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Other influences in addition to newbuilding deliveries will determine how the future fleet’s capacity evolves. Scrapping (recycling), and purchases or sales on the secondhand market will have an impact which is not easily predictable. But the newbuilding orderbook as recorded currently, and known intentions of Chinese owners, indicate sizeable expansion ahead.

An unfolding narrative
What are the tangible signs of Maritime Silk Road progress in the past twelve months or so, and what is likely to happen in the period immediately ahead? This aspect is not a specific focus of the two published studies reviewed here, but some developments are noteworthy.

From the outset, it has been envisaged that the B&RI could have a favourable impact on China’s economy as it unfolded. Ample scope for this outcome is widely acknowledged, but predicting the pace at which it evolves is more difficult. In the latest half-yearly economic outlook analysis published at the end of May by the OECD organisation, a review of progress in China suggests that the B&RI “will keep infrastructure and exports strong”. However, alluding to the uncertain pace of activity, the authors comment that “a faster-than-expected roll-out of projects…would boost Chinese exports of goods and services, and hence, growth.”

Since the MSR, and the Belt & Road Initiative as a whole, is clearly a long-term development project, it is not altogether surprising that progress has been gradual. At several of the ports on the route there have been recent advances in construction work on terminal and berth facilities. Also, on the land side, work on connecting ports with road and rail infrastructure to assist connectivity has gained further momentum.

Despite these positive signs, news reports in recent months frequently highlighted problematical features arising in many MSR port projects and other B&RI involvement. These problems may prove temporary. Some difficulties look set to cause delays, amid possible renegotiation of contracts, mainly reflecting financing difficulties. Political opposition in several host countries also has become more prominent, in part a response to growing awareness of the extent of indebtedness to Chinese banks and the potential repercussions.

The CSIS study, looking at China’s Maritime Silk Road as a whole, suggests that “the overall conclusion is mixed”. The ECFR analysis concludes that “China’s policies on facilitating the growth of its blue economy and its construction of a powerful navy are transforming the global maritime environment…” These observations highlight both the difficulty of evaluating how and at what pace this grand project will proceed, while emphasising the changes taking place which eventually could reshape aspects of the global maritime scene.

Article By Mr. Richard Scott, associate, China Centre (Maritime), Solent University and managing director, Bulk Shipping Analysis.

Source : Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Racistische dagboeken Einstein gepubliceerd

Gepubliceerd: 13 juni 2018 07:46 Laatste update: 13 juni 2018 12:44

De onlangs gepubliceerde dagboeken die Albert Einstein tijdens zijn reizen door Azië bijhield, blijken enkele negatieve typeringen van Aziatische volkeren te bevatten.

Einstein reisde tussen oktober 1922 en maart 1923 door Azië en bezocht onder meer China en Japan. Over de Chinezen schrijft de beroemde wetenschapper dat ze een "bedrijvig, smerig en stompzinnig volk" zijn, meldt de Britse krant The Guardian. Zelfs de kinderen zijn volgens de natuurkundige "leeg van geest en dom".

De winnaar van de Nobelprijs voor de Natuurkunde in 1921 is wel onder de indruk van de werkethiek van de Chinezen, hoewel hij daarover zegt dat "zelfs degenen die als paarden moeten werken nooit blijk van een bewust lijden geven" en ze vergelijkt met een "kudde".

Ook verwondert Einstein zich in zijn reisverslagen over de snelheid waarmee de Chinezen zich voortplanten. "Het zou jammer zijn als de Chinezen daardoor andere rassen in aantal zouden overtreffen. Die gedachte alleen al is onuitsprekelijk somber", aldus de Duitse geleerde.


De "vruchtbaarheid" van de Chinezen verwondert Einstein in zijn dagboek des te meer, daar hij niet begrijpt "wat voor aantrekkingskracht de Chinese vrouwen zouden kunnen hebben waardoor de mannen hun voortplantingsdrift niet kunnen onderdrukken".

De dagboeken van Einstein zijn recent vertaald en gepubliceerd door de universiteit van Princeton, Einsteins plaats van overlijden in 1955.
Chinese demand for copper increase

Bloomberg reported that China is so hungry for copper that the biggest producer of the metal is looking to bring forward its annual sales program. Negotiations between Chilean state owned producer Codelco and customers in China could start as many as two months earlier than the traditional October-November period, Chief Executive Officer Nelson Mr Pizarro said in an interview from the company’s Santiago headquarters.

Mr Pizarro said that “We are seeing a lot of anxiety. In the 2016 campaign we sold all our copper in four days. I think now we will sell it in half a day.”

The price of the metal used in wiring and plumbing is trading near four-year highs as producers struggle to keep up with demand that’s been given a further boost by new energy systems and the rechargeable-battery revolution.

Mr Pizarro said that While Chinese refineries have raised the fees they charge to treat semi-processed copper in recent months, suggesting the market has become better supplied, those fees could start coming down.

He added that “The signs we are seeing from China are definitely positive. Their smelting capacity is very high, not so much their concentrate supply.”

Codelco expects to ship 190,000 metric tonnes of concentrate to China this year, its main market in that category. More than 60 percent of Codelco’s shipments to China are in cathodes, a type of refined copper. High arsenic levels in Chilean concentrate means that the company needs to treat it before exporting.

Copper prices jumped last week as the start of wage talks at the giant Escondida mine spurred speculation of a repeat of last year’s prolonged strike. Prices, now trading at about USD 3.25 a pound, may remain between USD 3.20 and USD 3.40 for the rest of the year.

Mr Pizarro said that In April, Codelco’s production fell to the lowest in more than a year, according to a monthly report from Chile copper commission Cochilco. The slump is explained by a fire, a strike contingency plan prior to wage talks and rough seas that affected ports.

Source : Bloomberg
'Amerikaanse heffingen tegen China dichtbij'

Gepubliceerd op 14 jun 2018 om 07:43 | Views: 2.425

WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse regering staat op het punt verdere importheffingen op Chinese goederen in te voeren. Die maatregelen kunnen mogelijk vrijdag al van kracht worden, meldt zakenkrant The Wall Street Journal op basis van bronnen rond de besluitvorming.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump wil donderdag zijn definitieve plan voor importheffingen op goederen ter waarde van miljarden dollars hebben afgerond, stellen de ingewijden. In april werd nog gesproken van heffingen op goederen ter waarde van 50 miljard dollar, maar het is nog niet duidelijk hoe omvangrijk de protectionistische maatregelen worden.

Het is overigens ook goed mogelijk dat Washington wat druk van de ketel haalt. Hulp van China bij de door Trump gehoopte ontmanteling van het kernwapenprogramma in Noord-Korea zou immers erg welkom zijn. Trump blijft evenwel negatief over de handelsrelatie met China en hekelde deze week nog het handelstekort van de VS met de Aziatische grootmacht.
China unveils new pollution measures to ban new steel capacities

Reuters reported that State Council, in latest effort to improve air quality, said that China will ban new capacity for steel, coke and primary aluminium production in some key areas, including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangtze River Delta regions. The central authority also said it will provide National 6 Standard diesel fuel, one of the cleanest fuel products in the country, nationwide from Jan. 1, 2019. The announcements were made as the Chinese government considers a new three-year, anti-pollution plan to address growing public concern about air pollution.

A state radio report, citing the state council, said “In the coming three years, China will aim to make obvious improvements on air quality and sharply cut major air pollutants.”

It also pledged to significantly raise the portion of rail in freight transportation and continue to push the conversion of household heating systems from coal to electricity or gas in the coming years.

Last week, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said it will expand environmental inspections to more cities and regions in a new round of checks from June to April next year as part of the new anti-pollution plan.

Source : Reuters
China demand worries drive copper to one-week low

Reuters reported that copper hit one-week lows on Wednesday as worries about demand in top consumer China undermined sentiment before a lower dollar and labour negotiations at the Escondida mine in Chile helped prices to recover after the US open. Benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange ended 0.5 percent up at $7,256 a tonne, its highest since June 6, having earlier touched $7,169.

Global miner BHP said it had responded to the latest contract proposal from unionised workers at its Escondida mine, the world’s largest, triggering a new round of talks that could last a month or more. The union’s proposal, filed with the company in early June, included a salary increase of 5 percent and a one-off bonus of $34,000, equivalent to 4 percent of dividends distributed to shareholders.

Source : Reuters
Groei Chinese productie zwakt af

Gepubliceerd op 14 jun 2018 om 06:47 | Views: 996

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese industriële productie groeide in mei met 6,8 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. Dat is minder dan verwacht, zo bleek donderdag.

Economen hadden in doorsnee gerekend op een groei van de industriële productie met 6,9 procent. In april dikte de productie nog met 7 procent aan ten opzichte van een jaar eerder.

De detailhandelsverkopen in de op een na grootste economie ter wereld wisten de verwachtingen ook niet te verslaan. In mei stegen de verkopen in winkels met 8,5 procent ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Economen rekenden op een groei met 9,6 procent. In april stegen de detailhandelsverkopen in China nog met 9,4 procent op jaarbasis. Ook cijfers over investeringen vielen tegen.
China solar policies to boost quality and ease burden on govt - Xinhua

REUTERS reported that China's decision to curb solar power capacity growth and cut subsidies will help the sector focus on quality rather than quantity and ease the financial burden on the government. An energy official said in an interview with state news agency Xinhua said that the country's planning agency said at the beginning of the month that it would cut subsidies and approve no more than 30 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity this year as it tried to ensure that grid tranmission capabilities could keep up with the vast number of new projects being commissioned.

But China's solar panel manufacturers last week urged authorities to rethink the plan, saying it would damage the sector at a critical time in its development.

Mr Wang Bohua, vice-chairman of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, said in April that some manufacturers were already facing closure as a result of overcapacity.

However, the unnamed energy official told Xinhua that while the new measures might hurt, they were a price worth paying.

The official was quoted as saying that "The costs of solving the difficulties facing the photovoltaic industry are now much lower than the costs would have been been after the recent bubble.”

The policies would help relieve a massive subsidy backlog now estimated at around 120 billion yuan (USD 18.75 billion), with the finance ministry struggling to find the funds to support the vast number of new projects.

He said that "If this abnormal increase (in capacity) continued, the subsidy gap would widen further and have an even more unfavourable impact.”

China's solar capacity rose by a record 53 GW in 2017, bringing the total to 130 GW by the end of the year. Solar makes up about 0.7 percent of China's total generation capacity.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese Byton raises USD 500 million to take on Tesla

AFP reported that China-based electric car startup Byton has raised USD 500 million as it ramps up efforts to take on rivals like Tesla. Byton's new capital is led by from FAW Group, Tus-Holdings, CATL and others, a statement from its North American headquarters in California said.

Mr Daniel Kirchert, president and co-founder, said that "The success of this funding round highlights how diversified strategic investors will further expand Byton's circle of friends and broaden our development opportunities. Byton is establishing a new benchmark for auto startups with four essential 'must haves,' namely technology, product, capital and factory."

Source : AFP
China tests solar panels on highway

Straits Times reported that Western countries have been looking into putting solar panels on roads for years. The Chinese have done it, installing panels on a downhill section of a highway in Shandong province. On a smoggy afternoon, log carriers and oil tankers roared down a highway in Jinan and hurtled around a curve at the foot of a hill.

Mr Li Wu, chairman of Shandong Pavenergy, the company that made the plastic-covered solar panels that carpet the road said that "If it can pass this test, it can fit all conditions.” If his product fares well, it could have a major impact on the renewable energy sector and on the driving experience as well.

The experiment is the latest sign of China's desire to innovate in, and dominate, the increasingly lucrative and strategically important market for renewable energy.

The country already produces three-quarters of the solar panels sold globally. China's leaders in solar road development are Pavenergy and Qilu Transportation.

The two companies are working together in Jinan with Pavenergy making panels for Qilu, a large, state-owned highway construction and management company that operates the highway.

The surface of these panels, made of a complex polymer that resembles plastic, has slightly more friction than a conventional road surface, according to engineering professor Zhang Hongchao at Tongji University in Shanghai, who helped develop Pavenergy's road surface.

The main Western rival to Pavenergy and Qilu is Colas, a French road-building giant that has developed 25 experimental solar roads and parking lots, mostly in France but also in Canada, Japan and the United States. Colas has been leery of putting solar panels on high-speed roads like the Chinese highway because of safety concerns. Professor Zhang, however, said the panels were completely safe.

Generating electricity from highways and streets, rather than in fields and deserts packed with solar panels, could conserve a lot of land. Those advantages are particularly important in heavily populated China, where demand for energy has risen rapidly.

Source : Straits Times
China boasts world’s highest sales volume of electric vehicles - IEA's

According to IEA’s Global EV Outlook 2018, China currently makes up half of the global EV market. China’s efforts in pushing EV sales paid off as they surpassed the world’s second largest EV market, the US, by more than double in 2017. China sold 579,000 EVs seeing an increase of 72% from 2016. This dramatic spike reflects how the country, along with Europe, now has the fastest development of EVs while the US slowed in EV uptake due to lower taxes on petroleum fuels compared to China, Europe, and Japan.

The global stock of electric passenger cars exceeded 3 million last year, up 57% from 2016. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) made up two-thirds of the world’s EV stock but plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) are more common in Japan, Sweden, and the UK. Not including electric passenger cars, there were close to 250,000 light commercial vehicles (LCVs) driven last year. China has the largest LCV fleet in the world, 99% of which are BEVs. France and Germany also accounted for a significant portion of LCVs on the road.

The IEA report noted that countries participating in the Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI), a multi-governmental policy forum, had the “largest and most rapidly growing EV markets worldwide and accounted for the vast majority of global EV sales in 2017.” Among the bottom three countries in the first graph, only India was part of the EVI which is already planning an all-EV fleet by 2030.

Source : Mining.com
Trump kondigt officieel importtarieven aan tegen China

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse regering onder leiding van president Donald Trump heeft importtarieven aangekondigd op 50 miljard dollar aan geïmporteerde goederen uit China. Dit maakte het Witte Huis vrijdag officieel bekend.

Het gaat om tarieven van 25 procent.

China heeft reeds laten weten met vergeldingsmaatregelen te komen en de import van bijvoorbeeld varkensvlees en sojabonen uit Amerika via importtarieven aan banden te leggen.

Trump waarschuwde vrijdag evenwel voor meer maatregelen als China met tegenactie komt.

De Verenigde Staten focussen met hun maatregelen vooral op "industrieel belangrijke technologieën", zei het Witte Huis in een verklaring.

De nieuwe Amerikaanse maatregelen komen overigens niet als een verrassing.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China keurt overname NXP door Qualcomm goed - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Chinese toezichthouders hebben goedkeuring gegeven aan de overname van het van origine Nederlandse chipbedrijf NXP Semiconductors door het Amerikaanse Qualcomm. Dit schreef South China Morning Post vrijdag op basis van anonieme bronnen.

De overname vereiste goedkeuring van toezichthouders uit negen landen. Acht hiervan, waaronder Amerika en Japan, hebben reeds ingestemd. Het wachten is op China.

Persbureau Reuters meldt vrijdag echter op basis van bronnen dat de kogel in China nog niet door de kerk is.

Qualcomm diende in april een hernieuwde aanvraag voor goedkeuring voor de overname in bij het Chinese ministerie van Handel. Het ministerie zei later die maand dat de voorgestelde maatregelen niet voldoende zijn om mededingingsproblemen op te lossen. Maar in mei zeiden de Chinezen de beoordelingsprocedure te hebben hervat.

Op de achtergrond spelen ook de oplopende handelsspanningen tussen Amerika en China mee.

Qualcomm, uit het Amerikaanse San Diego, is de grootste fabrikant ter wereld van halfgeleiders voor smartphones. De onderneming maakte ongeveer anderhalf jaar geleden zijn intenties bekend om NXP voor 44 miljard dollar te kopen. NXP is de voormalige halfgeleidertak van Philips.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Chinese steel output in May jumps to record on strong demand outlook

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), China's steel output surged to a record in May, as mills ramped up production to chase fat profit margins, with a strong outlook for demand likely to keep mills running at nearly full capacity for the rest of the year. China produced 81.13 million tons of crude steel last month, up 5.8 percent from the previous month and 8.9 percent from the same month in 2017. Daily average output climbed 2.4 percent to 2.62 million tons in May from April. The increased output comes despite China's efforts to limit production in key areas as part of its anti-pollution campaign.

Zhuo Guiqiu, senior analyst at Jinrui Futures, said “Steel mills have been running full-load and adding scrap steel to increase output in order to cash in on strong margins. Given firm demand and smog-battling production curbs in areas including the key steelmaking hubs in North China's Hebei Province and East China's Jiangsu Province, mills can earn up to 900 yuan ($141) by producing a ton of steel at present, not far from the more than 1,000 yuan seen in late 2017. Demand from downstream sectors may be better than expected," said Zhuo. "The market generally believes the infrastructure construction sector is more active in the second half than in the first half, which could lift demand for steel products."

Source : Global Times
China sees prospects in building railways with Russia - Report

Russian Construction reported that apart from growing trade, Russia and China are strengthening regional development through the improvement of transport routes, the Chinese television channel CGTN says.

As part of the last visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, the Russian Railways and China Railway Corp signed a memorandum of understanding on the creation of high-speed freight rail routes linking China, Russia, and Europe.

High-speed freight rail freight will play a key role in promoting logistics, trade, and investment between China and Russia, a source in China Association for Overseas Development told CGTN on Tuesday.

Also, the Chinese side expects that strengthening cooperation will help advance Chinese high-speed rail technologies in Russia, while the first such project already exists. The matter concerns the construction of a high-speed railway connecting the Russian cities of Moscow and Kazan.

Source : Russian Construction
China aluminium production rises in May

China’s aluminium production in May rose 1.5 % to 2.79 million tonnes from a year earlier, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Thursday. On a daily basis, the world’s top aluminium producer churned out 90,000 tonnes of the metal last month, compared with 92,300 tonnes in April

In the first five months of the year, China produced 13.6 million tonnes, a rise of 1.4 percent from the same period last year, the data showed.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China wants more high grade iron ore - Russell

Reuters reported that there may be a slight problem with the prevailing theme for the iron ore market this year, namely that China is increasingly interested in using higher-grade ore as part of efforts to boost output and lower per unit pollution.

While Chinese steel mills may well be seeking to boost the use of high-grade iron ore fines and pellets, this isn’t exactly showing up in the import numbers.

The overall figure for Chinese iron ore imports is one of stability, with customs data released on June 8 showing 447.5 million tonnes arriving in the first five months of the year, up a scant 0.7 % from the same period last year.

The breakdown of the data is somewhat trickier, given that the Chinese government hasn’t released the detailed country-by-country numbers for April, and hasn’t provided a reason for withholding the numbers.

However, vessel-tracking and port data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts, which has a strong correlation with the official numbers, indicates that China is still taking large quantities of medium- and low-grade iron ore.

In the first five months of the year 289.3 million tonnes of Australian iron ore arrived at Chinese ports, according to the data.

The vast majority of Australian ore is 62 % iron content, such as that mined by top producer Rio Tinto, or the lower 58 %, as produced by the country’s third-ranked miner Fortescue Metals Group.

Very little of Australia’s output is the high-grade 65 % iron ore fines, or high-grade pellets.

But Australia appears to have increased its share of China’s seaborne iron ore imports so far this year, with the vessel-tracking data showing a 4.9 % gain from the first five months of 2017.

Brazil, which is the main supplier of higher-grade iron ore, hasn’t been able to increase its share of China’s seaborne iron ore market, according to the shipping data.

China imported 83.1 million tonnes from Brazil in the first five months of the year, down fractionally from the 83.5 million for the same period in 2017.

The Brazilian situation is somewhat complicated by the distribution centre run in Malaysia by Vale, but the shipping data doesn’t show any major spike from the Southeast Asian nation, with China’s imports rising 800,000 tonnes to 8.9 million in the January to May period.

One high-grade iron ore producer that has seen a significant increase of its shipments to China, at least in pct terms, is Peru. China’s imports in the first five months jumped 19.4 %.

However, this is off a small base and China’s imports from the South American producer totalled only 8 million tonnes in the first five months of 2018.

Another producer of high-grade iron ore is South Africa, which is the third-biggest supplier to China.

However, China’s imports from South Africa were largely steady in the first five months of the year at 15.4 million tonnes, down from 15.7 million in the same period last year.

Source : Reuters
China slaat terug in handelsoorlog met VS

China heeft meteen gereageerd op de forse importheffingen die de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump donderdag tegen het land aankondigde. China gaat een invoerbelasting van 25 procent opleggen op 659 Amerikaanse goederen, met een totale waarde van 50 miljard dollar. Het gaat om onder meer sojabonen, auto's, ruwe olie en olieproducten, gas en kolen.

Buitenlandredactie 16-06-18, 01:26 Laatste update: 01:57

Heffingen op 34 miljard dollar aan producten gaan in op 6 juli. De belasting geldt dan onder meer voor sojabonen, die in waarde China's grootste importproduct zijn van de VS. De andere tarieven worden op een later tijdstip aangekondigd, aldus het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua.

De nu door het Chinese ministerie van handel gepresenteerde lijst van 659 producten is langer dan die in april, toen al werd aangekondigd dat voor 106 typen goederen een hogere invoerbelasting zou worden ingesteld. Sommige goederen, zoals vliegtuigen, stonden destijds wel op de lijst maar nu niet meer.

'Bedreiging voor China'
,,De VS volharden in maatregelen die tegen de regels van de Wereldhandelsorganisatie ingaan en hebben de oppositie van China daartegen genegeerd. Dat is een schending van de Chinese rechten en belangen en een bedreiging voor de Chinese economie en veiligheid", aldus een verklaring van het Chinese ministerie van handel.

Chinese property investment rose 10.2pct YoY in Jan-May 2018

Reuters reported that Real estate investment in China rose 10.2 percent in the first five months of 2018 from a year earlier, official data showed. That compared with a 10.3 percent gain in the first four months of the year. However, property sales picked up pace, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Sales measured by floor area grew 2.9 % in January-May from the same period a year earlier, up from 1.3 % in the first four months of the year.

The NBS data showed that new construction starts measured by floor area were up 10.8 percent in the period, compared with 7.3 percent in January-April.

Source : Reuters
China to ramp up renewable power to meet summer shortages - NDRC

REUTERS reported that China will ramp up electricity generated by renewable energy this summer and give priority to residential use as some regions are due to experience power shortages.

Mr Meng Wei, spokesman for the National Development and Reform Commission said that "The maximum load on the power grid has increased from last summer, leading to tight electricity supplies in some regions. Utilities will increase power output. We will also improve long-distance transmission of electricity to support provinces that report shortages.”

He said that "We will give priority to residents when there are power shortages.” Some industrial plants in China are facing power rationing this year as more than 30 cities in central and northern parts of the country issue heat alerts, and the supply cannot meet surging demand.

China's May power consumption rose 11.4 percent from a year ago to 553.4 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), while power output grew 9.8 percent to 544.3 billion kWh. Two of China's main industrial provinces, Shandong and Guangdong, face power shortages this summer, authorities and grid officials warned at the end of May.

Source : Reuters
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