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Chinese dienstensector groeit harder
Inkoopmanagersindex in april naar 52,9.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in april in een hoger tempo gegroeid. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector steeg van 52,3 in maart naar 52,9 in april.

Eerder deze week bleek de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in april ook te zijn gestegen, hoewel fractioneel van 51,0 in maart naar 51,1 afgelopen maand.

Daarmee kwam de samengestelde index in april uit op 52,3, een stijging ten opzichte van de 51,8 een maand eerder. In maart noteerde de index nog op de laagste stand in vier maanden.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
EU puts spoke in wheel of cheap Chinese e-bike imports

Reuters reported that Chinese electric bicycles will have to be registered in the EU in a move by the bloc to curb cheap imports which European manufacturers say are flooding the market.

The European Commission had sufficient evidence to show that Chinese manufacturers were dumping e-bikes in Europe and were receiving subsidies, the European Union's official journal said.

In the latest in a series of EU studies into and measures against Chinese exports ranging from solar panels to steel, the Commission has launched anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations into e-bikes.

The registration system for e-bikes would allow eventual duties to be backdated to early in May, the EU journal said.

The European Bicycle Manufacturers Association, whose complaints prompted the investigations, says Chinese companies are selling pedal-assist e-bikes in the EU at prices which are sometimes below the cost of production, aided by subsidies.

EBMA had called for registration, arguing that a surge of low-priced imports could result in a stockpile ahead of the main 2018 selling season, undermining the effect of potential duties.

The Commission has until July 20 to determine whether to impose provisional anti-dumping duties. If imposed, they would also apply to the period during which imports are registered. The EU official journal said that this would start on 4 May.

Exports from Chinese producers, which include Battle-Fushida, Aima and Tianjin Golden Wheel, rose by 82 % from November 2017 to February 2018, compared with the same period a year earlier, the journal said. Prices were 8 % lower.

EBMA said it welcomed what it said was vital first step to protect the EU industry, coming in time to prevent a surge of e-bike imports through the main summer sales months.

Source : Reuters
Chinese company to conduct pre-feasibility study for Kathmandu-Kerung railway

My Republica reported that a Chinese company has been given the task of carrying out pre-feasibility study of Kathmandu-Kerung railway. A joint meeting of officials of Nepal and China held last week appointed China Railway First Survey and Design Institute to conduct pre-feasibility study of the railway line that connects Nepal's capital city with the Chinese railway network.

Technicians and officials of the company are expected to arrive in Kathmandu within a couple of weeks to begin their work. The company has been asked to submit its report by August-end.

Spokesperson of Department of Railway Prakash Bhakta Upadhyaya, who returned from China on Saturday, said that the company will start its work within a couple of weeks. He added that "All the cost of the study will be borne by the Chinese government. The technicians have stressed the need to conduct multiple studies for building the 72-km railway line which passes through difficult geography.”

The study will be followed by two other studies -- feasibility study and preparation of detailed project report, according to Upadhyaya.

Bilateral meetings and discussions for building the railway started after the erstwhile foreign minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara signed an agreement with China to build the cross-country railway line.

After Nepal and China agreed to take the project forward, India has offered to build Raxaul- Kathmandu railway line. The Indian government made the announcement during India visit of Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli last month.

Source : My Republica
Chinese inflatie daalt
Inflatie april van 1,8 procent op jaarbasis.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese consumentenprijzen zijn in april op jaarbasis opnieuw in een lager tempo gestegen. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De consumentenprijzen stegen afgelopen maand met 1,8 procent op jaarbasis. In maart bedroeg de inflatie nog 2,1 procent en in februari was dit zelfs 2,9 procent.

Op maandbasis daalden de consumentenprijzen in april met 0,2 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Na vijf maanden weer versnelling Chinese producentenprijzen
Toename van 3,4 procent op jaarbasis in april.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese producentenprijzen zijn in april in een hoger tempo gestegen, na maanden van daling. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De producentenprijzen namen in april met 3,4 procent toe, na een periode van vijf maanden van groeivertraging. In maart bedroeg de stijging 3,1 procent en in februari was de stijging nog 3,7 procent.

Op maandbasis was er in april sprake van een krimp van het prijspeil met 0,2 procent, gelijk aan de afname in maart.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Voormalig topman Anbang jaren de cel in

Gepubliceerd op 10 mei 2018 om 07:06 | Views: 880

PEKING (AFN/RTR) - De gevallen topman van Anbang Insurance Group, Wu Xiaohui, is veroordeeld tot achttien jaar celstraf voor fraude en corruptie. Ook is beslag gelegd op omgerekend 1,4 miljard euro van zijn vermogen, aldus Chinese staatsmedia.

Wu, de oprichter van Anbang in 2004, gaf in maart publiekelijk toe dat hij op frauduleuze wijze onder meer miljarden dollars had opgehaald bij beleggers. Anbang, het moederbedrijf van verzekeraar Vivat, was toen al voor minstens een jaar onder curatele gezet omdat de financiële positie in gevaar was gekomen. Het conglomeraat moest bijvoorbeeld met miljarden gesteund worden.

Anbang was in de voorgaande jaren juist erg actief in de overnamemarkt. Zo kocht het naast Vivat ook vastgoed en financiële dienstverleners in de Verenigde Staten en Europa. Anbang is eigenaar van het Waldorf Astoria-hotel in New York.

Wu werd tijden gezien als onaantastbaar vanwege zijn banden met de Chinese politieke elite. Ook is hij getrouwd met de kleindochter van de vroegere Chinese leider Deng Xiaoping. Maar er wordt al enige tijd door de regering in Peking hard opgetreden tegen corruptie. Donderdag zijn ook de ,,politieke rechten'' van Wu voor een periode van vier jaar afgenomen.
China April aluminium and steel exports up despite US tariffs

Reuters reported that China’s aluminium exports inched higher in April as US import tariffs were offset by a spike in international prices due to US sanctions on Rusal that encouraged Chinese firms to send more metal abroad. Steel exports also jumped, official customs data showed on 8 May, rising to their highest level since August last year.

The United States imposed a 25 % duty on steel imports and a 10 % tariff on aluminium imports, including from China, effective March 23 as US President Donald Trump sought to protect US metal makers.

The United States accounts for around 14 % of Chinese aluminuim exports but only 1 percent of its steel exports.

Unwrought aluminium and aluminium product exports, including primary, alloy and semi-finished aluminium products, came in at 451,000 tonnes last month, up 0.2 % from a revised 450,000 tonnes in March and up 4.9 % from 430,000 tonnes in April 2017, the General Administration of Customs said on 8 May.

April has one less day than March, so the latest increase was greater on a daily basis.

Exports of steel products, meanwhile, rose 14.7 % to 6.48 million tonnes in April.

That compared with 5.65 million tonnes in March and 6.49 million tonnes in April 2017.

Mr Lachlan Shaw, a metals analyst at UBS in Melbourne said that “Exports are still happening, which suggests the tariff is not really having a material impact at this point.” Mr Shaw added that “Certainly anecdotal reporting from within the US aluminium products manufacturing sector suggests that some fabricators are just paying the tariffs to secure the required imports. So it appears that trade is holding up for now.”

Source : Reuters
China develops battery to store renewable energy

Economic Times reported that Chinese scientists have developed a lead carbon battery for storing power generated from solar panels and windmills and claimed that with such devices, the electricity supply is stable for use.

An energy storage system with the batteries was piloted in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in northeast China's Liaoning Province, Xinhua news agency reported.

There are 46 streetlights and landscape lights using solar energy for power at the institute. Each lamppost has a solar panel to generate power, which is sent to a battery equipped under the post.

A fully-charged battery can power a streetlight for more than 23 hours, the scientists claimed.

The system was developed by a research team led by Professor Li Xianfeng and Professor Zhang Huamin with the institute.

The scientists said that power generated by renewable energy sources was not continuous and stable, making it difficult to regulate.

The battery can ensure a stable output of electricity. Once applied, it can help push the use of clean energy from an auxiliary to a dominant power generating source.

In the pilot, the battery has shown a 100 per cent recharge rate and safety performance.

The team has applied for 10 national patents for the battery.

The research was launched under a contract signed between the institute and the Baoding Fengfan Co Ltd under the China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group in 2015.

For the next step, the two sides will start to develop a kilowatt-level and a megawatt-level lead-carbon battery energy storage system for renewable energy projects as its first industrial applications.

Source : Economic Times
Chinese authorities to build a new bridge in Vladivostok

Russian construction reported that Chinese authorities are ready to take part in the construction of a bridge that connects the Peschany Peninsula in the Russian city of Vladivostok and the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Northeast China, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the city Mayor's office.

On May 8, negotiations were held between the Mayor of Vladivostok Vitaly Verkeenko and a delegation of the Yanbian-Korean Autonomous Prefecture of China. The parties discussed the prospects for cooperation, in particular, such projects as Primorye 1 and Primorye 2, including the construction of a bridge between Russia and China.

As noted in the press release of the Mayor's office of Vladivostok, the Chinese authorities confirmed their interest in the project. The document said that “This transit route will allow to form the shortest routes of cargo delivery from the northeastern provinces of China to the ports of Vladivostok, as well as to increase the bilateral tourist flow.”

Source : Russian Construction
Exportban VS dwingt ZTE tot stilleggen productie

ZTE legt de bedrijfsvoering stil. China’s grootste beursgenoteerde telecomcommunicatiebedrijf kan niet langer aan de chips komen die het nodig heeft om zijn telefoons te produceren, nadat de VS exportbeperkingen tegen het bedrijf afkondigden.
Industriele productie China gestegen
Stijging in april versneld.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De productie van de Chinese industrie is in april harder gestegen. Dit meldde het Chinese statistiekbureau dinsdag.

De productie steeg in april met 7,0 procent, na een toename van 6,0 procent een maand eerder. Economen rekenden voor april op een plus van 6,4 procent.

Op maandbasis ging het om een stijging van 0,61 procent, na een plus van 0,35 procent in maart.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese detailhandelsverkopen stijgen minder hard
Ruim 9 procent groei in april.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in april in een iets lager tempo gestegen. Dit bleek dinsdag uit overheidscijfers.

De verkopen stegen in april met 9,4 procent ten opzichte van de voorgaande maand. In maart was nog sprake van een groei van 10,1 procent.

Op maandbasis bedroeg de groei 0,66 procent, na een 0,71 procent stijging in maart.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese crude steel production in April surges as winter curbs ease

Reuters, citing data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), reported that China’s daily crude steel output in April rose to its highest in at least 4 years as mills boosted production to take advantage of high margins after the end of winter output curbs. NBS data showed “Overall steel output in the world’s top producer climbed to 76.7 million tonnes in April, up 3.7% from March and up 4.8% from April a year ago. Daily average output reached 2.56 million tonnes in April, the strongest since at least May 2014. Output over the first four months of the year was 288.97 million tonnes, up 5% YoY.”

The rise came after cities in northern China lifted stringent capacity restrictions imposed during the five-month winter heating season as part of Beijing’s efforts to clear up its notorious foul air. The official heating season ended on March 15, although major steelmaking hub Handan extended a 50-percent output capacity curb until the end of March.

Source : Reuters
Goede zaken Ageas in China

Gepubliceerd op 16 mei 2018 om 08:40 | Views: 1.121

Ageas 16:20
44,38 -0,21 (-0,47%)

BRUSSEL (AFN/BELGA) - De Belgische verzekeringsgroep Ageas heeft in het eerste kwartaal goed gepresteerd in China. Dat had een positief effect op het resultaat, aldus Ageas woensdag in een tussentijds handelsbericht. De premie-inkomsten gingen wel omlaag.

De nettowinst van Ageas kwam uit op 247,7 miljoen euro. Analisten rekenden in doorsnee op 147 miljoen euro. De verzekeringsactiviteiten realiseerden een winst van 299 miljoen euro. Dat is bijna 100 miljoen euro meer dan waar marktvorsers rekening mee hielden. De premie-inkomsten daalden met 6 procent naar 11,9 miljard euro, onder meer door negatieve wisselkoerseffecten.

In China profiteerde Ageas onder meer van hogere winsten op beleggingen, positieve renteontwikkelingen en lagere kosten.
China approves USD 347 million coal mine expansion in Henan

Reuters reported that China approved an expansion of a coal mine project owned by Shenhuo Group in Henan province to 2.4 million tonnes from current 900,000 tonnes. National Energy Administration said in a statement that total investment of the expansion will reach 2.2 billion yuan (USD 347.4 million).

Expansion is part of China’s effort to ensure stable energy supplies and optimise its coal industry.

Source : Reuters
Tientallen procenten meer winst voor Tencent
Ook omzet met dubbele cijfers omhoog.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Tencent heeft in het eerste kwartaal van 2018 flink betere resultaten geboekt. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Chinese internetgigant.

Op jaarbasis steeg de omzet met 48 procent op jaarbasis van 49,6 miljard naar 73,5 miljard yuan, omgerekend ongeveer 10 miljard euro. Vooral de omzet uit smartphones deed de Chinese spelletjesmaker goed. De online advertentie-inkomsten stegen met 55 procent.

Operationeel steeg de winst van 19,7 miljard naar 30,7 miljard yuan en onder de streep restte een nettowinst van 23,3 miljard yuan, tegenover 14,5 miljard yuan in het eerste kwartaal van 2017. Daarmee steeg de winst met maar liefst 61 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China approves USD 1 billion loan for Sri Lanka expressway

PTI reported that China has approved a USD 1 billion loan to revive a long-delayed expressway in central Sri Lanka, the island’s government said. Construction of the first phase of the road linking the capital Colombo with the hill resort of Kandy had been delayed for more than two years due to a lack of foreign funding, according to local media reports.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s office said he met the Chinese ambassador today, who told him Beijing had decided to approve the loan that will be provided through the Export-Import Bank of China.

China has emerged as the largest single lender to Sri Lanka in recent years, securing contracts to build roads, railways and ports under the former government of Mahinda Rajapakse.

After Wickremesinghe came to power in January 2015, many projects were suspended pending investigations into corruption allegations, but construction work has recently restarted following renegotiations.

Source : PTI
Chinese scrap ban won't do much for copper price -Report

Mining.com reported that on 14 May copper for delivery in July fell back in the red on the Comex market in New York at USD 3.088 per pound or USD 6,800 a ton as traders ponder rising trade tensions between the US and China, the globe's number one metals consumer. The industry is gathering in Hong Kong for LME Asia Week, but spirits may be dampened somewhat by a new report giving a muted assessment of the effects of Beijing's ban on certain types of copper scrap imports.

The price of copper rallied from the mid USD 2.60s when rumours of a ban first emerged in August-September last year, but last month's official confirmation from Beijing has done little for the price.

Yanting Zhou and Sifang Liu, senior consultants for Wood Mackenzie, a research house, says while the ban only comes into effect at the end of the year most of the impact will be felt in 2018.

China's so-called category 7 scrap which includes electrical cables and motors with as little as 5% copper content need processing before it can be used in smelters and refineries and imports have already plummeted this year.

Category 6 imports (average 95% copper content) can be fed directly to refineries and are not banned. Processors outside China have sprung up in anticipation of the ban, and together with rising Chinese domestic scrap supply, would fill most of the shortfall says Wood Mackenzie:

Although import volumes of category 7 copper scrap will decrease in 2018, we anticipate that imports of category 6 copper scrap will rise as scrap-processing capacity is built up outside China. Meanwhile, domestic scrap supply is also expected to accelerate this year.

Overall, we believe the import ban will lead to a loss of around 300 kt of copper contained in imported scrap in 2018. The overall net impact on the supply of copper scrap in China will be much smaller at around 100 kt given the anticipated increase in domestic scrap supply this year.

The authors believe in 2019, Chinese copper scrap supply would return to positive growth again, rising by roughly 70kt.

After a 30% price jump in 2017, copper is down 6% so far in 2018 and the shift in sentiment is evident on derivatives markets with changes in the positioning of large-scale derivatives speculators such as hedge funds.

After hitting an all time record in September last year amid the excitement around the Chinese import ban, a month ago net long positions bets on higher prices in future fell to the lowest level since October 2016 (copper was trading around USD 2.20 a pound then).

While bullish positioning has improved, according to the CFTC's weekly Commitment of Traders data, so-called managed money investors were back in selling mode last week reducing net longs by 22%.

Source : Mining.com
Tesla taps into Chinese car market

According to the registry, newly set up Tesla Shanghai will focus on electric cars, their spare parts and car batteries. Tesla is reported to have been long considering opportunities to start manufacturing its automobiles in Shaghai in a bid to assume the leading role in the rapidly growing Chinese e-car market and thus to avoid import duties. It is not immediately known if the registered company is linked to these business plans.

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk (R) answers questions from Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval during the National Governors Association Summer Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S., July 15, 2017.

Source : Sputnik
Groen licht voor verkoop chiptak Toshiba

Gepubliceerd op 17 mei 2018 om 14:25 | Views: 254

TOKIO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De verkoop van de chiptak van Toshiba kan worden afgerond. De Chinese toezichthouder heeft groen licht gegeven voor de verkoop aan een consortium rond investeerder Bain Capital. Ook Apple, Seagate, SK Hynix en Hoya maken deel uit van die groep.

De overname ter waarde van 2 biljoen yen, omgerekend ruim 15 miljard euro, werd in september overeengekomen. Dat was op voorwaarde dat een conflict tussen Toshiba en branchegenoot Western Digital werd opgelost. Eind vorig jaar bereikten die twee kemphanen een akkoord.

Toshiba zette de winstgevende chipdivisie te koop om de financiële situatie te verbeteren. Afschrijvingen op de activiteiten op het gebied van kernenergie hebben diepe gaten geslagen in de balans van het bedrijf, dat bovendien nog kampt met de naweeën van een groot boekhoudschandaal.
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