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China Releases Third Set of Scrap Aluminium Import Quotas for Q3

Beijing announced the third set of import scrap quotas for the quarter earlier this week, setting a limit of 11,290 metric tonnes of aluminium scrap to be allowed into the country’s ports during the third quarter. Altogether, China Solid Waste and Chemicals Management will limit imports of scrap metal to a shade under 100 thousand metric tonnes through the end of next month, with copper scrap accounting for 87,680 metric tonnes of the allowed imports and allowed ferrous scrap to total 400 metric tonnes.

Despite scrap quotas being lower than anticipated, weak demand has left many plants in China working at under full capacity, thus making hard import limits on scrap a minor concern.

An unnamed European supplier to Argus Media said that “There is no license issue, [the Chinese firms] can’t even fulfill their quotas because the market is so slow.”

To date, third-quarter quotas of aluminium total 372,476 metric tonnes, while total third quarter copper quotas are 624,276 metric tonnes and third-quarter quotas of ferrous scrap total 20,918 metric tonnes. Beijing issued two prior sets of quotas, but it is not now known if or when any subsequent third-quarter quotas will be issued.

Under China’s new policy on imported scrap, all scrap importers must have a license to purchase imported scrap metal. Scrap aluminium may only ship through Tianjin, Nanhai and Nansha, while copper is only allowed to arrive in country at Nanhai, Nansha, Ningbo, Qingdao, Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuzhou, and Xiamen.

Per customs data, Chinese ports received 349,510 metric tonnes of aluminium scrap and 624,276 metric tonnes of copper scrap in the months of July through September last year.

Source : Aluminium Insider
Yingli Supplies 110MW of Solar Panels in Spain

Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Yingli Green Energy Europe, SL has supplied 110 MW of polycrystalline solar panels to Solaria Energía y Medio Ambiente SA. The panels will be installed in 3 projects with capacity of 50MW, 30MW and 30MW separately. As parts of the developments awarded to Solaria within the last large-scale auction held in Spain in July 2017, these projects are currently under construction in Castilla y León. Solaria has once again relied on one of the brands with the broadest experience and references in the Spanish territory.

Mr Dario López, CEO of Solaria said that “In Solaria we have a very ambitious plan to reach more than 3 GW of installed power in Spain by 2023. These projects are part of the first steps of this plan and in them we wanted to have a reference company in the sector such as Yingli.”

Mr Luis Contreras, the Managing Director of Yingli Europe said that “After several years of reduced growth, we are pleased to see the resurgence of PV sector in Spain. Yingli is confident that solar energy is unstoppable and wants to be part of these emblematic projects. To work with Solaria to improve the Spanish energy mix and contribute to bring clean energy for all is very motivating. With the European headquarters that consist of laboratory, training center and warehouse, Yingli can offer outstanding services that a manufacturer can offer in Europe.”

Atlas Renewable Energies has agreed to provide the Chilean unit of French energy giant Engie with 550 GWh annually for 15 years. The electricity will be supplied by the Sol del Desierto project Atlas is building in northern Chile.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese Coal Industry Looks to Robots for Increased Safety

Caixin Global reported that the dangers of coal mining have long been a concern in China, with accidents and fatalities commonplace, largely due to poor infrastructure and low risk awareness. The industry was long called “blood coal,” referencing the lives sacrificed by the seemingly ordinary though laborious occupation. Though it may not be realized overnight, a solution is now in the works. China’s National Coal Mine Safety Administration on Wednesday announced a strategic partnership with the country’s leading space technology agency, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, to make “smart” industrial equipment, including coal-mining robots.

As with most high-tech endeavours in China, few details were made available about the advanced equipment.

CASC is the leading force behind China’s national defense equipment and aerospace projects, including the Chang’e-4 probe, which became the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon.

Source : Caixin Global
De handelsoorlog duurt nu al zo’n 392 dagen en ondertussen is er
nog niet veel veranderd. Amerika heeft op 250 miljard dollar aan
Chinese goederen tarieven geplakt en de Chinezen hebben op
110 miljard Amerikaanse goederen tarieven geplakt. Dit kat en
muis spel kan nog enige tijd doorgaan, maar de Chinese opmars
is nu eenmaal niet te stuiten.
Turkije bouwt op eigen kracht hoogste dam en waterkrachtcentrale

De bouw van de hoogste boogdam van Turkije in de provincie Artvin is voor zeventig procent voltooid. De waterkrachtcentrale wordt gezien als een prestigeproject en omvat de derde hoogste boogdam ter wereld.

Dat verklaarde het Turkse Directoraat voor Waterwerken (DSI) maandag.

De bouw van de 275 meter hoge waterdam genaamd Yusufeli startte eind 2012. Ook wordt hard gebouwd aan autowegen eromheen bestaande uit 39 tunnels en 20 bruggen en viaducten met een lengte van 67 kilometer.

De waterkrachtcentrale zal flink bijdragen aan de Turkse economie. Verwacht wordt dat er met drie units van 186 megawatt stroom voor 650.000 mensen wordt opgewekt. De jaarlijkse elektriciteitsproductie is 1,9 miljard kilowattuur.

De economische bijdrage wordt geschat op jaarlijks 1,25 miljard lira, omgerekend ruim 200 miljoen euro. Binnen zeven jaar verdient het grote energieproject zich terug.

De boogdam, die volledig door Turkije zelf is bekostigd, door Turkse ingenieurs is ontworpen en door Turken wordt gebouwd, zal operationeel worden in juni 2021.
3e hoogste ?
Wat is dat nu weer voor een prestatie?
En is nog niet eens operationeel !
Wordt' ie dat wel, alst'ie echt, echt, helemaal 100% turks is ? ;-)
even wat lager

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Gesloten: 20 aug. 08:57 EDT · Disclaimer
Voorbeurs 16,75 -1,33 (-/- 7 %)

Twitter heeft 200.000 accounts gesloten.

Deze accounts zouden Chinese regering accounts zijn die propaganda verspreidden tegen de demonstranten in Hong Kong.
Twitter zal ook stoppen met advertenties van door de Chinese staat geleide bedrijven.

Twitter heeft rapportage gedaan aan de FBI.

Twitter is op het Chinese vasteland verboden. Het is wel actief in Hong Kong waar nu al 11 weken op rij demonstraties zijn tegen Chinese inmenging. Met name protesteert men tegen het feit dat China wil dat Hong Kong inwoners kan uitwijzen naar China als China hier een verzoek toe doet.



China Production of Refined Copper Rises 4.8% On Year In Jul - NBS

SMM reported that China produced 801,000 mt of refined copper in July, up 4.8% from a year ago, after a year over year increase of 11.8% in June, showed data from the National Bureau of Statistics, this brought output in the first seven months of the year to 5.35 million mt, up 5.5% from the same period last year.

NBS data also showed that China’s output of copper materials grew 2.2% from a year ago and stood at 1.69 million tonne in July, slowing from a rise of 13.4% in June.

Production of copper materials in January-July posted 11.29 million tonne, up 8.9% YoY.

Source : SMM
China Brings Solar Home

China is the biggest manufacturer of solar photovoltaics, and with declining local costs coupled with potential pollution reduction and health co-benefits, domestic use of solar photovoltaics might surge even more dramatically in the very near future. For a while it looked like the world was comfortably settled into a bipolar order. The production pole was centred in and around China where many of the world’s goods and toys were made. The consumption pole, while increasingly scattered, still centred on the United States and Europe. This applied to solar photovoltaics as well, with the European Union particularly Germany catalysing massive uptake of household solar PV systems using significant subsidies. China was where most of these solar panels were being made. The manufacturing still continues to be concentrated in China, but now the consumption has shifted rapidly to China as well. In 2015, China had a total deployed solar capacity of 43 GW compared to more than 94 GW in the EU1. Last year China’s total deployed capacity of 175 GW dwarfed the EU’s 115 GW. China is now not only the world’s biggest producer of solar panels, but also of solar-generated electricity.

There are signs that the demand for solar PVs in China is far from fully expressed. Both the United States and Europe have been attractive markets for Chinese-produced solar cells. However, recent policy changes might incentivize producers to further target local Chinese markets. In the United States, the tariffs imposed on imports of solar panels in 2017 had a negative impact on solar system deployment and thousands of jobs were lost in the sector, mostly in installation3. Faced by rising stocks, China cut its own subsidies, leading solar panel producers to significantly reduce prices to offload large inventory internationally, despite tariffs4. Even then Chinese internal consumption and installations grew significantly through 2017 and 2018, showing greater viability of China as a competitive market2. Increased intensity in trade wars and US policy discouraging the uptake of solar PV (such as tariffs on panel imports) may by creating unsold inventory depress the prices of solar systems internally for China, further increasing local uptake. Removal or tapering down of subsidies in other markets in Europe may have a similar effect.

The low price of solar systems, as well as the low labour costs for installation, means that achieving cost parity with the grid may be easier in China than in Europe or the United States, where overall household solar system costs continue to be comparatively higher. An Analysis in this issue shows just that; Jinyue Yan and colleagues in Sweden and China estimate the costs for solar electricity derived from both household and grid-scale systems, in each prefecture or city in China. They find that in all of the 344 prefectures, household solar systems can now generate electricity at a cost equal to, or lower than, the local grid-supplied electricity. Grid-level solar electricity systems can also generate electricity at a cost lower than coal-generated electricity in more than 20% of the prefectures.

This grid parity is a critical milestone made even more remarkable by the fact that the solar electricity costs estimated by the researchers do not include subsidies. Doubtless these prices will continue to vary in the near future depending on national and international policy but the trend is downwards and continuing. Grid parity provides the economic incentive for domestic consumers to buy into solar home systems and signals a potentially massive uptake of the technology in households in the near future.

Future policy-making is also expected to benefit solar uptake in China, particularly because of solar co-benefits such as pollution reduction and consequent public health and urban liveability gains. Urban air pollution negatively affects the lives of tens of millions of Chinese city dwellers in particular and has emerged as one of the most important concerns facing the Chinese government in recent years.

In an Article in our July issue, Bart Sweerts and colleagues quantify the pollution reduction gains of solar energy uptake. They start with a recently compiled dataset of measured irradiance from 119 stations all over China between 1960 and 2015. Using irradiance data, they estimate solar energy potentials in 1960 and 2015 and find that the accumulated pollution due to coal power plant emissions during this period reduced solar energy production potential by close to 13%. Adopting solar PV thus creates a feedback loop where pollution reduction gains lead to greater solar energy production. Findings like this provide a clear signal to Chinese policymakers that mass-scale solar PV adoption reduces air pollution beside direct energy and climate gains.

With growing economic and social impetus, China might be on the brink of further exponential growth in solar PV deployment. It certainly has the industrial base to facilitate such an energy transition once the social and economic tipping points are reached. The scaling in production needed to meet the potentially rising demand is something that China has done in the past and is certainly capable of in the future. China is also a country that is reinventing itself physically faster than any other country in the world. Entire new cities appear to have emerged on the skyline in the past decade and while the pace of development may have slowed down recently there continues to be plenty of opportunity to build human habitats and energy systems in entirely new ways. A new world is afoot in China and it may be powered by solar energy.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US blacklists Chinese Nuclear Firm Involved in UK Hinkley Point C Project

A state owned Chinese company which is funding part of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in the UK has been placed on a US export blacklist. The US Department of Commerce has placed China General Nuclear Power Group to its “entity list”, which effectively blocks US companies from selling products and services to the firm without written approval.

The entity list identifies organisations “for which there is reasonable cause to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, have been involved, are involved, or pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests” of the US.

CGN partnered with EDF to help fund a third of the GBP 20 billion cost of the Hinkley power plant being built in Somerset.

The Department of Commerce alleges the nuclear company and three of its subsidiaries “engaged in or enabled efforts to acquire advanced US nuclear technology and material for diversion to military uses in China”.

Chinese reports suggest CGN, which is one of the largest nuclear energy companies in the US, said the move will have “basically manageable influence” on the company’s development.

A BEIS spokesperson said that “Nuclear power has an important role to play in the UK’s low carbon energy future and all nuclear projects in the UK are conducted under robust and independent regulation to ensure that the UK’s interests are protected.”

Source : Energy Live News
China firm Wins Tender to Build Sri Lanka Hydropower Dam

Chinese firm Gezhouba Group Co Ltd has won a tender to build the main civil works, which includes a dam, of the Moragolla Hydro Power Plant. Sri Lanka's cabinet office said that a proposal of Power, Energy and Business Development Minister Ravi Karunanayake to award the tender to the Beijing-based firm was approved. The Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee had selected Gezhouba Group as the winning tender.

The main civil works consists of a 37 metre high concrete dam with five spillway gates, intake, headrace tunnel, surge tank, penstock tunnel and shaft, surface type powerhouse with switch yard, relocation of irrigation facilities and access roads.

The Moragolla Hydro Power Plant is a part of the Green Power Development and Energy Efficiency Improvement Investment Programme.

The power plant is being built on the Mahaweli River, and is located in Ethgala, Kandy, according to the Power and Energy Ministry.

The Asian Development Bank will be providing 113.86 million US dollars in financing for the power plant, while the remaining 1.93 billion rupees is to be funded by the government.

The total installed capacity of the project is 30.20 megawatts, with an annual energy generation of 100 gigawatt hours.

The main civil works component is to be followed by 'Lot B' for electrical and mechanical facilities and 'Lot 3' for project management and supervisory support for the power plant.

The power plant is expected to be commissioned in 2022.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Zwakke Chinese automarkt zet resultaten Geely onder druk

(ABM FN) Geely Automoible Holdings, eigenaar van onder meer Volvo, zag zijn resultaten voor het eerste jaarhelft van 2019 onder druk staan door de terugval op de Chinese automarkt. Dit bleek woensdagochtend uit cijfers van het bedrijf.

De nettowinst van daalde op jaarbasis met 40 procent tot 4,01 miljard yuan, omgerekend circa 512 miljoen euro.

De omzet in de eerste zes maanden van het jaar bedroeg 47,56 miljard yuan, ofwel een daling van 11 procent, aldus Geely.

De groep verkocht 651.680 wagens in het eerste semester. Dit is 15 procent minder dan een jaar eerder.

Geely schreef de prestaties hoofdzakelijk toe aan prijsdruk, de afnemende vraag en een flinke marktconcurrentie.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Alibaba stelt beursgang in Hongkong uit om protesten

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd -ADR-
$ 177,02 -1,23 -0,69 % NYSE

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Alibaba Group heeft zijn beursnotering in Hongkong uitgesteld vanwege de toenemende politieke onrust in de stad. Dat meldde persbureau Reuters woensdag, op basis van twee personen die bekend zijn met de situatie.

De beursnotering zou tot 15 miljard dollar hebben moeten opbrengen.

Alibaba besloot vorig week tijdens een vergadering tot het uitstel, volgens een van de bronnen. De beursgang was gepland voor eind augustus.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Copper Prices Jumps on China stimulus hopes

Reuters reported that copper prices advanced as China announced new measures to support its economy amid a damaging trade war with the United States, potentially improving demand for the red metal. China’s central bank over the weekend unveiled a key interest rate reform in a bid to help steer borrowing costs lower for companies.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange rose 0.4% to USD 5,764 a tonne by 0410 GMT, while the most-traded copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange edged up 0.2% to 46,510 yuan (USD 6,602.22) a tonne. However, the metal’s rise was capped by weak data that showed the Chinese economy continues to be hurt by an ongoing trade war with the United States, while a trade deal is not yet in sight.

Copper inventories in LME-registered warehouses have jumped by 22% in three days to 331,975 tonnes, while stocks in warehouses tracked by Shanghai Futures Exchange rose 4.1% in a week.

Source : Reuters
US China Trade Spat Not Yet Hurting Demand for its Commodities - BHP

Reuters, citing top global miner BHP Group, reported that the US-China trade war is not yet affecting demand for its commodities. Mr Andrew Mackenzie chief executive of BHP said that while the trade dispute was putting a dampener on global economic growth, it had not yet affected demand for BHP’s commodities such as iron ore, copper and coal in China, its biggest customer.

Mr Mackenzie, who spoke to reporters after BHP reported its best underlying profit in five years, also said the company was still considering whether to hold on to its thermal coal assets.

Source : Reuters
China's CNPC Suspends Venezuelan Oil Loading

Two Beijing-based senior sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, China National Petroleum Corp, a leading buyer of Venezuelan oil, has halted August loadings following the latest set of US sanctions on the South American exporter. One source said that "Trump's executive order gave a directive for the follow-up sanction measures that shall be announced by the U.S. Treasury. CNPC is worried that the company is likely to be hit by the secondary sanctions."

A second person, an executive with a key marketer of Venezuelan oil in China, said his company had been notified of the suspension. We were told that Chinaoil will not load any oil in August. We don't know what will happen after.

Chinaoil is the trading vehicle of CNPC that lifts Venezuelan oil under term contracts and is one of Caracas' top oil clients.

The Trump administration in early August froze all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and US officials ratcheted up threats against companies that do business with Venezuela.

Source : Reuters
Global Steel Demand to Enter Low Growth Period - Mr Johannpeter

S&P Global reported that World Steel Association Chairman Mr Andre Gerdau Johannpeter told the Brazilian Steel Institute's annual congress that global steel demand is continuing to grow in the short term against a backdrop of great uncertainty as only a mild deceleration in global growth is now expected but in the long term, global steel demand is moving into a low-growth zone as new megatrends shape the industry. Mr Johannpeter warned "Steel demand is at another inflection point which may be followed by a prolonged period of low growth. Steel demand is facing new challenges: the deceleration of population growth and aging populations in developing economies, rising income inequality threatening growth and the middle-class base. Environmental concerns are also affecting the global steel sector, with sustainable development now the crucial concept.”

He said “Global steel demand remains concentrated in China, which uses almost 50% of global steel production, but the market for steel in China is expected to grow just 1% this year to 843.3 million tonnes, while its steel production rate is expected to reach 930 million tonnes, up nearly 2%. In 2020, China's steel demand is expected to fall to 834.9 million tonnes.”

He added “Politically driven uncertainties point to downside risks outside China: while steel demand from developed economies is moderating, emerging nations have a positive but mixed demand outlook.”

Source : S&P Global
Tianjin Government Orders Bohai Steel Restructuring Start by September

Reuters quoted two creditor source with direct knowledge of the matter as saying that government of the Chinese city of Tianjin, the only shareholder of bankrupt Bohai Steel Group Ltd, is demanding that Bohai's creditors and strategic investor implement a bankruptcy restructuring plan by the end of September. The implementation of Bohai's bankruptcy restructuring plan, which was approved by a local court in January, has been delayed over a power struggle between the Tianjin government, creditors and investors, as well as the local government's fears of losing state-owned assets and jobs. However, financial pressures from local banks and concerns about the city's own debt burden have created a new sense of urgency for the Tianjin government to start the Bohai Steel restructuring as soon as possible

Bohai Steel a former Fortune Global 500 company that was founded by the Tianjin municipal government in 2010 by merging four local steelmakers, collapsed in 2016 with more than 200 billion yuan in unpaid debt, the biggest bankruptcy restructuring in China's history. The company's demise followed years of over-expansion fuelled by easy credit that left it heavily leveraged when steel prices plunged to record lows in 2015.

Source : Reuters
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