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3 step reciepe for a No-Brainer !!
A real No - Brainer should have all the below
1. Huge Sprott holdings, follow the smart money
2. Working mines, profitable soon, no more dilution like non-producers. No hedging.
3. Undervalued, under the radar, get in now before everybody knows about future production.
I say about Campbell:
"Campbell Resources has 11 properties w/ two [ 2 ] GOLD & COPPER mines producing NOW and a huge copper mine coming on line this year, in a stable jurisdiction that WANTS mining.
Slipped in amongst those 11 properties, in their exploration portfolio, are properties already explored containing large gold resources. AND two Royalty incomes and one Participation property.
Campbell Resources has had BIG Money EQUITY financing by SPROTT , w/ John Embrey at the helm. They own a significant portion of the common stock. BIG, Smart money.
Campbell Resources successfully negotiated restructuring with SPROTT as their pilot, and Kept their FINANCING Quiet, on the Down Low, without advertising or attracting attention. The stock is trading at what some estimate at about 1X or less either earnings or cash flow, as well as 1X or less true book value.
Fundamental and technical analysis backing this up is all published, on Investor Village, on Stockcharts, or and any place you might choose to research this.
Its here, its now, its , its a PHOENIX under RADAR, Bubble protection under 15 Cents w/ plenty of upside running room. Its all there for your observation.
GLTA, thanks,