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Al Kipone
The Pentagon will deploy about 3,750 additional U.S. forces to the U.S.-Mexico border for 90 days, the Department of Defense said in statement Sunday.

Those forces will provide support to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the southwest border, according to the statement, and raise the total of active duty forces supporting CBP there to about 4,350.

The support they will provide includes "mobile surveillance capability" through September and the placement of "approximately 150 miles of concertina wire between ports of entry," the statement said.

The additional forces will be deployed for 90 days and were approved by Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan on Jan. 11, according to the statement.

Al Kipone
Coal en trump (de beloftes, de leugens en het rookgordijn)

It’s been two years since President Donald Trump took office and began rolling back environmental regulations on the coal industry.
At a November rally in Huntington, West Virginia, the president took credit for a coal comeback in front of a cheering crowd.
“We’ve ended the war on beautiful, clean coal and we’re putting our coal miners back to work,” he said. “That you know better than anybody.”
Preliminary figures for 2018 show 80,778 people were employed by mine operators and contractors. That’s a record low, and about a thousand fewer than were employed by coal in the last year of the Obama administration.
Nationwide, coal plant retirements neared a record high, and overall coal production dropped to the lowest level in nearly 40 years, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a non-partisan government agency that tracks energy trends.

The Trump administration has leaned heavily on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to try to boost the region’s coal industry.
But many industry analysts believe Trump’s looser environmental rules have not helped the industry.
Houser said there is also little indication any utility in the country is planning on building a new coal-fired power plant, even under the current, more relaxed regulatory environment.
Last month, S&P Global Market Intelligence reported Longview Power LLC, which operates one of the newest and most efficient coal-fired power plants in the U.S. just outside of Morgantown, West Virginia, is seeking investment to shift some generation from coal to natural gas and solar.

“If you look at the share of where the coal was headed, the domestic utility market for West Virginia coal continues to decline,” said Jason Bostic with the West Virginia Coal Association. “And that’s extremely concerning.”
Nationwide and as well as in the Ohio Valley the amount of coal mined dropped to the lowest level in nearly 40 years.
Coal exports, however, were up, driven largely by international demand for metallurgical, or met coal, by Asian countries.

There are a lot of indications that the international demand for met coal, especially by China, is cooling off.

“In 2019 we have some pretty troubling signs about the outlook for the Chinese economy this coming year and that could take the wind out of the sails of the metallurgical coal market pretty quickly,” said Houser with the Rhodium Group.

Limited Retraining
That doesn’t bode well for miners. Houser, with the Rhodium Group, said while the Trump administration doubled down to boost coal, it has not offered any additional aid for job retraining.
“The past few budget proposals from the Trump administration have actually reduced the amount of support for retraining and economic diversification and coal retraining in coal country,” he said.
Clemmy Allen has been retraining coal miners for more than 30 years for the United Mine Workers of America.
Since 2012, the UMWA’s Career Training Centers in Appalachia has relied on a Department of Labor grant, which provides $5000 in tuition assistance and a $20 daily stipend to West Virginia miners who have been laid off or lost their jobs. He said thousands of miners have taken advantage of the program, but acknowledged it’s also limited.
“It’s very, very difficult for for a person just to … just shut down and go into training and not have money to, you know, meet their monthly obligations,” he said.


Al Kipone

Al Kipone schreef op 4 februari 2019 13:46:

The Trump administration says it would require extraordinary effort to reunite what may be thousands of migrant children who have been separated from their parents and, even if it could, the children would likely be emotionally harmed.

Jonathan White, who leads the Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to reunite migrant children with their parents, said removing children from “sponsor” homes to rejoin their parents “would present grave child welfare concerns.” He said the government should focus on reuniting children currently in its custody, not those who have already been released to sponsors.

“It would destabilize the permanency of their existing home environment, and could be traumatic to the children,” White said in a court filing late Friday, citing his years of experience working with unaccompanied migrant children and background as a social worker.

Mijn G-d.... :(

According to the UN's Convention on the Prevention & Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), one act of genocide includes "forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

An outcome listed is: "causing ... mental harm."

Families belong together.
Roger Stone wordt door Mueller aangeklaagd met betrekking tot collusion in 2016 Trump verkiezingscampagne

Sam Nunberg was political adviser gedurende de Trump 2016 verkiezingscampagne. Sam Nunberg was al eerder uitgenodigd door Mueller voor gesprekken.

Het enige waar Mueller in geïnteresseerd was , was Roger Stone. "wat heb je met Roger Stone besproken" "kun je iets vertellen over het contact van Roger Stone met Michael Cohen" etc etc.

Sam Nunberg over Mueller's vragen :

" These (the Mueller team) are guys you don't f*ck around with. They have a strong case of conspiracy"
"They (the Mueller team) have lots of stuff , they look into. Does not look good "
" (Roger Stone) is one of the final pieces for Trump to be removed from office"

Heftig , samenzwering , Roger Stone is het laatste puzzel stukje om Trump's zaak rond te hebben.

’Terreurgroep kan zich nieuw leven inblazen’
Pentagon waarschuwt voor heropleving IS
Updated 16 min geleden
1 uur geleden in BUITENLAND

WASHINGTON - Na de aankondiging om de Amerikaanse troepen terug te trekken uit Syrië waarschuwt het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie nu voor een mogelijke heropleving van de terroristische milities van Islamitische Staat (IS).

Zonder Amerikaanse druk zou IS „waarschijnlijk binnen zes tot twaalf maanden zichzelf nieuw leven kunnen inblazen” en een deel van zijn verloren terrein kunnen terugwinnen, zo wordt gesteld in een maandag vrijgeven rapport van het Pentagon.

In het gebied in het oosten van Syrië waar Amerikaanse troepen werden ingezet verblijven naar schatting nog 2000 IS-strijders.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump had de terugtrekking van ongeveer 2000 Amerikaanse soldaten uit Syrië op 19 december aangekondigd, ondanks negatieve adviezen vanuit het Pentagon en van andere ministers. Trump heeft overigens nog geen tijdschema gegeven.

Aanstaande woensdag vindt in Washington een bijeenkomst plaats van ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken van de anti-IS-coalitie. Ook de Nederlandse minister Stef Blok zal daarbij aanwezig zijn. Gastheer is de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Mike Pompeo.
De totale schulden aan studentenleningen voor mensen van 60 jaar en ouder namen tussen 2010 en 2017 met 161% toe.

Dat waren die zogenaamde banen van Obama!!
Belegde boterham
Even een vraag:

"Zijn van oudsher de republikeinen niet tegen handelsbelemmeringen,
cq voor vrij handelszones?"

En zo ja: "Is er hierdoor meer weerstand vanuit de Rep tov Trump?"
Al Kipone
GOP problemen 2020:

Maine Sen. Susan Collins had the best fundraising quarter of her career, shattering her previous best with the help of a flood of out-of-state money.

After announcing her decision to vote in favor of Kavanaugh’s controversial nomination during a speech on the Senate floor in early October, Collins raised $1.8 million in the final quarter of 2018, according to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday.

Of the nearly $900,000 she received from individual donors who contributed more than $200 to her campaign, just $19,000 was from individuals with Maine addresses.
From the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2018, Collins, a Republican, raised $2.9 million. More than 60 percent of that total was raised in the fourth quarter of 2018, when she brought in an average of roughly $20,000 a day.

Collins’ decision to support Kavanaugh’s nomination led to a burst of donations — for her eventual challenger. Before she announced her vote, progressive activists started a crowdfunding campaign for the purpose of funding her 2020 opponent if Collins voted to confirm Kavanaugh, then a federal judge. Collins called the effort “bribery.”

As she described why she was voting to confirm Kavanaugh during the October speech, the page for the fundraiser crashed. It eventually raised $3.7 million

Al Kipone
trump tax plan (1999)

Trump’s proposals over the years have been something of a combination of these. His most famous/infamous proposal from 1999 was to impose a one-time 14.25 percent tax on individuals and trusts with net worths of $10 million or more. It was a proposal PolitiFact has said would have been the “largest tax increase in American history.” Trump pitched it as a way to eliminate the national debt in one fell swoop.

“Some will say that my plan is unfair to the extremely wealthy,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book, “The America We Deserve.” “I say it is only reasonable to shift the burden to those most able to pay. … I believe we have an obligation to pay. Taxes represent the cost of freedom and its defense. It is a small price.”

“I say it is only reasonable to shift the burden to those most able to pay. … I believe we have an obligation to pay. Taxes represent the cost of freedom and its defense. It is a small price.”

This came up occasionally during the 2016 Republican presidential primary, but it wasn’t just a one-off. In addition to his idea for a one-time tax, Trump has also pushed for a “substantial” increase in the tax rate paid by the wealthiest Americans.

In 1991 testimony before the House Budget Committee’s Subcommittee on Urgent Fiscal Matters, Trump recommended taxing the wealthy at 40 percent, 50 percent or even more so that they would invest the money instead. “The higher it is,” he argued, “the more incentive there would be.”

Al Kipone
Oh boy...hide the fan!

Members of House Intel will gather on Wednesday at 10 a.m. to vote on the “transmission of Certain Committee Transcripts to the Department of Justice.”

Calling Mr trump Jr, calling Mr trump jr, please report to the nearest perjury phone. :-)


henk38 schreef op 4 februari 2019 21:05:

De totale schulden aan studentenleningen voor mensen van 60 jaar en ouder namen tussen 2010 en 2017 met 161% toe.

Dat waren die zogenaamde banen van Obama!!
Geen bron

Geen details schulden aan studenten leningen namen met 161% toe.
Dus was eerst $1000,00 en is opgelopen naar $1610,00. . Nou en ,Henk38, waar moeten we ons druk over maken.

Studentenleningen voor mensen van 60 jaar en ouder. Hoeveel mensen boven 60 jaar gaan er nu een studenten lening aan ?

Mensen boven 60 jaar en ouder zijn gepensioneerden. Wat heeft dat met banen te maken?

Op basis van dit verhaal moet je je gal spugen op Obama.
Obama is al 2 jaar geen President meer. Hij is nu staatsburger.
Ga je hier steeds maar over staatsburgers van de USA praten die iets niet goed gedaan hebben in jouw ogen?

Dit is een Trump draadje en Trump is nu President. Daar discussiëren we over.

luchtschip schreef op 4 februari 2019 21:40:


Geen bron

Geen details schulden aan studenten leningen namen met 161% toe.
Dus was eerst $1000,00 en is opgelopen naar $1610,00. . Nou en ,Henk38, waar moeten we ons druk over maken.


Al Kipone schreef op 4 februari 2019 21:23:

Oh boy...hide the fan!

Members of House Intel will gather on Wednesday at 10 a.m. to vote on the “transmission of Certain Committee Transcripts to the Department of Justice.”

Calling Mr trump Jr, calling Mr trump jr, please report to the nearest perjury phone. :-)

Gaat gezellig worden voor Donald Trump Jr.

Liegen tegen de House Intelligence Committee mag niet en is strafbaar.
Devin Nunes heeft het transcript ,als republikeins voorzitter van de house intel commission , met een republikeinse meerderheid ,2 jaar binnenskamers kunnen houden.

Het wordt nu even anders met een democratische meerderheid in het Huis.

Al Kipone schreef op 4 februari 2019 21:23:

Calling Mr trump Jr, calling Mr trump jr, please report to the nearest perjury phone. :-)
In totaal 73 die verhoord zijn door intel committee van het Huis.
o.a Donald Jr, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Lewandowski , Hope Hicks, Michael Cohen, Sater,Nix(Cambridge Analytica) en Erik Prince om er maar een paar te noemen.

Denk niet dat ze allemaal de waarheid verteld hebben. En Mueller weet de waarheid.

Donald Trump the live reality star President.

De GOP vestigt nog even de aandacht op de nieuwe cliffhanger.

The Show must go on

Trailer voor Donald Trump's live presentation of :

The State of the Union


Paul Manafort had een plea deal met Robert Mueller.
Door openheid van zaken te geven en medewerking aan het verhooor,zou er mogelijk een gunstige straf voor Manafort uit de bus kunnen komen.
Echter Mueller heeft dit beëindigd. Manafort zou volgens hem valse info gegeven hebben.
Vandaag was de zitting , waarin Mueller moest aantonen , dat Manafort inderdaad gelogen had.
Zitting was achter gesloten deuren en is beëindigd.
Geen mededelingen verder gedaan aan de pers.

Trump nominated David Bernhardt as Acting Secretary of Interior.

Nieuwe interim Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken was een lobbyist voor de olie industrie.

Weer een nieuwe zakkenvuller , die alleen oog heeft voor met name de olie industrie.

Binnenlandse Zaken heeft ca 70.000 medewerkers en behelst o a Federaal Land, Off-shore drilling, bedreigde diersoorten en American Indian affairs.

Corruptie onderzoek naar uitgaven en ontvangsten van de inauguratie van Donald Trump

SDNY(southern district of New York) aanklagers van de "public corruption section" gaan een onderzoek doen naar:

Trump's Inauguration's Committee

They plan to subpoena the organization for documents.

Foreign donations are illegal and donations more than $ 25.000,00 are a felony(zware misdaad)

Totaal opgehaald $ 107 million waarvan $ 104 million is uitgegeven.

Michael Cohen(Trump's advocaat en financiele regelaar)
Allen Weisselberg(Trump Organization Chief Financial)
Trump family Business
Tom Barrack(vastgoedmagnaat) Chairman of the Inauguration Committee

Ook de buitenlandse gasten
-Viktor Vekselberg (Russian Oligarch on sanction list)
-donors with connection to Russia,Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates and Qatar
-Sam Patten,USA, (who acknowledged to Mueller part of plea deal) accepted $ 50.000,00 to buy tickets on behalf of Ukrainian business man, who wanted to attend inauguration events.

Uitgaven betrof onder andere :
$ 1,7 million at Trump International Hotel, Washington DC ahead of swearing in
$ 130.000,00 for customized seat cushions at two gala diners for President-elect
$ 10.000,00 for makeup for servers at another dinner
$ 2,7 million for company that produced Broadway style rendition of Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York"
using Las Vegas showgirls flown in by Trump's pal Steve Wynn(casino magnaat) for private event
$ 26 million for event planning firm run by one time adviser & friend of Melania Trump. Her friend Mevr Winston-Wolkoff created a company that paid out contracts to sub-contractors
$ 1,62 million direct to Mevr Winston-Wolkoff for her work
$ 5 million to charities( Red Cross,Salvation Army, Smithsonian Institute amongst others)


Al Kipone schreef op 4 februari 2019 21:23:

Oh boy...hide the fan!

Members of House Intel will gather on Wednesday at 10 a.m. to vote on the “transmission of Certain Committee Transcripts to the Department of Justice.”
Calling Mr trump Jr, calling Mr trump jr, please report to the nearest perjury phone. :-)
Hier een over zicht van 19 gevallen van perjury

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