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China expresses dissatisfaction over US duties on Chinese aluminium foil
Metal News - Published on Sat, 03 Mar 2018

Reuters reported that China has expressed “strong dissatisfaction” with the United States imposing antidumping and countervailing duties on Chinese aluminium foil. Mr Wang Hejun head of ministry of commerce said that “The US has disregarded the WTO rules and seriously damaged the interests of China’s aluminium foil exporters. China is strongly dissatisfied with this.”

Mr Wang said that US Commerce Department has made the wrong decision of levying high duties “without any evidence” and has “unreasonably and excessively” adopted trade remedy measures, which will affect its domestic employment and undermine the welfare of US consumers.

He added that China will take necessary measures to protect its legal rights and interests in the US wrongdoing.

US President Donald Trump is due to decide soon whether to impose much broader duties on steel and aluminum imports under a national security investigation amid mounting trade friction with China.

The US Commerce Department said that it would levy antidumping and countervailing duties on a number of Chinese firms, with dumping margins ranging from 48.64 % to 106.09 % and anti-subsidy rates of 17.14 % to 80.97 %.

In 2016, imports of aluminum foil from China were valued at an estimated USD 389 million, Commerce Department figures show.

The Commerce Department said antidumping margins will be set at 48.64 % for Jiangsu Zhongji Lamination Materials Stock Co Ltd, at 106.09 % for Hangzhou Dingsheng Import & Export Co Ltd and related companies, 89.54 % for 14 other companies and 106.09 % for the rest of producers in China.

Countervailing duty margins will be 17.14 % for Jiangsu Zhongji, 19.98 percent for Dingsheng, 80.97 % for Loften Aluminum Limited, Manakin Industries LLC and Suzhou Manakin Aluminum Processing Technology Co Ltd, and 18.56 % for all other producers in China.

Source : Reuters
Robust growth and extreme weather halt China coal demand

Bloomberg reported that China’s coal demand in 2017 halted three years of declines amid accelerating economic growth and extreme weather. National Bureau of Statistics said thta use of the fuel by the world’s largest energy consumer rose 0.4 % last year, the first increase since 2013. Because total energy demand rose at a faster pace, the fuel’s share in the nation’s energy mix dropped 1.6 percentage points to 60.4 %.

President Xi Jinping’s government has been pushing to cut use of the polluting fuel in favor of natural gas and renewables in order to curb smog. Still, last year’s extreme hot weather and robust economic expansion boosted coal consumption, according to Shanxi-based industry researcher Fenwei Energy. The nation’s gross domestic product expanded 6.9 % last year, the first full-year of acceleration since 2010.

In addition, China’s northern provinces, which are replacing millions of households with gas boilers, were asked to revert to burning coal after shortages of natural gas left people without heating amid freezing winter temperatures.

Mr Zeng Hao, an analyst with Fenwei Energy, said by phone that “Coal use is unlikely to retain positive growth this year as the nation’s coal-to-gas switch program will be more mature and have a bigger impact on coal than last year.” Mr Hao added that “Also, we’re not expecting another year with extreme weather and better-than-expected economic growth.”

China’s total energy use rose 2.9 % to 4.49 billion tons of standard coal in 2017, the fastest pace since 2013, Wednesday’s data showed. Clean energy, including natural gas, hydropower, nuclear and wind power, accounted for 20.8 % of the country’s energy mix, 1.3 percentage points higher than 2016.

Source : Bloomberg
Chinese dienstensector groeit minder hard
Inkoopmanagersindex in februari naar 54,7.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in januari in een hoger tempo gegroeid. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector steeg van 54,7 in januari naar 54,2 in februari.

Vorige week bleek de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in februari te zijn gedaald van 51,3 in januari naar 50,3 afgelopen maand.

Daarmee kwam de samengestelde index in februari uit op 53,3, een daling ten opzichte van de 53,7 een maand eerder.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China stelt groeidoel op 6,5 procent
Conform de door economen verwachte groei dit jaar.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)China heeft zijn economische groeidoel voor dit jaar op ongeveer 6,5 procent gesteld. Dit bleek uit een verslag dat premier Li Keqiang maandag naar buiten bracht bij de opening van het Nationale Volkscongres, de jaarlijkse wetgevende vergadering.

Vorig jaar versnelde de Chinese economische groei voor het eerst in zeven jaar, met een groeicijfer van 6,9 procent, dankzij stijgende mondiale vraag en inspanningen van de staat om de economie stabiel te houden. De doelstelling was toen nog "ongeveer 6,5 procent of hoger."

Economen hebben een vertraging van de groei tot 6,5 procent dit jaar voorspeld, omdat de regering riskante kredieten blijft inperken terwijl de spanningen in de handelsrelatie met de Verenigde Staten oplopen.

Premier Keqiang sprak bij de opening van de jaarlijkse vergadering van drieduizend wetgevers over de aanpak van schuldgroei, de hervorming van de opgeblazen staatssector en het verder openen van de markten voor buitenlands kapitaal, zonder dat hijhintte op grote tactische wijzigingen. Beijng wil de inflatie van de consumentenprijzen beneden 3 procent houden, net als vorig jaar, volgens het verslag.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China to cut 30 million tonnes of steel capacity in 2018 - NDRC

China will cut more steel and coal production capacity this year, the state planner said on Monday, putting the country on track to beat its long-term targets as the government pledged to defend its blue skies. In a work report at the opening of the annual meeting of parliament, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said it will reduce steel capacity by around 30 million tonnes and coal output by about 150 million tonnes this year. The government also said it will shut coal-fired power plants with capacity of less than 300,000 kilowatts that fail to meet standards in 2018.

The plan came as Premier Li Keqiang said in prepared remarks the government will consolidate the gains made in the fight against pollution to defend the blue of our skies.

Last month, Beijing said it aimed to meet its target for reducing steel production capacity two years earlier than planned, as the world’s top steel producer ramps up its years-long push to reduce excess output. The original plan called for reducing 150 million tonnes of steel production capacity by 2020.

Source : Reuters
Rusland en China gaan nauwer samenwerken in maanonderzoeken

Rusland en China gaan nauwer samenwerken in het onderzoek naar de maan. Igor Komarov, de baas van Roskosmos, heeft dat tijdens een conferentie in Tokio afgesproken met een vertegenwoordiger van de Chinese ruimtevaartorganisatie CNSA. Beide landen hebben zich bereid verklaard elkaar te steunen bij maanprojecten.
Rusland is onder meer van plan in 2022 de sonde 'Loena-Resoers 1' in een baan om de maan te brengen.

In China staan tot 2020 twee missies op het programma. Eind dit jaar moet voor het eerst een onbemand ruimtevaartuig landen op de verre zijde van de maan, die niet vanaf de aarde is te zien. Bij de tweede vlucht moet de sonde 'Chang'e 5' een robotwagentje afzetten, grondmonsters verzamelen en terugbrengen naar aarde. Dat zou een primeur zijn voor China.

Sellers struggle with lower Chinese bids

Platts reported that sellers of seaborne traded thermal coal grappled with lower buying price expectations from China as domestic offers for Qinhuangdao cargoes slumped on weaker downstream demand. Sources said that rising stockpile levels at coal-fired power stations operated by China’s six largest power companies have triggered a sudden decline in domestic coal prices.

A source in China said that “They started to drop slowly to around Yuan 730 to 735 per tonne FOB, but right after last weekend, seeing data with all the inventory in power plants, prices have dropped aggressively.”

A week ago, China’s six largest utility companies had combined stocks of around 10 million tonne on February 22.

A North China-based trader said that “Daily coal consumption rate is still quite low and traders expected industrial workers will only come back to work after the Lantern Festival.”

Downstream demand for spot shipments was feeble this week, as utilities focused on booking cargoes under term contracts, a North China trader said.

Prices for domestic 5,500 kcal/kg NAR coal hovered at Yuan 710-720/mt FOB Qinhuangdao during Asian trading hours, sources said.

Another North China-based trader said that “Traders are reluctant to take new positions, and some who had taken positions before with higher costs are trying to liquidate these fast.”

The first market source in China said that “Prices have started to fall more since Monday, and if power usage does not go up soon, prices will continue to fall.”

Source : Platts
China's 2017 coal consumption rose after three year decline

Reuters reported that China's coal consumption last year picked up for the first time since 2013, the National Bureau of Statistics said, despite Beijing's push to promote less-polluting energy sources. The world's biggest coal consumer used 0.4 % more coal in absolute terms in 2017 compared to a year ago, the bureau said in its annual National Social and Economic Development communiqué, without giving the value of total coal consumption.

However, as a portion of total energy consumption, coal usage fell 1.6 percentage points to 60.4 % last year, while clean energy, including natural gas and renewables, rose 1.3 percentage points to 20.8 % from 2016, the communique showed.

Carbon intensity, the level of carbon emissions per unit of economic growth, dropped by 5.1 % in 2017 compared to a year ago. Total energy consumption rose by 2.9 % to 4.49 billion tonnes of standard coal equivalent which is still below the target of 5 billion tonnes by 2020.

Mr Harri Lammi, global coal campaigner at environmental group Greenpeace said that "The slight increase in China's coal demand thankfully does little to change the overall trend of declining demand in coal's largest market."

"It continues on the path away from reliance on the world's dirtiest fossil fuel as the energy structure transitions and renewable energy installations soar."

China had a total of 163.7 gigawatts of installed wind capacity and 130.3 GW of solar capacity by end 2017, up 10.5 % and 68.7 % compare to a year ago, according to data from the National Energy Administration.

Natural gas and renewables consumption also increased after nearly 4 million households across the northern China were ordered by Beijing to convert from coal to electricity or natural gas in 2017 as part of its air pollution campaign.

Average level of major air pollutants fell significantly in 2017, with concentrations of particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns, known as PM2.5 and capable of lodging deep in the lungs, in the smog-prone Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region dropped by 39.6 % to 64 micrograms per cubic metres compared to five years ago.

China aims to introduce even tougher air quality targets to cover the 2018 to 2020 period and to continue push the conversion of coal to clean energy.

Source : Reuters
Trump Trade War - Chinese will find tough to sell aluminium foil after US tariffs

SCMP reported that Chinese producers of aluminium foil will need to find alternative markets for up to 15% of their export after the Trump Administration said it will slap duties of up to 106 per cent on exports of the packaging material to the United States. All but one Chinese foil exporters were slapped with tariffs of 84.9 % to 106 per cent as anti-dumping duties, which are designed to punish exporters deemed to have sold at less than a product’s “fair value”. All except two will also pay so-called countervailing duties of 17.1 % to 20 % on exported products deemed to have enjoyed “financial assistance” from the Chinese government.

Mr Mok Yuen Cheng, senior managing editor on metals at commodities market information provider said S&P Global Platts that “Some Chinese aluminium downstream product suppliers had already started looking for potential alternative markets late last year, ahead of US aluminium tariff determinations.”

Mr Cheng said that “It is too early to say exactly where the affected supply will go, but it looks like Europe and Southeast Asia are potential destinations, based on our talks with Chinese producers.”

She estimated that the affected volume amounted to 10 % to 15 % of China’s total foil export, which will exert some downward pressure on prices outside the US.

Beijing on Wednesday lambasted the trade action, saying the US had disregarded World Trade Organisation rules by imposing unreasonable and excessive duties, which would undermine the welfare of US consumers.

The foil duties on China are only the first in a latest round of trade action against downstream aluminium products from China, as the US Commerce Department two weeks ago recommended imposing heavy tariffs and quotas on foreign producers of steel and aluminium in the interest of national security after investigation of imports.

A tariff of 23.5 per cent on aluminium products from China, Hong Kong, Russia, Venezuela and Vietnam, as well as 7.7 % from elsewhere was recommended.

Source : SCMP
China to strictly control new solar capacity expansion

Reuters reported that China will strictly control the expansion of solar power production capacity and encourage more innovation, the industry ministry said in new guidelines, to improve technology and cut production costs in its fast-growing solar sector. The guideline, issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology follows the United States placing steep tariffs on solar panel imports in late January.

The guidelines set a minimum research and development (R&D) investment amount for solar companies of 10 million yuan (USD 1.58 million) each year, and set minimum performance standards such as solar cell efficiency and the attenuation rate of the solar products.

Over the past three years, China has been promoting a "Top Runner Program" to encourage solar companies to produce high-efficiency products by granting subsidies and offering government contracts.

China, the world's biggest solar products maker, produced a total of 87 gigawatts (GW) of silicon wafers and 68 GW of solar cells last year. It currently has a total of 130.3 GW of installed solar capacity.

Source : Reuters
Importtarieven EU op Chinese buizen verlengd
Betreft tarieven oplopend tot 72 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)Brussel heeft importtarieven op de invoer van bepaalde buizen en pijpen van roestvast staal uit China met vijf jaar verlengd. Dit maakte de Europese Unie dinsdag bekend.

Het gaat om heffingen oplopend van 48,3 tot 71,9 procent voor bepaalde bedrijven. Deze heffingen werden in 2011 voor het eerst opgelegd. Eind 2016 voerde de EU een onderzoek uit waaruit is gebleken dat China door is gegaan met het dumpen van de betreffende producten. Hierdoor is besloten tot het verlengen van de beschermende maatregelen.

Europese producenten van deze pijpen zijn onder andere het Zweedse AB Sandvik, het Spaanse Tubacex en een dochter van het Oostenrijkse Salzgitter.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
'Chinezen eisen vergoeding fraude Nidera'

Gepubliceerd op 6 mrt 2018 om 08:58 | Views: 1.419

ROTTERDAM (AFN) - De Chinese eigenaar van graanhandelaar Nidera eist een schadevergoeding van honderden miljoenen dollars van de vroegere eigenaren van het van oorsprong Nederlandse handelshuis. Volgens onderzoek van Het Financieele Dagblad in het Kadaster heeft het Chinese Cofco om die claim kracht bij te zetten al voor 288 miljoen dollar beslag gelegd op vastgoed en bedrijven.

Het gaat om een boekhoudfraudezaak in Brazilië, die aan het licht kwam vlak voordat Nidera volledig in handen van de Chinezen kwam. Cofco had al sinds 2014 een meerderheidsbelang in Nidera, maar de resterende aandelen gingen pas begin vorig jaar over.

Nidera werd in 1920 opgericht in Rotterdam door de families Salzer Levi, Drake en Mayer-Wolf. Een advocaat heeft het FD laten weten dat zij de beslagen via de rechter willen laten opheffen. Betrokkenen weigerden verder inhoudelijk commentaar te geven.
China aluminium smelters face new reckoning

Reuters reported that some Chinese aluminium producers that shut smelters during a winter crackdown on pollution may not reopen this spring once output curbs are lifted, as planned new capacity by state-run companies threatens to overwhelm demand and cut into profits. China, the world’s biggest producer of aluminium used in aeroplanes, cars and beverage cans ordered smelters in 28 of its smoggiest northern cities to cut output by 30 % from mid November to mid March. That affected an estimated one million tonnes of annual output.

Record stockpiles and weak aluminium prices, which are down almost 10% since mid November and hovering near breakeven levels, have given smelters from Shandong to Shanxi pause as the end of winter approaches. But they also face extra competition from new, mostly state-owned smelters in regions not subject to output curbs.

According to a survey of analysts, some 3 million to 4 million tonnes of new capacity is set to come on line this year, or about 10% of the country’s current output. That’s roughly equivalent to adding the production capacity of Russia’s Rusal, the world’s second-biggest aluminium producer, to a bloated Chinese market whose overcapacity has riled the United States.

That means squeezing out small, private companies.

Mr Jackie Wang an analyst at CRU a commodities consultancy said that China’s state-owned producers“are going to become bigger and bigger and probably more powerful in the industry.”

A limited restart may boost Chinese efforts to eliminate excess capacity via supply-side reform, which will be one of the main themes of the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliament.

But the new capacity, which far exceeds the amount cut over the winter, is also likely to send shivers across the global market and add pressure to international prices.

A source at a medium-sized smelter in Henan province said his company will“not necessarily” switch its units back on. Doing so depends on whether the local government will sanction such a move, the source said, adding that the restarting process is lengthy. It is also expensive, analysts say.

Mr Wen Xianjun, vice president of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, told Reuters that most Chinese smelters lose money when prices are as low as 14,000 yuan (USD 2,206) per tonne and will have to assess whether restarting is worthwhile.

Source : Reuters
China beats 2017 coalfired power capacity reduction target - Report

Reuters reported that China eliminated or suspended 65 gigawatts of coal-fired power capacity in 2017, exceeding the national target of 50 GW, the state-owned Xinhua news agency reported that China, the world’s biggest coal user, has vowed to improve its notorious air pollution and upgrade its fossil-fuel dominant energy structure by cutting coal consumption and boosting clean energy use.

The country aims to eliminate or halt a total of 109 GW of coal-fired power capacity by the end of this decade while at the same time keeping its total installed coal-fired power capacity below 1,100 GW.

However, coal remains the country’s major fuel source because of inadequate infrastructure such as pipelines, storage and electricity transmission lines that would raise the utilization of clean energy.

Last year, China’s coal consumption went up for the first time since 2013, but coal usage as a portion of total energy consumption dropped by 1.6 pct points to 60.4 % amid Beijing’s push to convert coal heating to gas or electricity.

Xinhua also reported that emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, major sources of hazardous airborne particles known as PM2.5, fell 8 % and 4.9 % respectively in 2017 compared to a year ago. Those declines beat the target of a 3 % reduction for each pollutant.

China plans to continue carry out the conversion of coal to clean energy and impose even tougher air quality targets in the coming three years.

Source : Reuters
Chinees HNA verkoopt belang in Park Hotels

Gepubliceerd op 7 mrt 2018 om 11:53 | Views: 469

HAIKOU (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Chinese conglomeraat HNA heeft het grootste deel van zijn belang in Park Hotels & Resorts van de hand gedaan. Het bedrijf verkocht 34,5 miljoen aandelen in de van Hilton afgesplitste hotelketen. Daarnaast kocht Park Hotels nog eens 14 miljoen eigen aandelen van HNA. Het leverde de Chinezen ruim 1,2 miljard dollar (circa 1 miljard euro) op.

HNA verkocht de aandelen om schulden te kunnen voldoen. Het bedrijf van miljardair Chen Feng kocht de afgelopen jaren her en der bedrijven en belangen in bedrijven. Die aankopen werden grotendeels betaald met geleend geld.

Afgelopen najaar kondigde HNA aan een deel van de belangen weer af te willen stoten. Zo zette het bedrijf de voorbije weken al een belang van 29 procent in de Spaanse hotelketen NH in de etalage. Ook wil het bijvoorbeeld bagageafhandelaar Swissport naar de beurs brengen. In totaal wil HNA naar verluidt 16 miljard dollar ophalen.

Het water staat HNA aan de lippen nu de Chinese overheid bedrijven die agressief geld investeerden in het buitenland scherp in de gaten houdt. Het bedrijf kondigde vorige week ook een ontslagronde aan die wereldwijd 100.000 mensen hun baan kost. Behalve HNA hebben Chinese toezichthouders ook bedrijven als Vivat-moeder Anbang Insurance, Fosun International en Dalian Wanda Group in het vizier.

Chen vergaarde zijn fortuin met Hainan Airlines. Die luchtvaartmaatschappij bracht hij in 2000 onder in HNA Group. Tegenwoordig is hij behalve in de luchtvaart ook actief in andere branches zoals vastgoed, hotels en scheepsbouw.
China to further cut coal 150 million tonne capacity in 2018 - Mr Li Keqiang

China’s Premier Mr Li Keqiang, during the annual Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and National People’s Congress meeting, announced that China is looking to cut ineffective coal capacity by 150 million tonne in 2018. China had reduced about 250 millon tonne of coal capacity in 2016 and 150 million tonne in 2017.

Keqiang also said that coal-fired power generation units with a capacity of less than 300,000 kW that fail to meet desired standards would also be closed this year.

This is in line with the central government’s 2015 decision to construct ultra-low emissions power generation units in China before 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China to start EV battery recycle programs in 4 regions - MIIT

Reuters reported that China plans to start electric vehicle (EV) battery recycle programs in the greater Beijing Hebei Tianjin region, the Yangtze River, Pearl Delta River and Central China areas to curb pollution, the industry ministry said. The pilot program comes after the Chinese government made EV manufacturers responsible for setting up facilities to collect and recycle spent batteries.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a document that vehicle markers and battery makers will explore ways to set up a system to recycle used EV batteries, while local governments will provide policy supports including industrial fund for the trial.

China has set goals for electric cars and hybrid vehicles to make up at least one-fifth of its auto sales by 2025. But a rising glut in lithium, a major ingredient in rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles, could become a growing source of pollution.

MIIT said that the trial program will focus on recycle value ingredients from spent battery and the disposal of residuals without causing any environmental harm.

Source : Reuters
Beursblik: Heineken krijgt exit-kans China
Morgan Stanley twijfelt of Heineken grootste biermarkt wil verlaten.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)Een mogelijk overnamebod van marktleider China Resources Beer, waarover media berichten, biedt Heineken volgens analisten van Morgan Stanley een uitstapmogelijkheid uit China, waar de bierbrouwer moeite heeft om zijn rivalen bij te benen.

Gezien de beperkte omvang van de activiteiten zou een verkoop de winst van Heineken nauwelijks raken. De vraag is wel of het Nederlandse concern de deur wil sluiten naar de grootste biermarkt ter wereld voor een verkoopprijs van ruim 1 miljard dollar waar persbureau Reuters van spreekt.

Het premium-segment in China kan volgens Morgan Stanley namelijk nog verdubbelen in omvang en dat is juist het segment waarin Heineken zich primair begeeft.

China is goed voor zo'n 3 procent van het volume en 2 procent van het bedrijfsresultaat van Heineken, terwijl het marktaandeel van Heineken in China minder dan 1 procent is, schatten de analisten. Door zijn beperkte schaal en distributieproblemen is Heineken minder succesvol in China dan rivalen AB InBev en Carlsberg.

In het premium-segment, dat goed is voor 9 procent van de Chinese biermarkt, heeft AB InBev een marktaandeel van 60 procent, met onder andere zijn Budweiser-merk.

Weliswaar scoort Heineken in China naast het eigen Heineken-merk ook met Tiger, maar Heineken-bier blijft minder goed verkopen dan andere premium-merken zoals Budweiser, Carlsberg en Tuborg.

Marktleider China Resources Beer heeft succes in het middensegment met zijn merk Snow, maar blijft achter in het premium-segment, dat het aantrekkelijkste is, nu de volumegroei in China afzwakt. Zo maakt AB InBev meer winst dan China Resources dat de grootste bierverkoper is in het land, terwijl AB InBev op een derde plek staat naar volume gerekend.

Morgan Stanley heeft een Gelijkgewogen advies op Heineken met een koersdoel van 82,00 euro. AB InBev staat op Overwogen met een koersdoel van 110,00 euro.

Het aandeel Heineken noteerde donderdag 1,9 procent hoger op 86,88 euro en AB InBev won 2,0 procent op 92,35 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Groei Chinese export trekt hard aan
Import fractioneel lager in februari.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De export in China is in februari voor de twaalfde maand op rij gestegen en ook nog eens in een veel hoger tempo dan in de eerste maand van 2018. Dit bleek donderdag voorbeurs uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

De uitvoer van Chinese goederen nam afgelopen maand, gerekend in yuan, met 36,2 procent toe. Dat was flink meer dan de groei van 6 procent in januari.

De import daalde in februari met 0,2 procent, na een toename van 30,2 procent op jaarbasis in januari.

Gerekend in dollars steeg de export in februari met 44,5 procent op jaarbasis, terwijl slechts een stijging van 8,5 procent was voorzien.

De import trok in dollars ook aan, met 6,3 procent. Er was gerekend op een importstijging van zo'n 7,5 procent.

Het handelsoverschot van China kwam vorige maand uit op 225 miljard yuan, of 33,7 miljard dollar. In de voorgaande maand was dit 20,3 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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