Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 2 juli 2020 07:33:
Over ventilatie:When performing aerosol-generating procedures, WHO recommends 6-12 air changes/h (46). Concerns have been raised about the pertinence of the recommended 1,5m distance, in view of possible long-range airborne transmission (see ‘transmission’). Additionally, research from MIT showed that a person sneezing emits a multiphase turbulent gas cloud containing droplets of all sizes which travel for up to 7-8m (50).
A study by Somsen and al on healthy volunteers showed droplets (emitted through cough or sneeze) fall onto the ground within 1 second, whilst small droplets (emitted through speech and cough) often took 9 minutes to reach the ground when produced at a height of 160 cm. Ventilation of spaces substantially reduced the airborne time of these respiratory droplets, halving numbers of droplets wi thin 30 seconds in optimal ventilated settings (mechanical ventilation supported by the opening of an entrance door and a small window) (51).
It seems therefore important to provide an adequate ventilation of rooms to reduce the risk of transmission. Two-and-a-half air changes are required to eliminate 90% of airborne contaminants (52). Opening doors and windows can generate around 5-17 air changes per hour (53,54).
When using air conditioning, it is advisable to use the ‘extraction mode’ and avoid recirculation of air (55). A cluster was described in a Chinese restaurant with closed windows, where the air current from the air conditioning presumably facilitated the infection of people sitting at 2 neighboring tables (upto +- 5m).
Bron: FACT SHEET COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus)
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Unit of Sciensano