luchtschip schreef op 3 maart 2021 20:07:
Texas heeft inderdaad de Corona maatregelen afgeschaft. Ook Michigan, Louisiana en Mississippi.
Dit is zuiver een beslissing enkel en alleen van de Gouverneur van Texas, Greg Abbott.
Hij is Republikein en wil de economie weer open gooien.
Puur een economische en politieke beslissing.
De siutuatie rond corona rechtvaardigt een opheffen van de lock down niet.
Deze maatregel zal ongetwijfeld tot verernstiging van de zaak zorgen met een onnodig aantal zieken en doden.
What did the Texas governor announce?
Mr Abbott issued an executive order that rescinded most of the coronavirus measures he imposed earlier in the pandemic.
The new executive order, which is to take effect on 10 March, lifts all mask requirements and forbids local authorities from penalising residents who do not wear a face covering.
It removes all restrictions on businesses in counties without a high number of Covid-19 patients in hospital.
The announcement in Texas came as similar rules were lifted in other states, including Michigan, Louisiana, and Mississippi, which also ended its mask mandate.
The roll-out of vaccinations against Covid-19 has boosted confidence in a return to pre-pandemic life in the US.
On Tuesday, President Biden said the US was on track to have enough vaccines for every adult in the country by the end of May.
Yet the wave of reopenings has put states at odds with the Biden administration and its senior health officials, who have reacted with dismay to the relaxation of coronavirus measures at a precarious time in the pandemic.