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Shenzhen skyscraper the world’s 4th tallest completed in December 2017
Published on Wed, 07 Feb 2018

The Urban Developer reported that completed in December 2017 following seven years of construction, China’s newest skyscraper is officially the world’s fourth tallest. Located in Shenzhen’s financial district, the 599-metre-tall Ping An Finance Centre (PAFC) comprises 462,000sq m of floorspace over 100-storeys. Ping An is China’s second largest insurance company.

Designed by Kohn Pederson Fox (KPF) Architects, the building has spent the past several years under construction, topping out in 2016 and reaching full completion in 2017.

Only the Burj Khalifa, Shanghai Tower, and Makkah Royal Clock Tower are taller.

The building was named as a finalist for the Best Tall Building: Asia & Australasia category by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat; it will be competing against Sydney’s Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners-designed International Towers.

Made of stone and glass, the PAFC comprises 100 floors of office space and a podium that features five floors of retail shops.

The architects said that “The building is also defined by a central atrium, which serves as a public vestibule and allows daylight in, creating a welcoming space for meeting, shopping and dining.”

As well as the stone and glass make-up, the tower also features a steel façade, using a total of 1,700 tons of 316L stainless steel to make the largest stainless steel façade in the world to date. The material was reportedly chosen specifically to prevent corrosion, which will keep the appearance of the Ping An Finance Centre unchanged for several decades despite Shenzhen’s “salty coastal atmosphere”.

At the top of the tower, the façades taper to form a pyramid, giving the tower a prismatic aesthetic. The form is emphasized by eight composite super-columns that extrude beyond the building envelope. The streamlined shape of the tower improves both structural and wind performance, reducing baseline wind loads by 35 per cent.

Source : The Urban Developer
Chinese export groeit minder hard
Import wel fors omhoog.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De export in China is in januari voor de elfde maand op rij gestegen maar wel minder hard dan in de maanden ervoor. Dit bleek donderdag voorbeurs uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

De uitvoer van Chinese goederen nam afgelopen maand, gerekend in yuan, met 6 procent toe. Dat was minder dan de groei van 7,4 procent in december 2017 en circa 10 procent in november vorig jaar.

De import steeg in de laatste maand van 2017 met slechts 0,9 procent maar veerde in januari flink op, met een toename van 30,2 procent op jaarbasis.

Export in dollars groeit in stabiel tempo

Gerekend in dollars steeg de export in januari met 11,1 procent op jaarbasis na een toename van bijna 11 procent in december. Er werd voor januari gerekend op een stijging van 10,2 procent.

De import trok ook in dollars fors aan, van een stijging van 4,5 procent in december tot een toename van bijna 37 procent in januari. Er was gerekend op een importstijging van zo'n 9 procent.

Het handelsoverschot van China kwam vorige maand uit op 135,8 miljard yuan of 20,3 miljard dollar, en kromp daarmee flink ten opzichte van het overschot van circa 362 miljard yuan in december. Er was voor januari gerekend op een handelsoverschot van ruim 56 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
EU-strafheffing voor dumpen Chinees staal

Gepubliceerd op 8 feb 2018 om 12:54 | Views: 1.112

BRUSSEL (AFN) - Voor Chinees roestvrij staal geldt de komende vijf jaar een importheffing van maximaal 27,9 procent. Dat heeft de Europese Commissie donderdag bepaald. Sinds augustus golden al tijdelijke importheffingen om dumpen van Chinees staal op de Europese markt tegen te gaan.

De markt voor roestvrij staal in de Europese Unie is 4,6 miljard dollar waard. Een vijfde daarvan wordt door Chinese bedrijven geleverd.

De Europese Commissie heeft de Chinese staal- en ijzerindustrie al langer op de korrel. Inmiddels is op 27 producten uit het Aziatische land een importheffing van kracht.
Pernod Ricard slijt meer drank in China

Gepubliceerd op 8 feb 2018 om 09:04 | Views: 365

Pernod Ricard 16:21
127,25 +2,60 (+2,09%)

PARIJS (AFN) - Drankenfabrikant Pernod Ricard maakt vorderingen bij het aan de dure drank krijgen van de groeiende Chinese middenklasse. Mede door een sterkere vraag uit China en India zette het bedrijf achter onder meer Jameson whiskey en Martell cognac afgelopen halfjaar sterke resultaten neer. Ook heeft Pernod Ricard zijn winstverwachting opgeschroefd.

De totale opbrengsten bedroegen ruim 5 miljard euro, wat op eigen kracht neerkomt op dik 5 procent groei vergeleken met een jaar terug. Op de Chinese markt stegen de verkopen met 8 procent. Vooral Martell cognac en Chivas whisky deden het daar goed. De Verenigde Staten vormen wel nog steeds de belangrijkste markt voor Pernod Ricard.

De winst uit voortgezette activiteiten liep verder met bijna 6 procent op tot 1,5 miljard euro. Het gaat om de eerste helft van het gebroken boekjaar van het bedrijf. Pernod Ricard mikt voor het hele boekjaar nu op een winstgroei tussen de 4 en 6 procent. Eerder ging de drankenfabrikant hier nog uit van 3 tot 5 procent groei.
China aims to meet 150 million tonne steel capacity cut target in 2018

Reuters reported that Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that China aims to meet its target for reducing 150 million tonnes of steel production capacity plan by 2020 two years earlier than planned. It said “Strictly preventing the addition of new capacity will be the key to successfully pushing the structural supply-side reform in the steel industry in 2018.”

MIIT said “However, China will face more pressure in tackling overcapacity as strong prices reduced steelmakers’ willingness to cut capacity.”

It said “China will begin carrying out checks in the first half of this year on closed induction furnaces to prevent them from resuming production.”

The ministry also urged local authorities to step up investigation and ban the addition of new capacity in any form.

Last month, China issued stricter rules for building new steel production capacity to replace obsolete facilities. The move underscored China’s determination to curb growth in its massive steel sector.

China shut down 115 million tonnes of steel capacity between 2016 and 2017, and closed 140 million tonnes of induction furnaces that use scrap metal to make steel.

Source : Reuters
Chinese energy companies to form coal and power trading JV

Economic Times reported that six Chinese state owned energy companies will form a joint venture to trade coal and electricity and invest in an electric transmission system to better connect Shanxi and Jiangsu provinces.

The announcement follows the Chinese government's plans to streamline its state-owned coal industry by consolidating coal miners and encouraging coal companies to undertake more tie-ups with electricity, shipping and iron and steel firms.

China Coal Pingshuo Coal Co Ltd, Datong Coal Mine Group, Datang International Power Generation Co Ltd , Jinneng Group Co, Jiangsu Guoxin Investment Group Ltd and Shanxi Shentou Power Corp will invest a total of 6 billion yuan (USD 956.16 million) to form the joint venture named Sujin Energy Holding, Jiangsu Guoxin said in a statement.

The joint venture will invest in the operation of the Shanxi-Jiangsu ultra-high voltage electricity transmission project and trade in electricity, coal and natural gas, according to the statement.

Shanxi is China's second-biggest coal mining province with output of 854 million tonnes in 2017, while the eastern province Jiangsu is the second-biggest electricity consuming region and imports nearly one-fifth of its power from other regions.

China has been promoting cross-region power transmission and power trade by improving transmission capacity from northwestern and southwestern China to crowded eastern regions, an effort to ease electricity pressure during peak periods and to alleviate wasted renewable energy output.

Mr Wang Yixin, a vice governor in Shanxi province, said according to the statement that "The joint venture will be a new starting point to encourage other provinces to extend equity cooperation into all sectors, such as coal, coke, steel and aluminium, in Shanxi.”

Heavy snowfall in China this winter has blocked shipments of coal on railroads and by truck. The country is also concerned with providing enough power for heating after a government effort to reduce coal-fired heating in order to reduce air pollution.

Source : Economic Times
Waar zijn die Chinezen nu mee bezig?

ChinaCoal to launch 15 coal mines to add 54.7 million tonne

Economic Times reported that state owned China National Coal Group Corp, or ChinaCoal, expects to launch 15 coal mines with total capacity of 54.7 million tonnes in 2018. Coal mines will be in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Shaanxi regions of northwestern China.

The company has ordered 23 of its coal mines to keep production open during the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday, adding an average of 50,000 tonnes of daily output compared to the holiday last year.

China Coal also said it will not hike physical coal prices before early March to ensure coal supplies.

Moves came after utilities warned of tight coal supplies amid soaring coal prices and heavy snow storm across the country

Last week, China's No.2 coal producing province Shanxi asked coal miners to shorten or cancel Lunar New Year holiday.

Source : Economic Times
Chinese inflatie daalt
Inflatie januari van 1,5 procent op jaarbasis.

(ABM FN)De Chinese consumentenprijzen zijn in januari op jaarbasis in een lager tempo gestegen dan in december. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De consumentenprijzen stegen de afgelopen maand met 1,5 procent op jaarbasis. In december bedroeg de inflatie nog 1,8 procent.

Op maandbasis stegen de consumentenprijzen in de eerste maand van 2018 met 0,6 procent, na een stijging van 0,3 procent in december.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Stijging Chinese producentenprijzen neemt af
Toename van 4,3 procent op jaarbasis in januari.

(ABM FN)De Chinese producentenprijzen zijn in januari opnieuw in een lager tempo gestegen dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

De producentenprijzen namen in januari met 4,3 procent toe. In november was de stijging nog 5,8 procent en in december 4,9 procent.

Op maandbasis was er in januari sprake van een stijging van het prijspeil met 0,3 procent, na een stijging van 0,8 procent in december.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
China komt eind maart met oliefuture

Gepubliceerd op 9 feb 2018 om 10:31 | Views: 688

Royal Dutch Shell A 14:35
25,67 -0,53 (-2,02%)

PEKING (AFN/RTR) - China komt eind maart met een eigen oliefuture. De Chinese beurswaakhond CSRC heeft dat vrijdag bekendgemaakt. De handel begint op 26 maart.

De meest handel in olie gebeurt aan de hand van de prijzen van twee andere oliefutures: de US West Texas Intermediate en de Brent. De Chinese oliefuture, waarvoor nog geen naam bekend is, wordt in yuan verhandeld en zou de Aziatische marktcondities beter moeten weergeven.

Er is al jaren sprake van dat er een Chinese oliefuture zou komen, maar dat werd telkens uitgesteld.
'Alibaba-dochter Ant wil miljarden ophalen'

Gepubliceerd op 9 feb 2018 om 07:33 | Views: 735

Alibaba Group Holding Limited 08 feb
173,70 0,00 (0,00%)

NEW YORK (AFN) - Ant Financial, de financiële dienstverlener van internetreus Alibaba, hoopt 5 miljard dollar op te halen via een nieuwe financieringsronde. Dat meldde persbureau Reuters op basis van bronnen. De nieuwe slag zou het bedrijf waarderen op 80 miljard tot 100 miljard dollar.

Ant Financial is onder meer eigenaar van de betaaldienst Alipay, de Chinese tegenhanger en veel grotere variant van PayPal. Het bedrijf is de laatste jaren uitgegroeid tot een van de grootste fintechbedrijven ter wereld.

Alibaba maakte onlangs bekend een belang van 33 procent te nemen in Ant Financial. Daarmee lijkt volgens kenners de weg geplaveid te worden voor een beursgang van het onderdeel. Beide bedrijven komen uit de koker van miljardair Jack Ma.
China's Dalian issues draft rules on foreign participation in iron ore trading

Reuters reported that China’s Dalian Commodity Exchange has issued a draft revision to its trading regulations to include foreign investors in domestic iron ore futures trading. The draft rules would allow foreign investors to trade through Chinese futures agencies or foreign agencies, while the entrusted foreign companies would need to trade iron ore futures through Chinese futures agencies.

The capital threshold for foreign investors and futures agencies would be set at 100,000 yuan (USD 16,000) or other currencies at equal value.

Foreign currencies will be accepted as trading margin, but only Chinese yuan will be accepted as currency of settlement.

The draft is open for public consultation until February 14.

Last week, the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission said it would allow foreign participation in iron ore futures trading on the Dalian Exchange, without providing a time frame.

Source : Reuters
China January iron ore imports rise to sixth highest on record

Reuters reported that China’s iron ore imports recovered in January to one of the highest levels on record, Thomson Reuters ship-tracking data showed, as steel producers replenished inventories ahead of a week-long holiday and the end of steel output curbs next month.

The Supply Chain data showed that Seaborne shipments of the steelmaking raw material rose to 93.7 million tonnes last month, according to data compiled by Thomson Reuters Supply Chain and Commodity Forecasts. Shipments in February have already surpassed 70 million tonnes.

The January figure is up from December’s 84.14 million tonnes reported by China’s General Administration of Customs, and is the sixth-highest on record, just below the 94.54 million tonnes that arrived in November.

The monthly data released by Customs reflects when the cargoes are cleared by officials and therefore the figures may differ from the ship-tracking numbers.

Mr Hu Hao, a business manager who works for Shanxi Jianbang Group said that “Some Chinese steel mills have already sold out orders for February, so they made bookings for iron ore to lock in profit, in case prices would go up after the holiday.”

An iron ore trader in Qingdao said that “There was some restocking by mills in the run-up to the Lunar New Year holiday and miners have also increased shipments to China, mainly bought by traders,” China’s second-biggest iron ore importing port in 2017.

The week-long Lunar New Year break starts on Feb. 15.

The sustained increase in imports so far this month also shows steel mills, particularly in the northern region, were preparing to ramp up output when production curbs are lifted next month.

China ordered 28 northern cities to cut steel output by up to half from mid-November as part of efforts to fight smog. The curbs will be lifted after March 15, when the winter heating season ends.

A Shanghai-based trader said that “Steel mills are still earning good profit so they will continue to produce as much as they can.”

Source : Reuters
China discount on portside iron ore narrows

Argus reported that portside discount to seaborne prices of imported iron ore in China has narrowed over the last couple of weeks as sales pick up in portside markets ahead of the lunar new year holiday. The discount of the Argus PCX 62pc portside price to the Argus ICX 62pc seaborne price on a dollar equivalent basis has not been wider than USD 1.30 per tonne since 22 January. The discount stayed in the USD 1.70-4.50 per tonne range for most days from 8 December to 21 January, except on 18 January when it hit 55¢ per tonne, indicating a pronounced preference for seaborne cargoes.

The PCX discount to ICX has mostly ranged from USD 0.10-1.30 per tonne since 22 January. But the PCX was at a premium to the ICX on three days 29 January, 1 February and 2 February for the first time since 7 December.

The dollar-equivalent of the yuan-denominated Argus PCX is calculated by assuming a 17pc value-added tax and 8pc moisture for mainstream fines cargoes.

Chinese mills and traders carried out unprecedented restocking in the seaborne market through December and most of January, swelling mills’ stocks to 30-60 days against average levels of 25-27 days.

China’s portside iron ore stocks rose to a record high of 152mn t on 31 January, up by 3.6pc on the month and 27pc from a year earlier.

Restocking has largely been driven by expectations of a sharp spike in iron ore demand after the lunar new year holidays, when construction activity across China resumes after the winter lull. And mills are expected to resume normal production across 28 cities on 15 March after winter output restrictions end, which is likely to boost iron ore use. Steel mills have made profits of Yn700-1,000 per tonne through the winter slack season, which is historically quite high but down on levels of Yn2,000 per tonne in early December. Analysts expect the steel sector to remain profitable, at least in the short term, which should support iron ore prices in seaborne and portside markets.

But mill buying has shifted to the portside market as the lunar new year approaches. Mills that are still buying iron ore need the supplies to run operations during the 15-21 February holidays, when iron ore trading in China nearly comes to a halt. Truckers are likely to start leaving for their hometowns early next week, leaving scant transport available for hauling even portside ore to mills. It also becomes a challenge for importers to complete letters of credit and other formalities for seaborne ore before the holiday begins.

The portside differential to seaborne prices is also being narrowed by a strengthening of the yuan against the dollar by 0.84pc since 22 January. A stronger yuan partially insulates portside sellers against increases in dollar-denominated import prices.

Source : Argus
Chinese coking coal and coke futures rose as Lunar New Year holiday approaching

Reuters reported that Chinese coking coal and coke futures rose for the fifth straight session as traders said steel mills were stocking up on raw materials ahead of a hoped-for resumption of full production after the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday. Coke continued to outperform, hitting its strongest level in more than seven weeks. The most-traded coke contract for May delivery on the Dalian Commodity Exchange rose as far as 2,167.50 yuan (USD 346) a tonne, the most since December 18, before closing 1.8 % higher at 2,155.50 yuan. Coking coal rose 0.5 % to 1,368 yuan per tonne.

SDIC Essence Futures said in a research note that “Coking coal and coke are (being) boosted by restocking amid expectation that steel mills would resume production after the holiday.”

Steel mills had slowed production ahead of the week-long holiday, set to start Feb. 15, as demand remained subdued with the construction industry hampered by icy weather.

Source : Reuters
China demands compensation for US solar tariffs - WTO filings

Reuters reported that China has sent the United States a demand for talks on compensation for steep US tariffs imposed on imported solar panels and washing machines.

China said it was asserting its right as a major exporter to demand compensation, and said it believed the US measures broke numerous WTO rules. China's move follows similar steps by Taiwan and South Korea.

Source : Reuters
China to build intelligent highway in Zhejiang province by 2022

According to China Daily, China has plans to build an intelligent super highway in Zhejiang Province to ease traffic congestion by 2022. The 6-lane new intelligent expressway system will incorporate a monitoring system and a warning system to maintain the safety of vehicles while increasing the average traffic speed. According to a report by China Daily, China has plans to build a super highway in Zhejiang Province to ease traffic congestion by 2022.

Traveling in a self-driving vehicle at 150 kilometers per hour along an intelligent highway which offers automatic charging and toll-paying functionality on the go will no longer be a sci-fi concept in China in a few years.

The super highway, enabling increased safety and higher average traffic speeds, is expected to break ground by 2022 in Zhejiang province, according to the provincial transport authority quoted by the China Daily.

Equipped with intelligent transportation systems to support autonomous vehicles, the 161km-long super highway will connect the three relative prosperous cities of Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo.

According to a report by Xinhua, the 6-lane new intelligent expressway system will incorporate a monitoring system as well as a warning system to maintain the safety of vehicles while increasing the average traffic speed.

The intelligent highway system will allow vehicles to freely flow past toll booths, which means drivers do not need to stop and charges will be automatically billed, according to Ren Zhong, Deputy Director of Transport for Zhejiang Province.

Designed to ease traffic congestion on the highway linking Hangzhou and Ningbo, it aims to reduce travel time by a third to just 60 minutes.

Mr Ren Zhong continued to share that "the ultimate goal is to realise a top speed limit of 150 km/hr, or even eliminate speed limits, like on German highways.”

However, Jia Xinguang, Executive Director of the China Automobile Dealers Association, commented that to realize the goal of a 150 km/hr top speed limit is a big challenge.

Now, expressways in China have speed limits of between 100 and 120 km/hr. However, the average traffic speed is estimated to be at 90 km/hr due to the mixture of various vehicle types, toll booth delays, traffic accidents and other issues.

Source : Open Gov Asia
Tangshan to extend winter output curbs - Report

Reuters reported that China’s top steelmaking city of Tangshan would extend restrictions on production beyond the end of the winter heating season on March 15. A document on the Tangshan government’s website said the city would draw up a plan to continue some curbs, including on eight central steel mills, by the end of this month. Reuters reported on February 1 that Tangshan was considering prolonging the curbs beyond mid-March, but the Hebei government denied there was such a plan for the province.

Among the extended measures announced, eight steel mills located near the city center, including the main site of Tangsteel, a unit of HBIS Group, will face unspecified “normalized” production limits after March 15, the Tangshan document said.

Other steel mills will berequired to stagger their production when instructed to by the city government, which did not say when the extended curbs would end.

Tangshan was ranked by the Ministry of Environmental Protection as one of China’s 10 worst performing cities in terms of pollution last year. The city has set its PM2.5 (particulate matter with a width of 2.5 microns) target for 2018 at 59 micrograms per cubic meter according to the document, which did not give a figure for the average 2017 level. Hebei as a whole saw PM2.5 concentrations hit 65 micrograms per cubic meter last year.

Meanwhile, Tangshan said it would eliminate 1.2 million tonnes per year of steel capacity and 1.81 million tonnes of coal capacity by the end of this year, as well as speed up the relocation of heavy industry to coastal regions.

Steel plants in heavily polluted Tangshan, in the northern Hebei province, have been forced to cut production by as much as 50 percent during China’s 2017/18 winter months as part of a targeted environmental protection campaign.

Source : Reuters
China's steel industry improves as capacity reduction

Xinhua reported that China's steel industry posted higher prices and better profits last year as a result of progress made in reducing excessive capacity. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the steel price index came in at 121.8 at the end of December, up 22.4% from the beginning of 2017. It attributed the increase to cutting overcapacity, a ban on low-quality steel, production restrictions during winter, and recovering market demand.

China slashed its crude steel production capacity by more than 50 million tonnes in 2017, exceeding its annual target, as part of efforts to improve the competitiveness of the bloated sector. The country also phased out the production of 140 million tonnes of low-quality steel made from scrap metal last year.

The industry's profitability improved, with major steel producers' profits surging 613.6 percent, the MIIT cited data from the China Iron and Steel Association as saying.

Despite the improvement, the MIIT warned of more difficulties in further capacity reduction as the increased profits may lure some producers to launch new projects.

China plans to eliminate 100 million to 150 million tonnes of crude steel capacity in the five years from 2016.

Source : Xinhua
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