leonardus65 schreef op 26 december 2021 14:39:
Ervaring heeft het echtpaar genoeg
He is a pioneer in the fight against viruses. Back in 1976 he was among those who detected Ebola. And in the 1980s he was at the forefront of the fight against AIDS. Peter Piot led the research on HIV, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. He worked in Burundi and Tanzania, in Kenya and Zaire, and was the co-leader of the first international AIDS research programme. So, in drawing conclusions and recommendations from scientific evidence, Peter Piot brings to benefit this enormous real world experience.
Until now Peter has written 17 books and published more than 600 scientific articles. He has worked at the UN, the WHO and at universities across the world, until the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine became his professional home.
After more than 10 years at the helm of this wonderful institution he is now stepping down as director. I know that he will be hugely missed there. But I am very happy that Professor Piot continues to be my special advisor on COVID-19. And he will continue to lead the Commission´s panel of national science advisors. Because the next pandemic must not find us unprepared.
Heidi Larson studeerde communicatiewetenschappen aan Harvard. Tijdens haar studie was ze actief voor Save the Children op de Westelijke Jordaanoever en Nepal.[2] Hierna begon ze antropologie te studeren aan de Universiteit van Californië - Berkeley, waar ze een Phd bepaalde in 1990. Ze werkte voor meerdere bedrijven tot ze in 2000 begon te werken voor UNICEF met de communicatie rond vaccinatieprogramma's, waaronder de campagns rond de vaccinatie tegen ebola in Sierra Leone, Rwanda, de Democratische Republiek Congo en Oeganda.
Ze richtte in 2020 het Vaccine Confidence Project op aan de London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.[3][4]
In 2020 was ze co-voorzitter van het Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) panel en publiceerde ze het boek Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start and Why They Don't Go Away. Ze wordt als deskundige tijdens de corona-crisis regelmatig gevraagd om te spreken over de weerstand die optreed tegen vaccinatie.