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Chinezen grijpen in bij Vivat-moeder Anbang

Gepubliceerd op 23 feb 2018 om 07:27 | Views: 1.415

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese verzekeraar Anbang, het moederbedrijf van het Nederlandse Vivat, is door toezichthouders in China onder curatele gezet. De autoriteiten nemen voor ten minste een jaar de controle over bedrijfsvoering over bij Anbang en oprichter Wu Xiaohui zal worden vervolgd voor vermeende fraude.

Toezichthouders in het Aziatische land stellen dat Anbang zich heeft beziggehouden met illegale activiteiten die ook de financiële positie van het concern in gevaar hebben gebracht. De afgelopen jaren wordt door de regering in Peking hard opgetreden tegen corruptie. Wu werd in juni al opgepakt. De topman is ook bekend vanwege zijn banden met de Chinese politieke elite. Zo is hij getrouwd met de kleindochter van de vroegere Chinese leider Deng Xiaoping.

Anbang is volop met miljardenovernames in het buitenland bezig geweest. Zo kocht Anbang naast Vivat ook vastgoed en financiële dienstverleners in Europa en de VS. Anbang is tevens de eigenaar van het Waldorf Astoria-hotel in New York.


Een woordvoerster van Vivat stelde dat de ontwikkelingen in China niet direct gevolgen hebben in Nederland. Het bedrijf achter merken als Zwitserleven, Route Mobiel, Reaal en ACTIAM heeft zelfstandig toegang tot de kapitaalmarkt. Onlangs heeft Vivat juist obligaties uitgegeven om leningen uit China af te lossen. ,,We zijn een zelfstandige vennootschap en staan onder het toezicht van De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)'', benadrukte de zegsvrouw. ,,We volgen de ontwikkelingen bij onze aandeelhouder in China natuurlijk wel op de voet.''

Minister van Financiën Wopke Hoekstra reageerde naar aanleiding van alle media-aandacht ook op de berichten uit China. ,,Vivat is naar mijn beste weten een gezonde verzekeraar'', zo verklaarde hij. ,,Anbang is eigenaar van Vivat maar dat betekent niet dat eventuele problemen bij Anbang direct een risico vormen voor de Nederlandse verzekeraars.''

DNB doet in principe geen uitspraken over individuele instellingen. ,,Dit zijn nieuwe ontwikkelingen. We stellen ons op de hoogte'', is alles wat de toezichthouder hierover kwijt wilde.
Verzekeraar Anbang blijft paraat voor dochters

Gepubliceerd op 26 feb 2018 om 06:28 | Views: 806

PEKING (AFN/RTR) - Anbang blijft zich inzetten voor zijn overzeese dochterbedrijven en investeringen, en zal wanneer dat nodig is ondersteuning bieden voor een ,,gezonde ontwikkeling''. Dat stelde de Chinese verzekeraar, het moederbedrijf van het Nederlandse Vivat, in een verklaring. Anbang is onlangs door de Chinese overheid onder curatele gezet.

De autoriteiten nemen voor ten minste een jaar de controle over de bedrijfsvoering over bij Anbang en oprichter Wu Xiaohui zal worden vervolgd voor vermeende fraude. Anbang heeft zich volgens toezichthouders beziggehouden met illegale activiteiten die ook de financiële positie van het concern in gevaar hebben gebracht.

Anbang zei maandag de beslissing van China Insurance Regulatory Commission ,,ten volle te ondersteunen''. Anbang is de afgelopen jaren volop met miljardenovernames in het buitenland bezig geweest. Zo kocht Anbang naast Vivat ook vastgoed en financiële dienstverleners in Europa en de VS. Anbang is tevens de eigenaar van het Waldorf Astoria-hotel in New York.
China built longest sea bridge

Sputnik reported that the state corporation China Communications Construction has built a bridge across the sea linking southern Guangdong province, China's main manufacturing hub, with Hong Kong and Macau. China has opened the world's longest sea bridge between Guangdong province, Hong Kong, and Macau. The length of the structure is 55 kilometers, of which 38 kilometers are sections of the bridge.

For comparison, the length of the Crimean bridge is 19 km. The main part of the bridge is a 29.6 km of double three-lane carriageway that includes a 6.7 km underwater tunnel between two artificial islands and three raised sections above the water's surface.

The project's cost is estimated at CNY 110 billion. Around 22% of the total costs were financed by the government, and the remaining 78% - a consortium of banks led by the Bank of China.

Source : Sputnik
German BMW plans electric Mini production in China

AFP quoted German auto giant BMW as saying that it plans to build an electric version of its compact Mini in China, in a possible joint venture with local partner Great Wall. The Munich-based group is in "advanced discussions" aimed at "a new joint venture in China", it said in a statement, adding that the two firms had signed a so-called letter of intent about the project.

Howevcer, if plans to build the Mini in China go ahead, it would be the first time the unmistakeable cars - originally created by a British company - have been built outside Europe.

But BMW and Great Wall have yet to agree on important details like where to build a factory and how much to invest.

China is the fourth-largest market for the Mini after Britain, the United States and Germany. Some 35,000 were sold there in 2017, or around one in ten sales worldwide.

BMW follows a maxim that "production follows the market", making China ripe for investment in local manufacturing.

Reaching 560,000 units in 2017, Chinese sales of BMW-brand cars -- produced locally under a joint venture with carmaker Brilliance - outweighed shipments in other major markets the United States and Germany combined.

BMW said that "A similar growth strategy could accelerate development of the Mini brand significantly."

It added that it would continue talks with Great Wall "without questioning BMW Group's commitment in the UK," where production of electric Minis is slated to begin at an Oxford plant next year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese automaker BAIC to open first plant in Mexico

Xinhua reported that Chinese automaker Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation (BAIC) unveiled a plan to build its first factory in Mexico for the North and South American markets. The company will invest around one billion U.S. dollars for the construction of the plant set to begin in 2020, Ms Jimena Saenz, BAIC's director in Mexico, said in an interview with Xinhua.

BAIC launched brand automobiles in the Mexican market in mid 2016, while the brands of D20 sedans and X25 SUVs were assembled at a local plant in the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz.

Ms Saenz said that "BAIC's commitment to Mexico is long-term. We want to be close to our suppliers."

She said that thanks to the positive market response in Mexico, the company sold 1,140 vehicles in 2017 and expects the figure to reach 4,000 units in 2018.

She said, referring to the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Mexico, the United States and Canada, and the country's presidential elections in the summer "It is a year of uncertainty."

Source : Xinhua
China to expand ethanol use in gasoline blending in this year

China is set to expand the use of ethanol for blending in gasoline this year, in line with plans announced by the government last autumn. In a statement outlining its work priorities for 2018, the country’s State Administration of Grain (SAG) said it was aiming to raise the production and consumption of ethanol as a gasoline blendstock from surplus maize and other food grains.

To achieve this aim, SAG will introduce reforms to make grain storage mechanisms more market-driven and will speed up the use of grain from stockpiles for ethanol production, the statement said.

These efforts will be part of a wider effort to find new uses for grain inventories, SAG noted. Stocks have swelled in recent years because of Beijing’s efforts to support agricultural producers, it said. According to data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), stocks reached a high of more than 4 billion bushels as of the end of 2015, not long before Beijing ended its long-standing policy of paying Chinese corn consumers more than twice the world market rate for their production.

SAG did not explain exactly how it intended to achieve its aims. The agency had said in a separate statement dated February 13 that its drive to reform grain storage mechanisms would involve greater flexibility in pricing and guidance for farmers on meeting market demand.

China’s government unveiled plans for the sale of E10 fuel, or a gasoline blend containing 10% ethanol, across the country in September 2017. At that time, it said it wanted to see this type of fuel introduced everywhere by 2020.

This move will greatly expand the scope of an existing trial programme that targeted only 11 provinces. It may also cause China’s ethanol consumption to quadruple by the end of the decade, according to an analysis conducted by the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) at Iowa State University.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China becomes world’s second largest LNG importer, behind Japan - EIA

China surpassed South Korea to become the world’s second-largest importer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2017, according to data from IHS Markit and official Chinese government statistics. Chinese imports of LNG averaged 5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2017, exceeded only by Japanese imports of 11 Bcf/d. Imports of LNG by China, driven by government policies designed to reduce air pollution, increased by 1.6 Bcf/d (46%) in 2017, with monthly imports reaching 7.8 Bcf/d in December.

China’s imports of natural gas have grown to meet increasing domestic natural gas consumption, which has been primarily driven by environmental policies to transition away from coal-fired electricity generation. The Chinese government has also implemented policies to convert several million residential households in China’s northern provinces, which traditionally rely on coal heating in the winter, to use natural gas-fired boilers instead.

Natural gas storage capacity in China is relatively limited, estimated at just 3% of total natural gas consumption. China’s seasonal peak demand is met primarily by natural gas imports, either by pipeline from Central Asia or by shipments of LNG. Despite increases in China’s domestic production and in pipeline imports in 2017, natural gas shortages in northern China led to record levels of LNG imports during the 2017 winter. Overall, natural gas imports accounted for 40% of China’s 2017 natural gas supply, and LNG made up more than half of those imports.

China has 17 LNG import terminals at 14 ports along its coastline, with a combined regasification capacity of 7.4 Bcf/d. Annual utilization rates at LNG import terminals averaged about 50% from 2013 through 2016, but the rate increased to 69% in 2017. Colder-than-normal winter weather increased natural gas demand and led LNG import terminals in the northern and central coastal regions of China to exceed nameplate capacity by 30% and 20%, respectively, in December 2017.

EIA expects natural gas consumption in China to continue to increase—driven by economics and environmental policies—and imports and increasing domestic production will be used to meet growing demand. China’s LNG import capacity is expected to reach 11.2 Bcf/d by 2021, once capacity expansions at existing terminals and new terminals currently under construction are completed. EIA also expects China’s imports of natural gas by pipeline to increase, especially as the Power of Siberia pipeline from Russia comes online by the end of 2019.

US LNG exports to China increased significantly last year, from 17.2 Bcf in 2016 to 103 Bcf in 2017. China accounted for nearly 15% of U.S. LNG exports in 2017, behind only Mexico and South Korea. In November 2017, the United States and China signed several preliminary agreements for U.S. LNG exports to China, including exports from Sabine Pass on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, the fully approved Delfin LNG offshore export project off Louisiana’s coast, and the proposed Alaska LNG project. In February 2018, Cheniere Energy and the China National Petroleum Corporation signed two long-term contracts for LNG from Sabine Pass and new LNG facility under construction near Corpus Christi, Texas.

Source : Strategic Research Intitute
Russia remains China’s top oil supplier as pipeline expands

Reuters reported that Russia remained the top crude oil supplier to China in January, data showed, beginning 2018 on a strong note after the start-up of an expanded trans-Siberia pipeline and as Beijing released more crude import quotas to independent refiners. Angola and Iraq took the second and third positions for the month, leapfrogging Saudi Arabia, which was the second-largest supplier to China in 2017.

Data from the Chinese General Administration of Customs showed, Russian supplies came in at 5.67 million tonnes, or 1.34 million barrels per day (bpd), up 23.4 percent from a year earlier.

The January number compared with 1.194 million bpd in December.

Last month, data showed Russia notched up its second year as China’s largest supplier in 2017, surpassing Saudi Arabia – OPEC’s top exporter – by some 150,000 barrels each day.

The strong Russian exports to the world’s largest crude oil buyer came as a second East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline, as well as expanded domestic connections in China, started commercial operation in January.

In a reshuffle of the pack, Angola ranked second with 4.68 million tonnes, or 1.1 million bpd, of crude in January, down 5.4 percent from a year earlier.

China imported 4.45 million tonnes, or 1.05 million bpd, of crude from Iraq, up 28 percent from a year ago.

Saudi Arabia supplied 4.29 million tonnes, or 1.01 million bpd, to China in January. That was down 15 percent from the same year-ago rate and compared with 1.11 million bpd in December.

Even so, exports from the kingdom are expected to rise to record levels this year as Saudi Aramco ramps up supplies to Chinese state oil firm CNOOC, as well as the Huajin refinery owned by defense giant NORINCO.

China’s total crude oil imports last month soared 20 percent from the same month a year earlier to a record rate of 9.57 million barrels per day, beating the previous peak of 9.17 million bpd.

Source : Reuters
Bij Chinese HNA Group verliezen 100.000 mensen wereldwijd mogelijk baan

Gepubliceerd: 28 februari 2018 10:14 Laatste update: 28 februari 2018 10:17

Het Chinese conglomeraat HNA Group staat voor een ontslagronde waarbij 100.000 mensen wereldwijd hun baan verliezen. Dat komt neer op een kwart van het totale personeelsbestand van het bedrijf.

Dat meldde informatieleverancier REDD op basis van ingewijden. Het Chinese bedrijf was niet direct bereikbaar voor commentaar.

De banen verdwijnen in alle lagen van het bedrijf. Ook bij onderdelen die al in de etalage staan worden banen geschrapt. Het is HNA er alles aan gelegen om zijn financiële positie te verbeteren. De luchtvaarttak van HNA lijkt buiten schot te blijven.

Het water staat HNA aan de lippen nu China bezig is met het opsporen van zogenoemde systeemrisico's. Chinese bedrijven die agressief geld investeerden in het buitenland, zoals Vivat-moeder Anbang Insurance, Fosun International, Dalian Wanda Group en dus ook HNA, zijn daardoor in het vizier van toezichthouders gekomen. HNA stak onder meer grof geld in vastgoed en hotels.
Door: ANP
Ce*suur tot in het absurde: China verbant letter ‘n’, maar ook Winnie de Poeh heeft het zitten
Chinese overheid probeert met alle middelen kritiek op machtsuitbreiding Xi Jinping de kop in te drukken

Van een beetje censuur kijkt de gemiddelde Chinese internetgebruiker al lang niet meer op. Maar na de aankondiging dat president Xi Jinping de toelating krijgt langer president te blijven, ging de overheid wel bijzonder ver. Behalve termen als ‘keizer’, ‘emigreren’ en ‘incapabel’ werden ook het boek Animal Farm, Disney-figuurtje Winnie de Poeh en zelfs gewoon de letter ‘n’ geblokkeerd.

Op microblogsite Weibo, zeg maar het Chinese Twitter, was het een tijdlang onmogelijk het Chinese equivalent van de letter ‘n’ te posten, zo merkten verschillende gebruikers op. Volgens Victor Mair, docent China-studies en taalkundige aan de University of Pennsylvania, was de ‘n’ waarschijnlijk geblokkeerd uit schrik dat gebruikers ‘n aantal ambtstermijnen’ zouden intypen, op zoek naar informatie over de president en zijn versterking van de macht.

Lees ook
“Hij wordt machtiger dan Poetin”: Xi Jinping heft termijnbeperking op, wereld vreest voor nieuwe dictator

Ondertussen kan de letter opnieuw opgezocht worden, wat er volgens Mair op wijst dat de Chinese overheid “snelle drastische beslissingen had moeten nemen nadat het internet overspoeld werd met kritiek” en pas later de ‘overdreven’ censuur heeft teruggedraaid. Charlie Smith, de alias van de oprichter van de website GreatFire.org, die informatie over de Chinese censuur publiceert, zegt aan The Guardian dat de overheid inderdaad wellicht heel snel een zwarte lijst samengesteld en daarin zonder veel nadenken voor alle veiligheid ook gewoon de letter ‘n’ opgenomen.

‘De nieuwe Mao’

Begin deze week raakte bekend dat de regerende Communistische Partij in China beslist heeft de beperking op het aantal ambtstermijnen voor de president op te heffen. Volgens de grondwet mag een Chinese leider maar twee keer staatshoofd zijn, net om misbruik en een eventuele dictatuur te vermijden. De beslissing wordt door critici gezien als een poging van president Xi Jinping om zijn macht over het land te versterken en zichzelf te ontpoppen tot de nieuwe Mao Zedong, die meer dan twintig jaar over het land regeerde.

Die kritiek werd echter vakkundig verzwegen door de Chinese staatspers en op blogs verschenen al snel lijsten en screenshots van termen die internetgebruikers niet meer konden gebruiken. Naast de letter ‘n’ gaat het ook om termen als ‘niet akkoord’, ‘Xi Zedong’ (een samenstelling van de namen van huidig president Xi Jinping en Mao Zedong), ‘schaamteloos’, ‘levenslang’, ‘personencultus’, ‘emigreren’ of ‘onsterfelijk’.
Winnie de Poeh

Maar ook sommige culturele referenties werden het slachtoffer van censuur. Zo konden Chinese internetters niet meer op zoek naar informatie over Disney of Winnie de Poeh. De fysieke gelijkenis tussen het gele beertje en president Xi is blijkbaar net te groot en daarmee lachen is dan ook uit den boze, zo blijkt. Ook verwijzingen naar vorige monarchen, dictators of keizers zijn verbannen, net als de titel van George Orwells beroemde boek over totalitarisme Animal Farm. Ook informatie over Orwells andere boek, 1984, is voor Chinezen onbereikbaar.

Volgens Charlie Smith heeft China de hoeveelheid kritiek op Jinpings machtsconsolidatie onderschat. “Als internetgebruikers blijven op zoek gaan naar manieren om hun ontevredenheid te uiten, bereiken we mogelijk het snel waarbij de overheid de beslissing zal nemen het internet ‘uit te zetten’.”
Sterke afkoeling Chinese industrie
Groei valt nagenoeg stil.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De Chinese industriële productie is in februari sterk afgekoeld, omdat fabrieken sloten voor het nieuwjaarsfeest terwijl de vraag naar Chinese exportartikelen taande.

De officiële inkoopmanagersindex voor de maakindustrie, een graadmeter voor de activiteit van fabrieken, daalde in februari naar 50,3, van 51,3 in januari, meldde het Chinese nationale statistiekbureau woensdag. Dit is het laagste niveau in 19 maanden. Het cijfer is fors lager dan een voorspelling van economen, gepolst door The Wall Street Journal, die gemiddeld rekenden op een cijfer van 51,2. Het ligt nog maar net boven het niveau van 50, dat de scheidslijn aangeeft tussen groei en krimp. Het lager dan verwachte cijfer drukte de Chinese aandelenbeurzen woensdag omlaag. De Shanghai Composite Index verloor ongeveer 1 procent. De dagen rond het Chinese nieuwjaar zijn vaak rustig voor de industrie omdat veel fabrieken hun productie stilleggen of verlagen en de markt minder actief is. Toch is de daling veel groter dan economen, die met dit effect rekening hielden, hadden verwacht.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China puts responsibility for battery recycling on makers of EV

Reuters reported that China will make manufacturers of electric vehicles (EV) responsible for setting up facilities to collect and recycle spent batteries, as part of its efforts to tackle mounting waste in the sector, say new rules published. China, which began promoting electric cars in 2009, aims to become a dominant global producer as it bids to curb vehicle emissions, boost energy security and promote high-tech industries.

But with lithium battery production already up by half in 2017 and waste set to hit as much as 170,000 tonnes this year, the government is racing to improve its recycling capabilities and stamp out what could become a growing source of pollution.

China's industry ministry issued "interim" rules that hold carmakers responsible for the recovery of new energy vehicle batteries and require them to set up recycling channels and service outlets where old batteries can be collected, stored and transferred to specialist recyclers.

The carmakers must also establish a maintenance service network allowing members of the public to repair or exchange their old batteries conveniently, the ministry said.

Measures aimed at spurring good practice among consumers, including subsidies or battery repurchase pacts, should also be adopted, the notice said.

Together with battery makers and their sales units, carmakers must also set up a "traceability" system enabling the identification of owners of discarded batteries.

Source : Reuters
China's January coal imports from Australia up

Reuters reported that China’s coal imports from key supplier Australia surged in January from a year ago, China customs data showed that boosted by strong demand at utilities amid freezing weather. The world’s top coal consumer brought in 7.94 million tonnes of coal from Australia last month. That compares with 8.07 million tonnes in December.

Indonesian coal supplies jumped almost 40% in January from a year ago to 5.04 million tonnes, one of the highest monthly totals for the country since 2014.

The surge is a big recovery from December when delays at loading ports in Indonesia as a result of heavy rain slowed arrivals to just 1.7 million tonnes.

Buyers of Indonesian coal had also been holding back orders of the fuel as new shipping rules for coal and crude palm oil issued by Jakarta are expected to restrict exports to Indonesian vessels. The regulation will take effect at the end of April.

With several bouts of freezing weather sweeping across China in late January and early February, some coal-fired power plants warned of tight supplies of the fuel as their inventories fell below critical levels due to record daily consumption.

Data released this month showed that China brought in a total of 27.81 million tonnes of coal in January, the highest level in four years.

A Zhengzhou-based trader, adding coal imports may tighten again afterwards said that “Imported coal will continue to play a key role as a supplement of domestic coal until mid-March as heating demand in northern China remain robust.”

The heating season typically ends on March 15 in northern China.

Vessel-tracking and port data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts suggest China will import about 21.68 million tonnes of seaborne coal in February.

China’s thermal coal prices on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange hit 679.8 yuan (USD 106.89) a tonne on Jan. 29, up from around 390 yuan a year earlier.

To ensure stable coal supplies, state- and local-level authorities have ordered miners to ramp up production and asked ports to speed up the process of receiving seaborne coal.

Prices of spot cargoes of thermal coal from Australia’s Newcastle port, touched a 13-month-high at USD 109.50 on January 17.

Source : Reuters
Chinese first super high speed road set to open in 2022

The News reported that China’s first 120 kph superhighway is currently under construction in eastern China and will open in 2022. The 161-kilometer highway, with six lanes in both directions, is designed for speeds up to 120 kph, an increase of 20-30 percent from the current freeway average speed limit of 90 kph.

In addition to the high speed, the road boasts smart technology, green development and safety.

According to Zhejiang Provincial Communication Department, the core concept of a smart road is to build an integrated sensing system as well as monitoring and prediction system for drivers, vehicles and road management.

The superhighway will integrate photovoltaic technology for the preparation of power generation, wireless charging for future applications, and large-scale data based cloud service for smart control.

With these smart technologies and enhanced infrastructure, the super highway will provide an all-weather fast pass, highly accurate positioning, convenience for unmanned driving, and realize ideal safety conditions for zero deaths.

This will be a replicable model highway featuring new technology and material, said a person in charge from the Department.

As scheduled, construction of the super high-speed road, connecting Hangzhou and Ningbo, two core cities in the Hangzhou Bay area of east China’s Zhejiang province, will be complete before the opening of 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou.

Source : The News
hinese new home prices rise in January 2018 even as top cities register decline

Reuters reported that China's new home prices grew in January although major cities saw early signs of softening, as the government continued its efforts to rein in speculative demand to fend off bubble risk. The acceleration in prices across the nation suggests moves by provincial governments to support first-time buyers and upgraders by relaxing some purchase restrictions may be further fanning price gains in a market where fear of missing out is strong and mortgage fraud is rampant.

Average new home prices in China's 70 major cities rose 5 % in January from a year earlier and 0.3 % month on month, according to Reuters calculations based on the data from the statistics bureau.

The government removed the sales prices for affordable housing from the latest monthly calculations, distorting comparisons with previous months' growth data.

However, prices in December grew 5.3 percent on year and 0.4 percent on month, based on data which included affordable housing.

The National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement that prices were "stable while slightly lower" last month, as eleven major cities fell year on year.

It said that "The housing prices in tier-one cities reversed from growth to a decline and there was a slowdown in the growth rate in tier two and three cities."

China's housing market has boomed since late 2015, giving a major boost to the economy, but is expected to gradually slow as measures to curb property speculation drag on sales.

The challenge for policymakers is to counter the risks from a slowdown in the sector and curbs to excessive borrowing without endangering a growth target of around 6.5 percent this year. A softening but still resilient property market, however, will be welcome news ahead of the annual parliament meeting in March where leaders will set economic targets for 2018.

Source : Reuters
Sinopec to import more than 10 million tonnes of US crude oil in 2018

Reuters reported that China's oil giant China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec, is expected to import more than 10 million tonnes of crude oil from the United State in 2018.

Currently, it has more than 10 oil refineries to process crude oil from the US.

Source : Reuters
Groei Chinese industrie trekt licht aan
Inkoopmanagersindex in februari 51,6.

(ABM FN)De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese industrie is in februari licht versneld. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex eindigde in februari op 51,6, tegenover 51,5 in januari. De stijging, hoewel bescheiden, markeert de sterkste stijging in zes maanden.

Econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van CEBM sprak in een toelichting van een stabiele vraag, die iets sterker was dan de output. De daling van de outputprijzen stopte en boog om in een lichte stijging, terwijl deinputprijzen in een geleidelijk tempo licht daalde.

Een indexstand groter dan 50 wijst op groei van de industrie, terwijl minder dan 50 krimp betekent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
US DoC finds dumping and subsidization of imports of aluminum foil from China

Today, the US Department of Commerce announced that affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations of imports of aluminum foil from the People’s Republic of China. This determination and investigation have no bearing on the 232 report on aluminum that is under consideration by President Trump. Secretary Mr Ross said that “This Administration is committed to trade that is fair and reciprocal, and we will not allow American workers and businesses to be harmed by unfair imports.”

Mr Ross added that “This decision comes after a transparent process with a thorough and unbiased review of the facts.

Commerce determined that exporters from China sold aluminum foil in the United States at 48.64 to 106.09 % less than fair value. Commerce also determined that China is providing unfair subsidies to its producers of aluminum foil at rates of 17.17 to 80.97 %.

As a result of today’s decisions, Commerce will instruct US Customs and Border Protection to collect cash deposits from importers of aluminum foil based on the final rates.

In 2016, imports of aluminum foil from China were valued at an estimated USD 389 million.

The petitioner is the Aluminum Association Trade Enforcement Working Group.

The AD and CVD laws provide US businesses and workers with an internationally accepted mechanism to seek relief from the harmful effects of dumping unfairly priced and unfairly subsidized imports into the United States.

Enforcement of US trade law is a prime focus of the Trump administration. From January 20, 2017, through February 26, 2018, the Commerce Department has initiated 102 antidumping and countervailing duty investigations – a 96 % increase from 52 in the previous period. The Commerce Department currently maintains 424 antidumping and countervailing duty orders which provide relief to American companies and industries impacted by unfair trade.

If the US International Trade Commission makes affirmative final injury determinations, Commerce will issue AD and CVD orders. If the ITC makes negative final determinations of injury, the investigations will be terminated and no orders will be issued.

Commerce’s Enforcement and Compliance unit within the International Trade Administration is responsible for vigorously enforcing US trade laws and does so through an impartial, transparent process that abides by international law and is based solely on factual evidence.

Foreign companies that price their products in the US market below the cost of production or below prices in their home markets are subject to AD duties. Foreign companies that receive financial assistance from foreign governments that benefits the production of goods from foreign companies and is limited to specific enterprises or industries, or is contingent either upon export performance or upon the use of domestic goods over imported goods, are subject to CVD duties.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China’s coastal coal freight rates move up after Lunar New Year holidays

Platts reported that freight rates for shipping coal from northern China’s Qinhuangdao port to the ports of Zhangjiagang, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the east and south China moved upwards after the Lunar New Year holidays, Qinhuangdao Port operator.

The freight rate from Qinhuangdao to Zhangjiagang in eastern China’s Jiangsu province for 20,000-30,000 tonne capacity vessels rose to Yuan 32.30 per tonne (USD 5.12/mt) on February 27, up Yuan 3.0 per tonne from Yuan 29.30 per tonne on February 13, Qinhuangdao Port said.

The rate from Qinhuangdao to Shanghai in eastern China for vessels with a capacity of 40,000-50,000 tonne jumped to Yuan 27.20 per tonne on February 27, from Yuan 22 per tonne on February 13, reflecting a week on week increase of Yuan 5.20 per tonne.

The rate from Qinhuangdao to Guangzhou in southern China for 50,000-60,000 mt capacity vessels rose by Yuan 4 per tonne to Yuan 34.30 per tonne on February 27, up from Yuan 30.30 per tonne on February 13.

The upturn in the coastal coal freight market comes on the back of the resumption in production across the country following the Lunar New Year holidays, the port operator said.

Meanwhile, coal stocks at Qinhuangdao port stood at 6.15 million tonne on February 27, up from 6.07 million tonne on February 13, port figures showed.

Source : Platts
'Chinees bedrijf zet 100.000 man op straat'

© ANP 'Chinees bedrijf zet 100.000 man op straat'

HAIKOU (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Het Chinese conglomeraat HNA Group staat voor een ontslagronde waarbij 100.000 mensen wereldwijd hun baan verliezen. Dat komt neer op een kwart van het totale personeelsbestand van het bedrijf. Dat meldde informatieleverancier REDD op basis van ingewijden.

De banen verdwijnen in alle lagen van het bedrijf. Ook bij onderdelen die al in de etalage staan worden banen geschrapt. Het is HNA er alles aan gelegen om zijn financiële positie te verbeteren. De luchtvaarttak van HNA lijkt buiten schot te blijven.

Het water staat HNA aan de lippen nu China bezig is met het opsporen van zogenoemde systeemrisico's. Chinese bedrijven die agressief geld investeerden in het buitenland, zoals Vivat-moeder Anbang Insurance, Fosun International, Dalian Wanda Group en dus ook HNA, zijn daardoor in het vizier van toezichthouders gekomen. HNA stak onder meer grof geld in vastgoed en hotels.
Het Chinese bedrijf was niet direct bereikbaar voor commentaar.
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