebroken boekjaar een hogere omzet en winst geboekt dan verwacht, maar moest over het volledige boekjaar een fors lagere winst overleggen. Dit maakte de Chinese internetgigant donderdag voorbeurs bekend over het afgelopen kwartaal, dat op 31 maart 2017 eindigde.

"Opnieuw een uitstekend kwartaal en jaar", concludeerde CEO Daniel Zhang.

De omzet van Alibaba steeg in het afgelopen kwartaal met 60 procent op jaarbasis van 24,2 miljard naar 38,6 miljard yuan, omgerekend ongeveer 5,6 miljard dollar. Analisten geraadpleegd door S&P Global Market Intelligence mikten op een omzet van 36,2 miljard yuan.

De omzet bij de cloud-activiteiten van Alibaba nam met liefst 103 procent toe naar 2,1 miljard yuan.

De nettowinst van de Chinese internetgigant nam op jaarbasis toe van 5,3 miljard naar 9,9 miljard yuan, omgerekend ruim 1,4 miljard dollar. De geraadpleegde analisten mikten op een nettowinst van 6,4 miljard yuan.


Over het volledige afgelopen boekjaar realiseerde Alibaba een 56 procent hogere omzet van 158,3 miljard yuan. Alibaba rekende zelf op een toename van 53 procent. Aanvankelijk mikte de internetgigant nog op een omzetgroei van 48 procent.

Onder aan de streep boekte Alibaba een nettowinst van 41,2 miljard yuan, flink minder dan de 71,3 miljard yuan in het voorgaande boekjaar. Volgens Alibaba steeg het effectieve belastingtarief van 10 naar 23 procent, terwijl ook de verkoop van Alibaba Pictures en de herwaardering van het belang in Alibaba Health vorig jaar nog flink bijdroegen aan het nettoresultaat.

Alibaba kondigde aan om in de komende twee jaar voor in totaal voor 6,0 miljard dollar aan eigen aandelen in te gaan kopen, vooral om verwatering te voorkomen als gevolg van beloningen aan personeel in de vorm van aandelen.

Het aandeel Alibaba sloot woensdag 2,7 procent lager op 120,72 dollar. In de elektronische handel voorbeurs noteerde het aandeel donderdag 2,4 procent lager.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China tightening unlikely to trigger commodity rout – Mr Ivan Glasenberg of Glencore

Financial Times quoted Swiss miner Glencore CEO Mr Ivan Glasenberg as saying that China’s policy tightening is unlikely to cause a commodities rout similar to what was seen in 2015. Mr Glasenberg was quoted as saying that “Infrastructure contractor order data indicate positive Chinese demand momentum through 2017.”

He said that “The electric vehicle revolution is happening and its impact is likely to be felt faster than expected,which would boost demand for copper, nickel and cobalt.” Though he added that demand may outstrip supply, noting that “sustaining copper mine supply is progressively more challenging.”

Source : Financial Times
Alibaba kondigde aan om in de komende twee jaar voor in totaal voor 6,0 miljard dollar aan eigen aandelen in te gaan kopen, vooral om verwatering te voorkomen als gevolg van beloningen aan personeel in de vorm van aandelen. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Copper demand from China remains strong - Freeport-McMoRan CEO

Reuters quoted Freeport-mcmoran Inc CEO as saying that "For copper, chinese demand remains strong; europe , north america showing steady improvement.”

The CEO added that "Since mid-april 2017, pt-freeport indonesia has experienced a high level of worker absenteeism, which has impacted mining/milling rates.”

Freeport-Suspending pt fi underground development would cause significant long-lasting negative impacts to all stakeholders , including indonesian suppliers, government and Rio Tinto.

Source : Reuters
Coal decline In China & India likely to reduce emissions growth by 2-3 billion tonnes by 2030

According to a new briefing by the Climate Action Tracker, the changing face of coal use in both China and India is likely to reduce the projected global carbon emissions growth by approximately two to three billion tonnes by 2030 compared to forecasts made a year ago.

In a new Climate Action Tracker (CAT) Update published on Monday, the combined work of Climate Analytics, Ecofys, and the New Climate Institute explained that “positive developments” in China and India’s use of coal are likely to reduce the projected global carbon emissions by between two to three billion tonnes by 2030, as compared to CAT’s predictions a year ago. Further, the “highly adverse rollbacks” being made by US President Donald Trump “are unlikely to have a major impact on global emissions by 2030.”

Specifically, CAT believes that both China and India look set to “overachieve” their Paris Agreement climate pledges. China’s coal consumption has been in decline for awhile now, three consecutive years (2013–2016) and many believe that this trend will only continue.

Earlier this year, China’s National Bureau of Statistics revealed that the country’s total energy consumption had increased by 1.4% in 2016, but that the country’s coal consumption had declined by 4.7%.

However, India’s government has stated that it believes some of its planned coal-fired power plants will be unneeded. Additionally, the country is implementing policies to boost renewable energy capacity and reduce coal imports, which CAT believes could “see a significant slowing down in the growth of CO2 emissions over the next decade.”

Bill Hare of Climate Analytics, said that “Five years ago, the idea of either China or India stopping—or even slowing—coal use was considered an insurmountable hurdle, as coal-fired power plants were thought by many to be necessary to satisfy the energy demands of these countries. Recent observations show they are now on the way toward overcoming this challenge.”

Meanwhile, while there is still significant cause for concern over the current policy moves being made in the US by its new President, CAT does not believe that these changes will have a significant impact on global emissions levels by 2030.

Source : Clean Technica
Zinc and nickel rise at LME on China steel industry crackdown

Reuters reported that zinc and nickel touched their highest in over two-weeks on Monday after China launched a regional crackdown on the steel industry, including production of the two metals. Benchmark zinc on the London Metal Exchange rose 1 percent to USD 2,641 per tonne, its highest since May 2 while nickel hit its highest since May 3, up 0.6 percent to USD 9,415.

Copper had edged down 0.1 percent to USD 5,688 a tonne, having hit the highest since early May at USD 5,694.50 on Friday. Aluminium was up 0.2 percent at USD 1,939.50, lead gained 0.9 percent to USD 2,113 and tin added 0.7 percent to USC 20,550.

The Chinese government is becoming quite aggressive in targeting environmental problems. China's Tangshan city launched a campaign to improve air quality last week, saying steel mills in the country's top producing region that fail to meet emission standards face suspension and heavy fines.

Source : Reuters
Goede berichten, langzaam is de wereld aan het veranderen.
Dit biedt betere kansen voor beleggingen in Solar, wind, fuel cells, accu technologie, etc.
China noemt downgrade Moody's ongepast

Kredietbeoordelaar overschat problemen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China heeft vraagtekens gezet bij de verlaging van de kredietwaardigheid van het land door Moody's.

De kredietbeoordelaar verlaagde woensdag de rating van China van Aa3 naar A1, waarbij de outlook werd bijgesteld van negatief naar stabiel, hetgeen betekent dat er vermoedelijk geen verdere verlaging van de kredietwaardigheid volgt.

De Chinese minister van Financiën noemde de door Moody's gehanteerde methode "ongepast", zo bleek uit een verklaring die het ministerie afgaf.

Moody's verlaagde de kredietwaardigheid omdat de analisten een vertragende economische groei voorzien in combinatie met stijgende schulden in de komende jaren.

Volgens de Chinese minister "overschat" het ratingbureau de moeilijkheden waarmee de Chinese economie kampt, terwijl het effect van de Chinese hervormingen door de kredietbeoordelaar worden "onderschat".

De bewindsman wees er op dat de schuldenlast van China relatief gezien lager is dan de doelstellingvan bijvoorbeeld de 60 procent die de Europese Unie hanteert en de schuldratio's van andere grote economieën.

De opvatting van Moody's dat de toename van leningen van staatsbedrijven en financieringsvehikels bijdragen aan de totale schuldenlast van de overheid "weerspiegelt een gebrek aan noodzakelijke kennis van de Chinese wetgeving", aldus de minister van Financiën.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Beurzen China dalen na verlaging rating

Gepubliceerd op 24 mei 2017 om 08:30 | Views: 1.326

TOKIO (AFN) - De aandelenbeurzen in China gingen woensdag omlaag na een verlaging van de Chinese kredietwaardigheid door kredietbeoordelaar Moody's. In Tokio ging de Nikkei-index omhoog, net als de beurzen elders in de regio.

Moody's verlaagde de kredietwaardigheid van China vanwege de toenemende schulden en afzwakkende economie. Volgens Moody's zal daardoor de financiële kracht van China de komende jaren wat afzwakken. De Chinese overheid liet in een reactie weten dat Moody's de economische moeilijkheden overdrijft.

De Hang Seng in Hongkong noteerde tussentijds 0,2 procent lager en de beurs in Shanghai zakte 0,8 procent.

In Tokio won de Nikkei 0,7 procent tot 19.742,98 punten. Toshiba stond wederom in de schijnwerpers met een plus van ruim 8 procent. Het noodlijdende Japanse technologieconcern heeft naar verluidt een bod van bijna 18 miljard dollar ontvangen op zijn geheugenchipdivisie door Western Digital.

In Seoul tekende de Kospi een winst van 0,2 procent op. De All Ordinaries in Sydney klom ook 0,2 procent.
China says no mining planned in Antarctica

News24.com reported that China sought to dispel concerns about its ambitions in mineral-rich Antarctica on Monday, with an official saying Beijing has no plans to start mining in the vast continent. Mr Lin Shanqing deputy head of the State Oceanic Administration told reporters on the sidelines of the forum that "There is still a gap between the goal of peaceful development of Antarctica's resources and our understanding of Antarctica.”

Mr Lin did not answer a question on what he meant by peaceful resource development but he stressed that China's Antarctic expeditions "focus on boosting our understanding of the Antarctic and to better conserve the Antarctic environment".

He said that "According to my knowledge, China has made no plans for mining activity in Antarctica.”

China's expanding activities in polar regions is a focal point as Beijing hosts the annual meeting of the Antarctic Treaty for the first time. Some 400 delegates from 42 countries and 10 international bodies were attending the forum, which kicked off on Monday and ends June 1.

Experts have raised concerns that China harbours a long-term goal of extracting resources from the continent, which the Antarctic Treaty currently forbids. However, a protocol of the treaty forbidding raw material removal activity from the continent comes into review in 2048.

Source : News24.com
Iedereen in China is woedend op student die in Amerika 'de frisse lucht van vrijheid' had geproefd

Een half miljoen nationalistische haters op het Chinese Internet, de propagandadienst van een provinciehoofdstad en zelfs het Chinese Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken: iedereen is woedend op Yang Shuping. Deze theaterstudent aan een Amerikaanse universiteit overdreef de luchtvervuiling in haar geboortestad Kunming, omdat ze smog als metafoor voor haar kritische mening over gebrek aan vrijheid en democratie in China gebruikte in een redevoering tijdens de diploma-uitreiking op de Universiteit van Maryland.
Door: Marije Vlaskamp 24 mei 2017, 18:00

Kunming is een stad waar Chinezen juist en masse op vakantie gaan, omdat de lucht er schoon is. Yang zei met gevoel voor persoonlijk drama dat ze daar met vijf verschillende mondmaskers in haar tas liep. 'Altijd als ik naar buiten ging, moest ik een mondkapje dragen omdat ik anders ziek kon worden.' Daarna zegt ze hoe ze in de VS was 'bevrijd' van 'met een smog beslagen bril, ademhalingsmoeilijkheden en onderdrukking'.

Ze had aan de Universiteit van Maryland van 'de frisse lucht van vrijheid van meningsuiting' geproefd, terwijl in China 'slechts het verhaal van de autoriteiten wordt verteld'.

Beledigde Chinese medestudenten flansten een protestvideo in elkaar onder de hashtag #proudofChina. Ze eisen excuses van Yang en het universiteitsbestuur. Een Chinees haat-account waar Yang wordt bestookt met foto's van schone lucht, is binnen een etmaal een half miljoen keer bekeken. Op Yangs Facebookaccount en haar andere digitale uitingen wordt ze bedreigd. 'Kom vooral niet terug naar China' is een van de vriendelijkste opmerkingen.

In de Verenigde Staten studeren zo'n 370.000 Chinese universiteitsstudenten. Ze komen in de Verenigde Staten in aanraking met westerse vrijheden en ideeën, maar de band met China blijft sterk. De lijnen tussen Chinese studenten en de Chinese staat zijn kort.

Woensdag deed zelfs het Chinese ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken een duit in het zakje. Woordvoerder Lu Kang: 'Elke Chinese burger moet bij het beoordelen of becommentariëren van zijn land een verantwoordelijke houding tentoonspreiden, daartoe is elke toerekeningsvatbare persoon in staat.' Yang, die net als haar ouders de Amerikaanse nationaliteit heeft, probeert met excuses op de Chinese twitterdienst Weibo de ophef te sussen. Sorry is echter niet genoeg: zelfs haar geboortestad Kunming wringt zich in alle bochten om afstand van Yang te nemen. 'De lucht in Kunming is wel degelijk fris en zoet,' aldus de stad op zijn Twitter-account.
Geen verontschuldigingen

De Universiteit van Maryland weigert zich te verontschuldigen voor het feit dat Yang een podium kreeg om een mening te vermondigen waar niet alle Chinezen blij mee zijn. Daar moeten Chinese studenten tegen kunnen, aldus een verklaring van de universiteit.

Niet iedere onderwijsinstelling staat zo sterk in de schoenen. De grootste universiteit in Australië, Monash, vreesde een Chinese shitstorm na klachten over een meerkeuzetoets met 'op vooroordelen gebaseerde' vragen bij het vak personeelsbeleid. Een voorbeeld: wanneer spreken Chinese ambtenaren de waarheid? Antwoord: 'Als ze dronken en onvoorzichtig zijn.' De toets baseert zich op een algemeen spreekwoord in de trant van 'dronken en gekken spreken de waarheid' dat niets met ambtenaren te maken heeft, en een tien jaar oude enquête die in anti-Chinese media vaak wordt opgevoerd.

Na klachten van Chinese studenten bij het Chinese consulaat zette Monash prompt de betrokken docent op non-actief. Monash is niet gebaat bij ruzie, want de onderwijsinstelling heeft een eigen campus in China. Veel westerse universiteiten azen op toestemming voor een Chinese zustercampus, waaronder . de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, die volgend jaar als tiende buitenlandse universiteit een zustercampus in het Noord-Chinese Yantai wil openen.
Winstdaling voor computermaker Lenovo

Gepubliceerd op 25 mei 2017 om 08:03 | Views: 635

HONGKONG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese computermaker Lenovo heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal een lagere winst behaald. Wel zag het bedrijf de omzet groeien dankzij een iets aantrekkende markt voor personal computers.

De nettowinst daalde in de afgelopen periode met 41 procent tot 107 miljoen dollar vergeleken met een jaar eerder. De omzet ging met 5 procent vooruit tot 9,6 miljard dollar. Volgens marktonderzoeker IDC stegen de wereldwijde verschepingen van pc's in het afgelopen kwartaal met 0,6 procent. Dat is de eerste groei van de pc-markt sinds begin 2012.

Lenovo moest echter wel zijn positie als 's werelds grootste pc-verkoper afstaan aan het Amerikaanse Hewlett-Packard (HP). Het bedrijf houdt zich verder ook bezig met tablets, laptops en smartphones.
China's April copper imports fall 41 percent on tighter credit regulation

Reuters reported that China's imports of refined copper in April slid by 41% from a year ago, trade data showed on Tuesday, as traders found their buying power crimped by tighter access to credit. Refined copper imports fell to 202,645 tonnes last month, the lowest since February, and were down by 18% from March's levels.

For the January to April period, China's refined copper imports have slumped by 31 percent from last year, partly after China raised short-term interest rates and banks became more reluctant to lend, traders and analysts said.

JP Morgan in a report said that "In general, metals traders have been suffering from rising financing costs, fierce competition and a slowing economy. While Chinese banks have anecdotally been maintaining existing credit lines for metals-based companies, it has become increasingly hard to get approval for new lines of credit."

China has raised short-term interest rates after its top leadership identified the containment of financial risks and asset bubbles as a top priority this year.

China continued to import more copper scrap, with imports in the first four months of the year up 18 percent, after a surge in prices late last year encouraged a flood of scrap metal back into the market.

Copper concentrate imports also continued to grow in April, up 7.7% from a year ago and in line with the year's trend. A small decline in Chilean output, after a strike earlier this year, was more than offset by a nearly 60% jump in imports from Peru.

Source : Reuters
China's rising aluminium exports add fuel to the trade fire - Mr Andy Home

Reuters reported that China exported 380,000 tonnes of aluminium in semi-fabricated form in April. It was the highest monthly total since November 2015 and brings the year to date tally to 1.33 million tonnes, up two percent on the same period of 2016. That may not sound like a lot of extra metal. But any increase risks fanning the flames of the trade tensions around China's impact on the rest of the aluminium world.

The United States has taken the lead in pushing back against growing Chinese dominance. The Obama administration initiated a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization and the successor Trump administration has followed up with a Section 232(b) investigation into the national security implications of global aluminium flows.

Moreover, there is plenty of devil in the detail of China's aluminium exports.

Some sharp shifts in product mix are emerging which may mean a bigger impact on the global supply chain than suggested by the headline figures.

Chinese policy makers are targeting their giant aluminium sector for supply-side reform this year.

A national audit will weed out those that have failed to tick all the legal boxes, while those in the region surrounding Beijing will be forced to cut production by at least 30% over the next winter heating season starting November.

Environmental urgency to tackle what is a massive user of coal-fired power is overlaid with diplomatic urgency to preempt a trade showdown.

Uncertainty over future production in China, which produces more than half the world's aluminium, is the single most important reason why the London metal price is up 14.5% this year, outstripping all the other major industrial metals.

But all that lies ahead and right now, it seems, China's aluminium production machine is cranking back up again.

By how much is a little difficult to say given the volatility in the monthly figures, which have implausibly shown annualised output gyrating in a three-million-tonne range over the last couple of months.

Cumulative output so far this year has risen by 12.5 percent to 11 million tonnes. Last year's low base may serve to overstate that growth rate, but, on the other hand, there are plenty of analysts who think that the current figures are running too low anyway.

The best that can be said is that production is definitely trending higher. And so too are exports of semi-manufactured products ("semis").

The superficially modest rise in exports so far this year is masking a dramatic change in the sort of product that is leaving the country.

Exports of bars, rods and profiles (international trade code 7604) have slumped by 34% or 132,000 tonnes, in the first four months of the year.

Exports of plate, sheet and strip (code 7606), by contrast, have risen by 20 percent, or 105,000 tonnes. Those of foil are up by 14 percent, or 47,000 tonnes.

The latter may well reflect an acceleration in shipments ahead of a U.S. International Trade Commission anti-dumping finding, another salvo in the country's trade barrage against China's aluminium sector.

Source : Reuters
China hasn’t imported any coal from North Korea for two months

Washington Post reported that is China really punishing North Korea for its repeated missile tests and its threats to the outside world? President Trump says yes, but economists poring over the data suggest the picture is far from definitive. Kent Boydston of the Peterson Institute for International Economics said that “It’s not completely clear that China has quit North Korea cold turkey.”

China’s customs office reported Tuesday that no coal was imported from North Korea last month, for the second month.

That would be consistent with the ban on all imports of coal from North Korea that Beijing announced in February, a move with the potential to inflict severe economic pain on the Kim regime in Pyongyang. Almost all of North Korea’s exports go to China, and coal makes up 40 percent of the total.

But recent visitors to the Chinese-North Korean border report seeing coal trucks and trains crossing into China, and experts are not seeing signs that a major financial lifeline has suddenly severed.

At previous times of tension, China has signed up to international sanctions and taken steps to look like it is implementing them, only to ease off after a few months.

China shares a long border with North Korea and, however annoyed Beijing is with the Kim regime, does not want to see it collapse. That could send streams of refugees over the border into China and allow the American troops in South Korea to move up to the Chinese border.

Source : Washington Post
How Chinese competition is keeping tin prices down

Bloomberg reported that inventories of the non-ferrous metal are at 20 year lows at the London Metal Exchange. Historically, such scarcity would have caused spikes in prices, but they are foundering, down more than 5% since the beginning of the year, and trading below USD 20,000 per c tonne. The reason most likely has to do with exchange trading competition from China. In fact, tin, along with nickel, are the worst performers of the LME base metal complex. This contrasts with 2016 when tin was the second best-performing nonferrous metal, behind only zinc.

Tin is primarily used in the production of solder, for the plating of iron and steel products such as cans, containers and construction and for electrical applications. It stands out for its corrosion resistance, non-toxicity and attractive finish, as with stainless steel. Tin is also used in the production of bronze, pewter and die-casting alloys and in lithium-ion technology (extending battery life).

In the US tin has not been mined since 1993 or smelted since 1989. The majority of the metal is produced in Asia, making the US import dependency rate about 75% with the balance coming from recycled old and new scrap.

Low inventory levels have also historically resulted in an increase in both volume and open interest; however, for LME tin they have been falling, too. Average LME daily tin volumes this year slipped by 14%from January to April, compared with the same period a year earlier. On an annual basis they fell 7 percent in 2016 and 31% in 2015. Open interest has also been declining, totaling 16,152 lots at the end of April, compared with 22,563 lots a year earlier.

What has changed over the years is that the LME is no longer the sole go-to exchange for data and information on the metals markets as it had been historically. In fact, the Shanghai Futures Exchange has taken over in the race to dominate the metals markets.

Today, there’s a greater amount of tin inventory sitting with the Shanghai Futures Exchange than with the LME as of May 12 (3,738 metric tons). While this level is off its highs, it has been rising over the last few weeks, even as global production is slowing. In fact, world tin production decreased in 2016, totaling 280,000 metric tons compared with 289,000 metric tons in 2015. Much of this supply/demand discrepancy has to do with increased recycling of tin, a particularly expensive metal, which stifles the demand for the newly refined material.

The differences between these two exchanges are also evident in the structures of their respective futures curves. Low stocks typically create tightness in short-dates time-spreads such that, as expected, low LME tin inventory is generating tightness in the near months resulting in a backwardated market (near term contract trades at a higher price compared to longer dated contracts).

Meanwhile, the lack of tight supply in Shanghai tin results in quite a differently shaped yield curve, as the front end of the curve is trading in contango, reflecting what a balanced commodity curve should look like.

Contributing to this supply discrepancy is that Indonesia, the largest importing nation and the second largest producer behind China, is in an unusual position of being supply sufficient. This stands in contrast to a year ago, when shipments were hit by heavy rains, in addition to a government-imposed tightening of export regulations. As of the end of April, the shipment count was 24,400 metric tons versus 16,600 tons a year earlier. Furthermore, the elimination of China's 10% export tax on refined tin has escalated the flow of the metal globally.

From the demand side, China, the world’s largest tin consumer, has exhibited lackluster demand in recent months, with imports totaling just 1,757 metric tons in the first quarter, down from 2,400 tons year-on-year. Supplies of tin ore to China from Myanmar have dropped significantly from last year, while China aims to enforce heavier environmental standards related to mining and refining.

The bottom line is that attempting to arbitrage LME and Shanghai tin is not as easy as it may seem (different currencies, contract sizes, terms, and so on). But suffice it to say, assessing the tin markets from a more global perspective will undoubtedly provide a better perspective not only on the tin market, but on the world’s economy.

Source : Bloomberg
India's plans to ban Chinese power firms will backfire - Report

PTI reported that India's plans to ban Chinese power firms due to concerns over cyber-attacks could backfire on India even though the move would cause losses to companies from China. The report said that "India's reported move to block Chinese companies in the power sector seems to be new evidence of the country's overly suspicious attitude toward China, but this could backfire given that India is still plagued by electricity shortages and unstable supply."

The article was commenting on the remarks by Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association Director General Mr Sunil Misra that ban on Chinese equipment would protect India "from cyber-attacks because the power sector is increasingly software driven with intelligent technology and control systems being used."

Referring to criticism that China does not allow for overseas investment in its electricity grid, the article said, "the reciprocity argument is unreasonably idealistic and doesn't make any sense at all. Even if China allowed overseas investment in its power sector, could Indian power companies really make it into the Chinese market given their lack of development?"

It said that for a long time, Indian power companies have been calling for a complete ban on Chinese companies in the domestic power sector, citing the threat to national security.

It added that "Of course, such a prohibition, if it became real, would cause losses for Chinese companies. But it is totally unrealistic and inefficient for a country that relies heavily on foreign technology and equipment due to its own underdeveloped power sector, because it would be hard and costly for India to seek substitutes for Chinese products."

It further added that "At present, Chinese companies are the major suppliers of power generation equipment in India, accounting for about 40 per cent of the traditional power equipment market, according to media reports. As such, India's boycott of Chinese equipment would be at the cost of its electricity infrastructure development, eventually making its people the biggest losers."

Source : PTI
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