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GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), de grootste Britse geneesmiddelenproducent, schrapt wereldwijd vierduizend jobs. Dat schrijft de krant Sunday Times. Het is nog niet geweten of er ook ontslagen vallen in België. GSK stelt zevenduizend mensen tewerk in Genval, Rixensart, Waver en Gembloux.
(belga) - De meeste ontslagen zullen volgens Sunday Times in Europa en de Verenigde Staten vallen. GSK wil zich meer gaan toeleggen op de opkomende economieën.

'Wij zijn op de hoogte gesteld van de plannen, maar hebben nog geen duidelijkheid over de gevolgen voor ons land', zegt Julien Brabants van de Belgische afdeling.

Vorige week kondigde de Britse sectorgenoot Astra Zeneca al aan achtduizend banen te zullen schrappen. De bedrijven hebben het moeilijk omdat de patenten op enkele verkoopstoppers vervallen zijn of binnenkort vervallen. De generische geneesmiddelen nopen hen tot ingrijpende kostenbesparingen.

GSK heeft iets betere vooruitzichten omdat er enkele potentiële verkoopstoppers in de pijplijn zitten. Het bedrijf werkt onder meer aan een vaccin tegen meningitis en een middel tegen lupus.
GSK stelt 99.000 mensen tewerk, waarvan 7.000 in België.

GSK spint garen bij verkoop griepvaccins
Van onze verslaggeefster op 04 februari '10, 22:27, bijgewerkt 4 februari 2010 22:31
AMSTERDAM - GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) heeft flinke winst geboekt door de Mexicaanse griep. Dat bleek donderdag bij de presentatie van de kwartaalcijfers van het Britse farmacieconcern.
In vergelijking met een jaar eerder is de nettowinst van Europa’s grootste farmaceut in het vierde kwartaal van 2009 met tweederde gestegen tot 1,63 miljard pond (1,87 miljard euro). Een groot deel is toe te schrijven aan de verkopen van vaccins tegen de Mexicaanse griep.

De omzet van het concern steeg met 17 procent tot 8,09 miljard pond. De verkoop van vaccins leverde GSK in de afgelopen drie maanden 835 miljoen pond op. Inmiddels worden de bestellingen teruggeschroefd.

Ondanks de winststijging snijdt GSK wel in de kosten. Vanaf 2012 wil het bedrijf jaarlijks 500 miljoen pond extra besparen. Het bedrijf gaf geen details over eventuele ontslagen. Afgelopen zondag berichtten Britse media nog dat GSK vierduizend banen wil schrappen.

Ook andere farmaceuten snijden in de kosten. Het Amerikaanse Pfizer liet woensdag weten minder uit te geven aan onderzoek. En AstraZeneca schrapt 12 procent van het personeelsbestand. Een van de redenen is het aflopen van patenten.

Ook het Amerikaanse Clorox liet donderdag weten geprofiteerd te hebben van de griepepidemie. De producent van huishoudelijke producten – waaronder desinfecterende zeep – zag zijn winst het afgelopen kwartaal met 28 procent stijgen. De netto-omzet steeg in een jaar van 86 miljoen dollar tot 110 miljoen dollar.
Janssen wordt verzamelnaam farmatak Johnson & Johnson

DINSDAG 9 FEBRUARI 2010, 10:35 | 0 keer gelezen
Het Amerikaanse concern Johnson & Johnson gaat al zijn farmaceutische bedrijven samen brengen onder de naam Janssen. Dat vormt een onderdeel van de geplande wereldwijde herstructurering van de groep. Het gaat onder meer om de firma’s Janssen Pharmaceutica, Janssen-Cilag, Centocor, Tibotec en Ortho Biotech. Er wordt echter niet geraakt aan de juridische onafhankelijkheid van de betrokken bedrijven. Elke eenheid blijft individueel bestaan, maar de bedrijven zullen geleidelijk van naam veranderen. Het gaat wereldwijd om tientallen ondernemingen. Paul Janssen stichtte in 1953 zijn eigen bedrijf, dat acht jaar later werd overgenomen door de Amerikaanse groep Johnson & Johnson. Het Amerikaanse concern produceert echter niet alleen farmaceutische producten, maar brengt ook hygiënische producten en medische toestellen op de markt.(MH)

[Gebaseerd op: De Standaard]
MERIAL Receives Full License Approval for ONCEPT(TM) Canine Melanoma Vaccine
Last update: 2/16/2010 8:07:00 AM

ONCEPT is the First and Only USDA-Approved, Therapeutic Vaccine for the Treatment of Cancer

DULUTH, Ga., Feb 16, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/

-- Merial, a world-leading animal health company, has gained full-licensure from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for ONCEPT(TM) Canine Melanoma Vaccine, DNA. ONCEPT is a breakthrough vaccine indicated for aiding in extending survival of dogs with stage II or stage III oral canine melanoma, a common yet deadly form of cancer in dogs. ONCEPT is the first and only USDA-approved, therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of cancer - in either animals or humans. Traditionally, dogs with stage II or stage III malignant melanoma survive less than five to six months when treated with surgery alone.(1) Clinical studies of ONCEPT demonstrated significantly longer life spans even in dogs with stage II or stage III of oral melanoma. In fact, median survival time of dogs treated with ONCEPT could not be determined because more than 50 percent of the treated dogs were still living melanoma-free at the conclusion of the study or died of unrelated illness.(2) Canine oral melanoma is a common type of cancer in dogs and is the most common malignant tumor of the dog's mouth. It can also be seen in the nail and footpad.(3) Canine melanoma may be seen in any breed and is a highly aggressive cancer that frequently spreads throughout the body, including the lymph nodes, liver, lungs and kidneys.(4) To date, the most common treatments for this form of cancer have been radiation and surgery to establish local tumor control. Canine oral melanoma, however, has a high propensity to metastasize to other parts of the body and is often resistant to chemotherapy.(2,3) "Canine melanoma spreads readily, and, unfortunately, existing treatments have not succeeded in controlling the disease," said Dr. Bob Menardi, a veterinarian and spokesperson for Merial. "ONCEPT is a new adjunct treatment option for dogs that have been diagnosed with this often fatal disease." The vaccine was developed through a partnership between Merial and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. While Memorial Sloan-Kettering was testing a human melanoma vaccine, they received an inquiry from Dr. Philip Bergman - who at the time was with Animal Medical Center, and currently with Brightheart Veterinary Center - seeking novel treatments for canine melanoma. The discussions resulted in clinical trials of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering melanoma vaccine, and subsequent parallel trials by Dr. Bergman and Memorial Sloan-Kettering refined the dosage and protocol to the current therapeutic regimen for dogs. Dr. Bergman completed the initial clinical work on ONCEPT at Animal Medical Center in New York. "We're very excited about continuing research into this vaccine to explore the potential implications it has for humans. We hope this will result in improved cancer treatment for all," explained Jedd D. Wolchok, MD, PhD, a medical oncologist who specializes in immunotherapy on the Melanoma and Sarcoma Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and also Associate Director of the Ludwig Center for Cancer Immunotherapy. The USDA issued a conditional U.S. Veterinary Biological Product License for ONCEPT in 2007. During the period of conditional licensure, ONCEPT was available to veterinary oncologists as Merial conducted additional research to further support the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. The results of that research led to the full licensure of ONCEPT. Merial obtained licensing rights from Memorial Sloan-Kettering and Dr. Philip Bergman, and, using their access to and experience with DNA vaccine technology licensed from Vical Incorporated (VICL), completed the industrialization and regulatory requirements for full licensure. The vaccine will be administered via a Canine Transdermal Device, which delivers the vaccine without the use of a needle.(5) The device was developed in conjunction with Bioject, Inc., a Portland-based drug delivery company (BJCT). "The Canine Transdermal Device makes administration of the vaccine easy and quick for oncologists and their patients, leaving one less worry for dog owners dealing with their pet's cancer treatment" said Dr. Richard Stout, executive vice president and chief medical officer of Bioject. "We are proud to work with Merial in bringing this breakthrough product to market." "The approval of ONCEPT is a milestone in the cancer vaccine field and a significant advancement for our DNA delivery technology platform," said Vijay B. Samant, Vical's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Therapeutic vaccines -- the holy grail of vaccinology -- are delivered after disease onset to impede disease progress for the patient's benefit. We believe this achievement is a major step toward the initial approvals of therapeutic vaccines for humans." ONCEPT is available for use by specialists practicing veterinary oncology, so pet owners will want to ask their veterinarians about how best to access this treatment option. Merial is a world-leading, innovation-driven animal health company, providing a comprehensive range of products to enhance the health, well-being and performance of a wide range of animals. Merial employs approximately 5,700 people and operates in more than 150 countries worldwide. Its 2009 sales were $2.6 billion. Merial is the Animal Health subsidiary of sanofi-aventis. For more information, please see . Bioject Medical Technologies Inc., based in Portland, Oregon, is an innovative developer and manufacturer of needle-free injection therapy systems (NFITS). NFITS provide an empowering technology and work by forcing medication at high speed through a tiny orifice held against the skin. This creates a fine stream of high-pressure fluid penetrating the skin and depositing medication in the tissue beneath. The Company is focused on developing mutually beneficial agreements with leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and veterinary companies. For more information about Bioject, visit . Vical researches and develops biopharmaceutical products based on its patented DNA delivery technologies for the prevention and treatment of serious or life-threatening diseases. Potential applications of the company's DNA delivery technology include DNA vaccines for infectious diseases or cancer, in which the expressed protein is an immunogen; cancer immunotherapeutics, in which the expressed protein is an immune system stimulant; and cardiovascular therapies, in which the expressed protein is an angiogenic growth factor. Additional information on Vical is available at . (1) Bergman PJ, Wolchok JD. Of Mice and Men (and Dogs): development of a xenogeneic DNA vaccine program for canine malignant melanoma. Cancer Therapy 2008;6:817-826. (2) Data on file at Merial. Study 05-171. 2009. (3) Bergman PJ, et al. Development of a xenogeneic DNA vaccine program for canine malignant melanoma at the Animal Medical Center. Vaccine 2006;24:4582-4585. (4) Liao JCF, et al. Vaccination with human tyrosinase DNA induces antibody responses in dogs with advanced melanoma. Cancer Immunity 2006;6:8-17. (5) ONCEPT product label. ONCEPT(TM) is a trademark of Merial.

SOURCE Merial Copyright (C) 2010 PR Newswire. All rights reserved

Novartis CEO: Company To Look Out For Smaller, Bolt-On Buys
Last update: 2/26/2010 5:47:46 AM

BASEL (Dow Jones)--Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis AG (NVS) will likely pursue smaller, bolt-on acquisitions rather than seek another transformational deal, such as the acquisition of U.S.-based Alcon Inc. (ACL), Chief Executive Joe Jimenez said Friday.

"We see significant growth over the next ten years", Jimenez said during the company's annual general meeting in Basel. "Alcon gives us the growth platform," Jimenez said, as the takeover "is consistent with demographic trends". Because people are getting older around the world "the need for eye care treatment will rise," Jimenez said. Given the growth prospects for Alcon and the need to integrate the company into Novartis over the next few years, Jimenez said

Novartis is likely to pursue smaller, bolt-on acquisitions in areas such as vaccines rather than seek a bigger deal. Meanwhile, Chairman Daniel Vasella reiterated the company's operational targets as the company seeks to increase sales and operating profit.

Web Site:

-By Goran Mijuk, Dow Jones Newswires, +41 79 236 80 68; (END)

Dow Jones NewswiresFebruary 26, 2010 05:47 ET (10:47 GMT)

Novartis Shareholders Back "Say On Pay" Article
Last update: 2/26/2010 7:24:15 AM

BASEL, Switzerland (Dow Jones)--The majority of Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG's (NVS) shareholders Friday backed the introduction of a "say on pay" article in the company's statutes. The article will allow shareholders to vote on executive and board member remuneration issues but not individual salaries.

Despite criticism that shareholders won't be able to vote on individual remuneration packages every year, more than 95% of the company's shareholders present at the annual general meeting in Basel backed the new article.

Novartis said it will now hold "a consultative vote on the compensation system. The vote will take place before every significant change of the compensation system, but at least every third annual general meeting," Vasella said, citing the new article.

Vasella, who is one of the highest-paid managers in Switzerland and last year was compensated with around 20 million Swiss francs ($18.6 million) in stocks and options, has been repeatedly criticized for his high remuneration packages. He said Novartis had decided to introduce the new article after talks with shareholders.

Web Site:

-By Goran Mijuk, Dow Jones Newswires; +41 79 236 80 68; (END)

Dow Jones NewswiresFebruary 26, 2010 07:24 ET (12:24 GMT)
New Novartis chief scouting for 'bolt-on' buyouts
February 26, 2010 — 10:46am ET | By John Carroll

Newly-appointed Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez got his first chance to take the lead role at the annual shareholders' meeting today, and started to give the industry a better feel for just the kind of new acquisitions that will mark his tenure at the helm of the pharma giant.

First, he told shareholders, don't look for any more big acquisitions like the $39.3 billion buyout of Alcon. "We may go for smaller, bolt-on acquisitions to help build scale in vaccines, generics and consumer health, but we will not go for one of the same size and scale as Alcon for the foreseeable future," Jimenez added.

Ex-CEO Daniel Vasella has been winning kudos for leaving Novartis better positioned than most of its competitors to avoid getting walloped by the approaching loss of blockbuster patents. "Novartis has better prospects than many of its European competitors, except Roche, to overcome the challenges posed by the patent cliff in the period between 2010 and 2012 with growth from new products and diversified earning streams," Sarasin analyst David Kaegi told Reuters.

Read more:
OSI Pharmaceuticals Confirms Receipt of Unsolicited Proposal From Astellas Pharma
Last update: 3/1/2010 10:53:01 AM-

Advises Stockholders to Take No Action at this Time

- MELVILLE, N.Y., Mar 01, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OSIP) today confirmed that it has received an unsolicited proposal from Astellas Pharma Inc. ("Astellas") to acquire the Company for $52.00 per share.

OSI's Board of Directors will review the proposal with its financial and legal advisors. OSI's stockholders are advised to take no action at this time.

The Company noted that in February 2010, OSI received an oral proposal from Astellas with a value of $52 per share and OSI's Board of Directors, after consultation with its financial and legal advisors, determined that it was not interested in undertaking a sale of OSI at that price, since it believes Astellas' proposal very significantly undervalues the Company.

In responding to the February proposal, the Company offered to provide Astellas with non-public information which is fundamental to its valuation of OSI. The response to that letter was Astellas' unsolicited proposal.

The February 22nd letter from Colin Goddard, Chief Executive Officer of OSI, to Astellas responding to Astellas' oral proposal is set forth below: Dear Nogimori-san: I enjoyed meeting you on Friday, February 12th and appreciated our frank and open discussions along with the opportunity to share with you our strategic thinking and the broad range of initiatives we have ongoing to enhance the value of our company for our shareholders. Following our meeting, I briefed my Board of Directors on our discussions, including the $52 per share price at which you said Astellas would be interested in acquiring our Company. As I had suggested at our meeting, our Board is not interested in undertaking a sale of OSI at that price, which we believe very significantly undervalues our Company.

However, I can confirm that we are prepared to provide you with certain non-public information regarding the Company, which is fundamental to our view of the value of OSI Pharmaceuticals. Inasmuch as this information is confidential, our willingness to make it available to your team is subject to your execution of a Nondisclosure Agreement and we have taken the liberty of attaching the form hereto.

We have handled our discussions in an appropriately confidential manner and trust you will do the same. Very truly yours,
Colin GoddardChief Executive OfficerAbout OSI Pharmaceuticals OSI Pharmaceuticals is committed to "shaping medicine and changing lives" by discovering, developing and commercializing high-quality, novel and differentiated targeted medicines designed to extend life and improve the quality of life for patients with cancer and diabetes/obesity.

For additional information about OSI, please visit . This news release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual future experience and results to differ materially from the statements made. Factors that might cause such a difference include, among others, OSI's and its collaborators' abilities to effectively market and sell Tarceva and to expand the approved indications for Tarceva, OSI's ability to protect its intellectual property rights, safety concerns regarding Tarceva, competition to Tarceva and OSI's drug candidates from other biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, the completion of clinical trials, the effects of FDA and other governmental regulation, including pricing controls, OSI's ability to successfully develop and commercialize drug candidates, and other factors described in OSI Pharmaceuticals' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. SOURCE: OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Kathy Galante (investors/media), 631-962-2043 Senior Director or Kim Wittig (media), 631-962-2000 Director or Burns McClellan, Inc. (representing OSI) Justin Jackson/Kathy Nugent (media) 212-213-0006Copyright Business Wire 2010
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc., Unveils CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology at 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology
Last update: 3/5/2010 7:18:00 AM

--CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology is a trademarked, proprietary technology designed to mimic the body's own bioelectricity --Captured in a topical treatment, it helps optimize cell-to-cell communication at the surface level of the skin, and helps to rebuild and restore a youthful appearance

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., March 5, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Building on decades of research into how the body's electrical field affects skin regeneration, scientists at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc., have discovered how to harness the power of bioelectricity to help improve skin rejuvenation. The new innovation, called CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology, is a proprietary, patented technology that combines essential minerals to deliver biological levels of electric signals similar to the skin's natural bioelectricity.

CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology will be introduced to the dermatologic community and featured in nine scientific posters at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), March 5-9, 2010, at the Miami Beach Convention Center. "CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology mimics the body's natural bioelectricity to help rejuvenate, repair and renew skin," says Dr. Ying Sun, a Distinguished Research Fellow and Science Leader for an internal growth platform venture at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. "We combine essential minerals in a first-of-its-kind delivery system to deliver biological levels of electric signals similar to the skin's natural bioelectricity."

The clinical studies that demonstrate improvement of the skin's appearance starting within minutes of application with continued improvements over time have been accepted and will be on display at what is considered the largest and most prestigious gathering of dermatologists. With more than 19,000 physicians from around the world attending the Annual Meeting in 2009, this yearly gathering's stated objective is to link research and clinical findings to practice, with the ultimate goal to advance dermatology care.

The scientific posters that feature CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology include:

Biomimetic Electricity Generated by an Elemental Bi-mineral Complex Produces Anti-Inflammatory Activity

Biomimetic Electricity Generated by an Elemental Bi-mineral Complex Increases Extracellular Matrix Production in Human Skin Explants

Biomimetic Electricity Generated by an Elemental Bi-mineral Complex Inhibits Melanogenesis via Suppressing Tyrosinase Expression Safety and Tolerability of a Topical Bi-mineral Complex that Generates Biomimetic Signals

Biomimetic Signaling Technology Generated by a Bi-mineral Complex Demonstrates Efficacy in Reducing Clinical Photo-aging in a 12-Week Placebo-Controlled Study Biomimetic Signaling Technology Generated by a Bi-mineral Complex Reduces Signs of Photo-aging in the Eye Area A Cosmetic Product Containing Biomimetic Signaling Technology to Improve the Aging Signs in the Eye Area Clinical Improvements in Facial Photo-Aging with Topical Application of a Biomimetic Mineral Complex and Naturals Extract Formulation Facial Moisturizer Featuring

Biomimetic Signaling Technology from a Bi-mineral Complex Reduces Skin Laxity The abstracts will be displayed as electronic posters in Poster Exhibit Hall D. One of the abstracts has the added distinction of also being selected for a Poster Discussion.

"Biomimetric Signaling Technology Generated by a Bi-mineral Complex Demonstrates Efficacy in Reducing Clinical Photo-aging in a 12-Week Placebo-Controlled Study,"

Poster P304, will be presented on Sunday, March 7th from 7:25 -7:35 a.m. in Room D229/230. This patented technology was discovered in 2004 by Dr. Sun and his colleagues Dr. Jue-Chen Liu and Jeannette Chantalat. Today, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies holds 10 U.S. patents active until 2023 and has multiple U.S. and international applications pending.

CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology: How It Works Bioelectricity is the body's native electrical signaling process that helps direct physiological activities at the cellular level, such as the skin's own rejuvenation process.

When applied topically, CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology can help to rejuvenate and maintain healthy-looking skin. As we age, bioelectrical signals naturally diminish which can result in decreased cell-to-cell communication, production of essential proteins such as collagen and elastin, and in healing abilities. This can result in fine lines and wrinkles, loss of firmness and sagging skin.

The science of CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology is based on creating and delivering biological levels of electricity directly to the skin, naturally stimulating the intrinsic rejuvenation process. This innovation is based on the design of a proprietary technology - energized micro-particles of zinc and copper - captured in a unique delivery system that helps stimulate the body's own rejuvenation processes.

When activated by moisture, these energized micro-particles act as "miniaturized batteries" that help jumpstart healthy skin function. These micro-particles stay on the skin's surface and mimic the body's native electrical signals, to rebuild and restore youthful-looking skin.

Benefits of CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology represents a major advancement in skincare, because it's the first technology designed to deliver electricity at a scale that safely simulates the body's own bioelectricity levels in the form of a topical treatment, resulting in: Improved cell activity, evidenced in vitro by enhanced expression of collagen and elastin Accelerated improvement in reducing the signs of aging, even in the delicate skin around the eyes Improved skin texture, firmness and radiance Demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity to address a potential cause of aging Clinical Data on CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc., has evaluated CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology on more than 1,000 individuals/subjects in clinical and safety studies over 2.5 years, and has demonstrated improvement of the skin's appearance within minutes of application and continued improvements over time.(1)

CYTOMIMIC(TM) Technology is clinically proven to significantly reduce the hallmark signs of aging, in some cases in as little time as 30-minutes, by: Diminishing the appearance of bags under the eyes and periorbital fine lines and wrinkles Reducing the look of dark circles Reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles Lifting appearance of the eyes Reducing the appearance of crow's feet wrinkles Improving radiance and brightness Lifting, firming, and enhancing jawline contours Improving skin softness and smoothness "Because the technology is developed based on an understanding of how skin heals and uses bioelectricity, it is potentially transferable to all the other different tissues in our body," says Jeannette Chantalat, Manager of Research & Development at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc.

"Bioelectricity is critical to communication; it's the universal language of the body." (1) Internal Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc., document, Innovation Summit. June 23, 2009 SOURCE Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Copyright (C) 2010 PR Newswire. All rights reserved

TE KOOP (voor de 3e maal in korte tijd)

De Amerikaanse farmareus Abbott verkoopt niet één productlijn van Innogenetics, zoals de Europese Commissie vraagt, maar zet het Gentse biotechnologiebedrijf helemaal in de etalage. Innogenetics verandert daardoor voor de tweede keer in korte tijd van eigenaar.

(tijd) - Amper 16 maanden geleden kwam het onafhankelijke, beursgenoteerde Innogenetics in handen van Solvay, dat ruim 200 miljoen euro betaalde. Maar Solvay verkocht zijn farmadivisie op zijn beurt in september vorig jaar aan de Amerikaanse farmareus Abbott. Ook Innogenetics ging mee in die verkoop. De overname deed de werknemers beven, want het Gentse bedrijf had jarenlang een juridische strijd gevoerd tegen Abbott. Wellicht is Innogenetics daardoor uit de gratie gevallen bij de Amerikanen.

Europa heeft beslist dat Abbott een productlijn van Innogenetics moet afstoten, omdat het hier anders zo goed als een monopolie in heeft. Het gaat om tests voor het opsporen en opvolgen van taaislijmvliesziekte, iets heel specifieks. 'Maar omdat een stukje van de fabriek wegknippen minder eenvoudig is dan de hele fabriek te verkopen, probeert Abbott Innogenetics helemaal aan te bieden', bevestigt Filip Goossens, head corporate communications van Solvay Pharma, in naam van Abbott.

Er werken zo'n 340 mensen bij Innogenetics, van wie 270 in Gent. In 2007, het laatste jaar waarin het bedrijf zijn cijfers publiceerde, was er een omzet van 47 miljoen euro. Innogenetics boekte toen nog verlies, maar is intussen uit de rode cijfers geklommen.

Analisten gaan ervan uit dat Abbott minder zal opstrijken dan de 200 miljoen euro die Solvay ervoor betaalde. Rudi Mariën, de stichter van Innogenetics, heeft het zelfs heel precies over 150 miljoen euro.

Mogelijke kopers zijn Gen-Probe, dat ook al in 2008 een bod uitbracht, of de concurrenten Roche Diagnostics en Biomérieux. Abbott heeft een zakenbank aangesteld om die bedrijven aan te spreken.

Andere ingrepen
De vraag is of Abbott nog andere onderdelen van Solvay Pharma van de hand doet, zoals het Franse farmabedrijf Fournier. Goossens ontkent. 'De insteek is dat we een productlijn moeten verkopen van Europa. En als we de kans hebben, dan verkopen we de hele entiteit. Andere ingrepen zijn niet aan de orde. De overname van Solvay Pharma vond pas op 16 februari plaats en staat dus nog in zijn kinderschoenen.'
'Farmaceuten maken ongeoorloofde reclame'
8 maart 2010, 12:18 | ANP
UTRECHT (ANP) - Farmaceutische bedrijven maken in persberichten vaak ongeoorloofde reclame voor geneesmiddelen. De Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg (IGZ) zou daar strikter toezicht op moeten houden. Dat stelt Gezonde Scepsis, onderdeel van het Instituut voor Verantwoord Medicijngebruik (IVM) in een maandag verschenen onderzoeksrapport.

Gezonde Scepsis analyseerde in opdracht van de IGZ en het ministerie van Volkgezondheid 33 persberichten over gezondheid of geneesmiddelen die de afgelopen drie jaar in opdracht van tien farmaceutische bedrijven zijn verspreid. Daarvan gingen er 28 over een medicijn. In negentien gevallen bevatte het persbericht niet uitsluitend feitelijke informatie, maar werd het middel ook aangeprezen met bijvoeglijke naamwoorden als ,,nieuw'', ,,effectief'' en ,,spectaculair''.

Dat kan volgens de onderzoekers worden aangemerkt als publieksreclame, wat volgens de Geneesmiddelenwet verboden is. Dat geldt zeker wanneer in een persbericht ook onderzoeksresultaten zijn verwerkt van gerenommeerde bureaus als TNS Nipo, of citaten van gezaghebbende personen zoals artsen. Media nemen dergelijke berichten in veel gevallen letterlijk over, aldus Gezonde Scepsis.
Pfizer verhoogt bod op Ratiopharm

Verzend De Amerikaanse farmareus Pfizer verhoogt zijn bod op de Duitse maker van generische geneesmiddelen Ratiopharm. Pfizer biedt volgens insiders 4 miljard dollar (2,94 miljard euro) voor het bedrijf van de familie Merckle. Dat is 300 miljoen meer dan het bedrag waarvan eerder sprake was.
Jeffrey Kindler, de gedelegeerd bestuurder van Pfizer, is momenteel in Ulm, het hoofdkwartier van Ratiopharm, om over de overname te onderhandelen, melden ingewijden. Kindler heeft al met een vijftigtal managers van Ratiopharm gesprekken gevoerd.

Maar er zijn nog andere gegadigden op de kust. Ook het Israëlische Teva Pharmaceutical en het IJslandse Actavis Group zouden op Ratiopharm azen. Een delegatie van Actavis reist maandag naar Ulm af om een concreet overnamevoorstel op tafel te leggen.

Ratiopharm is een van de grootste Europese makers van generische geneesmiddelen. In Duitsland heeft het een marktaandeel van 20 procent. Het bedrijf is eigendom van de familie Merckle. De familie moet de onderneming noodgedwongen van de hand doen om hun schuldenberg terug te dringen. Die schulden werden opgebouwd door stichter Adolf Merckle. De pater familias pleegde vorig jaar zelfmoord na het verlies van tientallen miljoenen euro's door erg speculatieve kortetermijnposities op de beurs van Frankfurt
de tuinman

pardon schreef:

Pfizer verhoogt bod op Ratiopharm

Verzend De Amerikaanse farmareus Pfizer verhoogt zijn bod op de Duitse maker van generische geneesmiddelen Ratiopharm. Pfizer biedt volgens insiders 4 miljard dollar (2,94 miljard euro) voor het bedrijf van de familie Merckle. Dat is 300 miljoen meer dan het bedrag waarvan eerder sprake was.
Jeffrey Kindler, de gedelegeerd bestuurder van Pfizer, is momenteel in Ulm, het hoofdkwartier van Ratiopharm, om over de overname te onderhandelen, melden ingewijden. Kindler heeft al met een vijftigtal managers van Ratiopharm gesprekken gevoerd.

Maar er zijn nog andere gegadigden op de kust. Ook het Israëlische Teva Pharmaceutical en het IJslandse Actavis Group zouden op Ratiopharm azen. Een delegatie van Actavis reist maandag naar Ulm af om een concreet overnamevoorstel op tafel te leggen.

Ratiopharm is een van de grootste Europese makers van generische geneesmiddelen. In Duitsland heeft het een marktaandeel van 20 procent. Het bedrijf is eigendom van de familie Merckle. De familie moet de onderneming noodgedwongen van de hand doen om hun schuldenberg terug te dringen. Die schulden werden opgebouwd door stichter Adolf Merckle. De pater familias pleegde vorig jaar zelfmoord na het verlies van tientallen miljoenen euro's door erg speculatieve kortetermijnposities op de beurs van Frankfurt

Wat een drama.

Maar is dit bod ook de oorzaak voor de stijging van Crucell?
Sanofi-aventis and Merck to Create a Global Leader in Animal Health
Last update: 3/9/2010 2:00:00 AM-

- Sanofi-aventis exercises its option to combine Merial with Intervet/Schering-Plough in a new equally-owned Joint Venture with Merck

-- PARIS & WHITEHOUSE STATION, N.J., Mar 09, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK):

CONFERENCE CALL & WEBCAST Sanofi-aventis and Merck will host a conference call today, Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. (Paris Time - CET) - 8:00 a.m. (NY Time - EST) See details for the conference call at the end of the release.

Sanofi-aventis (FR:SAN) (SNY) and Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK) announced today that sanofi-aventis has exercised its option to combine Merial with Intervet/Schering-Plough, Merck's Animal Health business, to create a global leader in Animal Health.

The new joint venture will be equally-owned by Merck and sanofi-aventis. The formation of this new animal health joint venture is subject to execution of final agreements, antitrust review in the United States, Europe and other countries and other customary closing conditions. The completion of the transaction is expected to occur in approximately the next 12 months.

"The upcoming combination of Merial and Intervet/Schering-Plough is an exciting opportunity for sanofi-aventis to create with Merck a leading company in the Animal Health strategic and growing sector," said Christopher A. Viehbacher, Chief Executive Officer of sanofi-aventis.

"I am convinced that, together, we will create strong value in bringing broader and improved offerings in both pet and production animal segments. This transaction represents another consistent milestone in our diversification strategy to bring sustainable growth to sanofi-aventis."

"Merck has been in the animal health business for well over six decades and through this new joint venture, we will bolster our diverse portfolio and create a new global competitor poised for growth," said Richard T. Clark, Merck Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. "This new joint venture delivers on Merck's commitment to customer focus by creating one of the broadest portfolios of animal health products and services in pharmaceuticals and biologics for millions of customers who include farmers, veterinarians and pet owners.

The planned joint venture will have an attractive geographical network of global technology and expertise to provide health solutions based on customers' needs, which often vary regionally." The entreprise value of Merial has been fixed at $8 billion and the entreprise value of Intervet/Schering-Plough at $8.5 billion, leading to a true-up payment of $250 million to Merck to establish a 50/50 joint venture. An additional amount of $750 million will be paid by sanofi-aventis, as per the terms of the agreement signed on July 29, 2009.

All payments, including adjustments for debt and certain other liabilities will be made upon closing of the transaction. This new joint venture will offer a broader portfolio of animal health products and services in pharmaceuticals and biologics, as well as the ability to capitalize on growth opportunities in all fields and countries around the world. The worldwide animal health market reached $19 billion in 2008. Products for companion animals accounted for 40 percent of total sales while products for production animals accounted for the remaining 60 percent of total sales. This market is expected to grow at around 5 percent per year over the next 5 years, driven by a growing demand for animal proteins, as well as a strong consumer needs for companion animal health care. The companies said that both Merial and Intervet/Schering-Plough will continue to operate independently until the closing of the transaction.

Intervet is een farmaceutische multinational van Nederlandse oorsprong met zijn belangrijkste vestiging in de Noord-Brabantse plaats Boxmeer- regio Land van Cuijk Maasduinen. Intervet produceert diergeneesmiddelen en maakt samen met Organon deel uit van Organon Biosciences.

Intervet werd in de jaren '50 van de 20e eeuw opgericht door Wim Hendrix, een diervoederfabrikant te Boxmeer met een bedrijf dat tegenwoordig Hendrix UTD heet. Er waren namelijk vaccins voor kippen ontwikkeld en Hendrix zag in dat gezonde dieren ook zijn voeder eten. Het bedrijf is uitgegroeid tot een der grootste vaccinproducenten ter wereld en brengt ook een vaccin tegen vogelgriep op de markt.

Intervet werd omstreeks 1965 overgenomen door Koninklijke Zwanenberg Organon.

Op 11 maart 2007 heeft Akzo Nobel bekend gemaakt, dat haar dochter Organon Biosciences overgenomen gaat worden door Amerikaanse farmacie-multinational Schering-Plough. Officieel is het bedrijf op dit moment nog een volledige business unit van Akzo Nobel, maar waren de voorbereidingen voor een beursgang van Organon BioSciences als een zelfstandig bedrijf al in een vergevorderd stadium. Het niet doorgaan van de beursgang was voor president Toon Wilderbeek reden om aan te kondigen dat hij zijn functie neer zal leggen zodra de overname definitief is.[1]

Intervet is als onderdeel van Akzo Nobel wereldwijd de op twee na grootste producent van diergeneesmiddelen. Er werken zo'n 5.300 mensen voor het bedrijf verspreid over ruim 50 landen; in Boxmeer is Intervet veruit de grootste werkgever. Na de overname door Schering-Plough zal het bedrijf een groter deel van de wereldmarkt bezitten op diergeneeskundig gebied door samen te gaan werken met de veterinaire tak van Schering-Plough.

Intervet beweert dat het zich actief opstelt wanneer het gaat om het verminderen van het aantal dierproeven. Regelgeving stelt het gebruik van dierproeven in veel gevallen verplicht om de veiligheid en werkzaamheid van diergeneesmiddelen te waarborgen. In de gevallen waarin dierproeven verplicht of onvermijdelijk zijn, zegt het bedrijf zich in te spannen om het aantal proefdieren te verminderen en de onderzoeksmethoden te verfijnen.

De afgelopen week werd Crucell heel consequent gekocht, vooral in de middag. Het lijkt er sterk op dat amerikaanse partijen een positie opbouwen/opgebouwd hebben. Niet verwonderlijk natuurlijk; er ligt een duidelijke bodem rond de 14 euro, en met de aantrekkende dollar was Crucell wel erg aantrekkelijk gewaardeerd binnen deze sector.

Links en rechts worden biotech bedrijven met hogere waarderingen overgenomen door grote pharmas die wat met hun geld moeten want a) ze hebben surplus liquiditeit en b) hun pijplijnen zijn aan het leegraken.

De deal met J&J betekent natuurlijk niet perse dat Crucell uiteindelijk door J&J wordt ingelijfd. Het kan heel goed dat andere pharmas interesse gaan hebben en op de open markt stukken kopen op deze niveaus. Als de duimschroeven worden aangedraaid dan zal J&J terzijnertijd door de markt worden gedwongen om een overnamebod te doen, 18% is bij lange na geen controlerend belang.
'Nieuwe vaccins tegen pneumokokken werken'
10 maart 2010, 12:43 | ANP
DEN HAAG (ANP) - De nieuwe vaccins tegen pneumokokkenziektes als hersenvliesontsteking, bloedvergiftiging en longontsteking werken goed. Dat concludeert de Gezondheidsraad, een adviesorgaan van de regering, in een rapport dat woensdag wordt aangeboden aan minister Ab Klink van Volksgezondheid.

Baby's krijgen sinds 2006 standaard de vaccinaties tegen de pneumokokken toegediend. In de eerste jaren kregen de kinderen een vaccin dat zeven veelvoorkomende typen van de pneumokokkenbacterie onschadelijk maakte. Hiermee kon 70 procent van de ziekten, veroorzaakt door de gevaarlijke bacterie, worden voorkomen.

Fabrikanten hebben inmiddels nieuwe vaccins ontwikkeld die dekking bieden tegen dertien typen. De Gezondheidsraad adviseert de minister dit nieuwe vaccin standaard in te voeren. Kinderen moeten het in vier doses toegediend krijgen. De verwachting is dat de gevaarlijke pneumokokkenbacterie op die manier nog verder kan worden teruggedrongen.
Alle waardering
10 maart 2010 | Het Financieele Dagblad

De fusie waarin producent van diermedicijnen Intervet is verwikkeld, is het resultaat van een schaakpartijtje om de mededingingsautoriteiten 'mee' te krijgen.

Bij de transformatie van AkzoNobel in een verfproducent komen de schijnwerpers in 2007 steevast op Organon in Oss, de bekende producent van onder meer de anticonceptiepil. De verkoop aan de Amerikaanse farmaceut Schering-Plough (SP) eind 2007, geldt echter ook voor Intervet, de minder bekende Akzo-dochter en de grootste producent van diergeneesmiddelen.

An ambitious plan to build a vaccine factory in the Pittsburgh area is gaining momentum with the announcement Thursday of three new partners in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center project.

Battelle, IBM and Merck & Co. Inc. are partnering with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the development of a first of its kind vaccine factory, the hospital network announced.

The new partners join GE Healthcare in pursuing construction of the facility, which UPMC wants to operate in partnership with the federal government as a way to respond quickly to chemical, biological or radiological threats such as a bioterrorist attack.

The plant would be funded by the federal government and operate as a nonprofit UPMC subsidiary. Last year, UPMC President and CEO Jeffrey Romoff said he favored a site near the old Pittsburgh International Airport for the factory.

The cost of the plan had been estimated at $900 million, but recent estimates were lower. An exact figure was not available.

21CB is the nonprofit corporation created by UPMC last year to own and operate the facility, which will create 1,000 jobs directly and up to 6,000 jobs indirectly, according to UPMC.

“Through this collaboration, we are poised to deliver the urgently needed advances in vaccine development and manufacturing as recently called for by President Obama in his State of the Union address,” UPMC Chief Legal Counsel Robert Cindrich said in a prepared statement.

Battelle, the world’s largest independent research and development organization, has agreed to provide pre-clinical research and development services, including infectious disease model development and product safety and efficacy evaluations, services that will support licensure of new vaccines and therapeutics. Battelle also will provide project management support and senior leadership.

“We are committed to solving the most critical problems in human health and stand ready to be a full partner in this impressive public-private initiative,” Battelle Vice President John Wade said in a prepared statement.

IBM will provide information technology that is necessary to support vaccine manufacturing processes and operations. The infrastructure will be able to handle massive amounts of data and scale quickly to changing demand.

Global drug maker Merck has agreed to provide drug development and bioprocess counsel as part of a planned consortium of other biopharmaceutical companies.

The new partners join GE Healthcare, which announced in October 2009 that it would provide manufacturing and design and development expertise, production equipment and manufacturing proceses. The new facility will be designed to produce multiple vaccines simultaneously and would be capable of quickly switching production from one vaccine to another to respond to a crisis.

The new partnerships come two months after President Obama’s State of the Union address, when he promoted a new initiative to respond faster and more effectively to bioterrorism and infectitious disease threats. The Administration plans to pursue a “business model that leverages market forces and reduces risk to attract pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry collaboration with the U.S. government,” Obama said in his speech.

In December, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius ordered a major review of the federal government’s policies for developing new vaccines and other public health defenses in the wake of problems ramping up for the H1N1 outbreak. The review was expected to be done early this year
Dr. Julie Gerberding Named President of Merck Vaccines

WHITEHOUSE STATION, N.J. - Dec. 21, 2009 - Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE: MRK) today announced that Dr. Julie Gerberding has been named president of Merck Vaccines, effective January 25, 2010.

Dr. Gerberding led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as director from 2002 to 2009. During her tenure at CDC, Dr. Gerberding led the agency during more than 40 emergency response initiatives for health crises including anthrax bioterrorism, food-borne disease outbreaks, and natural disasters, and advised governments around the world on urgent public health issues such as SARS, AIDS, and obesity.

"Vaccines are a cornerstone of Merck's commitment to health and wellness," said Richard T. Clark, chairman and chief executive officer, Merck & Co., Inc. "We are delighted to welcome an expert of Dr. Gerberding's caliber to Merck. As a preeminent authority in public health, infectious diseases and vaccines, Dr. Gerberding is the ideal choice to lead Merck's engagement with organizations around the world that share our commitment to the use of vaccines to prevent disease and save lives."

"I've had the privilege in my previous work in academia and in the federal government to be a passionate advocate for public health priorities such as vaccines, which are an imperative component of global health development," said Dr. Gerberding. "I am very excited to be joining Merck where I can help to expand access to vaccines around the world."

Dr. Gerberding will lead the company's $5 billion global vaccine business. Merck currently markets a broad range of pediatric, adolescent and adult vaccines and is a leading provider of vaccines in countries around the world; in the U.S., Merck markets vaccines for 12 of the 17 diseases for which the U.S. Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices currently recommends vaccines. She will be responsible for the commercialization of the current portfolio of vaccines, planning for the introduction of vaccines from the company's robust vaccine pipeline, and accelerating Merck's on-going efforts to broaden access to its vaccines in the developing world. Dr. Gerberding will also collaborate with leaders of Merck Manufacturing Division and Merck Research Laboratories to manage the critical linkages between basic research, late-stage development and manufacturing to expand Merck's vaccine offerings throughout the world.

She received her undergraduate degree and her M.D. from Case Western Reserve University. Her internship, residency, and clinical pharmacology training were all at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where she worked in a range of clinical, research and teaching roles prior to joining the CDC in 1998. Dr. Gerberding received her Masters of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.

She is a member of the Institute of Medicine and a fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American College of Physicians, and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. She is also a Clinical Professor of Infectious Diseases at Emory University and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine in Infectious Diseases at UCSF.

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