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'Frans beveiligingsbedrijf in Chinese handen'

Gepubliceerd op 28 jun 2018 om 13:14 | Views: 741

Gemalto 16:10
50,08 +0,02 (+0,04%)

PARIJS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Franse digitaal beveiliger Linxens komt mogelijk in Chinese handen. Chipmaker Tshinghua Unigroup is dicht bij een overeenkomst met eigenaar CVC Capital over de aankoop van het bedrijf, zeggen ingewijden. Met de overname is naar verluidt een bedrag van 2,2 miljard euro gemoeid.

Linxens maakt onder meer onderdelen voor de digitale beveiliging van bijvoorbeeld bank- en simkaarten, maar ontwikkelt ook technologieën voor biometrische beveiliging. Het technologiebedrijf heeft 3000 medewerkers in negen landen en behaalde vorig jaar een omzet van circa 500 miljoen euro.

Tshinghua Unigroup maakte vorig jaar al bekend op overnamepad te zijn, waarbij de Chinese regering omgerekend 19 miljard euro aan financiële hulp had toegezegd. China wil minder afhankelijk zijn van buitenlandse technologie, en een overname van Linxens door Tshingua Unigroup past binnen dat streven.
China stainless steel capacity to reach 45 million tonne by 2020 - Taiyuan Iron & Steel

Fast Markets reported that according to Mr Zhang Zhifang, chairman of Chinese producer Taiyuan Iron & Steel, China’s crude stainless steel capacity is expected to increase by 7.5 million tonnes per year to 44-45 million tonne by 2020. Mr Zhang, during his presentation at the Asian Stainless Steel Forum 2018 in Shanghai, said “Production capacity of cold-rolled stainless steel in particular will increase in the short term. There had been news in the past few months about new cold-rolling production lines starting up and regarding plans to build such facilities. But a higher output of cold-rolled stainless steel in recent months has resulted in lower prices for the product, while those for hot-rolled stainless steel are holding up.”

Mr Zhang however said “Under-utilization will likely continue to be a “serious problem” in the Chinese stainless steel industry despite the impending increase in capacity. Capacity utilization at stainless steel producers - both in China and globally has remained at relatively low levels of 60-70% over the last decade. In comparison, China’s overall steel capacity utilization - which takes into account that for carbon and stainless steel - is at 80%.”

Mr Zhang also expressed concern about the current narrow gap between prices for hot-rolled products and cold-rolled products. He said “This unusual price gap is likely to continue.”

Source : Fast Markets
Chinese further pull down solar power bid tariffs

Economic Times reported that China's decision to slap deployment caps and reduce feed-in-tariffs for solar projects may lead to a further plunge in module prices, which in turn is likely to result in a further reduction in solar bid tariffs. Chinese module price is expected to decline to 28-29 cents from the current average of is 33 cents a watt, following this announcement. Crisil infrastructure advisory director Pranav Master told that "With China accounting for close to 90 per cent of the country's solar module imports in 2017, fall in module prices is expected to benefit those seeking to expand their renewable energy portfolio.”

He also said solar bid tariffs in the forthcoming tenders are likely to drop as developers will factor in the potential fall in module prices following the Chinese action.

Echoing similar views, solar advisory firm Gensol co- founder Anmol Jaggi said solar bids will become more competitive going forward. He said that "The tariffs, which will be discovered in the next rounds of inter-state transmission system bidding, could hit a new low. It may even breach the INR 2.44 a unit pricing that was discovered during the Bhadla phase-IV bidding. Chinese module price, which s averaging at 33 cents a watt now, is likely to decline to 28- 29 cents after this announcement. Upcoming 5,000 MW tenders from the Solar Energy Corporation of India will see the bids further falling significantly following China slashing prices.”

He further said that the recent amendment in competitive bidding guidelines for solar projects, which extended the timelines for project execution, is further likely to support the fall in tariffs as developers place orders for modules about six months later to take advantage of the expected drop in module prices.

Source : Economic Times
First stainless steel airport terminal roof installed in Qingdao

Xinhua reported that a giant metal roof has been installed on the newest airport terminal in Qingdao in east China's Shandong Province, the country's first stainless steel roofing project for an airport terminal. A special kind of 0.5mm thick stainless material was developed to withstand strong winds, torrential rain and marine corrosion as Qingdao is a coastal city.

The 220,000 square meter roof, equivalent to 31 standard soccer fields, was built by welding together 16,368 panels, said Cai Wangwang, roofing project manager of the Jiaodong international airport of Qingdao from the China Construction Second Bureau Installation Engineering Co Ltd. Over 4 million screws were used during the installation, with welding lines totaling nearly 500,000 meters.

Compared with traditional roofing alloy of aluminium, magnesium and manganese, a stainless steel roof welded as a whole is more stable and tolerant to windy weather. The roof is designed to withstand wind as strong as 60 meters per second, according to Cai.

At an estimated cost of over CNY 41 billion, the airport is expected to be operational in 2019, and handle 35 million passengers and 500,000 tonnes of cargo and mail by 2025.

Source : Xinhua
China to shift from road to rail for coal & coke transport by 2020 - ministry

Economic Times reported that China will shift the transport of mineral ore, coke and other commodities between ports in northern China and inland areas to rail or water from road before the winter heating season in 2020, an official at the Ministry of Transport said at a news briefing on 25 June. The country also plans to make the road-to-rail switch for coal transport by the end of 2018.

This comes after Beijing issued a new three-year anti-pollution target in which reducing toxic emission from the transportation sector is part of key measures for clearing up skies in the smog-prone northern China.

The heating season in the north typically starts in mid-November.

It also said it would speed up construction of some freight railway lines such as the Inner Mongolia-Jiangxi line for coal transport and the Tangshan-Caofeidian line for iron ore transport.

Source : Economic Times
China's first-half coal imports surge – Mr Russell

Mr Clyde Russel wrote in Reuters that China’s seaborne coal imports are on track to have surged by around 14 % in the first half of the year, with Indonesia emerging as the big winner among exporters. Imports are likely to be around 126.6 million tonnes in the first six months of this year, up from 111.3 million tonnes for the same period in 2017, according to vessel-tracking and port data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts. It also appears that June may be the strongest month so far this year, with 22.1 million tonnes discharged, or in the process of discharging, as of 26 June.

The final figure may be slightly higher, at around 25.9 million tonnes: The data is filtered only to show ships that have already discharged, are discharging or awaiting unloading, and more cargoes may be handled in the final days of June. The strongest month so far this year for China’s coal imports from the seaborne market was March’s 23.2 million tonnes, according to the data.

A look at the breakdown of where China is sourcing its coal reveals a surprise packet - Indonesia. China has imported about 15.3 million tonnes more coal from the seaborne market in the first half of 2018 compared with last year. On a net basis, it’s all from the Southeast Asian country. Imports from Indonesia were around 61.8 million tonnes in the first half, up from 46.3 million for the same period in 2017.

The strength of shipments from Indonesia may raise some eyebrows among those who believe China is trying to lower air pollution from burning coal, partly by using less and partly by switching to higher-quality coal. Indonesia’s exports are predominantly lower-grade coal, typically with an energy value of 4,200 kilocalories per kilogram or less. However, Indonesia’s coal is also typically low in sulphur. That makes it useful for Chinese coastal power plants to blend with higher-sulphur domestic supplies or imports. This allows them to lower emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, albeit at a small penalty to the efficiency of the boiler.

It’s also worth noting that Indonesian coal trades at a substantial discount to higher-quality thermal coal from main regional rival Australia. Indonesian 4,200 kcal/kg coal, as assessed by Argus Media, was at AUD 48.71 a tonne in the week ended June 22. The weekly index for 6,000 kcal/kg coal at Australia’s Newcastle Port was AUD 116.27. The discount of the Indonesian grade to Newcastle has widened substantially over the past year, going from 50 % at the end of June 2017 to the current 58 percent.

While this is encouraging additional cargoes from Indonesia, it also means that Australian exporters are enjoying higher prices, even if their volumes are more or less the same. China imported 42.84 million tonnes from Australia in the first six months of the year, fractionally higher than the 42.62 million tonnes in the same period in 2017, according to the vessel-tracking data.

While Indonesia and Australia dominate supply to China, it’s worth noting that Russia also managed to lift deliveries, with imports rising 27 % to 10.3 million tonnes in the first half.

China’s imports from the United States, which are predominantly coking coal used in steel-making, dropped in the first half to 2.09 million tonnes, a decline of 38 %. This occurred well before any potential impact of proposed Chinese tariffs on coal from the United States, which may be imposed as part of the escalating trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies.

Source : Reuters
Xiaomi verkoopt aandelen aan onderkant bandbreedte - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Smartphonemaker Xiaomi verkoopt voor 4,7 miljard dollar aan aandelen bij zijn aanstaande beursgang in Hong Kong. De prijs van de aandelen is vastgesteld aan de onderkant van de vooraf afgegeven bandbreedte. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg vrijdag op basis van een bron.

Het Chinese bedrijf verkoopt volgens Bloomberg 2,18 miljard aandelen tegen een prijs van 17,00 Hong Kong dollar per stuk. Xiaomi bood de aandelen aanvankelijk aan tegen een prijsvork van 17,00 tot en met 22,00 dollar. Het bedrijf is nu gewaardeerd op ongeveer 54 miljard dollar, wat bijna de helft is van de waardering waar eerst nog op werd gerekend.

Het in 2010 opgerichte bedrijf was in 2016 de op 4 na grootste smartphonefabrikant ter wereld. Het bedrijf, geleid door Lei Jun, heeft vorig jaar ook agressief geïnvesteerd in winkels in India.

Volgens Bloomberg nam onder meer miljardair George Soros aandelen af.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Chinese beurzen tonen herstel

Gepubliceerd op 29 jun 2018 om 08:30 | Views: 904

TOKIO (AFN) - De Chinese aandelenbeurzen toonden vrijdag wat herstel na de recente sterke koersdalingen. De beurs in Shanghai stond in de afgelopen tijd onder druk door de zorgen over de impact van het handelsconflict met de Verenigde Staten op de Chinese economie. Beleggers trokken zich op de laatste handelsdag van het tweede kwartaal op aan de hogere slotstanden op Wall Street. De beurs in Japan eindigde licht hoger.

In Hongkong koerste de Hang Seng-index tussentijds 1,4 procent in de plus en de beurs in Shanghai, die meer dan 20 procent heeft verloren ten opzichte van het recente hoogtepunt, klom 2 procent. De All Ordinaries in Sydney verloor 0,3 procent en de Kospi in Seoul kreeg er 0,6 procent bij.

De Nikkei in Tokio ging uiteindelijk 0,2 procent hoger het weekeinde in op 22.304,51 punten onder aanvoering van de banken en farmaceutische bedrijven. De Japanse hoofdindex zakte deze week bijna 1 procent en steeg in de maand juni 0,5 procent. Op macro-economische vlak bleek dat de Japanse industriële productie in mei minder sterk is gedaald dan verwacht. De werkloosheid in het land nam af tot het laagste niveau in meer dan 25 jaar.

Sharp maakte een koerssprong van 15 procent. Het geplaagde Japanse technologieconcern schrapte zijn plannen om voor 2 miljard dollar aan nieuwe aandelen uit te geven vanwege de recente koersdruk. Sinds de aankondiging van het uitgifteplan op 5 juni raakte Sharp 21 procent aan waarde kwijt.
Chinese iron ore imports stay robust in June – Reuters

Mr Clyde Russell wrote in Reuters that China’s imports of iron ore appear headed for their strongest month this year in June, but the risks of a slowdown in the second half of 2018 are mounting. According to vessel-tracking and port data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts, seaborne imports in June of the steel-making ingredient were 88.9 million tonnes by the 27th of the month and with three days of unloading left, it’s likely that June imports will exceed the 91.1 million tonnes captured by the shipping data in May, and possibly exceed the official customs number of 94.1 million reported for last month.

Seperately, according to vessel-tracking and port data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts Data on Thomson Reuters Eikon sperately showed that Iron ore arrivals for June are set to be 98.22 million tonnes. That would be the highest ever for the Supply Chain data going back to February 2016.

The flood of imported iron ore will be piled on top of the 155.88 million tonnes of iron ore currently held at Chinese ports, according to data from consultants SteelHome. The stockpiles reached a record 161.98 million tonnes in early June and are 42 percent higher than the five-year average of 113.45 million tonnes.

Source : Reuters
Groeitempo Chinese industrie stabiel - Markit

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in juni in een vrijwel zelfde tempo gegroeid als een maand eerder. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex eindigde in juni op 51,0. In mei en april stond er een stand van 51,1 op de borden.

Ondanks de kleine daling blijft de index wijzen op groei, aldus econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van CEBM in een toelichting. De deelindex voor nieuwe exportorders daalde tot het laagste niveau dit jaar en wijst op krimp. De econoom sprak van een "grimmige" situatie als gevolg van de escalatie van het handelsconflict tussen China en de Verenigde Staten. Dit leidde tot een zwakke vraag in de industrie, aldus Zhengsheng Zhong.

Dit weekend bleek uit overheidscijfers dat de Chinese industrie in juni minder hard groeide. De officiële index daalde van 51,9 in mei naar 51,1 in juni.

Een indexstand groter dan 50 wijst op groei van de industrie, terwijl minder dan 50 krimp betekent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China Mobile krijgt geen licentie in Verenigde Staten - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse regering heeft het advies gekregen het Chinese China Mobile geen vergunning te verstrekken voor activiteiten in de Verenigde Staten. Dit schreef de Britse televisiezender BBC dinsdag op zijn website.

De BBC meldde dat de regering Trump de nationale veiligheid voor zijn weigering aanvoerde.

De zender haalde een functionaris van het Amerikaanse ministerie van handel aan, die aangaf dat in intensieve gesprekken met het Chinese bedrijf de risico's voor de nationale veiligheid en inbreuk op het Amerikaanse rechtssysteem niet konden worden weggenomen.

Het advies van het ministerie valt in een al weken durend conflict over importheffingen tussen de Verenigde Staten en China.

De BBC gaf dinsdag ook aan dat China Mobile noch de Amerikaanse Federal Communications Commission bereikbaar waren voor commentaar om aan te geven wat de volgende stappen zouden kunnen zijn.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
'Chinese munt geen wapen in handelsoorlog'

Gepubliceerd op 3 jul 2018 om 14:00 | Views: 1.093 |

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - China zal zijn munteenheid, de yuan, niet gebruiken als wapen in de handelsstrijd met de Verenigde Staten. Dat heeft een bestuurder van de Chinese centrale bank gezegd.

De laatste tijd is de waarde van de yuan gedaald. Daardoor wordt de Chinese export gestimuleerd. Volgens een directeur bij een afdeling van de centrale bank heeft die waardedaling niet te maken met beleid, maar met veranderde verwachtingen op de financiële markten door toenemende spanningen, zoals de handelsstrijd tussen Peking en Washington. ,,China is toegewijd aan multilateralisme, globalisering, vrijhandel en naleving van wereldwijde richtlijnen'', aldus de bestuurder.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft China geregeld ervan beticht de yuan bewust zwak te houden om zo de eigen export te ondersteunen. In april werd door ingewijden nog gemeld dat door China werd gekeken naar mogelijkheden rond de yuan in de handelsstrijd met de VS, zoals een afwaardering van de munt.
Meet the man behind the world's longest sea bridge in China

CGTN reported that the Lingdingyang Channel is a trumpet-shaped estuary on the Pearl River, which stretches from Guangdong Province's Humen town in the north to Hong Kong and Macao in the south. The area with a 60 km radius has 14 cities and seven airports. It is one of the most important international waterways in China. To further connect the major cities around the Lingdingyang Channel and develop commercial activities between Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was developed, with construction beginning in December 2009. It's a huge project that is expected to cost more than 120 billion yuan. The whole bridge measures about 50 km, including an undersea tunnel of 6.7 km and four artificial islands. The Y-shaped bridge connects Zhuhai with Hong Kong and Macao.

Meng Fanchao joined the engineering team in 2004 and is the chief designer of the main section of the bridge. Meng took part in the College Entrance Examination in 1978, becoming one of the first college students during China's reform and opening-up period. His parents were both teachers and were strict with their children: "My parents always told us to behave well at the dinner table, to have good manner, and to live with honesty and integrity. Those are still fresh in my memory."

After graduating from the Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering of Chongqing Jiaotong University, he took part in many projects including the Shayang Hanjiang River Bridge, Bridge No. 5 of Mosul in Iraq, and the Huangshi Yangzte River Bridge, witnessing the progress and innovations in China's bridge construction technologies along the way.

The construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is extremely complicated. It involves the co-coordinating three separate areas, as well as factoring in resistance to floods, strong winds and other environmental dangers.

Aside from using rational designs and state-of-the-art technologies, Meng wanted to infuse the bridge with unique aesthetics and cultural elements. This is demonstrated in the decoration of the towers: "We adopted Chinese knots to symbolize the solidarity of the three areas, that we are taking joint efforts to build the bridge and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area together."

The construction of the main bridge section was completed in February 2018. "Six years of planning and design, eight years of construction. 14 years is way too long for a bridge engineer." said Meng. In his prime when the project began, he is now approaching retirement and has graying hair. A middle school boy when it started, his son is now in his 30s. "You can say that me and my family made progress alongside the project."

Source : CGTN
Chinese CNY 480 million road building project suspended to protect nesting birds - Report

CGTN reported that construction work on a highway project in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has been suspended as a flock of rosy starlings have recently begun breeding on the gravel at the construction site. A group of photos showing rosy starlings breeding were posted on China’s Twitter-like Weibo on June 25 by Guard the Wilds, a Chinese environmental protection group.

The group called the Xinjiang Petroleum Construction Company to halt the project until the baby birds finished hatching, which is expected to take no more than a month.

The State Forestry and Grassland Administration stepped in immediately after the post and the project was paused the next day.

Rosy starling is a strong migrant bird. The birds breed in tight colonies in a very short breeding season timed to take advantage of peak abundance of grasshoppers during May to June.

They are also greatly beneficial to farmers as they prey on pests such as locusts and grasshoppers, thereby limiting their numbers.

Xinjiang is the only place in China where rosy starlings reproduce. For now, plastic netting has been set up around the breeding area to protect the birds.

Xinjiang Petroleum Construction Company will postpone its 480 million highway project to a month later until these rosy starling left, but the delay may cause a loss of about CNY 1 million.

Source : CGTN
Cobalt, lithium and nickel are booming due to China’s insatiable appetite for electric vehicles

SCMP reported that world prices of cobalt, lithium and nickel are booming as China’s insatiable need for the battery packs used in electric vehicles drove up demand, recreating the economic bonanza that fueled commodity-exporting countries a decade ago.

The price of lithium, a soft silvery white metal usually mined from brines, has soared by more than 300% in the past two years. The price of cobalt, mostly mined as a by-product of nickel and copper, surged 129% last year while nickel surged 4.6 % to a two year high in London.

At the centre of the boom is China’s support for developing electric vehicles to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Electric vehicles made up a mere 2.3% of the 30 million vehicles produced last year, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. That proportion may quintuple to 12 % by 2025, according to a forecast by JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s analyst Nick Lai.

For all this growth, EVs need batteries. The production of EV batteries is currently controlled by a relatively small number of manufacturers, with Panasonic commanding a 32% stake, followed by South Korea’s LG Chem with a 14% market share. Shenzhen’s BYD and Ningde’s Contemporary Amperex Technology make up a combined 17% share of the market, according to JPMorgan, leading investments in China while competing head to head with each other.

CATL, formerly known as Ningde Shidai, is now the world’s most valuable electric battery supplier. Once a little-known company based in Fujian province, CATL’s shares have more than doubled since its June 11 listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, giving it a market capitalisation of USD 23 billion.

Mr Kong Lingfei Huatai Securities’ analyst said that “Capital prefers to chase after companies that have a leading position in a sector.”

The demand filters down through the supply chain. An electric vehicle requires an enormous amount of power thousand times stronger than a smartphone, which is only possible through arrays comprising dozens of cells, to as many as thousands.

Most are lithium-based, together with a mix of cobalt, manganese, nickel, and graphite, all of which are in high demand.

Global demand for lithium may increase by 20 % by 2025, according to JPMorgan’s forecast, still lower than estimates by Albemarle, a North Carolina-based producer of lithium, bromine and refining catalysts.

S&P Global Ratings’ analyst Michael T Ferguson said that improvements in battery technology are altering the composition of batteries, which could lead to nickel replacing cobalt in batteries.

JPMorgan said that demand for nickel is expected to increase 11-fold in the five years between 2017 and 2025, with the battery sector predicted to become the second largest consumer of nickel after the stainless steel market by the middle of next decade.

Similarly, copper and primary aluminium, which are found in larger quantities in electric vehicles compared with cars run by internal combustion engines, are expected to see higher demand in the next few years, analysts said. Global demand for copper may increase by 10 to 20 %, according to Ferguson’s forecast.

On the other hand, the rising cost of raw material is increasingly becoming a concern for Chinese battery manufacturers, who have fears that they can’t control the supply chain.

Source : SCMP
China Taishan 1 reactor connected to grid

Taishan 1 became the first European Pressurized Water Reactor in the world to be successfully connected to the grid. Taishan is the largest cooperative energy project between China and France. It is operated by TNPJVC, a joint venture established between CGN (51%), EDF (30%) and the provincial Chinese electricity company Yuedian (19%). The construction of Taishan 1 began in 2009, whilst that of Taishan 2 began in 2010. These two units were respectively the third and fourth EPR reactors to have started being built world-wide.

On the 10th of April, following the completion of preparatory work and testing phases, China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment granted Taishan 1 permission to load the reactor with fuel. Fuelling operations commenced on the very same day. The first chain reaction in reactor no. 1 took place on the 6th of June and on the 29th of June, main-generator and grid-connection tests were successfully completed.

Following the unit’s first connection to the grid, the reactor will undergo a period of gradual power-up tests. Once the reactor has passed all these tests, it will then be tested in steady-state conditions at full power. Since the start of construction, the Taishan project has aligned itself with the highest safety and quality standards, which have been monitored throughout its duration.

A number of factors contributed to Taishan 1 being the world’s first EPR to go on line: it has benefited from a longstanding strategic partnership between EPR and CGN, from both partners’ experience in the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, and from the support of leading players in both countries’ nuclear sectors. During the initial stage of the project, Taishan also benefited from the experience of the two European EPR projects, which had started being built earlier on.

The EPR design adopted by Taishan nuclear power plant features third-generation nuclear technology, jointly developed by EDF and Framatome. This technology incorporates operating experience and technological improvements spanning the past 40 years of Pressurised Water Reactor operation around the world.

As the world’s leading EPR project, Taishan epitomises the strength of the nuclear partnership between France and China, whilst at the same time providing reactors of similar design around the world with valuable experience in the areas of project management and technological expertise.http://world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Chinas-Taishan-1-reactor-connected-to-grid-29061801.html

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China wacht op VS met importheffingen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China zal niet als eerste importheffingen doorvoeren, maar pas tot actie overgaan als de Verenigde Staten dit hebben gedaan. Dit zei het Chinese ministerie van Financiën woensdag.

Het ministerie reageerde op een rapport uit Japan, waarin stond dat China als eerste zou optreden. Dit is volgens China onjuist, zoals de regering ook meermaals zou hebben verklaard.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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ZTE krijgt respijt van Amerikanen - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ZTE mag van de Amerikaanse regering deze maand zijn netwerken en apparatuur blijven onderhouden, terwijl het Chinese smartphonebedrijf werkt aan de opheffing van een leveringsverbod voor Amerikaanse toeleveranciers. Dat meldde persbureau Reuters woensdag.

Volgens een analist van Jefferies is de opschorting een "zeer positieve indicatie' dat het Chinese concern op koers ligt om het leveringsverbod geheel weg te nemen.

ZTE, dat smartphones en netwerkapparatuur maakt, moest zijn activiteiten grotendeels staken na het leveringsverbod, dat werd ingesteld omdat de Chinese bestuurders Amerikaanse sancties tegen Irak en Noord-Korea zouden hebben genegeerd.

Volgens Reuters zijn al zeven bestuurders vertrokken. ZTE beloofde zijn top radicaal te wijzigen in een schikking met de Amerikaanse autoriteiten die in juni werd bereikt. Een nieuw bestuur werd vorige week benoemd.

ZTE heeft volgens het persbureau de door de Amerikanen opgelegde boete van 1 miljard dollar al betaald, maar moet nog 400 miljoen dollar opzij zetten om weer zaken te mogen doen met Amerikaanse toeleveranciers. Die leveranciers leveren ongeveer een derde van de onderdelen aan ZTE.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Valuta: yuan weet te herstellen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese yuan is in koers wat hersteld, nu Beijing heeft aangegeven niet aan koersmanipulatie te doen en de koers van de eigen valuta goed in de gaten te zullen houden.

"Met de verwijzing van de Chinese beleidsmakers naar controle op een verdere koersdaling van de Chinese valuta, ontstond er wat meer vertrouwen en kon de yuan in koers wat omhoog. De yuan is momenteel voor de markt wel de belangrijkste munt om in de gaten te houden", aldus valutaspecialist Georgette Boele van ABN AMRO.

De euro handhaafde zijn aangesterkte positie nu de politieke poolwind in Duitsland is gaan liggen.

Macro-economisch gezien is het vooral in Europa druk met veel inkoopmanagersindexen voor de verschillende dienstensectoren over juni. Wall Street is woensdag gesloten in verband met de viering van de onafhankelijkheid van de Verenigde Staten.

Vandaag kwamen al verschillende inkoopdata naar buiten. De groei van de bedrijvigheid in de Japanse dienstensector is in juni versneld ten opzichte van een maand eerder en ook de bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in juni in een hoger tempo gegroeid dan een maand eerder.

Spanje, Duitsland, Italië, Frankrijk, de eurozone en het Verenigd Koninkrijk volgen woensdag in de loop van de ochtend met inkoopcijfers.

Boele kijkt voor de rest van de week vooral naar vrijdag. "Dan komen de Amerikaanse banendata over juni naar buiten en worden de importheffingen door de Verenigde Staten geëffectueerd en dat is toch een mijlpaal", aldus Boele.

China zal vanaf aanstaande vrijdag net als de Verenigde Staten zijn importheffingen gefaseerd doorvoeren.

De euro noteerde woensdag op 1,1675 dollar, een winst van 0,1 procent. De dollar daalde 0,2 procent naar 10,35 yen. De dollar moest 0,5 procent prijsgeven ten opzichte van de Chinese munt, waarmee de dollar uitkwam op 6,6068 yuan.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Chinese dienstensector groeit harder

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in juni in een hoger tempo gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector kwam uit op 53,9, na een stand in mei van 52,9. "Een significante stijging”, aldus econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van CEBM.

Eerder deze week bleek dat de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in juni fractioneel daalde van 51,1 naar 51,0.

Daarmee kwam de samengestelde index in juni uit op 53,0, tegenover 52,3 in mei.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.
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