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SCIENCE NEWS January 07, 2007

New Source of Stem Cells: Amniotic Fluid
Scientists isolate and culture stem cells from placenta with characteristics of both embryonic and adult stem cells

By Nikhil Swaminathan

After seven years of toiling, scientists at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Harvard School of Medicine report they have isolated stem cells from a new source: amniotic fluid. The researchers not only succeeded in separating the progenitor cells from the many cells residing in the watery fluid in the placenta surrounding an embryo, but were also able to coax the cells to differentiate into muscle, bone, fat, blood vessel, liver and nerve cells.

According to lead author Anthony Atala, director of Wake Forest's Institute of Regenerative Medicine, 99 percent of the U.S., population could conceivably find genetic matches for tissue regeneration or engineered organs from just 100,000 amniotic fluid samples. In its research, the team isolated stem cells via amniocentesis--a common procedure performed about 16 weeks into pregnancy during which amniotic fluid is drawn to test for genetic disorders in a fetus--as well as from the placenta after birth. The researchers write in their paper--published in this week's Nature Biotechnology--that stem cells make up 1 percent of all the cells in amniotic fluid samples.

"It's been known for decades that there are cells in amniotic fluid," Atala says. "The embryo is constantly shedding all these cells, as it's developing, to the amniotic fluid. The baby's actually breathing in, swallowing the fluid, and it's all coming out through all the pores and gets trapped in the placenta."

After isolating the cells, Atala and his team introduced growth factors to different cell lines in an attempt to assess their potency. They were able to get the amniotic fluid-derived stem (AFS) cells, to transform into many different types of tissue found in fat, blood vessels, liver, muscles and bone as well as the central nervous system. This range comprises all three embryonic germ layers: the mesoderm, the progenitor of bone, muscle and connective tissue; the endoderm, which develops into digestive organs as well as the lungs; and ectoderm, which becomes nerves, skin and the brain. In addition to laboratory experiments, the team studied AFS cells in mouse models, grafting neural stem cells into the brains of mutant mice with disrupted neural development and growing bone tissue in another set of immunodeficient mice.

"It adds t o the list of pluripotent stem cells that have already been identified in other sources and tissues," says Willem Fibbe, an immunohematologist at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. "If these cells have this potential, what would be the specific reason to prefer amniotic fluid-derived cells over the umbilical-cord-derived cells, over the [fat-] tissue-derived cells and the bone-marrow-derived cells?"

Atala says that compared with other types of pluripotent stem cells--save embryonic stem cells--AFS cells are "truly pluripotent" and that their major advantage is that after two weeks of culturing they expand quickly, doubling every 36 hours so that they are in large supply. When compared with embryonic stem cells, AFS cells have two main advantages: First, no embryo needs to be harmed in harvesting the cells, sidestepping a major, hot-button political issue. Also, as Atala points out, AFS cells will not form tumor cells, as the considerably more raw embryo-derived cells can.

"They're not as early and they're not as wild," he explains. "The cells are further along the line of development--and you don't see fetuses developing tumors--so these cells are much more controlled." Atala adds that the AFS cells lie between embryonic and adult stem cells in that the former expand quickly, but can develop into tumors, whereas the latter will not become cancerous, but grow exceedingly slowly.

"The new paper by Atala's group is indeed a breakthrough in demonstrating such a high potential for therapy of a specific set of stem cells in amniotic fluid," observes Markus Hengstschläger, a geneticist at the University of Vienna who is part of the group that, in 2003, first identified the presence of stem cells in amniotic fluid. "It is always a very important question to determine the real potential of such cells."

Going forward, Atala plans to study therapeutic uses for the AFS cells as well as attempt to coax them to differentiate into the tissue found in the heart, pancreas and kidneys. "We still don't know what the benefits are of all these cells--all cells have their strengths," Atala says, referring to all different stem cell types. "We need to keep studying all these different cell types to see what works best for each application at the end."
German Merck mulling generic drugs sale
Email Print Normal font Large font January 8, 2007 - 7:54AM

Germany's Merck says it is considering selling its generic drugs business, estimated by analysts to be worth more than four billion euros ($A6.7 billion), as it focuses on high-margin branded pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

"In light of the far-reaching changes occurring in the market, we are considering as an option the divestiture of Merck Generics to a qualified buyer," Merck head Michael Roemer said in a statement, confirming earlier reports.

The auction is expected to elicit interest from private equity, as well as industry consolidators, such as Novartis's Sandoz unit, Teva and Actavis.

The drugs and chemicals company said it had not yet entered talks with potential interested parties.

Roemer's comment came after German daily Handelsblatt and Reuters reported this week that the company was planning to sell the unit to cut debt piled up from its $US13.3 billion ($A16.99 billion) Serono acquisition to help avoid a deterioration in its credit rating.


gocrucellgo schreef:

German Merck mulling generic drugs sale
Zie ook pagina 24.
Ik denk erover wat Crucell in te ruilen voor Octoplus. Kempen geeft Koersdoel 9 euro vandaag. Koers rond de 5 euro nu. Wat denken de bio-experts op dit forum van Octo?
Zelfstandig biotechfonds ABN
Onder de naam Forbion maakt ABN Amro Capital zijn life science-investeringen zelfstandig. Het biomedische fonds krijgt een omvang van 200 mln euro. ABN Amro Capital wil zich als investeerder gaan richten op middelgrote Europese buy-outs. Het houdt een belang van 25% in Forbion, Coller Capital neemt de 75% voor zijn rekening. (FD, p.11)

John Doe 1972 schreef:

Ik denk erover wat Crucell in te ruilen voor Octoplus. Kempen geeft Koersdoel 9 euro vandaag. Koers rond de 5 euro nu. Wat denken de bio-experts op dit forum van Octo?
Ik hoop voor jou dat je al gekocht hebt. +24%
Ja, gekocht en meteen maar weer verkocht met ruim 10% op een uurtje. Dit is toch al te gek.

John Doe 1972 schreef:

Ja, gekocht en meteen maar weer verkocht met ruim 10% op een uurtje. Dit is toch al te gek.
Kun je weer meer Crucellen kopen ;)
Absoluut. De voorraad voor op de plank kan weer met een paar procent uitgebreid worden.
IBA werd hier door sommigen aangehaald.
Wel, handel in IBA (Brusselse beurs tikker IBAB) is opgeschort.

IBA boekt nieuw protontherapiecontract van 50 mln dollar 2007-01-08T12:49:59
Brussel (TIJD-NIEUWSLIJN) - IBA, producent van deeltjesversnellers, is gekozen voor de bouw van een protontherapiesysteem met vier behandelingskamers in Oklahoma City, VS. Het contract heeft een geschatte waarde van 50 miljoen dollar, zo blijkt uit een persbericht.

Het centrum in Oklahoma is het eerste private protontherapiecentrum in de VS. IBA haalde het contract binnen in samenwerking met ProCure. Die organisatie stelt zich tot doel protontherapie bereikbaar te maken voor de gemiddelde Amerikaan.

Het definitieve contract zal nog in de eerste jaarhelft getekend worden. Het zal een impact hebben op de cijfers van 2008 en 2009.

Dieter Snoeck

(c) tijd-nieuwslijn(tel: +32 2 4231769; fax: 32 2 4231610)
DJ Genentech, Seattle Genetics In Global Licensing Pact>SGEN


Seattle Genetics Inc. (SGEN) Monday said it entered into a license agreement with Genentech Inc. (DNA) for the development of cancer treatment SGN-40, which is currently undergoing Phase I and Phase II clinical trials.

As part of the agreement, Seattle Genetics will receive an upfront payment of $60 million and could receive milestone payments of up to $800 million, as well as potential royalties on sales.

Seattle Genetics shares rallied 17% to $6.16 in pre-open trading on Monday, while Genentech shares closed Friday down 35 cents at $83.68.

-Tomi Kilgore; 415-439-6400;

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

01-08-07 0741ET


John Doe 1972 schreef:

Ik denk erover wat Crucell in te ruilen voor Octoplus. Kempen geeft Koersdoel 9 euro vandaag. Koers rond de 5 euro nu. Wat denken de bio-experts op dit forum van Octo?
Had je vorige week moeten doen, Koers nu 24% omhoog.

DJ Vertex: VX-770 Gets Orphan-Drug Status For Cystic Fibrosis

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

01-08-07 0832ET

Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Weg open voor stamcel onderzoek?!

Last Update: Tuesday, January 9, 2007. 1:28am (AEDT)
Discovery hailed: The cells are recovered from the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb (file photo).

Discovery hailed: The cells are recovered from the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb (file photo). (ABC TV)

Vatican hails alternative stem cell source

The Vatican has given its blessing to stem cells from a newly discovered source that it says could be used in "morally acceptable" scientific research.

US researchers have found a source of stem cells with many of the highly prized qualities of those from human embryos.

Their study says a tiny proportion of the cells from the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb are versatile stem cells that have an extensive capacity for self-renewal.

The scientists have manipulated the cells to create muscle, bone, fat, blood vessel, nerve and liver cells.

But they say it will be a few years before the cells can be used to repair human organs.

The head of the Vatican health department, Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, has called the discovery a "very significant step forward and morally acceptable".

"It is a discovery of great importance," he said to Italian newspaper La Stampa.

"We say 'yes' to genetic engineering, as long as it respects life."

Cardinal Barragan says the Catholic Church does not aim to obstruct scientific progress.

"It is always ready to welcome real scientific progress, that is, that which does not threaten nor manipulate life."

Nieuw biotechbedrijf België.

QfG, KBC Private Equity en KBC Fund Biotech investeren 9,5 miljoen euro in Movetis (update)
De beursgenoteerde privak Quest for Growth (QfG) zal in totaal 2,5 miljoen euro investeren in Movetis, een farmagroep die geneesmiddelen ontwikkelt op basis van producten en licenties van Janssen Pharmaceutica en Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical.

(tijd) - Dat meldt QfG in een persbericht. De investeringsmaatschappijen KBC Private Equity en KBC Private Equity Fund Biotech van hun kant investeren samen 7 miljoen euro in Movetis. Ook de Antwerpse investeringsmaatschappij GIMV pompt geld in het farmabedrijf, maar wil geen details kwijt over de precieze omvang van de investering.

QfG had in december al 1,53 miljoen geinvesteerd in Movetis. De 2,5 miljoen die QfG investeert maken deel uit van een totale investeringsronde van 49 miljoen euro Serie A aandelen. De andere lead investors zijn het Nederlandse Life Sciences Parners, het Franse Sofinnova Parners, met bijkomende inbreng van het Amerikaanse Sofinnova Verntures, KBC en de Antwerpse investeringsmaatschappij GIMV.

Hoeveel de GIMV investeerde in Movetis wil investeringsmanager Jim Van heusden niet kwijt. Maar het bedrag ligt wel lager dan wat GIMV in september vorig jaar neerlegde voor ActoGenix, een Vlaams biotechbedrijf dat net als Movetis medicijnen voor maag- en darmproblemen ontwikkelt. De investering bedroeg toen 11,5 miljoen euro.

Movetis is een nieuw farmabedrijf, gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen voor maag- en darmproblemen. Het bedrijf ontwikkelt producten op basis van producten en technologieën met licenties van Janssen Pharmaceutica en Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical. Dat zijn beiden dochterondernemingen van de Amerikaanse farmagroep Johnson & Johnson.

De portefeuille van Movetis bestaat uit acht producten in verschillende stadia van ontwikkeling. Het meest geavanceerde product heeft drie positieve registratie-trials doorlopen voor chronische constipatie.

Pieter Suy
Wel een aardig stukje over Cyclisch beleggen.

Vooral het plaatje.

Volgens deze analyse zouden we pas bij het begin van een bear market en/of op de top van de conjunctuurcyclus in pharma & biotech moeten stappen.

Nu is het bijna tijd voor grondstoffen en dan energie en goud. Hmmm, ik dacht dat die al weer hun tijd gehad hebben.
RTRS-Organon werkt met AMC aan reumabehandeling
OSS (ANP) - Akzo Nobel-dochter Organon gaat samen met het Academisch
Medisch Centrum (AMC) een nieuwe therapie tegen reuma ontwikkelen. Organon
krijgt hiervoor een exclusieve licentie, zo maakte de farmaceutische onderneming
uit Oss woensdag bekend.

Het AMC deed onlangs een nieuwe vinding op het gebied van de behandeling van
reuma. Organon gaat dit verder ontwikkelen en zorgt voor een klinische
toepassing van het middel.

Financiële details van de overeenkomst tussen het AMC en Organon werden niet

((Erica Bronkhorst, email economie(at), +31 20 504 5999))
Court Shakes Up Biotech Patent World

Tuesday January 9, 5:16 pm
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling May Alter Biotech Patent Deals

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Biotechnology analysts and lawyers said a key U.S. Supreme Court ruling Tuesday could help companies who license patents get out of bad deals easier.
The Supreme Court ruled that Gaithersburg, Md.-based MedImmune Inc. could sue Genentech Inc. for patent infringement even though MedImmune continues to pay fees to Genentech to use the disputed technology to develop the drug Synagis that treats childhood respiratory problems. The high court didn't rule on the merits of MedImmune's claims Tuesday, the outcome of which analysts said is more important to the patent landscape of the biotechnology industry.

Licensing the rights to use another company's patent technology is the lifeblood of the biotechnology industry. Many smaller companies have long complained that larger companies with extensive patent portfolios often hold monopolistic grips on certain manufacturing processes. For instance, several biotechnology companies pay Genentech royalties to access the technology at the heart of the MedImmune dispute.

"This is definitely a major ongoing controversy," said Jason Kantor, an analyst with RBC Market Capitals. "The decision today does not have far-reaching implications."

The ruling did little to the sector's stock prices and both companies involved in the litigation experienced small rises in their share prices.

South San Francisco-based Genentech's stock rose 89 cents a share to $84.69 at the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. MedImmune's share price rose 58 cents to $34.83 at the close of trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

Still, lawyers said the ruling will give biotechnology companies locked in bad licensing deals with larger partners an attractive option to change the terms of the agreement without terminating the agreement.

"If their patent challenge fails, that's a big business risk," said Bart Showalter, head of intellectual property at the Baker Botts law firm in Dallas. "This is a big win for licensees, who can have their cake and eat it too."

Showalter predicted the ruling will alter how future contracts are hammered out.

MedImmune Inc. sued Genentech in 2003, claiming a deal between Genentech and British biotechnology company Celltech R&D Ltd. violated antitrust laws. But it was thrown out by the federal courts, which ruled MedImmune didn't have the right to sue because it continued to pay royalties on the patent even as it claimed in court the patent was unfair.

The Supreme Court said MedImmune's "pay and sue" strategy doesn't preclude it from suing. MedImmune said it continued to pay Genentech royalties because if it lost its case, it would be liable for triple damages and unable to use the technology needed to manufacturer Synagis, which accounted for than $1 billion in sales last year.

MedImmune said it would vigorously pursue its case in the lower court. Genentech said it remains confident in the validity of the patent.
Cellexus Biosystems ‘revolutionises’ bioreactor field

by Susan Gotensparre

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Cellexus Biosystems bioreactor disposable bioprocessing

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10/01/2007 - Cellexus has introduced a technology – CellMaker Lite – that satisfies the appetite for disposable bioreactors, grows bacterial and mammalian cells efficiently and cuts production costs.

UK-based Cellexus Biosystems has announced that for the first time bacterial and mammalian cells grow efficiently in a disposable commercially available bioreactor. The company explained that the driving force behind CellMaker Lite, was the biopharmaceutical industry itself and its desire to move towards disposable systems.
The increasing use of disposables in bioprocessing, a method that involves living cells becoming production units, is due to advantages disposables have in comparison with traditional units of glass and stainless steel. These advantages include lowering capital, cleaning and validation costs.

“It takes an operator days to strip-down, clean, decontaminate, sterilise and then re-validate and document the validation of a traditional bioreactor. The ability of a biopharmaceutical production facility to re-task a bioreactor to a new project, particularly at lower scale, is important,” Dr Kevin Auton, CEO of Cellexus Biosystems, told

“The drive to becoming more responsive and be able to manage ever changing project priorities are key motivators in the industry – as is constant drive towards cost reduction. Disposable solutions enable these objectives to be achieved.”

The CellMaker Lite has no moving parts and is simple to manufacture. The technology promises low investment cost, high performance, short turn-around times and ease of use, according to the company.

Cellexus has created an asymmetric “airlift” system that is used in combination with a disposable asymmetric bag (CellexusBag). The main bulk of the cell culture volume is to be found at the bioreactor's top surface, which is where the largest surface area is to be found. The system increases the aeration process 3-fold in comparison to other systems and also eliminates foam formation, known to reduce cell count viability.

“The results we have now achieved with both mammalian cells and bacterial cells, all grown within a disposable system, makes the CellMaker Lite a unique and compelling opportunity for the biopharmaceutical industry,” added Auton.

“ Many researchers have commented that they think that the CellMaker technology will displace existing bioreactors. Others have stated how pleased they were to see new technologies coming to a field in which there has been a lot of evolution but not much in the way of revolution,” concludes Auton.

Cellexus launched their patented CellMaker Lite last autumn in the UK and globally at the end of December.

Sector Preview: Biotechnology
Tuesday January 9, 6:57 pm ET
Biotech Companies 4Q Product Sales Seen Setting the Stage for the New Year

NEW YORK (AP) -- Analysts expect a mixed bag of fourth-quarter results from the biotechnology sector, with drug sales in line with industry estimates, but added risk for many companies with new products and recent buyout deals.

The quarter was marked mostly by a flurry of buyout and licensing deals, with several product launches, making for a mix of possible upside and increased risk. Typically, companies are less likely to post a large surge over expectations in their earnings for the quarter as many look to the new year to invest.

"In general, the fourth quarter is unlikely to be a blowout for the sector, as there look to be as many companies with risk coming into the quarter as there is upside," wrote Morgan Stanley analyst Steven Harr, in a note to investors.

The sector, as a whole, did well over the quarter, with the American Stock Exchange's biotechnology index posting a 12.4 percent gain between Oct. 2 and Dec. 29. The Nasdaq biotechnology index, a more inclusive listing of companies, gained 5.8 percent during the quarter.

Drug sales are expected to be in line with sales data estimates, except for a few companies with top treatments on the market. Much of the interest in the results will focus on individual drugs and their prospects rather than on the overall bottom-line for many companies, analysts have said.

Genentech Inc. kicks off the earnings season for biotech, reporting results Wednesday. The company's performance hinges largely on Avastin and Lucentis sales, which have both tracked above expectations, according to analysts.

Avastin sales could potentially beat Morgan Stanley's estimates of $475 million for the quarter, and Lucentis sales are likely to rise past $200 million, according to Harr.

Amgen Inc. and Imclone Systems Inc. continued their bout on the cancer treatment market. Amgen's Vectibix is still expected to take market share from Imclone's Erbitux, sales of which are tracking down 2 percent, according to Harr.

Companies in the sector often use the fourth quarter to invest in development. Cowen and Co. analyst Eric Schmidt noted recent licensing deals inked by Genentech and Amgen as an example of such reinvestment. Genentech is working with Exelixis Inc., and Amgen is working with Cytokinetics Inc..

"Biotechnology managements typically refrain from posting gaudy earnings numbers at year-end, choosing instead to manage costs to keep some dry powder for the New Year," he wrote.

Cubist Pharmaceuticals said Monday sales of its lead product Cubicin rose 54 percent during the quarter to $56.2 million.

Lehman Brothers analyst Jim Birchenough said total prescriptions of Byetta have been relatively flat through the fourth quarter. While the company has suggested that the resolution of recent cartridge supply constraints will reinvigorate growth, Birchenough remains somewhat skeptical.

Other companies with closely watched product sales as key markers of future success include Celgene with its Revlimid and Gilead Sciences with its HIV treatment offerings.
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