Onderstaand de nieuwe core tier 1 regels van Basel.
Dit betekent dat SNS nu (begin 2013)een core tier 1 ratio van minimaal 4,5% moet hebben. De laatst gepubliceerde was 8,8%. Ervanuit gaande dat SNS de lening van de Staat net als ING mag verlengen, kunnen zij dus voorlopig nog zelfstandig vooruit, alvorens ze onder curatele worden gesteld. Jammer dat SNS dat zelf niet naar buiten brengt. Waarschijnlijk werken ze toch nog steeds aan een andere oplossing. BNP ?
BASEL (MNI) – Banks will be required to more than triple their core
tier 1 capital ratios to 7% under the terms of a new global agreement
announced Sunday by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
The accord, reached Sunday afternoon after months of wrangling
among countries with different banking structures, is intended to ensure
that the world’s financial system will be better placed to face future
shocks and loan losses.
The minimum ratio for core tier 1, which consists of common equity
and is considered the highest quality capital, will be raised to 4.5%
from the current 2%. In addition, banks will be required to hold a
capital conservation buffer of 2.5% to withstand future periods of
stress, bringing the total common equity requirement to 7%, the
Committee said. The ratio measures core tier 1 as a percentage of a
bank’s risk-weighted assets.
The minimum ratio for overall tier 1 capital, which includes common
equity plus other qualifying financial instruments based on stricter
criteria for banks worldwide, will increase from 4% to 6%, the Committee
added. With the conservation buffer, it will be 8.5%. The minimum
requirement for total capital will remain unchanged at the current level
of 8.0%, but with the buffer will be 10.5%.
Banks, many of which have warned that the stiffer capital
requirements could dampen lending and thus economic activity, will have
time to get used to the new regime. Implementation of the new tier 1
rules will be phased in starting in January 2013 and must be completed
by January 2015. The capital conservation buffer will be phased in from
January 2016 to January 2019.