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China closing 150 gold mines
Published on Fri, 03 Mar 2017

China's official news agency Xinhua is reporting that the country is set increase annual gold output to 500 tonnes by the end of the decade from around 450 tonnes currently.

China overtook South Africa as the number one miner of the metal in 2007. China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) expects gold output to grow by an average 3% annually through 2020.

Last year output rose less than 1% to 453.5 tonnes according to the ministry:

[The MIIT] aims to consolidate and upgrade the industry by reducing the number of gold miners to around 450 from more than 600, and shutting down 40 tonnes of outdated production capacity by the end of 2020.

Source : Mining.com
China Reserves Post First Gain Since June Amid Capital Curbs
Bloomberg News
7 maart 2017 09:21 CET 7 maart 2017 11:12 CET

Stockpile rose by $6.9 billion to $3.005 trillion last month
Global financial market uncertainties remain: SAFE statement

China’s foreign-currency reserves unexpectedly halted a seven-month losing streak, rising in February amid tighter controls on capital outflows and a rally in the yuan.

The stockpile increased by $6.9 billion to $3.005 trillion last month, the People’s Bank of China said Tuesday. That exceeded the $2.969 trillion estimate in a Bloomberg survey of economists.
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"Strict capital controls have taken effect, as it has reduced outflows and helped market sentiment on the yuan," said Zhao Yang, Hong Kong-based chief China economist at Nomura Holdings Inc., which Bloomberg ranks as the top forecaster for the stockpile. "Reserves still face pressures, as the nation won’t want to keep tight capital controls in place for the medium term as they create difficulties for firms and thus weigh on the economy."

Stronger economic growth, stricter capital controls and a stabilizing yuan are helping stem declines in the world’s largest foreign-currency hoard. The reserves -- still the world’s largest -- have shrunk from a peak of $4 trillion in 2014 as policy makers sold dollars to slow yuan depreciation.

The offshore yuan extended gains to rise as much as 0.17 percent after the data. The currency was little changed at 6.8994 per dollar as of 6:10 p.m. in Hong Kong.
‘Important Signal’

Authorities stepped up efforts to prevent outflows since late 2016, as the yuan headed for the biggest annual loss in more than two decades. Measures include ordering banks to stop processing cross-border yuan payments until they balance inflows and outflows. Residents face tougher reporting requirements when they want to convert yuan into foreign currency.

Read More: China Gets Stricter on Forex Transactions to Limit Outflows

"The fact that they showed the world that the reserves are stabilizing at a fairly high number is an important signal," said Alicia Garcia Herrero, chief Asia-Pacific economist at Natixis SA in Hong Kong. "The realization that the leadership wants us to have is that China is out of the woods, it’s not losing reserves, and we’re back to normal."

Outflow pressures are expected to ease and reserves may gradually stabilize, according to a statement from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which executes currency policy. Still, global financial market uncertainties remain, SAFE said.

With pressure on reserves easing in recent months, the onshore yuan has advanced 0.7 percent this year amid a decline in the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index.

"The rebound is a surprise as there should have been a negative valuation effective given that the dollar gained in February,” said Zhou Hao, an economist at Commerzbank AG in Singapore. “The increase shows the PBOC probably hasn’t been doing much spot market intervention last month, given market sentiment was stable and onshore yuan trade volume has been lower than usual.”

— With assistance by Tian Chen
Three Gorges Project reaches 1 trillion kWh milestone

According to the China Three Gorges Corporation which built and operates the infrastructure, the world's largest hydropower project, the Three Gorges, has generated one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity after 14 years of operation. The power generation milestone is equivalent to more than seven times the amount of electricity used by the entire city of Shanghai in 2015.

The Three Gorges Project has helped reduce consumption of coal by 319 million metric tons and reduced carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions by 858 million tons and 9 million tons respectively, compared with thermal power generation, the corporation estimated.

The Three Gorges hydropower project has a generating capacity of 22.5 million kilowatts and is located in the middle reaches of China's longest river, the Yangtze.

The multi-functional water control system consisting of a dam, 32 hydropower turbo-generators with a generating capacity of 700,000 kilowatts each, a five-tier ship lock and a shiplift, generated 93.5 billion kWh of electricity last year.

Source : China Daily
'China hoeft niet bang te zijn voor Trump'
4 min geleden Johan Wiering

De kans dat Donald Trump stevig tegen China gaat optreden, is beperkt. En mocht dit toch gebeuren, dat zal de economie nog altijd met meer dan 5% groeien. Deze geruststellende mededeling komt van Joep Huntjens, hoofd vastrentende waarden van NN Investment Partners in Azië.

Hij stelt dat de Amerikaanse president zich gaandeweg minder onvriendelijk tegenover China heeft uitgelaten. ,,Aanvankelijk had hij een algehele importheffing van 45% in gedachten, maar zoals wij al voorzagen zal het hier niet van komen."

Huntjens rekent voor dat het volledig wegvallen van de Chinese export naar de VS slechts 1 procentpunt aan economische groei scheelt. ,,3% van het BBP is afkomstig van de uitvoer naar de VS. Maar dit moet vanwege het effect op de invoer voor 2 procentpunten gecorrigeerd worden. Bovendien gaat het ook nog eens om een eenmalig effect, zodat het allemaal beheersbaar blijft."

Hij vertrouwt er ook op dat de Chinese overheid zal voorkomen dat de economie te snel afkoelt. ,,Het doel voor dit jaar is 6,5% en wij denken dat op termijn een duurzame groei van 5% haalbaar is. Dat is mogelijk, zeker omdat de overheid eventueel kan stimuleren via extra investeringen in bijvoorbeeld infrastructuur en vastgoed. Wijs geworden door ervaringen uit het verleden, is het risico bovendien afgenomen dat ze gaat investeren in sectoren waar overcapaciteit is."
Chinese stad heeft langste zwevende fietspad ter wereld


Het Chinese Xiamen mag een nieuw record op zijn naam schrijven. De stad heeft namelijk sinds kort de langste bovengrondse fietssnelweg ter wereld. 
Karolien Koolhof 05-03-17, 19:27

Maar liefst 7,6 kilometer is het fietspad dat vijf woonwijken en drie zakendistricten met elkaar verbindt. Het Deense Dessing + Weitling Architects kwam op het idee om het fietspad boven de bestaande weg te maken, waardoor het lijkt te zweven.

Xiamen wil inwoners met het fietspad inspireren om wat vaker de fiets te pakken, om zo luchtvervuiling en files tegen te gaan. Aan de eerste beelden van het fietspad te zien, lijkt die boodschap aan te slaan. 

Voor video, zie link:

Chinese detailhandelverkopen groeien op jaarbasis minder hard

Detailhandelsverkopen 9,5 procent hoger in januari en februari.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in januari en februari in een licht lager tempo gestegen. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De verkopen namen de afgelopen twee maanden op jaarbasis met 9,5 procent toe, nadat de verkopen in december nog met 10,9 procent stegen.Er was door geraadpleegde economen een stijging met 10,6 procent verwacht.

Op maandbasis groeiden de detailhandelsverkopen in de periode februari met 0,95 procent, na een stijging van 0,89 procent in december.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Industriele productie China op jaarbasis in groei versneld

Productie in januari en februari 6,3 procent hoger.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De productie van de Chinese industrie is in de periode januari en februari in een licht hoger tempo gestegen. Dit meldde het Chinese statistiekbureau dinsdag.

De productie groeide in de eerste twee maanden van 2017 op jaarbasis met 6,3 procent, nadat de groei in december nog 6,0 procent bedroeg.

Gemiddeld werd er door geraadpleegde economen gerekend op een toename van 6,1 procent.

Op maandbasis nam de industriële productie in februari met 0,6 procent toe tegen 0,46 procent toename in december.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Verkoop afvalverwerker Attero stokt
2 uur geleden Edwin van der Schoot

De verkoop van afvalverwerker Attero aan Chinese kopers is op het laatste moment afgeblazen. Zij leken bereid bijna één miljard euro te betalen, maar Chinese autoriteiten hebben de deal gefrustreerd, waarna de huidige eigenaar Waterland besloot dan maar niet te verkopen.

Dat bevestigen vijf bronnen die betrokken waren bij de verkooponderhandelingen van de afvalverwerker.

Afgelopen zomer besloot aandeelhouder Waterland, de investeringsmaatschappij die Attero eind 2013 pas kocht, te kijken of de afvalverwerker nu al weer te gelde gemaakt kon worden. Waterland werd kort daarvoor benaderd door Beijing Enterprises, een conglomeraat dat deels in handen is van de gemeente Beijing.

Lees hier het hele artikel over Attero (DFT)
Herhaling: Beursblik: groeiverwachting China komt overeen met prognose ABN AMRO

ABN AMRO ziet dit jaar groei van 6,5 procent voor Chinese economie.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De groeiverwachting van de Chinese overheid voor dit jaar van ongeveer 6,5 procent komt overeen met de raming van ABN AMRO. Dit bleek maandag uit een rapport van de bank.

Sectoreconoom Arjen van Dijkhuizen wees in zijn China Focus op de onlangs licht verlaagde groeiverwachting van Beijing van 6,5 tot 7 procent naar 6,5 procent. In 2016 lag de groei van de Chinese economie op 6,7 procent, in 2015 was dit nog 6,9 procent.

De Chinese economie heeft zich hersteld, gesteund door een budgettaire stimulans en een opleving van de mondiale groei en handel, aldus de econoom. ABN AMRO verwacht evenwel dat de groei in de loop van dit jaar iets afzwakt, nu de centrale bank het beleid heel voorzichtig en gericht verkrapt. De bank gaat ervan uit dat zeker in dit politiek belangrijke jaar Beijing in staat is en bereid zal blijven om een harde landing te voorkomen. Toch blijft de transitie van China in de ogen van ABN AMRO risicovol, gelet op de aanwezige macro-financiële en geopolitieke risico's, die verder zijn toegenomen onder het presidentschap van Trump in de VS.

"Het jaar 2017 is sterk begonnen. Toch moeten we een beetje voorzichtig moeten zijn met het trekken van conclusies, omdat veel data aan het begin van het kalenderjaar traditioneel vertekend zijn door het Chinese nieuwjaar en andere verstoringen", zei Van Dijkhuizen. De reële BBP-groei versnelde in het laatste kwartaal van 2016 licht naar 6,8 procent op jaarbasis, ten opzichte van 6,7 procent in de drie voorafgaande kwartalen. Dit weerspiegelde volgens ABN AMRO ten dele de effecten van stimulerend beleid, dat vooral via de vastgoedsector heeft doorgewerkt. Ook speelt de opleving van de wereldhandel een rol, omdat deze tot meer dynamiek in de op uitvoer gerichte sectoren heeft geleid.

De Chinese handelsdata zijn volgens ABN AMRO erg volatiel, vooral rond de periode van het Chinese nieuwjaar. Maar als door de seizoensgerelateerde en andere verstoringen heen wordt gekeken, ontstaat het beeld dat de invoer sterk aan het verbeteren is, aldus de bank. ABN AMRO verwacht dat de groei van de in- en uitvoer de komende maanden positief blijft. Het belangrijkste neerwaartse risico daarbij vloeit voort uit een mogelijk protectionistischer opstelling van de VS.

De Chinese centrale bank gaat volgens ABN AMRO door met zijn beleid van 'gerichte verkrapping'. Hiermee wordt beoogd een overmatige 'financial leverage' en oververhitting tegen te gaan. Dat gebeurt door het gericht verhogen van de beleidsrentes voor zijn open markt operaties en zijn kortlopende en middellange leenfaciliteiten. Deze werden op 16 maart met 10-20 basispunten verhoogd, na eerdere verhogingen van 10-35 basispunten. Deze gerichte verkrapping is een reactie op een aantrekkende economie, toenemende inflatoire druk en meer tekenen van oververhitting in de vastgoedmarkten.

De centrale bank heeft verder maatregelen genomen om de kredietgroei en het schaduw-bankwezen te beteugelen, naast de stappen die zijn gezet om de vastgoedmarkten af te koelen. Maar, omdat de kredietgroei nog altijd hoger is dan de nominale BBP-groei, blijft de totale schuldenberg van de BV China toenemen, stelde Van Dijkhuizen. Pas als de kredietgroei minder is dan de nominale BBP-groei zal immers de schuld-BBP-ratio beginnen af te nemen.

Herhaling: om technische redenen.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China plans to build 136 new airports by 2025 - Report

Shangai IST reported that while sometimes it can seem as if all China is building is new railway lines, that's not entirely true. They're also building airports.

By 2025, China hopes to add 136 new civil airports, according to a plan from the National Development and Reform Commission and the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

At the end of 2015, China already had 207 civil airports, which they hope to increase to 260 by 2020. China began a major airport construction boom back in 2008, as a way of fighting off the global financial crisis through massive infrastructure spending.
Of course, Chinese airports aren't exactly the happiest places on Earth. Last year, a government survey found that a whopping one-third of Chinese flights are delayed, sometimes due to "bad weather," and other times because of the PLA.

A FlightStats report from 2015 named Chinese airlines and airports as the world's worst for punctuality. Among the 61 largest airports in the world, the seven worst performers for on-time departures were all mainland Chinese airports that year with our very own Shanghai Hongqiao and Pudong airports taking the bottom two spots.

Hellish delays at airports around China have led to numerous nasty conflicts between impatient passengers and airline staff. Last April, angry passengers at an airport in Changsha were filmed slapping and throwing food at an airline employee due to their frustrations over a flight delay. Later in the year, an enraged flight captain urged his passengers to protest a flight delay by getting out of the plane and playing shuttlecock on the apron.

To combat annoying delay problems, China is currently building some "mega airports" around the country. Beijing's new airport will have 7 runways, handling 100 million passengers annually -- who cares if the inside looks like a vagina. Meanwhile a 70 billion yuan international airport under construction in Chengdu will boast 6 runways and handle 90 passengers each year.

Source : Shangai IST
To combat annoying delay problems, China is currently building some "mega airports" around the country. Beijing's new airport will have 7 runways, handling 100 million passengers annually -- who cares if the inside looks like a vagina.
China home price gains spread in Feb amid stepped up battle against speculators - Report

Reuters reported that China's red-hot property market picked up pace in February after price gains had slowed in the previous four months, with average new home prices in 70 major cities edging up in spite of a raft of new government curbs aimed at tempering speculative demand.

According to Reuters calculations from data issued by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), compared with a month earlier, new home prices rose 0.3 %, quickening from January's 0.2 % increase.

The monthly gain in price growth suggested speculation has yet to be contained even with more local governments rolling out restrictive measures amid fears that a furious rally over the past year end in a crash.

China's property sales unexpectedly surged in the first two months of the year despite government measures to cool the market, though growth in real estate investment eased slightly, according to official data released on Tuesday.

Source : Reuters
The Chinese to build 10,000 apartments in Afghanistan

Global Construction Review reported that the Chinese government has pledged approximately $300m for the construction of 10,000 apartments in Afghanistan, with a contract to build the first tranche signed by officials last week.

Afghanistan’s Minister of Urban Development and Housing, Sayed Saadat Mansour Naderi, and the Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan, Yao Jing, signed a contract on 16 March for construction to start on 1,400 apartments in the capital, Kabul.

Naderi said that China will fund construction of 10,000 apartments in total with the initial phase totalling 1,400.

This first phase is expected to take two years, Tolo News reported, with work expected to start within two months.

The Chinese government has pledged to provide $300m for the entire project, which sees more apartments built in Kabul and also in the provinces of Afghanistan, which is reported to have a housing deficit of 2 million units.

He said that “The technical team at the ministry of urban development and housing has completed the planning and design of the project, the location has also been certified including the checking of the land.”

Ambassador Yao Jing said: “If this project is accepted by the people and the government of Afghanistan, I believe that the Chinese government will continue its cooperation in this sphere … China is also dreaming of economic development and improvements in the lives of Afghan people.”

Source : Global Construction Review
Israel, China sign building workers agreement

Globs reported that 6,000 construction workers from China will come to Israel in the next six months and 20,000 in total. After months of discussions and years of promises, an Israel-China bilateral agreement has been officially signed. One result is that thousands of Chinese construction workers can now come to work in Israel.

In recent months, Ministry of Finance Housing Committee chairman Avigdor Yitzhaki negotiated the completion of the agreement with the Chinese government. Today, during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to China, which included Minister of Economy and Industry Eli Cohen, the official agreement was signed. Under the agreement, 6,000 construction workers from China will come to Israel in the first stage during the first six months of the agreement. Thousands more will follow later, bringing the total to 20,000 workers.

Various bilateral agreements have been promoted in recent years, following the government decision taken in 2011, which stated that employment of workers under control and supervision would make it possible to preserve their rights. This decision stated that workers would be brought to Israel only in the framework of a bilateral agreement that could eliminate the mediation fees and human trafficking that had previously prevailed in this area, both in Israel and overseas.

Because of this decision, no new visas were issued for construction workers from China until the agreement was signed. Meanwhile, demand from Israeli contractors for the few Chinese workers remaining in Israel has increased, and the price of employing them has risen accordingly.

The real estate sector now hopes that following the signing of the agreement, the number of Chinese workers on projects will increase. Both the contractors and the Ministry of Finance and its housing committee agree that these workers can help increase the construction industry's output and reduce prices.

Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon said that "After efforts that continued for over 18 months, the agreement was signed today. This is a shot in the arm for a solution to the housing crisis."

Minister of Economy and Industry Eli Cohen added, "The signing of the agreement today is another step towards the solution of the housing crisis. Today, Israel is capable of building 40,000 housing units a year. Our target is to reach 60,000 housing units a year."

Minister of Internal Affairs Aryeh Deri commented, "We have been negotiating with the Chinese government for a long time. Signing the agreement is a significant step for the construction industry, and will help in the supervision of employment of construction workers from China. The era of charging those coming to Israel to work unreasonable mediation fees is over."

Source : Globes
China to curb "excessive" credit for property sector - State planner head

The head of the country's top economic planning agency said that China will control rapid flows of bank credit to the property sector to help contain risks. This comes at a time when Beijing has pledged to contain debt and property market risks in 2017, following years of credit-fuelled expansion. Mr Lifeng, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that "We will control the excessive flow of credit into the real estate sector."

He said that large amounts of capital has entered the property market, driving up property prices in first-tier cities and some second-tier cities and pushing up costs for the real economy.

Data on Saturday showed China's red-hot property market picked up pace in February, after a slowdown in price gains in the previous four months.

Central bank governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, said earlier this month that government measures to cool rising house prices will slow mortgage growth to some degree, but housing loans will continue to grow at a relatively rapid pace.

Household mortgages accounted for 39 percent of China's new loans last year.

Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, speaking to the same forum, said the government was trying to prevent risks in the property sector. Zhang said that "There could be property bubbles if we do not handle the situation well."

Source : Reuters
China approves huge infrastructure projects for Xinjiang - CPEC

The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region will invest heavily in more high-speed railways and highways to build a high-quality transportation network that can truly support the Belt and Road Initiative.

The region has decided to inject record funding of 170 billion yuan ($24.8 billion) into new roads, up nearly six fold from 2016, and investment in roads, railways and airports this year will top the total funding for transportation infrastructure from 2011 to 2015.

Shokrat Zakir, chairman of the region, said that "Poor transportation infrastructure is the biggest obstacle for Xinjiang to become China's trade hub linking countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt."

Northwest China's Xinjiang borders eight countries, including Pakistan and Kazakhstan with a border of more than 5,600 kilometers. Xinjiang was once a key transportation and trade hub on the ancient Silk Road.

During this year's annual session of the National People's Congress, the Xinjiang delegation proposed the construction of high-speed railways linking the regional capital of Urumqi and southern Xinjiang's Kashgar, the starting point of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), as well as another one connecting Urumqi and northern Xinjiang's Horgos, a land port on the China-Kazakhstan border.

The delegation also proposed starting construction on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, which has long been discussed and planned. The national lawmakers from Xinjiang believe it is urgent to start construction on the railway to enhance economic cooperation with the two Central Asian countries.

A total of 223 westbound trains carrying construction materials, agricultural produce, garments and other merchandise traveled via nine cross-border routes linking Xinjiang to Central Asian countries in 2016, said Hu Kaijiang, director of the Xinjiang Economic and Information Commission.

This year, Xinjiang plans to expand operations to run 400 westbound cross-border trains to facilitate exports of technology and equipment and seek new growth opportunities, Hu said.

Geographic location, rich natural resources and preferential policies introduced to encourage opening-up have given Xinjiang advantages in becoming the core area on the economic belt, Shokrat said. Becoming a key player on the economic belt will also benefit the region's social development.

Besides improving its transportation network, the region will focus on the development of key cities along the economic belt. Xinjiang aims to achieve more than 7 percent economic growth this year and to see "substantial" progress in making the region serve as the transportation, logistic, financial, cultural and medical center on the modern Silk Road, he added.

Source : The News
Chinese car sales run out of gas

Bloomberg reported that last year was a record-breaker for Chinese car sales. Monthly sales, which first cracked the 2 million mark as recently as 2013, surged above 3 million in December. Still, pessimists were focused on what would happen in January, when the rollback of a tax discount for small engined cars was expected to hit demand.

Sure enough, when January sales figures came out, they were up just 0.8% from a year earlier, compared with an average 14% pace of growth through 2016. Optimists' hopes were undimmed: The timing of Lunar New Year made January an unusually short sales month, and their confidence looked to have been validated when February data showed a respectable 9.2% growth rate for the two-month period.

The roller coaster hasn't stopped yet. Shares in China's big three auto dealers China Zhengtong Auto Services Holdings Ltd, Baoxin Auto Group Ltd. and China Yongda Automobiles Services Holdings Ltd slumped between 5% and 7% Friday. Great Wall Motor Co, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co and Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. slipped closer to 10%.

The proximate reason was evidence that there may have been less to those good sales figures than meets the eye. Great Wall, the country's biggest maker of SUVs, on Thursday announced a 1 billion yuan (USD 145 million) discount promotion for its Haval cars. Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. had also started a "heavy" promotion campaign, Bin Wang, an analyst at Credit Suisse Group AG, wrote in a note.

Auto companies don't discount vehicles for the fun of it. Generally, it's a sign that there's too much stock around and they're trying to clear the overhang. Sure enough, an inventory alert compiled by the China Automobile Dealers Association, designed to show when too many unsold cars are sitting around in dealerships, has surged over the past few months. In December, it was at its lowest level in records dating back three years; last month was the second-highest reading.

The association went further Sunday, warning that sales from dealers had fallen in the first two months of the year, the first time that's happened since 2012. Inventory at independent brands such as Geely and Great Wall was at red-alert levels, with joint-venture brands such as BAIC Motor Corp. and SAIC Motor Corp. and imported marques also showing signs of oversupply.

That drop is perfectly consistent with the earlier data showing a 9.2% rise. Auto manufacturers book sales when their vehicles leave the factory, so their figures don't so much describe the state of consumer demand as the mood of car dealers. That mood appears to be worsening: Dealers for Volkswagen AG's Audi marque and Kia Motors Corp. have been demanding automakers compensate them for losses this year.

A divergence between manufacturers' and dealers' numbers, combined with signs of rising inventory levels and discounting drives by major manufacturers, are a clear warning that trouble lies ahead.

There are indications that this is starting to concern the government. Rules limiting sales of used cars will be loosened, the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday. In theory, that should encourage owners to upgrade and stimulate the new car market, which makes up around two thirds of auto sales compared with about one-third in the US.

Source : Bloomberg
China auto part makers become China's Latest Billionaire Clan

Forbes Staff reported that Chen Jinghong, chairman of auto part maker Huada Automotive Technology, with his son in law has joined the ranks of China’s billionaire clans after a run up in the company’s recently listed shares.

Huada Automotive Technology closed at 67.27 yuan, more than double its listing price of 31.18 yuan price at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Jan. 25. Huada issued 40 million new shares during its initial public offering, raising 1.2 billion yuan, or USD 181 million, to expand production capacity.

Chen and son-in-law Ge Jianghong own 56.1% and 8.9% of the listed company after the IPO, worth more than a combined USD 1 billion at today’s closing price.

Founded in 2002, Huada’s clients include GM partner SAIC Motor Corporation in China. The company estimates that revenue in 2016 gained as much as 12.9% to 2.7 billion yuan, or USD 388 million.

Chen was the head of the collectively owned Jinjiang Huade Auto Parts Factory when it cofounded Huada in 2002.

Source : Forbes.com
'Cybercriminelen verspreiden malware via nepzendmasten in China'

Gepubliceerd: 23 maart 2017 06:57 Laatste update: 23 maart 2017 06:57

Cybercriminelen in China verspreiden malware via nepzendmasten. Daarmee worden sms'jes verstuurd die van de providers China Mobile en China Unicom afkomstig lijken te zijn.

Dat heeft beveiligingsbedrijf Check Point ontdekt. Via de sms'jes wordt een link naar de zogenoemde Swearing Trojan-malware verspreid.

Die schadelijke software, die al eerder werd ontdekt, kan onder meer worden gebruikt om de beveiliging van banken te omzeilen. Als een bank een sms'je met een beveiligingscode stuurt, wordt deze onderschept door een kwaadaardige sms-app die de malware installeert op Android-smartphones.

De Swearing Trojan verspreidt zichzelf via sms'jes naar het volledige contactenboek. In die phishing-sms'jes wordt zogenaamd gelinkt naar een foto van een vriend of naar zakelijke documenten.

Volgens de Chinese internetgigant Tencent is een aantal makers van de malware inmiddels opgepakt. Mogelijk zijn andere beheerders van de malware nog op vrije voeten, want de kwaadaardige software is nog altijd actief. Buiten China is de malware niet actief.
Door: NU.nl
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