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Campbell Resources: Fantastisch Instapmoment!

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honky tonk girl schreef:

Het is goed om na meer dan 1700(!!!) vieuws te concluderen dat er op IEX tot nu toe niemand een, wat betreft rooskleurige toekomstverwachtingen, superieure junior- goud/koper -miner heeft weten op te voeren.

(Weliswaar heeft J&S het over zijn veel grotere junior favoriet Exmin gehad maar z'n bespreking bleef beperkt tot 3 zinnen. (waarmee trouwens niet is gezegd dat dit geen uitstekende keus zou kunnen zijn....)

Blijkbaar is iedereen dus overtuigd van het enorme potentieel van Campbell.

Good Luck,
Beste HTG,

Ik zal mijn vorige posting op jou verzoek verduidelijken.
Het door jou aangeprezen aandeel staat op 0.135
Koersdoel volgens Yahoo staat al erg lang op $ 1.10
Je loopt op de zaken vooruit. De geschetste verwachtingen zijn goed maar daar kun je vooralsnog niets mee.
Ik zou mezelf niet eerder op de borst gaan slaan voordat de koers ook wat doet.

Daarom: warm maken mag, gek maken heeft geen zin en bescheidenheid siert de mens.

Overigens zie ik dat je al heel veel aanbevelingen gekregen hebt.

Gr Bert

Je enthousiasme is hartverwarmend. Niks mis mee als iemand gepassioneerd zijn/haar aandelen-keuze voor het voetlicht brengt.

De schoorvoetende reacties betekenen niet per sé dat 'men' jou je succes niet gunt....

Wat je bewijsvoering betreft omtrent het wel of niet kunnen noemen van alternatieven: ik begrijp niet dat hier geen serieuze discussie is ontstaan. Ik kan er in ieder geval wel nog een paar noemen:

Andere veelbelovende juniors zijn bijv. Impact, Great Panther, First Majestic, Gammon Lake, Metallica Resources... the list goes on and on...
Het voert veel te ver om die allemaal te gaan bespreken, daar kan per bedrijf menig draadje aan gewijd worden ( roept u maar).

CCH ziet er leuk uit, we moeten echter eerlijk blijven en ons realiseren dat er erg veel aandelen uit staan. Verder zijn er serieuze problemen geweest met de financiering. De keus uit bedrijven waar dat niet het geval is, is groot. De potentiele voorraden van CCH zijn ook niet van uitzonderlijke omvang.

De positieve punten zijn dat het management duidelijke uitspraken heeft gedaan over de te verwachten (hoge) output op korte termijn en dat de koperprijs onverminderd hoog is gebleven.

Kortom, CCH is voor mij een leuke gecalculeerde KT gok, niet meer en niet minder. Hopen dat het eerstvolgende PB voldoet aan de verwachtingen die het management geschapen heeft.



Hi S&M

Hier een aanbeveling van de overkant..... ook hier is enig enthousiasme niet te ontkennen..... veel leesplezier gewenst in ieder geval......

Good Luck,

24 Reasons to buy CCH/CBLRF

1) Super low share price (15 cents), for a miner with multiple properties in Production NOW.

2) Phenomenal, powerful TECHNICAL chart.

3) Recent record breaking volume on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

4) Gold and copper production. Gold production at their main Copper Rand project has ZERO production costs (it's by-product).

5) One of the only mid-cap miners with future royalty arrangements worked out.

6) Institutions own 80% of shares, and have recently bought more.

7) Sprott Asset Management is leading investor.

8) Insiders at both Campbell and Nuinsco own CCH shares.

9) Some employees own options, often at higher prices that today’s price.

10) All mining operations in Quebec, Canada – no geopolitical risk.

11) Several “back-burner” projects.

12) Massive exploration portfolio.

13) All of Nuinsco’s (NWI.TO) near term earnings will come from Campbell’s execution of plan. They are “betting the farm” on their partner Campbell.

14) Campbell and Nuinsco have announced plans for future projects (that have not even been identified yet).

15) Exercise of warrants exercise will provide more cash to Campbell.

16) Tremendous following among retail investors.

17) Management appears to be “down playing” while Institutions accumulate (opinion only).

18) Huge “Tax Loss Carry Forwards” ($71 million) are on the books. No corporate tax will be due, for many quarters.

19) Excellent labor relations with their miners.

20) Most Gold Mutual Funds have not bought in yet.

21) Independent Gold writers (Moriarty, Roulston, Casey) are not covering Campbell yet.

22) New message board for CCH quickly jumps to the top of the list in traffic.

23) Former message board was in the “Top 5” in traffic for over 8 months.

24) Campbell is discussed on several other message boards, including 3 message boards in Europe.


Great technical chart. Here is the weekly chart, showing the longer term trend:

LINK coming soon

This message post, form the “Official” CCH message board, has an annotated chart, showing the higher volume on the UP-moves, and much lower volume on the DOWN-MOVES.

LINK coming soon

The share price is depressed because of an artificial barrier, created by the restructuring risk. That risk has now been lifted - see the February 28 press release. Today’s price is still artificially depressed – great opportunity for value buyers.

Current earnings targets ($30 - $80 million) could be reached with just two mines at full production (Copper Rand and Corner Bay). We should see that by the end of 2007. The old Joe Mann mine just represents a little icing on the cake, if it’s still in production.

This (near future) earning model would lead to a forward PE ratio of between 1 and 3, based on the (fully diluted) share outstanding of about 550 million. A 550 million share capitalization is NOT out of line for a producing mid-cap miner. Here’s a table that compares mid-cap Gold producers

Campbell certainly has enough gold production to be considered a “gold producer". Gold producers trade at average PE ratios 3 – 6 times higher than base metal (copper/zinc) producers.

More comments on CCH gold production here:

LINK coming soon

Campbell is pone of the only mid-cap miners I have even seen that has future royalty arrangements worked out. Campbell will have royalty income from 3 properties (counting the Pitt Gold project, which is not a pure royalty). These are all GOLD royalties. Royalty income is the “holy grail” in this industry, and will ensure that CCH trades at a premium to other gold mid-caps.

After Copper Rand and Corner Bay are in full production, Campbell plans to bring the Cedar Bay mine into production. This is a formerly producing mine, and can be brought online fairly quickly. Here is a great picture:


Campbell has other projects on the “back burner”, for example the Chevrier Gold project.

Campbell has a massive portfolio of exploration claims, in nearby areas of Quebec. This is a highly prolific mining region, with several “mega-mines” that have operated through the years. Campbell has hundreds of claims. In my opinion, just their exploration portfolio alone is worth more than 15 cents a shares.

We believe Campbell at least 80% owns by well respected Institutions. It’s hard to get an exact figure because many Institutions bought less than 10% of the May 2006 placement – less than 10% doesn’t need to be reported. See comments below – we have reason to believe that many of these buyers were connected to Sprott.

The Campbell share price was depressed because they were operating under CCAA restructuring protection. Campbell (the parent company) is now out of CCAA. Almost all of the risk was lifted when the shares of the parent company (CCH.TO / CBLRF) became free of this encumbrance.

The long-term chart shows “where the CCH share price came from”, and “where is could be going”. Notice the explosion in volume since September 2006.


The Author’s personal price target for CCH is $2 - $5 a share.

There is lots of precedent for that kind of move in Junior mining stocks. The Author’s last “home run” stock pick was Southern Star Resources (SSR.V, now merged into GEA.TO). Benson was recommending SSR throughout 2005. It ended up providing a 40x gain to early investors.

A skeptical investor could cut those CCH targets by 75%, and still end up with a CCH target price of 50 cents – a very nice gain from today’s price. In other words, you don’t have to believe everything you read here, you can be a skeptic, and still see some excellent gains if you buy right now (because the share price is so low).

Campbell has gold production, copper production, and royalty arrangements that will pay out in the future.

Campbell’s main money maker in the next two years will be the Copper Rand (CR) mine. This project is 100% owned by Campbell. The thing to realize is that the CR mine will have substantial gold production, in addition to its substantial copper production. But the gold component is all byproduct”, with ZERO effective production costs.

Just Copper Rand alone should be able to generate $40 - $50 million CAD per year in earnings at today’s metal prices. The company has announced that full production is planned for the 3rd quarter.

Campbell also has the new Corner Bay mine. That mine is a Copper Resource only (at least that’s what they have told us so far). Corner Bay is also 50% owned by Nuinsco resource (NWI.TO). The ore grades at Corner Bay are extremely high. Most of the resource is above 5% copper content, some sections have close to 7%, some veins are as high as 9%, or even 12% copper.

It is my personal opinion that production costs at Corner bay will be below $1.00 per pound. I base this assumption on the super high copper grades and the shallow depth. Campbell management has been leaking information that Corner Bay production costs would be more like $1.50 - $1.70 per pound, but I think that’s a bunch of “hogwash Down Play” (my opinion only – no proof).


When the ore grade is more than double, the production cost per pound is less than half – less than half the production cost for similar projects in the areas. And Corner Bay is not “similar”, it’s “shallow depth”, which means even lower costs.

This miscommunication from the company (or is it deliberate disinformation, we don’t know) is one of the biggest things that pisses me off right now. All readers here, when they are talking with Mr. Fortier, need to ask lots of questions on this issue. It seems like they just don’t want the story getting out – not while the Institutions are doing their buying.

The shares trade at artificially low prices. Many people watching this stock believe there is an organized attempt by Institutions to “keep a lid” on the CCH share price, while they put together some kind of back room deal. That “deal” could just be more Institutional/ Insider buying, or it could be a takeover attempt. There is suspicion (but NO solid proof) that these Institutions are receiving cooperation from Campbell Management (read the “Chronology of the Down Play”). This is personal opinion only.

Some of the most respected Institutions in Canada have invested huge sums of money in Campbell’s shares, with the last year. At the top of the list is “Sprott Asst Management (SAM)”. It can clearly be seen in reports that that SAM owns 16 million CCH shares. But they would also own at least 8 million warrants along with those shares.

Then there was a recent message board post indicting that SAM recently purchased 23 million more shares. This time, they apparently purchased CBLRF shares. There is supposed to be an SEC filing that documents this purchase. But I have not seen the link that documents that purchase - I would appreciate it if someone would post a link or excerpt on the InvestorVillage board.

Assuming this latest purchase is accurate, Sprott Asst Management (SAM) would now own over 50 million shares and warrants combined. That is a huge vote of confidence in Campbell.

Campbell sold a private placement in may of 2006. The placement was for 125 million shares plus 62 million warrants. The private placement was quickly filled. The Author believes that a group of Funds with a close connection to Sprott bough these shares. We believe that because of this filing in Sedar, which revealed the name of 9 funds:

Sprott will now own CCH in 9 funds

These funds are different from Sprott Asset Management (SAM), but most of these funds have Sprott in their name. We sometimes refer to them as one entity, like when we say that Sprott owns over 200 million shares.

Nuinsco Resources (NWI.TO) owns 36 million CCH shares (official filing). They also own 70 million warrants – so their total position may be as high as 100 million shares in the future. At my target high price of $5 a share – that would represent a $500 million capital gain for Nuinsco. That kind of cash hoard is “record-breaking” for a small Canadian miner, and Nuinsco is a “small Canadian miner”.

This is important – no company will ever walk away from that kind of opportunity. Remember that Nuinsco’s top Management sits on the Campbell Board of Directors. Nuinsco insiders also own CCH shares in their personal accounts. Buyers should have confidence that they are NOT going to mess it up for themselves. You may see the share price manipulation games that we talk about, but in the end, the only way that Nuinsco gets paid is if the CCH share price goes up. Unless, of course, they try to take over the company.

The same goes for “Sprott”. We believe that Sprott Asset Management (SAM) now owns over 50 million shares and warrants (see point above). And a group of Institutional Funds (most with “Sprott” in their name) own over 200 million shares + warrants. So with my high target range of $5 a share, that’s $1 billion in cash for this group of funds. Nobody is going to walk away from a $1 billion windfall (even if the actual gain is spread across different Sprott funds).

All they have to do is make sure that Campbell Management performs. But there is also precedence for firms like Sprott to help support the stock price at certain price levels.

Even with the apparent 80% Institutional ownership, very few Institutions own CCH yet.

Fidelity Gold Fund, Evergreen, First Eagle, US Global Tocqueville - all of these guys mainstream funds have yet to buy into Campbell, while CCH would be the ideal investment for Gold Mutual Fund.

None of the well-know Independent Writers and Commentators in the sector are covering Campbell yet. There have been no commentaries by Bob Moriarty, Laurence Roulston, Doug Casey, Clive Maund, or any of the others yet. Get in know, before the herd.

The group of serious CCH investors crated a new message board on InvestorVillage, and in two weeks it jumped to the highest traffic message board for TSX stocks board in InvestorVillage.

The CCH message board in StockHouse was in the “Top 5” for traffic for over 8 months. Most of the serious posters have now abandoned that board, because it’s now become just a dirty gutter for Professional Bashers (like “MolySpecKing”) but the huge traffic that we had on that board is telling you something.

It’s hard to find a stock that got some much negative attention from the roaming packs Bashers in SotckHouse. Alls serious contributors were attacked. You just know these Bashers have an “under the table” connection with the Institutions somewhere. Seeing that much effort put into Bashing CCH was a sure sign that Campbell is an “undiscovered gem”. The Bashers don’t waste their time on stocks that aren’t going anywhere.
Koersdoel $ 2- $5 ?

Ik help het hopen. Kan ik een paar jaar rustig aan doen.

Het is gewoon aandoenlijk, dat enthousiasme....
En voor zoiets moois moeten de beleggers dan helemaal uit NL naar Canada komen, ja ja...

FYI De omzet is meestal laag. Vandaag tot nog toe 700 k @ 0.14 Can$ (dwz - 7 %).
En zelfs voor zo'n kleine omzet zijn beleggers uit NL nodig.
The sky is the limit.... als je het geloven moet....
"Zorro123" lijkt qua berichtgeving op "Xzorro" van het Beurskings-forum in de zin dat deze de intelligentie mist om inhoudelijk gefundeerd te reageren en vaak suggestieve stukjes plaatst die kant noch wal raken en overlopen van zelfgenoegzaamheid en misplaatste arrogantie.

"De omzet is meestal laag"................ waar heb je gezeten de afgelopen maanden?!!! Sinds de low op 7 cents is Campbell diverse keren op zeer hoge volumes gestegen. Slechts de de dalingen, zoals vandaag, gaan op lage volumes en zijn daarmee dus nietszeggend.

Kom met argumenten gebaseerd op gedegen onderzoek Zorro123; jouw nietszeggende stukje komt niet overeen met de feiten en is verder totaal inhoudsloos en ik vraag me zeer af waarom je zo'n non-bericht plaatst.

Good Luck,


xzorro123 schreef:

Het is gewoon aandoenlijk, dat enthousiasme....
En voor zoiets moois moeten de beleggers dan helemaal uit NL naar Canada komen, ja ja...

FYI De omzet is meestal laag. Vandaag tot nog toe 700 k @ 0.14 Can$ (dwz - 7 %).
En zelfs voor zo'n kleine omzet zijn beleggers uit NL nodig.
The sky is the limit.... als je het geloven moet....
Een van de meest opvallende aspecten uit het bericht van Benson is het onderstaande en dit gegeven valt niet te ontkennen: als Campbell stijgt dan zullen de (Nuinsco*) insiders profiteren, daalt Campbell dan geldt het omgekeerde.

(Nuinsco is een gedeeltelijke partner van Campbell Resources en diverse Nuinsco-Managers hebben recentelijk (prive) veel aandelen Campbell Resources gekocht.)

"Nuinsco Resources (NWI.TO) owns 36 million CCH shares (official filing). They also own 70 million warrants – so their total position may be as high as 100 million shares in the future. At my target high price of $5 a share – that would represent a $500 million capital gain for Nuinsco. That kind of cash hoard is “record-breaking” for a small Canadian miner, and Nuinsco is a “small Canadian miner”.

This is important – no company will ever walk away from that kind of opportunity. Remember that Nuinsco’s top Management sits on the Campbell Board of Directors. Nuinsco insiders also own CCH shares in their personal accounts. Buyers should have confidence that they are NOT going to mess it up for themselves. You may see the share price manipulation games that we talk about, but in the end, the only way that Nuinsco gets paid is if the CCH share price goes up. Unless, of course, they try to take over the company."

Good Luck,
Dear HT Girl
De enige echte feiten, dat zijn de koers en omzet.

Wat jij verder houdt voor FA "feiten", die moet je nemen FWIW.... Dat kun je IMO niet als harde feiten accepteren. Misschien wel, misschien niet....

IMHO moet je een aandeel met deze status en omzet niet zo hard promoten als "fantastisch".
Aan dat soort promoties zit meestal een luchtje.

Hierbij de chart van vandaag: - 7 %
Het kan Up en het kan down, maar fantastisch.... hmmm...

honky tonk girl schreef:

...Kom met argumenten gebaseerd op gedegen onderzoek Zorro123; jouw nietszeggende stukje komt niet overeen met de feiten en is verder totaal inhoudsloos en ik vraag me zeer af waarom je zo'n non-bericht plaatst.

Good Luck,
Hierbij dan ook nog de 1-year chart voor CCH.
Op zich kun je stellen dat de koers vanaf najaar in Uptrend zit.
Er is een redelijke kans dat de koers vrij spoedig stijgt naar 0.18. Daar is weerstand.

Maar met dit soort aandeeltjes is het meer gokwerk dan bij aandelen met flinke omzet. Daarom meestal qua Risk/ Reward zijn dit soort aandeeltjes niet aan te bevelen.
IMHO kun je nu het beste in de Oil/Gas/en gerelateerde service companies (zoals de drillers) zitten.

Meer loos gebral Zorro! (je bent gezien het nivo van je posting inderdaad die nitwit van Beurskings)

Hou op met dat geleuter als "de enige feiten zijn de koers en omzet" of blijf in ieder geval op Beurskings het forum vervuilen met je infantiele stukjes.

Je post een intraday-chart en meldt een daling van 7% vergezeld van een aanmatigend, misplaatst arrogante opmerking als:

"Het kan Up en het kan down, maar fantastisch.... hmmm..."

Ten eerste is het intraday en betekent dus nog maar weinig, ten tweede gebeurt het onder een zeer lage omzet en hierdoor betekent het dus bijna helemaal niets meer!!! (Het enige dat jij gezien je Beurskings bijdragen altijd schijnt te doen is grafiekjes plaatsen en een melding maken van wat je ziet, iets dat steevast wordt gevolgd door een loze kreet als: het kan up of down gaan.)

Welke bijdrage probeer je met dit soort onzin te leveren? Dit soort loze kretologie irriteert me mateloos en ik zal in het vervolg niet meer reageren op je stupide postings.

Good Luck,
hi honky tonk, relax. neem het niet persoonlijk en maak het niet persoonlijk. denk aan een zeehond waar de druppels vanaf glijden, ipv intrekken. zorro heeft niets kwaads in de zin, wil graag laten horen dat ie minder risico neemt, moet hij weten. wij doen dat wel en geloven in cambell en hebben dit aandeel dus wel in de portefeuilee. ieder zijn ding. grt roos.
..........[quote HTG/Benson(whoever that is)]:.....20) Most Gold Mutual Funds have not bought in yet.....[end quote HTG/Benson]:


HTG ziet dat als reden om CCH te kopen.

ÍK vraag me af, als de k/w 1 is, plus al die andere 27 koopredenen: "waarom kopen die gold funds niet? Ze zijn waarschijnlijk niet zo bijdehand als wij"?


honky tonk girl schreef:

Het is goed om na meer dan 1700(!!!) vieuws te concluderen dat er op IEX tot nu toe niemand een, wat betreft rooskleurige toekomstverwachtingen, superieure junior- goud/koper -miner heeft weten op te voeren.

Blijkbaar is iedereen dus overtuigd van het enorme potentieel van Campbell

Good Luck,
Beste HTG,

Er is ook nog niemand (bijna) die je mening deelt.

Het aantal views is wel stijgende, de koers nog niet.
Je starre houding roept iets af en schept een verwachting.

Nou, nou, als dit het soort inhoudelijke discussie is, dat jij gewoon bent, dan is dat niet het mijne.
Wat brallerig is, dat is een rommelaandeeltje als CCH aanbevelen als "fantastisch".
Doet me denken aan Rienk Kamer e.d.

Je moet het aanbevelen/ omschrijven als het leuk gokwerk.

honky tonk girl schreef:

Meer loos gebral Zorro! (je bent gezien het nivo van je posting inderdaad die nitwit van Beurskings)

Hou op met dat geleuter als "de enige feiten zijn de koers en omzet" of blijf in ieder geval op Beurskings het forum vervuilen met je infantiele stukjes. ...
Ach zorro,
Soaps doen het altijd goed als AEX kwakkelt, vooral als vrouwelijk schoon de hoofdrol heeft.
Hi Amor

Vaak hebben grote, Amerikaanse en Canadese, bedrijven een code opgesteld waaraan ze zich moeten houden in geval van het doen van investeringen. Een van de bepalingen kan zijn dat niet geinvesteerd mag worden in bedrijven die in CCAA-status verkeren, vanwege de hoge risico's die daarmee in het algemeen gepaard gaan.

Campbell is grotendeels uit CCAA, maar twee subsidiaries nog niet. (wordt trouwens zeer binnenkort wel verwacht) Ik kan het me dus voorstellen dat grote bedrijven nog wat huiverig zijn en zich afwachtend opstellen.

Good Luck,


Amor Arrows schreef:

..........[quote HTG/Benson(whoever that is)]:.....20) Most Gold Mutual Funds have not bought in yet.....[end quote HTG/Benson]:


HTG ziet dat als reden om CCH te kopen.

ÍK vraag me af, als de k/w 1 is, plus al die andere 27 koopredenen: "waarom kopen die gold funds niet? Ze zijn waarschijnlijk niet zo bijdehand als wij"?

Goed nieuws van Normabec Mining. (Campbell heeft een 20% belang via GEO-Nova)

Re: Normabec Mining - Monday, May 14, 2007
Normabec Reports Numerous Gold Intercepts on the Pitt Gold

St-Bruno, Quebec- May 14, 2007 - Normabec Mining Resources Limited
(Normabec, TSXV: NMB) is pleased to announce numerous successful
intercepts from its winter drilling program on the Pitt Gold property,
located along the Porcupine-Destor Break some 35 km north of
Rouyn-Noranda, Abitibi.
The high number of gold bearing structures and the presence of numerous
high grade intercepts indicate the existence of a major mineralizing
event on the property.
The completion of 5,685 meters of drilling enabled Normabec to earn a
60 percent interest in the Pitt Gold property, per the option purchase
agreement signed with SOQUEM Inc. and GeoNova Exploration Inc. To date,
the company has completed more than 16,456 meters of drilling on the
property since the signing of this agreement. Normabec also began the
process of acquiring an additional 20 percent interest in the property,
which can be earned by spending C$500,000 before June 2008.
GeoNova is a wholly owned exploration company of Campbell Resources
Inc., a mining Corporation which operates mainly in the Chibougamau
area of Quebec, and holds several gold and copper properties.

For more information, contact:

Robert Ayotte, President
Tel: 450.441.9177
E-mail: info@normabec.com
Campbell Reports First Quarter 2007 Financial Results, Provides Summary of Activities
Monday May 14, 2:09 pm ET

Copper-gold miner capitalizing on dominant position in Chibougamau mining camp

MONTREAL, May 14 /CNW Telbec/ - Campbell Resources Inc. (TSX:CCH, OTC Bulletin Board : CBLRF, www.campbellresources.com) today announced financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2007, ended March 31, 2007. Achievements during and subsequent to the first quarter include:

- Executed its obligations pursuant to the Plan of Arrangement with
creditors and exited from protection under the Companies' Creditors
Arrangement Act ("CCAA").
- Raised $7 million for the development of the high-grade Corner Bay
- Let contract for Corner Bay development to CMAC-Thyssen for the
production of a 42,000 ton bulk sample beginning in the fourth quarter.
- Subsidiary MSV Resources completed the sale of the Eastmain Mine
property for consideration of $4.0 million pursuant to its obligations
under Plan of Arrangement.
- Successfully remediated a rock fall in late February at the Copper Rand
mine, with all rehabilitation work completed by the end of April.
- Made significant progress in implementing the Alimak mining system at
Copper Rand mine, with production from first ore block scheduled for
- Completed testing and implementation of the paste fill plant at Copper
Rand mine.

"We continue to make good progress toward our objectives of strengthening
current operations to allow Campbell to fully capitalize on its position in
the Chibougamau mining camp," said André Fortier, President and CEO. "By
achieving our objectives of exiting CCAA, beginning commercial production at
Copper Rand, and continuing to identify and develop satellite deposits such as
Corner Bay and the Merrill Pit, we are beginning to realize the potential of
our assets, including the Copper Rand mill, and establishing a solid base to
take advantage of robust metal markets."


On February 27, 2007, the Monitor appointed by the Superior Court of
Québec issued a Certificate of Execution with respect to the Plan of
Arrangement for Campbell confirming that the Company has executed all of its
obligations pursuant to its plan of arrangement with its creditors. The
Company also remitted to the Monitor all amounts required for the payment in
full of the claims made by the creditors of GéoNova Explorations Inc.
("GéoNova"). The court subsequently granted extension of the CCAA protection
to June 15, 2007 for subsidiaries MSV Resources Inc. ("MSV") and Meston
Resources Inc. ("Meston").

Financial Results

The Company recorded a net loss of $1.7 million, or $0.01 per share, in
the first quarter of 2007, compared with a net loss of $2.3 million, or $0.02
per share, in the first quarter of 2006. Results were enhanced by the gain of
$3.8 million realized with the sale of the Eastmain Mine property. For the
first time, consolidated results include operations at the Copper Rand Mine.
As a result, mining expenses increased to $5.1 million, from $2.8 million in
the first quarter of 2006.
In addition to the inclusion of Copper Rand results, the implementation of
the Alimak mining system, designed to increase efficiencies, enhance
production and improve ground conditions going forward, contributed to the
increased mining expense, as did rehabilitation costs at Copper Rand,
definition drilling programs at the Copper Rand and Joe Mann mines and
training programs for new employees.
Gross metal sales for the first quarter of 2007 were $1.7 million
(2,096 ounces of gold), compared with $2.6 million (3,028 ounces of gold and
127,108 pounds of copper) for the comparable period in 2006. The average
market price for gold in the first quarter of 2007 was $762 (US$650), compared
with $640 (US$554) for the same period of 2006. In the first quarter of 2007,
the average sale price was $763 per ounce compared to $646 in the same period
of 2006.
Net metal sales for the first quarter of 2007 reached $1.6 million,
compared with $2.4 million for the same period last year. In 2006,
$2.4 million of net sales from the Copper Rand mine were applied in reduction
of the mine development costs. According to the new contract for the sale of
concentrate between Campbell and Ocean Partners UK Limited ("OP"), revenue
cannot be recognized until the ownership and risks are fully passed to the
buyer. As at March 31, 2007, $4.1 million of inventory valued at lowest of
cost or realized value was stored at Port of Quebec. On this amount of
inventory, provisional payments in the amount of $3.1 million were received
from OP.

Joe Mann Mine

Production at the Joe Mann mine in the first quarter 2007 was 16,744 tons
grading 0.218 Au oz/t (Q1 2006: 22,556 tons, 0.186 Au oz/t), yielding 3,019 oz
of gold (Q1 2006: 3,464 oz); 0.21% Cu, for 66,435 lbs (Q1 2006: 0.32%,
137,963 lbs); and 0.157 Ag oz/t, for 1,564 oz (Q1 2006: 0.177 oz/t, 2,802 oz).
Decrease in tonnage occurred in the quarter as the operation had to face a
shortfall of available stopes. This situation was the result of a cutback of
ore blocks and to some background conditions in one of its major stopes.
During this quarter, increased activity from diamond drilling and
development combined with lower gold output, contributed to the increase in
operation costs as well as cost per ounce.
During the first quarter, the Company encountered additional high-grade
narrow gold zones at Joe Mann. Mining of those zones has begun, and as a
result production at Joe Mann is scheduled to continue until the end of
August. In addition, the Company has an exploration program scheduled for June
to test the continuity of the Joe Mann orebody at depth.

Copper Rand Mine

Production at the Copper Rand mine in the first quarter 2007 was
22,043 tons grading 0.047 Au oz/t (Q1 2006: 21,867 tons, 0.061 Au oz/t),
yielding 883 oz of gold (Q1 2006: 1,104 oz); 2.08% Cu, for 895,206 lbs
(Q1 2006: 2.15%, 927,218 lbs); and 0.157 Ag oz/t, for 2,350 oz (Q1 2006:
0.181 oz/t, 2,760 oz).
Production at Copper Rand was significantly reduced following the rock
fall which occurred February 22nd on the 4690 level. The surrounding ramp
infrastructure was badly affected. All of the rehabilitation work related to
this event was completed by the end of April and production is gradually
resuming. A bypass ramp to access the 4510 level is progressing with about one
third of it having been completed. The new ramp should be completed by the end
of June.
Meanwhile, stope preparation is progressing normally. Production from the
first block of ore to be mined with the Alimak Mining method is scheduled for
the second half of June. The Alimak Mining method contributes to lowering
mining costs by significantly reducing development work as well as the time to
access and prepare ore blocks.
The paste fill plant has been completed and
Hi Roos

Bedankt voor de PR. IEX is voor zover ik weet het enige forum dat slechts een beperkte hoeveelheid tekst in een keer kan plaatsen. (Ik heb de rest van de PR op het edelmetalenforum gezet)

Wat betreft dat persoonlijke daar heb je uiteraard helemaal gelijk in maar zo af en toe kan ik het eea toch niet helemaal nalaten. Zal in de toekomst proberen m'n temper wat beter te bewaren.

Good Luck,
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