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Hydrogen-Powered Ferry Set to Launch in San Francisco Bay

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
29 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Reuters reported that the San Francisco Bay will soon have a new fossil fuel-free ferry floating in its waters, propelled completely by hydrogen fuel cells. Aptly named Sea Change, the 70-foot, 75-passenger ferry will service multiple stops along San Francisco’s waterfront. It was built at All American Marine shipyard in Bellingham, Washington, and was undergoing tests with the US Coast Guard in nearby Puget Sound.

SWITCH’s flagship zero-emissions vessel, the Sea Change, is a 75-passenger ferry powered by hydrogen fuel cells and batteries.The vessel is substantially complete and entering operational sea trials at All American Marine shipyard in Bellingham, WA. Sea Change will operate in the San Francisco Bay Area following delivery from the shipyard.

The International Maritime Organization’s Greenhouse Gas Study conducted in 2020 states that greenhouse gas emissions including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased from 977 million tonnes in 2012 to 1,076 million tonnes in 2018, a 9.6% increase in six years.
TNO, Bekaert, Johnson Matthey en Schaeffler ontwikkelen nieuwe generatie elektrolysers

TNO gaat met het Belgische Bekaert, Engelse Johnson Matthey en Duitse Schaeffler een nieuwe generatie elektrolysers ontwikkelen. Ze willen een stap maken in verbetering van de efficiëntie van waterstofproductie.

Elektrolyse is de technologie om met water en hernieuwbare elektriciteit van onder meer windmolens en zonnepanelen groene waterstof te produceren.

Het consortium van marktleiders wil de totale kosten van groene waterstofproductie omlaagbrengen en de energie-efficiëntie sterk verhogen. Het gezamenlijk onderzoek heeft een minimumlooptijd van 3 jaar.

De samenwerking is onderdeel van het Voltachem Programma waar de chemische industrie, de energiesector en de maakindustrie samenwerken op weg naar een klimaatneutrale toekomst.

Het consortium wil de ontwikkeling van de proton exchange membrane (pem)-elektrolysetechnologie versnellen door te werken aan verbetering en integratie van de verschillende componenten in de elektrolyser-stack, het technische ‘hart’ van de elektrolyser.

Dit zal uiteindelijk leiden tot een nieuwe generatie elektrolysers met een lager elektriciteitsverbruik, lagere kosten voor de waterstof en een compacter systeem. Er wordt extra aandacht besteed aan het minimaliseren van het gebruik van schaarse materialen en een verhoging van de energie-efficiëntie, vergeleken met de huidige elektrolysers.

Inge Schildermans – vicepresident Bekaert Fiber Technologies – over de samenwerking: ‘We ontwikkelen groene en duurzame oplossingen voor onze klanten met een focus op componenten voor de elektrolysebehoeften van de toekomst. We werken in nauwe afstemming met onze innovatiepartners van het Supercell-project. We zijn vastbesloten om te innoveren en onze productie op te schalen naar gigawattcapaciteit.

Bernd Hetterscheidt - senior vicepresident Strategic Business Hydrogen bij Schaeffler – vult aan: ‘Het mogelijk maken en versnellen van de energietransitie is een van de kerndoelstellingen van onze strategie en een essentieel onderdeel van onze Roadmap 2025, die een snelle ontwikkeling van een zeer concurrerend, schaalbaar stack-productieproces omvat.’

Door Marco de Jonge Baas

Ontwikkelaar zonneparken Solinoor en Essent gaan groene waterstof produceren

Essent meldt te gaan samenwerken met de ontwikkelaar van zonneparken Solinoor om groene ‘waterstoffabrieken’ te bouwen. Nog dit jaar start de bouw van een elektrolyser met een vermogen van 5 megawatt.

De elektrolyser zet de opgewekte zonne-energie om in waterstof en restwarmte en levert vervolgens aan bedrijven in de regio. De exacte locatie van het project is niet bekendgemaakt.

Windenergie en batterij
De waterstoffabriek werkt in principe op zonne-energie. Om de continuïteit van de operatie te garanderen, zal ook de mogelijkheid worden onderzocht om bij gebrek aan zonlicht terug te vallen op windenergie.

Een ander aandachtspunt is de beperkte transportcapaciteit op het elektriciteitsnet waardoor het risico bestaat dat opgewekte energie verloren gaat. Om dat te voorkomen, wordt de fabriek uitgerust met een batterij voor tijdelijke opslag van het surplus aan zonnestroom dat niet meteen omgezet kan worden in waterstof of teruggeleverd kan worden aan het net. Het is het eerste project in Nederland waarbij een grondgebonden en drijvend zonnepark, batterijen en een elektrolyser worden ingezet voor duurzame productie van waterstof en tegelijk netcongestie oplossen en zorgen voor een gebalanceerd energienetwerk.

Essent en Solinoor gaan ook samenwerken aan mogelijke oplossingen om de geproduceerde waterstof te leveren aan lokale afnemers. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld via wegtransport of een directe pijpleiding. Vahid Kharidar, directeur van Solinoor, hierover: ‘We ontwikkelen door heel Nederland zonneparken die kunnen worden gebruikt als elektriciteitsbron voor de productie van waterstof. Wij geloven dat er altijd een oplossing is voor onze industrie om over te stappen op 100 procent groene energie, zelfs op het moment dat we uitdagingen hebben met beperkte transportcapaciteit op het net. Samen met Essent gaan we nog een stap verder en bieden we een geïntegreerde energieoplossing aan door verschillende bronnen van groene energie te gebruiken: zon, wind, batterijen en waterstof.’

Stephan Segbers, chief operating officer van Essent, voegt toe: ‘Het toepassen van waterstof als energiedrager is een grote stap vooruit in de energietransitie. Sinds 1,5 jaar richten we ons met Energy Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) op het ontwikkelen van koude- en warmtenetten en totaaloplossingen waarvan waterstof een onderdeel is. Wij geloven dat de energietransitie om een brede, integrale benadering vraagt en dat waterstof grote kansen biedt voor de industrie, tuinbouw en de gebouwde omgeving. Niet alleen in de stad, maar juist ook in meer afgelegen gebieden.’

Door Marco de Jonge Baas

Aker Horizons & Statkraft to Explore Hydrogen & Ammonia Potential

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 May, 2022, 6:30 am

Aker Horizons, through its portfolio company Aker Clean Hydrogen, and Statkraft have signed collaboration agreements to jointly explore opportunities for green hydrogen and ammonia production in India and Brazil, targeting local steel and fertilizer industries. The collaboration brings together Aker Clean Hydrogen, a global integrated hydrogen, ammonia and methanol producer building on Aker’s 180 years of industrial heritage, and Statkraft, a leading developer and generator of renewable energy with a substantial experience and presence in India and Brazil.

Aker Clean Hydrogen and Statkraft have agreed to explore joint development opportunities of fully-integrated renewable power generation and green hydrogen production in India, targeting domestic hard-to-abate industries such as the steel industry, as well as ammonia for domestic use and export. The steel industry in India produces about 100 million tonnes of steel annually. In India, green hydrogen can be used to replace grey, fossil fuel-based hydrogen, coal and natural gas as fuel and feedstock. This will significantly reduce CO2 emissions, while bolstering the country’s energy security, making it less vulnerable to energy market volatility. India currently consumes approximately 7 million tonnes of grey hydrogen per year, making it the world’s second largest hydrogen consumer. The country’s current hydrogen demand is expected to reach approximately 12 million tonnes by 2030 and about 28 million tonnes by 2050. India’s commitment to reach net zero by 2070, announced during the 26th UN Climate Change Conference, will further increase green hydrogen demand in one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

In Brazil, Aker Clean Hydrogen, Statkraft and Sowitec, a company specializing in developing renewable wind and solar assets, aim to jointly develop power-to-X projects in the state of Bahia. The first project opportunity being pursued is a large-scale hybrid project, which combines renewable power generation, and hydrogen and ammonia production for the local fertilizer industry. Brazil is the world’s fourth largest consumer of fertilizers, accounting for about 8 percent of global demand. Currently, the country imports more than 80 percent of its consumption. Recently the Brazilian government enacted their 2022-2050 National Fertilizer Plan, seeking to reduce the Brazilian dependency on imported fertilizers by, amongst other means, attracting and supporting foreign investments.
EDF Renewables & Zero Waste to Develop Green Hydrogen in Egypt

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 May, 2022, 6:30 am

The consortium Green Fuel Alliance, led by EDF Renewables and the UAE based Zero Waste has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority, the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company, the General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone and the Sovereign Fund of Egypt for cooperation on a joint development of a green hydrogen and green ammonia mega-project to be located at the Suez Canal Economic Zone. The MoU will elevate the strategic partnership between the two entities and will accelerate the timeline of the maritime industry, to reach net-zero emissions by securing carbon-free fuel for ships, vessels and tankers crossing one of the most important and strategic global waterways the Suez Canal.

This collaboration is part of the Ministry of Electricity, the SCZONE and TSFE’s commitment towards diversifying Egypt’s energy mix, with emphasis on increasing the reliance on renewable energy, green hydrogen, and downstream green ammonia production.
TC Energy & Nikola May Build Hydrogen Hub at Crossfield in Alberta

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 May, 2022, 6:30 am

TC Energy Corporation, together with the insight and involvement of our partner Nikola Corporation, is evaluating its plan for a hydrogen production hub on 140 acres in Crossfield in Alberta, where the Company operates a natural gas storage facility. The plan will be highlighted during the first-ever Canadian Hydrogen Convention in Edmonton, Alberta. TC Energy expects a final investment decision by the end of 2023; the project will be subject to customary regulatory approvals. TC Energy and Nikola previously announced a joint development agreement with the aim to locate and build hydrogen production hubs in North America.

The proposed hub would produce an estimated 60 tonnes of hydrogen per day, with the capacity to increase to 150 tonnes per day in the future. To produce hydrogen, natural gas is reacted in a chemical plant to separate hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The CO2 generated during this process is then captured and sequestered, lowering the emissions to meet clean-energy standards.

Nikola, based in Phoenix in Arizona, and a global leader in zero-emissions transportation and energy infrastructure solutions, will be the hub’s anchor customer for its long-haul fuel cell electric vehicles. The southern portion of Alberta is a key transportation corridor for long-haul trucks.
McDermott Joins Industry Experts on Hydrogen Hub & CCUS Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 May, 2022, 6:30 am

McDermott International has joined a group of industry experts focused on unlocking the potential for a hydrogen-led energy hub located at Bacton in Norfolk in UK. The UK North Sea Transition Authority is spearheading the Bacton Energy Hub project, which could play a significant role in the UK's energy future and become a vital element in its transition to net zero emissions.

The NSTA has established five Special Interest Groups to work collectively on an executable development concept. The five SIGs are: Hydrogen Supply; Hydrogen Demand; Regulatory; Supply Chain and Technology; and Infrastructure. McDermott has been selected as a core member of the Infrastructure SIG and has been chosen to lead Work Scope 6—Greenfield Onshore facilities. The Infrastructure SIG will establish the offshore and onshore facilities required to produce, store and distribute both low-carbon and renewable hydrogen, with associated CCUS. The SIG will include industry and government input to perform a series of studies and make recommendations for future project development.

The project aims to deliver a sustainable hydrogen supply by adding facilities that support low-carbon hydrogen production, carbon capture and underground storage by 2030. Also, through the development of offshore wind, it is aiming to develop renewable hydrogen production as part of the energy supply transition by 2050.
Flight Design Plans Hydrogen Flight Tests in 2023

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 May, 2022, 6:30 am

Flight Design unveiled plans to begin test flying a hydrogen-powered version of one of its light airplanes in 2023 at Aero Friedrichshafen in Germany. While the Hyfly research program prototype on display at the show is a mockup, it still gives some ideas about how the airplane could be configured. A proof-of-concept Flight Design prototype powered by a battery-electric propulsion system has already flown, but CEO Daniel Guenther believes that whether powered by batteries or hydrogen, a minimum endurance of at least two hours is needed. Existing electric aircraft such as the Pipistrel Velis Electro and its 20-kW battery don’t meet that requirement

On display next to the Hyfly mockup is a ball-shaped hydrogen tank made of carbon fiber and measuring 700 mm in diameter. It can hold seven kilograms of pressurized gaseous hydrogen.

Total weight of the propulsion system, not including the motor, is about 50 kg (110 pounds). If this were to become a product, the target would be to sell the propulsion system with the motor for about EUR 50,000. The demonstrator will seat just one pilot, even though the airplane being used is a two-seater, and it will also be heavier than the 600-kg maximum weight European light aircraft standard. An unusual feature on the Hyfly mockup airframe is a large air scoop on the belly. This is to provide cooling air to the fuel cell and electrical components, which generate a lot of heat while operating.
Gasunie en Vopak slaan handen ineen
Gericht op import waterstof.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Gasunie en Vopak hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten voor toekomstige infrastructuurprojecten gericht op de ontwikkeling van terminals voor de import van waterstof naar Noordwest-Europa via Nederlandse en Duitse havens. Dit maakte Vopak maandagochtend bekend.

Beide partijen werkten al samen aan de bouw van een zogenoemde Gate LNG-terminal in de haven van Rotterdam.

Het importeren van waterstof zal volgens Vopak essentieel zijn voor het behalen van de doelen onder de Europese green deal. De initiatieven om waterstof te importeren nemen volgens het bedrijf snel toe. Tegen 2025 moeten de eerste inkomstenstromen via Duitsland en Nederland op gang komen.

Vopak en Gasunie zullen zich vooral richten op het opzetten van een infrastructuur om een verdere distributie van waterstof naar eindgebruikers mogelijk te maken. Hierbij kan worden gedacht aan pijplijnen, spoorrails en wegen.

Er werden maandag geen financiële details gedeeld.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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ArcelorMittal Tests Replacement of Gas with Hydrogen for DRI

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:08 am

ArcelorMittal announced that it has successfully tested the use of green hydrogen in the production of direct reduced iron at its steel plant in Contrecoeur in Quebec in Canada and that this test is an important milestone in the Company’s journey to produce zero carbon emissions steel via the DRI-based steelmaking route using green hydrogen as an input. The objective of the test was to assess the ability to replace the use of natural gas with green hydrogen in the iron ore reduction process. During this first test, 6.8% of natural gas was replaced with green hydrogen during a 24-hour period, which contributed to a measurable reduction in CO2 emissions. The green hydrogen used in the test was produced by a third-party owned electrolyser and was then transported to Contrecoeur. This is a major step forward since the iron ore reduction process alone contributes to more than 75% of ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada’s overall CO2 emissions.

ArcelorMittal Long Product Canada is evaluating the possibility of carrying out further tests in the coming months by increasing the use of green hydrogen at the DRI plant, which could eventually reduce CO2 emissions in Contrecoeur by several hundred thousand tonnes per year. The potential use of electrolysers to produce green hydrogen in Contrecoeur will depend on certain criteria, particularly the availability of sufficient electricity to power the units. With one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world, ArcelorMittal Long Product Canada is well-positioned to contribute to the Company’s decarbonisation efforts if the right conditions are in place in Quebec. ArcelorMittal Long Product Canada’s low-carbon footprint is driven by its EAF-DRI pathway to steelmaking, use of renewable electricity and locally-sourced iron ore and scrap metal.

ArcelorMittal aims to reduce its CO2 emissions intensity by 25% by 2030 on a global scale and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Olin & Plug Power to Produce Hydrogen in St Gabriel in Louisiana

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

Leading vertically integrated chlor alkali producer Olin Corporation and Plug Power Inc have signed a memorandum of understanding with the intention to create a joint venture to produce and market green hydrogen to support growing fuel cell demand in the global hydrogen economy. The JV is the first of its kind and will provide reliability of supply and speed to market for green hydrogen throughout North America, setting the foundation for broader collaboration between the two companies. The first production plant in St Gabriel in Louisiana will produce 15 tons per day of green hydrogen.

Under the JV, Plug Power will market the hydrogen and provide logistical support for delivery while Olin will provide reliable hydrogen production and operational support.

The joint venture is expected to be operational in 2023.
Hydepoint Combines Offshore Wind & Hydrogen in Norway

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

The Hydepoint, a combined offshore substation and hydrogen factory, is being developed by Moreld, Arendals Fossekompani, and Kongsberg. Hydepoint will help to solve a number of issues related to offshore wind power development and upscaling.

The demand for hydrogen derived from renewable energy sources is rapidly rising. Offshore wind resource utilization is also rapidly increasing, and offshore wind is already a significant source of new renewable energy globally. Offshore wind development, including the upcoming licensing round in Norway, will necessitate significant grid strengthening. The conversion of energy to hydrogen, whether partial or complete, will reduce the need for grid investments while effectively increasing hydrogen production.

Variable production is, of course, one of the issues with wind energy. With more offshore wind in the energy mix, production is likely to exceed the demand or capacity of land-based transmission lines, as well as the onshore power grid, at some point. In the global large-scale build-up of offshore wind that is planned over the next 20 to 30 years, Hydepoint will contribute to lower costs.

Arendals Fossekompani, Kongsberg Gruppen, and Moreld, all industrial companies, will be major shareholders in Hydepoint.
GHI & Hydrogen Optimized to Build Electrolyzer Factory in Texas

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

Green Hydrogen International & Hydrogen Optimized have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the proposed development of a large electrolyzer manufacturing facility in Texas. The factory will produce Hydrogen Optimized’s RuggedCell water electrolyzers for GHI’s planned Hydrogen City project, a previously announced 60 gigawatt green hydrogen production and salt cavern storage hub to be built in South Texas.

The proposed RuggedCell manufacturing facility will be built out in stages, with an ultimate target of 5 GW a year of electrolyzer production. GHI intends to purchase the facility’s entire output for the first 10 years of operation to supply its Hydrogen City project. Locations being considered for the factory include the Austin, Houston, Dallas, and Corpus Christi areas.

GHI’s plan for gigawatt-scale green hydrogen production requires very large-scale water electrolysis technology. Hydrogen Optimized’s patented high-current RuggedCell technology was designed from first principles for large-scale hydrogen production at a significantly lower capital cost. The company is targeting individual RuggedCell installations of 100 MW as a stepping-stone to systems up to 400 MW. By comparison, most systems available in the market today cannot scale beyond 20 MW per unit or in many cases, 5 MW per unit. Furthermore, unlike the RuggedCell, many of these systems use expensive iridium, which is not available at a volume required to meet multi-gigawatt annual global demand for electrolyzers. Another key advantage of the RuggedCell is its dynamic response to variations in electrical current levels from 0 to 100% power load in just a few seconds.
TMK Completes Tests of Line Pipe for Hydrogen Transportation

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

Russian pipe maker TMK intends to bring to the market a new range of pipes for hydrogen transportation made to international standards in the second half of 2022. TMK’s Deputy Director for the Development of New Products for Infrastructure Facilities Mr Konstantin Belyaev while speaking at a session on CCUS and Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production: Promising Technology Projects for Key Industries at the National Oil and Gas Forum in Moscow said that TMK will continue to supply its products for combined-cycle generation, nuclear power and renewable energy industries as part of the upcoming low-carbon transition. The Company also plans to supply pipes for hydrogen energy projects and offer solutions for fuels such as green ammonia, biodiesel and bio methane.

Mr Belyaev said “As regards the outlook for energy transition products, we have analyzed our current portfolio and concluded that at the moment it accounts for about 15% of TMK’s shipments. We will further increase the share of these products, and we are confident that they will remain in demand.”

According to Mr Belyaev, as hydrogen energy advances, demand for TMK products will come from different process stages of hydrogen production, transportation and storage of yellow, blue and green hydrogen. Mr Belyaev noted “We are currently developing new pipe product ranges for hydrogen energy, Sputnik H and Sputnik C. Sputnik H will comprise pipe for the production, distribution, transportation, and storage of hydrogen. The Sputnik C range is intended for CO2 capture, distribution, transportation, and storage facilities.”

He announced that tests of line pipe for hydrogen transportation are now at the completion stage. Mr Belyaev said “Fittings are tested at high pressure and different temperatures, and mechanical tests are carried out. They will be finished by June. Preliminary tests have given good results, and we expect that the test report to be issued as early as July will confirm that our pipes meet the ASME B31.12 international standard for hydrogen pipelines and withstand pressure exceeding 200 atmospheres.”
FNFN & H2N Investigating New Hydrogen Facility

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

At the recent First Nations Major Projects Coalition Towards Net Zero by 2050 conference in Vancouver, Fort Nelson First Nation and Hydrogen Naturally Inc announced a commitment to explore the feasibility of building Canada’s first bright green hydrogen facility. Fort Nelson First Nation Chief Sharleen Gale said “Our Nation is planning for a diversified economy in the territory, which includes vibrant and sustainable forestry and clean energy sectors. Working alongside the H2N team, we see an opportunity to explore how Fort Nelson First Nation can meaningfully contribute to accelerating the hydrogen economy in BC and support the clean energy transition.”

The investigation of a project that builds economic vitality, growth and development, and simultaneously improves quality of life, employment, income levels and the health, quality and diversity of employers and businesses in the region is such welcome news for all residents of the Northern Rockies.

Hydrogen Naturally uses the residual fibre left behind as feedstock for our facilities. Once delivered, the fibre is broken down into small chips and dried, recovering water which is used later in the process. These chips are then put through an enclosed gasification process converting fibre into sequestration ready CO2 and carbon-negative hydrogen. This fuel is called bright green hydrogen because by utilizing the trees’ hard work extracting CO2 from the air and permanently storing the carbon underground, the hydrogen produced has a negative carbon footprint making this product greener than green hydrogen.
US Grants Loan for Advanced Clean Energy Storage Project in Utah

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

US Department of Energy’ Loan Programs Office’s Innovative Clean Energy Loan Guarantees has gathered momentum with a conditional commitment for a USD 504.4 million loan guarantee to the Advanced Clean Energy Storage Project, which would be a first-of-its-kind clean hydrogen production and storage facility capable of providing long-term seasonal energy storage. The facility in Delta in Utah will combine alkaline electrolysis with salt cavern storage for grid scale energy conversion and storage using hydrogen as the energy carrier.

The Project has the potential to build on LPO’s track record of catalyzing innovative energy sectors and accelerating the clean energy transition in several ways:

Advanced Clean Energy Storage could accelerate the commercial deployment of the clean hydrogen sector as the 220-megawatt electrolyzer bank would be one the largest deployments in the world. While industries are beginning to implement clean hydrogen to reduce emissions, many hurdles remain for deploying it at scale. According to DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Office, hydrogen from renewable energy costs about $5 per kilogram. Achieving the DOE Hydrogen Shot’s 80% cost reduction goal can unlock new markets for hydrogen, including energy storage. Additionally, DOE is working to implement the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s hydrogen initiatives, which includes $8 billion for Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs that will create jobs to expand use of clean hydrogen in the industrial sector and beyond.
Ukrhydroenergo, MAN Energy & Andrytz Hydro Join for Hydrogen Hub

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
03 May, 2022, 6:30 am

The Ukrainian company Ukrhydroenergo administering the country's major hydropower plants has signed a memorandum of understanding with the German transnational company MAN Energy Solutions and the global supplier of equipment and services for hydropower plants Andrytz Hydro to pursue green hydrogen projects in Ukraine.

With the establishment of this hub, Ukraine will be able to obtain energy independence and become a key producer of the strategic energy source for the global market.
MOL Starts Production of Hydrogen at Danube Refinery in Hungary

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 May, 2022, 6:30 am

MOL Group has teamed up with leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy Plug Power Inc to build one of Europe’s largest-capacity green hydrogen production facilities at MOL’s Danube Refinery in Százhalombatta in Hungary. Green hydrogen will reduce the carbon footprint of the Danube Refinery operation and enable emission-free mobility in the longer term.

Utilizing a 10-megawatt electrolysis unit from Plug Power, MOL’s €22 million facility will be able to produce approximately 1,600 tons of clean, carbon-neutral, green hydrogen annually, removing up to 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide by displacing the currently used natural gas-based production process. As this process represents one-sixth of the carbon dioxide emissions of MOL Group, this investment supports MOL’s carbon neutrality goals and will contribute to energy independence for the region.

Once operational in 2023, MOL will use the green hydrogen in its Danube Refinery during fuel production of its own hydrogen system. It will be incorporated into the molecules of MOL fuels, lowering the carbon outputs from the production technology and the final product.
Thames Estuary, Cadent, SGN & NGGT Join for Hydrogen

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
05 May, 2022, 6:30 am

The Thames Estuary Growth Board, supported by Ikigai Capital, have formed a partnership with Cadent, SGN and National Grid Gas Transmission to investigate the development of hydrogen infrastructure in South East England. In parallel, Cadent, SGN and NGGT, which together are responsible for delivering gas across most of Great Britain, have recently commissioned the Capital Hydrogen feasibility study. The study is being supported by ERM and Element Energy and will consider the role of the gas grid in delivering low-carbon hydrogen across Greater London and the South East. The Capital Hydrogen study will encompass six case studies, which will leverage existing expertise and look at how the gas grid can play a role in the distribution of hydrogen both via blending in the existing network and working towards the delivery of 100% hydrogen via dedicated infrastructure.

The two groups have now joined forces to work collaboratively, to share information and lessons learned, with the mutual aim of attracting investment across the hydrogen ecosystem. There will be a particular focus on the ‘East London’ hydrogen cluster identified in the Thames Estuary Growth Board’s Hydrogen Route Map, as one of the six proposed case studies in the Capital Hydrogen project.

This partnership will jointly identify the optimal hydrogen network infrastructure route, design, upgrading, phasing and ancillary investment required to distribute hydrogen produced in or imported into the Thames Estuary to various sources of demand in the East London cluster. This will cover optimal uses of hydrogen in industry, transport (public, heavy-duty road and marine), back-up power, and domestic heating. The organisations will also explore opportunities on the southern bank of the Thames, building on SGN’s plans for a new 100% hydrogen pipeline linked to low carbon hydrogen production in the Isle of Grain.

The Thames Estuary Growth Board launched its Hydrogen Route Map and Investment Plan in October 2021, which highlighted the potential benefits of developing a hydrogen ecosystem in the Thames Estuary. The analysis concluded that investment into the hydrogen value chain could support 9,000 jobs and unlock GBP 3.8 billion Gross Value Added by 2035.
Solvay Inks Wind PPA with Statkraft for Hydrogen Production

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
05 May, 2022, 6:30 am

Solvay has signed a 10-year Utility Power Purchasing Agreement with hydropower company Statkraft to purchase electricity produced by the Pajuperankangas wind farm. The agreement will enable the Group’s Voikkaa site in Finland to operate on 100% wind-generated electricity, helping to decarbonize the production of hydrogen peroxide at the site and contributing to the achievement of Solvay’s sustainability targets.

Under the terms of the ten-year Utility PPA signed by Solvay, Statkraft will deliver electricity from the Pajuperankangas wind farm in Finland. Statkraft recently signed a 10-year power purchase agreement with ABO Wind, the developer of the project. The wind farm, which is currently under construction, will consist of 14 turbines, which are scheduled to be connected to the grid in autumn 2023. They will have a combined installed capacity of 86.8 megawatts and will be capable of producing enough electricity to supply 14,000 electricity-heated Finnish households.

Solvay Chemicals Finland Oy has been producing hydrogen peroxide for use in bleaching applications since 1972 and is a strategically important site for Solvay. The new PPA is a significant step in the decarbonisation of the plant, designed to ensure that it remains at the forefront of market developments and to secure Solvay’s position as a strong and reliable choice for hydrogen peroxide customers.
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