GOP en de pogingen om illegaal stemmen te 'voorkomen'
(er wordt nauwelijks illegaal gestemd. een handvol, zelden met opzet. Het wordt wle steeds opgehaald als argument tegen immigratie, en waarom Dems illegalen zouden willen binnenhalen. Pure nonsens)
January:Whitley's office had discovered about 95,000 potential non-US citizens registered to vote in Texas, and that roughly 58,000 of those individuals had voted in at least one Texas election.
February: A federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked an effort led by Texas' secretary of state to purge individuals suspected of not being citizens from its voter rolls.
In the ruling, filed Wednesday, Judge Fred Biery said there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud and called the attempt to comb through the rolls "ham-handed." He also said that Texas Secretary of State David Whitley "though perhaps unintentionally, created this mess."
April: Texas has given up on its voter purge program that targeted naturalized citizens & led to false allegations of fraudulent voting. The parties have a final settlement agreement that Texas can no longer rely on stale DMV data to begin any voter purge process.
En zo houd je mensen weg van de stembus. Dit keer mislukt, maar er zijn tientallen voorbeelden....