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Elron: Discount Access to Future Biotech Leaders
Posted on Nov 12th, 2006 with stocks: ELRN

Shlomo Greenberg submits: The market gained last week after Wall Street suddenly realized that nothing is going to happen over the next two years. This is because the Democrats, who have just won control of the U.S. Congress, will scupper any initiative President George W. Bush tries to move forward during the last two years of his term of office.

Wall Street hates changes just as much as it hates uncertainty. Notice how an excellent company like Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (TEVA) is continuing to fall because of the change in leadership and the uncertainty about 2007. Teva’s excellence was no match for these factors.

Since economic forces will eventually gain the upper hand at Teva, I continue to consider it a buying opportunity at current prices. Right now, people are selling the stock on impulse. But between last Tuesday's fall in stock price, Monday’s decision by Teva on a share buyback, and the reasonable possibility that outgoing CEO Israel Makov is wrong (and he has good reason to hope that 2007 will not be as good as 2006), Teva’s current price is the most economic ever in the 19 years that I have been following it.

Such eccentricity is not uncommon on Wall Street. AudioCodes (AUDC) and Tower Semiconductor (TSEM), for example, were harshly punished for posting improved results. That’s how it goes.

Elron Electronic Industries (ELRN) is a leading Israeli company that offers diversification of risks and a phenomenal range of opportunities. Buying Elron shares at current prices gives the buyer access to a number of promising fields. What’s more, a person investing in any of those fields will have a stake in a number of companies that stand a good chance of becoming leaders.

In other words, the investor is buying into dozens of potential exits at a huge discount. This was what lay behind the tender offer announced two weeks ago by Discount Investment Corporation (DISI) for more than four million Elron shares at $12 each. This buyout will increase Discount Investment's holdings in Elron to 63% from 48%; in other words, it will give it full control.

The capital market often witnesses strange events that provide investors with opportunities to pick up something dead cheap. Elron is one such example. I have written in the past about the fall in Given Imaging (GIVN), of which Elron owns 21% (after increasing its holdings by 2% at the beginning of 2006).

When Given Imaging plummeted 42% from the beginning of May through mid-July, I said that it was an overreaction and even stated for the record that I had purchased Given Imaging shares. I won’t go into the reasons for the prolonged fall, such as the sacking of the company's founder and CEO, and the “analysts’ ruling” that Given Imaging had run aground and that its pill cam for the small intestine had exhausted the company's capabilities. Since then, Given Imaging has moved forward with the unveiling of its endoscope capsule (the colon capsule that everyone has been waiting for), which has already been endorsed by health authorities in both the U.S. and elsewhere.

In Japan, where the company has had great difficulty securing endorsement for its capsules from local health trusts, a breakthrough appears to have been made in the diagnostic field, which will enable Japanese health trusts and insurance companies to reimburse the cost of Given Imaging’s capsules. Accordingly, doctors and patients in Japan will now be given approval, which had been previously been withheld for non-medical reasons, to use them.

The approval of reimbursement in Japan guarantees per-capita sales that will be much larger than anywhere else worldwide, even the U.S. Having cut their ratings to “Hold” as early as last year, the analysts are all beginning to realize what kind of company Given Imaging is. There was never any crisis. What took place was a natural hiatus at a smart medical device company on its way to the top. If you look at the track the stock has taken since it dropped to $14 on July 18, you will find that around that time, a number of experts had, in fact, discovered the chasm between the price of the company on Wall Street and its value on Main Street.

At the end of July, Steven Bulwa, an independent portfolio manager based in Toronto, singled out two technology companies with tremendous potential. Once was Dutch company Crucell NV (CRXL), which specializes in vaccine and antibody development. Crucell fell by 43% at the same time that Given Imaging lost 42%. Like Given Imaging, it too was dumped by the analysts under the excuse that “it was no longer relevant.” Writing in the Real Money column in online news site, Bulwa said that Given Imaging’s stock “has been a bit of a disaster lately, but it seems to have stabilized after the most recent earnings announcement in July, and the company's prospects remain attractive.”

Neither the company’s small intestine pill cam, which is already on the market, nor the PillCam colon, which is due for release in 2007, were included in this review. Anyone who misses the breakthrough that Given Imaging has made here (aside from ideas for medical diagnostic products that sell) has failed to realize the full extent of its achievement and the scope of its potential. The investor in Elron will get Given Imaging at its exact current value, plus another 24 companies. I could write long and convincing articles about 23 of them, and why it would be worthwhile investing in every single one.

Take a company like Medingo Ltd., a company jointly owned by Elron and Rafael Armament Development Authority Ltd. development company RDC. Medingo Ltd. has developed a miniature plaster the size of a postage stamp that is affixed to the body (like the nicotine patch for cigarette smokers) and delivers insulin more effectively than an insulin pump. Among the array of global medical device giants that have invested in Medingo are Medtronic Inc. (MDT), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Hoffman LaRoche, and Abbott Laboratories (ABT). The company expects to obtain U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] approval for its product in January, with initial sales to begin in Q3 2007. Just think how much you would have to pay to join Medingo’s current investors. Through Elron, you would get in for free.

Do the names Wavion or Teladata Networks ring a bell? The latter recently appointed Zvi Slonimski, founder of Alvarion, as its CEO. I have repeatedly talked about the importance of investing in water solutions and Elron is active in this field too with a 32% stake in Atlantium, which was founded in 2003 in Beit Shemesh and develops and markets water disinfection solutions. Altantium’s controlling shareholder is Aurum Ventures MKI, a holding company run by Morris Khan, the “inventor” of Amdocs (DOX), and a few other inventions that we can only dream about.

Two more Elron companies that I have mentioned on previous occasions are Galil Medical, which has developed an innovative cryotherapy system for the treatment of various cancers, and which has had its first sales; and Advanced Metal Technologies, which develops and markets amorphous metals with non-crystalline structures. Experts claim these technologies will be used in future to heat homes and offices, and they are already in use in some p
"At the end of July, Steven Bulwa, an independent portfolio manager based in Toronto, singled out two technology companies with tremendous potential. Once was Dutch company Crucell NV (CRXL), which specializes in vaccine and antibody development. Crucell fell by 43% at the same time that Given Imaging lost 42%. Like Given Imaging, it too was dumped by the analysts under the excuse that “it was no longer relevant.” Writing in the Real Money column in online news site, Bulwa said that Given Imaging’s stock “has been a bit of a disaster lately, but it seems to have stabilized after the most recent earnings announcement in July, and the company's prospects remain attractive.”

Pleit niet echt voor de timing-kwaliteiten van mr Bulwa; je zal maar op het advies van deze analist fors hebben ingeslagen en de volgende dag 40% vermogensintering hebben mogen noteren.

analisten zijn soms ook maar gewone mensen.

op termijn zal hij ongetwijfeld gelijk krijgen......
Singapore ,nov.10 2006

Genentech has said it will acquire Tanox biotechnology company specializing in the discovery and development of biotherapeutics based on monoclonal antibody technology, for $ 20 per share for a total cash value of approximately $ 919 million.

Generex and Tannox have been working together in collaboration with Novartis since 1996 to develop and commercialize Xolar,and anti-IgE monoclonal antibody approved by the FDA in 2003 as a treatment for patients with moderate-to-severe allergic asthma.

Mr.Arthur Levinson ,CEO of Genentech said also -this acquisition will help us improve our profitability from Xolair.We are also exited by molecules in the Tanox pipeline being developed to potentially treat diseases including asthma,HIV,and age-related macular degeneration.
Innogenetics werkt samen met sanofi en Inserm op Alzheimer
13-11-2006 18:26:47

Brussel (TIJD-NIEUWSLIJN) - Innogenetics doet samen met sanofi-aventis en Inserm onderzoek naar de Alzheimer-ziekte. Dat meldt het Gentse biotechbedrijf in een persbericht.

De drie partijen gaan twee jaar samenwerken. Het akkoord biedt sanofi-aventis de optie om een wereldwijde licentie te bekomen op de resultaten die in het therapeutische veld worden behaald. Innogenetics krijgt een wereldwijde licentie op de resultaten in het diagnostieke veld.

Sanofi-aventis krijgt in de overeenkomst toegang tot de technologie en diensten van Innogenetics en Inserm en betaalt hen daarvoor onderzoeksvergoedingen. Als sanofi-aventis zijn optie op een licentie licht, vergoedt hij zijn twee partners met royalties en 'mijlpaalvergoedingen' op de toekomstige verkopen van de therapeutische producten.

De drie partijen geven geen financiele details vrij.

Woensdag publiceert Innogenetics nabeurs zijn kwartaalresultaten.

RTRS-Allergie voor gekookte aardappels ontdekt
LEUVEN (ANP)- Gekookte aardappelen kunnen bij kleine kinderen allergische
reacties veroorzaken en zelfs leiden tot tragere groei. Leuvense onderzoekers
vermoeden dat er iets is gewijzigd in de samenstelling van de aardappelen.

,,Het heeft me verbaasd'', zegt dokter Liliane De Swert van het universitair
ziekenhuis Leuven dinsdag in de Vlaamse krant Het Nieuwsblad. Ze sluit niet uit
dat de allergie vroeger niet bestond. De allergie voor rauwe aardappel was al
wel bekend.

Dokter De Swert onderzocht acht kinderen jonger dan twee jaar van wie werd
vermoed dat ze eczeem kregen door gekookte aardappels. Zodra ze op een
aardappelvrij dieet werden gezet, verminderden hun allergische reacties. Vanaf
hun zesde jaar hadden de kinderen vrijwel geen last meer van de allergie.

((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20 504 5999))
Mysterieuze salmonella-uitbraak in Twente
UTRECHT/ENSCHEDE - 14-11-2006 - In Twente zijn ruim honderd mensen besmet met een zeldzame salmonella-bacterie. Het gaat om het salmonella typhirium faagtype 560.

'Vanaf december vorig jaar zijn er in ons land 140 besmettingen van dit type geconstateerd, ruim honderd patiënten wonen in Twente', aldus Karel Soethoudt, arts infectieziekten van de GGD Twente dinsdag.

Volgens de GGD Twente melden zich nog steeds nieuwe patiënten. Het zijn vooral kinderen tot 5 jaar die last hebben van diarree met daarin bloed en slijm. 'De besmetting kan leiden tot een ernstige darminfectie en in uiterste gevallen zelfs tot de dood. Ernstige complicaties hebben zich in Twente nog niet voorgedaan', aldus Soethoudt.

De Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA) zoekt naar de bron van de mysterieuze besmettingsgolf in Twente. Een woordvoerder van de dienst zei dat het waarschijnlijk is dat de besmetting afkomstig is van een zuivelproduct dat niet of onvoldoende werd verhit. 'We zoeken momenteel naar gemeenschappelijke delers onder de patiënten om bij de bron van de besmetting te komen', aldus de VWA-woordvoerder.

© Tiscali/ANP
in dit draadje past m.i. ook het commentaar van AFS/Kees de Kort.

Vertelde hij maar eens wat meer over WAAROM hij CRXL te duur vindt...

-Cijfers Nederlanse bedrijven. Die van Crucell bijvoorbeeld. Tamelijk slecht natuurlijk, maar het gaat daar in essentie maar om een vraag: welke CEO in de wereld gaat zo verschrikkelijk het spoor bijster raken dat hij/zij meer dan euro 1 mrd gaat betalen om Crucell over te nemen? Gokt u op zo'n vlaag van verstandsverbijstering dan is de huidige koers OK, in alle andere denkbare gevallen is die koers erg hoog.

14 november 2006

Kees de Kort
typisch voorbeeld van iemand die iets wil schrijven maar zich niet wil verdiepen...commentaar is eigenlijk: LulKees-te-Lang..

janh1 schreef:

typisch voorbeeld van iemand die iets wil schrijven maar zich niet wil verdiepen...commentaar is eigenlijk: LulKees-te-Lang..
Altijd bijzondere aandacht voor CRXL door AFS/KdK, maar altijd negatief! Nooit eens verplaatsen id reden waarom dat aandeel op dit (lage)nivo staat...

Voor wie KdK volgt in zijn of haar uitspraken, zal volgens mij zelden rendement zien. Ik heb sterk de indruk dat deze heer stemmingmakerij hoog op zijn lijstje heeft staan!
Heb hem ooit even gesproken ,maar ik vind hem typisch iemand die A zegt en B doet...(op persoonlijke titel of u.h.v. AFS laat ik even in het midden).

MOOI!!! voor Golddamn Sucks

DJ UPDATE: Acambis Dropped From US Smallpox Vaccine Bidding

Dow Jones News Services
(Copyright © 2006 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

By Anita Likus


LONDON (Dow Jones)--Shares of vaccine maker Acambis PLC (ACAM) Tuesday took a hit as the the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services dropped it from bidding for a new smallpox vaccines contract.

The news sent the company's shares tumbling in early trade. At 0816 GMT, they were down 35%, or 54.5 pence, at 100p in a broadly higher market.

Acambis said it had received notification late Monday that the DHHS had re-evaluated Acambis' technical proposal to supply Modified Vaccinia Ankara, or MVA, smallpox vaccine and found that it's no longer in the competitive range for award.

Cambridge, England-based Acambis specializes in vaccines for infectious diseases. The bulk of its revenue comes from government contracts to supply its ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine, as well as an attenuated form of the jab which is suitable for people with compromised immune systems.

Chief Executive Gordon Cameron said Tuesday the company was surprised by the move, adding, "We believe that our proposal would have met the requirements of the U.S. Government, especially given Acambis' track record in the biodefence field."

The company said it will ask for a meeting with the DHHS to gain futher clarification, and will then consider its options.

Acambis earlier this month said it had swung into third-quarter net profit, of GBP4.9 million, after a net loss of GBP11.1 million a year ago. It said at the time that it's on track to deliver 10 million doses of smallpox vaccine ACAM2000 to the U.S. government by year-end. Its existing contracts will be continued at their current price.

Company Web site:

Als Sucks nu ook al gaat inzien dat ze op het verkeerde paard gewed hebben en vervolgens met een aanbeveling voor Crucell komen, dan blijft alleen Peterkam over om contrair te handelen.
Toen de meerderheid van de analisten om het hardst Crucell de grond in boorden stonden we met hogere koersen op het bord dan nu.
Is het dan toch waar dat je op je tellen moet passen als ze met aanbevelingen komen ?? Of heet dit voortschrijdend inzicht LOL
Dat zal wel weer een downgrading worden van Crucell door de ons zo welgezinde Golddamn Sucks.

Cells for cash by 2007
Posted: 2006/11/14
From: Mathaba

The Roslin Cells Center, set up in Scotland September this year for human stem cells research, hopes to sell cells by 2007.

(Xinhua) -- The Roslin Cells Center, set up here in September this year for human stem cells research, hopes to sell cells by 2007.

"We hope to begin distributing cells to consumers by the year 2007," said Dr. Paul De Sousa, chief scientific officer at the Roslin Cells Center in an exclusive interview with Xinhua, at his office in the Roslin Institute located on the southern outskirts of Edinburgh.

Scotland is currently home to one of Europe's largest and most highly regarded stem cell research community with scientists and researchers at the University of Edinburgh's Institute for Stem Cell Research as well as the Roslin Institute renowned around the world in this field.

"As part of our business model, we are prepared to sell cells internationally to anyone who wishes to buy them either exclusively or non-exclusively for one-off payment," said De Sousa, who is also a senior research fellow at the University of Edinburgh.

Paul De Sousa was one of the scientists recruited by the Roslin Institute in 1998 when the Institute's scientists put together a genetic program for research to attract venture capitals, after succeeding in cloning Dolly, the sheep known throughout the world.

He has two labs, one at the University and the other at the Roslin Institute. And about four years ago he moved from animal research to stem cells research and made a program funded by Geron, a stem cell company in California, to create new human embryo stem cells and was successful in that program.

The Center, launched on Sept. 26, 2006 to underpin the development and exploitation of stem cell science in Scotland, will focus on developing new human stem cell lines for research and clinical use from donated eggs and embryos to help speed up the process of translating laboratory research into effective clinical treatments of diseases such as Leukemia, Parkinson's Disease and diabetes, with its scientific program under the direction of Dr. Paul de Sousa.

In reply to a question on the sources of eggs and embryos, PaulDe Sousa said: "We have two clinics which do in-vitro fertilization (IVF) supplying us with eggs and embryos donated voluntarily and hopefully by this time next year we will have five (clinics)."

He said the Center would act as the first step in a supply chain to support the development of the wider stem cell sector in Scotland, providing cells that can be used by academics, the National Health Service (NHS) Scotland and commercial companies.

"I was hesitant to engage in another relationship like the one with Geron because although it was a very productive relationship, at the end of their funding Geron owned the human embryo stem celllines, everything," De Sousa said.

"I have another relationship where a private company funds the research and at the end we own everything and then we have more stem cells to work with for the regenerative medicine," he said.

The Center, a two-million-pound project, is sponsored by Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian, a government agency, which aims to promote and encourage business development.

"By investing in us, it (the enterprise) hopes to encourage other business to take advantage of and benefit from resources that we are providing," the scientist said.

Referring to the earnings from selling cells, he said: "The money we earn will all be fed back to sustain the company for developing more cells."

On the future development of the Center, De Sousa said: "Our ambition is to integrate within two years a new Center for Biomedical Research being developed by the University of Edinburgh and Scottish Enterprise."

The 600-million-pound Center for Biomedical Research, located alongside the University of Edinburgh's Center for Regenerative Medicine, will be a center of 300 people for basic research, acting as a magnet for scientists, researchers and international companies wanting to work on the development of stem cell based therapies, according to the scientist.

"The big picture is that we all agreed that stem cells and regenerative medicine are a new way to look at medical treatment, and we want to encourage the development of that, and evaluate that, so to do that, we have to make it possible for new business enterprises to invest in this field," said De Sousa.

"Our business model we think encourages that," said the chief scientific officer, who welcomed enterprises already working in the stem cell field or seeking to enter it to either invest in or be partner with the Roslin Cells Center.

Rood vlees verhoogt kans op borstkanker
UTRECHT/WASHINGTON - 14-11-2006 - Jongere vrouwen (tot 45 jaar) die dagelijks rood vlees consumeren hebben een grotere kans op het krijgen van borstkanker. Dat blijkt volgens The Washington Post van dinsdag uit een onderzoek van de Harvard-universiteit onder meer dan 90.000 Amerikaanse vrouwen.

Het onderzoek richtte zich op een veel voorkomende vorm van borstkanker, waarbij de tumoren gevoelig zijn voor de hormonen oestrogeen of progesteron. De onderzoekers benadrukken dat er nog veel nader onderzoek nodig is, maar dat nu al geadviseerd kan worden om de consumptie van rood vlees te beperken.

Dit vlees is ook al eerder in verband gebracht met de ontwikkeling van darmkanker. Wat er nu precies aan de hand is met rood vlees is niet echt duidelijk. Mogelijk komen er bij de bereiding ervan kankerverwekkende stoffen vrij of komen groeihormonen in het rundvlees vrij in het menselijk lichaam.

Het gebruik van groeihormonen bij de runderteelt is in ons land en in de rest van de Europese Unie verboden. In de Verenigde Staten is dat niet het geval. Deskundigen wijzen erop dat alleen op basis van dit onderzoek geen definitieve conclusies getrokken mogen worden.

De uitkomsten onderstrepen wel eerdere onderzoeken die stellen dat een gezonde levensstijl al in de jonge jaren blijvend van grote invloed kan zijn op de gezondheid in latere jaren.

© Tiscali/ANP
FDA Approves Herceptin for the Adjuvant Treatment of HER2-Positive Node-Positive Breast Cancer

-- Herceptin Significantly Reduced the Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence by 52 Percent in Pivotal Studies --

-- Only Targeted Biologic Therapy Approved for Use in Adjuvant and Metastatic HER2-positive Breast Cancer --

South San Francisco, Calif. -- 16 november 2006 -- Genentech, Inc. (NYSE: DNA) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Herceptin® (Trastuzumab), as part of a treatment regimen containing doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel, for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive node-positive breast cancer. Adjuvant therapy is given to women with early-stage (localized) breast cancer who have had initial treatment surgery with or without radiation therapy with the goal of reducing the risk of cancer recurrence and/or the occurrence of metastatic disease.
The FDA approval was based on data from an interim joint analysis of more than 3,500 patients enrolled in two Phase III clinical trials. These results showed that the addition of Herceptin to standard adjuvant therapy significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence, the primary endpoint of the studies, by 52 percent (or a hazard ratio of 0.48) in women with HER2-positive breast cancer, compared to those patients who received standard adjuvant therapy alone.

"The results of the joint analysis show that, for women with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer, the addition of Herceptin to chemotherapy reduces the relative risk of breast cancer recurrence by approximately half, which translates into fewer women dying from one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer," said Edward Romond, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Kentucky. "This is the largest improvement in outcome for any group of women with breast cancer in 25 years."

"Our work with Herceptin exemplifies our commitment to developing the right drug for the right patient. We designed Herceptin for the approximately 25 percent of women whose breast cancers overexpress HER2 because we believed that we could make a significant impact for these patients battling a very aggressive, difficult-to-treat disease," said Susan Desmond-Hellmann, M.D., M.P.H., Genentech's president, product development. "These adjuvant studies showed that, in women with HER2-positive lymph node-positive breast cancer, Herceptin reduces the risk of developing metastatic disease, which could benefit thousands of lives worldwide each year."

"This approval also highlights a first step in a major initiative to conduct studies of Genentech targeted therapies in earlier stages of disease where they have the potential to have the greatest impact," added Desmond-Hellmann.

After three-and-a-half years in the study, 87 percent of women treated with Herceptin plus chemotherapy were disease free, compared to 71 percent of women treated with chemotherapy alone. A survival analysis conducted after patients had been followed for a median of 24 months showed a 33 percent reduction in the risk of death (based on a hazard ratio of 0.67), which is equivalent to a 49 percent improvement in overall survival.

Each study had an independent external Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) that reviewed data from the studies, including cardiac safety data, on a regular basis. According to the investigators, serious or life-threatening (and in rare cases, fatal) cardiac events, most commonly congestive heart failure (weakening of the heart muscle), occurred approximately 3 to 4 percent more often in the Herceptin plus standard therapy arms than in the standard therapy alone arms. Other adverse events reported in both studies included dyspnea and interstitial pneumonitis, which occurred at a rate of less than 1 percent.

"Today's approval is wonderful news for women with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer and another significant milestone in the Herceptin story," said Fran Visco, president of the National Breast Cancer Coalition. "Thanks to the thousands of breast cancer patients, clinical investigators, the FDA, Genentech and advocates, who have all played critical roles in Herceptin's development, we now have a treatment option that represents a major advance for women with HER2-positive breast cancer before the disease has metastasized. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Genentech on future Herceptin research."
Hersenen als een spons door abnormaal eiwit

1920: De neurologen Creutzfeldt en Jakob beschrijven deze ziekte voor het eerst. In het centrale zenuwstelsel van de patiënt doet zich een opeenhoping voor van abnormale eiwitten, prionproteïnen genoemd. De hersenen gaan op een spons lijken. De ziekte is ongeneeslijk.

1986: Bij koeien wordt een variant van Creutzfeldt-Jakob gevonden bovine spongiforme encephalopathie (BSE) of wel de gekkoeienziekte. Bij schapen was deze ziekte al sinds de 18de eeuw bekend onder de naam scrapie. Getroffen dieren hebben ernstige jeuk, krijgen loopstoornissen en sterven.

2005: Er zijn wereldwijd 170 gevallen van mensen bekend die Creutzfeldt-Jakob hebben opgelopen door het eten van besmet vlees. In mei van dat jaar komt het bericht van de eerste besmetting in Nederland: een 26-jarige vrouw uit Utrecht overlijdt enkele maanden later.

2006: Voor de tweede keer overlijdt in Nederland een patiënt aan deze menselijke variant van gekkekoeienziekte: Koen uit Bennebroek.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Ensemble Discovery Corp. Initiate Research Program To Apply New Technology To Better Diagnose Blood Cancers
Main Category: Lymphoma / Leukemia News
Article Date: 16 Nov 2006 - 0:00am (PST)

Marking the launch of its new initiative to accelerate the development of blood cancer therapies, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society today announced a collaboration with Ensemble Discovery Corp. of Cambridge, MA. The Society-funded project will apply Ensemble Discovery's proprietary technology (known as DNA-Programmed Chemistry) to identify cells responsible for minimal residual disease (MRD) -- the low levels of cancer cells that remain even after remission is achieved and which can result in relapse. The goal of the project is to create a sensitive test to detect the protein (BCR-ABL kinase) central to the development of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).

The potential clinical benefit of the test is to develop a better understanding of the disease remission process. MRD cells are resistant to the benefits of the patient's initial therapy. The test will allow the isolation of these cells and may lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of resistance. That understanding will enable the appropriate selection of subsequent therapy based on the patient's disease status.

"Ensemble Discovery's technology has a unique capability that enables the isolation of residual disease-causing cells, thereby allowing scientists to focus on strategies to eliminate these cells," said Brian J. Druker, M.D., Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute, whose research led to the discovery of Gleevec(R), the frontline targeted therapy for CML patients.

The majority of newly diagnosed CML patients treated with Gleevec achieve durable remissions. However, despite these remissions the disease persists at a low level as minimal residual disease in nearly all patients; most would relapse if therapy were discontinued or if resistance to the drug developed. While this test is directed at CML, it may also have applications for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), lymphoma, prostate, lung and breast cancer, stroke and autoimmune diseases.

The contract with Ensemble Discovery is the first agreement undertaken as part of the Society's new Therapy Acceleration Program (TAP), which supports private sector and academic-based projects, with the goal of moving more blood cancer therapies into the development pipeline. The Society will continue to invest in research at the early stages of discovery, but this new initiative is directed at driving development and regulatory approval of new blood cancer therapies at the critical clinical stage.

"While maintaining the Society's current $60 million annual investment in basic and translational research, the Therapy Acceleration Program will use additional Society resources to bring more therapies to patients faster," said Louis DeGennaro Ph.D., senior vice president, Society research, and director, TAP.

The Society is committed to funding the proof of concept phase of the Ensemble Discovery project. If the concept is proven to work, the Society would provide additional funding to help with the creation of the product.

"We are very pleased to be engaging with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on this program," said Dick Begley, president and CEO, Ensemble Discovery Corp. "Our technology can offer unique advantages for simple, sensitive detection of complex proteins such as BCR-ABL (the molecular cause of CML) and signaling pathways implicated in many diseases."
Blauwtong bedreigt export schapen
Als de blauwtongziekte niet verdwijnt uit Nederland, is er geen toekomst meer voor de export van schapen en geiten. Dat zegt voorzitter Schenk van de veehouderssectoren LTO.

Tot nu toe ging men ervan uit dat de knut, het insect dat zorgt voor de verspreiding van de ziekte, alleen zijn werk doet als het warm is, maar Schenk houdt er rekening mee dat het vliegje ook actief blijft als het gaat vriezen.

Onverwacht heeft de blauwtongziekte, die 100 dagen geleden voor het eerst in Nederland werd gesignaleerd, zich de laatste weken verder uitgebreid. In Noordwest-Europa, waar de ziekte vroeger niet voorkwam, zijn 1600 bedrijven besmet. In Nederland waren tot 14 november 426 uitbraken geregistreerd, meldt LTO. Sinds half oktober is er sprake van 42 tot 60 uitbraken per week.

Er is een vaccin tegen de ziekte, maar volgens viroloog Osterhaus is dat niet goed genoeg om te gebruiken. In Italië, Spanje en Portugal bleek vaccinatie geen succes. Voor de variant van het virus in Nederland is geen vaccin beschikbaar.

Blauwtong is een virusziekte die schapen en andere herkauwers ziek maakt. Een ziek dier heeft hoge koorts en ontstoken lippen, oren en oogleden. Acht dagen na infectie kan het dier doodgaan. Maar de meeste dieren die het virus hebben, zijn niet eens ziek.

Lees ook:
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Met dank aan Marcelvin (Biopharma)

he FDA took a key step toward reducing the backlog of abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) with the creation of a new electronic filing system designed to speed up review times for generic drugs. Under the new system, the FDA's Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) will be able to search and archive generic drug applications on computers, rather than plow through hundreds of pages of printed text to process each ANDA.

"Being able to electronically share documents with our new drug office counterparts provides a simple, yet significant, advancement to how we do our daily job," said Gary Buehler, director of the OGD. The FDA switched to the new electronic system to deal with what agency officials described as a "significant growth in the number of generic applications received" from manufacturers.

Between 2001 and 2005, the number of ANDAs received by the FDA more than doubled from 307 to 766, and "we expect even more growth in the future," said Steven Galson, MD, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "Modernizing the tools we use internally to review these applications will help ensure a more efficient review and approval process."

The new electronic filing system is one of several recent process improvements adopted by the FDA to accelerate the review of ANDAs for new generic drugs. A new database posted by the FDA on the Internet saves time for generic drug sponsors by offering them on-line access to drug review information. Agency officials said they are also working to encourage more widespread use of technology for the submission of generic drug applications.

"Opvallend was ook de beursintroductie van Nymex Holdings. Het aandeel van de eigenaar van 's werelds grootste energiebeurs wist op de eerste handelsdag zo'n 125% bij te schrijven."

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