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Nexteer Opens New Plant Facility In China

Nexteer Automotive, a global leader in intuitive motion control, celebrated the grand opening of its new plant facility in Liudong New District, Liuzhou, China. Officials from Liuzhou Government and Liudong New District participated in the ceremony together with management from Nexteer Automotive and customer representatives.

Nexteer’s new Liuzhou plant is expected to hire more than 500 people and replaces the Liuzhou facility that Nexteer previously rented. This new 12,000 square meter plant will provide customers with CEPS (Column-assist Electric Power Steering) systems, related technologies and services. The establishment of the new plant will enhance Nexteer’s manufacturing capacity in the Asia-Pacific region to meet the growing demand for EPS systems in the Chinese and Asia-Pacific markets.

In addition to “smart manufacturing” measures such as Nexteer’s Digital Trace™ Manufacturing, real-time data acquisition, analysis and billboards, facial recognition on production lines and early warning of equipment status alerts, the new Liuzhou plant is equipped with a NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) laboratory, test track, vehicle testing lab, product performance analysis center, advanced technology research office and other engineering modules to provide advanced EPS product testing, verification and customer service.

Mr Guibin Zhao, Global Chief Executive Officer of Nexteer Automotive said that “Over the past three years, Nexteer has accelerated the expansion of our global footprint to provide customers with faster and more convenient service. As an advanced production facility that will provide first-class engineering technology services, the new Liuzhou plant demonstrates our confidence in the global and Chinese automotive industries, as well as our strong collaboration with strategic customers in the region.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China's To Fund Construction Of Kenya’s Naivasha-Kisumu SGR Project

The government of Kenya announced that Chinese government has agreed to fund for the construction of Naivasha-Kisumu Standard Gauge Railway line. Speaking at the Forum for China Africa Cooperation in Beijing, transport CS James Macharia Chinese Ministry of Commerce had approved the required funds, which are now with Exim Bank. He said that “SGR is a regional project and Kenya being its entry gate it cannot develop it on its own because it will not be viable in the fact that 30% of cargo in Mombasa is on transit therefore there’s need to harmonize SGR with what other countries are doing. The funds are now with Exim Bank, which is looking into financial dynamics of lending according to the structure of each country.”

The CS said that Phase 2A is 98% complete and will be operational in September, paving way for phase 2B Naivasha-Kisumu project projected to take 4 years to be completed. CS Macharia explained that the government would rehabilitate the Naivasha to Malaba metre gauge railway segment, even as it pursues funding for the remaining section of the SGR line.

Source : Construction Review Online
China State Shipbuilding Corporation Team Up With RINA

RINA and China State Shipbuilding Corporation have signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement for some of the activities related to passenger ships building. RINA, world leader in the classification of ferries and among the leading class societies in the cruise sector, will provide technical advice to CSSC in accordance with RINA’s experience and expertise. The agreement, which has been conceived during the recent visit to Italy of President Xi Jinping for the signing of the Belt and Road Initiative agreements, was signed by RINA’s CEO, Ugo Salerno and Mr Lei Fanpei, Chairman of CSSC, in Beijing. As part of the collaboration, RINA will provide support to CSSC for new building projects on energy saving, alternative design, passenger comfort and noise reduction, among others.

Mr Lei Fanpei, CSSC, said that “CSSC recognises RINA’s expertise in the classification of passenger vessels and we see substantial benefit in working together. CSSC are set to expand the high-technology vessels sector in China and as such will be designing and building new world class ships.”

Under its wing, there are 60 sole proprietorship enterprises and shareholding institutions, including a some of the most renowned ship building and ship repairing yards, research and design institutes, marine-related equipment manufacturers and trading firms in China.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
VS pakken dumping stalen velgen uit China aan

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Amerikaanse ministerie van handel heeft prijsdumping en gelijktijdige staatssubsidie vastgesteld bij Chinese exporteurs van stalen velgen en heeft een procedure in gang gezet om de schade te verhalen. Dat maakte het ministerie woensdag bekend.

Het gaat om Chinese stalen velgen voor grote banden, zonder binnenband, van 12 tot 16,5 inch, waarvan in 2017 voor een bedrag van 74 miljoen dollar werd ingevoerd in Amerika. Deze werden volgens de Amerikaanse autoriteiten ruim onder de marktwaarde verkocht door Chinese exporteurs, terwijl producenten door de overheid werden gesubsidieerd.

Het aantal Amerikaanse onderzoeken naar dit soort gevallen van prijsdumping is een prioriteit van de regering Trump en is sinds diens aantreden verdrievoudigd.

Het bedrijf Changzhou Chungang Machinery verkocht de velgen volgens de gegevens die de Amerikanen kregen ruim 38 procent goedkoper dan de marktwaarde. China-breed stelde het ministerie deze dumpingmarge op 44 procent. Het Chinese bedrijf Zhejiang Jingu ontving een subsidie van 388 procent. Op basis daarvan stelt het ministerie voor alle andere Chinese producenten in deze markt de subsidie vast op 387 procent.

Het ministerie zal rond 15 augustus bekendmaken welke schade zal worden verhaald.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Volkswagen Takes Over Leading Position for Electro-Mobility In China

Volkswagen is striving for the lead in transforming the auto industry towards electric mobility in China. This was endorsed by the CEO of Volkswagen AG, Dr Herbert Diess, at the first World New Energy Vehicle Congress in the southern Chinese city of Boao. The Boao Consensus, which describes the strategic results of the congress, foresees e-cars accounting for 50% of annual global car sales by 2035. Within the Chinese market, Volkswagen commits to that goal as well, making China pivotal for Volkswagen Group’s decarbonization strategy. Volkswagen intends to offer 14 electrified models to Chinese customers this year. By 2028, more than half of the Group’s planned 22 million electric cars will be produced in China. At the same time, Volkswagen is strengthening its local R&D. More than 4,500 engineers work on future technologies in the country.

At the congress, Mr Herbert Diess emphasised the important role of the automotive industry on the way to fulfilling the Paris Climate Agreement: “China also relies on emission-free mobility under its clear commitment to the goals of Paris. In this transformation, we are playing a key role in providing a comprehensive range of e-vehicles and strengthening the private charging infrastructure. ”

In his speech, Mr Diess also underlined that a predictable and reliable legal and regulatory framework was necessary for the further development of electro mobility. He expressly welcomed another opening-up of the country.

E-mobility is already booming in China. Last year, more than one million plug-in hybrids and purely battery-powered vehicles were sold. This makes China the world’s largest market for e-cars. The government is supporting e-mobility through comprehensive initiatives such as the expansion of the charging infrastructure and low electricity costs. In addition, more renewable energy is being harnessed to generate electricity.

As part of its e-mobility offensive, the Volkswagen Group plans to produce around 11.6 million e- cars in China by 2028: that is more than half of the Group’s global total target of 22 million. All three joint ventures – FAW-Volkswagen, SAIC VOLKSWAGEN and JAC Volkswagen – will contribute to this. As soon as the SAIC VOLKSWAGEN plant in Anting and FAW-Volkswagen plant in Foshan start producing MEB-based vehicles next year, the production capacity alone will be around 600,000 purely electric vehicles per year. In addition, JAC and SEAT are developing their own platform for smaller e-cars. Next year, around 400,000 electrified models from Volkswagen Group China will be delivered to Chinese customers. Thus, Volkswagen Group China will meet all regulatory requirements: the fleet consumption target of five liters in 2020 as well as the requirements of the credit system for the share of electric vehicles in total production.

The ecological footprint is to be further improved in all 33 Chinese production facilities of Volkswagen and its partners. In the past year alone, the CO2 emissions of the Chinese plants were reduced by 13%, saving 390,000 tonnes of CO2.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Construction Starts on Dalian Zhuanghe II Offshore Wind Farm

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation has held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of construction of the 300MW Dalian Zhuanghe II offshore wind project. The wind farm is located on the east side of Shicheng Island in the Zhuanghe area of Dalian City, Liaoning Province.

The project will feature 60 5MW variable pitch wind turbines installed on an area of about 59.4 square kilometres, along with a 220kV offshore booster station, and a centralised onshore control centre.

The value of the project is CNY 5.1 billion (EUR 658 million).

According to CSIC, this is the first offshore wind farm in Northeastern China that will be constructed under an EPC contract, and the first project that will be developed an built in-house by CSIC and its subsidiaries.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China’s Two Largest Shipbuilders Plan To Merge

Reuters reported that China’s two largest shipbuilders are planning to merge, their listed arms said in separate exchange filings, the latest to join a wave of mergers among state-owned enterprises as the government overhauls the sector. The move by China Shipbuilding Industry Corp and China State Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, is subject to approvals from related authorities and there are still many details to be ironed out before the proposal can be finalised.

However, a slew of units belonging to the two companies, such as CSSC Offshore & Marine Engineering Group Co Ltd, China Marine Information Electronics Co Ltd and Hubei Jiuzhiyang Infrared System Co Ltd issued similar statements confirming their parent companies’ plan of consolidation.

Source : Reuters
Volvo legt autotrein in van China naar Gent
04 juli 201917:36

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Met een nieuwe treinverbinding naar China versterkt Gent zijn positie als draaischijf voor Volvo.

Met het nodige vuurwerk is donderdag in Gent een nieuwe treinverbinding ingehuldigd om Volvo's naar China te vervoeren. De trein, die 190 ingepakte Volvo's kan vervoeren, rijdt voortaan twee keer per week van de stad Xi'an, in het centrum van China, naar het Kluizendok vlak bij de Gentse Volvo-fabriek.

Door de nieuwe treinverbinding vervoeren we onze auto's 30 dagen sneller dan met de boot.
Volvo had in 2017 al een spoorverbinding naar China opgestart, maar die treinen reden van het Noord-Chinese Daqing naar Zeebrugge, waarna de Volvo's nog per vrachtwagen naar Gent werden gevoerd.

Bovendien bracht de oude treinverbinding alleen Volvo's van China naar België, maar niet in de omgekeerde richting. Nu brengt de trein XC60's van China naar België, en XC90's, V90's en V60's terug naar Xi'an. Vanuit Gent worden de auto's dan verder met de trein naar Italië en Zweden gebracht.

Door de verschuiving naar de trein haalt Volvo naar eigen zeggen jaarlijks 5.000 camions van de weg. 'We willen onze auto's zo snel mogelijk bij de eindklant brengen', zegt Stefan Fesser, de fabrieksdirecteur van Volvo Gent. 'Door de nieuwe treinverbinding vervoeren we onze auto's 30 dagen sneller dan met de boot. De trein is gewoon sneller én stipter.'

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Opmerkelijk is dat de trein niet in één ruk naar China rijdt. Van Gent naar Polen rijdt de trein als open 'roro' (roll-on-roll-off)-trein. Aan de Poolse grens, waar de spoorbreedte anders is, worden de Volvo's op een containertrein overgeladen. Door dat hybride systeem kunnen in de toekomst ook andere bedrijven uit de Gentse haven hun producten met de trein naar China laten transporteren.

China is het startpunt van de nieuwe Zijderoute.
De Gentse haven sluit zo aan bij het grote 'One Belt, One Road'-initiatief. 'China is het startpunt van de nieuwe Zijderoute', loofde Zhai Ruopeng, de topman van de ITL Group uit Xi'an, tijdens een toespraak in het Chinees het grote logistieke project van de Chinese regering.

Volvo werkt voor de trein samen met Interface Terminal Gent en Lineas, het vroegere NMBS Logistics. Al dook tussen de vele Chinezen op de persconferentie ook een Oostenrijker op die het belang van Lineas minimaliseerde. 'Dit zijn onze wagons. Wij werken voor de Chinezen', zei Herbert Drack, de voorzitter van het Weense bedrijf Intermodal Container Logistics. 'Lineas doet helemaal niets, behalve de last mile in Gent'.

DSM rekent op sterke groei in China - media

112,75 0,20 0,18 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China is een belangrijk land waar DSM snel kan groeien over een langere periode. Dit zei een topbestuurder van het bedrijf tegen China Daily aan de zijlijn van het zogeheten Summer Davos Forum in de Chinese stad Dalian.

"De laatste jaren zijn we jaar na jaar heel snel gegroeid en we denken dat we een dubbelcijferige groei kunnen bewerkstelligen over een langere periode", zei DSM-bestuurslid Dimitri de Vreeze tegen de Chinese krant.

Volgens De Vreeze heeft het speciaalchemiebedrijf weinig last van de handelsspanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en China.

"De tarieven raken ons niet echt want we produceren en verkopen lokaal. Maar we zien wel impact op het consumentenvertrouwen. Op langere termijn is dit iets dat zichzelf zal moeten oplossen", aldus de bestuurder.

China is voor DSM de snelstgroeiende markt. Het bedrijf heeft onder meer 25 productiefaciliteiten in het land en ongeveer 5.000 werknemers.

Het aandeel DSM noteerde vrijdag vlak.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Chinese Steel Mill Establish iron Ore Working Group

SMM reported that 7 Chinese steelmakers plan to establish an iron ore working team to study major issues, monitor market development, help resolve seaborne iron ore-related problems, and propose suggestions to government authorities. Iron ore market symposium, held on June 27, was chaired by China Iron and Steel Association vice president Qu Xiuli and was attended by CISA deputy secretary general Wang Yingsheng, market researchers and members from Baowu, Angang, Shougang, Shagang, Magang, Valin and Laigang. The working group is expected to ask central authorities to inspect the market and invite futures and derivatives experts as well as traders to develop measures to steady the market.

The minutes also reflected concerns about overcapacity. Fixed-asset investment in ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry expanded 30.6% in the first quarter.

Foreign miners are advised to adopt various pricing indices and continue to improve pricing mechanism for long-term contracts with Chinese steelmakers, according to the minutes.

Source : SMM
HKEX Launches Spot Aluminium Trading on Mainland China platform

Reuters reported that Qianhai Mercantile Exchange, a mainland China physical commodities bourse owned by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd has started spot trading of aluminium ingots and billets. HKEX said that

1. Trading started on June 28, with six Chinese companies, including a unit of state-run Chalco , trading 437.76 tonnes of the two products with a total turnover of 6.2 million yuan (USD 901,791.95).

2. The transactions "helped record the first benchmark prices of aluminium ingot and aluminium billet based on actual transactions on the QME platform.”

3. The QME, located just 50 kms (30 miles) from Hong Kong, brings much-coveted access to the world's biggest metals market for HKEX, which is also pursuing LME warehousing in mainland China.

4. The launch was slightly earlier than planned. HKEX Chief Executive Mr Charles Li said in May that aluminium product trading was planned for the third quarter. Mr Li also said QME copper trading would probably begin in 2020.

Source : Reuters
Chinese Mining Conglomerate Poised to Take Over KCM from Vedanta

Lusaka Times reported that Chinese firm China Nonferrous Metal Mining Co is poised to take over KCM assets belonging to Vedanta Resources. According to Africa Mining Intelligence, the firm has ramped up its media presence over the past few days to proclaim the legitimacy of its purchase of KCM. While the Zambian government’s request for KCM to be liquidated has been put on hold by a court ruling, CNMC seems to be convinced that it will take over the sites.

In June, CNMC representatives took to the local newspapers to affirm that the company is the best suited, both in terms of technical and financial capacity, to buy the assets post-liquidation.

Mr Guobin Hu managing director of Chambishi Nonferrous Africa Corporation, the CNMC subsidiary that operates a copper smelter near to the KCM sites, also recalled that the group has recently invested a further USD 800 million in Zambia.

CNMC would like to have a larger presence in the Copperbelt and is also keen to make acquisitions in neighbouring Congo where it has also built a copper smelter.

Source : Lusaka Times
China Launches its Longest Extra-High Voltage Power Line – Report

Reuters reported that China's has launched its longest extra-high voltage power transmission line, connecting the far western region of Xinjiang and the eastern province of Anhui, state-backed Xinhua News reported the project aims to help meet increasing power demand in industrialised eastern regions and reduce the amount of wasted electricity in the west.

As part of Beijing's anti-pollution campaign, new coal-fired power utilities have been banned in the smog-prone east of the country.

The 3,324-km (2,065-mile) transmission line, with voltage of 1,100 Kilovolt is designed to transmit 66 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity a year, Xinhua reported.

It said that most of the electricity transmitted via the line will come from the Zhundong coal-fired power plant in northern Xinjiang, which has installed power generation capacity of 28 gigawatts.

China has been promoting cross-region electricity transmission lines, especially EHV projects as they have bigger transmission capacity and smaller line losses compared to ordinary lines.

According to the State Grid Corporation of China, the country had 18 EHV lines with overall transmission length of 27,570 km by the end of June.

Source : Reuters
China's Iron Ore Imports From Mongolia Up By 22% Over Jan-May

Mysteel Global reported that China has shown greater enthusiasm in non-core iron ore supplies with its iron ore imports from Mongolia, for example, being up 22% on year to 3.4 million tonnes over January-May, though its total imports declined 5.2% on year during the first five months.

The continuing surge in imported iron ore prices especially in mainstream supplies from Australia and Brazil since the beginning of this year has prompted Chinese steel mills, beneficiation plants, traders, and even domestic iron ore miners to source iron ore from non-core supply countries because of the pricing competitiveness.

Source : Mysteel.net
Miljoenen Oeigoeren worden in China onderdrukt, en de situatie verslechtert.

Het is vandaag precies 10 jaar geleden dat Peking de grip op Oeigoerse minderheid begon te versterken. Sindsdien is de regio veranderd in een politiestaat, zegt correspondent Sjoerd den Daas. "Ze worden onderdrukt en gediscrimineerd. Op straat hangen vrijwel overal beveiligingscamera's en de overheid kan zelfs volledig meekijken op smartphones."

"Ze doen dat door van de regio een soort politiestaat te maken", zegt Den Daas. "Op een gemiddelde straathoek is het aantal camera's met gezichtsherkenning niet op twee handen te tellen. Je ziet daarnaast overal politiechecks. De bevolking wordt etnisch gediscrimineerd."

Volgens schattingen zitten er momenteel minstens anderhalf miljoen mensen vast in zogenoemde 'anti-extremismecentra'. In de praktijk zijn dit straf- of concentratiekampen waar de bevolking onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden verblijft. De BBC onthulde gisteren dat ouders en kinderen door die kampen van elkaar gescheiden worden. Dit was al bekend, maar de schaal waarop was niet eerder in kaart gebracht.



Cv's Huawei-personeel laten diepe banden zien met militair apparaat

Studie is brandstof voor discussie over de positie van Huawei bij 5G
Chinese Steel Producers' Profits Decline in Jan-May - CISA

Xinhua reported that Chinese steel producers saw their profits fall 18.2 percent year on year in the first five months of 2019 as rising costs hurt earnings. Mr Qu Xiuli, vice chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association, said the combined profits of CISA's member enterprises totalled CNY 85.5 billion (USD 12.4 billion) in the January-May period, when China's crude steel output exceeded 400 million tonnes, up 10.2 percent YoY

He said “Due to tougher environment protection rules and falling profit margins, the growth in steel output is expected to slow down while steel demand is also forecast to weaken.”

Source : Xinhua
Zinc Prices Slide as Chinese Supply Rises

Reuters reported that Zinc prices fell to their lowest in two weeks as rising Chinese production and a collapse in the premium for cash metal on the London Metal Exchange pointed to a better supplied market. Benchmark zinc on the LME ended down 1% at USD 2,425 a tonne, within a whisker of last month’s level of USD 2,412, the lowest in 5 and 1/2 months.

The metal used to galvanize steel has tumbled more than 30% from a high early last year as a US-China trade war weakened the demand outlook and traders braced for a surge of refined metal to end a supply shortfall.

Deutsche Bank analyst Mr Nick Snowdon said that rising Chinese output, rumours that zinc is moving from Chinese bonded storehouses into the LME warehouse system and a big fall in the premium for LME cash zinc were pushing prices lower. He said that “You could see more downside to the low USD 2,000s adding that prices were unlikely to fall much lower because of the low level of warehouse stocks.”

Higher output by Chinese smelters is expected to end a deficit that according to the International Lead and Zinc Study Group amounted to 97,000 tonnes during the first four months of this year.

Chinese refined zinc output at 480,000 tonnes was up 7.4% in May compared to the same month in 2018.

Source : Reuters
Shandong Province Plans Further Coal Usage Cuts Over Next 5 Years

Reuters reported that China's eastern province of Shandong aims to cut its coal consumption by 50 million tonnes in 5 years, the provincial government said in a statement, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and upgrade its energy structure. The statement did not provide current coal consumption figures for the province, one of China's most industrialized. The province set a target for 2018 consumption of 377.58 million tonnes per year, meaning the cut announced today would reduce coal usage by 13.2% from that level. It is not clear if Shandong met the target.

The Shandong government in the statement said that "The situation of coal consumption reduction work in Shandong remains very grim at this moment. How to meet the target set by central government has become a prominent problem for us."

Source : Reuters
Construction Commences On New Section Of China-Russia Gas Pipeline - Report

China Central Television reported that construction work started on the middle section of a major China-Russia energy cooperation project. Starting from Northeast China's Jilin Province and ending in North China's Hebei Province, the section is expected to alleviate natural gas shortages in Northeast China and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The 1,110-kilometer section is expected to be completed in October 2020.

Lin Boqiang, dean of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University, said that "China and Russia enjoy a stable relationship, and they have been comprehensive strategic partners of coordination in various spheres." The huge pipeline project is intended to stabilize China's energy supply through cooperation with a stable partner, Lin said, especially as China's demand for natural gas still has huge growth potential.

Source : Global Times
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