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Alle hoop is gevestigd op een handelsovereenkomst tussen China en Amerika.
Trump heeft dat succes nodig voor zijn herverkiezingscampagne.
Dus die deal komt er wel.

Maar Huawei zal uit de gratie blijven. Wie erin belegt neemt een grote gok.
De kansen voor Ericsson ten aanzien van de introductie van het 5G netwerk nemen in Europa rap toe.
Tangshan Summons Executives From 48 Firms Over Air Pollution

Reuters reported that China’s top steelmaking city of Tangshan in Hebei Province has summoned executives from 48 regional companies with high pollution emissions to a meeting and ordered them to trim output to reduce the smog. The companies in the steel, cement and coke industries were criticised by the city government of failing to implement anti-pollution measures and to bring down toxic emissions. The companies included Tangsteel, a subsidiary of HBIS Group. Tangshan government statement said “Companies that were summoned to the meeting vowed to resolutely comply to production restrictions set by the city government and cut output to the utmost extent in order to drastically reduce pollutant emission.”

The meeting came after China’s environment ministry last week summoned the mayors of six northern Chinese cities, including Baoding and Langfang in Hebei province where Tangshan is located, that failed to meet winter smog-cutting targets

Tangshan city has extended output curbs on heavy industry to the end of June, with steel mills ordered to cut sintering operations by as much as 50%. Despite the extended production restrictions, Tangshan in April still ranked fourth from the bottom of 169 monitored key cities nationwide in terms of air quality. In May, among the 11 cities in Hebei, Tangshan had the worst air quality level, with average concentrations of particulate matter PM2.5 at 43 micrograms per cubic metre. The average PM2.5 reading in Hebei in May was 32 micrograms per cubic metre.

Source : Reuters
China Steel Demand More Robust Than Imagined - Mr TV Narendran Tata Steel

Mr TV Narendran, CEO & MD of Tata Steel in an interview with ETNOW while answering to “Do you believe that the rise in iron ore prices will compress Chinese steel margins and cause some mills to go out of operations?” said “The demand in China has been more robust than we had imagined. If we look at the last four months, both the demand and production in China have been in the 9% to 10% range which is very surprising for country which consumes more than 900 million tonnes of steel or about 900 million tonnes of steel so it has been much better than we had imagined. Obviously, a lot of actions are being taken in China domestically to counter the impact of the trade actions by the Trump administration and that is probably getting reflected in greater consumption that we had anticipated. We normally look for how much steel China is exporting. Despite their production going up 10%, because their consumption has also gone up by about 10%, the exports stayed stable at around 5 million tonnes a month which to me is a level the world can live with because even before 2015, China was exporting about 4 to 5 million tonnes a month. The problems happened in 2015 when they exports doubled to 10 million tonnes a month. We still have that 5 million level. The minute it crosses 5 and goes to 6 million tonne, the world should certainly get concerned that it could happen if China slows down more than it has today.”

He said “I hope some of the issues between the US and China would get sorted out in the next few months and the sentiment turn with more positive. A larger concern in Southeast Asia was export from Turkey. But the US is reducing port duties for steel from Turkey from 50% to 25% and so we expect some of the steel from Turkey will flow back to the US. We are basically looking at Turkey, we are looking at the CIS countries and of course Korea, Japan and China because these are the five big exporting countries and Southeast Asia is a region where everyone tries to sell steel into and of course India is a attractive market as well.”

Source : ET
Trump had goed gesprek met Xi

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft een "erg goed" telefoongesprek gehad met zijn Chinese evenknie Xi Jinping. Dit schreef Trump dinsdag op Twitter.

Trump en Xi zullen volgende tijdens de G20-top in Japan een uitgebreide ontmoeting hebben, aldus de Amerikaanse president.

De teams van beide presidenten zullen de gesprekken aanloop naar de ontmoeting opstarten, voegde Trump toe.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China Aluminium output in May Up By 2.4% YoY – NBS

Reuters reported that China's aluminium production rose by 2.4% in May from a year earlier, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, as smelters that restarted due to higher prices for the light metal continued to ramp up output. NBS said that the world's top aluminium producing country churned out 2.98 million tonnes of the metal last month That was up 2.1% from 2.92 million tonnes in April. On a daily basis, output averaged around 96,129 tonnes in May, according to Reuters calculations, down from 97,200 in April, which had one day fewer.

In the first five months of the year, China produced 14.45 million tonnes of aluminium, a rise of 2.7% from the same period last year, the data showed.

China's imports of alumina, raw material for the light metal, doubled in April to 60,000 tonnes, according to customs data, and traders expect imports to rise further in May and June due to plant closures in Shanxi province. Meanwhile, production of ten nonferrous metals including copper, aluminium, lead, zinc and nickel rose 2.2% from a year earlier to 4.74 million tonnes, which was flat to April.

Nonferrous output for the first five months of the year was up 4.0 percent at 23.41 million tonnes. The other non-ferrous metals are tin, antimony, mercury, magnesium and titanium.

Source : Reuters
President Trump says he and Chinese President Xi Jinping “will be having an extended meeting next week at the G-20 in Japan.”

In a tweet, Trump says that he and Xi “had a very good telephone conversation,” and that “our respective teams will begin talks prior to our meeting.”

China had kept mum about whether Xi would agree to a face-to-face meeting with the U.S. president at the summit, scheduled for June 28-29 in Osaka, while the two economic superpowers remain locked in a heated trade dispute.

Rusland en China beschuldigen VS van provocatie in Golfregio

Rusland en China beschuldigen de Verenigde Staten van provocatie in de Golfregio. Volgens de twee landen doet Washington er alles aan de spanningen in de olierijke en licht ontvlambare Golfregio op te voeren, waar juist voorzichtigheid en diplomatieke tact is geboden.

Een MH-60S helikopter patrouilleert in de Perzische Golf. Op de achtergrond de Amerikaanse olietanker USS John C. Stennis, die op weg is naar de de Straat van Hormuz, de zeecorridor die de Perzische Golf verbindt met de Golf van Oman. In totaal gaat ongeveer een vijfde van het wereldwijde aanbod van olie via deze druk bevaren en strategische zeeroute.

Een MH-60S helikopter patrouilleert in de Perzische Golf. Op de achtergrond de Amerikaanse olietanker USS John C. Stennis, die op weg is naar de de Straat van Hormuz, de zeecorridor die de Perzische Golf verbindt met de Golf van Oman. In totaal gaat ongeveer een vijfde van het wereldwijde aanbod van olie via deze druk bevaren en strategische zeeroute.Foto: Reuters
Daarmee reageren Rusland en China - beiden permanent lid van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties - op het besluit van de regering-Trump om voor 'defensieve doeleinden' duizend extra militairen naar het Midden-Oosten te sturen. Die komen bovenop de 1500 Amerikaanse militairen die vorige maand al naar de regio waren gestuurd.

Washington houdt Iran verantwoordelijk voor de recente aanslagen op olietankers in de Golf van Oman. Ook de aartsrivaal Saoedi-Arabië beschuldigt Iran van de aanslagen. Maar Teheran heeft die beschuldigingen steeds tegengesproken en zegt niets met de aanslagen van doen te hebben. 'Iran zal geen oorlog voeren tegen welk dan ook', zei de Iraanse president Hasaan Rouhani. Bij het besluit om meer militairen naar de Golfregio te sturen, liet de Amerikaanse waarnemend minister van defensie, Patrick Shanahan, eveneens weten dat de VS niet uit zijn op een conflict.

'Poging om oorlog uit te lokken'
Maar volgens de Russische onderminister van defensie, Sergej Ryabkov, geven de Amerikaanse acties blijk van het tegendeel en kan het besluit van de VS 'niet anders worden uitgelegd dan als een bewuste poging om oorlog uit te lokken.' Als Washington werkelijk geen oorlog wil, dan moet het dat laten zien, aldus de Russische diplomaat.

'Wat we nu zien zijn oneindige en aanhoudende Amerikaanse pogingen om politieke, psychologische, economische en inderdaad ook militaire druk op Iran op een tamelijk provocerende manier op te voeren', aldus Ryabkov. Hij waarschuwt Washington voor het 'onnadenkend en roekeloos oppompen van spanningen in een explosieve regio.'

'Doos van Pandora'
Ook China waarschuwt de VS voor een militaire escalatie in het Midden-Oosten. 'We roepen alle partijen op om rationeel te blijven en terughoudend te zijn, geen escalerende acties te ondernemen die de regionale spanningen aanwakkeren en niet de doos van Pandora te openen', zei de Chinese minister van buitenlandse zaken, Wang Yi. De diplomaat drong er bij Washington op aan af te zien van de 'extreme drukmiddelen' tegen Teheran. Volgens Yi biedt 'het internationaal recht geen basis om op eigen houtje te opereren'.

Twijfels over betrokkenheid Iran
De aanslagen vorige week in de Golf van Oman vonden plaats tijdens het bezoek van de Japanse premier Shinzo Abe aan de Iraanse hoofdstad. Volgens sommige analisten is het niet aannemelijk dat Teheran achter de aanslagen zit, omdat onder meer een Japanse olietanker het doelwit was. Japan onderhoudt goede diplomatieke betrekkingen met zowel Teheran als Washington.

Eerder maanden Duitsland en Frankrijk Washington tot terughoudendheid. De twee Navo-bondgenoten dringen er bij Washington op aan om eerst met bewijzen te komen alvorens met de beschuldigende vinger naar Iran te wijzen. Volgens de Duitse minister van buitenlandse zaken, Heiko Maas, zeggen de videobeelden van olietankers die de VS de wereld hebben ingestuurd niets over de vermeende betrokkenheid van Iran bij de aanslagen.

Trump kondigt ontmoeting met Xi aan

Gepubliceerd op 18 jun 2019 om 17:08 | Views: 0

WASHINGTON (AFN/RTR) - De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump en zijn Chinese evenknie Xi Jinping ontmoeten elkaar later deze maand in de marge van de G20-top in Japan. Dat heeft Trump op Twitter bekendgemaakt. De Amerikaanse president zei de afspraak in een telefoongesprek met Xi te hebben gemaakt.

Voordat Trump en Xi elkaar ontmoeten, gaan Amerikaanse en Chinese delegaties weer in gesprek over een handelsakkoord. De twee landen zijn al maanden af en aan in gesprek over nieuwe handelsafspraken. Tussen de gesprekken door zitten ze elkaar dwars met importheffingen en andere maatregelen.
Zo, China is begonnen met de verkoop van Treasuries, eens zien hoe dat gaat uitpakken.
China's CSCEC ME To Target Saudi Arabia projects - Mr Yu Tao

Mr Yu Tao, the president and CEO of China State Construction and Engineering Corporation Middle East, told Construction Week that Saudi Arabia is the next target market that the Chinese state-owned contractor would target. Mr Tao said “As a good friend and partner of China, Saudi Arabia makes a series of positive policies to attract Chinese companies. Regardless of the type of project, quantity or contract amount, Saudi is considered as the next target market we want to work in. In recent months, the kingdom has officially been elevated to an emerging market, which gives us more opportunities to enter the Saudi market.”

He said that Saudi is also one of the most important parts of China’s multilateral, trillion-dollar infrastructure programme, the Belt and Road Initiative.

He added that “As the biggest construction company both in China and GCC region, we’ll keep on going deep into oil and gas projects and railway network construction to diversify our business model.”

Source : Construction Week Online
thyssenkrupp Enables Bobility At China Southern Airlines’ New Beijing Airport Base

China Southern Airlines has moved to a ‘two-hub’ strategy that, alongside its current Guangzhou base, will see it expand to Beijing Daxing Airport, which is currently under construction. The new mega airport in the south of Beijing represents an expanded vision of urban mobility not within cities, but between them. As the sole elevator supplier to China Southern Airlines’ new Beijing airport base, thyssenkrupp Elevator will support this vision and deliver 155 elevators and 22 escalators. China Southern Airlines belongs to one of China’s biggest air carriers. In 2018, the state-owned company flew 4.42 million passengers from its present base in Guangzhou an 8.6% increase compared to 2017. This included nearly 1 million international transit passengers. The new airport will support 45 million passengers in the first phase, before increasing to ultimately become the largest airport worldwide by passenger numbers. Together with China Eastern Airlines, the company will be responsible for roughly 40% of the new airport’s traffic flow and will initially base 200 aircraft at the site.

Mr Peter Walker, CEO of thyssenkrupp Elevator, said that “We are proud to be among the preferred suppliers for this mega project. China Southern Airlines is one of the most important players in China’s airline industry, and it is critical to deliver market-leading premium mobility solutions that enable the airline to keep its promise to customers.”

The plans for the spectacular airport facilities were designed by star architect Sir Norman Foster, while the hexagonal main terminal was designed by the renowned Zara Hadid Architects. At approximately 7.5 million square feet, it will be the largest terminal in the world. From the fifth-floor visitors will have a bird’s eye view that reaches beyond the security gates, meaning travelers can wave goodbye to their loved ones, even after they have passed through security.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Beijing Opens New Bicycle Expressway - Report

Clean Technica reported that China’s capitol city of Beijing has opened a new bicycle expressway that connects the residential neighborhoods of Huilongguan in Changping District with the rapidly developing high tech industrial zone in the Haidian district just 6.5 kilometers away. About 16% of Huilongguan residents work in Changping. Prior to opening the new highway, the trip by bike from one district to the other could take almost an hour and half because there were several busy highways to cross in between, but now the trip can be made in about 25 minutes.

Despite the crushing congestion endemic to Beijing, some 40% of people living in Huilongguan still choose to drive their cars to work, a commute that can take hours. The new bicycle highway is three lanes wide and features traffic lights that allow managers to switch the direction of the center lane as the volume of traffic changes between the morning and the evening commute. It is elevated in several areas so that it crosses over and above existing vehicle highways. A speed limit of 20 kilometer per hour is specified. The new bicycle highway will offer bicycle commuters a more pleasant biking experience while reducing the time bicyclists spend waiting at traffic lights, according to the plan.

Source : Clean Technica
LaSalle Commences Construction On 5 New Logistics Parks In China

Ms Claire Tang, Head of Greater China at real estate investment, LaSalle Investment Management commenced construction on five new logistics developments in China, according to a statement. The five logistics parks, located in Shanghai Qingpu, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Chongqing and Xi’an in China, are expected to deliver leasable gross floor area of 3S9.000 square meter upon completion in early 2020. The market fundamentals for China logistics remain compelling. Consumer purchasing driven by technology and e-commerce has been rapidly pushing up the demand for modern logistics facilities located in top tier markets. We look to continue expanding our logistics portfolio footprint in China.

Ms Tang said that “Investing in modern logistics facilities has been a key focus for LaSalle in the region, and we plan to further capture acquisition and development opportunities in this sector in China moving forward.”

Globally, LaSalle Investment Management manages approximately USD 64 billion of assets in private and public real estate property and debt investments as of Q1 2019.

Source : Deal Street Asia
China Plans Small Nuke Reactors To Replace Coal And Gas Use

Reuters reported that China plans to build a pilot small-scale nuclear reactor that could replace coal or gas to heat towns and cities in its colder northern regions. Mr Wang Xujia, a senior engineer with the State Power Investment Corp said that the small heating reactor is planned for the city of Jiamusi in northeastern Heilongjiang province, one of two proposed units with a combined capacity of 400 megawatts.

Mr Wang on the sidelines of an industry conference told that “The project is still under central government review for approval adding that the developer aimed to put the project into operation by 2024.”

China has been exploring the use of small nuclear reactors – less than a fifth of the size of a standard reactor – as alternative heating systems in smog-prone northern regions. The state provides heating throughout northern China from November to March, using predominantly coal- or gas-fired boilers.

Source : Reuters
China 2018 Thermal Power Investment Lowest Since 2004 – CEC

China's total investment in thermal power construction last year fell to its lowest level since 2004, according to data from an official industry group, as the country tried to restrict investment in polluting projects. The China Electricity Council which represents power generators, plant builders and equipment manufacturers, said investment in new thermal power plants reached 78.6 billion yuan (USD 11.35 billion) in 2018, down 8.3% on the year and amounting to 28% of total spending in the sector.

CEC said in a report published that of the total, coal-fired capacity investment stood at CNY 6.44 billion, down 8.8% on the year. Total power investment fell 3.9% on the year to CNY 278.7 billion. Spending on hydropower construction rose 12.7% to 70 billion yuan, while nuclear investment inched down 1.6% to 44.7 billion yuan.

However, policies aimed at curbing overcapacity and tackling a subsidy payment shortfall meant that solar power investment plummeted 27.4% to CNY 20.7 billion in 2018, while wind power also dropped 5.2% to CNY 64.6 billion.

China has vowed to reduce its dependence on polluting fossil fuels, and it aims to bring the share of coal in its overall energy mix to 58% by next year, down from 68.5% in 2012.

Source : Reuters
Ming Yang Reaches Turbine Milestone At Chinese OWF

According to Ming Yang Smart Energy, nearly 25 out of 50 MySE3.0-135 turbines have been installed at the project site until 15 June. The 300MW project will also comprise 46 3.3MW turbines provided by Jinfeng Technology.

CCCC Third Harbour Engineering is the main contractor for the wind farm, responsible for delivering and installing the turbines, foundations and turbine towers.

The units are being mounted on monopile foundations, which are said to have been chosen for cost optimization.

China Datang Corporation and Jiangsu Guoxin Investment Group are the owners of the 300MW offshore wind farm.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China To Roll Out Rare Earth Policies Soon

SMM reported that China is developing rare earth-related policies, and will roll out the policies "as soon as possible", according to Ms Meng Wei, spokeswoman for the National Development and Reform Commission at a press conference in Beijing on June 17. Ms Meng added that this is expected to improve the role of rare earth as strategic resources amid an ongoing dispute with the US over trade and tech. The government resolutely opposes any attempt to use products made with China's exported rare earths to hurt the country's development.

The comments further fueled market confidence in the rare earth sector after a slew of positive signals from central authorities since May.

Source : SMM
China May refined copper output Down By 5.2 % YoY - NBS

Reuters quoted data released by the National Bureau of Statistics as saying that China’s refined copper output fell by 5.2% YoY and 3.9 % MoM to 711,000 tonnes in May. The country’s lead output rose by 7.1% YoY to 452,000 tonnes in May, although the figure is the lowest monthly total since September 2018; the bureau does not typically provide individual totals for January and February

China May zinc output +7.4% YoY at 480,000 tonnes
China May alumina output +0.1 % YoY at 6.2 million tonnes
China May iron ore output +1.5 % YoY at 70.8 million tonnes

Source : Reuters
Human Horizons To Produce Cars From Kia Motors China Plant

China's new electric vehicle maker Human Horizons said that it will use a Kia Motors' joint venture plant to make its first model. According to a company statement published on its official WeChat account, the company expects to start mass-producing its cars from the plant, which is run by a joint venture of Dongfeng Motor, Yueda Group and Kia Motors, in 2021.

Financial magazine Yicai reported that the plant to be used by Human Horizons was Dongfeng Yueda Kia Motors' No. 1 plant, citing an industry insider close to Seoul's Kia Motors.

The joint venture runs three factories in Jiangsu province in China.

Source : Reuters
China’s Coal Production Up By 3.5% In May 2019

National Bureau of Statistics showed that China’s raw coal production rose 3.5% YoY to 310 million tonnes in May. In the first five months, the country’s raw coal output came in at 1.42 billion tonnes, up 0.9 per cent from a year ago, according to the bureau. The country’s daily average output of raw coal stood at 10.08 million tonnes last month.

Imports of raw coal jumped 23 percent YoY to 27.47 million tonnes in May, while during the January-May period the imports totaled 127.39 million tonnes, a 5.6 per cent increase from a year ago.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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