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Al Kipone
je moet je voorstelen hoe het is te werken voor deze man. Je weet wat er gaat gebeuren, maar niemand durft hem tegen te spreken. Dus je produceert een grafiek die laat zien dat hij gelijk heeft. Met een sharpie..... En dat komt dan even later op TV :-) :-) :-)

En dan ga je naar huis en je vrouw vraagt wat je die dag gedaan hebt.... :-)

(tnx voor de correctie, gbak1)
Een verstandige vrouw vraagt het niet eens meer.. die heeft het al op tv gezien of op twitter gelezen.
Al Kipone
New research from Fed economists attempts to quantify the drag on output from the increase in trade policy uncertainty.

They estimate policy uncertainty has reduced the level of US GDP by 0.8% and will reduce it by more than 1% through early 2020

Ay ai ai ay ay. En de graaierige GOPers hadden ingezet op 3-3.5-4% GDP groei om hun belastingdiefstal te bekostigen. Oh well, de kleine man betaalt so who cares :-)

(Wall Street Journal)
Al Kipone
President Trump promised repeatedly that he would get Mexico to pay for a border wall when he ran in 2016. Unable to accomplish that, he failed to persuade Congress of the need to appropriate the money – even when his own party controlled both chambers. Just before Christmas, Trump forced what became a 35-day partial government shutdown, the longest in American history, in a bid to coerce the legislative branch to give him the money he wanted for the wall.

When House Democrats stayed unified, buoyed by their mandate in the midterms, the president declared a “national emergency” in February. Under the auspices of that emergency, Trump announced he would divert money that had been explicitly appropriated for the military to move ahead with his pet project. In late July, the five Supreme Court justices appointed by Republicans voted to lift a freeze on the money that had been put in place by a lower court and upheld by an appellate court.

Last night, the Pentagon finally released to the public a list of the 127 construction projects that stand to lose funding to free up $3.6 billion for 175 miles of fencing and other barriers on the southern border. These are spread across 23 states, three U.S. territories and 20 countries. Here are some of the most notable projects that Trump is raiding:

1) Puerto Rico will lose out on more than $400 million of planned projects.

The Pentagon is defunding 13 projects at military installations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, 10 of which were related to recovery from Hurricane Maria. Among them is the rehabilitation of Camp Santiago, a training facility operated by the Puerto Rico National Guard.

Guam, another U.S. territory, will lose a quarter of a billion dollars in construction projects. North Korea threatened to strike the Pacific island in 2017.

2) Another $770 million is being diverted from projects that have been approved to help American allies deter attacks from a revanchist Russia.

This is the bulwark of the European Deterrence Initiative, which was created after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Along with Trump’s push to get Russia back in the G-7, this is the latest illustration of the president projecting weakness in the face of Kremlin bellicosity.

3) Nine of the projects on the list involve renovating or replacing schools for the children of U.S. troops.

4) Utah will lose $54 million. This is striking because both of the state’s conservative senators, Mike Lee and Mitt Romney, voted against Trump’s border emergency in March and supported the resolution of disapproval. Is it retaliation?


(Noot: Staten die getroffen worden door deze diefstal zijn GOP controlled, met Senatoren die het toch al moeilijk hebben tegenover de Democratische tegenkandidaten. Briljante zet :-) )

Al Kipone schreef op 5 september 2019 20:47:

Last night, the Pentagon finally released to the public a list of the 127 construction projects that stand to lose funding to free up $3.6 billion for 175 miles of fencing and other barriers on the southern border. These are spread across 23 states, three U.S. territories and 20 countries. Here are some of the most notable projects that Trump is raiding:

1) Puerto Rico will lose out on more than $400 million of planned projects.

The Pentagon is defunding 13 projects at military installations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, 10 of which were related to recovery from Hurricane Maria. Among them is the rehabilitation of Camp Santiago, a training facility operated by the Puerto Rico National Guard.

Guam, another U.S. territory, will lose a quarter of a billion dollars in construction projects. North Korea threatened to strike the Pacific island in 2017.

2) Another $770 million is being diverted from projects that have been approved to help American allies deter attacks from a revanchist Russia.

This is the bulwark of the European Deterrence Initiative, which was created after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Along with Trump’s push to get Russia back in the G-7, this is the latest illustration of the president projecting weakness in the face of Kremlin bellicosity.

3) Nine of the projects on the list involve renovating or replacing schools for the children of U.S. troops.

4) Utah will lose $54 million. This is striking because both of the state’s conservative senators, Mike Lee and Mitt Romney, voted against Trump’s border emergency in March and supported the resolution of disapproval. Is it retaliation?


(Noot: Staten die getroffen worden door deze diefstal zijn GOP controlled, met Senatoren die het toch al moeilijk hebben tegenover de Democratische tegenkandidaten. Briljante zet :-) )
Hier is de complete lijst van alle militaire projecten met een totaal van $ 3,6 billion waarop gesneden wordt.

Sommmige projecten viel het eerste deel in voorgaande budget jaren. Waren voor een groot deel opgestart en kunnen nu niet afgemaakt worden.

Niet alleen de US wordt getroffen. Ook veel landen buiten de US waar faciliteiten gepland stonden gaan niet door. Dit zijn grote financieel aderlatingen.

Bijv alleen al voor diverse projecten in Duitsland $ 430 miljoen wat niet doorgaat.

Let wel de bedragen zijn X $ 1.000.
Dus waar staat $ 100.000 is dan $ 100.000.000.

Lijst van militaire projecten die gestopt worden om aan de muur bij te dragen :
Zal mij benieuwen wat Dorian gaat kosten. De schade zal VEEL hoger zijn dan die paar honderd km omheining.

gokker schreef op 5 september 2019 21:24:

Zal mij benieuwen wat Dorian gaat kosten. De schade zal VEEL hoger zijn dan die paar honderd km omheining.
Ja, zeker met alle schade in Alabama meegeteld.

Voorinformatie van Trump?

Vandaag banen cijfers. De President krijgt de avond ervoor al deze cijfers. Hij mag er niet over praten totdat ze vanmiddag officieel bekend zijn. Toch stuurde Trump donderdag om 24:00 uur US tijd deze twee tweets :

Donald J Trump@realDonaldTrump

"I think President Trump is set in his ways because he doesn't see any weakenins. I mean, look at the joblessness report. What I'm surprised at is how strong the consumer is. I think the Chinese need it(a deal) more than we do.It's statistical. I just think....

tweede tweet :
...that our economy is very strong. If the FED would lower rates to where the bond market says they should be, then really I wouldn't worry about a recession."

Kat in het bakkie.
Om 14:30(ned tijd) komen de Augustus non-farm payrolls en de consensus is 155.000 extra banen erbij.
De consensus van 155.000 ligt wel aan de lage kant. Normaal de afgelopen maanden is tussen de 180.000 en 300.000.

Na 14:30 kunnen we dus een up-tick verwachten. Bedankt Donald.

Wel frappant dat hij in zijn eigen tweet spreekt over President Trump alsof het iemand anders is.

tweet van Trump met daaronder de tweede tweet :


Al Kipone
Al Kipone
BREAKING: U.S. economy added 130,000 jobs in August vs. est. of 150,000 increase; unemployment rate unchanged at 3.7%

Payrolls up by 130k, but private sector only added 96k jobs in August

(est 171 en 145K, per TDAmeritrade)
Al Kipone

Problem is that Census employment accounts for 34k of that job growth, so its best to focus on the private sector number, which is +96k.

Revisions for the past two months were moderately negative, too.
Al Kipone
Four states are poised to cancel their 2020 GOP primaries and caucuses, a move that would cut off oxygen to Trump's primary challengers.

The moves, which critics call undemocratic, are the latest illustration of Trump's total takeover of the GOP.

Trump roept Fed weer op rente te verlagen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Federal Reserve zou de rente moeten verlagen. Dit schreef de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump vrijdag op Twitter.

"Zij [Fed] waren veel te vroeg met het verhogen, en veel te laat met verlagen", meent Trump. "En een flinke dosis kwantitatieve verkrapping hielp nu ook niet echt", aldus de president.

"Hoe kom ik toch aan die gast, Jerome [Powell]? Maar ach, je kan niet alles winnen", vervolgde hij.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Al Kipone
GOP Retirements Spike, Diminishing Hope Of Retaking House Majority In 2020

The recent stream of Republicans announcing plans to retire in 2020 means lawmakers may be losing hope that there is a path to retaking the majority in the House of Representatives next November.

So far, 15 House GOP lawmakers have announced they will not run for re-election — two of those are running for higher office: – Alabama Rep. Bradley Byrne is running for Senate and Montana Rep. Greg Gianforte is running for governor in their respective states. On the Democratic side, three members have said they will not run, and Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Luján has decided to run for Senate in New Mexico instead of for his House seat.

Al Kipone

voda schreef op 6 september 2019 15:50:

Trump roept Fed weer op rente te verlagen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Federal Reserve zou de rente moeten verlagen. Dit schreef de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump vrijdag op Twitter.

"Zij [Fed] waren veel te vroeg met het verhogen, en veel te laat met verlagen", meent Trump. "En een flinke dosis kwantitatieve verkrapping hielp nu ook niet echt", aldus de president.

"Hoe kom ik toch aan die gast, Jerome [Powell]? Maar ach, je kan niet alles winnen", vervolgde hij.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Verder prijst hij ook het boek van een Fox presentatrice aan, en Sarah Liesalot Sanders. (die binnenkort een boek gaat schrijven)

En hij bazelt wat over een storm die in Alabama dreigt aan te komen op 26 Augustus....

En gaat tekeer over DACA, China, Tariffs

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

16m16 minutes ago
“China is eating the Tariffs.” Billions pouring into USA. Targeted Patriot Farmers getting massive Dollars from the incoming Tariffs! Good Jobs Numbers, No Inflation(Fed). China having worst year in decades. Talks happening, good for all!

52m52 minutes ago

The Economy is great. The only thing adding to “uncertainty” is the Fake News!

55m55 minutes ago

Great job by FEMA, Law Enforcement, First Responders, U.S. Coast Guard, and ALL! Keep going, we all appreciate what you are doing!

1h1 hour ago

....partner should start playing it straight. It would be so much better for our Country!

1h1 hour ago

....This nonsense has never happened to another President. Four days of corrupt reporting, still without an apology. But there are many things that the Fake News Media has not apologized to me for, like the Witch Hunt, or SpyGate! The LameStream Media and their Democrat.....

1h1 hour ago

The Fake News Media was fixated on the fact that I properly said, at the beginnings of Hurricane Dorian, that in addition to Florida & other states, Alabama may also be grazed or hit. They went Crazy, hoping against hope that I made a mistake (which I didn’t). Check out maps.....

2h2 hours ago

Larry Kudlow on @Varneyco now!

2h2 hours ago

Our great @JudgeJeanine has just written a book that will add to the tremendous success of her last number one best seller. It’s called, “Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge, The Left’s Plot To Remake America.” It is a FANTASTIC book. Go get it! @foxandfriends

3h3 hours ago

Great interview of Sarah Sanders by @foxandfriends. She is a terrific person with a great future!

3h3 hours ago

Congratulations to @edhenry and his sister on a great success. What a wonderful thing to do!

(toelichting: Ed Henry gaf een stuk rauwe lever aan zijn zus)

3h3 hours ago

I agree with @jimcramer, the Fed should lower rates. They were WAY too early to raise, and Way too late to cut - and big dose quantitative tightening didn’t exactly help either. Where did I find this guy Jerome? Oh well, you can’t win them all!

3h3 hours ago

DACA will be going before the Supreme Court. It is a document that even President Obama didn’t feel he had the legal right to sign - he signed it anyway! Rest assured that if the SC does what all say it must, based on the law, a bipartisan deal will be made to the benefit of all!

3h3 hours ago

....President Obama never had the legal right to sign DACA, and he indicated so at the time of signing. But In any event, how can he have the right to sign and I don’t have the right to “unsigned.” Totally illegal document which would actually give the President new powers.

3h3 hours ago

....have the discretion to end the program that President Obama began in his discretion. That program was unlawful to begin with. I think it’s very unlikely that the SCOTUS is going to issue an order reinstating what it believes is an unlawful program. DACA Is unlawful.” .....

3h3 hours ago

The Immigration Law Institute’s Christopher Hajec says, “The Supreme Court has to look st whether DACA is lawful. What they are looking at now is whether Trump’s recision of DACA is lawful. Must consider lawfulness of DACA itself. Looks very odd that President Trump doesn’t.....

(trump had een deal in January 2018, die hij vervolgens zelf weer torpedeerde in April 2018.....)

Kortom, een drukke en nuttig besteedde ochtend voor de pres! :-)

Al Kipone schreef op 6 september 2019 17:38:


Verder prijst hij ook het boek van een Fox presentatrice aan, en Sarah Liesalot Sanders. (die binnenkort een boek gaat schrijven)

En hij bazelt wat over een storm die in Alabama dreigt aan te komen op 26 Augustus....

En gaat tekeer over DACA, China, Tariffs

55m55 minutes ago

Great job by FEMA, Law Enforcement, First Responders, U.S. Coast Guard, and ALL! Keep going, we all appreciate what you are doing!

1h1 hour ago

The Fake News Media was fixated on the fact that I properly said, at the beginnings of Hurricane Dorian, that in addition to Florida & other states, Alabama may also be grazed or hit. They went Crazy, hoping against hope that I made a mistake (which I didn’t). Check out maps.....

Kortom, een drukke en nuttig besteedde ochtend voor de pres! :-)
En naast een stortvloed aan zinloze nietszeggende tweets, vaak ver bezijden de waarheid :

Is er Hurricane Dorian die langs de kust van Florida naar het Noorden is gegaan richting de kust van South en North Carolina.
Deze Hurricane brengt schade aan het land en daarover tweet Trump niets of nauwelijks.

Hij is al een week tweets aan het versturen over het feit dat hij gewaarschuwd had over het gevaar van Dorian in Alabama.
Dorian komt in de verste verte niet in de buurt van Alabama.
Terwijl Hurricane Dorian de oostkust van de US teistert, komen er al sinds 30 augustus alleen maar presidentiele hurricane tweets over een gebied waar de storm niet raast.

Presidentiele hurricane tweets over een gebied waar er geen sprake is van een hurricane.

Dan ben je toch goed van het padje......
....als president.

Tweet van Trump van gisteren over Hurricane Dorian met een weerkaart van 29 en 30 augustus.
Op 5 september nog beschouwingen over weersverwachtingen van 29/30 september. :
klik op kaarten voor uitvergroting


Verzwakking US militaire ondersteuning in Europa.

Om de muur te bekostigen maakt Trump $ 3,6 miljard vrij bij defensie.
Hiervan is $ 770 miljoen uit Europa, waar US militaire projecten gestopt worden.

Diverse projecten worden geschrapt

Totaal wordt er $ 770 miljoen weggehaald bij EDI.
EDI is European Deterrence Initiative.
Opgezet na de inval van Rusland in de Krim en Oost Oekraïne, om Rusland af te schrikken verder Europa in te trekken.

-to fund US troop deployments in Europe
-training and exercises with allies
-prepositioning of US military assets in European countries
-improving bases and building partner capacity.

Trump had al los hiervan $ 250 miljoen stopgezet in de ondersteuning van Oekraine op militair gebied.

En nu dus $ 770 miljoen in diverse Europese militaire projecten.

En dit alles voor een zinloze muur, die geen enkele bescherming biedt.

Putin zal blij zijn met een verzwakking van Europa.



Al Kipone schreef op 6 september 2019 14:37:

Four states are poised to cancel their 2020 GOP primaries and caucuses, a move that would cut off oxygen to Trump's primary challengers.

The moves, which critics call undemocratic, are the latest illustration of Trump's total takeover of the GOP.

Joe Walsh : Trump gedraagt zich als een maffiabaas.

Joe Walsh heeft zich bij de Republikeinen als kandidaat gesteld om Trump uit te dagen bij de primaries voor Republikeinse presidentskandidaat.

Joe Walsh :
" Like a mob boss, Donald Trump orders the elimination of primaries.
This is what a political party does when it serves a King.

Every Republican should oppose this "

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