Hi S&M
Hier een aanbeveling van de overkant..... ook hier is enig enthousiasme niet te ontkennen..... veel leesplezier gewenst in ieder geval......
Good Luck,
24 Reasons to buy CCH/CBLRF
1) Super low share price (15 cents), for a miner with multiple properties in Production NOW.
2) Phenomenal, powerful TECHNICAL chart.
3) Recent record breaking volume on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).
4) Gold and copper production. Gold production at their main Copper Rand project has ZERO production costs (it's by-product).
5) One of the only mid-cap miners with future royalty arrangements worked out.
6) Institutions own 80% of shares, and have recently bought more.
7) Sprott Asset Management is leading investor.
8) Insiders at both Campbell and Nuinsco own CCH shares.
9) Some employees own options, often at higher prices that today’s price.
10) All mining operations in Quebec, Canada – no geopolitical risk.
11) Several “back-burner” projects.
12) Massive exploration portfolio.
13) All of Nuinsco’s (NWI.TO) near term earnings will come from Campbell’s execution of plan. They are “betting the farm” on their partner Campbell.
14) Campbell and Nuinsco have announced plans for future projects (that have not even been identified yet).
15) Exercise of warrants exercise will provide more cash to Campbell.
16) Tremendous following among retail investors.
17) Management appears to be “down playing” while Institutions accumulate (opinion only).
18) Huge “Tax Loss Carry Forwards” ($71 million) are on the books. No corporate tax will be due, for many quarters.
19) Excellent labor relations with their miners.
20) Most Gold Mutual Funds have not bought in yet.
21) Independent Gold writers (Moriarty, Roulston, Casey) are not covering Campbell yet.
22) New message board for CCH quickly jumps to the top of the list in traffic.
23) Former message board was in the “Top 5” in traffic for over 8 months.
24) Campbell is discussed on several other message boards, including 3 message boards in Europe.
Great technical chart. Here is the weekly chart, showing the longer term trend:
LINK coming soon
This message post, form the “Official” CCH message board, has an annotated chart, showing the higher volume on the UP-moves, and much lower volume on the DOWN-MOVES.
LINK coming soon
The share price is depressed because of an artificial barrier, created by the restructuring risk. That risk has now been lifted - see the February 28 press release. Today’s price is still artificially depressed – great opportunity for value buyers.
Current earnings targets ($30 - $80 million) could be reached with just two mines at full production (Copper Rand and Corner Bay). We should see that by the end of 2007. The old Joe Mann mine just represents a little icing on the cake, if it’s still in production.
This (near future) earning model would lead to a forward PE ratio of between 1 and 3, based on the (fully diluted) share outstanding of about 550 million. A 550 million share capitalization is NOT out of line for a producing mid-cap miner. Here’s a table that compares mid-cap Gold producers
Campbell certainly has enough gold production to be considered a “gold producer". Gold producers trade at average PE ratios 3 – 6 times higher than base metal (copper/zinc) producers.
More comments on CCH gold production here:
LINK coming soon
Campbell is pone of the only mid-cap miners I have even seen that has future royalty arrangements worked out. Campbell will have royalty income from 3 properties (counting the Pitt Gold project, which is not a pure royalty). These are all GOLD royalties. Royalty income is the “holy grail” in this industry, and will ensure that CCH trades at a premium to other gold mid-caps.
After Copper Rand and Corner Bay are in full production, Campbell plans to bring the Cedar Bay mine into production. This is a formerly producing mine, and can be brought online fairly quickly. Here is a great picture:
Campbell has other projects on the “back burner”, for example the Chevrier Gold project.
Campbell has a massive portfolio of exploration claims, in nearby areas of Quebec. This is a highly prolific mining region, with several “mega-mines” that have operated through the years. Campbell has hundreds of claims. In my opinion, just their exploration portfolio alone is worth more than 15 cents a shares.
We believe Campbell at least 80% owns by well respected Institutions. It’s hard to get an exact figure because many Institutions bought less than 10% of the May 2006 placement – less than 10% doesn’t need to be reported. See comments below – we have reason to believe that many of these buyers were connected to Sprott.
The Campbell share price was depressed because they were operating under CCAA restructuring protection. Campbell (the parent company) is now out of CCAA. Almost all of the risk was lifted when the shares of the parent company (CCH.TO / CBLRF) became free of this encumbrance.
The long-term chart shows “where the CCH share price came from”, and “where is could be going”. Notice the explosion in volume since September 2006.
The Author’s personal price target for CCH is $2 - $5 a share.
There is lots of precedent for that kind of move in Junior mining stocks. The Author’s last “home run” stock pick was Southern Star Resources (SSR.V, now merged into GEA.TO). Benson was recommending SSR throughout 2005. It ended up providing a 40x gain to early investors.
A skeptical investor could cut those CCH targets by 75%, and still end up with a CCH target price of 50 cents – a very nice gain from today’s price. In other words, you don’t have to believe everything you read here, you can be a skeptic, and still see some excellent gains if you buy right now (because the share price is so low).
Campbell has gold production, copper production, and royalty arrangements that will pay out in the future.
Campbell’s main money maker in the next two years will be the Copper Rand (CR) mine. This project is 100% owned by Campbell. The thing to realize is that the CR mine will have substantial gold production, in addition to its substantial copper production. But the gold component is all byproduct”, with ZERO effective production costs.
Just Copper Rand alone should be able to generate $40 - $50 million CAD per year in earnings at today’s metal prices. The company has announced that full production is planned for the 3rd quarter.
Campbell also has the new Corner Bay mine. That mine is a Copper Resource only (at least that’s what they have told us so far). Corner Bay is also 50% owned by Nuinsco resource (NWI.TO). The ore grades at Corner Bay are extremely high. Most of the resource is above 5% copper content, some sections have close to 7%, some veins are as high as 9%, or even 12% copper.
It is my personal opinion that production costs at Corner bay will be below $1.00 per pound. I base this assumption on the super high copper grades and the shallow depth. Campbell management has been leaking information that Corner Bay production costs would be more like $1.50 - $1.70 per pound, but I think that’s a bunch of “hogwash Down Play” (my opinion only – no proof).