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Eneco gaat alle stroom afnemen van Windpark Fryslân

In het kort
15 jaar lang zal Eneco alle stroom gaan afnemen van Windpark Fryslân in het IJsselmeer.
De stroomproductie van het park zal neerkomen op 1% van het totale verbruik in Nederland.
Het afnamecontract is het grootste dat Eneco ooit sloot met een Nederlands windpark.

Eneco gaat 15 jaar lang alle stroom afnemen van het nog te bouwen Windpark Fryslân in het IJsselmeer, het grootste windpark van Nederland dat niet in de Noordzee wordt gebouwd. Het afnamecontract is het grootste dat Eneco ooit met een Nederlands windpark heeft gesloten. Dat heeft Eneco donderdag bekendgemaakt.

Verwacht wordt dat Windpark Fryslân jaarlijks ongeveer 1500 gigawattuur stroom zal produceren. Dat komt overeen met ruim 1% van het totale elektriciteitsverbruik in Nederland. Eneco gaat de stroom aanbieden aan bedrijven en organisaties in de provincie Friesland.

'Passende zakenpartner'
Projectdirecteur Anne de Groot van Windpark Fryslân noemt Eneco een 'passende zakenpartner' omdat de energieleverancier in de ogen van De Groot een 'actieve voorloper op het gebied van duurzame energie in Nederland' is.

Met het contracteren van dit windpark groeit het aandeel windenergie bij Eneco in Nederland naar ongeveer 2200 megawatt aan opgesteld vermogen.

Van Oord en Siemens Gamesa
Windpark Fryslân wordt op dit moment gebouwd in het IJsselmeer, zo’n zes kilometer van de Friese IJsselmeerkust, ter hoogte van de Afsluitdijk. Het park wordt een van de grootste windparken in Nederland en wordt aangelegd door Van Oord en Siemens Gamesa. Deze bedrijven worden samen verantwoordelijk voor de realisatie van het windpark, dat 89 turbines met een totale capaciteit van 382,7 megawatt zal omvatten.

Tegen de komst van het windpark werd de afgelopen jaren door verschillende partijen geprotesteerd. Zij wezen op de mogelijke nadelige gevolgen van het windpark voor de scheepvaart en het watersporttoerisme en daarmee voor de werkgelegenheid van de watersportbedrijven rond het IJsselmeer. Ook waren er zorgen over de impact van het park op de natuur. Windpark Fryslan wordt aangelegd in een beschermd Natura 2000-gebied.

De Raad van State veegde vorig jaar alle bezwaren van tafel.

Provincie investeert mee
De provincie Friesland investeert ook in het park. De provincie wil €127 mln investeren, maar de investering kan nog oplopen tot €150 mln. De directe investering door een provincie in een commercieel windpark is een unicum in de Nederlandse geschiedenis. In totaal is met de bouw van het park naar verwachting €600 mln tot €900 mln gemoeid.

Danske Commodities Takes Over UK Dudgeon Wind Farm

Reuters reported that Danish energy trading company Danske Commodities has signed a 15 year power purchase agreement with British offshore wind farm Dudgeon, making this the company’s fourth long-term PPA in the country’s market

Danske Commodities will take over balancing and trading of 281 MW, equivalent to 70% of the wind farm’s production

Equinor and Masdar own 35% of Dudgeon each, with China Resources owning the remaining 30%

Equinor bought Danske Commodities in 2018 for EUR 400 million.

Source : Reuters
Major Milestone Met on Moray East Offshore Windfarm project

The Moray East offshore windfarm project completed its first fabrication milestone as Thurso SME engineering firm, JGC Engineering and Technical Services, finalised work on the containers which will be fitted with either high voltage transmission equipment or electrical monitoring and control equipment for the three offshore substation platforms.

The milestone was celebrated by the project teams from Moray East, the project developer, Siemens, the lead contractor and JGC, the supply chain partner with representations from local business and enterprise groups, the Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

JGC fabricated eight of 12 containers at its site in Thurso and have also supported Siemens with other offshore projects in the UK.

The containers’ total length, height and volume are larger than an Airbus A380 aircraft which highlights the impressive feat Siemens and JGC have completed together. They have been designed to house and protect the specialised high voltage equipment from Siemens which form a vital part of the project’s three offshore substation platforms. The three offshore substation platforms will transform the electrical output of the wind turbines from 66 kilovolts (kV) to the transmission voltage of 220 kV.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Europese goedkeuring voor Franse subsidie offshore-windmolenparken

(ABM FN) De Europese Commissie heeft vastgesteld dat de steun aan zes grote offshore-windemolenparken voor de kust van Frankrijk in overeenstemming is met de EU-regels voor hert verlenen van staatssteun. Dit bleek vrijdag uit een persbericht van de Commissie.

De Commissie heeft de zes steunmaatregelen getoetst aan de EU-staatssteunregels, met name de richtsnoeren van 2008 inzake staatssteun voor milieubescherming.

De maatregelen zullen volgens de Commissie Frankrijk helpen de CO2-uitstoot te verminderen, in overeenstemming met de energie- en klimaatdoelstellingen van de EU, zonder de concurrentie op de interne markt onnodig te verstoren.

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Thrive and Bristol Energy Agree Wind Power Deal for Almost 3000 Homes

Thrive Renewables and Bristol Energy have today unveiled an agreement for 3.55MW of renewable electricity, enough to power almost 3,000 homes, from two onshore wind farms in Suffolk and Aberdeenshire. The two Bristol-based companies share a commitment to supporting the city’s ambitious carbon-neutral target by driving renewable energy growth and making green energy more accessible to all.

The new power purchase agreement for the electricity generated by Thrive’s 2.75MW wind turbine at at Ness Point, England’s most easterly point, will provide enough energy for 2,225 UK homes. The agreement for the 0.8MW Auchtygills turbine in Aberdeenshire will power an additional 700 homes.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Windturbinebouwer Siemens Gamesa afgestraft

De Spaans-Duitse windturbinebouwer Siemens Games is op de beurs ruim 13% gekelderd, nadat het bedrijf een 53% lagere nettowinst rapporteerde en kampt met lagere prijzen voor turbines. Het bedrijf heeft te maken met tegenwind in opkomende markten en hevige concurrentie in offshore wind. Dat heeft het bedrijf dinsdag bekendgemaakt.

De nettowinst van het bedrijf kelderde het afgelopen kwartaal naar €21 mln. Analisten geraadpleegd door Bloomberg rekenden gemiddeld op ruim twee keer zoveel. De omzet groeide wel met bijna 24% naar €2,6 mrd. Ook het bedrijfsresultaat verbeterde, met 13%, en het bedrijf haalde zelfs een recordbedrag van bijna €5 mrd aan nieuwe orders binnen.

Lagere prijzen

De vooruitzichten zijn echter een stuk somberder. Siemens Gamesa verwacht een daling van zijn offshore windactiviteiten vanwege de hevige concurrentie op die markt, zei financieel directeur David Mesonero in een conference call met analisten, meldt Bloomberg. '2019 is een buitengewoon jaar, dat waarschijnlijk niet zal worden herhaald', aldus Mesonero.

De winst staat bij Siemens Gamesa onder druk doordat windparkontwikkelaars steeds lagere prijzen voor de turbines weten te bedingen. Daardoor namen de marges af.

'De belangrijkste impact op de winstgevendheid is de aanhoudend lagere prijs in de orderportefeuille gedurende de periode, volatiliteit in opkomende markten en uitdagingen bij de implementatie van een aantal windparken op land', aldus het bedrijf in een persverklaring.


Ook zorgt de Brexit voor onzekerheid. Groot-Brittannië is de grootste markt ter wereld voor offshore wind. 'We analyseren de Brexit op wekelijkse basis', aldus Markus Tacke, bestuursvoorzitter van Siemens Gamesa in de conference call. 'We moeten nog steeds uitvinden wat een mogelijke Brexit betekent voor ons.'

Aberdeen Standard Investments Funds Wind Farm in Scotland

Aberdeen Standard Investments Infrastructure Debt Team has provided over GBP63 million of long-term debt to finance an operational wind farm in south-west Scotland. The Whiteside Hill Wind Farm in Dumfries and Galloway is owned by investors in funds managed by Capital Dynamics under its Clean Energy Infrastructure investment strategy. Capital Dynamics is one of the largest specialised renewable energy investment managers in the world with 4.7 GW of gross power generation across more than 100 projects.1 The wind farm has an approved export capacity of 27MW and is accredited under the UK Government’s ROC programme. The project will be operated by a subsidiary of the GE group, which also manufactured and installed the turbines.

The investment was financed by three pension and insurance clients of Aberdeen Standard Investments, providing them with a long-term reliable income stream from a clean energy investment.

Mr Alex Campbell, Investment Director at Aberdeen Standard Investments, said that “We are committed to investing in clean energy projects that contribute to the UK’s renewable energy targets. With a highly experienced sponsor and operator, this investment will also provide our investors with stable and predictable long-term returns, helping them to match their long-term liabilities.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Drydocks World to Build HVAC Offshore Platform Topside in Middle East

Drydocks World, the service provider to the marine, offshore, oil, gas and renewable energy sectors has signed a contract with Petrofac and end-client TenneT to carry-out the construction of a High Voltage Alternating Current Transformer Station Topside, named Hollandse Kust Zuid Alpha. The HVAC platform will be part of a renewable energy wind farm, located in the Hollandse Kust Zuid grid connection in Netherlands sector of the North Sea. The approximately 3,500T Topside will have a connection capacity of 700MW, and is set to be completed in 2021.

Drydocks World’s scope of work includes production engineering, construction, mechanical completion, pre-commissioning, commissioning assistance, load-out, sea fastening and HVAC Engineering Procurement Construction Commissioning for the Topside.

Capt. Rado Antolovic Phd CEO & Managing Director of DP World Maritime Services Division said that “The role of renewables is continuing to gain prominence in the global energy market, and Drydocks World is well-versed in the evolving technologies of the offshore industry to develop this segment.Everyone at Drydocks World is committed to developing innovative solutions and keeping safety as our top priority. We are pleased to be working with Petrofac and TenneT again, after previously completing several projects together for the North Sea. Our joint expertise and excellent team work have delivered important infrastructure for sustainable energy generation, and I look forward to many successful project milestones to come.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
DNV GL launches New Joint Industry Project to Cut Wind Energy Costs

DNV GL, the world’s largest resource of independent energy experts and certification body, is calling on wind energy stakeholders to join a new Joint Industry Project to explore the potential of using light detection and ranging to measure wind speed Turbulence Intensity for various applications in the wind industry. Measuring meteorological conditions such as wind speed and TI is essential for assessing and verifying the feasibility of new wind energy projects. For example, the data is used in the assessment of the wind resources at potential sites as well as to validate both turbine loads and power performance that are required for type certification of new wind turbines.

Currently, industry standards from DNV GL and the IEC specify that these measurements must be made using so-called meteorological masts (met masts) – tall towers equipped with cup and sonic anemometers. However, installing met masts is very costly, particularly on offshore sites.

Recent advances in LIDAR technology offer a new way to carry out the meteorological measurements needed for turbine certification and site assessment at a much lower cost. The use of floating LIDARs also makes it possible to carry out measurements in previously inaccessible locations such as deep-water sites and enable more accurate energy yield assessment. As a result, LIDAR has the potential to help deliver significantly cheaper wind energy – both onshore and offshore.

Consequently, LIDAR is becoming the preferred technology for wind resource measurements, and various methods for deriving TI information from LIDAR measurements have been proposed in research settings. However, none of these methods has yet been verified and adopted within international standards, therefore, LIDAR measurements are not widely accepted by certification bodies, insurers or authorities. By creating a Recommended Practice for LIDAR that is supported by players throughout the industry, the DNV GL-driven JIP aims to drive acceptance of LIDAR measurements and help reduce costs for turbine OEMs and wind project developers.

The JIP is intended for wind turbine and LIDAR manufacturers, wind farm developers, universities and research facilities, consultants and measurement institutes that are looking for guidelines to use LIDAR TI measurements for different applications. The call for partner’s phase is now open. Organizations interested in joining should contact project managers Nikolai Hille and Frank Scheurich at DNV GL, Renewables Certification.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Deutsche Bucht Offshore Wind Farm Supplies First Power to Grid

Northland Deutsche Bucht GmbH confirmed that the first turbine at its 269 MW Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm, has been successfully commissioned and is delivering power to the German grid. Mr Jens Poulsen, Project Director of Northland Deutsche Bucht GmbH said that 'This is a great achievement for our Deutsche Bucht project. The rapid progress on installation and commissioning was made possible by the dedication of our team, combined with excellent cooperation by all partners, especially the grid operator and the BSH licensing authority.”

Installation of the 33 turbines began earlier this year and all turbines are expected to be delivering energy to the grid by the end of 2019, as per schedule. Once operational, Deutsche Bucht will produce 1.1 billion kilowatt hours of eco-friendly energy each year, meeting the demand of approximately 328,000 households. The renewable energy produced by Deutsche Bucht will save 740,0001 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

Installation of the turbines began in early June; as of today, 21 of the turbines have been installed by the turbine manufacturer, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind. The final fabrication on the two innovative Mono Bucket foundations is currently ongoing at Bladt Industries facilities at Lindoe, Denmark. Installation and cabling for the two Mono Bucket foundations and their turbines is planned for the fourth quarter. All 33 turbines are expected to be operational by the end of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Scotland opens its largest wind farm

The 844 turbine, 588MW Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm is the fourth largest in the world, and was officially opened by Prince Charles at a ceremony on 29 July. The facility, located 13 kilometres off the Scottish coast, will generate enough electricity to power approximately 450,000 homes per year, and help save about 8 million tonnes of carbon emissions over its 25-year lifetime.

The project has been a joint-development by three partners, SSE Renewables (40%), Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (35%) and Red Rock Power Limited (25%) in what is considered to be the largest single private investment in Scottish history.

Mr Jim Smith, managing director of SSE Renewables said that “We’re incredibly privileged and honoured to welcome His Royal Highness to Wick today to perform the official opening of Scotland’s largest wind farm, Beatrice. We’re incredibly proud it’s been delivered on time and under budget, even when dealing with the challenges the North Sea and deep waters bring. Most importantly, Beatrice will save around 8 million tonnes of harmful carbon emissions over its 25-year lifetime operation, making one of the most significant contributions across the UK in combating climate change and meeting our net-zero ambitions.”

UK Government Business Minister Lord Duncan added that “Wind energy provided a record-breaking 17% of the UK’s electricity last year, an increase supported by sustained government investment which is enabling the sector to grow, now contributing GBP 2.4 billion to the UK economy while driving down costs. Beatrice will support nearly 400 jobs in Scotland and [the] grand opening reinforces our world-leading credentials in seizing the economic opportunities of the global shift to a greener, cleaner future.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Doubled Net Income To EUR 88 Million In First 9 Months

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy reported the results of the first nine months (October-June) and the third quarter (April to June) of fiscal year 2019. Revenue increased by 12% YoY in the first nine months of FY 2019, to EUR 7,283 million, and by 23% YoY in the third quarter, to EUR 2,632 million, driven by strong performance in all businesses, with record activity in offshore.

The company ended the first nine months of FY 2019 with EBIT pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs of EUR 475 million, equivalent to an EBIT margin pre PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 6.5%. In the third quarter, EBIT pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs amounted to EUR 159 million, equivalent to an EBIT margin pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 6.1%. The main impact on profitability was persisting lower pricing in the order backlog during the period, emerging market volatility and execution challenges in some onshore projects, partly offset by synergies, improvements in productivity and higher year-on-year sales volume.

The company doubled net income to EUR 88 million in the first nine months of FY 2019, while net income in the third quarter was EUR 21 million. Net debt amounted to EUR 191 million at 30 June, driven by the increase in working capital ahead of peak wind turbine activity in the fourth quarter.

Performance is in line with the guidance range for FY 2019 (revenues of EUR 10,000-EUR 11,000 million and EBIT margin pre PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 7-8.5%), despite the third quarter being affected by emerging market volatility and execution challenges in some onshore projects. Although short-term headwinds temporarily hamper group margins, Siemens Gamesa’s long-term prospects remain solid thanks to a record backlog, geographical and business diversification and one of the most competitive product portfolios, both onshore and offshore.

The company will update on its competitive business strategy and performance in a Capital Markets Day during the first half of 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ørsted Gives Service Jack-up Contract to Fred Olsen Windcarrier

Ørsted Wind Power A/S has selected Fred Olsen Windcarrier to provide a service jack-up vessel or vessels to assist in major component replacements at offshore wind farms. The scope of services for the tender comprises a charter of a jack-up or jack-ups to carry out heavy lifting operations, and thereby related services including lifting equipment, during main component exchanges at Ørsted operated offshore wind farms out of warranty in the United Kingdom, Germany, and/or Denmark.

The contract includes component exchanges such as blades, blade bearings, main bearings, gearboxes, generators, transformers, and other tasks requiring a stable lifting platform.

Furthermore, Ørsted requires full-service management of the vessel/s and their operations and may include specified requirements such as sea fastening and tagline system for the main components.

The duration of the contract has not been specified.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Northwester 2 Construction Works At Sea Kicked Off

Construction works for the seventh offshore wind farm off the Belgian coast have started. Developer Parkwind and marine contractor Jan De Nul Group announce that offshore seabed preparation works have commenced for the 219 MW offshore wind farm Northwester 2. The Northwester 2 wind farm will count 23 V164-9.5MW MHI Vestas Offshore Wind turbines and will be the first project to ever install this model. The turbines on monopile foundations will link through an offshore high voltage station to Elia’s Offshore Switch Yard (OSY) to export its electricity. As of 2020, the Northwester 2 wind farm will power approximately 220,000 households in Belgium.

The Northwester 2 project will introduce a new design for the external access platforms on the foundations: the box platform. The platform has an innovative design developed and patented by Parkwind that consists only of steel plate material.

Jan De Nul Group has just finished the offshore scour protection works on the different wind turbine locations. At each location, Jan De Nul Group’s subsea rock installation vessel Simon Stevin has installed a 32 m diameter wide and 700 mm thick rock layer to stabilize the seabed around the foundation. Jan De Nul Group is now gearing up to install the first foundation in the coming days. The monopile foundations for the wind turbines will be hammered directly through the rock layer into the seabed.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EIB to Finance Construction Of 21 Wind Farms in Spain

The European Investment Bank is set to finance one of the biggest wind power infrastructure projects in Spain to date: the construction of 21 wind farms in Andalusia, Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla León, Galicia and Navarra. These new facilities will have a total capacity of 547 MW and will generate approximately 1.491 GWh of energy a year overall, a volume equivalent to the power use of 360 000 Spanish homes. It is one of the largest wind power projects financed by the EIB in Spain following its contribution to the financing of the Goya project. The wind farms included in this project were winning bids in the renewable energy auction that took place in Spain in July 2017, and have been developed by the Alfanar group. The EU bank will provide the project with several loans totalling up to EUR 385 million for construction and implementation. The two entities have already signed the first of these, under which the EIB is providing EUR 44.2 million to develop the first phase of the project. This EU bank financing, together with the additional loan from various financial institutions, will be provided via a Project Finance arrangement for the construction of the first four wind farms, which will have a capacity of around 99 MW.

The loan was signed under the Investment Plan for Europe (known as the Juncker Plan) whose support increases the EIB Group’s capacity to finance investment projects that by their structure or nature have a higher risk profile. This project will not receive any public sector support and is one of the first to be implemented under the new regulatory framework for the industry approved in Spain in 2013.

Promoting renewable energies is one of the EU bank's priorities as the world's biggest financer of climate action projects. Once they become operational, the 21 wind farms will help cut greenhouse gas emissions in Spain and expand the production of clean energy using renewable sources. The construction phase will require the employment of 1 900 people, and 170 people will need to be taken on permanently to operate the wind farms.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Amazon Continues Investments in Renewable Energy

Amazon announced the company’s 65th and66th renewable energy projects. Amazon’s newest renewable energy project in the EU will be located in Cork, Ireland, and will be the second Amazon Wind Farm in the Republic of Ireland. Once complete, the new Amazon Wind Farm will provide 23.2 MW of renewable capacity, with expected generation of 68,000 megawatt hours of clean energy annually. Amazon’s newest renewable energy project in the US will be located in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and will be the seventh Amazon Solar Farm in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Once complete, the new Amazon Solar Farm will provide 45 MW of renewable capacity and is expected to generate 100,000 MWH of clean energy annually. Both projects are expected to begin producing clean energy in 2020 and will supply clean energy to the company’s Amazon Web Services datacenters, which power Amazon and millions of AWS customers globally.

Additionally, Amazon’s investments in renewable energy were recently recognized in the Solar Energy Industries Association’s 2018 Solar Means Business Report, which ranked Amazon #1 in the U.S. for amount of corporate on-site solar installed in 2018, and #2 for total amount of solar installed to date. Amazon’s solar projects in the U.S. have offset the CO2 equivalent of more than 200 million miles of truck deliveries. Globally, Amazon has 66 renewable energy projects including 51 solar rooftops that are expected to generate 1,342 MW of renewable capacity and deliver more than 3.9 million MWh of clean energy annually.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Neoen Acquires 8 Wind Farms in Ireland

Neoen one of the world s leading and fastest growing independent producers of exclusively renewable energy, announces the acquisition of eight wind farms in operation in Ireland, with a total capacity of 53.4 MW. Neoen is acquiring full ownership of these assets, which were previously owned by the Irish Infrastructure Fund, co-managed by AMP Capital and Irish Life Investment Managers, and Energia Group, which held a minority stake, for a total amount of EUR 25.8 million settled in cash. This represents an enterprise value in the range of EUR 46 million.

Neoen already has a development platform in Ireland, but these eight wind farms are the first assets in operation that the company owns in the country, strengthening its local presence with this deal.

The wind farms were commissioned between 1998 and 2012. They are situated at eight high-quality locations possessing very attractive wind resources. The electricity generated by these assets is currently sold under power purchase agreements. As these contractual commitments gradually expire over the coming years, Neoen will be able to negotiate fresh commercial arrangements, leveraging its considerable expertise in this area.

Furthermore, Neoen believes that there will be a promising repowering potential for the oldest of these assets, in order to better tap the wind resources.

This acquisition is expected to have a limited contribution to Neoen's 2019 EBITDA, therefore Neoen maintains its annual guidance unchanged, as confirmed in its latest half-yearly publication.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tekmar to Supply the World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm, Hornsea Two

Tekmar Energy has signed a contract with the world’s largest offshore wind developer Ørsted, to provide Cable Protection Systems for Hornsea Two offshore wind farm. Tekmar will provide their patented Tekmar Cable Protection System TekLink® Mechanical Latch for the wind farm, which when constructed will become the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

Tekmar Energy, which employ 115 people, will utilise its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the North East of England, for production of the CPS.

Hornsea Two is the sister project to Hornsea One and comprises of 165 turbines with a combined total capacity of 1.4 GW. Located in the North Sea 89 km (55.3 miles) off the Yorkshire coast, Hornsea Two will provide clean electricity to well over1.3 million homes and is set for completion in 2022.

For the project Tekmar will be providing 346 cable protection systems and a further 30 bellmouths, for both the array and export cables, protecting each and every subsea cable as they enter and exit the underwater foundations.

Mr Russell Edmondson, Managing Director of Tekmar Energy said that “We are delighted for Tekmar to be selected as the cable protection system and bellmouth supplier for Hornsea Two. This is one of the most significant projects in the industry to date. This continues Tekmar’s excellent relationship with Ørsted and is part of our 6-year framework for providing Cable Protection Systems on their future projects.”

Mr Patrick Harnett, EPC Director for Ørsted, said that “Hornsea Two is a game-changing renewable energy project in terms of both size and cost. The North East continues to play an important role in manufacturing components for our portfolio of world-leading offshore wind farms, with hundreds of Cable Protection Systems, Transition Pieces and kilometres of array cables coming from the region.”

Mr Harnett continued that “We are very proud to be a part of the ongoing offshore wind development in the region and we are committed to further developing a competitive UK supply chain that can support Ørsted’s projects in the UK and around the world.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hohe See Nears Turbine Installation Finish

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier's vessel Blue Tern has returned to Port Esbjerg in Denmark, where she is loading her final turbines for the Hohe See offshore wind farm. The 497MW Hohe See project is located 95km from the shore and is to consist of 71 SWT-7.0-154 turbines. Each turbine has a rotor diameter of 154m with 75m long blades and a hub height of 105m.

Blue Tern's fellow vessel Brave Tern started installing turbines in April 2019 and will shortly arrive at the same port to load-out the very last turbines of the project. Once these have been successfully installed, Blue Tern and Brave Tern will commence installation work at the sister project, the Albatros offshore wind farm. Located a further 10km from the shore, Albatros consists of 16 turbines with an overall capacity of 112 MW.

Both wind farms are owned by EnBW (50.1%) and Enbridge (49.9%) and are expected to supply around 710,000 households with electricity when commissioned later this year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Aquila European Renewables to Buy Finnish Wind Farm Aalto Wind

Alliance News reported that Aquila European Renewables Income Fund said it intends to acquire Aalto Wind No 2 Ltd Oy later this year via a short-term financing agreement. Aquila European said the final consideration for Aalto, "holding entity for a Finnish wind farm", is around 15.5% of the proceeds raised from its initial public offering.

As Aquila European raised EUR 154.3 million through its IPO at the end of May, this would put the final consideration at about EUR 24 million.

Aalto holds wind farm li Olhava plus the li Olhava extension, located around 50 kilometres to the north of Oulu and with an installed capacity of 34.55 megawatts plus an expected production of 99.11 gigawatts per annum.

The wind parks qualify for Finland's fee-in tariff support scheme, a contract-for-difference project for which Olhava is eligible for another five years with the extension eligible for another six years.

The parks also have guarantees of origin certificate eligibility, and each wind park gets one certificate per megawatt hour. Aquila European plans to enter a guarantee of origin puchase agreement for up to five years to increase hedging of its market price exposure.

The power purchase agreements for Aalto are to conclude "as soon as market conditions and hedging solutions are feasible".

Aquila European Chair Ian Nolan said that "The board is pleased with the disciplined and continuous capital deployment towards a diversified portfolio of renewable energy assets. The investment is a strong expression of the company's pan-European investment strategy. Following the acquisition, the company will be diversified across Portugal, Denmark, Norway and Finland, with an allocation by generation technology of 44% for onshore wind and 11% for hydro."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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