Zoals al vaker gemeld zie ik graag dat er ontzettend veel belangrijke allianties komen tussen Russische en Westerse bedrijven. Hoe meer, hoe beter. E.On bezat al jaren een belangrijke participatie in Gazprom, en hebben nu een participatie genomen in een belangrijk gasveld in Siberië. E.On stoot ongeveer de helft van zijn aandelenbezit in Gazprom af in ruil voor dat belang in dat gasveld.
Nog even opmerken dat ondanks de koude douches die Royal Dutch en BP in Rusland gehad hebben, ALLE Westerse bedrijven nog altijd graag met de Russen zaken doen, zelfs ook RD en BP. Die hebben trouwens beiden , na de schermutselingen vorig jaar, waarbij contracten opengebroken werden, toch weer opnieuw allianties aangegaan.
( Gelukkig maar)
Yuzhno Russkoye gas field: participation agreement signed
E.ON acquires 25 % stake
E.ON’s participation in the Yuzhno Russkoye gas field in Siberia has been finalised. Alexej Miller, CEO of OAO Gazprom, and Bernhard Reutersberg, CEO of E.ON Ruhrgas AG, signed a detailed agreement to that effect at a meeting in St Petersburg. E.ON’s acquisition of just under 25 % in Yuzhno Russkoye is to be completed this year.
In return, Gazprom will take over from E.ON Ruhrgas its 49 % interest in the Russian company ZAO Gerosgaz, which holds almost 3 % of the Gazprom shares. Via Gerosgaz E.ON Ruhrgas is economic owner of that share package, which will be transferred to Gazprom ownership. The company continues to hold 3.5 % of the Gazprom shares.
"We are pleased that the negotiations on our participation have been successfully completed. We are thus deepening our long-standing partnership with Gazprom based on mutual trust and are making an important contribution to security of supply for Germany and Europe," said Wulf Bernotat, CEO of E.ON AG.
Alexej Miller, CEO of OAO Gazprom, also regards this participation as a successful example of German-Russian energy partnership. “By implementing this asset exchange transaction, Gazprom and E.ON have once again demonstrated a successful development of long-term Russian-German cooperation in the energy sphere. Now our companies are partners in the area of gas production as well. Unique experience of developing the Yuzhno Russkoye field will not only allow Gazprom and E.ON to strengthen their business ties, but will also serve as further confirmation of our mutual trust and friendship.”
"For over 35 years we have been cooperating closely with Russia, as again illustrated by our participation in Yuzhno Russkoye. At the same time we are coming considerably closer to our upstream goal: In the long run, E.ON intends to obtain at least 10 billion m³ of gas from its own production," stressed Bernhard Reutersberg.
With gas reserves exceeding 600 billion m³, Yuzhno Russkoye is one of the world’s largest gas fields. The owner of the production licence and field operator is Russia’s OAO Severneftegazprom (SNGP), in which Gazprom will in future have a stake of just over 50 %, while E.ON Ruhrgas and Wintershall will each hold nearly 25 %.
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